the congress of the united states ~ er pollution control 92-5001 on October 18, 1972; and, the ~ of 1972 Codesection 26, and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board has authority under Article 165a, Vernon's Annotated.Civi1 Statutes, to carry out the provisions of this order. And further, the Texas Forest Sewice has authority under Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, Article 2613, for ~ the direction ~ of all matters d pertaining ~ to forestry~within the ~ jurisdiction of the state. (111) Procedure. (1) Establishment of priorities. ( A ) The water quality management plans cur- (B) The Texas Department of Water Resources is These programs will include those established purWSection 208(i). This process will enable the state to: silvicultural activities. (B) The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation ment and subject to review and comment in accordance with (C) The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation m developed pursuant to Section 208. the Texas Department of Water Resources has y under Vernon's Texas.Codes 'Annotated, Water (D) As part of the water quality management planning process, the Texas Department of Water Resource6 will periodically assess the effectiveness of the agricultural and silvicultural NPS control program in enhancing water quality. The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board shall make an annual report on the progress of implementation of agricultural and silvicultural control strategies to the Texas Department of Water Resources which will provide a basis for this assessment. (3) State-federal agreement. The Texas Department of Water Resources and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board are hereby authorized to enter into agreements with the Secretary of Agriculture or his designees on behalf of the Governor of the State of Texas. These agreements are to set forth the procedures by which the programs established pursuant tosection 208(j) will be implemented in Texas. (4) Interaction with related programs. The Texas Department of Water Resources and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board shall, as needed, confer with and participate in any state or federal programs or committees pertinent to the successful completion of this-order. This Executive Order is effective on the 17th day of July, A.D., 1978, and shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded by me. In official recognition whereof, I hereby affix my signature this 17th day of July, A.D., 1978. Whereas, the Three Rivers City Council, act with the provisions of Article 989, Vernon's Statutes, has called a special election to fi1 and Whereas, time does not now permit the calling of a r election to fill such vacancies on the next regularly sch date for special elections; and Whereas, Article 2.01 (b),Vernon' not permit another special electio prior to January 20.1979, unless tence of an emergency that warr an earlier date; Now, Therefore, I, Dolph Briscoe, Governor of Texas i of the foregoing considerations, do hereby find the of an emergency and do hereby grant permission fo of Three Rivers to hold an election on September 9, the purpose of filling the vacancies presently existi City Council of the City of Three Rivers. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto signed my have officially caused the Seal of State to be Austin, Texas, this 19th day of July, 1978. Proclamations Issued in Austin, Texas, on July 19, 1978. 41 -1 680 Doc. No. 784834 Dolph Briscoe Governor of Texas To all to whom these presents shall come: Whereas, two vacancies now exist on the City Council of the City of Three Rivers, Texas; and For further information. please call (512) 475-3021.