Information Asymmetries in Consumer Lending: Evidence from Two Payday Lending Firms ∗

Information Asymmetries in Consumer Lending: Evidence from
Two Payday Lending Firms ∗
Will Dobbie
Harvard University
Paige Marta Skiba
Vanderbilt University
November 30, 2010
This paper tests for incentive and selection effects in a subprime consumer credit market. We
estimate the incentive effect of loan size on default using sharp discontinuities in loan eligibility
rules. This allows us to estimate the magnitude of selection from the cross-sectional correlation
between loan size and default. We find evidence of advantageous incentives and adverse selection.
We estimate that for a given borrower, a $100 increase in loan size decreases the probability
of default by 3.7 to 4.6 percent. The effect is larger for borrowers likely to have low discount
rates. The advantageous incentive effect is more than offset by adverse selection into larger
loans. Borrowers who choose $100 larger loans are 7.0 to 8.4 percent more likely to default than
observationally equivalent borrowers who choose smaller loans. Taken together, our results are
consistent with the view that information frictions lead to credit constraints in equilibrium.
We are extraordinarily grateful to Roland Fryer, Lawrence Katz, and Brigitte Madrian for their essential guidance
and feedback. Funding was provided by the Multidisciplinary Program on Inequality and Social Policy at Harvard.
We thank audiences at Harvard University and University of Michigan for valuable comments. The authors can be
reached via email at or
Theoretical research has long emphasized the importance of asymmetric information in explaining
credit market failures. Anomalous findings about consumption behavior, labor supply, and the demand for credit have all been explained using information asymmetries. Motivated in part by this
research, policy makers and lenders have experimented with various interventions to circumvent
such problems. These include community-based lending, loan guarantees, information coordination, screening strategies, and improved collection and repayment incentives. The success of these
strategies depends on which information frictions are empirically relevant. But distinguishing between different types of asymmetries is difficult even if loan terms are randomly assigned. Loan size
and the probability of default may be correlated because borrowers with larger loans have a greater
ex-post incentive to default, or because borrowers with a higher ex-ante risk of default select larger
loans. As a result, there is little evidence of which information asymmetries are more important in
credit markets.1
This paper provides new evidence on the impact of incentives and selection in subprime credit
markets. We exploit the fact that payday loan amounts are discontinuous functions of income to
estimate the impact of incentives on default. This allows us to back out estimates of selection from
the cross-sectional correlation between loan size and default. The key threat to our interpretation
of the estimates is that individuals may opt out of borrowing altogether if they are not eligible for
a large enough loan. We evaluate this possibility in two ways: 1) we test whether the observable
characteristics of borrowers are continuous functions of loan-eligibility cutoffs, and 2) we examine the conditional density of borrowers near the cutoffs. Neither suggests the type of selective
borrowing that would invalidate our empirical design.
We find compelling evidence of advantageous incentives and adverse selection. We estimate that
for a given borrower, a $100 increase in loan size decreases the probability of default by 3.7 to 4.6
percent. While not ruled out by theory, the finding of advantageous incentives is surprising given
the emphasis on adverse incentives (e.g. moral hazard) in the theoretical literature. We explore
the mechanisms behind this result by examining the heterogeneity of the incentive effect across
borrowers. We find that the effect is largest for borrowers likely to have lower discount rates. This
is consistent with the idea that dynamic incentives play an important role in determining borrower
responses to loan terms.
The advantageous incentive effect is more than offset by adverse selection into larger loans. We
estimate that borrowers who choose $100 larger loans are 7.0 to 8.4 percent more likely to default
than observationally equivalent borrowers who choose smaller loans. Our results are therefore
consistent with the view that information frictions lead to credit constraints in equilibrium.
Our work fits into an emerging empirical literature on the causes of credit constraints. There is
evidence consistent with the presence of adverse selection in credit card markets (Ausubel 1999);
(Ausubel 1991), and both adverse selection and adverse incentives in mortgage (Edelberg 2003);
(Edelberg 2004) and auto loan markets (Adams, Einav and Levin 2009). Outside of the U.S., there
is evidence of adverse selection, and, to a lesser extent, moral hazard, in consumer loan markets
(Klonner and Rai 2006); (Karlan and Zinman 2009).
Our discontinuity approach complements this literature in three ways. First, the institutional
features of the payday loan market allow a particularly sharp research design. Eligibility for different
Ausubel (1999) discusses the challenges to empirically identifying specific information asymmetries in credit
markets. Chiappori and Salanie (2000) and Finkelstein and McGarry (2006) do the same for insurance markets.
size loans is based on a discontinuous rule: borrowers are eligible for loans – offered in $50 increments
– up to but not exceeding half of their net pay. Second, the payday loan market is an ideal setting
to test for credit market failures. Two-thirds of payday borrowers report not having applied for
credit at least once in the past five years due to the anticipation of rejection, and nearly threefourths report having been turned down by a lender or not given as much credit as applied for in
the last five years (Elliehausen and Lawrence 2001); (IoData 2002). Given that payday borrowers
are disproportionately likely to have low incomes and poor credit histories, these market failures
are perhaps not surprising.2 Finally, the rich demographic controls available in our data allow us
to analyze the heterogeneity of the selection and incentive effects across borrowers. This allows us
to shed more light on the mechanisms through which these effects operate.
