Leanna Brown ’56 Fellowship Application Spring 2016

Leanna Brown ’56 Fellowship Application
Spring 2016
The Leanna Brown Fellowship is made possible by the generosity of Leanna Brown’s
father, Harold Young, and is intended to support Smith students working at summer internships
in state or local government or in organizations (government or non-government, domestic or
international) focused on issues of particular concern to women.
Students from all departments are invited to apply, although priority is given to
Government majors. The amount of the award varies depending on the number of applicants and
the amount available in the fund during a given year. Over the last few years, the average award
has ranged from $500-$1000.
Please be aware that the rules governing other Smith College funds may preclude the
award of multiple funds for a single summer internship, and thus may require that you offset
your awards. Students may combine Praxis funds with Leanna Brown funds, capped at a
combined total of $4,400. Please check with the administrators of other Smith College funds
from which you are securing support to determine if an offset is necessary.
Please type your application.
U.S. Citizen:
_______ Yes
_______ No
What is the name of the organization where you will be an intern this summer?
What will be your primary duties?
How does your internship relate to the goals of the fellowship? Note: Leanna Brown funds are
intended for interns working at the state or local level or on issues of particular concern to
women. (No more than 100 words)
How does your internship relate to your course of study? (No more than 100 words)
Is your internship a paid position?
Have you applied for or received any other support for the summer? (See note above regarding
funding offsets.)
Please attach a detailed budget describing the amount of support you are requesting and the
purposes for which it will be used. Funds are typically intended to assist with housing and
transportation costs.
Two faculty references, at least one of whom must be from a member of the Department of
Government at Smith, must be submitted to Lea Ahlen, Wright Hall 226 (or lahlen@smith.edu),
by Friday, April 15. Please fill out and provide your referees with the attached forms.
Please enclose a resume and transcript with your application. Send applications to Lea
Ahlen, Wright Hall 226. The deadline is Friday, April 15.
Leanna Brown Fellowship Application
_________________________ has applied for a Leanna Brown Internship Fellowship,
sponsored by the Department of Government, to support her work at
She has given us your name as a reference. Please comment on her fitness (dependability,
maturity, academic ability, sense of purpose) for this assignment in the space below and return
this form to Lea Ahlen, Wright Hall 226, by Friday, April 15. Thank you.
Leanna Brown Internship Fellowship
_________________________ has applied for a Leanna Brown Internship Fellowship,
sponsored by the Department of Government, to support her work at
She has given us your name as a reference. Please comment on her fitness (dependability,
maturity, academic ability, sense of purpose) for this assignment in the space below and return
this form to Lea Ahlen, Wright Hall 226, by Friday, April 15. Thank you.