VISUAL IDENTITY PROGRAM Spring 2013 VISUAL IDENTITY DESCRIBING AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OVERARCHING RATIONALE American University is a distinctive institution in Washington, DC. It is a forward thinking university where students are connected to expert faculty and world leaders to provide the knowledge, opportunities, and experiences that cannot be found elsewhere. American exemplifies the concept of ideas into action, and action into service. American University graduates are empowered with the knowledge and context that have enabled them to be alumni who transform their ideals into action and lead lives that effect meaningful change. The overarching American brand has been established to communicate and inspire American’s continued growth and recognition into the future. 2 VISUAL IDENTITY BENEFITS OF A STANDARD VISUAL IDENTITY USING ELEMENTS OF AU’S VISUAL IDENTITY PROGRAM The university name, mark, logotypes, seal, mascot, and “Clawed” are solely owned as the intellectual property of American University and cannot be used without the fomal consent of the university officers. Therefore, it is important to establish clear guidelines for their general use. Thes mark, logotypes, and seal in this manual are the only ones approved for the web, publications, and printed materials. Requests for exceptions to this policy should be directed to University Publications; those requests will then be reviewed by the assistant vice president for creative services and the vice president for communication. Primary Signature/University logotype QUESTIONS The division of University Communications and Marketing is responsible for administering the university branding, visual identity program and editorial style guidelines as they relate to publications, printed materials, and websites. Any questions about the program or requests for exceptions should be directed to University Publications, 202-885-5970. 3 VISUAL IDENTITY UNIVERSITY NAME UNIVERSITY NAME The official name of the institution is The American University. For general use, it will be referred to in all university presentations, publications, and online as American University. This usage is consistent with American University’s history and reflects its stature as a major university. 4 VISUAL IDENTITY GENERAL LOGO USAGE PRIMARY SIGNATURE/LOGOTYPE American’s primary logotype signature is composed of the AU mark and the words American University and Washington, DC, separated by a horizontal rule. Type for American University is modified Garamond; for Washington, DC, modified Helvetica. The words in the logotype are in AU blue, and the rule is in AU red. The primary signature (shown on right) should be used whenever possible. There are three approved signatures that represent American in various formats. Each is designed to accommodate a specific stylistic or functional requirement, allowing for flexibility while retaining the integrity of American’s identity. Primary Signature/University logotype Use of logotype The logotype should be used conspicuously on all publications and printed materials, preferably on the front cover. For all publications that represent the university and are intended for external audiences, the logotype must appear on the front or back cover. Whether on a cover or inside page, no other logo or seal may appear with the university logotype on the same page. The logotype must be used as shown in its entirety, not separated into component parts, altered in proportion, printed in color combinations other than those outlined in this manual, or modified in any other way. The logotype and mark must be reproduced from official digital files originating from University Publications. The type in the logotype may not be used without the mark; the mark, however, may be used by itself. 5 VISUAL IDENTITY GENERAL LOGO USAGE ALTERNATE LOGOTYPES A second logotype, the stacked logotype, may be used to fit brochure-style publications. This version consists of the AU mark, which can be as long as the rule used, the words, American University stacked on two lines, a horizontal rule below the word University, and the words Washington, DC located below the rule. The words in the logotype are in AU blue, and the rule is in AU red. A third logotype, the horizontal logotype, is typically used on global headers, but may be used to fit brochure-style publications. This version consists of the AU mark, which is positioned to the left of the words, American University displayed on one line, a horizontal rule between the word American University, and the words Washington, DC. The words in the logotype are in AU blue, and the rule is in AU blue. Stacked Signature Horizontal Signature 6 VISUAL IDENTITY GENERAL LOGO USAGE LOGO ISOLATION Space should be left around the signature; at a minimum, the space should be equal to 5 the width (width = x) of the shield at any given size. This applies to the primary, horizontal and formal signatures. 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x x x 7 x VISUAL IDENTITY GENERAL LOGO USAGE SIGNATURE COLOR VARIATIONS - TWO-COLOR SIGNATURE COLOR VARIATIONS - ONE-COLOR It is best to use the signatures in full-color whenever possible. When full-color signatures print on a dark background, a white rule is added around the mark to hold the edge. The rule and wordmark should always match to maintain continuity of the signature. When printing with one color, the signature appears in black or AU blue. When the one-color signature is placed on a field of color the type, rule, and letters A and U of the mark must always be white. For engraving, etching, embossing, there is an option with no color background in the mark. Acceptable colors include AU blue, AU red, black, gold, or silver. The logotype also may be reversed out of a darkcolored background and appears in white. Two-color Two-color Reverse One-color AU blue One-color Gold for Formal Invitations One-color Black One-color Reverse on Black One-color for Engraving/Embossing One-color Reverse 8 VISUAL IDENTITY GENERAL LOGO USAGE BACKGROUND IMAGE BACKGROUND COLOR The full-color signature can only appear on a