Our paper also contributes to a large literature documenting liquidity constraints. The majority of the literature has inferred credit constraints from the excess sensitivity of consumption
to expected changes in labor income (e.g. (Hall and Mishkin 1982); (Altonji and Siow 1987);
(Zeldes 1989); (Runkle 1991);(Stephens 2008); (Stephens 2006); (Stephens 2003)) or tax rebates
(e.g. (Souleles 1999); (Parker 1999); (Johnson, Parker and Souleles 2006)). Card, Chetty and
Weber (2007) and Chetty (2008) also find excess sensitivity of job search behavior to available liquidity, which they interpret as evidence of liquidity constraints. Our discontinuity approach allows
more direct estimation of liquidity constraints from a borrower’s response to an exogenous change
in credit limit. This approach is similar to Gross and Souleles (2002), who use detailed data from
a credit card company to show that increases in credit generate an immediate and significant rise
in debt.
Finally, our paper is related to a rapidly expanding literature examining the impact of payday
credit. There is evidence that loan access may help borrowers smooth negative shocks (Morse
forthcoming) and avoid financial distress (Morgan and Strain 2008). One the other hand, loan
access may erode job performance (Carrell and Zinman 2008), increase the likelihood of going
bankrupt (Skiba and Tobacman 2010), and lead to increased difficulty paying mortgage, rent and
utilities bills (Melzer forthcoming).
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides some background on our
institutional setting and describes the data we use. Section 3 presents a simple model of borrower
behavior that motivates our empirical analysis. Section 4 describes our empirical strategy. Section
5 presents our results. Section 6 concludes.
Data and Institutional Setting
Our data come from two payday-loan firms that operate 1,236 stores in 20 states. In a typical
payday loan transaction, individuals fill out loan applications and present their most recent pay
stubs, checking-account statements, utility or phone bills, and a state-issued photo ID. Lenders
use applicants’ pay stubs to infer their next payday and assign loan due dates on that day. The
customer writes a check for the amount of the loan and finance charge. The lender agrees to hold
the check until the next payday, typically about two weeks, at which time the customer redeems
the check with cash or the lender deposits the check. A loan is in default if the check does not
Finance charges are typically about $15 per $100 of the loan amount, with loan size ranging
from $50 to $500 in most states. As mentioned above, the maximum amount an individual can
Skiba and Tobacman (2010) show that borrowers average income is $19,000 for biweekly-paid borrowers.
borrow is a discontinuous function of net pay.3 Both firms in our sample restrict borrowering to
loans that are no larger than half of their net biweekly pay. Because stores in our sample offer
loans in $50 increments, the maximum principal increases discontinuously at $100 pay intervals.
The offer curve that borrowers face is visually depicted in Figure 1. Note that Tennessee only offers
loans up to $200, while all other states in our sample offer loans up to $500.
Our specific data consist of all approved loans from January 2000 through July 2004 in Ohio and
Tennessee for the first firm in our data (hereafter Firm A) and from January 2008 through April
2010 in Kansas and Missouri for the second firm in our data (hereafter Firm B).45 We combine
these data with records of repayment and default for both firms. This gives us information on
borrower characteristics, loan terms, and the resulting loan outcomes. Our data from Firm A
includes information on a borrower’s income, home address, gender, race, age, credit score and
checking account balance. Our data from Firm B is more sparse, including information on income,
home address and age.
We restrict our sample to the first loan made to individuals paid biweekly with valid pay data.
We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the sample. This leaves us
with 4,622 observations for Firm A and 8,624 for Firm B.
Summary statistics for the variables that we use in our core specifications are displayed in
Tables 1A and 1B. Note that gender and race data are available for only a subset of customers at
Firm A. Borrowers at Firm A are overwhelmingly female and black. The typical borrower at Firm
A is 37.3 years old, has a biweekly income of $715.97, and a checking account balance of $227.90.
The size of the typical first loan is $191.40, somewhat smaller than average as Tennessee limits
loans to $200. The typical borrower at Firm B is remarkably similar, with an average age of 36.8
and average biweekly income of $822.78. Borrowers take out somewhat larger first loans as both
Kansas and Missouri allow loans up to $500.
Default rates at both firms are high. 10 percent of borrowers default on their first loan at Firm
A, and 39 percent default during our sample period. At Firm B, 23 percent of borrowers default
on their first loan and 61 percent default during the sample period.
