Document 12890636




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by Texas Civil Statutes, Artide 6252-13aI the Texas Register publishes execuke orders is& by nor of Texas. Appointments and prodamations are also published. Appointments are pubhied in ical order. Addiinal information on documents submitted for publication by the Governor's Office can be

4 (512) 463-1828.




, Texas has historically relied almost exclusively upon non-renewable fossil fuel resources as its primary energy supply; and

, Texs faces an era of competitiveness in the coming century ble e.nergy sources that are clean, affordable, and efiicient; and that will require development of diverse renewable and non-

LAS. Texas has a t n m b t , largely untapped supplies of renewable and & i c y resources for providing energy to futl its economic

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P A S , exploration of the feasibihy, efficacy, and power of renewable energy resources will help Texas prepare for future energy mges in a manner that optimizes the protection of our environment while maintaining energy 8elf-sufficiency and e n b c b g ktim and

AS, the formation of a new sustainable energy industry in Texas will place our State in the forefront of energy innovation nationwide provide a lasting legacy for our States's residents;


I, Ann W. Richards, Governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the power vested in me, do hereby establish the

Sustabble Energy Development Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council. ncil is to be composed of repmtatives of the Governor's Offii, Texas Air Control Board troller's Office, Department of Commerce. General Land Office. Utilities Commission, Railroad or its s u m r

Commission, Water agency.


Board, businesses, utitlites, educators, consumer advocates, aad environmental groups.


The Governor shall designate two m&aiqwmns, who shall serve at the direction of the Governor. uncil will meet at the call of the mchairpersons. elop a strategic plan to ensure the optimum utilization of Texas' renewable and efficiency resource base. In developing

Conduct resource studies of the renewable and efficiency resource base;

Model mi-

Apply how these resources interact with each other renewable energy technologies and t h e costs; these costs in costbenefit analyses; and with the existing energy production and consumption infrastructure; ate these models, assessmekts, and analyses into a strategic plan so that realistic goals and timetables for fhe ulilization of these be established; rdinate dunanstration projects and other sustainable energy activities on public lands; and

Develop the structure and strategy necessary to secure federal funds for sustainable energy development executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. d in Austin, Texas, on March 14, 1993.


:REAS, the increasingly competitive and interdependent global economy is placing in jeopardy our nation's and our state's status as high

Se economies,

:REAS, the survival and growth of our industries will depend upon their ability improve productivity continually through the use of new

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+ The Governor March 23, 1993 18 TexReg 1839
