New Undergraduate Major Catalog Title of Undergraduate Major:

New Undergraduate Major
Please complete the following pages for review by the Board of Trustees.
Catalog Title of Undergraduate Major:
Name and contact information for future correspondence:
Academic Unit – School/College:
Teaching Unit – Department or Program:
Date effective:
Required Signatures
Teaching Unit Chair or
EPC Chair
Primary Academic
Unit Dean
Second Academic Unit
Dean (if applicable)
Faculty Senate Chair
Date sent to the Office of the University Registrar:
Board of Trustees Summary for New Undergraduate Major
Academic Unit/Teaching Unit:
Effective Date:
Catalog Title:
Brief summary of the program:
Rationale with emphasis on the role of the program in relation to the goals and long-range plan of
your teaching unit and how the program compares to or competes with similar programs
Brief summary of the marketing and recruitment plan
Additional resources required to implement and sustain the program and funding considerations
Brief statement about the enrollment projections over the first five years
New Undergraduate Major
Note: Before starting this proposal, the Dean must consult with the Provost regarding the plans
for the major and corresponding resource implications.
Order of Review
After review by the academic unit, prepare the document for circulation and comments.
1. During the circulation and comment period (customarily 10 working days):
 Send document to other academic units for comment.
 Post the document for public comment on Today@AU.
 Respond to comments or make changes to the proposal as appropriate.
2. At the end of the comment period:
 If no adjustments are needed, the academic unit submits the proposal and
compilation of comments and responses to
 If adjustments are needed, the academic unit rewrites and submits the proposal and
compilation of comments and responses to
 All comments to the proposal and responses to comments must be compiled into
one PDF and included with the proposal.
3. The Faculty Senate conducts a formal review of the final proposal:
If the Faculty Senate returns the proposal to the unit for revision, every effort must
be made to address its recommendations.
The Faculty Senate may reject a proposal if it is not satisfied with responses to its
recommendations for changes to a proposal.
4. The Faculty Senate Chair submits the Faculty Senate's recommendation to the Office of
the Provost.
5. The Provost makes the final decision.
6. If approved by the Board of Trustees, the Office of the President forwards the
proposal to the Office of the University Registrar via
Proposal Template
Copy and paste the questions below into a new Microsoft Word document and address all
questions. Please preserve the formatting (including numbering) to facilitate the review
Identifying Information
a) Academic Unit
b) Teaching unit
c) Name of degree: Choose from BA, BS, BSBA, BFA
d) Name of new major
e) Proposed effective date
a) Please describe the new major and include the rationale for adding this major to the degree
b) Does this major duplicate any other majors offered within the university or by other members
of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan area?
c) After the major is implemented, will it affect any other programs now offered by your
teaching unit? By other teaching units? By other members of the Consortium of Universities
of the Washington Metropolitan Area? Explain.
d) Compare the new major’s requirements to the requirements of similar programs at other
institutions nationally
e) Please include statements from the deans of the other academic units if the new major affects
programs or courses within their units and a statement from the University Librarian if the
change affects library resources.
Student Interest
a) What impact is the new major expected to have on student interest?
b) What specific evidence exists that students would be interested in this major?
c) What is the strategic marketing plan for the proposed program? In marketing and
recruitment efforts, what segments of the student market will be targeted using focused
Resources available to support this major
a) Which current faculty members (specify whether tenure-line, term, part-time, or adjunct)
will be available to support this major? Provide a brief statement of the contributions
expected from each faculty member and his or her qualifications for providing this
b) Does the academic unit anticipate that there will be a need for new faculty resources? If so,
explain when and what faculty resources are anticipated for this major.
c) What other staff (e.g., secretaries, graduate assistants) currently available to the teaching
unit will be used to support this major?
d) Will other new hires (full-time staff, part-time staff, graduate assistants, etc) be needed?
If so, provide details.
e) Does the academic unit anticipate that there will be a need for special facilities or
equipment beyond what is currently available to the teaching unit that will be used to
support this major? If so, explain when and what resources are anticipated.
f) Are current computer service facilities sufficient to support this major? If not, explain
what additional support will be needed.
g) What currently available classroom space will be used for this major and is it anticipated
that additional classroom space will be needed? If so, provide details and a timeline.
h) Will students in this major make use of currently existing opportunities for internships?
Implementation plans
a) In which year will students be able to declare or apply for this major?
b) Provide a timeline of the implementation program from when it begins until
implementation is complete.
Enrollment projections
a) Estimate the period of study (in semesters) required to complete each major in the degree
program for both full-time and part-time students.
b) Over the first five years of each major in the degree program, estimate the number of
students (provide separate estimates of full-time and part-time students) who will be actively
taking courses each year.
c) What is the timing and sequencing for all required and elective courses. What will be done
if enrollments exceed projections?
Financial considerations
a) On the basis of the information provided above, itemize the cost of implementing this major
including the costs associated with the possibility of having additional sections.
b) How are funds required for implementation of this major to be obtained?
c) What other financial considerations should be taken into account in deciding whether
to implement this major?
d) What are the long-range financial considerations associated with this major?
Program Assessment
Note: The primary teaching unit will assess the major on a yearly basis. At the end of the first
five years, the primary teaching unit shall present an assessment of learning outcomes to the
Faculty Senate Assessment Committee.
a) What are the learning outcomes including the competencies that students are expected to
demonstrate for the major in the degree program?
b) What qualitative criteria and evidence should be used to assess learning outcomes for
students who complete the major?
c) What quantitative criteria and evidence should be used to assess learning
outcomes for students who complete this major?
d) Provide some examples of methods you plan to use to assess learning outcomes for
the major.
If applicable, list any new courses or changed courses including a brief description. Note that a
New Course Proposal and/or Minor Change to a Course Proposal must be submitted separately
for each affected course.
Catalog copy
a) Please attach a program listing for the new major as it is to appear in the University Catalog,
following the format of the current catalog.