Theoretical Framework
Models of asymmetric information typically predict that information frictions will produce a positive
correlation between loan default and the size or price of that loan. In a theory of adverse incentives,
individual borrowers are more likely to default on larger or more expensive loans. This assumption
can be motivated in at least two ways. In an entrepreneurial setting, borrowers may have less
incentive to exert effort when net returns to a loan are lower. If returns are concave in the loan
amount, this implies a negative relationship between effort and loan size. In a more general setting,
borrowers may have less incentive to repay a larger or more expensive loan even when they have
the funds to do so. This can happen if the benefits of default are increasing in loan amount, but
the penalties are concave. As a result, borrowers may choose to voluntarily default as the loan
amount increases.
Firms A and B claim that they implement this rule for simplicity and minimization of dollar denominations
Firm A offers loans in continuous amounts in the other 14 states in which it operates. We drop these states from
our analysis as we have no way of separately identifying the impact of incentives when the offer curve is continuous.
Firm B operates in 8 other states where complete data is not yet available.
In models of adverse selection, borrowers at a higher ex ante risk of default view the likelihood
of repayment as lower and consequently choose larger loans. Because lenders cannot observe a
borrower’s risk type, adverse selection leads not only to loan caps, but also to low-risk borrowers
being denied credit.
Theory does not rule out either advantageous selection or advantageous incentives (e.g. (Bisin
and Guaitoli 2004); (Parlour and Rajan 2001); (de Meza and Webb 2001)). Under nonexclusive
contracting, for example, individuals borrowing from multiple sources may choose to pay down the
largest loan obligation first. Or, borrowers may wish to maintain access to higher credit lines and
choose not to default on those loans. The net impact of selection and incentives must be adverse
(e.g. lead to a positive correlation between loan default and the size of the loan) to lead to credit
constraints in equilibrium, however.
It is impossible to identify the separate impact of each of these channels with our available
data. Instead, the goal of this paper is to assess the net empirical magnitude of the selection and
incentive effects. The resulting estimates will likely reflect a number of the mechanisms discussed
in this section.
A Conceptual Model
This section presents a simple model of borrower behavior that clarifies exactly what adverse
selection and incentives mean in our context and motivates our empirical exercise. Our model
incorporates both selection and incentive effects and operates under a handful of intuitive assumptions.
We consider a two-period model of borrower behavior. In period 1, the lender offers individuals
a loan at the exogenously set interest rate R in any dollar amount L ∈ [0, L̄]. We assume that
L̄ varies exogenously between individuals. In period 2 the borrower decides how much to borrow
given her expected income in the first and second period, Y1 and Y2 , and her discount rate δ. We
introduce uncertainty into the model by assuming that in the second period there is a mean zero,
independently and identically distributed shock to each borrower’s income, ε.
Conditional on the realization of ε, the borrower then decides whether or not to repay the loan
or to default. If the borrower defaults, she loses access to future credit but is able to consume all
of her second period income Y2 + ε. If the borrower repays the loan, she consumes Y2 − LR + ε and
receives utility V (L, L̄, δ) from repaying the loan. We assume that the utility from repaying the
loan is increasing in loan amount L, as the firm may pursue debtors more aggressively when they
owe more money. We also assume that utility is increasing in the maximum loan amount available
L̄, as borrowers value access to larger loans more than access to smaller loans. Finally, we assume
that more patient borrowers value future loan access more than less patient borrowers.
Let utility in period one be C1 (Y1 + L). Let utility in period two be C2 (Y2 − LR + ε) + V (L, L̄, δ)
if the borrower repays and C2 (Y2 + ε) if the borrower defaults.
We solve the model by considering each step separately working backwards from the second
period to the first.
Period 2: Taking loan size as given, the borrower chooses whether or not to repay the loan given
the realized shock to expected second period income. A borrower repays if the utility gained from
repaying the loan is greater than the utility gained from consuming the loan amount. This implies
that a borrower repays the loan if and only if:
C2 (Y2 − LR + ε) + V (L, L̄, δ) ≥ C2 (Y2 + ε)
If the marginal utility of repaying the loan is more convex in L than the marginal utility of
consumption, we have the usual adverse incentives result that the probability of repayment is
decreasing in loan amount ( ∂V
∂L < ∂L R). If variation in L is generated by a change in L̄, as
will be true in our instrumental variables strategy, there is an added advantageous incentive effect
∂ L̄
through V . In this scenario, incentives are adverse if ∂V
+ ∂V
< ∂C
∂L R and advantageous if
∂ L̄ ∂L
∂ L̄
+ ∂V
> ∂C
∂L R.
∂ L̄
Now to Period 1. The probability that the borrower repays the loan is:
∂V ∂ L̄
∂ L̄ ∂L
π(δ, L̄, L) = P r(C2 (Y2 − LR + ε) + V (L, L̄, δ) ≥ C2 (Y2 + ε))
Given probability of repayment and the available loan terms L̄, individuals choose loan amount
L to maximize expected utility:
max C1 (Y1 +L)+
π(δ, L̄, L) C2 (Y2 − LR + ε) + V (L, L̄, δ) +
(1−π(δ, L̄, L))(C2 (Y2 +ε)).