background image if the image is subtle in color and detail. If the image is vivid in color, use the black and white signature. If the image is highly detailed or contains a strong pattern, do not place the signature over it because the signature will not be legible. The one-color signature may be placed on a background color either by overprinting or reversing. Be careful to use the appropriate version of the signature to achieve the best contrast on colored backgrounds. Do not attempt to place the signature on a background that is too dark or creates too much color dissonance. Light Background Image Dark Background Image Black Signature on Light Color White Signature on Medium Color Light Background Image Wild Background Image White Signature on Light Color White Signature on Dark Color 9 VISUAL IDENTITY GENERAL LOGO USAGE UNVERSITY MARK The mark contains the letters AU, connected and encased in a square. Type for the letters is modified Garamond and reverses out of the square, half AU blue on the left half and half AU red on the right half. The mark also can be shown in one color (black or AU blue). For engraving, etching, embossing, there is an option with no color background in the mark. Acceptable colors include AU blue, AU red, black, gold, or silver. The logotype also may be reversed out of a dark-colored background and appears in white. The mark must always be in AU red and AU blue. When printing on a dark-colored background, a white border equal in thickness to the thickest line in the A encloses the mark. Two-color Two-color on Dark Background One-color AU blue One-color Gold One-color Black One-color on Black Background One-color for Engraving/Embossing One-color for Engraving Reversed 10 VISUAL IDENTITY OVERARCHING TYPOGRAPHY ADOBE GARAMOND Adobe Garamond is the primary serif identification typeface for American University. When used in conjunction with the university logotype, it reinforces the visual identity system. GARAMOND GARAMOND REGULAR 21 PT 21 PT Garamond’s letterforms convey a sense of fluidity and consistency. Garamond is considered to be among the most legible and readable serif typefaces for use in print applications. It has also been noted to be one of the most eco-friendly major fonts when it comes to ink usage. For online applications, Trebuchet is the preferred font for body copy. GARAMOND ITALIC ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 21 PT GARAMOND SEMIBOLD 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+{};;””? 21 PT GARAMOND SEMIBOLD ITALIC 21 PT GARAMOND BOLD 21 PT GARAMOND BOLD ITALIC 21 PT GARAMOND GARAMOND GARAMOND BOOK/100 PT G 21 PT GARAMOND BOLD/100 PT GARAMOND REGULAR/BOOK/10 PT Lorem ipsum jabberwocky cor init irilit nos nis nos ad enim ipis dolorem nullam dunt am nos nim iure feum vel. Nullaorp erillut niam veraessectem nisis essed eui blandigna feugiam etummod. Lorem ipsum doloreetue cor init irilit nos nis nos ad enim ipis dolorem nullam dunt am nos nim iure feum vel. Sectem nisis essed eui blandigna etue cor init irilit nos nis nos ad enim ipis dolorem nullam dunt am nos nim iure feum. G 11 VISUAL IDENTITY OVERARCHING TYPOGRAPHY HELVETICA Helvetica is the primary sans serif identification typeface for American University. When used in conjunction with the university logotype, it reinforces the visual identity system. HELVETICA NEUE HELVETICA NEUE LIGHT 18 PT 18 PT Helvetica may be used on printed materials, alone or in combination with Garamond. For online applications, Arial or Trebuchet are the preferred fonts for body copy. For display heads, Gotham is the preferred font, though Google Montserrat is currently under review. HELVETICA NEUE LIGHT ITALIC NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 18 PT HELVETICA NEUE REGULAR 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+{};;””? 18 PT HELVETICA NEUE REGULAR ITALIC HELVETICA NEUE REGULAR/100 PT 18 PT For institutional branding, Interstate is the preferred font for display type. A style guide for the university brand campaign is in development. ABCDEFGHIJKLM HELVETICA NEUE BOLD 18 PT HELVETICA NEUE BOLD ITALIC 21 PT GARAMOND GARAMOND G 21 PT HELVETICA NEUE BOLD/100 PT HELVETICA NEUE/REGULAR/9 PT Lorem ipsum jabberwocky cor init irilit nos nis nos ad enim ipis dolorem nullam dunt am nos nim iure feum vel. Nullaorp erillut niam veraessectem nisis essed eui blandigna feugiam etummod. Lorem ipsum doloreetue cor init irilit nos nis nos ad enim ipis dolorem nullam dunt am nos nim iure feum vel. Sectem nisis essed eui blandigna etue cor init irilit nos nis nos ad enim ipis dolorem nullam dunt am nos nim iure feum. G 12 VISUAL IDENTITY OFFICIAL COLORS OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY COLORS American University has a palette of five colors. These colors play a critical role in defining American’s visual identity. From this palette, AU Blue (PMS 072) and AU Red (PMS 186) are the spirit colors for American. For embossing/engraving, other palette colors are black, gold (PMS 873), and silver (PMS 877). When printing four-color process, be sure to specify the four-color builds listed here. Most of the color builds are the default PANTONE color builds. But some are adjusted slightly to better match the spot colors. These adjusted color builds are coded into the supplied art files for one-color, CMYK and RGB. American’s official colors should be printed as spot colors whenever possible. AU Blue PMS 072 C100 M88 Y0 K5 AU Red PMS 186 C0 M100 Y75 K4 PMS 873 C0 M23 Y100 K27 PMS 877 C0 M0 Y0 K40 R0 G79 B163 R237 G26 B59 R197 G169 B1 R167 G169 B172 BLACK C0 M0 Y0 K100 R35 G31 B32 13 VISUAL IDENTITY UNIVERSITY SEAL UNIVERSITY SEAL The American University seal will be used to authenticate the highest official university documents (e.g., diplomas and legal documents). It may be used on other materials only at the discretion of the president or the Board of Trustees. The seal must be reproduced from authorized digital files, and cannot be redrawn, separated into component parts, or modified in any way. The seal should be reproduced in AU blue, black, white, or gold (Pantone 873). The seal should not be used with the logotype 14