Document 12894664

In October 2014 (FY 2015), the Office of Sponsored Programs recorded the
following grants for American University researchers.
PI: Mark Laubach
College of Arts and Sciences - Biology
Title: Functional connectomics of cortico-striatal-hypothalamic circuits and the
motivational control of feeding
Sponsor: The Klarman Foundation
Funds: $343,616.00
PI: Richard Breitman
College of Arts and Sciences - History
Title: Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Sponsor: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Funds: $25,000.00
PI: Eric Hershberg
Provost - Center for Latin American and Latino Studies
Title: Latin America Media Study
Sponsor: Sphere Consulting
Source of Funds: Globovision
Funds: $94,000.00
PI: Jefferey Rutenbeck
School of Communication - J-Lab
Title: J-Lab Masters Mediaprepreneurs
Sponsor: Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation
Funds: $24,000.00
PI: Johanna Mendelson-Forman
School of International Service - International Development
Title: Conflict Cuisine Program
Sponsor: Mann-Paller Foundation
Funds: $50,000.00
PI: Charles Call
School of International Service - International Peace and Conflict Resolution
Title: New Actors and Innovative Approaches to Peacebuilding
Sponsor: Carnegie Corporation of New York
Funds: $554,268.00
PI: Charles Call
School of International Service - International Peace and Conflict Resolution
Title: New Actors and Innovative Approaches to Peacebuilding
Sponsor: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Funds: $250,000.00
PI: Caroline Cooper
School of Public Affairs - Justice Programs Office
Title: Certificate Program for Argentine Judicial Officials
Sponsor: Fulbright Commission of Argentina
Funds: $29,238.00
PI: Herman Schwartz
Washington College of Law - National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project
Title: U Visa Certification: Strengthening Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial
Assistance to Immigrant Victims
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Justice
Funds: $32,649.00