1 Serial number of house hold member Name of house hold member (1) (2) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Codes for column (3) Head of household Wife/husband Children Son/daughter in-law Grandchildren Parent/In-law Relative House maid Relation to the head of house hold (code) Gender: Male 1 Female 2 (3) (4) 1.1 DEMOGRAPHY Age Marital Education (year) Status ever (code) completed (code) (5) Codes for column (6) Single 1 Married 2 Widowed 3 Divorced 4 (6) (7) Codes for column (7) No schooling Not finished primary school yet Primary School Junior high school Vocational junior high school Senior high school Vocational senior High school If column (7), coded 2, Can you read and write Yes 1 No 2 (8) For 12 years only Are you in school? Yes 1 No 2 If ‘No’ what is the reason? (code) (9) (10) Codes for column (10) Not money Not capable No school available/ too far Other 2 3 Serial number likes on column (1) block I.1 Name of Household member aged 10 years and above I.2. Labour Force (for 10 years old and above) Activities If working/not working temporarily, what is the primary activity? during Field of Code Type of Code Work status previous work filled in work filled in (code) week by CBS by CBS (code) Codes for column (3): Working/temporarily not working Looking for a job Attending school Taking care of household Retired, handicapped, etc Codes for column (8): 1 2 3 4 5 Self employed Self employed assisted by family members/ temporary workers Employer with permanent workers Employee/worker Family worker 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 Serial number as per column (1) block I.2 (1) I.3. SOCIO-CULTURE: (only for aged 10 years and older) During the previous week During the previous month What kind What kind What What interested you in: of cultural of kind of A Type of The radio TV recreation programs programs film from magazine/ sport that activity do you newspaper you often you’ve movies you you article that practice? ever seen often do? watched? you’ve listened which watched? you’ve to/ interested (code) read? followed? you? (code) (code) (code) (code) (code) (code) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Codes for column (2) and (3) Never heard/followed/ Watched Have heard/followed/ Watched: News Entertainment/art Sport Science program Religious program Others Codes for column (4) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Codes for column (7) Never watched: arts Dances Music Play/Theatre Wayang Never watched movie/ film Have watched movie/ film: War/History Detective “Silat” Drama Comedy Others Codes for column (5) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Codes for column (8) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Never go for recreation Watch movie Picnic/Tourism Sport Others -2 -3 -4 -5 If col. (9) coded “1”, what is the reason? (code) (code) (9) (10) Codes for column (6) Do not read news-1 No sports paper/magazine Practice sports: Read newspaper/ Athletics magazine: Football (Soccer) News -2 Badminton Science column -3 Volleyball Editorial -4Others -6 Sports column -5 Arts and culture -6 Codes for column (9) -1 Are you a member of a social organizati on? Not a member of any Soc. Organization A member of org.: Youth Art/Sport Burial Others -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Codes for column (10) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Lazy/reluctant No use Afraid Others -1 -2 -3 -4 6 7 I.4. ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH 1. Nearest distance from home to: a. Market: …………………… km b. Cinema: ………………… km c. Amusement Park: ………... km d. Primary School: ………… km e. Junior High School: ……… km f. Senior High School: …….. km 2. a. Land area (including the building) : …………….. m2 b. Floor area : …………….. m2 3. a. Number of rooms: :……………. Rooms b. Number of bedrooms: :……………. Rooms 4. a. Do you have windows? :Yes -1 No -2 b. If “yes”, how many :……………….windows c. If ‘not”, is there ventilation? :Yes 1 No -2 5. Bathroom: Private -1 Shared -2 Public -3 Others -4 6. Washing area: Private -1 Shared -2 Public -3 Others -4 7. Drying area: In a room in the house 1 In the yard 3 In the open air in the house 2 Others 4 8. a. Toilet: Private 1 Shared 2 Public 3 Others 4 b. If you have private or shared toilet, do you have: Septic tank 1 No septic tank 2 9. a. Drinking water facility: Pipe 1 Well 3 River 5 Other 7 Pump 2 Spring 4 Rain water 6 b. If you have pump or well, distance of source of water to the cesspool: (5 m) -1 (5 – 9 m) -2 (10 – 14 m) -3 (≥ 15 m) -4 10.Kitchen: Private -1 Shared -2 Public -3 Others -4 11.a. Do you have livestock cage? Yes -1 No -2 b. If “yes”, location of cage: In the house -1 Outside the house -2 12.Water situation in gutter/river around the house: Stagnant 1 Flows slowly 2 Flows quickly 3 13.a. Are there any household members who were ill during the previous week?: Yes -1 No -2 b. If “yes”, fill in this following table: Have you Type of Duration Where did Distance Serial Name of you go for to place of ever been household number of Illness (1) of illness treatment: treated? treatment household (code) member (km) Yes -1 (2) member who has No -2 (code) likes col. sick I.1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) a. c. e. b. d. f. If “yes”, where?(3) (code) (8) 8 I.4. ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH (continued) 13.c. If “not”, were there any members who were ill three months ago?: Yes -1 No -2 d. If “yes”, fill in this following table: Duration Where did Distance Serial number Type of Name of you go for to place of illness (1) of household household treatment: treatment (code) member who member likes (km) (2) col. I.1 has sick (code) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 14.a. Were there any births during the previous year? Yes b. If “yes”, fill in this following table: Place of birth Serial number of Name of (code) (4) household member person who as per col. I.1 gave birth (1) (2) (3) 1 No (1) Codes: (1) Illness TB/lounge Diarrhea & vomitting Malaria Internal disease Others (5) Birth attendant Medical doctor Midwife or other Paramedics Trad, Birth attendant Others (2) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 4 3 Trad. Birth attendant 5 Others 6 No Gender: Male Female 1 2 (6) 3 Others 2 Cause of death: (code) (6) 1 2 (3) (2) Medical Treatment location Doctor’s practice 1 Hospital 2 Puekesmas 3 Clinic 4 Paramedics 5 Traditional healer 6 Own medication 7 Not have medication 8 (6) Cause of death: Accident Diarrhea & vomitting Heart disease Others 1 Born alive Still birth (5) c. During the pregnancy, did the mother get routine pregnancy examinations? Yes 1 No 2 d. If “yes” who is examined her? Medical doctor 1 Midwife 2 Traditional Birth Attendant e. After give birth, did she have her baby examined regularly? Yes 1 No 2 f. If “yes”, where did she take the baby? At doctor’s/midwife’s practice 1 Hospital/maternity clinic/BKIA Puskesmas 2 Public hospital 4 15.a. Were there any deaths during the previous month? Yes b. If “yes”, fill in this following table: Name of deceased Aged when passed away (year) (8) 2 Birth attendant (code) (5) Distance to the place of give birth (km) (4) If “yes”, where did you go?(3) (code) Have you ever been treated? Yes -1 No -2 (7) (3) Place of treatment: Puskesmas Hospital Clinic/BKIA At health paramedics house At traditional healer’s house Other (4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 (4) Place birth: Maternity hospital includes: Maternity clinic 1 Public hospital 2 Puskesmas 3 At doctor’s/midwife’s 4 practice At traditional birth 5 attendant’s house Own house 6 Others 7 1 2 3 4 9 10 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Share/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) A. Cereals 001 Imported rice kg 002 Best quality rice Kg 003 Local rice Kg 004 Sticky rice Kg 005 Rice products Kg 006 Wet corn with Kg skin 007 Dried corn with ski Kg 008 Dry, shelled corn Kg 009 Corn flour (ex Kg maizena) 010 Wheat flour Kg 011 Other 012 Sub-total A Ser Detail ial num ber 