Manual IV.B
Statistics-Indonesia (BPS)
Ministry Of Health
Republic of Indonesia
Statistics-Indonesia (BPS) – Ministry of Health
(A part of Integration of Iodised Salt Survey to 2001 SUSENAS)
In general, there are 3 components of 2001 SGY which are integrated to 2001
SUSENAS. They are: (i) data collecting of Household Iodised Salt Consumption,
(ii) measurement of upper arm Circle sizes of female ages 15 – 49 years old (fertile
age female), and (iii) weight measurement of infants age ≤ 5 years old. The data is
collected by questionnaire of SGY2001.RT with manual book IV.A. Data collection
of measurement of upper arm circle sizes of female ages 15 – 49 years old (fertile
VSEN2001.KM. Data collection of infants’ ages ≤ 5 years old weight measurement
is conducted by SGY2001.PB (Manual book IV.B). Manual book IV.B contains
procedures of infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight measurement.
Objective of upper arm circle sizes of female ages 15 – 49 years old (fertile
age female) measurement and infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight measurement is to
figure out general description of nutrition sufficiency of Indonesian population and
the gradual progress since economic crisis in 1997. Female in fertile age and
infants’ age ≤ 5 years old are groups of population to notice regarding to quality of
human resources in the future.
Measurement of upper arm circle sizes of female ages 15 – 49 years old
(fertile age female) would result estimation rate at provincial level while infants’ age
≤ 5 years old weight measurement would result estimation rate at national level.
Sample size of female ages 15 – 49 years old (fertile age female) measurement is
61,696 households and 30,848 households for infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight
measurement. Fifty percents of 2001 SUSENAS selected census blocks is
selected census blocks for infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight measurement. Census
blocks for infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight measurement have star sign in sample
code number of 2001 SUSENAS selected census block list (VSEN2001.DSBS).
Survey Official
In order to increase the accuracy of data and as part of cooperation between
BPS and Department of Health, the weight measurement will be conducted by
2001 SUSENAS official and Puskesmas staff. Therefore, Department of health will
deliver proposal to Provincial Department of Health/ Provincial Health Agency. The
Puskesmas staffs are supposed to be used to conduct weight measurement
otherwise, they do not need training.
Data Collection
Head of Regency/ municipality BPS attn Health agency will confirm the
proposal. Regency/ municipality BPS will arrange schedule for 2001 SUSENAS
official and Puskesmas staff. Regency/ municipality BPS will distribute fund for
transportation and enumeration expense for the staff.
Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight measurement will be conducted in the same
time as SUSENAS and SGY, or after those surveys. Enumerator is supposed to
copy data of infants in VSEN2001.KM to SGY2001.PB.
Filling procedures of SGY2001.PB
The list will record household that has Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old so that
household, which does not have Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old will not be recorded in
this list.
Block I. Characteristics of Area
Detail 1 – 7: Detail 1 to 7 is copied from Detail 1 to 7, Block I, VSEN2001.KM
Block II. Characteristics of Official for Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old Weight
Characteristics of official needed are name, position, and signature.
Detail 1 to 3 is characteristics of SUSENAS Official and Detail 4 to 6 is
characteristics of Official for Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight measurement.
Block III. Characteristics of Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old weight
In general, contents in this block is classified to b e 2 groups, they are
contents in Block III.A, Column 2 to 7, which are copied from VSEN2001.KM
list (conducted by 2001 SUSENAS official), and contents in Block III.B,
Column 8 to 10, which are enumeration results of Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old
weight measurement official.
Block III.A Characteristics of Infants’ age ≤ 5 years old
Column I: Serial Number
This serial number is serial number of infants’ age ≤ 5 years old that
would be measured in one census block. If there are more than 20 infants’
age ≤ 5 years old in one census block, use extra sheet or extra questionnaire
by writing CONTINUE at the right- top of the first sheet and CONTINUATION
at the right- top of the extra sheet.
Column 2: Serial Number of Household
The contents are copied from Detail 8, Block I, VSEN2001.KM for each
Household. Notice serial number of household does not have to be in series;
it depends on the infants and number of infants in a household.
household that has more than one infant, its serial number will be recorded
more than once (equal to the number of infants).
Column 3: Name of Household Head
The contents are copied from Detail I, Block II of VSEN2001.KM list for
each household.
Column 4 to 7: Serial number, Name, Sex and Age of infant’ age ≤ 5
years old
Column 4: Serial number of infant’ age ≤ 5 years old
The content is from Column 1, Block IV of VSEN2001.KM list. The name
has to be the same as name in Column 5.
Column 5: Name of infant’ age ≤ 5 years old
The content is from Column 2, Block IV of VSEN2001.KM list, which
contains digits from 00 – 04 in Column 5.
Column 6: Sex of infant’ age ≤ 5 years old
The content is from Column 4, Block IV of VSEN2001.KM list.
Column 7: Age (Month)
The content is from Detail 28 Block V.D of VSEN2001.KM list
Block III.B Weight Measurement of infant’ age ≤ 5 years old
Column 8: Birthday
Record birth date, month, and year of the infant. See the information in
KMS (card to record health’s infant) or birth certificate.
Column 9: Date and Month of Measurement
Record date and month of measurement for each infant.
Weight Measuring Procedures:
a. Check the balance of portable balanced scale. It has to be at zero (0)
position without loading. Check by loading 1 kg and 100 gram stone. Hang
the balanced scale and tie it tight so that it will not be detached while
measuring infant (check by pull the balanced scale’s stick tight). Hang
balanced scale on a branch, house crossbar or three- wheels crossbar.
Put the stick of the balanced scale at eye height to assist measurement
and reading the infant’s weight.
b. In order to facilitate the measurement, hang the box scale before
balancing the scale. Applying it by load sand or anything to the stick of
scale. Apply shifted pendulum in zero (0) position. See the knife of scale
to find out the balance. Portable balanced scale has to be in balance
position as shifted pendulum at zero (0) position before measuring infant
(before taking infant to the box scale).
c. See the balanced scale to find out the measurement’s result. Completing
the digit below to the nearest 100 gram scale if the shifted pendulum
position between 2 lines of balanced scale. Check the balanced scale and
the 1 kg and 100 grams stone of scale, in the certain times, for instance
after measuring 50 infants.
Remark these followings when measuring infants:
1. Keep the infant calm,
2. Take the infant in the box’s scale carefully,
3. Infant is not allowed to hold the mother or anything that will affect the
4. Dress the infant without headgear, footwear, thick clothes, hand bracelet,
foot bracelet, or anything that will affect the measurement.
Record the column based on the measurement’s result of householder
ages 0 – 4 years old in kilogram 2 decimals behind comma.