Manual II.C NATIONAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC SURVEY (SUSENAS) 2001 MANUAL CORE ENUMERATOR Statistics-Indonesia (BPS), Jakarta- Indonesia 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS I. II. III. PREFACE A. General B. Objective C. Scope D. Schedule of Activities E. Type of Data Collected F. Type of Lists and Documents Used G. Arranged Statistic ENUMERATION PROCEDURES A. Task and Obligation of Enumerator B. Task and Obligation of Supervisor C. Data Collection Method D. Ethics of Visit and Interview E. Survey Time Reference F. Regulation and Procedures of List Filling BUILDING AND HOUSEHOLD REGISTRATION (LIST OF VSEN2001.L) A. Objective B. Census Block C. Building and Household Registration Procedures D. List of VSEN2001.L 1. Block I Characteristics of Area 2. Block II Summary 3. Block III Characteristics of Enumeration 4. Block IV Building and Household Registration 2 5. Block V E. IV. Characteristics of Sample Selection LIST OF VSEN2001.DSRT MAIN CHARACTERISTICS of HOUSEHOLD and HOUSEHOLDER (LIST of VSEN2001.KM) A. General B. Block I. Characteristics of Area C. Block II Characteristics of Household D. Block III. Characteristics of Enumeration E. Block IV. Characteristics of Householder F. Characteristics of Individual (for all ages) 1. Block V.A: Characteristics of Education (for Householder ages ≥ 5 years old) 2. Block V.B: Matters of Pertaining Manpower 3. Block V.C: Characteristics of Health (for all ages) 4. Block V.D: Health of under 5 years old children (for Householder ages 0 – 59 months) 5. Block V.E: Smoking Habit 6. Block V.F: Fertility and Family Planning G. Block VI: Housing and Settlement 1. Block VI.A: Residence Authorization 2. Block VI.B: Building Physical Condition 3. Block VI.C: Facility and Equipment 4. Block VI.D: Environment Condition H. Block VII: Household Expenditure 3 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 : List of VSEN2001.L Attachment 2 : List of VSEN2001.DSRT Attachment 3 : List of VSEN2001.K 4 A. General I. PREFACE In order to implement their tasks, The Central Bureau Of Statistic (BPS) is responsible to provide data needed for planning sectional and cross sectional development. To observe the situation, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the development program, the availability of continuous data is very helpful in making correction of an existing program if it is necessary. The social data produced by BPS were collected through Population Census (SP), Population Survey between Census (SUPAS), National Labour Survey (SAKERNAS), and National Socio-economic survey (SUSENAS). Since 1992, some core data can give a description about population welfare, which is collected every year through SUSENAS. Development progress could be evaluated gradually because of the availability of yearly data/ information. SUSENAS is designed in order to collect social population data, which is relatively in the wide scope. Data collected are included education, health/ nutrition, housing/ environment, criminality, social culture action, consumption, and income of household, travel, and household welfare. In 1992, SUSENAS data collecting system was renewed. Information, which is used to arrange population welfare indicator in module (information is collected every three year) is joined in to core (information is collected every year). At that time being, SUSENAS provides tools that can be used to supervise population welfare level, formula government program, and analyse the impact of population welfare improvement program. In the new SUSENAS core, consist some questions asking about condition and member of population attitude, which have tight relationship with welfare aspects. Here are some question “do you attend school”, “are you in health disruption”, “how do you take care your health”, “who was the birth helper”, “how long the baby got the wet nursing” and immunization to the children also be asked. Beside all question above, also been collected education info, household 5 economic activity, and especially for the ever- married women have been asked about age when she got married, number of child, and Family Planning attitude. Explanation from the module has taken turns to be collected in 3 years. At the first year, household income and expenditure were collected, at the second year household welfare socio-culture, trips and criminality module were collected, and finally at the last year health, nutrition, education and housing were collected. Information is module is more detail and comprehensive question if it is compared to the same topic question in the core. For example, education information collected in core is limited to education level of householder. However, in module it is widen to detail education cost questions. In core it only asked, “ do you do travelling?” in module, it asked more detail about characteristic and cost of the trip. Questions in core are collected in order to get important information to anticipate some changes that could be happened every year. They are also helpful for short- term planning, and the questions related to questions in module such as expenditures. Questions in module are useful to analyze problems, which do not need yearly supervision or to analyze government intervention, such as poverty and malnutrition. SUSENAS is potential to describe people welfare. For example, to describe various components of welfare, it could be arranged various aggregate data as indicator of school participation level, family planning acceptor percentage, average age on the first marriage, average number of child birth, percentage of household that gets clean water or lavatory with septic- tank, and average expenditure per capita. Joined core- module data will produce analysis to answer questions such as, “does poor group get proper advantage of education program implemented by government (for example, 9- years school program)”, “who uses government education program subsidy”, “is there certain family planning tool used by poor people more than others”, “is there any relationship between working hour and fertility”, and “is sanitation related to health status”. SUSENAS data is potential to cover some data availability gap needed by decision-makers in many fields. Some important things to do in the future are 6 formulating planning problems, supervising, or evaluating to find out solution. Because of technology improvement, computerizing, analysis process become easier and indirectly SUSENAS data become more socialized. Since 1993, sample size of SUSENAS core is enlarged to produce simple statistic in Regency/ Municipality level. This- new progress gave data analyzers a new dimension. At that time being, some Regencies have been arranged their people welfare statistic/ indicator. I hope that all Regency will follow them although it is realized in order to be able to arrange the indicator; local statistic bureau officers need some training. There are 32, 348 households as sample size in 2001 SUSENAS, each household acts as core and module variable. With that sample size, the 2001 SUSENAS can only produce national level estimation. Because of political and security reasons, Aceh and Maluku can not be involved in 2001 SUSENAS. From some meeting with Department of Health (health module), Department settlement and development area (housing module) and UNICEF, BPS realize to add 2001 SUSENAS sample to produce representative province estimations. This adding enlarge 2001 SUSENAS sample size, 61,696) do not include Aceh and Maluku) and its representative for provincial estimation. Together with UNICEF and Health Department it is possible to integrate collecting data of End Decade Goals (EDG) indicators about mother and child condition in 2001 SUSENAS questionnaires. Together with UNICEF, BPS has successfully integrated Household Iodize Salt Survey in to SUSENAS since 1995 to 1997. To get comprehensive description about iodizes salt, since 1998, Survey of Household Iodize Salt has been realized and financed by World Bank. Preliminary results of iodize salt are expected to be provided in June 2001. Therefore, all technical operations are expected to be done at the end of February 2001, and can be delivered all before March 2001 (to BPS attn Statistic Bureau of Population Welfare). SUSENAS data users are being more various and wider implemented. Statistic bureau task is to provide with better quality, good timing, and comprehensive. 7 B. Objective In general, the objectives of collecting data through SUSENAS are providing data of community welfare (Kesra) that reflects the social and economic conditions of the community. Specifically 2002 SUSENAS goals are: (i) Providing raw data about people welfare, this are very important to make policies, and to act as tool to supervise and evaluate the development. (ii) Providing detail data of housing, health, and nutrition, which are crucial for policy arranging and as instruments to observe, monitor, and evaluate the development progress; (iii) Providing data of household iodized salt consumption as basic to measure and evaluate achievement level of iodized salt program C. Scope The 2001 SUSENAS is conducted in all areas in Indonesia with the 220,896 households sample size in urban and rural area, 65,280 households are enumerated in core-module census block by core-module joined list (VSEN2001.KM) and 155,616 households in core census block by core list (VSEN2001.K). The unfavorable security situation caused BPS to cancel 2001 SUSENAS activities in Aceh and Maluku. As the late of field preparation for supplement sample enumeration (2001 SUSENAS Core), and considering the time for 2001 SUSENAS enumeration activities, Head of BPS decided to start the activities in March. D. Schedule of Activities Activity Date January 10th – 20th,, 2001 1. Document sending from BPS 2. Training a. Main instructor (Intama) b. National instructor (Innas) January 23rd – 26th 2001 February 26th – March 3rd 2001 3. Implementation (core-module, core, and GY) a. Household Registration b. Household sample selection February 15th – March 3rd 2001 February 26th – March 5th 2001 8 c. March 5th – 31st 2001 Household enumeration 4. List checking a. Regency/ Municipality Statistic Bureau b. Provincial Statistic Bureau 5. Processing at regency/ municipality (VSEN2001.K) 6. 7. 8. 9. March 19th – April 14th 2001 April 1st – 30th 2001 May – July 2001 Document sending to BPS a. VSEN2001.KM list (Attn Statistic Population Welfare Bureau) b. SGY2001.RT list *) (Attn Statistic Population Welfare Bureau) c. SGY2001.PB list *) (Attn Statistic Methodological Bureau) d. VSEN2001.L (Attn Statistic Methodological Bureau) e. VSEN2001.DSRT (Attn Statistic Methodological Bureau) Processing at BPS a. VSEN2001.KM list b. SGY2001.GY list c. SGY2001.PB list May – June 2001 April 1st – 15th 2001 April 1st – 15th 2001 May – June 2001 May – June 2001 June – September 2001 April – June 2001 April – June 2001 Evaluation and result discussion Publication October 2001 November – December 2001 *) Sending first by special delivery cost F. Type of Data Collected 1. Data collected by VSEN2001.K a. General characteristics on householder such as name, relationship with head of household, sex, age, and marital status. b. Characteristics of Orphan child (age 0 – 14 years old) and Authorization of child birth certificate (age 0 – 4 years old). c. Characteristics of kid labor and time allocation of child ages 5 – 14 years old. d. Characteristics of pre- school child’s education (age 3 – 6 years old), characteristics of householder education age 5 years old and more e. Characteristics of householder economic activity age 10 years old and more f. Characteristics of health and nutrition such as population health condition, baby ages less than 5 years old, household expenditure on health, health financing guarantee/ health insurance. 9 g. Characteristics of fertility for ever- married women and pregnancy prevention attitude for married women h. Characteristics of housing including Authorization of residence, physical condition of building, house facilities and equipment i. Characteristics of average consumption and main income source of household 2. Data Collected by Iodised Salt Consumption Questionnaire (SGY2001.RT) a. People knowledge on iodised salt b. Test result of iodine content in salt used by household F. No . Type of Lists and Documents used Type of List/ Document 2. 3. Type of List Census Block Map Sketch VSEN2001.L VSEN2001.DSRT 4. 5. VSEN2001.K SGY2001.GY B. 1. Type of Document Manual book I.A 2. A. 1. Purpose To identify working area boundaries Household registration List of selected households sample Core household enumeration Household Salt consumption enumeration Done by Pair Kept by - - - 1 2 Provincial BPS Headquarter/ Provincial BPS Headquarter BPS Headquarter BPS Enumerator Supervisor/ Editor Enumerator Enumerator 1 1 Manual of BPS at province, regency/ municipality - - Manual book II.C Manual of core enumerator - - 3. Manual book III Manual of age conversion - - 4. Manual book IV Manual of household iodized salt survey - - G. Provincial, Regency/ municipality BPS and Supervisor Enumerator and supervisor Enumerator and supervisor Enumerator and supervisor Arranged Statistics 1. Population Welfare Objective Indicator at National and Province Level 10 This indicator comes from core data. It covers individual indicators, such as population, health, education, matters to pertaining manpower, fertility, and family planning; and household indicators such as housing and expenditure. 2. Sufficiency of Iodize Salt Consumption Indicator at National and Provincial Level This indicator comes from iodine content of household salt data. It covers household knowledge on iodine content, and accessibility to get iodized salt. 11 II. ENUMERATION PROCEDURES A. Task and Obligation of Enumerator 1. Participating enumerator’s training 2. Observing location by rounding census block boundaries together with supervisor 3. Listing household in selected census block by using VSEN2001.L and submit the result to supervisor/ editor 4. Receiving VSEN2001.DSRT list that has filled by supervisor/ enumerator 5. Enumerating household by using VSEN2001.K list based on VSEN2001.DSRT 6. Submitting filled VSEN2001.K list and VSEN2001.DSRT list to supervisor/ editor 7. Correcting contents of VSEN2001.K list, which is edited by supervisor/ editor. B. Task and Obligation of Supervisor Supervising is needed to intensify the effectively of field realization and to reduce some mistakes that might occur. The main tasks are including the supervising of enumeration and the evaluating of the results. The tasks of supervisor/ editor are as follows: 1. Participating training 2. Scheduling field supervising for enumerators. 3. Supervising all enumerators at least one day during the enumeration period. The supervising starts from the weakest enumerator immediately to anticipate some mistakes that might occur. 4. Assisting to solve enumeration problems. If the problem is about the doubt of concept or definition, see enumerator manual book or notes given during the training. 5. Distributing documents needed to enumerators and collect the list filled by enumerator 12 6. Identifying working area in census block of enumerator together with the enumerator 7. Selecting 16 household samples from list of VSEN2001.L and copying those to list of VSEN2001.DSRT 8. Giving the filled list of VSEN2001.DSRT to enumerators 9. Checking the filling procedures of the lists used mainly the consistency and the completeness. If they are incomplete, inconsistent or improperly ask the enumerators. 