Using the envelope theorem the first order condition is:
π(δ, L̄, L)
where as usual we equate the marginal benefit of the loan in period one with marginal cost
in period two. Note that the F.O.C. holds with equality when L∗ ≤ L̄and L = L̄ when the
borrowing constraint holds and desired L∗ ≥ L̄. In the context of our model, borrowers are
liquidity constrained whenever the latter is true.
If C is convex in L, we have the normal adverse selection result where borrowers with a higher
discount rate (e.g. that are less patient) choose larger loans. Remember that these are the same
borrowers that are more likely to default in the second period because the benefit of repayment
is decreasing in the discount rate. The empirical difficulty we face is separating the correlation
between default and loan choice default generated by δ (e.g. the selection effect) from the causal
impact of loan size on default holding δ constant (e.g. the incentive effect). Next we describe our
empirical strategy to do exactly this.
Empirical Strategy
To estimate the incentive effect of loan size on default we exploit the fact that loan size is a
discontinuous function of income. Both firms in our sample offer loans in $50 increments up to
but not exceeding half of an individual’s net biweekly pay. As a result of this rule, very similar
borrowers are offered very different loans. The crux of our identification strategy is to compare
the average level of default for individuals earning just above and below these cutoffs (cl ). This
strategy identifies the impact of a change in loan amount (L) generated by variation in the offer
curve (L̄), holding borrower characteristics (δ) constant. This implies that our estimates include
the impact of a change in loan amount and the offer curve.
Formally, let loan size Li be a smooth function of an individual’s income with a discontinuous
jump at each loan eligibility cutoff cl :
Li = f (incomei ) +l={100−500} (incomei ≥ cl ) + ηi
The residual of our representative “first-stage” equation captures correlation induced by observably equivalent borrowers, who nevertheless face different risks, taking different loans (e.g. the
selection effect). The key identifying assumptions of our approach are that (1) there is a discontinuous change in loan size at the cutoffs, and (2) that the distribution of incomes near the cutoff are
“as good as” random. This ensures that the conditional distribution function is continuous at the
loan eligibility cutoffs.
The key threat to our identification strategy is that individuals may opt out of borrowing if they
are not eligible for a larger loan. In Section 5 we evaluate this possibility in two ways: by testing
whether the observable characteristics of borrowers trend smoothly through the loan eligibility
cutoffs, and by examining the conditional density of borrowers around the cutoffs. Neither of these
tests points to evidence of selective borrowing that would invalidate the empirical design. As it
ultimately remains an un-testable assumption that the unobservable determinants of default are
fully controlled for by f (incomei ), we experiment with a wide range of alternative specifications,
including linear and quadratic terms in income, and a linear spline specification where we allow the
effect of income to vary linearly between each eligibility cutoff.
Under these assumptions (and a monotonicity assumption that being above an eligibility cutoff
does not make borrowers take out smaller loans) we can estimate the causal impact of being offered
a larger loan on default holding selection constant. The identified parameter measures the average
incentive effect for individuals induced into taking a larger loan by earning just above the cutoff,
and can be estimated by two-stage least squares using the maximum loan that an individual is
eligible for as an instrument for loan amount.
A simple extension of our approach allows us to estimate the effect of selection in our sample.
A cross-sectional regression of loan size on default combines the effect of selection and incentives.
By subtracting our estimate of the incentive effect from the cross-sectional coefficient on loan size,
we obtain an estimate of selection. This identifies the impact of a change in loan amount (L)
generated by variation in borrower characteristics (δ). This approach assumes that the estimated
incentive effect is the relevant estimate for the full population. This assumption would be violated
if borrowers just around the eligibility cutoffs have a different marginal return to credit than other
borrowers. Given that the eligibility cutoffs span borrowers with biweekly incomes from $200 to
$1000, we do not see this as a serious concern.
Another approach to estimating the magnitude of selection in our sample is to explicitly control
for other sources of variation in loans, so that selection is the sole source of variation. One way
to do this is to estimate the effect of loan size within loan-eligibility groups (as defined earlier),
where all borrowers should be offered the same loans and all differences in loan size should be due to
selection. This approach relies on the assumption that the eligibility groups control for all variation
in available loans. If firms use other information in deciding what loans to offer an individual, our
estimates from this approach may be biased. This could occur if store managers are allowed to
selectively raise some borrowers limits. There is anecdotal evidence this may occur.6 As a result,
we prefer our first approach of subtracting the estimated incentive effect from the OLS estimate of
loan amount on default. We report estimates from both strategies for completeness.
Private correspondence with store managers at Firm B.
