1 SUSENAS CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTIC 1982 NATIONAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC SURVEY CONFIDENTIAL SUSENAS IV – 82 MANUFACTURING/HANDICRAFT LISTING IV: MANUFACTURING ACTIVITY/HANDICRAFT CHARACTERISTICS A. LOCATION IDENTIFICATION 1. Province 2. District/Municipality*) 3. Sub-district 4. Village 5. Area 6. Enumeration Area Number 7. Census Block Number 8. Susenas Sample Code Number 9. Census Building Serial Number 10. Household Serial Number 11. Total Number of Household Members 12. Number of persons working in Manufacturing/Handicraft sector a. Laborer/paid worker b. Household member 13. Type of Manufacturing business/handicraft *) cross out either one Urban/Rural *) B. IDENTIFICATION OF ENUMERATION 1. Name of Enumerator 2. Enumerator’s code number/NIP 3. Date of Enumeration 4. Signature of Enumeration 5. Name of Supervisor 6. Supervisor’s code number/NIP 7. Date of Supervision 8. Signature of Supervisor 9. Name of respondent 10. Signature / thumb mark C. NOTE 2 3 Serial number (1) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name of household member (2) Relation to the Household: Gender: Age Head of HH -1 Husband/wife 2 Children -3 Son/daughter in law -4 Grandchild -5 Parents -6 Mother/Father in Law -7 Relative -8 Other -9 Servant -0 Male –1 Female -2 (year) (3) (4) D. HOUSEHOLD MEMBER LISTING FOR 10 YEARS AND ABOVE Marital status: Single -1 Married 2 Widowed/ Divorce -3 (5) (6) Education completed: No school -1 Not/not yet finish primary school -2 Primary school -3 Junior High -4 Senior High -5 Univ/academy -6 Activities during previous week: Work/ temporarily not working –1 Looking for a job -2 Attending school3 Take care of HH4 Other (retired, disabled, etc) -5 If column (8) not coded 1, Did you work at least one hour per day during previous week? Yes -1 No -2 If column (8) or column (9) coded 1, total number of work hours previous week (7) (8) (9) (10) Primary activity/job (Specify clearly and in detail Code Fill in by CBS (11) (12) Job status: Worker/ Employee -1 Self-employed without staff -2 Self-employed with staff -3 Family worker without pay -4 (13) 4 5 E. LIST OF WORKERS AND WAGE/SALARY PAID DURING PREVIOUS MONTH Ser Name Age Gender Type of Number Wage/Salary paid (Rp) ial nu mb er of worker (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (2) 6. Total Male –1 Female –2 (3) x (4) x worker: Permanent ly –1 Notpermanent -2 (5) x of work days during previous month Money (6) (7) Kind Total (8) (9) x Name of House hold member Relationship with the entrepreneur (1) 1. (2) (3) Entrepre neur Serial number of household member (col. (1) block D Ser ial nu mb er Type of product (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (2) 6. F. LIST OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBER WHO ENGANGED IN MANUFACTURING/HANDICRAFT ACTIVITIES DURING THE PREVIOUS MONTH Ser ial nu mb er G. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PRODUCED DURING PREVIOUS MONTH 7. Code Fille d by CBS Local units Standard Units Conversi on from local unit to standard units Price per piece in local unit Quantity in local unit Quantity in standard units (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Other products Services produced x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Total x x x x x x x (10) H. UTILIZATION OF PRODUCTION MATERIALS DURING PREVIOUS MONTH Worked 5 hours and more per day Worked between 1 and 4 hours per day Worked less than 1 hour per day (5) (6) (7) Ser ial nu mb er Type of material Code (Fille d by CBS) Price in local unit (Rp) Standard units Conversi on from local unit to standard units Price in local unit Quantity in local unit Quantity in standard unit Value (R)p.) (1) 1. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) code (4) Value (Rp) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total x x x x x x x Code of relationship with the businessman (col. 3, block F) Entrepreneur -1 Son/Daughter in Law -4 Husband/Wife -2 Other members -5 Children -3 6 7 I. UTILIZATION OF FUEL, ELECTRICITY AND EXPENSES DURING THE PREVIOUS MONTH Serial number Type of fuel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Solar Fuel Kerosene Lubricant oil Electric Charcoal Firewood Other 9. Total Serial number (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Units Quantity Value (Rp) Liter I.2. OTHER EXPENSES Type of expenses (2) Repairs and maintenance Transportation cost Packaging, string, etc Interest Paid Services paid (worker wages, ‘borongan’, etc) Other (excluding wage/salary) Total Value (Rp) (3) J. MANUFACTURING/HANDICRAFT ACTIVITIES INFORMATION 1. Business location a. 1. Within the house yard 2. Outside the house yard b. If outside the yard, property status: 1. Own/private 2. Rented/leased 3. Other 2. Do you regularly engage in manufacturing/handicraft activities Yes -1 No -2 3. Which months these manufacturing/handicraft activities done? a. January g. July b. February h. August c. March i. September d. April j. October e. May k. November f. June l. December 4. Number of day worked during the previous month………days. Average work hours per day……… hours 5. Income from manufacturing/handicraft activity is: 1. Main income 2. Additional income 6. a. Do you receive credit from other party? Yes -1 No -2 b. If ‘Yes’ where from? 1. Bank 2. Cooperative 3. Other c. Monthly Interest: ………% 7. To whom do you usually sell your products? 1. Direct to the user 2. Trader 4. Broker 8. Other 8. How do the buyers usually pay? 1. Cash 2. Deferred payment 4. “Ijon” (paid in advance before production) 8. Other 9. What kind of difficulties do you usually face when obtaining raw materials? 1. No difficulty 2. Location too far 4. Price too expensive 8. Materials not always available 16. Other 10. What kind of problems usually faced when you want to expand the business? 1. Lack of capital 2. Marketing problem 4. Difficulty to obtain the raw materials 8. Lack of skills 16. Other 8 9 K. LIST OF WORKERS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS DURING THE PREVIOUS MONTH Serial Name of If not a permanent Are you looking Education If ‘No’ at column number worker worker, what is for a job? completed (4) and if there is your main activity another job, would (Code) Yes -1 No -2 you take it? (code) Yes -1 No -2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. 2. 3. 4. Detail If “yes” at Serial Marital Number of people Do any members of column (9), how worker’s household work? number status in worker’s many people? Yes -1 No -2 household (1) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1. 2. 3. 4. CODES FOR COLUMN (3) (7) Government employee/Army Farmer entrepreneur Farm laborer Trading Quarrying Construction Transportation Entrepreneur/other worker Take care of household In school Other CODES FOR COLUMN (6) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 No school No/not yet completed primary school Completed Primary School Completed Junior School Completed High School Completed Univ./Academy CODES FOR COLUMN -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Not yet married Married Widowed/divorced -1 -2 -3 L. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Do you use power machines? 1. Yes 2. No 2. Average monthly number of work days during working month…………..people 3. Number of people working per work day during the previous month (including entrepreneur) …people 4. Is there any competition in marketing the product? A lot of competition A little competition No competition -1 -2 -3 M. ENUMERATOR’S/SUPERVISOR’S NOTE The result of this questionnaire has been checked and can be trusted 1. The prevailing price for each type of products in block G is appropriate. 2. The prevailing price for each type of production material in block H is appropriate 3. The volume of raw materials used in block H is appropriate with the volume of production in block G 4. Number of working days in block E column (6) + block F column (5+6), is appropriate with the volume of production in block G 5. Number of workers and salary/wage in block E is appropriate 10