10. Sending the filled and checked lists to regency/ municipality BPS 11. Conducting all tasks on schedule. C. Data Collecting Method Data collecting in every selected household is conducted by direct interview -face-to-face-- between enumerator, and respondent. Please ask the individual questions in 2002 SUSENAS’s questionnaire to the person (respondent) himself. The characteristics of household can be collected by interviewing head of household, spouse of head of household, or householder who knows the characteristics asked. D. Ethics of Visit and Interview In 2001 SUSENAS, data collected from selected household is conducted by visiting household and interview --face-to-face-- householder based on direction in this manual. To get maximum result, please pay attention to interview procedures below: 1. Arrange visit time when respondent were at home. Do not conduct interview when household was busy or having party or ceremony; 2. Nobody but supervisor/ editor or the Employer might accompany enumerator when interviewing. Editor/ supervisor will guide and supervise all enumeration steps and help to solve problem if the solution does not exist in manual; 3. Please get proper dress while interviewing. Before coming into respondent’s house, ask permission by greeting, knocking door, or by other common ways; 13 4. Before interviewing, take care of the situation. If it is not right, cancel it and find the right time in enumeration interval time; 5. Start the interview by introducing and explaining the visiting/ interview objective. If it is necessary, show mandate letter and signature of enumerator; 6. Understand and know the person who is supposed to be interviewed. Do not interview guest, relative or neighbour who are visiting respondent’s house; 7. To collect good information, conduct interview in local language if respondent prefers so that he will give right answer; 8. Before asking questions, please note respondent how crucial this survey and ensure him/ her that all information is confidential, as Regulation No.16 year 1997 about statistic; 9. During the interview, we will find various responses from respondents. Some of them will be honest and supportable. Some of them will be confused and distinct, but some of them will be curious and unsupportable. Use your interpersonal skills, tolerance, and hospitality; 10. If respondent talks about unrelated topic, get back to the list well; 11. Do not give bad response to respondent’s answer and keep your patience. Be calm in handling the unfavourable situation; 12. Be tolerance to respondent’s curiosity and answer his questions in good manner; 13. After finishing the interview, do not forget to say “thank you” and tell them about the re-visit if it is necessary; 14. Do re- visit if it is necessary. It might be happen if you cannot gather information in the first visit. E. Survey Time Reference Survey time reference used to collect data is counted based on one last period one day before household enumeration date, it is valid for: a. Characteristics of manpower on householder ages ≥ 10 years old and food consumption with survey time reference last one- week; 14 b. Characteristics of health, with survey time reference last one- month and last one- year; c. Non- food expenditure with survey time reference last one- month and last 12 months; F. Regulation and Procedures of List Filling 1. List Filling Regulation a. Know all survey’s concepts, definitions, purpose and objective b. Record all answers by black pencil as clear as possible so that it will be readable in the place available, and check and correct carefully before submitting the lists to supervisor; 2. List Filling Procedures In filing the lists, it needs to pay attention on each filling regulations for details or certain questions. Details or questions filling procedures can be classified as follows: a. Write name/ information in the right place and put on the related code in the right box; Illustration: on Detail 01 and 02, Block I, VSEN2001.KM 01 Province: Central Java 3 3 02 Regency/ municipality*): Banyumas 0 2 b. Circle answer code and copy to the box available. Illustration: in Detail 5, Block I, VSEN2001.K 5. Classification of Village/ kelurahan: 1. Urban 2. Rural 2 c. Record respondent’s answer in the place available, Illustration: in Detail 19, Block V.C, VSEN2001.K 19. Length of being disrupted: …4…days 0 4 d. Let the box blank if a Detail or question does not to be filled by the rules, such as has to be skipped. Illustration: in Detail 9.a to 9.c, Block VI, VSEN2001.K 15 9.a. Toilet Facility 1. Self- utilizing 3. Public 2. Sharing 4. None → [R.10.c] 4 9.b. Type of Toilet 1. Gooseneck 3. Cubluk/ Falling 2. Plengsengan 4. None 9.c. Feces Final Disposal: 1. Tank 4. Ground Hole 2. Pond/ Rice Field 5. Sea/ Yard/ Garden 3. River/ Lake/ Sea 6. Others 16 5 III. BUILDING AND HOUSEHOLD REGISTRATION (LIST OF VSEN2001.L) A. Objective In order to form sample outline of household selection, it is necessary to do household registration. In household registration, we collect information on name of household head, number of householders, and household expenditure per month in the 2001 SUSENAS selected census block. BPS has selected subregency, village and selected census block. In registering, enumerators are supposed to be careful not to skip or double writing household buildings in selected census block. The result of household registration is basic for household sample selection to be enumerated by VSEN2001.K list. B. Census Block Census block is part of village/ kelurahan, which is working area of 2001 SUSENAS enumerator. The criteria of census block are: 1. Part of village/ kelurahan is divided into some census block 2. Census block must have clear/ recognizable boundaries; natural or not natural boundaries. Boundaries of local environment unit (SLS like: RT, RW, dusun, environment, etc) is preferred as census block boundaries if it is clear (natural or not natural) 3. One census block has to be located in the same area There are three types of census block. They are: Ordinary census block (B) is census block, which most of it contains 80 to 120 households, or census building of residence or census building of non- residence or combination and surfeit Special census block (K) is census block, which contains at least 100 persons except jail; it does not have content limitation. Area to be special census block are including: - Military block - Military complex with doors that guarded by guardian 17 Census blocks of Preparation (P) is census block that is empty like rice field; field, un- irrigated field near rice field, swamp, forest, and emptied land, or burned area. Census Block Map Sketch In 1998 and 1999, BPS conducted village/ kelurahan mapping in all area of Indonesia. In the map, every village/ kelurahan is divided in to some census block. That is area, which has clear boundaries and covers 80 – 120 households or nonresidence census building or the combination and we hope it will not change for 10 years. Every census block contains some segments. Segment is part of census block that has clear boundaries. It is usually not limited by number of households or Physical building. For 2001 SUSENAS, Supervisor has to copy map sketch of census block that is used by SP2000 (SP2000-SWB) to the paper available. Copying is important because we cannot bring and use the original map sketch of census block during enumeration. Use the copy as guide during enumeration. Before using the copy, do not forget to check whether there is any change found in census block area since the production of the map sketch. If any, enumerator has to renew the map sketch based on the current real condition. During building and household registration, enumerator will add physical building picture and its number in series on the copy of the map sketch. The pictures copied cover: 1. Outside boundaries of census block 2. Segment boundaries and segment number 3. Local environment Unit identity like RT, RW, etc 4. Street, alley, river, lake, etc Attention: Do not copy the boxes, which are picture of physical building identity and its number in SP2000-SWB C. Building and Household Registration Procedures 18 It is necessary for enumerator (with supervisor) to round and look at the census blocks that are his working area before registering households. The objective is to avoid enumerating buildings out of selected census blocks or skipping buildings in selected census blocks. While rounding the census blocks, enumerator is supposed to gather good description of the selected census block so that he will be able to arrange good strategy of building and household registration. Numbering building is crucial to assist enumerator not to skip or double records when registering households. Building number is necessary for 2001 SUSENAS selected households enumeration and for field supervising guide. Procedures to register households and to number buildings are as follows: 1. Start from the smallest number segment to register buildings and households, and number physical building on the copy of map sketch of census block 2. Number buildings start from buildings at southwest in segment with the smallest number, and then move to north in series in the same segment until finishing to register all buildings. 3. Register one segment before moving to other nearer segments. C. Filling VSEN2001.L List VSEN2001.L list is a list to register all buildings and households in the same census block. The recorded VSEN2001.L list is a basic to select 2001 SUSENAS sample households. The filling of VSEN2001.L list is conducted at the same time of building numbering. 1. Block I : Characteristics of Area Write name of province, regency/ municipality, sub- regency, village/ kelurahan, classification of village/ kelurahan: urban/ rural, census block number, and sample code number (NKS) of SUSENAS on Detail 1 to Detail 7 as sample list of 2001 SUSENAS selected census block (VSEN2001.DSBS list). If there is any change of village name after SP2000, use village name/ code, and sub- regency code as VSEN2001.DSBS list. 2. Block II : Summary 19 The objective is to have recapitulation of buildings and households’ registration result in Block IV. Fill this block after finishing buildings and households’ registration. Copy the contents of line C, column 7 to column 10, on the last page of Block IV, but check it before copying. Detail 1: Number of households is same as contents of the last serial number in column 5, Block IV, the last page. Detail 2: Number of householders is same as contents of column 7, line C, Block IV B, on the last page. Detail 3: Number of households by expenditure group per month. It is divided into 3 types: a. Household expenditure group in column 8 = contents of column 8, line C, Block IV on the last page b. Household expenditure group in column 9 = contents of column 9, line C, Block IV on the last page. c. Household expenditure group in column 10 = contents of column 10, line C, Block IV on the last page The category of household expenditure per month in- group for each province is not the same because the society prosperity level in every region is different, particularly the daily needs. BPS prepared three classifications of expenditure group for each province in Indonesia. They are differed for urban and rural area (Table 1). Enumerator is supposed to be careful to classify the expenditure group in column 8 to 10 as the province because it will be the basic to select household sample. 3. Block III : Characteristics of Enumeration Detail 1 – 4: Characteristics of Enumerator Write name and the last five-employee identity number (NIP) of enumerator, circle position code of enumerator. Write enumeration dates, and put the enumerator signature on. NIP is only for BPS staff, which has NIP with 2- first digit 34. For collaborate, put the (−) Mark For example: NIP 340014580 1 20 4 5 8 0 Detail 5 – 8: Characteristics Supervisor/ Editor Write name, NIP, and position of supervisor/ editor. Write supervising/ editing date, and put the signature of supervisor/ editor on. Editor/ Supervisor is supposed to check the accuracy and the completeness of VSEN2001.L list before putting the signature on. 4. Block IV : Building and Household Registration This block is to register all buildings, households, and other explanations in selected census block. At the right above on every pages of Block IV, it is written Page… of…pages. Fill it after finishing the registration of one census block. Illustration: There are 94 households in selected census block. Number of Block IV pages used is 5 pages. Write down the first page, Block IV “page 2 of 6 pages”, and down the last page “page 6 of 6 pages”. Column 1: Segment Number Write segment numbers before the first physical building number in every segment, such as 010, 020, etc. Column 2: Local Environment Unit (SLS: RT, RW, Dusun, Street) Write identity of the local environment unit such as RT, RW, dusun, and street. Local environment unit is environment unit under village/ kelurahan. Terminology of SLS might be different in each region, like RT, RW, dusun, or environment. The boundaries might be natural or not natural, but it might be just a wall house or empty land as well. If SLS in VSEN201.DSBS is different from the current real condition, enumerator has to report to supervisor. Supervisor will report it in VSEN2001.DSBS. Column 3: Serial Number of Physical Building Physical building is a shelter that has wall, floor, and roof. It could be a residence or non- residence. The kitchen, bathroom, and other rooms, which 21 located separated from the main building, are considered as parts of the main building (one building) if they are in the same yard. The building that the floor space is less than 10 m2 and not used for residence, it is not classified as physical building. The 2001 SUSENAS does not cover households that live under the bridge, before railway track, in the railway coach, at the flood plain of river, etc. The numbering of physical building in series starts from 1 (one) to all physical building in the census block that starts from the smallest segment as well. For physical buildings, which are non- residence, write the utility of the buildings in column 6, such as mosque, elementary school, tile factory, etc. Sample of physical building: Residence house, hotel, shop, factory, school, mosque, temple, church, office building, meeting room, warehouse, etc. Column 4: Serial Number of Census Building The filling procedures are the same as that of column 3. Number the first census building 1, the second is 2, and so on. Census building is part or completely physical building that has own in- door, out- door, and in the same utilization unit. Column 5 – 6: Serial number of common household and name of household head. Household is classified to be common household and special household. Common household is individual or individual groups that live in the part or whole physical or census building. They usually live together and have meals from the same kitchen. Common household consists of mother, father, and child. These followings are also a common household: 1. An individual who rents room or some parts of census building but he takes care of his meals by himself; 22 2. A family that lives separately in 2 census buildings but it has meals from the same kitchen. If those census building are in the same segment group, those are considered one household; 3. Boarding house with meal service and the tenants are less than 10 persons. The tenants are considered as members of the Boarding house owner; 4. Some individuals who live together in the same room in a census building although each of them takes care of their own meal are considered as one common household. Special Household covers: 1. An individual who lives in dormitory, which is a residence, which the daily activities/ needs, is taken care by an institution. For example, nurse dormitory or military complex. The soldiers who live with their family and take care of their daily needs are not special households. 2. Individuals who live in orphan house, prison, etc. 3. A group of persons who render a room/ house, which consists of 10 persons or more. Remarks: 1. A household who has boarding house with meal service for less than 10 persons is considered as one common household including the tenants. If they are more than 10 persons, the household who has the lodging with meal service is considered as common household, and the tenants (with meal service) are considered as special household. 2. The dormitory boards, orphan house boards, jail boards, and others, who live alone or with their spouse and children and other householder are considered as common household. SPECIAL HOUSEHOLD IS NOT ENUMERATED BY VSEN2001.KM LIST. IT IS ONLY RECORDED IN VSEN2001.L LIST 23 Column 5: Serial Number of Common Household Record the serial number of common household from number 1 to the last number. If there are 2 households in one census building, write 2 serial numbers. Special household does not have household serial number, put the (-) mark on. Remarks: 1. If in registration you find a residence building that the householders are traveling, keep writing the serial number but let columns 6 t 10 be blank. Fill those when you meet the householders. 2. If the householder were not at home until the last enumeration day, note on columns 6 to 10 that you cannot meet the householders. 3. When you met the householders and found that number of households in the building is more than one, number the new household (in the building) after the last number of the listed household. Column 6: Name of Household Head Write the name with capital letters clearly and readable. Household head is a person of individuals group who is responsible to household daily needs, or a person who is considered as household head. Remarks: If head of household has more than one residence, record one of his residences as he lives longer. A household heads who has business in other place and backs to his wife and children house regularly (every week, every month, every three months) but less than 6 months, is recorded as head of household in his wife and children house. To anticipate skipping or double enumerating the householders or head of household, ask these questions to each household: a. Does head of household has other residence than this household? 24 b. Is there any householder who lives in other residence, which is in the same census block? FOR SPECIAL HOUSEHOLDS, PUT THE (-) MARK ON COLUMNS 7 to 10 Column 7: Number of householders Record number of householders in this household. Householder is person who lives in a household during the enumeration or temporarily does not live in it. The householder who has been traveling for more than six months or more and the householder who has been traveling for less than six months but he purposed to move/ leave the household for six months or more, is not considered as householder. A person who has been living in the household for six months or more, or who has been living in the household for less than six months but purposing to move/ live in the household for six months is considered as householder. Remarks: A household servant or driver who lives in his Employer’s house is considered as his Employer’s householder. If they just have meals or live in, they are not considered as householder of the Employer. Case sample: 1. Ayu boards in Depok, near University of Indonesia. She studies at Technique Faculty. Her parents and her brothers and sisters live in kelurahan Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. Every Sunday she goes to her parents’ house. Ayu is registered as Depok inhabitant. 