EXECUTIVE ORDER D. B. 24 December 11, 1975 WHEREAS, Article 4, Section 7, Constitution of the State of Texas, designates the Governor as Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State; and WHEREAS, Article 5768, Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas, vests in the Governor, by virtue of his office, the dUfY of Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State; and WHEREAS, the 6~th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 224 which was signed into law on May 22, 1975, by the Governor; and WHEREAS, H.B. 224 charges the Gpvernor with the promulgation of rules and regulations relating to the conduct of the system of military justice for the military forces of the State; and WHEREAS, H.B. 224 amends the T~xas Code of Military Justice to make it comport with the basic rules and procedures of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: THEREFORE, I, Dolph Briscoe, Governor of the State of Texas, do hereby issue Military Justice Executive Order Number One, prescribing the Texas Manual for Courts-Martial, rescinding the Manual for CourtsMartial, Texas, 1963. This manual shall be in force and effect in the State Military Forces of Texas on and after December 11, 1975, with respect to all military-justice proceedings taken on or after De~ember ll~ 1975. However, nothing contained in this manual shall be construed to invalidate any investigation, trial in which arraign~ent has been made, or other action begun prior to December 11, 1975; and any investigation, rial, or action so begun may be completed in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and manual pertaining to the various State Mi1itary Forces in the same manner and with the same effect as if this manual had not been prescribed and further that nothing contained in this manual shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to the effective date of the Texas Code of Military Justice, as amended by H.B. 224, Acts of the 64th Legislature, Regular Session, which was not punishable prior to the effective date of H.B. 224, 'Acts of the 64th Legislature, Regular Session. The maxi- r mum punishment' for an offense commi.tted prior to December 11, 1975, shall, not exceed the applicable limits in effect at the time of the commission of such offe~se nor ~hall it exce:d the applicable limits in the Manual for Courts-Martial, Texas, 1963, prior to its recision on December 11, 1975; and provided further that any act done or omitted prior to the effective date of the Texas Code of Military Justice, as amended by H.B. 224, Acts of the 64th Legislature, Regular Session, . which constitutes an offense in violation of the Texas Code of Military Justice, Prior to the above cited a~endment, shall be charged under such act and not as a violation of the amended code. wise provided in this paragraph, the trial ~nd Except as other- review procedures shall be those prescribed in this manual. This order is effective on thet/z:lday of M.tUn~ 1975. whereof, re this ..A.J~~~~L1975. DOLPH ISCOE GOVE.RNOR"OF TEXAS ,ATTEST: :~ I ~;.!~.-.- Filed in Lho office of Secretary of Stale MARK WHITE SECRETARY OF STATE DEC 111975 B1 ¥ 4w,J.~....J Direc10r Adm. Diy. -2- January 14, 1976 The Honorable Mark White Secretary of State Capitol Building Austin, Texas 78711 Dear Mr. Secretary: Executive Order DB-32 was filed with your office on December 11, 1975. This order was misnumbered. The resultant confusion that I may have created in assigning the wron~ number may be compounded if that number is not changed. The correct number for that Executive Order should be DB-24. I spoke with Ms. Linda Vasut this date concerning our error and she suggested that this request be formally made. Thank you for any assistance you may be able to give us in hilping to keep our numbering and filing system~correct• . With best personal regards, I am Very truly yours, Nolan F. Ward Administrative Assistant NFW:sfb January 14, 1976 He. Linda Vaaut Secretary of State's Office Capitol Building Austin, Texas 78701 near l-fs. Vasut: As per our telephone conversation today, I have notified the Secretary of State of the correction necessary for the misu ntllnbered Executive Order DB-32. The correct number fot that Executive Order should be DB-24. Enclosed is a ~opy of Executive Order DB-l2 for your files. Thank you f.or your assistance in this matter. Siacerely, Nolan F. Ward Administrative Assistant NFW:sfb Enclosure: DB-12 (copy)