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 B. Tubers Cassava Dried cassava chip Cassava flour Dried-cassava flour Sweet potato Potato Taro Sago (not from cassava flour e.g.: Ambon sago) Other Sub-total B Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg kg 11 12 Ser Detail ial num ber (1) II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 C. Fish 1) Fresh sea water fish Bandeng/milkfish Yellow tail Tuna Cakalang/skipjack Selar/mackerel Teri Others Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg 030 031 032 033 2) Fresh water fish Gabus Tilapia Gold fish Others Kg Kg Kg Kg 034 035 036 037 038 039 3) Dried fish/salted fish Peda Teri Selar Shrimp Squid Others Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce 040 4) Canned Fish Canned fish Kg 041 042 043 5) Shrimp Shrimp Squid Crab Kg Kg Kg 044 045 6) Others Others Sub-total C 13 14 Ser Detail ial num ber (1) 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) D. Meat Beef Buffalo Goat Pork Horse Dried beef Corned Dried shredded beef (abon) Liver Innards Bone Other meats Chicken meat Other poultry meat Sub-total (D) E. Milk and Egg Chicken egg Duck egg Salted egg Others egg Pure milk Factory-processed liquid milk Sweet condensed milk Canned powdered milk Powdered milk (per kg) Dairy products Sub-total (E) Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg unit Kg Kg Pieces Pieces Pieces Pieces Liter Liter Kg Kg Kg 15 16 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) F. Vegetables 072 Spinach Kg 073 Water spinach Kg 074 Cabbage Kg 075 Mustard greene Kg 076 Green beans Kg 077 String beans Kg 078 Tomato Kg 079 Carrot Kg 080 Cucumber Kg 081 Cassava leafs Kg 082 Eggplants Kg 083 Soya sprout Kg 084 Squash Kg 085 Radish Kg 086 Complete Package vegetables soup 087 Complete sour soup Package 088 Jack fruit (young) Kg 089 Papaya (young) Kg 090 Petai (bean with Kg pungent odor) 091 Jengkol (phiteco Kg lobium) 092 Shallot Ounce 093 Garlic Ounce 094 Red chili Ounce 095 Small chili Ounce 096 Green chili Ounce 097 Canned vegetables Kg 098 Other 099 Sub-total (F) Ser Detail ial num ber 17 18 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) G. Pulses 100 Peanut Kg 101 Mung bean Kg 102 Kidney bean Kg 103 Soybean Kg 104 Lima bean Kg 105 Tofu Kg 106 Tempe/fermented Kg soybean cake 107 Fermented soybean Kg paste 108 Oncom/fermented Kg soybean sediment cake 109 Soy milk Kg 110 Cashew nut Ounce 111 Others 112 Sub-total (G) Ser Detail ial num ber 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 H. Fruits Orange Mango Apple Avocado Rambutan Lanzon Durian Snake fruit Pineapple “Ambon” banana “Raja” banana Other banana Papaya Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg 19 20 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 126 Sawo/sapodilla Kg 127 Star fruit Kg 128 Kedondong Kg 129 Water melon Kg 130 Jack fruit (ripe) Kg 131 Tomato Kg 132 Canned fruit Kg 133 Others 134 Sub-total (II) Ser Detail ial num ber 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 I. Other consumption Salt Candle nuts Coriander/cumin Pepper Tamarind Nutmeg Clove Vinegar Paste shrimp Soybean sauce Coconut Coconut oil Frying oil Corn oil Butter Cooking spices (ginger, galangale, etc) Palm sugar Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce Ounce CC Ounce CC Unit Liter Liter Liter Ounce Ounce 21 22 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 152 Granulated sugar 153 Tea 154 Coffee 155 Powder cocoa 156 Fish/shrimp chips 157 Emping chips 158 Noodle 159 Rice noodle 160 Macaroni 161 Monosodium Glutamate 162 Syrup 163 Other 164 Sub-total (I) Ser Detail ial num ber 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 J. Beverages & food Iced Syrup Soda pop/canned soft drink Biscuits White bread Mung bean porridge Gado-gado Rice and side dishes (nasi rames) Others Sub-total (J) 23 24 II. 1. CONSUMPTION OF FOOD, BEVERAGES, AND TOBACCO DURING PREVIOUS WEEK Type/ Standard Purchase Own Production Shared/gift, etc Total consumption quality Unit (cash/credit) Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value (5)+(7) ((6)+(8) + (9) + (10) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp) (0,00) (Rp.) (0,00) (Rp) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) K. Alcoholic Bottle beverages 174 Beer 700 cc 175 Wine Bottle 700 cc 176 Other alcoholic beverages 177 Sub-total (K) Ser Detail ial num ber 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 L. Tobacco, betel White tobacco “Commodore” cigarettes White tobacco “Kansas” cigarettes Other white tobacco cigarettes Clove cigarettes (“Gudang Garam”) “Bentoel” clove cigarettes Other clove cigarettes Cigar Tobacco Betel/areca nut Others Sub-total (L) 20 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces Pieces Pieces Pieces Pieces Ounce 25 26 II.2. EXPENDITURES FOR NON-FOOD GOODS DURING THE PAST 3MONTHS /PREVIOUS MONTH Serial Detail Value in Rupiah number 3 months ago Previous month (1) (2) (3) (4) 189 A. Housing, Fuel, Lighting and Water The house you are occupying is: Own property/free of rent -1 Rented -3 Leased -2 Other -4 190 If the house is own property/free of rent, Estimate monthly rent value: Rp. ……………….. 191 If the house is lease a. Lease agreement : …………… year b. Value of lease : Rp…………….. c. Average monthly lease value : Rp. …………….. 192 If this house rented, value of monthly rent: Rp. …………….. 193 If the status is ‘ other’ (installment, official house, etc) Average monthly rent value: Rp. ……………………… 194 Maintenance expenses (painting, replacement of roof tiles, broken glass, hinge, etc) 195 Electricity: Quantity: 3 months ago ……………….kwh/watt*) A month ago: ……………….kwh/watt 196 Value 197 Gas: Quantity: 3 months ago ……………….m3 A month ago: ……………….m3 Value 198 199 LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) Quantity: 3 months ago ……………….kg A month ago: ……………….kg 200 Value 201 Kerosene: Quantity: 3 months ago ……………….liter A month ago: ……………….liter Value 202 *) cross out either one 27 28 Serial number (1) 203 II.2. EXPENDITURES FOR NON-FOOD GROUP DURING THE PAST 3MONTHS /PREVIOUS MONTH Detail Value in Rupiah 3 months ago Previous month (2) (3) (4) Generator: a. Gasoline: Quantity: 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Value b. Lubricant oil: Quantity: 3 months ago ……………….liter A month ago: ……………….liter 3 months ago ……………….liter A month ago: ……………….liter Value c. Maintenance and repair: Charcoal: Quantity: 3 months ago ……………….kg A month ago: ……………….kg Value Firewood Water Other (battery, dry-cell battery, matches, etc) Sub-total (A) B. Goods, services Toilet soap, tooth paste, and shampoo Cosmetics (pomade, perfume, talc/powder, hairspray, etc) Treatments: skin, face, hair, nails, etc Health 1. Doctor’s fees 2. Medical treatment costs 3. Midwife fees 4. Contraceptive costs 5. Traditional healer fees 6. Medication, with doctor’s prescription expenses 7. Medication, OTC 8. Other 29 30 Serial number (1) 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 II.2. EXPENDITURES FOR NON-FOOD GROUP DURING THE PAST 3MONTHS/PREVIOUS MONTH Detail Value in Rupiah 3 months ago Previous month (2) (3) (4) School/course expenses: 1. School fee, routine fees 2. Other school contributions 3. Enrollment fee 4. Books 5. Stationery 6. Course(s) fees Magazine, newspaper, books and stationary (not including books for courses, including rent for magazine/reading material) Postage and telegram (telephone, stamps, etc) Transportation cost Gasoline: Quantity: 3 months ago: ……………….. liter A month ago: ……………….. liter Value: Lubricant oil: Quantity: 3 months ago: ……………….. liter A month ago: ……………….. liter Value: Repair and maintenance of vehicle Other transportation (bus, train, ship/air plane/, ‘pedicab’. Etc) Cinema, theatre, sport and other recreations (excluding transport and equipment for recreation) Domestic help (salary or wage only) Others (tooth brush, camphor, etc) Sub-total (B) C. Clothing, Footwear, and Head gear Men’s ready to wear clothes ( Suit, shirt, jacket, sarong, trousers, Tshirt, under wear, etc) Women’s ready to wear clothes (gown, batik, blouse, house dress, sweater, skirt, longdress, shawl, girdle, under