MOOT COURT AWARDS HONORS AND AWARDS PROGRAM David Hass ler Master of Ceremonies GREETINGS . STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION AWARDS Leadership Awards . • . . . • • • lolilliam Hoffmann Vice President, S.B.A.----------Bill Campbell Secretary, S.B.A.-----------------Mike Wilson Treasurer, S.B.A.------------------Pat Pirtle President, third year class--------Randy Hall President, second year class--------Jim Moore President, first year class-------Jim Gorsuch ABA/LSD Representative to Board of Governors-----------Karen Tandy Chief Justice, Judicial Council-------Jon Ker Law School Senator----------------Woody Glenn Law School Senator-------------Larry Hysinger Service Award . . . . • • . • • Nelson, McCleskey, Harriger & Brazill An award of $50 presented by the law firm of Nelson, McCleskey, Harriger & Brazill, of Lubbock, to the student who has contributed outstanding service during the year to the Student Bar Association and the Law School. PHI ALPHA DELTA MvARDS • • • • • • . Jean Wallace Outstanding Graduating Student Outstanding Member Scholarship Awards . • . . . • . Professor Hunt Certificates in recognition of service with distinction in the appellate advocacy program : Chairman------- - ----- - Carter L. Ferguson Vice Chairman----------Diana Dowd Ulrich Secretary------- -------Stephen E . Ulrich Treasurer--------- ------Mi~hael S . Young Moot Court Teams Recognition • Professor Hunt Certificates presented to teams which represented the School of Law . National Moot Court Competition Polly Kinnibrugh Barbara Hoffman James Schutza Jessup International Law Competition Cecilia Hufstedler Bonner Smith Dean Greer Gary Terrell Mike Wilson Junior State Bar Hock Trial Competition Sam Boyd Gene Hagood Don, Dennis Walter Huffman Moot Court Team Competition Awards Outstanding Professor Outstanding Scholarship Outstanding Active Member PHI DELTA PHI AWARDS . . • . • Moot Court Board Professor Hunt • • • Tim Blakeley An award of law books presented by Foundation Press to students who have made outstanding contributions to the Moot Court Teams . Barbara Hoffman Polly Kinnibrugh Cecilia Hufstedler James Schutza First Year Moot Court Competition Runner up Awards . . . . . . . Professor Hunt Awards of $25 to each member of the two third place teams. Awards of $50 to each member of the second place team. Geary, Stahl, Koons, Rohde & Spencer Moot Court Awards. • . . . . Joseph W. Geary An award of $100 to the student who presented the best oral argument in the semi-final round. An award of $200, and the inscription of their names on a plaque maintained in the center hallway of the School of Law, presented to the winning team in the first year Moot Court Competition. TRIAL ADVOCACY Three awards presented to students in Trial Advocacy who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in the field of trial advocacy. South Plains Trial Lawyers Association Joyce Hill Law Books and the inscription of their names on a plaque permanently held in the Law School. International Academy of Trial Lawyers Professor Edgar Individual Plaques 'ililliam R. Moss Trial Advocacy Awards • • • • \-1illiam R. Moss of Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam An award of $iOO each GEARY, STAHL, KOONS, ROHDE & SPENCER MOOT COURT SCHOLARSHIP AWARD . . . Joseph W. Geary A scholarship award of $300 awarded annually to a student who has distinguished himself and brought credit to the School of Law through participation in intercollegiate moot court competition. ORDER OF BARRISTERS . • • • . Frank E. Murchison of Key, Carr, Evans & Fouts Trophies presented by the law firm of Key, Carr, Evans & Fouts to those students who , having exhibited excellence and attained high honors through the art of appellate advocacy., were selected as national members of the Order of Barristers, by the Board of Governors of that organization; certificates presented by Order of Barristers. NATIONAL CLIENT COm-TSELING COMPETITION TEAM Certificates presented in recognition of their excellence in representing the School of Law . Professor Bubany Brown and Brown Award . Phillip S. Brown The inscription of their names on a plaque, presented by the law firm of Brown and Brown , to be permanently displayed in the School of Law. Presented to: Michael Davis Richard C. Robins RECOGNITION OF WINNERS OF LEGAL WRITING CONTESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . Professor Kramer Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition sponsored by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. First prize winner of the 1975 competition and recipient of $250 for his paper, "Common Law Copyright For Teachers." LAH REVIEW AWARDS Graduate Recognition Certificates . . . . . . • . Professor Skillern Editor-in-Chief-------------------Eileen Hall Managing Editor---------------Byron A. Thomas Fifth Circuit Symposium Editor-----------David Hassler Case Notes Editor--------------David Kithcart Assistant Case Notes Editor-----Michael Petty Comments Editor--------------Adair M. Buckner Articles Editor------------Stephen L. Baskind Topics Editor------------------David Greenhaw Citations Editor----~------------Rolando Leon Ci tations Edi tor------------lvilliam R. Taylor Family Code Symposium Supplement Editor------Stephen E. Ulrich Business Manager----------------Larry ~fharton Business Manager------------Michael R. Stoltz Associate Editor-----------H. Michael Bartley Associate Editor-----------------Fred N. Diem Associate Editor-------------------Jim Duvall Associate Editor------------------Nolan Greak Associate Editor------William F. Keeling, Jr. Associate Editor--------------Benton J. Poole Associate Editor--------------Sue C. Schleier Associate Editor-------------Julia K. Swisher James Cook State Bar of Texas, Section on Corporation, Banking and Business Law Writing Competition. Winner of the competition for the best published casenote and recipient of an award of $200 for his casenote