PX391 Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity SUMMARY Lecture Notes 5- S C Chapman 2nd order non-linear DE – Pendulum Generalize what was done for ID, 1st order nonlinear DE – non- trivial differences. Start by considering a familiar example: pendulum L d ! g + sin ! = 0 L dt 2 2 ! g with linear equation g d 2! + " 2! = 0 2 dt - oscillates for sin ! ! ! , ie: small perturbations about rest position ! = 0 !2 = ! = Aei"t g . L How to deal with 2nd order DE? Write as two coupled 1st order DEs: y= d! , dt dy = "# 2 sin ! dt Now we can find fixed points, linearize as before. Fixed points y = 0, sin ! = 0 or ! = n" n = !3, ! 2, ! 1, 0, 1, 2.... Stability/Classification y = y + ! y(t ) = ! y Linearize, we write ! = ! + "! ( t ) = n# + "! with ! y, !" small. Then linearized equations are: d !" =!y dt d! y n = $# 2 ( $1 ) !" dt since sin ( n! + "# ) = sin ( n! ) cos "# + cos n! sin "# n cos ( n! ) = ( !1) sin !" ! !" don't know behaviour of y ( ! ) yet. 1 PX391 Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity SUMMARY Lecture Notes 5- S C Chapman Now, can write: d 2!" n = #$ 2 ( #1) !" 2 dt - the linearized 2nd order ODE. There are 2 possibilities: n even d 2!" = #$ 2!" dt 2 !" = Aei$ t + Be# i$ t oscillatory solution d 2!" = +# 2!" dt 2 n odd !" = Ae# t + Be$# t - behaviour depends on the integration consts A, B d ( !" ) dt !y? !y = n even dy = i! Aei! t " i! Be" i! t = ! Aei ( ! t + # / 2 ) + ! Be" i ( ! t + # / 2 ) i = ei! / 2 ,!i = e!i! / 2 ie: out of phase ! / 2 with !" oscillatory – about centre fixed point. " y = ! Ae!t # ! Be #!t "# = Ae!t + Be!!t n odd this is either attracted or repulsed from fixed point. !y t!" " A" term dominates t ! #" " B" term dominates t!" A, B > 0 y,! !" from t = !" 2 PX391 Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity SUMMARY Lecture Notes 5- S C Chapman Consider all possible combinations of signs of A, B – four possibilities: ƒy A > 0, B < 0 A, B > 0 !" A < 0, B < 0 Saddle point: Separatrix has lines given by # y % Ae% t t ! ", = =% #$ Ae% t $ y "& Be"& t t ! "#, = = "& $% Be"& t A < 0, B > 0 to make phase plane diagram (global solution) we need some global properties. Will now do a sketch in y, ! phase plane. Global properties for the pendulum: Constant of the motion: Equation of motion d 2! + " 2 sin ! = 0 dt 2 can integrate once d! d 2! d! + " 2 sin ! =0 2 dt dt dt ! d! dt 2 1 " d! % y2 2 or # ! 2 cos " = E . ( ) cos ! = E 2 2 $# dt '& Also symmetry property: 3 PX391 Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity SUMMARY Lecture Notes 5- S C Chapman ! ! "! y ! "y E = #! 2 cos " 0 Different IC give different E. Say we start the pendulum at rest – at !0 - this is the maximum ! of the motion. ! is symmetric +!0 = !!0 *NB: ! ! "! gives the same equation of motion, ! symmetry property. Topology We have So So, unless of y, ! plane d! dy =y = #" 2 sin ! dt dt dy #! 2 sin " = d" y y = 0, # ! 2 sin " = 0 (the fixed points) dy is uniquely defined. This is tangent to y ( ! ) lines d! therefore, y ( ! ) lines cannot cross- General property. Sketch of the phase plane y separatrix n×= !2 × n = !1 4 × n=0 × n =1 E = Ec × n=2 ! PX391 Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity SUMMARY Lecture Notes 5- S C Chapman Properties of the phase plane: - lines don't cross except at fixed points y = 0, ! = n" - n = 0 , n even are centres (oscillatory solutions) - n odd are saddle points y2 constant - symmetric in y, ! E= # ! 2 cos " 2 d! - y is bounded for a given !0 at y = =0 E = E0 = "# 2 cos! 0 dt - now the separatrix corrects the saddle points, e.g. passes through !0 = ! = ", y = y = 0 This is the line where E = Ec = ! 2 , critical value of E - critical value of E separates bonded from unbounded orbits. E < Ec oscillates about stable (circle) fixed point ! < " ! = " unstable (saddle) fixed point ! E > Ec unbounded motion Global behaviour obtained without integrating equation 2 1 # d! $ % " 2 cos ! = E NB: integral of & ' 2 ( dt ) Can be done analytically- Jacobian Elliptic functions – look up if interested. 5 PX391 Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity SUMMARY Lecture Notes 5- S C Chapman Another way to think of E – in terms of potential function V E= y2 + V (! ) 2 V = #! 2 cos " × 0 oscillatory E > E int × ! × separatrix circle (centre) fixed point If E > Ec - unbounded motion. This is conservative system but now also know what happens for weak damping. 'weak' ≡ on timescale > 1 / ! particle slowly loses energy. See handout for sketch All of the above generalizes to any 2nd order nonlinear DE- for general properties see the handout accompanying the lecture. 6