Ambassadors’ Informa.on 3 September 2012 Commi%ed to connec,ng the world Ambassadors’ Informa.on 3 September 2012 Agenda: • Telecom World 2012 (Dubai, UAE, 14-18 October ) • WTSA (Dubai, UAE, 20-29 November) • WCIT (Dubai, UAE, 3-14 December) • Questions and Answers This presenta,on will be available at: Commi%ed to connec,ng the world BDT Events Coming Up WTIM – Bangkok, Thailand (25-27 September) Ø Main global forum to discuss key issues related to indicators, data collection & analysis Ø Brings together representatives from ICT Ministries, regulatory authorities & national statistical offices GSR – Colombo, Sri Lanka (2-4 October) Ø Unique venue for regulators and policy makers from both developed and developing countries to meet and exchange views and experiences. Ø Theme: ‘Why regulate in a global networked society?’ Conversation that matters 14 to 18 October is one week of debate and action that impacts the global ICT agenda for the following 51. Hosted by the government of the UAE ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Crucial Platform Join the conversation that really matters and has the power to change the future: – Knowledge Sharing – Consensus Building – High-Level Networking – Product showcasing – Thematic and National Pavilions Showcasing ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Unique Audience – Heads of State and Government and International Organizations – Ministers, Ambassadors and Regulators – C-level industry executives from companies spanning full reach of ICT industry – Thought-leaders and Academia – Young & Digital Visionaries – Global Media ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Key Conversations -Leadership Summit -Ministerial Roundtables -Panel Sessions -Visionary Keynotes -Big Conversations -Workshops -Young Innovators Competition - ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Key Topics Explored from the differing perspectives of business, technology and policy, topics include: – Leadership and innovation – Delivering broadband - broadband deployment, new business models, ownership of data – Beyond connectivity - emerging opportunities and challenges such as privacy, service delivery, spectrum, cybersecurity – Smart applications - mobile money, eHealth, smart services – The shape of future communication ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai High-Level Networking – Networking Events – Networking Spaces – Networking Services – Online Networking ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Smart Presence & Visibility – National Pavilions – Sponsorships – Product Showcasing – Thematic Pavilions – Hospitality & Office Suites ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai The Chance to Change Your World – Young Innovators Competition is all about empowering young people, giving them a global platform for their innovations – Innovative ICT-based solutions to developmental challenges – Nearly 400 applications received from 29 countries – 12 finalists will be selected to attend the event ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai CALENDAR 14 15 SUNDAY MONDAY VIP Tour Leadership Summit Opening Ceremony Forum Opening 16 TUESDAY 17 WEDNESDAY Big Conversation Big Conversation Panel Sessions Panel Sessions Panel Sessions Ministerial Roundtables Workshops Leadership Summit Panel Sessions Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops ITU Press Conference Visionary Keynote Visionary Keynote Showcases Showcases Visionary Keynote Showcases Draft Calendar Correct as of August 2012 THURSDAY Big Conversation Ministerial Roundtables Showcases 18 Forum Closing Showcases ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Access Passes for Member States 1 x Leader Pass for the HEAD OF STATE or PRIME MINISTER 5 x Gold Passes for the accompanying delegation 1 x Leader Pass for the MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS 5 x Gold Passes for the accompanying delegation 1 x Leader Pass for the REGULATOR Members States can purchase additional passes at 20% discount on prevailing rates (with the exception of Leader passes) Special passes are available for spouses accompanying a Head of State, Prime Minister or Minister ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Key Benefits for Leaders - Participation in Opening Ceremony - Access to the exclusive Leadership Summit - Access to LeaderSpace lounge - Exclusive filmed Executive Interviews - Global and regional media coverage - Concierge Service - Arrival and Departure facilitation at Dubai airport - Parking & Drop Off Passes - Interaction with the Winners of the Young Innovators’ Competition - Access to Social Functions and the Online Networking Portal - YourSpace 15 ITU Telecom World 2012 14-18 October, Dubai Protocol Information – VVIP/VIP Arrival-Departure at Dubai Airport – Access to the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC) for VVIPs/VIPs – Registration, Access Passes, Parking Passes – Leadership Programme (Leadership Summit, Opening Ceremony) – LeaderSpace – Social Events For further details, please refer to the document in your information pack. ITU Telecom World 2012 is the only platform for debate on global ICT issues where industry experts, political influencers and thought leaders engage and provide the complete picture. If you want get involved in shaping the future it’s the one community you need to belong to. Ambassadors’ Informa.on 20 January 2012 Agenda: • • • • Telecom World 2012 (Dubai, UAE, 14-18 October ) WTSA (Dubai, UAE, 20-29 November) WCIT (Dubai, UAE, 3-14 December) Questions and Answers Commi%ed to connec,ng the world World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12) • Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE • 20-­‐29 November 2012 19 ITU-­‐T connects the world… Without ITU-­‐T standards you couldn’t make a telephone call from one side of the world to another. Without ITU the Internet wouldn’t funcMon. 