EXECUT 1VE OIWLR May 30, 1974 D.B. No. 14 PROVIDING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT OF 1973 HHEREf\S) it is the intent of the Comprehensive ErnploYl11ent c1nc! TraininSJ Act of 1973 (CETA)) Public Lavi 93-203, to establish a flexHlle and dc-centrali system of Federal) State and local programs to provide job training and emp1oyment opportuni ties for economi ca lly eli sadvantagecl) unemp1oyc'd, and underemployed persons; and) WHEREAS, The Governor of the State of Texas) as Chief Plallning Officer of the State and as designated Primp Sponsor, is l~equired to coordinate all prime sponsor and State agency manpower policies, plans, and services throughout the State; and, WHEREAS) the Governor must establish an advisory body to conduct such activities; it is therefore) RESOLVED, that a State r'1anpovier Services Council (Sr1SC) shall be creat with the following responsibilities and with membership as listed in At liN' to this Executive Order: 1) The permanent Chairperson of the State r,'!anpO\'1er Servi co Council shall be the Director of the Governor's Division of Planning Coordination. 2) The membership of the Council shall be as follows: 3) a. at least one-thiy'd of the total Council membership shall be composed of prime sponsors; and, b. one representative each of the State Board of Education and the Texas Employment Commission; and) c. one representative of each such other State agencies as the Governor may determine to have a direct interest in overall manpower training and utilization within the State; and. d. representatives of organized labor; and) e. repl~esentatives f. representatives of community-based organizations and of the client group to be served under the Act; and, g. representatives of the general public • of business and industl'y; and. .-/ The State Manpower Services Council shall have the following responsibilities: a. review the plans of each prime sponsor and the plans of State agencies for the provision of services to such prime sponsors, and make recormnendati ons to such prime sponsors and agencies for the more effective coordination of efforts to meet the overall manpm'ler needs of the Stclte~ b. contimiously monitor' 21'ations of prO']l'Ci.inS conducted by each prime sponsol~. anci the availabi"lity, rcsponsiv ness and adequacy of State services) and make l'C~coll1rnendations to prime sponsors. to agencies providing rnanpOI'ler services, and to the Governor and the general public "'lith rE\spect to \'Iays to improve the effect"i veness of such programs or services in fulfilling the purposes of the Act; t c. lIlake an ilnnlhtl report to the COVC'I'ilO)' \111 jell ~,hdll Lc a pulJl ic cJoClll1lcnt., unci -i~,~,lIC' ~;ucil othl:)' stlldic's, reports, or dOCLIlIIi'ril.s uS it deC'ms ilclvi~,idilc Lu iI:;~)i:,L prime SPOIl',Oi'S or to otlicl'\':i sc~ CiHTY ou L the purplhl:~' of d. tll(~ Act; a9gn'~FJte triO p-lill1S of tilC' prilllC' SpOIJ:,(JI'S into il siil(jl it it to tllc COVCl'tIO)' Cilld,itil his approvCll, to the U. S. De: t'tlllC'l1t of Lil r; state'.'lide plan and su c. 4) conduct oUleT rcsponsHdlHic:s as n:qucs Governo)'. Lt: Di ICC LUi' The [lro SSiOilctl, technical dnd cler-iccll staff for the S ~1i1npo\'ler Servi cC's Counc -i 1 s hilll be res II', -i b1e to tll of the Covernor"s Division of F'lanlling Ccwrdiniltion. The' staff shall conduct such speciJ projecLs rinel p 1(::,1', as n~coiillnc:ndl;d by t Sta tc ilall r SCI'V ices COline i 1. 