2. Kusbianto is a BPS staff that his family members live in Bogor regency. To save transportation cost, he goes to Bogor every Friday to Monday morning. Kusbianto is a head of household so that he is registered as Bogor inhabitant. 25 3. Udin is a head of household with five householders who live in Kamojang village, Garut regency. He has been living in Jakarta since December 1999 until the enumeration date. Three days ago was enumeration, and Udin is registered as Jakarta inhabitant because he has been living in Jakarta for more than 6 months. 4. Mardani has five children who are Didik- lives in Semarang, Ucup- lives in Solo, Ayu- lives in Yogyakarta, Aan- lives in Jakarta, and Ika- lives in Bandung. Mardani takes turn to visit them and stays in her children’s house for one month. Right in the enumeration date, Mardani was in Aan’s house since one week ago. Therefore, Mardani is registered as Jakarta inhabitant. Column 8 to 10: Household Expenditure for One Month Record the √ mark based on the expenditure category. Before filling the √ mark, please check whether the expenditure category has been filled. If it is not filled yet, fill it by differing urban and rural area as Table 1a and 1b. Household expenditure per month is expenditure spent by household for one month. There are 2 household consumption categories, they are (I) food consumption and (ii) non- food consumption, without considering the source. Household expenditure is expenditure for daily needs, and it is excluding consumption/ expenditure for household business or gift to other side. In reality, enumerator is supposed to record the detail in notepaper, count them up, and then give the √ mark as the amount. To gather the right answers, please confirm respondent the average expenditure per month, each for (I) food, including prepared food, and (ii) nonfood, such as rent/ predicted rent cost, lighting, fuel, water, things and services, education, health, clothes, durable things, taxes, and insurance). Line A- C: Fill the cumulative in every page 26 After finishing the selected household registration, count the records of column 7 up and the √ marks in column 8 to 10 as well. Record the sum in line A: total in this page. Line B: Fill the (-) mark here because it does not contain totals cumulative of previous page for the first page of Block IV. Line C is totals cumulative of previous page (A+B), record as line A. In the third page (2nd page of Block IV), do the same procedures as the second page (the 1st page of Bock IV) for line A filling procedures. Copy the contents in line C from previous page to line B in this page. Then, count contents of line A and B up in column 7 to 10 and fill the result in line C. Do the same procedures to every pages until you finish to count the contents of the last page up. BE CAREFUL IN CLASSIFYING HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE. IF IT IS NOT RIGHT, IT WILL AFFECT TO ESTIMATION ACCURACY 27 Table 1.a Category of Household Expenditure per Month by province (To put on VSEN2001.L list, Block IV, Column 8 to 10) Urban area Province (1) 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Dista Aceh North Sumatera West Sumatera Riau Jambi South Sumatera Bengkulu Lampung DKI Jakarta West Java Central Java DI Yogyakarta East Java Bali West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara West Kalimantan Central Kalimantan South Kalimantan East Kalimantan North Sulawesi Central Sulawesi South Sulawesi South east Sulawesi Maluku Irian Jaya Monthly Household Expenditure In- group (in thousand rupiahs) Column 8 Column 9 Column 10 (2) (3) (4) < 550 < 525 < 550 < 625 <525 < 500 < 525 < 550 < 725 < 500 < 400 < 425 < 425 < 550 < 425 < 500 < 575 < 550 < 500 < 525 < 475 < 500 < 500 < 450 < 500 < 550 550,00 – 974,99 525,00 – 949,99 550,00 – 999,99 625,00 – 1099,99 525,00 – 949,99 500,00 – 924,99 525,00 – 999,99 550,00 – 999,99 725,00 – 1249,99 500,00 – 924,99 400,00 – 774,99 425,00 – 899,99 425,00 – 824,99 550,00 – 999,99 425,00 – 824,99 500,00 – 924,99 575,00 – 1074,99 550,00 – 1024,99 500,00 – 974,99 525,00 – 999,99 475,00 – 849,99 500,00 – 949,99 500,00 – 924,99 450,00 – 849,99 500,00 – 874,99 550,00 – 1049,99 28 ≥ 975 ≥ 950 ≥ 1000 ≥ 1100 ≥ 950 ≥ 925 ≥ 1000 ≥ 1000 ≥ 1250 ≥ 925 ≥ 775 ≥ 900 ≥ 825 ≥ 1000 ≥ 825 ≥ 925 ≥ 1075 ≥ 1025 ≥ 975 ≥ 1000 ≥ 850 ≥ 950 ≥ 925 ≥ 850 ≥ 875 ≥ 1050 Table 1b. Category of Household Expenditure per Month by province (To put on VSEN2001.L list, Block IV, Column 8 to 10) Rural area Province (1) 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Dista Aceh North Sumatera West Sumatera Riau Jambi South Sumatera Bengkulu Lampung DKI Jakarta West Java Central Java DI Yogyakarta East Java Bali West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara West Kalimantan Central Kalimantan South Kalimantan East Kalimantan North Sulawesi Central Sulawesi South Sulawesi South east Sulawesi Maluku Monthly Household Expenditure In- group (in thousand rupiahs) Column 8 Column 9 Column 10 (2) (3) (4) < 375 < 400 < 425 < 450 <350 < 350 < 375 < 325 < 350 < 300 < 325 < 300 < 450 < 325 < 275 < 400 < 400 < 350 < 425 < 350 < 350 < 350 < 325 < 325 375,00 – 674,99 400,00 – 699,99 425,00 – 799,99 450,00 – 749,99 350,00 – 649,99 350,00 – 649,99 375,00 – 649,99 325,00 – 649,99 350,00 – 649,99 300,00 – 524,99 325,00 – 624,99 300,00 – 549,00 450,00 – 774,99 325,00 – 599,99 275,00 – 549,99 400,00 – 674,99 400,00 – 699,99 350,00 – 624,99 425,00 – 799,99 350,00 – 649,99 350,00 – 649,99 350,00 – 674,99 325,00 – 649,99 325,00 – 599,99 29 ≥ 675 ≥ 700 ≥ 800 ≥ 750 ≥ 650 ≥ 650 ≥ 650 ≥ 650 ≥ 650 ≥ 525 ≥ 625 ≥ 550 ≥ 775 ≥ 600 ≥ 550 ≥ 675 ≥ 700 ≥ 625 ≥ 800 ≥ 650 ≥ 650 ≥ 675 ≥ 650 ≥ 600 < 225 26. Irian Jaya 5. Block V : 225,00 – 499,99 ≥ 500 Sample Characteristics of Sample Selection Supervisors/ Editors will use this block for selecting household sample. By this block, we will gather information of sample selector officers and characteristics of sample selection. A. Sample Selector Officers Detail 1 – 3: Characteristics of Sample Selector Write name, NIP (the last five digits), and position of sample selector officers, and sample selection date. B. Characteristics of Sample Selection Write value of N, n and I from these sources: N, number of households, copy from Detail 1, Block II. n, number of selected households, record 16 households. I, sample interval, count up by: I= N/n Value of I is counted up to one digit behind comma Write page, line, and column that are used for determining the first random digit, R1 (random start) from random digit table. Write random digit R1, R2, …, R15, and R16. A procedure to find random digit is explained in chapter II. Methodology point G: procedures of household sample selection, manual book of Provincial, regency/ municipality BPS and supervisor (Manual I.A) E. LIST OF VSEN2001.DSRT List of VSEN2001.DSRT is a reference document that contains identity of selected households. Enumerators use this list when visiting and enumerating those households. They have to copy the households’ identity to VSEN2001.KM 30 before visiting. Supervisors conduct the copying of selected households from VSEN2001.L list to VSEN2001.DSRT list. IV. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF HOUSEHOLDS AND HOUSEHOLDERS (LIST OF VSEN2001.KM) A. General The utility of this list is to record main characteristics of households and householders. It covers information on demography, education, matters pertaining to work force, health, fertility, family planning, housing and settlement, and household expenditure. B. Block I: Characteristics of Area Detail 1 to 7: write name and code of province, regency/ municipality, subregency, village/ kelurahan, census block number, and sample code number (NKS). The details are from Detail 1 to 7, Block I, VSEN2001.DSRT list. Detail 8 is serial number of households sample that is from column 1 (serial number from 1 to 16), Block IV, VSEN2001.DSRT list. Fill details 1 to 8 in Block IV before visiting the respondents’ house. C. Block II: Characteristics of Households This block contains some characteristics of household, which is summary from some details in Block IV, VSEN2001.KM list. Therefore, fill this block after finishing Block IV. Detail 1: Name of Household Head Write name of household head of the 2001 SUSENAS selected households. Copy the name that recorded in line 1, column 2, Block IV. The name has to be the 31 same as that of in column 6, Block IV, VSEN2001.DSRT list. If it is different, confirm to Note Block. Illustration: 1. Person in VSEN2001.DSRT list who passed away, write date, month, and year of the death. 2. Person in VSEN2001.DSRT list column 6 who had moved, write date, month, and year of the moving. 3. Name of person in VSEN2001.DSRT that is nicknaming, writes it down VSEN2001.KM in the brackets after his full name. Detail 2: Number of Householders Write the number of the householders of the household sample. The contents will be the same as number of recorded line in Block IV, VSEN2001.K list. Detail 3: Number of Children Age’s 0 – 4 years old Write number of householders age’s 0 – 4 years old. Find it from number of lines in column 5, Block IV, which record 00 to 04. D. Block III: Characteristics of Enumeration It records characteristics of officer who conducts the enumeration, the guarantor of list filling and editing, enumeration time, and supervising/ editing. Detail 1 – 4: Characteristics of Enumerator Write name, the last five digits of NIP, and circle the position code of enumerator. Write enumeration’s date and put the enumerator’s signature on. Detail 5 – 8: Characteristics of Supervisor/ Editor Write name, the last five digits of NIP, and supervisor/ editor’s position. Write supervision - editing dates and put the signature on. Fill the enumeration and supervising/ editing date in the box of date and month. E. Block IV: Characteristics of Householders It records main characteristics of householders. It covers name, relationship with household head, sex, age, marital status, whether biological father/ mother passed away (for householder age’s < 15 years old, birth certificate, pre- school education, and kid labor. 32 First, ASK COLUMN 2 AND COLUMN 3 TO ALL HOUSEHOLDERS Interviewing procedures: First of all, ask and write name of household head, and then contents of column 2 and column 3 in series by asking name of spouse, unmarried children, married children, and so on to the last householder. After column 2 and column 3 have finished, ask one by one the characteristics needed from column 4 to column 18 to each householder. Enumerators are supposed to be careful in asking, watch the age limitation rules because some columns have different age limitation. They are: a. Column 7 : for householder ages 0 – 14 years old b. Column 8 and 9 : for householder ages 0 – 4 years old c. Column 10 and 11 : for householders age 3 – 6 years old d. Column 12 to column 17 : for householders age 5 – 14 years old e. Column 18 Illustration: : for female ages 15 – 49 years old Ali’s household consists of 5 householders. Pak Ali is 47 years old. Bu Siti, Pak Ali’s wife, is 36 years old. Ani, the oldest, is 16 years old. Udin, the second, is 9 years old, and Riski, the third, is 4 years old. Columns in Block IV that must be asked and recorded for Ali’s household are: 1. Pak Ali : fill column 2 to 6, column 7 to 18 is blank (do not ask). 2. Bu Siti : fill column 2 to 6, column 7 to 17 is blank (do not ask), fill column 18. 3. Ani : fill column 2 to 6, column 7 to 17 is blank (do not ask), fill column 18. 4. Udin : fill column 2 to column 6,and column 7. Column 8 to 11 is blank (do not ask), fill columns 12 to 17. Column 18 is blank (do not ask). 5. Riski : Fill column 2 to 6, column 7 to 11. Column 12 to 18 is blank (do not ask). Column 1: Serial Number of Householder The number has been written from number 01 to 10. Individual question’s sheets are available for 8 householders. If householders are more than 8 individuals. Use extra sheet/ questionnaire and write ,“CONTINUE” at the right top 33 of the first questionnaire and write “CONTINUATION” at the right top of the extra questionnaire. Copy characteristics of area to supplement of VSEN2001.K list. Column 2: Name of Householders Write name of householders. Start it from head of household, spouse, and unmarried children, married children, children in law, grandchildren, etc. After that, re-read the names and ask questions to ensure that: 1. Unrecorded Individuals whose are forgotten or considered not to be householders like baby, little kid, servant, friend/ guest who has been live in for 6 months or more; and individuals who are traveling less than 6 months, but usually lives in the household. Write those names in the lines, which are match to the serial code of relationship with head of household. 2. Individuals who are considered as householders because they usually live in the household but they are traveling for 6 months or more. Erase the names from the list, if it has recorded. Arrange the names of householders based on the serial code of relationship with head of household. Column 3: Relationship with Head of Household Ask relationship of every householder with the household head, and fill the fit code in the box available. The first householder must be household head, and followed in series by: - Spouse of household head. - Children including biological children, stepchildren, and adopted children. - Children in law who is spouse of biological children, that of stepchildren and that of adopted children. - Grandchildren who are children of biological children, stepchildren, and adopted children. - Parents/ Parents in law who are father/ mother of head of household or father/ mother of household head/ spouse. - Other relatives who are individuals who have family relationship with head of household or with household’s spouse, such as younger brother/ sister, older brother/ sister, aunt, uncle, grandfather, and grandmother. 34 - Household servant, who is individual that work as servant, lives in the household, and be paid (money or in-kind). - Others, who are individuals that do not have family relationship with household head or the spouse, they have been living there for more than 6 months, such as guest, friend, and tenants with meal service. It is including servant’s children who lives and eat in the household. Remarks: 1. Ex- children in law who do not have relationship with household head are recorded as others; if they have relationship with the household head, record the relationship status before they got married. 2. Relatives who work as servant (are paid) are considered as household servant. 3. Driver and gardener who is householder (eats and lives in the household). Driver is recorded as others (code 9), and gardener as servant (code 8). 4. Children of Servant who live in the household, if they are considered and treated as household servant, the status is household servant (code 8). If the children are not considered and treated as household servant, record them as others (code 9). Column 4: Sex Fill the sex code for each householder in the box available. Do not expect the sex based on the name. Confirm it by asking the householder (are you male/ female?). Column 5: Age (years old) Age characteristic is crucial for population data. Otherwise, it is a basic data to figure out birth rate, infant mortality rate, population projection, and others related to population. Ask the respondent’s age and record the answer in the box. Count the age up by completed below or age on the last birthday. Age calculation is based on Christian calendar. Remarks: 1. If respondent is 27 years 9 months old, record 27 years old. 35 2. If respondent is more than one year old, record 0 year old. If respondent is not sure about his age, collect information by these procedures: 1. Demanding birth document such as birth certificate, doctor’s card, immunization card, and health card (KMS), or any other documents that organized by his parents. 2. Relating birthday’s respondent to date, month, or year of important event occurred in Indonesia or in his region and well known nationally or regionally. Example: General election, flood, fire, head of village/ kelurahan election, etc. Some important events, which can be used to predict age, are: 1. Japan landed on Indonesia (1942). 2. Independence year of Republic of Indonesia (1945). 3. The first General Election (1955). 4. G30S/PKI (Indonesian Communist) movement (1965). 3. Comparing the householder’s age to his biological brother/ sister. Start from the youngest one, and compare to the second youngest one by asking how old was the older brother/ sister or what the older brother/ sister could do {sit down (6 months old), cringe (8 months), stand up (9 months), walk (12 months)} when his younger brother/ sister was born or when his mother got pregnant. Conduct the procedure to find information of the older children. 