2 0 TradiMonal areas of strength § Network infrastructure: § § § § § § 21 opMcal transport Access technologies Quality of Service (QoS) and network management Numbering Economic and policy issues Emergency telecoms MulMmedia codecs (voice, video) Stronger presence in certain areas § § § § § § § § e-­‐Health Accessibility ICTs and climate change Internet of Things/M2M Intelligent Transport Systems Cybersecurity including IdenMty management IPTV, cloud compuMng and smart grid Conformity and interoperability What is WTSA? • Sets direcMon, policy, structure for ITU-­‐T • Meets every four years • Defines the general policy for the Sector • Establishes ITU-­‐T study groups • Approves work program of study groups • Appoints chairs and vice-­‐chairs of study groups • Reviews exisMng WTSA ResoluMons (49) Main objecMves • Underline ITU-­‐T’s role as the most effecMve venue for internaMonal standardizaMon • Pick up new work on emerging technologies • Increase efficiency in order to make best use of delegate Mme and resources • Avoid duplicaMon and overlap of work • Increase parMcipaMon and relevance Who can parMcipate? • Member States, Sector Members and academia • Observers: § Regional telecom organizaMons § Intergovernmental organizaMons operaMng satellite systems § Any other regional or internaMonal organizaMons dealing with mabers of interest § UN and specialized agencies of UN and IAEA • ITU elected officials in advisory capacity Regional preparatory meeMngs CIS, Arab Group, Asia • Americas, Africa, Europe, Pacific • Next meeMngs (not assisted by ITU secretariat) § Arab States: 8-­‐13 September § CEPT: 10-­‐14 September § CITEL: 11-­‐14 September § RCC: 17-­‐18 September § ATU: 25-­‐26 September 26 PracMcal Mabers § ContribuMons requested preferably two months in advance (20 Sept.) and no later than 14 calendar days before opening of Assembly (6 Nov.) § Paperless meeMngs, but Member States can request two paper copies § Joint registraMon system for WTSA and WCIT through focal points starMng 20 August § One full or two parMal fellowships for eligible countries 27 WTSA Side Events and ExhibiMon § Three Side Events: § e-­‐Health § ICT innovaMon and standards § Network resilience and disaster relief § Academia event § Showcasing § 10 companies § IPTV, home networking, etc. 28 Candidatures § Term limit=two terms • ObjecMves: to maintain level of experMse and momentum • Expected results § NominaMon of capable chairmen § Regional representaMon • Circular 251 invites candidates by 20 September Global Standards Symposium • Monday, 19 Nov 2012 • IntersecMon of the ICT sector with other verMcal sectors such as health care, uMliMes, and transport • CollaboraMon with other standards bodies • Chairman will present conclusions to WTSA Ambassadors’ Informa.on 20 January 2012 Agenda: • • • • Telecom World 2012 (Dubai, UAE, 14-18 October ) WTSA (Dubai, UAE, 20-29 November) WCIT (Dubai, UAE, 3-14 December) Questions and Answers Commi%ed to connec,ng the world World Conference on International Telecommunications 3 -­‐ 14 December 2012 Setting the record straight ü Article 33 of the ITU’s Constitution - Member States recognize the right of the public to correspond by means of the international service of public correspondence. ü ITRs cannot contradict that provision. ü Certain restrictions are permitted by article 34 of the ITU’s Constitution, which provides that Member States reserve the right to cut off, in accordance with their national law, any private telecommunications which may appear dangerous to the security of the State, or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency. ü ITRs cannot contradict that provision either. Real issues at stake q The free flow of information; q The continued development of broadband; q Continuing investment in networks, services and applications; q Continuing innovation Ø Benefits of ICTs should be brought to all citizens of the world. Ø How best can the ITRs be adapted to facilitate the achievement of that goal? Ø What is the right set of new high-level, technology-neutral, principles ? ITU activities that facilitate Internet growth Ø Article 9 of the present ITRs Ø Standards for end-user access equipment such as modems, including xDSL and cable modems; Ø Compression standards; Ø Security standards, including standards to combat spam Ø Standards for backbone networks, including fibre optics; Ø Radio frequencies used to implement WiFi International policy and economic issues § ICT sector is having a major impact on global social and economic development. § Opportunity to amend the treaty in a way that will further extend the benefits of ICTs to all the world’s people. § The revised ITRs should help to encourage broadband roll-out and investment, emphasize the importance of liberalization and privatization, and should recognize the role of the private sector and market-based solutions. § There is a need to address the current disconnect between sources of revenue and sources of costs. § The current international regulatory framework is not equipped to deal with these challenges – which affect the development of a fully-inclusive information