First Stage
First stage results are presented graphically in Figure 2, which plots average loan amounts in $25
income bins and predicted loan amount from a regression relating loan size to nine loan-eligibility
indicators and a quadratic in net pay.7 Average loan size is clearly related to the eligibility cutoffs.
While average loan amount is approximately constant between the cutoffs (and after the $200 loan
cutoffs in Tennessee), loan size increases sharply at each cutoff.
Table 2 provides the analogous estimates for figures just described. We regress loan amount on
the maximum loan an individual is eligible for (the “offer curve”) and month, year and state effects.
Following the literature (e.g. (Lee and Lemieux forthcoming)) we cluster our standard errors at the
level of net pay in all specifications. We scale all first stage results so that they can be interpreted
as the increase in loan size for each additional dollar of credit offered.
Columns 1 and 2 in Table 2 present results controlling for linear and quadratic controls in net
pay respectively. For each additional dollar of available credit, individuals take out loans that are
45.8 to 49.0 cents larger. Columns 3 and 4 allow the effect of each cutoff to vary. Columns 3 and
4 present results using linear and quadratic controls in net pay. Cutoffs that are even intervals of
$100 appear to have somewhat larger coefficients, with the $100 cutoff having the largest impact
on loan size. The impact of the $100 cutoff is between 81.5 cents and 98.4 cents, suggesting that
borrowers very low incomes are more liquidity constrained. Otherwise there are no obvious trends
across the nine cutoffs.
In addition to reporting results that control for linear and quadratic trends in income, we also
report results from a model that allows the relationship between income and loan size to vary by
eligibility category, analogous to the predicted plots presented above. The functional form is
Li =l={50−500} (αl + βl income)Il + ηi
where Li denotes loan amount, income is a linear function in net pay and Il is an indicator
function equal to one in eligibility category l. To facilitate the interpretation of the coefficients, we
rearrange the parameters so that our estimates correspond to the size of the discontinuous jumps
between each eligibility cutoff:
dl = (αl−50 + βl−50 cl ) − (αl + βl cl )
Where cl is the level of net pay at cutoff of eligibility category l. Column 5 presents results
using our linear spline specification. Allowing the effect of income to vary between each cutoff does
not impact our results. Point estimates range from 0.984 at the $100 cutoff to 0.335 for the $350
Lee and Lemieux (forthcoming) propose a formal test for optimal bin width based on the idea that if the bins are
“narrow enough,” then there should not be a systematic relationship between the outcome variable and the running
variable within each bin. Otherwise, this suggests the bin is too wide and that the mean value of outcome variable
over the whole bin is not representative at the boundaries of the bin. In particular, when this happens in the two bins
next to the cutoff point, a simple comparison of the two bin means yields a biased estimate of the treatment effect.
A simple test for this consists of adding a set of interactions between the bin dummies and the running variable to
a base regression of the outcome variable on the set of bin dummies, and testing whether the interactions are jointly
significant. Results from this test are presented in Appendix Table 1. The interaction terms are not jointly significant
in any of the bin widths attempted, so we settle on a relatively “narrow” width of $25, which may result in somewhat
more noise in our figures.
In addition to establishing the validity of our identification assumption, our first stage results
provide new and direct evidence that individuals in the subprime credit market are liquidity constrained. The most direct way to test whether liquidity constraints matter is to see whether changes
in liquidity have real effects. If liquidity constraints do not exist, the marginal propensity to borrow
from an exogenous increase in credit should be zero. The fact that we find economically and statistically significant increases in debt when credit is relaxed strongly suggests that those borrowers
were credit constrained. This is particularly true for the poorest borrowers. To put the magnitude
of our estimates in context, Gross and Souleles (2002) find that a $1 increase in a card holder’s
limit raises credit card spending by 10 to 14 cents, and Johnson et al. (2006) find that households
immediately consumed 20 to 40 cents for every dollar in their 2001 tax rebate.
Incentive Effect
Table 3 reports results from our instrumental variables specification. As described above, these estimates represent the incentive effect of loan amount holding selection constant. Column 1 presents
results using the maximum loan an individual is eligible for as an instrumental variable for loan
amount, controlling for a linear trend in net pay, and month, year, and state effects. Column 2
adds control for a quadratic in net pay. Column 3 instruments for loan size using a set of nine
indicator variables equal to one if a borrower is eligible for a particular loan (equivalent to Column
3, our first stage results). Column 4 adds a quadratic in net pay to that specification. Standard
errors are clustered at the net pay level in all specifications.
Our results are remarkably consistent across specifications. After accounting for selection,
borrowers are 4.1 to 4.6 percent less likely to default for each additional $100 lent. Controlling for
demographic controls leaves the results essentially unchanged.8 We consider these results strong
evidence of advantageous incentives.