on Goldfarb v. Virginia State Bar which was published in Volume 6 of the Texas Tech Law Review. Michael Petty }1. Penn L. Award Professor Skillern An award of $50 for the best researched and Environmental Law Essay Contest sponsored by the Environmental Law Section of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America. Winner of the best essay and recipient of a $100 award for his essay, "Cost Benefit Analysis in the Development of Water Resources." Cecil Kuhne summated law review article; awarded annually by Myron Penn Laughlin, Esq., of St. Petersburg, Florida. SCRIBES Award . • . . . • . . . Professor Skillern A two-year honorary membership in SCRIBES, THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WRITERS ON LEGAL SUBJECTS, is presented upon the recommendation of the Faculty Advisor to the Law Review graduating senior who has demonstrated an ability to do outstanding legal writing and editing. Law Review Service Award . . . . . . Jack Driskill of McWhorter, Cobb & Johnson An award of $100 presented by the laH' firm of McWhorter, Cobb & Johnson, of Lubbock, to the Law Review student who has contributed outstanding service during the year. ORDER OF THE COIF (1975 electees). • . Professor Edgar President of the Texas Tech Chapter Phillip S. Brown Earnest C. Casstevens Erwin D. Davenport ~~illiam B. Dal-lSOn J ohn l~. Day ton Daniel C. Garner Richard L. Hanna John R. Henderson M. Charles Jennings Charles E. King David R. McClure Calvin L. Raup ~ichael G. Sawaya NATIONAL WHO'S WHO AWARD . • • • . • • • • Dean Amandes Certificates are presented to students who have been elected to Who's Hho Among Students in American Colleges and Universities in recognition of outstanding merit and accomplishment. Presented to: Dean Amandes Each year the 1>1 es t Publishing Company awards one selected title of Corpus Juris Secundum to the freshman, the junior or the senior law student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has made the most significant contribution toward overall legal scholarship. C.J.S. awards are not to be made on the basis of top grades in the class or in any particular course. They are made on the basis of any criterion which recognizes scholarly accomplishment. JUDGE MEADE F. GRIFFIN AWARD . . . . . Professor Schoen An award of $200 from Judge Griffin's former briefing attorneys presented annually to the graduating law student who, through his industry, perseverance, integrity, and character, has best utilized the law school experience to improve and prepare himself for distinguished service to the profession and to mankind. GEORGE W. AND SARAH H. DUPREE AWARD • . . . Joe H. Nagy of Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam Carter Ferguson Eileen Hall Polly Kinnibrugh US LAl-l WEEK PM ARD • . . . . . . • • . •• C.J.S. AHARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An award of $100 presented to the member of the Dean Amandes An award of one year's complimentary subscription to US LAW WEEK presented by the Bureau of National Affairs to the graduating student who has made the most satisfactory scholastic progress in his final year. The award is based on the largest increase between grade point average in the fall of the student's senior year as compared to his preceding two years of study. graduating class who, in the opinion of his colleagues, best exemplifies the ability desired in one soon to join the legal profession. Academic record, leadership, and contributions to the School of Law and community are considered. The recipient's name is added to a permanent plaque on display in the School of Law. The Following Awards Will be Presented at a Later Date PUTTING HUBBY (OR HONEY) THROUGH DEGREES Certificates awarding the honorary degree of P.H~T. to those who, having provided for, supported, encouraged, and otherwise faithfully assisted their spouses through the Texas Tech University School of Law. OUTSTANDING STUDENT IN TAXATION AHARD An award of the three volume set of books, Federal Tax Guide, by Prentice-Hall to the student who achieved the best cumulative weighted grade in Federal Income Tax and Estate and Gift Tax courses. To be announced after all tax grades are computed. HIGHEST CUMULATIVE SCHOLASTIC AVERAGE M.JARD A certificate evidencing that the recipient has accumulated the highest scholastic average during his entire law school attendance among the students in the graduating class. MEMBERS OF THE MOOT COURT BOARD Certificates in recognition of services as Members of the Moot Court Board to: Susan Lee Coleman Robert G. Cross Jim Darnell Gary G. Grimmer Jim Jacks John Raymond Jacobs Jon R. Ker Polly A. Kinnibrugh Kyle Lewis Richard Schleier Sue Schleier Max R. Tarbox William R. Taylor STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION RECOGNITION AWARDS Leadership Awards Jim Collins----Associate Justice, Judicial Council Kathy McDowell-Associate Justice, Judicial Council Jody Gi1les-------Vice President, third year class Dave Seidler-------------------Board of Governors, third year class rep. Richard Bruse------------------Board of Governors, third year class rep. Jim Leeton-------Vice President, second year class Pat Ouinn----------------------Board of Governors, . second year class rep. Jim Schutza--------------------Board of Governors, second year class rep. Dianne Thompson---Vice.President, first year class Curtis Boswell-----------------Board of Governors, first year class rep. Lea Brownfield-----------------Board of Governors, first year class rep. Committee Leadership Awards Bill Campbell Keaton Grubbs Theresa Hebert Pat Mosley Barbara Prince Randy Robason Professor Hal M. Bateman Professor William B. Bohling Professor Charles P. Bubany Professor James R. Eissinger Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Student-Faculty Members of the Honors and Awards Committee 1975-76: Professors Cummins, Weninger and Wicker, students Barbara Hoffman, William Hoffmann and Karen Tandy.