Texas Civil Statutes. Article 6252-13a.96. requires that executive orders issued by the Governor of Texas be published in the Register. Appointments made and proclamations issued by the governor are also published -ts are published in chrondogical order. The certikation inkxmafi which includesa teleOhone number for additional infamation, foilows each puMished submission EIIUCATION. Said task r-'rrin oi m, - than public and pri- Membexsrritlsemefwoneyearandatthepleasme appointing authority. EXECUTIVE ORDER . said task force is dimcted to meet tioms throughout the state and at directed by the chairman. WPC-21 A Executive older m - 2 1 is known as m - 2 l A . - of^. - ' ~HE&=. d m-t in m n h citizens s-, r a w , a is to tbemtheopprtmitytoaehieve~and c immt to WHEREAS. higher isan -pent of that effort by government: and WHEBEAS, Texas has an -ding w r h system; and WHEREAS. Texas is a leader in higher t+atian with 33 universities. 47 junior d h g e districts. and eight medical fadim and WHEREAS,Texas now has a pubiic or private d e g e . junior &= of99% of opr coflege or uni-ty populatim; and WHEREAS, there is also need for modmata*on in higher educatiw. and do a thorough -Sv mwis the -&time mw of its hieher and start preparing fm the new demands of the future; and WHEREAS, the ~st&&+hent of a m - t task fon higher education to have direct input to the gwemor and the hgisiature of Texas will greatly assist the governor, the legislatme, and providers of higber education in the performance of their duties; and m E A S , the Governor of Texas is the highest elected oi~ a f t l x i s s t g t e a n ddes&atedbylaw asthe~hiefpianner fa the state. -- ; _R4 Said task force will complete a thollongb revkw education in Texas which ahan ipckk but not be examining such issuea as the role of pHblic verws ,-d state stitutiulls of higher : tbs federal p~overnmentin higher edu~8tiDn:an a ' " various and diffkent syrPtems of higher c ~sisofblitimcb.aafa.raidslt.d~surr~ d-state and foreign students; modination of ecrurees. teaching met-. etc, for the benefit to the students and such ather issues identii governor- njl Said task f m e shall make such studies and governor may. fnrm time to time. request and governor advised of the task farce's activities. Ail state agencies. bosrds. c o m b o m . and higher ducation are hereby olirected to a s d s W-oR'S TASK m E OM HIGH&R addition to aid and &afF support fsoln the This executive wder shall be effective force an,+effect in , , - res&ded by me. Issued in Austin. Texas. on J d y 1% 1981WIU~~IIIP. Clernents. .hDoc. No. 814738 Governor of Texas For brther mfamation plesse call (512) 47 Vdume 6. Niunba 56, July 24. 1981