To explore the mechanisms of the incentive response we analyze the heterogeneity of the effect across borrowers. Borrowers with lower discount rates may value access to future credit more
than other borrowers, and should, therefore, exhibit a stronger behavioral response to the dynamic
incentive provided by the increase in credit line. To examine this, Table 4 presents results for
borrowers split by pre-loan credit score, pre-loan checking balance, age and gender. While we do
not have direct evidence on discount rates, we suspect borrowers with higher credit scores and
checking balances are likely to have lower discount rates (cites). Both experimental and observational studies suggest that patience is increasing in age, but results are mixed on gender (e.g.
(Gilman 1976); (Harrison and Williams 2002); (Dohmen, Falk, Human and Sunde forthcoming);
(Meier and Sprenger 2010)).
The sample is restricted to borrowers at Firm A as we lack demographic information for borrowers at Firm B. For each group, we split the sample into two groups using the median value of
the sample. We regress default on loan amount that is fully interacted with our group indicator
variable. We instrument the interacted loan amount variables with the maximum loan an individual
is eligible for, which is also fully interacted with our group indicator variable. In all regressions we
control for a quadratic trend in net pay and state, month, and year effects with cluster standard
errors at the net pay level.
The incentive effect is significantly larger for borrowers with higher ex-ante credit scores and
checking balances. Borrowers with high credit scores are 5.7 percent less likely to default for every
additional $100 lent compared to 0.8 percent for borrowers with low credit scores, though the latter
Results available on request.
is not statistically significant. We reject the null hypothesis that the estimates are equal at the 1
percent level. Borrowers with high savings, on the other hand, are 4.5 percent less likely to default
for every additional $100 lent compared to 2.2 percent for borrowers with low credit scores. We
reject the null hypothesis that the estimates are equal at the 1 percent level. The incentive effect
is also significantly larger for older borrowers (p-value = 0.000), but does not appear to differ by
gender. In sum, the incentive effect is consistently larger among groups likely to have lower discount
rates. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the incentive effect is driven by the
dynamic incentives of a higher credit line.
OLS and Selection Results
Table 5 reports results from an OLS model of default on borrower characteristics. As already
discussed, these estimates combine the impact of incentives and selection. The impact of adverse
selection alone is the coefficient from our OLS regressions minus the coefficient from our IV results.
The dependent variable is an indicator variable equal to one if a borrower defaulted on her first
loan. We report robust standard errors in parentheses and multiply all coefficients and standard
errors by 100 to ease interpretation.
Column 1 of Table 5 presents results controlling for net pay and state, month, and year effects.
Consistent with the view of information economics, loan amount is positively associated with default
risk. For each additional $100 lent, borrowers are 3.8 percent more likely to default. In Column
3 we add demographic controls for our sample of borrowers at Firm A. The coefficient on loan
amount is somewhat smaller, but still economically and statistically significant.
Taken together with our estimates in Table 3, our OLS results suggest that for every $100
increase in loan size that an individual selects, she is 7 to 8.4 percent more likely to default. This
suggests that, unlike moral hazard, adverse selection is a serious concern even in a market that
specializes in financing high-risk borrowers.
Column 4 presents results controlling for an individual’s eligibility category. If the eligibility
categories control for all variation in what loans are available, this provides another estimate of
the selection effect. For each additional $100 lent, borrowers are 4.4 percent more likely to default.
This provides additional evidence that the selection effect is larger than the naı̈ve cross-sectional
relationship between loan size and default would suggest.
Specification Checks
This section presents results from a series of robustness checks. Our empirical strategy assumes that
borrowers do not select into our data based on the loan eligibility cutoffs. We provide two tests of
this assumption. First, we examine whether predetermined characteristics change discontinuously
at the eligibility cutoffs. Second, we provide an estimate of a potential kink in the density at each
cutoff. Throughout this section we only discuss results from Firm A, where the richness of our data
allows for more convincing checks of our identifying assumptions.
Table 6 presents reduced form estimates for predetermined characteristics of borrowers. Each
entry is from a regression of a predetermined characteristic on the maximum loan amount a borrower
is eligible for and state, month, and year effects. We multiply coefficients and standard errors by
100 to make the coefficients easier to interpret. Borrowers eligible for larger loans are somewhat less
likely to be male. Eligible borrowers also have checking account balances that are $14.16 to $17.00
larger, though the result is only statistically significant at the ten percent level, and only in one of
the two specifications we consider. On the other hand, borrowers eligible for larger loans also have
somewhat lower credit scores than other borrowers, though the result is not statistically significant.
Given the mixed signs and general lack of statistical significance, there is no clear evidence that
our identifying assumption is violated.
Table 7 presents reduced form estimates of any potential kinks in the density of observations
at each loan eligibility cutoff. Our approach is similar to McCrary (2008), who suggests a simple
extension of the local linear density estimator to test the unconditional density of observations
on either side of a regression discontinuity. Using the unconditional density may be problematic,
however, if employers anchor wages on multiples of $100. Evidence anchoring is apparent in Figure
3, which plots the fraction of borrowers in each $25 bin. In addition to plotting density of the
two states in our sample, we include a set of control states that offer loans in continuous amounts.
