ITU at a glance Getting to know the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies 01 About us Part 1: Who are we? ITU at a glance 01 About us Who are we? ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs) Enabling a connected world ITU at a glance 01 About us Who are we? What we share: • • • • • • Subscribe to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the UN Address a global issue The rationale of operation System-wide resolutions Coordination mechanisms Grouped under the chairmanship of UN SG What makes us different: • • • • • • Membership Mandate Governing bodies Set of own resolutions Secretariats Executive heads 02 How we got here? Timeline ITU at a glance 02 How we got here Timeline 1865 1932 1906 We were founded First SOS 1880 Invention of radio ITU 1925 First TV broadcast New name: International Telecommunication Union 1957 Space age comms ITU at a glance 02 How we got here Timeline 2010 1973 Broadband Commission First mobile phone call 1969 Roots of Internet 2015 2003/5 WSIS/ Bridging the Digital Divide Let’s celebrate! 2014 ICT innovation and Digital Inclusion 03 The members Membership ITU at a glance 03 The members Who are we? Our members 193 MEMBER STATES +700 PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS +100 ACADEMIA MEMBERS ITU at a glance 03 Member States 193 Member States participating through your: Administration (CS No. 1002): A governmental entity which has been officially identified to represent its government at ITU. Designated Focal Point: Designed by the Administrations of ITU Member States to deal with ITU related issues An additional representatives may be chosen to deal with matters related to a particular Sector (ITU-T, ITU-R or ITU-D) or more specifically a single study group. ITU at a glance 03 Sector Members ITU at a glance 03 ITU Academia Membership North and South America 37 members CIS Europe 5 members 20 members Arab States 10 members Africa Asia and Pacific 5 members 23 members The Academia Challenge: From 100 to 150 Academia Members by December 2015 04 How we are composed Structure ITU at a glance 04 Structure Headquarters, Regional and Area Offices ITU at a glance 04 Structure Our governance ITU at a glance 04 The Plenipotentiary Conference The Plenipotentiary Conference is the supreme organ of ITU, convened every 4 years, to: • • • • Elect its management team (Elected Officials) and Members of Council and of the RRB; Establish the strategic and financial plan for the Union; Determine general policies for fulfilling the purposes of the Union; Deal with such other telecommunication questions as may be necessary. Who is invited: Member States (CV 268) Observers • • • • • • State of Palestine (Res. 99 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010)); The United Nations (CV 269A); Regional telecommunications organizations; Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 269C); Specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (CV 269D); Sector Members referred to in CV 229 (recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions) and CV 231 (regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations). ITU at a glance 04 Structure Structure & Functioning of the Council Chairman and Vice-Chairman elected for one year One annual ordinary session of 8/9 days 7 Council Working Groups Can hold consultations during the year Can take decisions by correspondence between sessions ITU at a glance 04 Structure Council Composition (CV 54; Res. 164, Guadalajara, 2010) DURATION Africa (13 seats) Western Europe (8 seats) Americas (9 seats) MEMBER STATES Eastern Europe (5 seats) Asia and Australasia (13 seats) Elected for approximately a four-year term (between two ordinary PPs) ITU at a glance 04 Structure Council 2015-2018 : composition Region A (9 seats) (Americas) •Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, United States, Venezuela Region B (8 seats) (Western Europe) •France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Switzerland, Turkey Region C (5 seats) (Eastern Europe) •Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation Region D (13 seats) (Africa) •Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda Region E (13 seats) (Asia and Australasia) •Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (Republic of), Kuwait, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, United Arab Emirates 05 Meet us What we do ITU at a glance 05 Meet us What we do ITU Radiocommunication Coordinating radio-frequency spectrum and assigning orbital slots for satellites 3 Sectors ‘Committed to Connecting the World’ ITU Standardization Establishing global standards ITU Development Bridging the digital divide 05 Meet the sectors ITU-R /RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS/ ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - R KEY ROLE Global management of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits Ensures equitable and efficient use of radiofrequency spectrum to accommodate huge growth in demand for spectrum ITU-R coordination of orbital slots prevents radio interference preventing malfunctioning of satellite services ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - R MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced technical frameworks underpin mobile 3G and 4G networks Recommendations on 3DTV, Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV) standards Excellent track record in maintaining harmonious satellite coordination ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - R WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (WRC) Reviews and revises the Radio Regulations Excellent track record in maintaining harmonious satellite coordination and ensures reliable radio services remain available at all times Addresses all radiocommunication matters of a global nature Reviews and instructs the Radio Regulations Board (RRB) and the Radiocommunication Bureau 05 Meet the sectors ITU-T /STANDARDIZATION/ ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - T KEY ROLE Crucial role in defining operation and interoperability of technologies that underpin global communications network 200 - 300 new global standards approved every year, with over 4,000 in use today Standards enable global communications by ensuring ICT networks and devices speak the same language globally. ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - T MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Optical Core Networks 40GB per second Coming next: Beyond 100GB per second New broadband standard designed to deliver access speeds of up to 1Gbit/s over existing telephone wires H.264 The Prime Time Emmy award winning video codec and its successor, H.265 ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - T WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION ASSEMBLY (WTSA) Sets the overall direction and structure for ITU-T, in every 4 years – next one in Q4 2016 Establishes ITU-T Study Groups and approves top priorities and work programmes 05 Meet the sectors ITU-D /DEVELOPMENT/ ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - D KEY ROLE Spread equitable and affordable access to telecommunications to help stimulate social and economic development Human capacity-building in developing and least developed countries (LDCs) Helps to ensure that people everywhere are empowered to reap the benefits that connectivity delivers ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors ITU - D MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Measuring the Information Society report Enhancing cybersecurity in LDCs – CIRT programme and cyber-drills Helping countries prepare for and respond to natural disasters. Helping bridge the gender divide by equipping over 1m women with digital literacy skills ITU at a glance 05 Meet the sectors 06 What we organize ITU - D WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (WTDC) Study Groups Sets the overall direction and structure for ITU-D, in every 4 years Draws up ITU-D Action Plan and Mandate Establishes ITU-D Study Groups and approves top priorities, questions and work programms ITU at a glance 06 Our work STUDY GROUPS Bring together experts from public and private sectors and academia to discuss current ICT trends and develop Recommendations and Standards for the global ICT sector Companies that compete aggressively in the marketplace, work collaboratively with ITU SGs ITU at a glance 06 Our work STUDY GROUPS Key Themes Cybersecurity/trust Climate Change Broadband 5G IoT Smart Sustainable Cities Spectrum and Satellites Policy/regulatory issues Broadcasting Money money Multimedia and more… 07 What we organize Major Events ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS COMING SOON: ITU Telecom World Annual event offering a platform for strategic debate, innovation-showcasing and networking for the global ICT community Aim to help ideas go further, faster to make the world better, sooner. Accelerating innovation & the growth of ICT SMEs Ideal way to reach and engage with global decision makers, industries, & other stakeholders ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS Sector Conferences Each Sector has its main Conference/ Assembly Meet every four years to agree on roadmap for coming four year period. Next: World Radio Conference in November. Treatingmaking conference. ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS Annual meeting of statistics experts and other stakeholders Next event: November-December 2015 in Japan. ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS Kaleidoscope ITU’s premier academic conference. Held annually. Next event: December 2015 in Spain. Theme of “Trust in the Information Society” Will hold consultation on ITU and Academia collaboration ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS World Summit on the Information Society / WSIS The WSIS Forum, a multistakeholder platform, held annually in May to review the implementation of the outcomes of World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva 2003, Tunis in 2005) ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS World Telecommunication and Information Society Day / WTISD WTISD Held annually on 17 May with a yearly theme to mark the founding of ITU in 1865. Award ceremony: to recognize eminent personalities for their leadership and dedication in promoting the use of the ICT insocieties and economies, and by finding ways to bridge the digital divide. Member States and Sector Members are invited to celebrate the day annually by organizing national activities. 2016 Theme: Better city, better life with ICTs ITU at a glance 07 What we organize EVENTS Global Symposium for Regulators / GSR The only annual event to unite the global community of ICT regulators to examine and debate the latest ICT regulatory challenges Timing of 2016 event to be announced 08 What we publish Publications ITU at a glance 08 What we publish PUBLICATIONS 4.500 + Titles ITU NEWS ITU News keeps readers up-to-date with news from ITU and ICTs from around the world ITU at a glance 08 What we publish PUBLICATIONS The three sectors publish a variety of general, regulatory and conference publications ITU-R Radio Regulations ITU-T ‘ITU-T Recommendations and selected Handbooks - DVDROM’ ITU-D Annual ‘Measuring the Information Society’ (MIS) Report