MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS AND CRYPTIC DIVERSITY OF THE GENUS DICTYOTA (DICTYOTALES: PHAEOPHYTA) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SPECIES OCCURRING IN THE PHILIPPINES Payo D io li Ann E co lo g ica l M a rin e M a n a g e m e n t P rogram m e (E C O M A M A ), V rije U niversiteit Brussel P leinlaan 2 , B -1 0 5 0 Brussel, Belgium H u id ig adres: Venus A lley, Blk. 2 7 lot 3 2 Phase 2B V & G s u b d ., 6 5 0 0 T a c lo b a n C ity, Leyte, Philippines E -m ail: d io li_ 2 0 @ y a h o o .c o m In o rd e r to study the m o le cu la r sytematics and cryptic diversity o f the brown m a cro a lga l genus, D ictyota inventory (Dictyotales: o f the D ictyota Phaeophyta), 3 objectives were set: species o ccurring in the Philippines; 1. to 2. to m ake an determ ine congruence between m o rp h o lo g ica l and phylogenetic species concepts; 3. to study cryptic diversity in the D ictyota d ichotom a com plex. This thesis puts special emphasis on P hilippine D ictyota species. Inventory and m o rp h o lo g ica l exam ination o f specimens collected in the islands o f Visayas in the Philippines revealed that at least 7 species o f D ictyota can be found in the region. The species identified were the fo llo w in g : Dictyota bartayresiana Lam ouroux, D. ca na licu la ta De C lerck & C o p pe ja ns, D. cervicornis Kütz., D. ceylanica Kütz, D. ciliolata Sond. ex Kütz, D. crispata J.V. Lam our and D. friabilis Setchell. D ictyota dichotom a which had been frequently reported from several localities th ro u g h o u t the Philippines was not encountered d uring the present study. De C le rck (2003) seriously doubted the presence o f the generitype, D. d ichotom a (originally described from England) in tro pical latitudes. The phylogenetic analyses (focusing on M axim um like lih o o d tree outputs) used the LSU nrRNA gene, the plastid encoded rbcL gene, and interleaved n rR N A - LSU gene sequences o f D ictyota species and o th e r Dictyotaceae taxa as outgroups. The total num bers o f taxa used fo r each dataset were 4 4 , 3 5 , and 2 9 taxa, respectively. A pa rt from Philippine sam ples, sequences were obta in ed from D ictyota and Dictyotales specimens from several different g e o g ra p h ic regions. Some sequences deposited in G E N B A N K were also included in the analyses. The fam ily D ictyotaceae, the largest in the o rd e r D ictyotales, is subdivided into two tribes: Dictyoteae and Z o na riae . The Dictyoteae are recognized by the single lens shaped a pical cell as opposed to a row o r g ro u p o f a pical cells found in the Z onariae. Scoresbyella, the only genus o f Scoresbyellaceae and characterized by a w edge shaped vertically oriented a pical cell, appears closely related to the Dictyoteae in the analyses.