4. Comparing to neighbor’s or relative’s children which the age is knows for sure. Estimate how many months the related child is older or younger than those children are. In some regions, respondent understands about his birth date, month, and year based on Islamic calendar or some events in religion calendar such as fasting month, Eid al Fitri (day of celebration at end of fasting month), Eid al Adha (Festival celebrated in the 10th day of the 12th Islamic month or Maulud Nabi (Prophet Mohammed’s birthday). To find out respondent’s age in Christian calendar, use the age conversion manual. 36 Sometimes respondent does not understand about his age, and when he was interviewed, he will keep saying “ up to you”. In this case, enumerator is supposed to keep tolerant and conduct the suggested procedures. There are two boxes available for age, if respondent’s age is less than 10 years old, fill zero (0) in the first box. For respondent who’s age is 98 years old or more, record 98. Example: 110 years old 9 8 9 years 9 months old 0 9 11 months 20 days old 0 0 Column 6: Marital Status Ask respondent’s marital status and record the code in the box available. - Married is having wife (for male) or husband (for female) in the enumeration date- live together or separately. In this case, it does not only cover respondent who married legal based on law (ethnic, religion, country, etc), but also respondent who lives together and his society considers him/ her as husband and wife. - Alive divorced is break as husband and wife by divorcing and not married anymore. In this case, it covers respondent who says that he divorced although illegal from law point. Nevertheless, it does not cover respondent who lives separate but has married status. For example, husband/ wife who is left by the spouse to other place for studying, working, seeking job, or other reasons. Female who says she never gets married but ever pregnant is considered divorced when her husband was alive. - Dead divorced is left by the spouse since his death and not married anymore. COLUMN 7 IS FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 0 - 14 YEARS OLD Column 7: Is your biological mother/ father passed away? 37 This question is to find out proportion of fatherless, motherless and orphan children age 0 – 14 years old who live in the household. Those indicators in the household is to monitor children condition particularly who live in the unfavorable situation related to children rights. The indicators will be reported separately from fatherless, motherless, and orphan children. If you find out one of the biological parents passed away while filling but respondent does not know whether the other one is alive or not, the answer is categorized that one of them passed away. The answers that might be possible are: Father Mother Passed away Alive Do not know Passed away 3 1 1 Alive Do not know 2 4 9 2 9 9 Record code 1 if biological father passed away and biological mother is still alive or does not know. Code 2 if biological mother passed away and biological father is still alive or does not know. Code 3 if both of them passed away. Code 9 if biological father passed away and does not know about biological mother or if biological mother is alive and does not know about biological father, or if respondent does not know about the two of them. Biological mother is a mother who gave the related respondent birth, while biological father is a biological father according to biological mother admission. COLUMNS 8 AND 9 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 0-4 YEARS OLD Column 8: Do you have birth certificate (not temporary birth certificate)? Can I see it? Those questions are to figure out proportion of children age 0-4 years old (059 months old) who is his birth is registered to civilian bureau. Indicator of the birth record is necessary because it is related to children right as mentioned in Children rights convention. It mentions that every kid has right to be registered right after his 38 birthday. The recording is necessary because if it is guaranteed, other rights such as education right and right to have proper life will be guaranteed as well. Ask respondent these questions: “Do you have birth certificate (not temporary birth certificate)? Can I see it? Birth certificate is a birth proof certificate issued by civilian office. Fill code 1 if “yes, shows”, code 2 if “yes, do not show”, code 3 if “does not own”, and code 9 if “does not know”. If column 8 codes 1 or 2, go to next questions in column 10. Remarks: Respondent is considered “do not own birth certificate” if: 1. Birth certificate is in process although the receipt is in hand. 2. Birth certificate process is done but not taken yet. 3. Birth certificate process is done but the identity is not correct so that it is corrected and until the enumeration, the certificate is not taken yet. Column 9: If column 8=3 or 9. Why you do not own? (Do not read the alternative answer; ask, “Do you have other documents?”) If respondent’s birth was not registered to civilian office so that he does not know nor does not own birth certificate, ask the reason why. Record the code fit to respondent’s answer in column 9. Answer code might be more than one. Record code 99 if respondent answered, “ I do not know”. COLUMNS 10 AND 11 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 3-6 YEARS OLD Column 10: Are you taking Pre- School Program? The question is to figure out proportion of children age 3-6 years old who take education program for pre- school age children. The indicator is necessary because regarding to psychology of children development, children intelligence development for next years depends on the stimulation received during the first 05 years of the birth. By taking the pre- school program, they are expected to receive more stimulation and ready to take the next education level. 39 The codes are 1 to 4. Go to questions in column 12 if children age 5 or 6 years old If column 10= 1 to 3. If householder is 3 or 4 years old, ask the same questions to other householders. Kindergarten School (TK), Bustanul Athfal (BA) or Raudatul Athfal (RA) is a school before elementary school. Playgroup is education program of pre- school before TK. Its programs are teaching children learn how to socialize among them by playing method. Children Entrusted Agent (TPA) is a place to entrust children with education program of pre- school. It usually takes care of children who are their parents’ works. Taking pre- school program is registered and taking active the education in the places mentioned above (TK, BA, RA/ play group/ TPA). Column 11: If “No” (Column 10= 4), Why? If respondent is not taking the pre- school program, ask the reason why. Record the code based on the respondent’s answer by priority codes in column 11. 1. Ever been in TK. Respondent has ever taken pre- school program but he is not registered and not active anymore while enumeration dates. Do not consider whether he is in Elementary school or not. 2. Now attending elementary school. Respondent is now studying in elementary school. If he has ever been in TK, record code 1 (ever been in TK) 3. Respondent is not interested to school. Respondent refuses to attend preschool program by certain reasons such as fear of school. 4. Does not have money. It is economic reason and it covers the reasons “ does not have money or the fare is expensive” 5. Does not take it necessary. This reason covers the answers, which entrust the respondent to his grandmother/ neighbor/ relative/ nanny. Therefore, he does not need to join playgroup or TPS. In addition, he is not supposed to take TK before attending elementary school. 40 6. No facility in the village/ kelurahan. The reason covers the answers, which the parents/ the guards expect the facility does not exist in the village/ kelurahan. 7. Does not know about pre- school program. If the parents/ guards do not know about education program before elementary school. 8. Others; such as, parents/ guards do not find the right pre- school program. COLUMNS 12 TO 17 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 5-14 YEARS OLD Questions in columns 12 to 17 are to figure out proportion of children age 514 years old that participate the economic activities and it is domestic work such as cleaning the house, taking care of younger brother/ sister, etc. Column 12: did you work at least for one hour during last one- week? Record codes 1 if “Yes” and 2 if “No”. If it codes 2, go to the next questions in column 15. Work is an activity to gain profit or revenue, at least for one hour during last oneweek. The- one hour work has to be conducted continues and it cannot be interrupted. Last one- week is 7 days in series and it last one day before the enumeration day. For example, enumeration day that is conducted in February 15, 2001, the last one- week is one week ago from February 8 to February 14, 2001. Remarks: a. Doing work in working concept is doing economic activity that gain/ assist to produce goods or service. b. A person who cultivates plant for self- consuming is considered “did not work”. Exceptions for main food cultivation such as rice, corn, sago, or crops planted as second crop in dry season (cassava, sweet potato, and potato). c. Householder who assists head of household’s work or other householder such as works in rice field, un-irrigated agricultural field, shop/ stall, etc is considered “works” although he is not paid (unpaid family worker). Column 13: if “Yes” (column 12= 1), works for: 41 Record code 1 for “entrepreneur”, code 2 for “household business”, code 4 for “works for other side business and paid”, and code 8 for “works for other side business but unpaid”. Answer code can be more than one. Self- employed is working without being assisted by other side Works for other side business and paid is working for other side that is not householder and paid. Works for other side but unpaid is working for other side business who is not householder but unpaid. Column 14: Main Job during Last one- Week This detail is to gather information on respondent’s main job during last oneweek. Procedures to identify an activity as main job are: - If respondent only has one job during last one- week, it is considered as main job. - If respondent has more than one job during last one- week, a job that took most of the times is considered as main job. If each job took the same time, a job that gains the largest profit/ revenue is the main job. A person considers has more than one work if he manages the jobs separately. A farm labor although works for some farmers (separate management) is categorized has one job. Main job is including: Rolling into pellets is a business that collects second hand goods from plastic, metal, or paper to sell. It covers collector-spilled rice, fishes, chilies, shallots/ garlic, and tomatoes. Service section, such as: - Umbrella rent is offering umbrella to people while raining. - Carrying some goods at the market or supermarket is offering service to carry the goods including the purchased goods at the market or supermarket. - Three in 1 jockey is offering service to people who drive personal car on 3 in 1 area. Transportation Section, such as driver assistant. Others, such as builder assistant. 42 Column 15: Did you have activities other than working and gained money during last one- week as the cases below? This question is to figure out proportion of children age 5 – 14 years old who work for gain income by doing unproductive work. Money that gained from this activity is from the giver voluntarily. Kinds of work is singing begging, begging, cleaning cars at traffic light, and ruling traffics. Record code 1 if “Yes” and code 2 if “No”. Kinds of activity: Singing begging is singing to get money. Begging is begging money to somebody. Cleaning car at traffic light is a service to clean car when the traffic lamp is red. Ruling traffic is a service to rule the traffic illegally. It usually exists in big city, particularly at the circulation of vehicle. Column 16: Did you conduct household work during last one- week like cooking, shopping, washing, taking water, taking care of younger brother/ sister/ other householder, etc? Questions in columns 16 and 17 are to find out proportion of children age 514 years old who participate in household’s works and the time spent for each work. Household’s works are cooking, sweeping, shopping, washing clothes/ dishes, taking care of younger brother/ sister or other householder, etc. To get clearer description about respondent’s activities, enumerator can ask by using approach of time allocation that respondent spent for one day. Start by asking his habits such as, what time do you get- up, what do you do after gettingup, the activities before and after schooling, and activities in the evening, in the night, the time he usually goes to bed. Record code 1 if “Yes” and code 2 if “No”. Ask the same question to other householders if column 6= 12. Column 17: If “Yes” (column 16=1). How Many Hours Do You Conduct the Activities Every Day? Record hours; usually conduct the activities for one day. The range is between 0-8 hours. If it is more than 8 hours, fill 8. 43 F. Block V: Characteristics of Individual (for all ages) This block is to record information of individual who is householder. The information in Block V.A to V.F is including name, serial number of biological mother/ father, education, and matters pertaining to workforce, health, and fertility. Name and Serial Number of Householder Write name and serial number of householder who is interviewing. Fill the serial number of householder in the box available. Age (years old) Record age of householder in years old based on the content in column 5 Block V. Does the related householder present during interview? Record code 1 if the related householder present during interview and code 2 if does not. Serial Number of Biological Mother If biological mother is still alive (content of Block IV, column 7 codes 1 or 4), ask whether the biological mother lives with him/ her. If “Yes”, fill the serial number of his biological mother based on the serial number in column 1 Block IV. If “No”, record 00. Serial Number of Biological Father If biological father is still alive (content of Block IV, Column 7 codes 2 or 4), ask whether the biological father lives with him/ her. Fill the serial number of the father in the box available based on the serial number in column 1 Block IV if “Yes”. If “No”, record 00. Go to detail 17 (Block V.C) if respondent age’s 0-5 years old, 1. Block V.A: Characteristics of Education (For Householder Ages ≤ 5 Years Old) This block is to collect information on education, which is including number of school participation, dropped- out, the highest education that is attending or ever been attend, level of students presentation at school, the highest graduation certificate, and percentage of illiterate population. When a person follows the education program in a formal education institution under Education ministry or other ministry actively, he is categorized “schooling”. 44 People who are registered and active are persons who are registered and studying in formal education institution actively. Formal education program consists of: a. Elementary Education Program. It includes elementary school, Elementary School for handicap, and Islamic Elementary School. It covers junior high school/ vocational and Islamic junior high school as well. b. Intermediate Education Program. It includes senior high school (SMU), Islamic senior high school (MA), and vocational those are managed by Education ministry and other department. c. Advance Education Program. It covers: 1. Degree Program is a program that stresses academic skills formatting. Academic skills are skills to recognize a research in education field, technology, or art managed by Advance education institution. It includes bachelor, under graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral program. 