5) The StCttr~ l-1ar::)o\,:er Services Council iJtld stelff Sh(ll1 b financially sup rtecl by the 1 funds Ci\'di'iablc fl'Oil '103 (ci) of the: COliiprchens -i 'ole [Ilip 1OJ'il1C'1; t and Tra i ni such other sources as may be av~i12ble. This Oniel' supel'Codes any previous Executive Ol'd r:, anel r~csollitions lishin9 or pcrtainin~J to tile: State\':ide II I' Plannin'J Council Lioil c~,tab -;(1, served Lhe State of Texas "1(>11 under the previous Co Live f\rca r ' ; i l i l i Plannin~l Systun. This Order shall be cffect'ive on the date of Si~Jll Lure. HJ TESnr10ijY THEfZEOF, I HErn:Urrro SET day of ,1974. rTTE',T -i r)-fll~::o-bT(lc-e-or Secretary of State -~-----­ [-1'( H/\ND OfJ THIS thirtiet.h l\'1"J'1\Cnt-1EN'1' 1\ S'I'l\'l'E !v1J\NPmIlEH SEHVICES COUN Cll, James N. Eose', C!1Ed_nnan R. L. 11 Jerry II Mebu.s County Commissioner Precinct 2 Tarrant County Courthouse Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Harry Hubbcu:d Pres iden t 'rexas A}'L···CIO P. O. Box 127)7 Austin, 'I'exas 7B711 Honorable R. A. Ramon Coun ty <] udge C01.mt.y of Canteron p. O. Box 431 Bro\'lnE;vil , Texas 78520 Mr.' • •Joe L. A. Hurr City Councilman Dallas COW1ty Court.house Dallas, Texas 75202 Honorable Alberto A. Santos COUJlty Jud \'icbb COW1ty Courthouse P. O. Box 612 Laredo, Texas 78040 Mr. Manuel Gonzales State Director Le.ague of Unit:ed Lat~in American Ci t.izens 1712 North 15th Street Waco, Texas 76707 Mr. Ant.onio Horales State Chairman, G. I. Forum 3813 Bryan Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Ms. Mabel Chandler Counselor Pinkston High School 2200 Dennison Dallas, 'Texas Mr. Ben F. McDonald, Jr. Executive Director Texas D'2part:ment of Conmmnity Affairs P. O. Box 13166, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Honorable Leo Mendoza Ci ty Counci lrnan City of San Antonio P. O. Box 9066 San lmtonio, 'I'e):as Mr. John Castillo Manpower Coordinator Ci ty of Hou~3ton Office of the Mayor 430 Lamar Federal Land Bank Building Houston, Texas 77002 Hr. D. Gunn ComrniE; s ione r 'l'cxa~; Employment TEC 13uil q Austln, Texas t'1yra Ho}) son 2619 Crestl Road Big Spring, 'l'exa,; 79720 1-1s. Mr. William L. Cruz Director, Project SER 1627 Ijroadvlay Galveston, 'rexas Ms. G';lcnc1o 1."0,: te r Opportunit s Industri Center, Inc. 3315 EIIn Street: Dallas, Texas 75226 1 Mr. Robert J. Mullins State Director, Green Th 'l'exas Fann:, rs Union 800 Lake l'.ir Drive v.l aco, Ire xas Inc. Mr. \'\iilliam L. Jones, J:r_-. Chairman The Advisory Council on To 1 21Vocatirn1al Education in Texas P. O. Box 18B6 Aust.in, Texas Mr. Gerald Brown COlnmissioncr Texas Industrial Commi:::;sion Commodore Perry Building, Suite 102 Austin, Texas 78701 Dr. Ray Marshall, Director Center for the Study of Human Resources University of 'l'exCls \','aggener Hall, Room 14 Austin, Texas 78712 Mr. S. 1\. Andcl;..,oli, Community l\ction A:::)sociatioll, Inc. p. O. Box 1343 Marshall, Texas 75670 Dr. M. L. Brockctte Commissioner Designate Texas Education Agency 201 East 11th Street Austin, 'l'exas HOnOl'':lble Hoy BuLler Mayor of }\ustin P. O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767 Don Cash Ci ty Coun ci lrnan City Hall Box 3827 Beaumont, Texas 77704 Honorable Calvin Ashley County Judge Wi chi t ('1 County CCHn:thous'c~ Wichit~ Falls, Texas Mr. n S ffer Mayor Pro tem Office of the Mayor 500 East San AJ:1tonio El Paso, Texas 79901 Honorable Zook Thomas County Jud Collingsworth County Courthouse Wellington, Texas Honorable;; \'J. L. St.erret t Count~y Judge Dallas County Courthouse Dallas, Texas 75202 Hono Ie Bill Elliott COill1t.y Judge Harris County Courthouse Houston, Texas 77002 Honorable Ed GOIn2Z Count~y Judge Hidalgo County Courthouse Edinburg, Texas 78539 Honorable H.ay Holbrook County J'udge Galveston Count.y Courthouse