In these states there is no reason to expect discontinuous changes in density around the eligibility
cutoffs. Similarly, we should not expect changes in the density of observations after $400 in Tennessee, as larger loans are not available in that state. Yet, we observe large jumps in density around
each cutoff in the control states and among borrowers making more than $400 in Tennessee. Our
strategy is therefore to test for larger than expected changes in density at each cutoff, using the
control states that offer loans in continuous amounts, and where there is no incentive to drop out of
the sample around the cutoffs, to control for the expected change in density due to any anchoring
effects in wages.
Specifically, we use the first loan made to borrowers in states where Firm A offers continuous
loans. We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the original sample, and
drop loans made in Michigan as there are fewer than 1,000 observations during our sample period.
This provides 108,286 loans in 13 states as a control. We then collapse the data into equal-sized
bins of width 25 for each state. The key variables in our data are the fraction of observations in each
$25 bin, and the net pay amount that the bins are centered around. Finally, we regress the fraction
of observations in each bin on our instrumental variable (set to 0 in the control states) and a set
of indicator variables for earning above each $100 cutoff. The set of indicator variables will control
for the secular jumps in density that we would expect in any state, while our instrumental variable
will identify any changes in density due to strategic manipulations in loan-eligibility guidelines. To
ease interpretation, we multiply coefficients and standard errors by 10,000.
Column 1 of Table 7 presents results using the maximum loan amount an individual is eligible
for. Column 2 adds a quadratic in net pay. Columns 3 and 4 use separate loan eligibility indicators with and without a quadratic in net pay respectively. None of our specifications suggest an
unexpected jump in the density function around the eligibility cutoffs. The coefficient on the offer
curve variable is small (0.011, s.e. = 0.018) and not statistically significant. The coefficients on the
eligibility indicators are small, inconsistent in sign, and we cannot reject the null hypothesis that
the indicator variables are jointly equal to zero (p-value = 0.313).
This paper has shown evidence of adverse selection and advantageous incentives in a subprime
consumer loan market. While borrowers who select loans that are $100 larger are 7.0 to 8.4 percent
more likely to default, individual borrowers are 3.7 to 4.6 percent less likely to default when offered
a $100 larger loan. The advantageous incentive response is concentrated among borrowers who are
likely to have low discount rates. This is consistent with the view that dynamic incentives play an
important role in determining borrower behavior.
Our results highlight the significant adverse selection problems faced by firms in the subprime
credit market. Improved screening strategies or information sharing may play an important role in
alleviating these frictions. In addition, the finding of advantageous incentives suggests that future
loan terms can significantly affect borrower behavior. This should spur the development of new
dynamic incentive schemes to improve repayment rates, while helping guide future theoretical and
empirical work on credit market failures.
With that said, the welfare effects of resolving information frictions in credit markets are still
unknown. A better understanding of which behavioral model characterizes the behavior of borrowers in our data would go a long way towards addressing this issue. We view the parsing out of these
various mechanisms, both theoretically and empirically, as an important area for future research.
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Table 1A
Summary Statistics
Loan Amount
191.40 97.06
Biweekly Pay
715.97 300.21
Credit Score
549.52 186.12
Checking Balance
227.90 487.71
Default on First Loan
Default on Any Loan
This table reports summary statistics for Firm A. The sample is first loans made between 1/2000
and 7/2004 to borrowers with valid pay data who are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with
incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the sample.
Table 1B
Summary Statistics
Loan Amount
254.83 122.64
Biweekly Pay
822.78 316.96
Default on First Loan
Default on Any Loan
This table reports summary statistics for Firm B. The sample is first loans made between 1/2008
and 4/2010 to borrowers with valid pay data who are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with
incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the sample.
Table 2
Effect of Loan Eligibility on Loan Size
Offer Curve 0.458
$100 Cutoff
0.815∗∗∗ 0.927∗∗∗
$150 Cutoff
0.559∗∗∗ 0.674∗∗∗
$200 Cutoff
0.574∗∗∗ 0.727∗∗∗
$250 Cutoff
$300 Cutoff
$350 Cutoff
$400 Cutoff
0.648∗∗∗ 0.684∗∗∗
$450 Cutoff
0.367∗∗∗ 0.390∗∗∗
$500 Cutoff
This table reports first stage estimates. The sample is first loans made to borrowers with valid pay
data who are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of
the sample. The dependent variable is the dollar amount of the loan. Coefficients are scaled so that
they can be interpreted as the increase in loan size for each additional dollar of credit offered. All
regressions control for month, year and state of loan effects. Standard errors are clustered at the
net pay level. We report the F-statistic for the null hypothesis that the loan eligibility indicators
are jointly equal to zero. *** = significant at 1 percent level, ** = significant at 5 percent level, *
= significant at 10 percent level.
