Workshop "Transnational Histories of Telecommunications", 17‐19 December 2015, ITU Geneva Name First name Affiliation Title speech Position held at home institution Aznavour Kars EUI, Florence (Italy) The key role of tariffs in the establishment of the ITU Postdoctoral visiting fellow Balbi Gabriele USI‐Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano (Switzerland) The role of Switzerland in the construction of the Telegraph Union Assistant Professor Chang Jiang Renmin University of China (China) Networking East and West: China and the ITU since 1920 Citra Diani Columbia University, New York (USA) Understanding television digitization and the ITU's role through PhD Student network power: a study on Indonesia's switchover Clara Kristine ITU, Geneva (Switzerland) Areas of Study supported by ITU Archives. Tips for scholars Head Library and Archives, ICT Discovery da Silva Ana Paula Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon (Portugal) The Centrality of Peripheral Nodes for Global Flows: the Portuguese case(s) Post Doc Fari Simone University of Granada, Granada (Spain) The role of constitutive choices in the ITU’s history Assistant Professor Fickers Andreas University of Luxemburg (Luxemburg) Giuntini Andrea University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Florence (Italy) The first globalization under the sea. ITU and the submarine communication from the Atlantic cable to World War I Associate Professor Gooday Graeme University of Leeds (UK) WW1 and the shaping of civilian post‐war telecommunications Full Professor Henrich‐Franke Christian University of Siegen (Germany) ISDN: ITU and the digitalization of networks Full Professor Hof Stephanie University of Siegen (Germany) ISDN: ITU and the digitalization of networks Graduate assistant John Richard R. Columbia University, New York (USA) Klass Ben Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada) Laborie Leonard Université Paris‐Sorbonne, Paris (France) Martin‐Löf Johan Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Gift horse or trojan horse? Regulators' responses to the zero rating of mobile applications in Canada and around the world. PhD student Junior research fellow Ex‐Director International Affairs, Swedish Telecom/Telia AB Müller Simone University of Freiburg (Germany) Beyond the means of 99 Percent of the Population: Business Interests and the Regulation of Submarine Cable Communication Assistant Professor within the ITU Setting Raboy Marc McGill University, Montreal (Canada) ‘Anyone but Marconi’: The 1903 Conference on Wireless Telegraphy and the Origins of International Radio Regulation Richeri Giuseppe USI‐Università della Svizzera italiana. Lugano (Switzerland) Rikitianskaia Maria USI‐Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano (Switzerland) Mapping telecommunications during World War One PhD Student Tworek Heidi University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada) Expanding International Regulation from Telegraphy to Telecommunications Associate Professor Volmar Axel McGill University, Montreal (Canada) Winsek Dwayne Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada) Full Professor Emeritus Professor Post‐doctoral fellow From Copper Cable Capitalism to the GeoPolitical Economy of the Full Professor Global Internet Infrastructure