Gal vest.on, Texas 77550 Honorable Leonard Briscoe Ci ty Counci lrnan Mayor of Fort vJorth City Hall 1000 rl'hrockmol:t.on Fort. Worth, Texas 76102 Honorable Jason Luby Mayor of Corpus Christi P. O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Honorable J. R. Closs Coullcilnv..m ., City of h"aeo McLennan County Courthouse \'Jaco, Texas Honorable Harold F. Harris Coun ty Judge Bell County Courthouse 'I'emple, ']I e xas Office of Governor Dolph Briscoe Division of Planning Coordination May 30) 1974 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Governor Briscoe has signed an executive order creating the State Manpower Services Council. This council is authorized under the Federal Comprehensive . Employment and Training Act of 1973 which establishes a flexible and decentralized system of federal, state and local programs to provide job training and employment opportunities for economically disadvantaged, unemployed, and underemployed persons. The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act is the first of a planned series of special revenue sharing actions by the federal administration. The act provides local elected officials with opportunities for leadership on meeting the manpower development needs for Texas. The State Manpower Services Council will serve to coordinate all manpower policies, plans and services throughout the state. The Council will have the responsibilities of reviewing plans of each sponsor and state agencies for the provision of services, monitoring the operations of each plan and making recommendations for the more effective coordination of efforts to meet the overall manpower needs of the state. Governor Briscoe stated, lilt is my intent that the State Manpower Services Council will be the primary mechanism for coordination of the efforts of State and local leaders in addressing problems of mutual concern and for bringing to bear both private and public resources to meet our common needs. The Council IS II initial meeting will be held on Friday, May 31) 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the Ambassador Room of the Villa Capri. The Council will discuss the work plan and organization for the fiscal year 1975 and the 1975 State Manpower Plan. James M. ~ose, Director of the Division of Planning Coordination, has been appointed chairman of the council. Those named to the council include representatives from each of the 20 prime sponsorships across the state as well as representatives from state agencies, organized labor, business and industry, community based organizations) and the general public. The twenty prime sponsors are: Tarrant County R. L. IIJ erry Mebus County Commissioner Precinct 2 (Arlington) Carner-on County R. A. Ramon County Judge City of Dallas L. A. Murr City Councilman Da 11 as Webb County Alberto A. Santos County Judge Bell County Harold F. Harris County Judge McC1ennan County J. R. Closs Councilman, Waco Corpus Christi Jason Luby Mayor of Corpus Christi Fort Horth Leonard Briscoe City Councilman Fort Worth Galveston County Ray 1-101 brook County Judge Hidalgo County Ed Gomez County Judge Harri s County Bi 11 Ell i ott County Judge Dallas County W. L. Sterrett County Judge Amarillo Zook Thomas County Judge Collingsworth County E1 Paso Ruben Schaeffer Mayor Pro Tern E1 Paso Austin Roy Butler Mayor of Austin li Beaumont Wi chita County Don Cash Ci ty Counc il man Calvin Ashley . County Judge Houston John Castillo Manpower Coordinator City of Houston San Antonio Leo Mendoza City Counci 1man Balance of State Ben F. McDonald Executive Director Department of Community Affairs Austin