2. Non- degree Program is a program that stresses professional skills formatting. Professional skills are skills to apply knowledge in education field, technology, or art. It covers diploma I to diploma IV, and specialist (level I and level II). Detail I: School Participation The record will be coded 1 to 3. If the answer codes 1, go to the questions in Detail 6. If it codes 2, go to Detail 3.a. Does not/ Never schooled is never or is not registered and does not/ never been follow education program in a formal education institution. Still schooling is a person who is registered and following education program in a formal education institution. Stop schooling is ever been registered and followed an education program in a formal education institution, but he is not registered and does not follow the program when enumeration is conducted. Remarks: 1. Person who takes Package A is: - Never school at elementary school is categorized “never school” 45 - Ever schooled at elementary school is categorized “does not school” 2. Diploma I program is diploma program that is managed by formal institution education. Detail 2: If Detail 1=3, when did you stop schooling? (Record 0000 if quit before 1991) This question is to figure out the dropped- out rate of householder during last 10 years. Record month and year when quit for respondent who quit after 1990. Record completely on points and record in the boxes available. Consistency/ Treatment to Record Detail 2 in the Box Contents of Detail 2 (in box) Characteristic Month Year a) Before 1991 00 0000 b) 1991 to 2000 01 to 12 1991 to 2000 c) 2001 01 or 02 2001 Year when quit Detail 3.a: Grade and Type of The highest education attending/ ever attended The answer is one of code from 01 to 11 Grade and type of the highest education attending/ ever attended is the highest education, which ever been attended by respondent who does not school anymore or attending by a respondents who is schooling. Elementary School/ Islamic Elementary School is 5/ 6/ 7 years school or other types at the same level (school for handicap, etc). Junior high school/ Islamic Junior High School/ Vocational, etc is the first Intermediate level school, either general or vocational, Islamic or other schools that are the same level {MULO, HBS 3 years, high school for handicap, home economic high school, technical school, economic high school, farm school, 46 school for teacher, school for Islamic teacher, administration staff course (KPA), and training for religion judicature staff Senior High School/ Islamic Senior High School, Etc is senior high school (general), Islamic high school, etc (HBS 5 years, AMS, and senior administration staff course (KPAA)). Vocational School is the second Intermediate level school. It covers Social works school, Industry school, Art school, musical instrument school, Musical school, technical school, economic school, and agricultural technical school. It also includes school for sports teacher, school for teaching handicap students, 6 years Islamic teacher training, school for kindergarten teacher, teacher’s course, chemistry analyst school, pharmacist assistant school, midwife course, x- ray regulator school. Diploma I/II Program is a program managed by university. D III Program is a program to have diploma degree from Academy/ University. Example: a. Indonesia Art of Music Academy b. Indonesia Art of Dance Academy c. Foreign Language Academy d. Company Leader Academy e. Analyst Chemistry Academy f. Meteorology and Geophysical Academy D IV/ Academician Degree Holder is Diploma IV education program, academician degree holder from university Postgraduate is postgraduate program (Master or Doctoral), specialist 1 and specialist 2, managed by university. Remarks: a. Record one of respondent’s schools if respondent studies at 2 schools or more Illustration: a kid who studies at public elementary school and Islamic Elementary School will be recorded in public elementary school or Islamic school. It depends on the respondent’s answer. 47 b. Specialist I program is considered as master program while specialist II as doctoral program Detail 3.b: For respondent who is still schooling in Elementary School – High School (R.1= 2 & R.3.a= 01 to 07), Number of absences during last one- month (other than holiday) This question is to figure out net attendance rate of householder who studies in elementary and high school. Although he is registered in school, there is a possibility he does not involve in school activities. Record number of absences during last one- month beside formal holiday or school’s holiday. The maximum record is 26 days. Detail 4: The Highest Level/ Class That Is Attending/ Ever Attended The record will be code from 1 to 8. Remarks: a. Record code 8 for respondent who is graduated. b. Record code 6 for respondent who is bachelor and now taking/ ever taken master program. c. Record code 7 for respondent who is Bachelor and now taking/ ever taken doctoral program. d. Record code 5 for respondent who is attending/ ever attended the highest class of undergraduate program. Graduated is completing all subjects and pass the final examination at the highest class in academy/ university, either public or private, and have graduation certificate. A person who did not attend the highest class but pass the final examination is considered graduated. Remarks: We can collect information of grade/ class from respondent who is attending/ ever attended university/ academy by system of semester credit unit by asking this question: “How many credits have you taken?” Converse the answer by these procedures: 0 - 30 credits ≈ grade 1 48 31- 60 credits ≈ grade 2 61- 90 credits ≈ grade 3 91 -120 credits ≈ grade 4 ≥121 credits ≈ grade 5 Illustration: 1. Attending/ attended Grade of student who completed 30, 31, and 65 credits is: Credit Completed 30 credits Attended Grade 1 Attending Grade 2 31 credits 2 2 65 credits 3 3 2. Respondent who is taking extension program from academy/ diploma III program and have his credits conversed. His grade is based on the conversed credits plus the competed credits. Detail 5: The Highest Graduation Certificate/ Graduation Certificate with Examination Report (STTB) The record will be code 1 to 9. Respondent who does not have graduation certificate/ STTB is respondent who studied in 5/ 6/ 7 years elementary school or other schools that is the same level but was not/ not yet graduated. Respondent who completed 3 years elementary school or other schools in the same level is not considered graduated from Elementary school. Graduation Certificate/ STTB of Elementary School/ Islamic school/ the Same Level school is certificate that is owned because he was graduated from Elementary school/ Package A. Graduation Certificate/ STTB of Junior High School/ Islamic High School/ the Same Level is certificate that is owned because he was graduated from Junior High School/ Package B. Graduation Certificate/ STTB of Senior High School is certificate that is owned because he was graduated from Senior High School. 49 Graduation Certificate/ STTB of Vocational High School is certificate that is owned because he was graduated from vocational high school. Diploma I/ II is degree that is authorized because he has completed Diploma I/ II in a university. Diploma III is degree that is authorized because he has completed Diploma III in a university or academy. Diploma IV/ Undergraduate is degree that is authorized because he has completed Diploma IV or under graduate program in a university. Master/ Doctor is having master/ doctor degree/ specialist I or II from a university. Remarks: A student who is in the 4th / 5th grade in a university, which does not issue Bachelor degree, his highest certificate/ STTB is Senior High School/ Vocational High School’s. The same level/ vocational concept can be seen in Detail 3.a Filling sample: 1. A respondent was graduated from senior high schools in August and now does not attend school. The records are: Detail 1 codes 3, Detail 2 codes 08 and 1998, Detail 3.a codes 05, Detail 3.b is blank, Detail 4 codes 8, Detail 5 codes 4. 2. A respondent completed his senior high schools and attended a university in August 1995. He quitted after completed 40 credits in November 1997. The records are: Detail 1 codes 3, Detail 2 codes 11 and 1997, Detail 3.a codes 10, Detail 3.b is blank, Detail 4 codes 2, Detail 5 codes 4. 3. Respondent does not attend school but completed package A program (such as examination that is equivalent to final examination of Elementary School) R.1 = 3; R.2 = year when graduated from package A program R.3.a = Elementary School (if it is equivalent to Elementary School); R.3.b = skip; R.4 = 8 50 R.5 = 2; R.6 = fill 4. Respondent is taking package A/ B program and he never attended Elementary School The records are: R.1 = 1; R.2 to R.5 = skip; R.6 = fill 5. 5. Respondent is taking package A/ B program and he ever- attended Elementary School The records are: R.1 = 3; R.2 = year when quit from Elementary School R.3.a = 01 (Elementary School) R.3.b = skip; R.4 = the highest grade when quit from Elementary School; R.5 = do not authorize (1); R.6 = fill Remarks: a. A respondent is in the 5th grade in elementary school, or the 2nd grade in Junior High School, or the 2nd grade in Senior High School but has been pass the final test in Elementary School, or Junior High School, or Senior High School (has graduation certificate/ STTB). Record his graduation certificate Elementary school, or Junior High School’s, or Senior High School’s. b. If respondent reported that he is attending program that is lower than the program he is completed, probes by re- asking the same question. If it is true, take a note in the note block. Detail 6: Able to read and write The record is code 1, 2, or 3. Code 1 if respondent can read and write roman’s characters. Code 2 if respondent is only able to read and write characters other than roman’s, such as Arabic’s, Chinese’s, etc. Code 3 if respondent cannot read and write either roman’s or other characters. Able to read and write is able to read and write simple words/ sentences in certain characters. Remarks: a. A blind person who is able to read and write Braille characters is classified able to read and write. 51 b. A handicap that was able to read and write, but since the invalidity cannot read and write is classified able to read and write. c. Person who can read but cannot write or the contrary is considered unable to read and write. 2. Block V.B: Matters Pertaining to Work Force This block consists of 10 details, from Detail 7 to Detail 16. In general, the objectives of this block are to collect information of labor force condition of people in productive age. It covers activities during last one- week, number of working hours, business field, type of job, job status, income, and wage/ salary. In particular, it is to figure out number of working people. DETAILS 7.A TO 16 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 10 YEARS OLD AND MORE Detail 7.a: Did you conduct these following activities during last oneweek? Circle code 1 for each activity if respondent answer “Yes” or code “2” if respondent answer “No”. See Working Concept on page 35. Last one- week is 7 days in series and ends one day before enumeration. If enumeration date is February 25, 2001, Last one-- week is from February 18 to 24, 2001. Activity covers working, attending school, taking care of house, cannot conduct activity because of invalid, too old, etc such as taking course, having sport, recreating. Remarks: a. A person who uses his profession for his own household needs is considered working. For example: doctor who cures his householder, a builder who repairs his house, and a tailor who makes his clothes. b. A person who leases machine/ agricultural instruments, industrial machine, party equipment, transportation tools, etc is categorized working. 52 c. A servant is categorized working, either as householder of the Employer or not. d. A person who leases farmland to other side based on result- sharing is categorized working if he takes the risk or manages the business. e. A freelance worker who works in agricultural or non- agricultural section based on job order is considered seeking job (did not work). f. A prisoner (sent to jail for less than 6 months) who conducts activities such as planting, making furniture, etc is considered did not work. g. A professional singer of boxer who is in training for increasing his skill is considered working. Attending School is studying in formal school. It does not cover the respondent who is in vacation. Taking care of household is taking care of household or assisting to take care of household without being paid. A homemaker or the children who conduct domestic activities such as cooking, washing, etc are categorized taking care of household. Nevertheless, the servant who conducts the same activities and being paid is categorized working. Others are activities other than working, schooling, and taking care of household. It covers respondent who cannot conduct activity such as old people, invalid/ handicap, and pension’s acceptor (did not work anymore). Other category consists of 2 groups: (a) Having sport, taking course, recreation, and social activity (joining organization, community self- help, etc) (b) Sleeping, relaxing, playing, and does not conduct any activities. Activity that is compared to figure out the activity in-group (a), which took most of the time. Detail 7.b: Regarding activities 1 to 4 that answered, “Yes”. Which activity spent most of your time during last one- week? 53 If detail 7.a has more than one code 1, ask which activity spent most of the time. Circle one of codes 1 to 4 based on the respondent’s answer. If it codes 1, go to Detail 9. Major activity is activity that spent time the much among activities. Count the time by comparing with time for working, schooling, taking care of household, and others (taking course, having sport, and recreating). Spare time that is used to visit family friends group (arisan), relaxing, sleeping, and playing is not counted as comparison instruments. Illustration: Bahtiar is a student in a private university. He attends university for 2 hours every day, from Monday to Friday. After that, he works at Advertising bureau 3 hours per day. In this case, he spends most of his time for working. Detail 8: Do you have a job/ business but temporarily did not work during last one- week? Circle code 1 if respondent answered, “Yes” or codes 2 if “No”. Having a job but temporarily did not work is respondent who has a job/ business but did not work during last- week by certain reasons such as, ill, leave, waiting for harvest, or striking. It covers respondent who got a new job but did not yet start during last- one week. Respondent who is categorized having Job/ Business but temporarily did not work is: a. Professional worker who did not work because of illness or waiting for the next order. They are massager, singer, traditional healer, and narrator and puppeteer of traditional shadow play. b. Permanent staff, public or private employee who did not work because of leaving, illness, absent, striking, or suspended since the company stops the activities for some times. Machine problems, no more raw materials, etc might cause it. c. Farmer who manages the farmland but temporarily did not work because of illness or waiting for the next order such as harvesting or planting rice’s. Remarks: 54 Freelance worker, digger, and farm labor that temporarily did not have order or did not conduct “Working activity” is not considered temporarily did not work. If a week before he sought order or waited for order from his customer, he is considered “seeking job”. If during last one- week he did not do anything, he is considered as un- employed generation. Detail 9: Were you seeking job during last one- week? Circle code 1 if respondent responded, “Yes” and codes 2 if “No”. Seeking Job is activity for having job. Seeking job in Detail 9 prefers position of employee or self-employed. Remarks: It is possible that seeking job activity not only conducted during last one- week. It could be conducted before last one- week and waiting for responses during last one- week. Therefore, it covers individual who submitted application form and waiting for the response. Freelancer who was waiting for job order from the customer is categorized seeking job. It covers construction labor that was waiting for job order. Seeking job includes: a. Respondent who works but was seeking new job b. Respondent, who was suspended and would be re-called, but was seeking new job. c. Respondent who worked at least for one hour during last one- week, and was trying to have new job. d. Respondent who has never worked and was trying to have job. e. Respondent who have ever worked but quitted or fired and was trying to have new job. f. Respondent who was attending school or taking care of household and was trying to have new job. Detail 10: were you preparing a business during last one- week? Circle code 1 if the answer is “Yes” or 2 if it codes ”No”. After completing detail 10, if the related household did not work/ temporarily did not work (Detail 7.a.1 does not code 1 and Detail 8 does not code 2), go to Detail 17. 55 Preparing a business is activity to prepare “new” job/ business in order to gain income/ profit on self- risk, with or without paid/ unpaid worker. Preparing means conducting the real action such as collecting capital, instruments/ equipment, searching location, organizing business license, etc. It does not cover planning, or taking business course. Preparing business in Detail 10 prefers own account worker or employer. Remarks: Preparing a business activity is not only during last one- week, it can be conducted before last one- week and still preparing a business during last oneweek. Preparing a business includes respondent who does not have business and during last one- week was: a. Collecting capital, either money or in- kind for a business by saving (having definite plan). It covers leaning on other person or other foundation. b. Organizing business license c. Searching location d. Respondent who has been bankrupt/ quitted, but preparing a business while enumerated. Illustration: 1. Bagio was making a pushcart to sell meatballs. The capital was from his relatives. 