society, one that ensures all the world's citizens have equitable, affordable and secure access to voice, video and data. Financial issues Facts: § Cost of Internet connectivity is too high in most developing countries. § Many consumers think international mobile roaming prices are too high. Aspirations: § Greater Internet usage in developing countries § Consumers to feel that they are getting good value for money when they roam § Ensuring sufficient revenues for operators to deploy broadband infrastructure Proposals for the work of WCIT-12 Preparatory Process q Over 120 input documents q Main document made public q Web site for open consultation General rules Ø Submission of proposals & guidelines for presentation Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø (GR Sections 16, 17, 18, 19) Time limits and conditions for submission of proposals: 4 August 2012 (GR Section 8 (Nos. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44)) Cut-off date for submission of contributions (Res 165): 21 November 2012 (14 calendar days) Bearing in mind that the deadline of 14 days in Res 165 may not be sufficient for the ITU Secretariat to translate all contributions into all six official languages, Council 2012 adopted Decision 573 urging Member States to submit contributions at least one month prior to the start of the Conference – i.e. 3 November 2012 Official languages (CS/Art 29, CV/Art 35, Res 154) Approval of texts (GR Sections 25, 26, 27) Proposals for the work of WCIT-12 Guidelines for the submission of WCIT-12 proposals can be found at: Ø For information, the report of CWG-WCIT-12 to WCIT-12 is published in Document WCIT-12/4 at: Ø The WCIT-12 Open Consultation service can be found on the WCIT-12 home page, at: Ø Venue – The DICEC § The Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre combines superior spatial design with flexible structure and ingenuity to deliver a multifunctional networking platform at the heart of the city. § With over 1 million square feet of covered state-ofthe-art venue space, just 10 minutes away from the Dubai International Airport, the DICEC is the anchor to the region's busiest commercial district. § The Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC) offers a range of dining, retail and business services for both organizers and visitors. § From renting a car to pharmacies, from coffee shops to banks, from postal services to money exchange, the wide array of retail and business outlets that cater to your needs are aplenty at our venue. Address: Dubai World Trade Centre Sheikh Zayed Road P.O. Box 9292, Dubai, UAE Tel: E-mail: Website: +971 4 332 1000 Participation and invitations Participation (CV 49) § § § Member States (CV 277); Palestine (Res 99 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010); the United Nations (CV 269A); regional telecommunications organizations (CV 269B); intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 269C); specialized agencies of the UN and the International Atomic Energy Agency (CV 269D); other regional or international organizations dealing with matters of interest (298C); Sector Members referred to in CV229 (recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions), CV230 (other entities) and CV231 (regional and other international organizations). Invitations (GR, CH I) § Letters of invitation: Ø Sent to ITU Member States by ITU Circular letter No. 63 on 5 December 2011 Ø Sent to Observers by ITU Letter DM-11/1024 on 6 December 2011. Ø Organizational Arrangements: Provided in ITU Circular letter No. 64 on 6 December 2011 Accreditation and credentials Ø Accreditation Ø Ø (CV Art 31) Accreditation of delegations sent by Member States to WCIT-12 shall be by means of written instruments signed by the Head of State, by the Head of Government, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, or by the Minister responsible for questions dealt with during the conference. Deposit of Credentials Ø Procedures for depositing credentials can be found in ITU Circular letter No. 84 dated 25 April 2012 and in WCIT-12 Document No. 2. Ø Member States are invited to deposit original credentials before the opening of the conference by registered letter to: The ITU Secretary-General WCIT-12 secretariat (Credentials Committee) - Office T.1313 ITU, Place des Nations, CH-1211 GENEVA 20, Switzerland Ø Credentials can also be deposited at the conference venue in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 19 November 2012. Ø Additional information, including model instruments of accreditation, can be found on the WCIT-12 website: World Conference on Interna.onal Telecommunica.ons Dubai, UAE, 3-­‐14 December 2012 § First event of its kind since Melbourne 1988 Conference which produced the current International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs). § Historical record shows that many of the fears, concerns, and criticisms surrounding WCIT-12, also appeared in 1988. § Fears and concerns were unwarranted. § 1988 set the stage for the information society. § 2012 will set the stage for the knowledge society. § Engage in constructive discussions with all parties. World Conference on International Telecommunications 3 -­‐ 14 December 2012 Ambassadors’ Informa.on 3 September 2012 Agenda: • • • • Telecom World 2012 (Dubai, UAE, 14-18 October ) WTSA (Dubai, UAE, 20-29 November) WCIT (Dubai, UAE, 3-14 December) Questions and Answers Commi%ed to connec,ng the world Ambassadors’ Informa.on 3 September 2012 This presentaMon is available at Commi%ed to connec,ng the world