wear) Children’s ready to wear (clothes, pants, sweater, socks, etc) 31 32 Serial number (1) 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 II.2. EXPENDITURES FOR NON-FOOD GROUP DURING THE PAST 3MONTHS/PREVIOUS MONTH Detail Value in Rupiah 3 months ago Previous month (2) (3) (4) Men’s fabrics (‘famatex’, wool, ‘Tetoron’, etc) Women’s fabrics (“Yersi”, Paris, “Popline”, ‘Tetoron”, etc) Children’s fabrics Sewing and repair of clothes costs Men’s Footwear (shoes, sandal, socks, etc) Women’s Footwear Children’s Footwear Head gear for men, women, and children (hat, rimless cap/peci, etc) Thread and other sewing needs Laundry soap (bar) (‘sap tangan’, ‘B29’, etc) Detergent powder (‘Rinso’, ‘Dino’, etc), Cream (‘B 29’, ‘Ekonomi’, etc) Others (towel, belt, shoe polish, laundry, etc) Sub total (C ) D. Durable goods Furniture (table, chairs, bed, sideboard, cupboard, sewing machine, refrigerator, fan, etc) Household equipment (mattress, pillow, table cloth, bed sheet, , blanket, curtain, carpet, etc) Household utensils (Iron, broom, scissors, electric equipments, knife, , saw, etc) Kitchen and eating utensils (plate rack, stove, frying pan, pan, pail, wok, spoon, thermos bottle, plate, glass, and other breakable utensils Repair of household utensils and equipment Clock, Wrist watch, camera, glasses, and its repair Umbrella, bag, luggage, and its repair Gold, diamond, pearls, etc (expensive jewelry) Children toys, cheap jewelry Entertainment equipment’s (TV, radio, cassette player, guitar, piano, etc) and repair 33 34 Serial number (1) 269 270 271 272 II.2. EXPENDITURES FOR NON-FOOD GROUP DURING THE PAST 3MONTHS/PREVIOUS MONTH Detail Value in Rupiah 3 months ago Previous month (2) (3) (4) Sport equipment (Chess, checkers, racket, ball, net, etc) and repairs Vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, car) and repairs Other durable goods (wall decoration, aquarium, etc) and repairs Sub total (D) E. Utility taxes and insurance 273 274 275 276 277 278 ‘Ipeda’, ‘Ireda’ Radio/TV taxes Motor and non-motor vehicle taxes Other levies (contribution, donation, etc) Life, fire, accident insurances. Sub total (E) F. Festivities and ceremonial Needs 279 280 281 282 283 284 Wedding Circumcision, birthday Religious festivals (Lebaran, Christmas/New Year, Galungan) Traditional ceremony/others (‘selametan’, offering, etc) Burial Sub total (F) 35 36 II.3. SUMMARY OF HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES Serial number (1) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Type of expenditures (2) Cereals (II.1 A) Tuber (II.1 B) Fish (II.1 C) Meat (II.1 D) Egg and Milk (II.1 E) Vegetables (II.1 F) Pulses (II.1 G) Fruits (II.1 H) Other consumption (II.1 I) Food and Beverages (II.1 J) Alcoholic beverages (II.1 K) Tobacco and betel (II.1 L) Sub total (1 to 12) Sub total (13) x 30 7 Expenses for housing, fuel, lighting and water (II.2 A) Expenses for goods and services (II.2B) Expenses for clothing, footwear, and head gear (II. 2C) Expenses for durable goods (II.2D) Utility tax and insurance (II.2E) Expenses for festivities and ceremonies (II.2F) Total expenses (14 to 20) During one week (Rp) (3) During 3 months (Rp) (4) During a month (Rp) (5) 37 38 III.1. INCOME/REVENUE AND OTHER EXPENDITURE DURING THE PREVIOUS MONTH A. wage/salary received during the previous month Name of household members Main Serial number Wage/salary (Rp) worked as a workers activity/job of household Additional Over time Honorarium Total members likes job col. (1) block I.1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Total B. Gross income from ………………???? C. Other Income/Revenue during previous month Income/Revenue Rp (1) (2) 1. Interest 2. Rent/Lease 3. Pension 4. Donation/gift 5. Debit from savings account 6. Sale of bond/immovable goods 7. From pawned goods 8. Other Expenditures during previous month Type of expenditure Rp (1) (2) 1. Money transfers made/donation 2. Savings 3. Purchase of bond/immovable goods 4. Insurance 5. Loans made/Loans paid back 6. Other 39