OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR STATE CAPITOL DOLPH BRISCOE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 GOVERNOR D.B.No.8 EXECUTIVE ORDER WHEREAS, the continuing need exists to develop a uniform and rational set of boundaries for existing multi-county regions or districts used by State agencies, federal agencies, and locally-formed areawide organizations in Texas; and WHEREAS, the boundaries of existing multi-county regions or districts often overlap and conflict, leading to confusion among public officials and citizens, as well as to the dilution of effective coordination and participation in public programs; and WHEREAS, the official State Planning Regions were established December 16, 1968, by the Governor in his statutory capacity as the State's Chief Planning Officer; and WHEREAS, Section 3(b) of Article lOllm, V.A.C.S., requires the Governor to review and modify the boundaries of the State Planning Region framework each biennium; and WHEREAS, six changes were made to the State Planning Regions in the 1971 study; and WHEREAS, federal law and administrative rules call upon the Governor to coordinate common or consistent planning and development districts or regions utilized by any group or agency receiving federal assistance; and WHEREAS, a growing number of State agencies have taken steps to make their planning and, in many cases, service delivery regions conform to the common State Planning Region framework; and WHEREAS, the State Planning Regions have undergone a careful study during the 1972-73 Biennium to determine the need for county redelineations and to determine the need for new State Planning Regions; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the State Planning Region framework be adjusted in the following manner: 1. Karnes County to be realigned from the Coastal Bend State Planning Region to the Alamo State Planning Region. 2. Hardin County to be realigned from the Deep East Texas State Planning Region to the South East Texas State Planning Region. 3. The two recognized Subregions in the North Central Texas State Planning Region shall each be a State Planning Region. The new North Central Texas State Planning Region shall consist of Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Tarrant and Wise Counties. The new Texoma State Planning Region shall consist of Cooke, Fannin and Grayson Counties. 4. The two recognized Subregions in the Central Texas State Planning Region shall each be a State Planning Region. The new Heart of Texas State Planning Region shall consist of Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone and McLennan Counties. The New Central Texas State Planning Region shall consist of Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Milam, Mills and San Saba Counties. 5. The two Subregions in the Alamo State Planning Region shall each be a State Planning Region. The new Alamo State Planning Region shall consist of Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina and Wilson Counties. The new Middle Rio Grande State Planning Region shall consist of Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Real, Val Verde, Uvalde and Zavala Counties. All changes are to become effective September 1, 1973, for planning purposes, with the transfer of services to be phased in on a planned and orderly basis, to be completed no later than September 1,1974; and IT IS FURTHER REQUESTED that the head of each principal department, agency, institution and instrumentality of State government: 1. Recognize the boundaries of State Planning Regions as they have been adjusted; 2. Take immediate steps to plan programs to conform to the established regional boundaries and evaluate current programs as to their consistency with the regional boundaries, using the regions as building blocks when fewer than 24 regions are needed; 3. Review field services and operations to determine the extent to which they can be carried out on a regional basis; and 4. Review data collection and dissemination activities to determine statistical data and information which can be collected and reported on a regional basis. In official recognition whereof, I affix my signature this _..=.:::._-28 day of August Governor of Texas , 1973. t~ 1~ iCOflLmfffl tPSCOMe \ i ' i I ' : , -\~-'---1~TtkiN:·-]ROe£Ris-·r~f.i- i~NIliANDLE , Oi:i'F-S¥i-n;-·-·_·t~c-~~ii)Ni.E:i--\=S: BAlL Y iLAMB ifl..OYO SOUTH ! 005ftANiiWLf'{'-~K--~ER0S8y--iOiOc:ENS ~--;"",....- 'PL4INS\ -'-----';TiAA"'--- :LYNt,t - -+aARZA i DAWSON ES : i.---+--""- iBORDEN ANDREWS>-'-'---~MA~TlN~-+HOWARnPERMIANl r"ll!!!ir"~mllm~--:,:!jCUl..~Il£~R::'!S""::'--rI":=,,.....,.,.J--·-n:CTOR--·-r~iiiO-·r~AsS"~'~''; ~~~~-"I; :,W"",LER! BASIN 1J;fD---'-'---~'cRANE'--l~PTON-'-' " ';-~~~~""~'1 ' TEXAS PLANNiNG REGIONS September 1973 ,::R RiO JDE VALLEY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF PLANNING COORDINATION DOLPH BRISCOE BOX 12428, CAPITOL STATION AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 GOVtlRHOR PHONE 512 475-2427 Augus t 31, 1973 TO: Directors/Commissioners Texas State Agencies Regional Directors of Federal Agencies Executive Directors/Presidents of Texas Regional Councils of Governments Other Affected Groups Engaged in Planning Ex~cutive Attached is the Executive Order recently signed by Governor Briscoe officially updating the State Planning Regions for this biennium. The review process, required by Section 3(b), of Article 1011m, V.A.C.S., was conducted over the last four months by the Division of Planning Coordination. The State Planning Regions serve as a common framework for planning and service delivery in Texas, and have been a most useful mechanism over the past five years. Their use by State agencies, federal agencies, and local groups has been an important factor in the rational development of our State. Questions about the State Planning Regions or the biennial review should be addressed to Walter Tibbitts or Dennis Thomas at 512/475-2427. Si ncere1y, ~. JMR/mwt Attachment --_.. - ~'\..­ James M. Director