2. Nadio was purchasing beauty kits to open a beauty salon after completing the course. The capital was from bank 2 days ago. 3. After being fired, Toga was borrowing a motorcycle from his brother a week ago to have Motorcycle rent.. 4. Dullah was searching location to open telecommunication shop after being bankrupt from his clothes selling 8 months ago. 5. Karni who is a lecture was organizing business license for her pharmacy. Preparing a new business DOES NOT cover business expansion such as adding selling commodity types, opening new branch, trying a new business, etc. 56 Illustration: 1. Mrs. Aminah is a midwife who has private service in her house. Three weeks ago, she purchased kinds of clothes and bags to sell. 2. Karyo is a gado- gado (mixed vegetable with peanut sauce) seller. To complete his business, he purchased the equipment yesterday. In these cases, Mrs. Aminah and Karyo were not categorized preparing a business because they already had a business. DETAILS 11 TO 16 ARE ASKED IF THE RELATED HOUSEHOLDER WORKS/ TEMPORARILY DID NOT WORK; DETAIL 7.A.1= 1 OR DETAIL 8= 1 Detail 11.a: Number of working days=…days Write number of working days during last one- week in the box available. Working day is day when an individual conducts working activity at least for one hour continues during last one- week. Detail 11.b: Number of working hours of all works every day during last one- week. Write all number of hours of working days during last one- week in each box. Count the hours, and then record in the box available after completing the digits. Number of working hours is time interval (in hour) that is spent to all works during last one- week. The counting starts from one day before (the 7th day), 2 days before (the 6th day), and so on to 7 days before (the 1st day), and then counts the hours. For respondent who temporarily did not work, record 00. Remarks: a. Count working hours of employee/ staff that has permanent working hours by eliminating the break time. b. Count working hours of mobilizing seller from time leaving the house to the time he goes home. Eliminate them with the time that was not used to work. 57 The counting covers shopping materials, cooking, preparing the food to sell, selling, and arranging the selling instruments. Filling Procedures: 1. Write the working hours everyday as respondent’s answer. Fit it with the enumeration date. Illustration: enumeration starts on Friday, February 14, 2001. The working hours filling starts from Thursday (February 13, 2001), Wednesday (February 12, 2001) to Friday box (February 7, 2001). 3. Count the hours during last one-week one digit behind comma and fill it to the box at the right side after completing. Illustration: a. Number of working days: 6 days 6 b. Number of working hours of all works everyday during last one week: Sat Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7,0 8,0 7, 0 7,0 5,5 6,0 Sun Total (Hours) - 40,5 4 0 - Total working days: 6 days - Total working hours: 40,5 hours, completed to 40 The maximum total working hours to record in the box is 98 hours. If it is more than 98 hours, record 98 in the box available but record the real hours in the places available. Details 12 to 16: Main Job Regulation to determine an activity a main job exists at Remarks in Block IV, column 14. Remarks: 1. A respondent who was leaving and during the time he did not conduct other activities. His main job is the job he left. 58 2. A respondent who was leaving and during the time he conducted other activities. His main job is one of activity he conducted. Illustration: a. A marketing manager of Real Estate Company was leaving his job and during the time, he/she did not conduct other activities. His main job during last one- week is marketing manager of the Real Estate Company. b. A doctor at General Hospital Sumber Waras was leaving during last one week. During the time, he assisted his wife to sell sports equipment. His main job during last one-week is selling sports equipment. c. A farmer, besides planting paddy in his own field, he also planting paddy in other people’s during last one week. The farmer is categorized has 2 jobs, planting paddy in his own paddy field and farm labor although the business field is the same (agricultural). One of those jobs that spent most of the time is the main job. If they took the same times, the job that gained the biggest income. d. A respondent who works at paddy field in the morning and planting vegetables for different persons is categorized has one job that is planting food plants. Detail 12: Business Field/ field of main job of working place during last one week Write the business field of main job during last one week completely to 3 digits code. Coding in the box will be conducted at BPS, and using 2000 Indonesian business field standard classification (KBLI). The 2001 SUSENAS did not classify economic activities in Indonesia based on business field/ section (9 sections), but based on category (18 categories) and main category (63 main categories). Business field is field of activity of business/ work/ company/ office where an individual works. Table of Conversion Category and Main Group of 2000 Indonesian Business Field Standard Classification (1997 Indonesian Business Field Classification) to Business Sector/ Section of 1990 Indonesian Business Field Classification 59 2000 Indonesian Business Field Standard Classification (1997 Indonesian Business Field Classification) Category Category Title Main Group A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. X. Agricultural, the Hunt, and forestry Fishery Mining and Excavation Manufacturing Industry Electricity, Gas and Water Building Construction Grocery and Retail, Car and Motorcycle Reparation, and private and household goods Accommodation Supplying and Food and Beverages Supplying Transportation, storing, and communication Financial Agent Real Estate, Leasing, and Service Company Government Administration, Defense, Obligation Social Guarantee Education Service Health Service and Social Activity Public/ Social/ and Personal Service Personal Service that serves Household International Foundation and other Extra International Foundation Activity that does not have clear limitation rule 1990 Indonesian Business Field Classification Section Section Title 01 and 02 1 Agricultural, Plantation, Animal Husbandry 05 10 to 14 15 to 37 40 and 41 45 50 to 54 2 3 4 5 6 Mining and Excavation Manufacturing Industry Electricity, Gas and Water Building Construction Trading, Restaurant, and Accommodation Service 60 to 64 7 65 to 67 70 to 74 8 75 9 Transportation, Storing, and Communication Financial Institution, Real Estate, Leasing, and Company Service Public/ Social/ Personal Service 55 80 85 90 to 93 95 99 00 0 Activity that does not have clear limitation rule The 2000 Indonesian Business Field Standard Classification 01. 02. Agricultural and The Hunt 011. Food Plants Agricultural, Plantation, And Second Crops 012. Animal Husbandry 013. Combined Agricultural or plantation with animal husbandry 014. Agricultural/ Plantation/ Animal Husbandry Service 015. The hunt/ catching and looking after wild animal Forestry 19. 20. 60 182. Prepared Food, prepared goods from animal hair and hair dyeing Leather Industry and Goods from Leather Industry 191. Leather Industry and Goods from Leather, including artificial leather 192. Leather shoes and sandals industry Wood Industry and Goods from Wood (excluded Furniture), and plaiting goods 05. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 27. 28. 020. Forestry Fishery 050. Fishery Coal Mining and Turf Excavation 101. Coal mining, turf excavation, and coal gassing 102. Coal Briquette Producing Natural Oil and Gas Mining 111. Natural oil and gas mining, and Natural Heat Energy Manufacturing 112. Natural and Oil Mining Uranium and Thorium Mining 121. Uranium and Thorium Mining Metal Mining 131. Iron sand and Iron 132. Metal and Tin Mining Stone, Clay, and Sand Excavation 141. Stone, Clay, and Sand Excavation 142. Unclassified Mining and Excavation Food and beverages Industry 151. Meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, oil and fat manufacturing and preserving 152. Milk and food from milk Industry 153. Rice, flour, and animal feed Milling and shelling 154. Other food industry 155. Beverages industry Tobacco Manufacturing Industry 160. Tobacco Manufacturing Industry Textile Industry 171. Textile Waving, Spanning, and Finishing Touch. 172. Prepared Textile and carpet Industry 173. Crocheting Industry 174. Cotton Industry Garment Industry 181. Garment Industry except Animal Hair Clothes Gypsum, and its production 265. Industry of goods from stone 266. Industry of asbestos products 269. Industry of mined products other than metals Pure Metal Industry 271. Iron and metal industry 272. Non- iron industry 273. Foundry Metal Industry Metal Products Industry, besides Machine and Equipment 281. Ready to build Metal Products Industry for building, tanks, and 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 34. 61 201. Saw mill and preserved wood, rattan, bamboo, etc. Equipment 202. Industry of goods from wood, rattan plaiting goods, bamboo, etc. Paper and goods from paper Industry 210. Paper, goods etc from paper Industry Publishing, Printing, and Recording Media Reproduction Industry 221. Publishing Industry 222. Recording Industry and other activities related to printing, including photo copy 223. Recording Media, Film, and Video Reproduction Industry of Coal, Oil Refinery and Manufacturing, Goods from Oil Refinery Results, and Nuclear Fuel 231. Industry of goods from coal 232. Oil Refinery, Oil Manufacturing, and goods from oil refinery results 233. Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Industry of Chemistry and goods from chemistry material 241. Basic chemistry materials Industry 242. Other chemistry goods Industry 243. Artificial fiber Industry Rubber Industry and Goods from Rubber 251. Rubber Industry and Goods from Rubber 252. Plastic goods Industry Non- metal mined products Industry 261. Glass industry and goods from glass 262. Industry of Goods from Porcelain 263. Clay Manufacturing Industry 264. Industry of cements, calcium and Tools for measuring, testing, etc, excludes optical instruments 332. Industry of Optical and Photography Instruments 333. Industry of Watch, Bell, etc Motorized Vehicle Industry 341. Four wheels or more Motorized Vehicle 342. Four wheels or more Motorized Vehicle’s Body Industry 343. Four Wheels or more Motorized Vehicle Components and Equipment Industry 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 51. Vapor generator 289. Industry of other metals, and metal products manufacturing Machine and Equipment Industry 291. General Machine Industry 292. Machine Industry for special needs 293. Unclassified Household Equipment Industry Machine Industry and Office, Accounting, and Data Processing Equipment 300. Machine Industry and Office, Accounting, and Data Processing Industry of Electric Machine and Its Equipment 311. Electric Machine, Generator, and Transformer Industry 312. Electricity Controlling and Distributing Equipment Industry 313. Electricity and Telephone Wire Industry 314. Battery and Electric Battery Industry 315. Lighting and Bulb Lamp Industry 319. Unclassified electric instrument Industry Radio, Television, and Communication Instrument and Equipment Industry 321. Electric Tube and valve, and Other Electric Component Industry 322. Communication Transmission Instrument Industry 323. Radio, Television, Voice and Picture Recording Instrument Medical Instruments, Measuring tools, Navigation instruments, Optical Instruments, Watch and Bell. 331. Industry of Medical Instrument, 502. Car Maintenance and Reparation 503. Car’s Spare parts and Accessories Trading 504. Motorcycle, the spare parts, and Accessories Trading, Maintenance and Reparation 505. Fuel Retail Domestic Trading other than NonExport – Import Car and Motorcycle 511. Trading based on Fee or Contract 512. Domestic Trading of Raw Material from Agricultural, Alive Animals, Food, Beverages, and Tobaccos Products 35. 36. 37. 40. 41. 45. 50. 55. 62 Transportation Instruments other than Four Wheels Motorized Vehicle or more Industry 351. Ship/ Boat Manufacturing and Reparation Industry 352. Train, the spare parts and The Equipment Manufacturing and Reparation Industry 353. Airplane and the Equipment Manufacturing and Reparation Industry 359. Other Transportation Instruments Industry Furniture and Other Manufacturing Industry 361. Furniture Industry 369. Jewelry and Other Manufacturing Industry Recycling 371. Metal Goods Recycling 372. Non- Metal Goods Recycling Electricity, Gas, Vapor, and Hot Water 401. Matters pertaining to Electricity 402. Gas 403. Vapor and Hot Water Clean Water Supplying and Distribution 410.Clean Water Supplying and Distribution Construction 451. Land Preparing 452. Building Construction 453. Building Installation 454. Building Construction Finishing 455. Construction Instrument or Building Destroying Agent and Its Operator Leasing Car and Motorcycle Trading, Maintenance, and Reparation, Vehicle Fuel Retail 501. Car Trading 542. Raw Materials from Agricultural, Alive Animals, Food, Beverages, and Tobacco Products Import Trading 543. Textile, Clothes, and Household Goods Import Trading 544. Non- Agricultural Medium Goods, Second hand and Scrap Goods Import Trading 545. Machine, Spare parts and the Equipment Import Trading 549. Other Import Trading Accommodation, Food and Beverages Supplying 52. 53. 54. 513. Household Goods Trading 514. Trading of Medium Products of non- food, beverages, and Tobaccos, Second hand and Scrap Goods 515. Machine, Spare part, and the Equipment Trading 519. Other Trading Retail Other than Car and Motorcycle, Private and Household’s Goods Reparation 521. Various Goods In- door Retail 522. Food, Beverages, and Tobacco In- door Retail 523. Non- food, Beverages and Tobacco In- door Retail 524. Second hand Goods In- door Retail 525. Out- door Retail 526. Private and Household Goods Reparation Export Trading Other Than Car and Motorcycle 531. Export Trading based on Fee and Contract 532. Raw Materials from Agricultural, Alive Animals, Food, Beverages, and Tobacco Products Export Trading 533. Textile, Clothes, and Household Goods Export Trading 534. Non- Agricultural Medium Goods, Second hand and Scrap Goods Export Trading 535. Machine, Spare parts and the Equipment Export Trading 539. Other Export Trading Import Trading Other Than Car and Motorcycle 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 63 551. Accommodation Supplying 552. Restaurant, bar, and Catering Land Transportation, and Transportation by Pipe Lines 601. Railway Transportation 602. On Road Transportation 603. Transportation by Pipe Lines Water Transportation 611. Sea Transportation 612. River and Lake Transportation Air Transportation 621. Scheduled Air Transportation 622. Unscheduled Air Transportation Complemented and Supported Transportation Activity, and Travel Bureau 631. Loading and Unloading Service 632. Storing, Cold Storage, and Free Trade Area Service 633. Supported Transportation Service other than Loading – Unloading and Storing Service 634. Travel Bureau 635. Packaging and Courier Service 639. Unclassified Supported Transportation Service Post and Telecommunication 641. National Post, Service Post Unit, and Courier Service 642. Telecommunication and Radio Service Financial Agent Other than Pension Fund Insurance 651. Financial Agent (Bank) 652. Other Financial agents (Leasing, Pawning) Insurance and Pension Fund 660. Insurance and Pension Fund Supported Financial Agent Service 671. Supported Financial Agent other than Insurance and Pension Fund 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. Stock Exchange) 672. Supported Insurance and Pension Fund Service Real Estate 701. Self or Rent Real Estate and Dormitory 702. Real Estate based on Fee/ Contract 703. Tourism area and Water Tourism Accommodation Machine and the Equipment (exclude Operator), Household and Personal Goods Leasing 711. Transportation Instruments Leasing 712. Other Machines and the Equipment Leasing 713. Unclassified Household and Personal Goods Leasing Computer Service and Related Activity 721. Hardware Consulting 722. Software Consulting 723. Data Processing 724. Data base Service 725. Maintenance and Reparation of Office and accounting Machine, and Computer 729. Other Related Activity Research and Development 731. Research and Development of Scientific and Technology subjects 732. Research and Development of Social and Humanities subjects Other Company Services 741. Law and Accounting Service, Tax Consulting, Market Research, and Business and Management Consulting 742. Architect Consulting, technical and Engineer activities, analysis, and Testing 743. Advertising Service 749. Unclassified Company Services 75. 80. 85. 90. 91. 92. 93. 95. 99. 00. 64 Government Administration, Defense and Security Guarantee 751. Government Administration and Socio- Economic Policy 752. International Relation, Defense and Security 753. Social Guarantee Education Service 801. Basic Education Service 802. Intermediate Education Service 803. High Education Service 809. Other Education Services Health and Social Service 851. Human Health Service 852. Animal Health Service 853. Social Service Cleaning Service 900. Cleaning Service Unclassified Organizational Activity 911. Business, Entrepreneur, and Professional Organization 912. Labor Organization 919. Other Organizations Recreational, Cultural and Sports Service 921. Film, Radio, Television, and Other Entertaining Activities 922. News Agent Activity 923. Library, Files, museum, and Other Cultural Activities 924. Sports and other recreational Activities Other Services 930. Other Services Personal Service for Household 950. Personal Service for Household International Foundation and Other Extra International Foundation 990. International Foundation and Other Extra International Foundation Activities that do not have clear limitation rule 000. Activities that do not have clear limitation rule Writing Example for Business field: Wrong Right Agriculture Rice’s/ Vegetables Agriculture PT Gita Kencana Garment Industry/ Batik Fabric in PT Gita Kencana Transportation Bus Driver/ Private Transportation Detail 13: Type of Job/ Position of Main Job during Last One- Week Write type of main job completely to help the processing, particularly in 3 digit coding at BPS, easier. Use Indonesian terminology; do not use local terminology such as bawon, matun, etc. Type of the 2001 SUSENAS job classification is based on 2000 Indonesian Type of Job Classification (KBJI). Type of job is type of job that conducted by someone or ordered to someone. The 2000 Indonesian Type of Job Classification (KBJI) 11. 