Table 3
Incentive Effect of Loan Liability on Default
Loan Amount
Offer Curve
Eligibility Indicators
Linear Net Pay
Quadratic Net Pay
This table reports instrumental variable estimates. The sample is first loans made to borrowers
with valid pay data who are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom
1 percent of the sample. The dependent variable is an indicator variable equal to one if the borrower
defaults. We report the coefficient on loan amount, instrumented for using the offer curve (columns
1 and 2) or a set of loan eligibility indicators (columns 3 and 4). Coefficients and standard errors
are multiplied by 100. All regressions control for net pay and month, year and state of loan effects.
Standard errors are clustered at the net pay level. *** = significant at 1 percent level, ** =
significant at 5 percent level, * = significant at 10 percent level.
Table 4
Results by Subgroup
This table reports pooled instrumental variable estimates for mutually exclusive subsamples for
Firm A. The sample is first loans made to borrowers with valid pay data who are paid biweekly.
We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the sample. The dependent
variable is an indicator variable equal to one if the borrower defaults. We report the coefficient on
loan liability interacted by sample, instrumented for using the offer curve. Coefficients and standard
errors are multiplied by 100. The number of observations in the pooled regression is also reported.
High credit and checking are defined as having a credit score or checking account balance at or
above the median. All regressions control for net pay and month, year and state of loan effects.
Standard errors are clustered at the net pay level. The reported number of observations vary as
not all demographic controls are available for every borrower. *** = significant at 1 percent level,
** = significant at 5 percent level, * = significant at 10 percent level.
Loan Amount
Net Pay
Net Pay Sq
Credit Score
Checking Balance
Eligibility Controls
Table 5
Loan Liability and Default
This table reports OLS estimates. The sample is first loans made to borrowers with valid pay
data who are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of
the sample. The dependent variable is an indicator variable equal to one if the borrower defaults.
Coefficients and standard errors are multiplied by 100. All regressions control for month, year and
state of loan effects. Robust standard errors are reported. *** = significant at 1 percent level, **
= significant at 5 percent level, * = significant at 10 percent level.
Table 6
Continuity of Borrower Characteristics
Credit Score
Checking Balance 14.167
This table reports reduced form estimates for available predetermined characteristics for Firm A.
The sample is first loans made between 1/2000 and 7/2004 to borrowers with valid pay data who
are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the sample.
The dependent variable is listed in the left column. We report the coefficient on loan liability,
instrumented for using the offer curve. Coefficients and standard errors are multiplied by 100. All
regressions control for net pay and month, year and state of loan effects. Column 2 also controls for
a quadratic in net pay. Standard errors are clustered at the net pay level. The reported number of
observations vary as not all demographic controls are available for every borrower. *** = significant
at 1 percent level, ** = significant at 5 percent level, * = significant at 10 percent level.
Table 7
Continuity of the Conditional Density Function
Offer Curve 0.011
$100 Cutoff
$150 Cutoff
$200 Cutoff
$250 Cutoff
$300 Cutoff
$350 Cutoff
$400 Cutoff
$450 Cutoff
$500 Cutoff
This table reports reduced form estimates for the conditional density function of Firm A. The
sample is first loans made to borrowers with valid pay data who are paid biweekly. We drop
individuals with incomes in the top or bottom 1 percent of the sample. The dependent variable is
the fraction of borrowers in a $25 wide bin. All regressions control for net pay and a set of indicator
variables for earning above each $100 threshold. Columns 2 and 4 also control for a quadratic in
net pay. Coefficients and standard errors are multipled by 10,000. We report the F-statistic for the
null hypothesis that the loan eligibility indicators are jointly equal to zero. *** = significant at 1
percent level, ** = significant at 5 percent level, * = significant at 10 percent level.
Maximum Loan
Figure 1
Maximum Loan Amount
Biweekly Pay
All Other States
This figure illustrates the loan eligibility rule used by firms in our sample. Individuals are eligible
for loans up to but not exceeding half of net pay.
Average Loan
Figure 2
First Stage Results
Biweekly Pay
Other States
This figure plots the average first loan of first time borrowers and the predicted average loan from
a regression of loan amount on biweekly pay and set of loan eligibility indicators. Bin width is $25.
Fraction of Observations
Figure 3
Density of Observations
Biweekly Pay
Control States
This figure plots the fraction of observations observed in each $25 bin. Control states include all
states in Firm A that made more than 1,000 loans and that offer continuous loan amounts. The
control states are plotted on the right axis while Tennessee and Ohio are plotted on the left axis.
Appendix Table 1
Bin Width Test
Bin Size
This table reports results of the optimal bin width. The sample is first loans made to borrowers
with valid pay data who are paid biweekly. We drop individuals with incomes in the top or bottom
1 percent of the sample. Each column reports results of a regression of where we add a set of
interactions between the bin dummies and the running variable to a base regression of the outcome
variable on the set of bin dummies. The p-value is from the test of whether the interactions are
jointly significant.