EXECUTIVE ORDER No. D.B.-3 June 12, 1973 THE SrfATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT AUS'I'IN, TEXAS GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFE'lY I, Dolph Briscoe, Governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of Ule authority vested in me, do hereby issue an Executive Order as fol1 0\'1::3 : HlIEREAS, the 'I'exas 'I'raffic Safety lkt of 1967, Art. 6701j-l, VeL"nOn'S Texas Civil Statutes, authorized the Governor to estab1 islJ c:1'd administ"2r a sta-tewide traffic safety program de::; igned to reduce traffic accidents and the resulting deaths, injuries, and p£operty damage, and to employ personnel necessary to adminisle,:.:' tbis Acti and WHEREAS, the said Texas 'I'raffic Safety Act of 1967 autllCrized the Governor of the State of Texas to receive on behalf of the Sta tt~ of Texas all funds avail able from the United States under t~e Highway Safety Act of 1966, P.L. 89-564, 80 Stat. 731, or &ny olher federal Act, for the implementation of the said Texas 'rr,l.!.'fic Safety Act of 1967 to improvement of high\vay safety in this.Stat.e; and \'IIIcro'::iI.S, t,:1e Honorable Preston Smith, former Governor cf the State of Texas, issued an Executive Order dated the 24th day of July, 1969, establishing an Office of Traffic Safety for the purpose of administering this Act; and mlliREAS, said Office of Traffic Safety has been operating under t:he auspices of and as a division of the Depar'tment of Cormnunity Affairs of the Governor of Texas' Office. o NOW I ~rHEREFORE I I I Dolph Briscoe, Governor of the Sl:ate :rexao I order and direct as follows: 1. '1'ho heretofore dL,s ignated name of the Office of Traffic Safety is hereby changed and it shall hencefor~h be known as TIill GOv~llliOR'S OFFICE OF THAFFIC SAFErry. 2. The executive officer of the Governor's Office of Traffic Safe'ty shall be the Governor's Administrator for Traffic Safety, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Governor's Administrator shall from time to time appoint such officers and employees as may be neccessary to carry out the purposes of the Act. 3. '1'here is hereby delegated to the Governor's Administrator all powers and authority necessary to carry out the purposes of the Texas Traffic Safety Act of 1967. 4. All departments, agencies, and institutions of the State of Texas and all officers and employees of the State government are requested to cooperate with the Governor and the Governor's Administrator in the administration of the Act to accomplish its purposes. 5. All management, control and supervision of the Office of Traffic Safety heretofore vested in the Department of COl'nmunity Affairs is hereby vacated and set aside and the Office of Traffic Safety is removed as a part of and division of the Department of Community 1'.ffairs and placed under the direction, management, control and supervision of the Governor. 6. Any part or provision of any proclamation or Executive Order heretofore issued that is inconsistent or in conflict with any part or provision of this Executive Order is hereby repealed, set aside and held for naught. '" 7. This Executive Order shall take effect. on July 1, 1973, and shall remain in effect until changed or revoked. IN 'l'ESTUlONY \toJ'HEREOF, I have herewith subscribed my of- 2' f:Lcial signature and affixed the Great Seal of the State of ']'exas this 12th day of June, 1973. / / /.. .,1 ... / /J' d/ Y - - ; #~/tiL ,t/U4/dAA.. . AT'l'E S'1' : ···~~Secretary ./ ,/ of State -2- ;!nolPh Briscoe Governor of Texas