12. 13. 14. 21. 31. Legislative Member and Senior Official 111. Legislative member 112. Government Senior Official 113. Non- government Organization Senior Official Prime Manager 121. Prime Director and Executive Leader 122. Agricultural and Mining General Manager 123. Manufacturing, Building and Construction General Manager 124. Services General Manager Specialist Manager 131. Resource Manager 132. Technical, Distribution and Processing Manager 133. Marketing and Sales Manager 139. Other Specialists Manager Farmer and Agricultural Manager 141. Farmer and Agricultural Manager Scientific, Technical and Building Expert 211. Chemistry and Physics Expert 212. Architect and Technical Expert 22. 23. 24. 25. Business and Information Expert 221. Accountant, Auditor, and Company Treasurer 222. Advertising, Marketing and Sales Expert 223. Computing Expert 229. Business and other Information Expert Health Expert 231. Doctor 232. Nursing Expert 233. Physio- therapist and traditional Therapist Expert 234. Dentist 239. Other Health Experts Education Expert 241. General School Teacher 242. Handicap School and Vocational Teacher 243. Lecturer 249. Other Education Experts Social, art and other Experts 251. Social Welfare Expert 252. Religion and sects Expert 253. Other Social Expert 254. Artist and related Expert 255. Other Experts 499. Supported Show labor Scientific, Technical, and Related 65 32. 33. 34. 39. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 49. 91. 92. Subject Technician 311. Scientific and Medical Technician 312. Technical and Building Expert Assistant Business and Administration Expert Assistant 321. Financial Expert Assistant 329. Other Business and Administration Expert Assistant Sales and Service Supervisor 331. Store Manager 332. Hospitality and Accommodation Manager 339. Other Sales and Service Supervisor Health and Welfare Expert Assistant 341. Nurse 342. Welfare Expert Assistant 349. Other Health and Welfare Expert Technician and Other Expert Assistants 391. Policeman 399. Unclassified Technician and Expert Assistant Technical Machine and Fabrication Labor 411. Technical Machine Labor 412. Technical Fabrication Labor Automotive Labor 421. Automotive Labor Electricity and Electric Labor 431. Electricity and Electric Labor Building and Construction Labor 441. Structural Construction Labor 442. Construction Finishing Touch Labor 443. Water Piping Labor Food Producing Labor 451. Food Producing Labor Agricultural and Skilled Horticulture Labor 461. Skilled Agricultural Labor 462. Horticulture Producing Labor Producing and Related Activity Labor 491. Printing Labor 492. Wood Man 493. Hair Dresser 494. Textile, Garment and related Goods Labor 498. Handyman and Related work Cleaning Service Staff 911. Cleaning Service Staff Manufacture Labor 921. Product Processing Labor 922. Product Packaging Labor 51. 59. 61. 62. 63. 71. 72. 73. 79. 81. 82. 83. 01. 02. 66 Secretary and Personal Assistant 511. Secretary and Personal Assistant Advance Administrator and Other Services 591. Advance Financial Administrator 599. Administrator and other Advance Services Intermediate Administrator 611. General Administrator 612. Typist 613. Receptionist 614. Intermediate Financial Administrator and Statistic’s staff 615. Recording and Courier Administrator 619. Other Intermediate Administrator Intermediate Sales and its types Staff 621. Intermediate Sales and its types Staff Intermediate Service Staff 631. Nursing and Aid Staff 632. Hotel Service Staff 639. Other Intermediate Service Staff Intermediate Manufacture Machine Operator 711. Mobile Manufacture Machine Operator 712. Intermediate Stationary Machine Operator Intermediate Machine Operator 721. Textile machine, Garment and its types Operator 729. Other Intermediate Machines Operator Engineer of Locomotive and Driver 731. Engineer of Locomotive and Driver Intermediate Producing and Other Transportation Labor 791. Intermediate Construction and Mining Labor 799. Unclassified Producing and Transportation Labor Basic Administrator 811. Basic Administrator Basic Sales Staff 821. Sales Staff 829. Other Basic Sales Staff Basic Service Staff 831. Basic Service Staff 999. Unskilled and Related Labor Army Force 011. Army Force Navy Force 021. Navy Force 99. Unskilled Labor and Other Related Labor 991. Mining, Construction, and Related Labor 992. Agriculture and Horticulture Labor 993. Beginning Food Preparing and Related Labor 03. 09. Air Force 031. Air Force Other Defense Components 091. Other Defense Components Below is type of Job writing example: Unclear Writing Clear Writing Farmer Processing/ Taking Care of Farm Land, Main Food Plants (Rice, Corn, Sweet Potato, Soybean, etc) Flight Company Staff Pilot; Passenger Luggage Measurer, Airways Administration International Hotel Staff Service guests while staying in Hotel; Job Planning, managing and controlling in Hotel Shoes Manufacture Labor Preparing rough sole to install to shoes; operating shoes sewing machine, night guardian in shoes manufacture Building Labor Painting residence building/ office/ manufacture, digging residence building/ office/ manufacture foundation; Installing tile to building Hospital Staff Giving service and advice to patient in hospital; cooking vegetables, meat, fish and other food to patients Trader Selling food, beverages, fruits, vegetable by the road; offering sundries goods from house to house Detail 14: Status/ Position in Main Job during Last one- week 67 Circle code based on the respondent’s answer. If one of respondent’s answers code 1, 5 or 6, go to Detail 15. If one of respondent’s answers code 2, 3 or 7, go to Block V.C. If the answer codes 4, go to Detail 16. Job Status is type of one’s position in working. It covers: Self- employed is working or having business by taking the economic risks by him. It means he takes the production costs, and does not employ paid or unpaid worker. It includes job that needs technology or special skill. Illustration: A free taxi driver (unpaid) by rental fee system, Becak driver, Meat balls seller, wood man, stone man, electric man, massager, well digger, newspaper agent, Ojek driver, self working trader, doctor/ midwife/ self service traditional healer, ticket scalper, land broker, house broker, etc. Working by employing temporary workers or unpaid labor is working or having business by taking the risks by him, and employing temporary workers or unpaid labor. Temporary workers labor is working with other side or office/ company and paid based on the working hours or job volume. Illustration: 1. Stall/ shop owner who is assisted by his householder/ unpaid labors and or assisted by other side that is paid based on the working day. 2. Moving trader who is assisted by unpaid labor or other side that is paid when assisting. 3. Farmer who is processing his farmlands who is assisted by unpaid labor. Although the farmer shares the harvest products, the harvester is not considered as permanent labor. Therefore, the farmer is classified as working by family worker/ temporaries worker assisting. Remarks: Type of job of Makloon worker is considered as working if he has direct connection to Manufacture/ Company, and considered as labor if she works for person who has makloon job. 68 Working by permanent/ paid labors assisting is working on self- risk and employing at least one permanent- paid labor. Permanent/ paid Labor is a person who works for other person or other office/ company and he is paid permanently, whether he has activities or not. Illustration: 1. Shop owner who employs one permanent labor or more 2. Cigar manufacture owner who employs permanent labors Labor/ Employee is a person who works for other person or office/ company permanently and receiving wage/ salary either money or in- kind. A labor that does not have permanent Employer is not considered as labor/ employee. A person would be considered has permanent Employer if he has the same Employer in the last month. It is limited to 3 months for building section. An agricultural free labor is a person who works for temporary persons/ Employer/ institution (more than one person during last one- month) in agricultural section. It covers household agricultural business or not by receiving wages daily or not; money or in- kind. Agricultural business covers food plants agricultural, plantation, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and the hunt. Employer is person or side that orders job by wages dealt. Employer samples: 1. A rice farmer who employs farm labor to process rice field by daily wages. 2. A plantation owner who employs some persons to pick up coconut fruits by giving wages. Free farm labor samples are: rice-harvesting labor, rice field digger, rubber taper, lobster harvesting- labor (from lobster pond), picker of coffee, coconut fruits, cloves, etc. Non- agricultural free labor is a person who works for other person/ Employer/ institution that is temporal (more than one Employer during last one- month), in non- agricultural business by getting wages daily or not, money or in- kinds. Non- agricultural business includes electricity, gas, and water business, construction/ building, trading, transportation, storing, and communication, 69 financial, insurance, building leasing, land and company service, public service, social and personal service, etc. Non- agricultural free labor samples are: Unskilled workers in the market, station or other places that do not have permanent Employer, passenger recruiter for public vehicles, mobilizing washing, roller into pellets, unskilled building worker, well digger, free parking man, etc. Unpaid worker is a person who works for other person but does not receive wages, not money nor in- kinds Unpaid Worker includes: 1. Householder of the person he helps, such as a wife helps her husband working in rice field. 2. Non- householder but relative of the person he helps, such as relative assists servicing customer in the shop/ stall. 3. Non- householder and non- relative of the person he helps, such as person who helps to plait hat for household industry of his neighbor. Some Illustrations to determine business field, type of job/ position, and job status are: 1. Safrudin, Darmawan, Nani, Mamat, Dul, and Ramli work for Convection Company owned by Mrs. Ati. Safrudin works as material purchaser, Darmawan controls clothes tailor, Nani as typist, Mamat as driver, Dul sews clothes, and Ramli is the messenger. Her son, Alan as unpaid treasurer assists Mrs. Ati. Mrs. Ati is general manager in the company. Business field, type of Job/ Position, and Job status of those persons are: Name Field Type 70 Job Status Working by permanent/ paid workers 1. Mrs. Ati Clothes Convection General Manager of Clothes Convection 2. Alan Clothes Convection Treasurer of Clothes Unpaid worker Convection 3. Safrudin Clothes Convection Material purchasers of Clothes Convection 4. Darmawan Clothes Convection Clothes Convection 5. Nani 6. Mamat Clothes Convection Clothes Convection 7. Dul Clothes Convection 8. Ramli Worker/ employee Worker/ employee Tailors Controller of Clothes Convection Worker/ employee Typist of Clothes Convection Worker/ employee Driver of Clothes Convection Worker/ employee Taylor of Clothes Convection Worker/ employee Messenger of Clothes Convection 2. a) Hasan is a rice farmer that assisted by his wife and children. b) Mrs. Mimin plaits mat to sell without no-one assistance. c) Prapto is a personal driver of Mrs. Prayogo and paid. d) Mansyur sews clothes (tailor) assisted by her wife, Endang and during the pick season, he employs some workers. e) Iman is a bus driver for Jamu Air Mancur manufacture and his wife, Marni, picking wood in the forest to sell. f) Bonek is a digger in farmland of Haji Imron, Haji Nawi, and Haji Dul. g) Sumi washes clothes in Mrs. Darya, Mrs. Zakaria, and Mrs. Eka’s house. Business field, type of Job/ Position, and Job status of those persons are: Name Field Type 71 Job Status 1. Hasan Rice Agriculture Processing self farmland Working with temporaries/ unpaid worker 2. Mrs. Mimin Plastic goods Industry Plaiting mat from plastics to sell Self working 3. Prapto Personal service for household Personal car driver Worker/ employee 4. Mansyur Personal service for Household Sewing clothes Self working with temporaries/ unpaid worker 5. Wati Personal service for Household Assisting husband to sew clothes Unpaid worker 6. Iman Jamu Air Mancur Industry Truck driver in Jamu Worker/ employee Manufacture 7. Marno Forestry Picking wood in the forest Self working 8. Bonek Rice Agriculture Processing other person’s farmland Free worker in farmland 9. Sumi Personal service (washes clothes in household) Washing clothes in some households Free worker in non- farmland Detail 15: Net Income during Last One- Month Detail 15 is asked if detail 14 codes 1, 5 or 6. It means the respondent works with status self working, free worker in farmland or non- farmland. Write the net income during last one month as respondent answer, and then go to questions in Detail 17 Block V.C. Net Income during last one month is wages or revenue by working for other person or self- employed, free worker in farmland or non- farmland. Remarks: 1. A free worker in farmland or non- farmland that worked for one week or couple of days when enumerated, his income will be recorded as he got from his work in one week or couple of days. 72 2. For the one who has work status, data collecting on net income can be conducted by 4 ways, they are: (a) Direct, (b) turnover and costs, (c) turnover and profit percentage, and (d) cost and percentage profit. Net income calculation can be counted by these approaches: a. Turnover (O) – Cost (B), or b. Turnover (O) x Profit percentage (U) c. Cost( B) − Cost( B) 1 − Pr ofitPercentage Those approaches can be used for Farmer, household industry, trader or producer of products. 3. For Horticulture Plants/ Food Plants, Income = Production value (production volume in one planting season – production cost during one planting season) / number of months in one planting season. If it is not harvest yet, record 00. 4. For Yearly plants, income = Production value (production volume during last 1month - production cost during last 1 month) If it loses out, write R down the first box and the value down the next box. Detail 16: How much is your net wage/ salary that usually gets for one month from the main job? Detail 16 is only asked if Detail 14 codes 4 (the respondent works with status of labor/ employee/ staff) and it has to be recorded. Net wage/ salary is labor/ employee/ staff income that paid either in money of in- kinds by the company/ office/ Employer. The in-kind wages is counted in the local price. Record the net wage/ salary that respondent gets for one month as the respondent’s answer. If the net wage/ salary is: a. Money records in the place available and copy to the box. b. In- kind that has been counted by local price records in its place and copy to the box available. c. Money and in- kind, records for money and in- kind value. Copy to their box. 73 Illustration: 1. Mr. Ahmad is an employee in Government Bank. His salary is only Rp 656,350 and extra- allowance for transportation Rp 200,000 every month. Total salary of Mr. Ahmad is money Rp 856,350 Filling procedures: 16. How much is your net wage/ salary that usually gets for one month from the main job? a. Money : Rp 0 8 5 6 3 5 0 b. In- Kind: Rp - - - - - - - 2. An armed force gets net salary Rp 500,000, rice 50 kg, sugar 5 kg, and meals subsidy Rp 250,000. Local prices for rice is Rp 2,000 per kg, sugar Rp 2,500 per kg. The total salary he gets is money Rp 750,000 and in- kinds (after conversed) are Rp 112,500. Filling procedures: 16. How much is your net wage/ salary that usually gets for one month from the main job? c. Money : Rp 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 d. In- Kind: Rp 0 1 1 2 5 0 0 3. Mrs. Anis is a teacher. She was leaving two weeks before enumeration. She spent her leaving time to wok in beauty salon as hairdresser. She had Rp 200,000 for 2 weeks. The recoding in Detail 7 to Detail 15 is: R.7.a.1 = 1, R.7.b = 1, R.11.a = record, R.12 = Beauty salon service R.13 = hairdresser in beauty salon R.14 = 4, R.16 = Rp 200,000 x = Rp 400,000 74 Remarks: 1. For labor/ employee when enumerated just has been working for one week or couple of days, the income for one month has to be estimated. 