Campus Center Room 204 Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:00pm

Campus Center Room 204
Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:00pm
Members Present: Meg Ambrus, McKay LeBlanc, Jillian Flynn, Kamille King, Molly McCadden, Mary
Opler, Jan Arbaugh, Adrienne Lee, Ali Woodruff, Margaret MacRae, Devin Burke, Michele
Chapdelaine, Rae-Anne Butera, Ayesha Siddiqui, Monique Robinson
Call to Order: Margaret
A. Margaret called the meeting to order at 7:04pm
Roll Call: Adrienne
Approval of Minutes: Adrienne
A. Motion to approve the minutes from 9-21-06 passes 11-0-1
Committee Updates
A. Margaret
1. Heard cases
B. Kamille
1. Big on volunteering
2. Sat in on a Unity Presidents Council meeting
C. Mary
1. Senate went alright
i. Impressed with how respectful everyone was
2. Next week is elections
D. McKay
1. Had first cabinet meeting in Dean Mahoney’s office
2. Have a new committee member
3. Mary will elect someone from cabinet; hope for a first-year for continuity, and
potentially another junior or senior
4. Sunday night 5pm first meeting in CC
E. Jill
1. Still working on NYC bus trip
2. Foster Dignity program for charity
3. Trying to find an Ada for Curriculum Committee
F. Molly
1. Quad Riot
i. Off-week for HPA -> informal dinner at Lamont
ii. Building Services was really happy because cleaned up well
iii. Thinking of rioting again next week
2. Leadership conference
i. Constitutional review for houses
3. Reviewing Mission Statement
G. Ali
1. Meeting with cabinet; productive meeting; planning events and reserving rooms
2. Met with Mary Martineau – Alumnae House Senior Appreciation Program
i. Need senior reps on committee
ii. Meet once a month, discuss ways of how seniors can donate
iii. If interested in committee, send an e-mail to Ali
H. Michele
1. Finished recruiting
2. October 1st training
3. Georgia will be here in November
I. Devin
1. Finished final budget hearing of the week
2. Sunday – will deliberate
J. Ayesha
1. First cabinet meeting yesterday
M. Monique
1. Set dates for cabinet meetings
i. Every other Thursday at 5:30pm to work logistics out until get president
2. Tying up loose ends from last event (Ether – very successful)
3. Class of 2010
i. PIH (Partners in Health)
ii. Certain people in Class of 2010 wanted to do a fundraiser with Class of 2009
iii. Class of 2009 wants to wait until 2010 cabinet exists so they can make their
own decisions
4. Have been talking to people interested in running for class president
V. Presidential Updates: Meg
1. October 12th – Dean Mahoney is coming to cabinet
2. Meeting with Dean on Friday
3. Board of Trustees: Thursday 19 October - Saturday 21 October (Family Weekend)
i. Cabinet has breakfast with them, discussion at breakfast
ii. Depending on their time, we present an issue or two on something pertinent to
student life on campus
iii. Redesign the way cabinet interacts with Board of Trustees (they have a very
tight schedule)
a. Topics or themes to discuss with the Board that pertain to student life
b. Something broader, more global (retention rate)
4. President Christ wants to come to cabinet
5. Met with Audrey Smith, Dean of Admissions and Enrollment
i. Why is our retention rate lower compared to other schools? Smith: 89%,
Wellesley: 94%; (closer to Boston)
ii. SAT policy
i. Being considered in Strategic Planning
iii. How Smith recruits students
iv. Admit rate changes based on rate from year before (how many spots to fill)
v. Will extend invitation to her
6. Audrey Smith seemed really excited on a forum on ranking issues
i. Numbers she presented were really interesting
ii. Why Smith attracts the students it does: advantages and disadvantages
iii. Seven Sisters tour – Smith is perceived as edgier and how other schools are
jealous; but when trying to attract students from more traditional places like
boarding schools, it could be more of a challenge than for other schools
iv. Amherst: front page has a link, equivalent spectrum
v. Interested in hearing students’ feedback
vi. Forum in February
i. Half of transfers are withdrawals
vii. Wellesley: can drop a class up until you take the final
At some schools, you can take a class pass/fail, and then take the grade at
the end – this would reduce student stress
Thursday night spotlight dinners through HPA?
a. Go to HPA, pass around sign-up sheet, have dinner or tea with 3 or 4
cabinet member, so they’re expecting us and are interested in talking
to you
EnA Discussion: All
A. Website
1. A big part of setting up elections; so have a handout or some type of training regarding
2. Get through elections
3. EnA Chair is elected through all-campus election
4. Have a chair that delegates to committee members
5. Most elections for EnA and AHB chairs are run unopposed
6. We should stick with the constitution
i. Vice Chair comes from Senate
ii. In spring elections, you can’t run
iii. Make chair a senior, so issue of running for next year doesn’t come into play
iv. Perhaps open up to anyone who has been a senator
v. How to get people to run: past SGA Presidents have been on EnA (but doesn’t
apply for juniors)
VII. Publicity – general election publicity
1. Kamille, Monique, Molly, Mary, Jan
2. Mailing labels – put on coffee cup sleeves
3. Website issue – sort it out
4. Ginny is really good with making websites
5. Chalking - Ayesha, Devin, Kamille
VIII. Seven Sisters Updates: All
A. Food
1. Jill: still waiting to hear from Alumnae House about lunch on Saturday
B. Keynote
1. E-mail invitation to Jill Ker Conway and follow up with a letter
C. Space
1. Every space has been reserved
2. Goldstein Lounge 4-4:30pm
D. Invitations
1. Letter of support to Hillary Clinton and to Barbara Bush
2. Ayesha wants a formal copy of the schedule; e-mails will be out tonight (Thursday)
and formal letters on Monday
3. Gifts?
a. Folders with Seven Sisters logo – hosted by Smith College and year
b. Local shops: paraphernalia would be advertisement for them
IX. Party Policy Updates: All Involved
A. Mary: waiting on Tamra
B. Suggestions: e-mail Mary or talk to senators in your house
C. Potential committee members:
1. From HPA: elect two people
2. JB rep: Michele
3. ResLife: AC
X. College Hall Open House
1. Pumpkin carving contest that President Christ judges
2. Advantages of HPA co-sponsoring
XI. Closing Announcements
XII. Motion to Adjourn
Meg adjourned the meeting at 8:58pm