Document 12890638

le Governor
juired by Texas Civil Statutes, Arlide 6252-13a, §6, the Texas Register publishes executive orders is$ued by
iovemor of Texas. Appointments and prodamations are also published. Appointments are published in
dogical order. Additional information on documents s u m e d for publication by the Governor's Office can be
ed by calling (512) 463-1828.
AS. Texas has historically relied almost exclusively upon non-renewable fossil fuel resources as its primary energy supply; and
, Texds faces an era of competitiveness in the coming century that will require development of diverse renewable and nonenergy sources that are dean, affordable, and efficient; and
AS. Texas has abundant, largely untapped supplies of renewable and efficiency resowzes for providing energy to fuel its economic
growth; and
WHER EAS, exploration of the feasibility, efficacy. and power of renewable energy resources will help Texas prepare for future energy
challenep .in a manner that optimizes the protection of our environment while maintaining energy self-suffiiiency and enhancing
tiveness; and;
AS, the formation of a new sustainableenergy industry in Texas will place our State in the forefront of energy innovation nationwide
pmide a lasting legacy for our States's residents;
---I ---:'
AM W. Richards. Governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the power vested in me, do hereby establish the
Development Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council.
Council is to be composed of representatives of the Governor's Office, Texas Air Control Board or its successor agency,
's Office, Department of Commerce. General Land Office,Public Utilities Commission. Railroad Commission, Water Develop
titlites, educators, cmsmer advocates, and environmental groups.
. The Govexnor shall designate two cochairpersons, who shall serve at the direction of the Governor.
Council will meet at the call of the co-chairpersons.
Council will develop a strategic plan to ensure the optimum utilization of Texas' renewable and efficiency resource base. In developing
plan, the Council will:
Conduct resource studies of the renewable and efficiency murce base;
, Model how these resources interact with each other and with the existing energy production and consumption infrastructure;
Assess renewable energy technologies and their costs;
y these costs in cost/benefit analyses;
ate these models, assessments, and analyses into a strategic plan so that realistic goals and timetables for the utilization of them
can be established;
rdinate demonstration projects and other sustainable energy activities on public lands; and
Develop the structure and strategy masay to secure federal funds for sustainable energy development.
executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
Austin, Texas, on h4arch 14, 1993.
., '
REAS, the increasingly competitive and interdependent global economy is placing in jeopardy our nation's and our state's status as high
REAS,the survival and growth of our industries will depend upon their ability improve productivity continually through the use of new
Matclr 23, 1993
18 TexReg 1839
technology and improved forms of work organization;
WHEREAS. the quality of the workforce in Texas is of paramount importance in the decisions of businesses on whethe
expand in Texas;
WHEREAS, job training and adult education are an integral part of assuring the quasty of the workforce in Texas;
WHEREAS, Texas in the past has received low marks for how well it is investing in educating all of its people;
WHEREAS, current efforts in this area are divided among several agencies of the state with little coordination among them
WHEREAS, we must maximize the use of our limited work force development resources; and
WHEREAS. Title VI, 5701, of the Job Training Partnership Act, 29 United States Code. $1501 et seq., authorizes the
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ann W. Richards, Governor of Texas. by the authority vested in me, do hereby establish the Governor's
The Task Force shall review various current studies to improve the work force development programs in Texas and a
and preparing a strategic plan to accomplish human resource goals.
The Task Force shall report to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House of Representatives not later than Ap
The Task Force shall be composed of the following members:
The Honorable John Sharp, Comptroller of Public Accounts
The Honorable Rodney Ellis, Texas Senate;
The Honorable Elizabeth Linebarger, Texas House of Representatives;
The Chair of the Texas Literacy Council;
The Chair o f the Texas Employment Commission;
The Chair of the State Board of Education;
The Chair of the Department of Human Services Board;
The Chair of the State Job Training Coordinating Council;
The Chair of the Higher Education Coordinating Board;
The Chair of the Texas Department of Commerce Board;
The Chair of the Texas Council on Vocational Education;
The Executive Director of the Texas Department of Commerce;
The Commissioner of Higher Education;
The Administrator of the Texas Employment Commission;
The C o r n m i s s i o n e r ~ ~ ~ dKumidemices;~ani
Ms. Martha Hinojosa Nadler, private sector member of the Texas Council on Vocational Education;
Mr. Paul Ellis. private sector member of the Texas Council on Vocational Education;
The following representative of the educational community and community-based organizations: Mr. Ernesto Cortes; and
The following representative of organized labor: Mr. Joe Gum.
Ms. Martha Hinojosa Nadler is designated as chair of the Task Force and shall coordinate the work of the Task Force.
The member of the Task Force is hot entitled to compensation but is entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses incurred
office of the Governor.
Staff support shall be provided by the Texas Department of Commerce, State Job Training Coordinating Council, the
Vocational Education, and the office of the Governor.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on March 9, 1993.