2. For labor/ employee that usually gets weekly/ half-month net wage/ salary, the income per month will be recorded: a. If paid weekly: weekly net wage/ salary x 30/7 b. If paid every half- month: half- month net wage/ salary x 2 RE-ASK IF NET WAGE/ SALARY THAT GOT IS NOT APPROPRIATE 3. Block V.C: Characteristics of Health (for all ages) This block is to record health condition of householders. It contains Details 17 to 26 that covers the health disruption, self- curing cost, get outpatient treatment cost, hospitalized cost, and financing guarantor/ health insurance. Detail 17: Did you have health disruption as mentioned below during last one month? Records code 1 if he had and code 2 if he did not have even one health disruption from (a) to (p). It is possible for respondent to have more than one disruption. If all code 2, go to questions in Detail 24. Last one month is time interval one last month that ends one day before enumeration. Health disruption is one’s condition that has health disruption or mental disruption, caused by chronicles illness, critical illness, accident, criminality, etc. Types of health disruption surveyed are: a. Fever is a condition that signed by body temperature increasing more than 37,50 Celsius. The back of the hand is warm. b. Cough is sound caused by the vocal cords open suddenly with fast breath out to take something that stimulates trachea. It could be happened once or more. Long or short; with or without phlegm, with or without blood; last in couple of days, weeks, months or years. 75 c. Cold do runny-nosed, clogged up- nose, and sneezing or other indications sign one’s condition. d. Asthma is a breathing disruption that while it recurs, the victim gets breathing problem and makes the breath sounds “ngik- ngik” while breathing. People recognized it as “bengek” or “mengi”. e. Fast breath is gasping for breath that takes extra energy (thorax is taken in while breathing) and or last fast (baby > 50 times/ minutes; 0- 4 years old > 40 times/ minutes; 5 years old and more > 30 times/ minutes). It might come along with blue color on lips and nail because of the lack of oxygen. f. Diarrhea is a disease that signed by liquid feces. It usually happens 3 times or more in 24 hours. Sometimes it comes along with vomiting or unconsciousness. Another term is “mencret” or “Bocor” g. Measles (campak) is a disease that recognized by other terms such as “ tampek/ kerumut/ eder/ gabagan, etc. it usually suffered by kids. The indications are fever, red eyes, red spots on the skin, cough, cold, and sometimes with gasping for breath and diarrhea. h. Inflamed of the ear is ear disruption that more popular as “congek”. The unpleasant aroma come out of the ear recognizes it. i. Liver is a disease that indicated by yellow skin and eyes. Urine colors as strong tea. j. Repeated headache is a pain, heavy, pressed and other kinds of pain in head, either half or whole. It lasts for couple of hours or even couple of days. It occurred repeatedly on one year, at least twice, with the same painful. Headache while having fever is not classified in repeated headache. k. Epilepsy is uncontrollable body movement, some parts or completely. It may cause by some reasons such as epilepsy, stiff, and meningitis. As epilepsy, it occurs regularly, for example every some months, in the same characters. Stiff in epilepsy can occurs locally such as on check or eyelids. However, it can occur to the whole part of body. The victim is unconscious while the stiff comes. Some victims have epilepsy without stiff; they are just expressionless for come times. 76 l. Paralyzed is inability to move some parts of body, such as on the left, on the right, downward, upward, left-right, or whole part of body. It might be weak (does not too strong to move) but it might be strong as well (power lost). The causes are various, for example: stroke, polio, backbone break, or meningitis. Impotent is not classified as paralyzed. m. Senile is a disease that signed by loosing or weakens the intellectual ability. It blocks social function or works. It usually suffered by old person, either after having other disease like stroke, or without clear reason. The disruptions occur to memorizing ability, processing abstract, ability to speak, recognizing things, doing complex activities, ability to imitate and personality changing. The sufferer does not know time and place, cannot repeat and memorize name of some items mentioned by speaking partner, cannot count backward right, repeat sentences, mention name of items showed, conduct complex orders, write sentence right, re-draw a picture, and write complete sentence. Practically, his family will tell at the first step, the sufferer does not memorize his kids, his wife or his close friend. He does not remember whether he had his meals. His memory to new things is weaker. The behavior and way of speaking changes; and at the last step; the sufferer changed to be a little kid or baby, lies down the bed, and therefore needs intensive care. n. Accident is unapprised event, careless, or failure of system that caused injury (excludes criminality/ purposed). It may occur in- door (such as slipping, get hot water splashed on, are stabbed by nail), on the street (such as fall from horse, hit by horse cart, are grazed by truck). In working place (such as stricken by building material, got by boiler explosion), or other accidents (such as fall from tree, sprained ankle while playing basketball). Remarks: For accident, an event will be recorded as accident if it occurred during last one- month. The health disruption that is not recovered which occurred before last one- month will be recorded as type of health disruption in the last one- month period. For example, accidents that occurred during last 77 two- months and caused householder paralyze from the accident until the enumeration. Enumerator will record paralyzed in the type of health disruption. o. Toothache is pain on tooth or gums. It might come along with swelling but it does not cover scorbutic. p. Others are health disruption by other reasons. For example, bitten by snake, are stabbed by criminal, disaster, loosing appetite for food, headache by fever, digestion disruption, not repeated headache, and other chronicle diseases (such as joint painful, deaf, cataract, gastric problem, etc). On the other hand, other acute illness (such as stomach upset, catching a cold, cannot pee, abscess, eye illness, etc). Those disruptions probably would appear, therefore do not forget to ask although the respondent does not have health disruption from (a) to (o). Remarks: - The chronicle illness sufferer is recorded has health disruption (as the type of his health disruption) although he does not suffer during last one month. - Health disruption by period or pregnant is recorded as other disruptions. DETAILS 18 TO 22 DO NOT ONLY REFER TO THE WORST HEALTH DISRUPTION, BUT ALSO COVER ALL HEALTH DISRUPTION OF HOUSEHOLDER DURING LAST ONE- MONTH Detail 18: If you have health disruption, did it disrupt your work, school, or daily activities? Circles suitable code and record in the box available. If it codes 2, go to Detail 21.a. Being disrupted is cannot conduct activities (working, schooling, daily activities) as usual normally because of the illness. Illustration: 1. An employee/ labor does not go to work because of illness; or still go to work but cannot work well; or cannot work with full capacity as usual. 2. A student cannot take active in subject or does not go to school; 3. A housewife cannot conduct the daily activities as usual; 78 4. A little kid cannot play as usual. Detail 19: length of being disrupted: … days Record how many days householder being disrupted to do his daily activities during last one month. Number of the days cannot be more than 30 days, although it has been lasting for more than 30 days, because the time reference is during last one- month. Length of being disrupted does not only refer to the worst disruption, but also to number of the days of all health disruptions during last one month. Detail 20: Are you still disrupted now? Circle one of codes and record in the box available. Circles code 1 if householder “still has health disruption until the enumeration day” and circle code 2 if “No”. Detail 21.a: Have you ever cured yourself during last one- month? Circles code and record in the box, if it code 2 go to questions in detail 22. Self- curing is effort of householder/ family by doing self- curing without visiting health facility or calling doctor or health staff to the house. It covers modern medicine, herbal medicine, being chafed with a coin as a medical treatment, cold compressed, massaged, given cupping suction treatment by applying a heated glass to the skin. Detail 21.b: Type of Medicine/ Curing procedure used Circles code 1 if “Yes” or code 2 if “No” for each type of medicine/ curing procedure used. If the contents in Detail 21.b1 (traditional medicine) code 2, go to questions in detail 21.d Modern medicine is medicine used by western medical system. It could be in form of tablet, caplet, capsule, syrup, powder, salve, suppository (for hemorrhoids), and inhaler (for Asthma that sprayed to the mouth to be inhaled). It is made by pharmacy manufacture, packaged with register code number to Health Department. They start from 1-3 alphabets followed by digits. The alphabets are DTL (Trademark of Local Limited Medicine), DKL (Trademark of Strong Medicine), etc. Some of them need doctor prescription to be purchased in pharmacy (although it can be purchased without prescription out of 79 pharmacy, such as Tetra capsule and anesthetist). Some of them can be purchased without prescription in pharmacy, drugstore, drugs stand, or stall (such as kinds of influenza medicine brands, various headache medicine brands). Traditional medicine is medicine composed by part of plants, animals, minerals, etc. it has been used for generations to heal illness or to keep the health. It could be formed as powder, pieces, liquid, tablet, capsule, ointment, liniment, etc. The makers could be household, carrying jamu (herbal medicine) seller, pharmacy manufacture, etc. The medicines composed by pharmacy manufacture or Jamu company have registration number in Health Department by the first code TR (Traditional) such as various brands of domestic Jamu (made in Indonesia), TRI (various brands of imported traditional) such as various brands of imported traditional medicines, TRL (various brands of licensed imported traditional medicines). Others such as natural supplement foods (example: Sunchlorella, Squalen, Omega 3, Nuskin, Chicken essence, collagen, etc). Tonic drink such as Kratingdaeng, M-150, Bachus D, Kaki Tiga, Adem Sari, Lasegar, with the first registration code number MD (Domestic Product) or ML (Imported Product), having one’s back rubbed with a coin, massaging. Detail 21.c: If using Traditional Medicine (R21.b.1= 1). Who made it? The detail is to figure out how far society uses traditional medicine particularly from carrying jamu (herbal medicine) seller. The reason is that the hygienic of jamu made by the carrying jamu seller is uncontrollable. Record code 1 if “Yes” or code 2 if “No”. Self-composing is respondent or his family composes traditional medicine/ jamu from the origin material. Manufacture is Jamu Company produces traditional medicine/ jamu in form of liquid, pieces, powder, capsule, tablet, etc and it usually packaged in plastics, papers or aluminum foil. Jamu made by manufacture usually registered to Health Department by code TR, TRI, and TRL. For example, Jamu with brands Jago, Air Mancur, Mencos, Pil Kita, etc. 80 Carrying jamu (herbal medicine) seller is hand- made jamu that sold to surrounding, by carrying, motorcycle/ bicycle, or cart. Others are hand- made jamu by other than the sides mentioned above in the origin material or packaged but do not have brand/ label. Remarks: If respondent drank jamu that made by carrying jamu seller, record it in jamu made by manufacture. Detail 21.d: Amount of costs for self- curing taken by household Record amount of the costs taken by household during last one- month in Rupiah referring to the health disruption that had self- curing. If it did not take cost write “free” on the points and let the answer box blank. Remarks: a. Costs taken by household are medicine price purchased regarding to the health disruption (without considering whether the medicine had been taken all). Illustration: Respondent purchased a bottle of liquid cough medicine Rp 8,500. It is taken half bottle because he had been recover. Record the price of a bottle of liquid cough medicine Rp 8,500. A sachet of Panadol is Rp 800. Anto was headache and purchased Panadol 4 sachets. Anto felt well after taking 3 sachets. Total costs taken by Anto to cure him are Rp 3,200. It is expenditure for purchasing 4 sachets = Rp 3,200). b. Medicine given by neighbor, relative, records the expenditure “free”. c. Expenditure of medicine costs that were not taken and unrelated health disruption (as supply) is not included in Detail 21.d. Detail 22: Have you ever-got outpatient treatment during last one- month? Circles code 1 if “Yes” and code 2 if “No”. Fill the code in the box available. If it codes 2, go to questions in Detail 24. Get outpatient treatments is activity of householder effort that has health disruption to check- up him and be cured by visiting modern or traditional health 81 services without resting. It covers calling health staff to householder’s house as well. Consulting, checking- up, health examination (for Driving license, employee vacancy, promotion), screening (checking up to find out disease as early as possible, such as Pap Smear for womb cancer), normal pregnancy check- up, and immunization is not included outpatient treatment. They are efforts of prevention. Detail 23: Detail of get outpatient treatment during last one- month Detail 23.a: How many times did you get outpatient treatment during last one- month? Record visiting frequency to health service to get outpatient treatment to the box available for each health service. If it is more than 8 times, record code 8 in the box. Column 1: Health Service Facility: Public Hospital is hospital owned by central government (such as RSCM/ RSUP Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo), Local government (such as RSU Labuang Baji), Indonesian Armed Force (such as RSPAD), or public company (such as Pertamina Hospital). Private Hospital is hospital owned by private. Doctor’s Practice is personal doctor’s practice, general practitioner, dentist, or medical specialist. The practice location could be anywhere such as hospital, puskesmas, sub- puskesmas, or clinic. It common conducted out of working hours. Puskesmas is a center for public health, which is health service managed by government. It is responsible to society health service for area of sub- regency, some parts of sub- regency, or kelurahan (example DKI Jakarta). Puskesmas team can go around certain places in its working area to socialize the service as schedule. Sub- Puskesmas is a unit of health service for society that supports Puskesmas tasks in some areas of puskesmas’s working area. Remarks: 82 If respondent responded that he got outpatient treatment to Puskesmas, enumerator has to confirm the answer whether it was Puskesmas or subPuskesmas. Polyclinic is place for outpatient treatment managed by private, company, foundation, Indonesia Armed Force, or Departments/ Public Company. Health staff’s practice is personal practice that is conducted by nurse or midwife; they do not conduct it in hospital, Puskesmas, sub- Puskesmas, country maternity hospital, integrated service post, or clinic. Traditional healing practice is an alternative health service, which is conducted by traditional healer such as dukun/ tabib/ sinshe; it includes service of acupuncture, reflexive massage, spiritualist, radiestesi (it usually uses instrument such as pendulum). Country maternity hospital (polindes) is a place to assist mothers in the village to give birth. Country midwife leads it. Post of Integrated service (posyandu) is integrated service place that organizes integrated service, particularly for immunization, mother and child’s health, family planning, diarrhea and nutrition prevention (weight measuring and feeding additional food for children under 5 years old). It is managed by society through health cadre under puskesmas’s guidance. Remarks: 1. A doctor who is ill and had self- cure is considered visit doctor’s practice although he does not work as doctor but actor/ artist. 2. A wife that visited doctor’s practice to consult his husband’s illness and then the doctor gave prescription or advice. In this case, the husband is recorded “visited doctor’s practice”. 3. A nurse who is ill cured herself is considered visited health staff’s practice. 4. Visiting acupuncture or spiritualist doctor’s practice is recorded visited doctor’s practice. 5. If householder visited hospital or doctor’s practice abroad, record it as visiting Do not forget to ask types of outpatient treatment service from (a) to (j) one by one. Respondent might visit some health services during last one- month. 83 Detail 23.b: Costs taken by Household to Get Outpatient Treatment Cost of outpatient treatment includes medicine’s charge and medicine from prescription, check- up fee, registration fee, injection fee, labor fee, x- ray fee, CT scan fee, USG fee, MRI fee, small surgical operation, and cost for copying letters during last one- month. Record amount of costs taken by household during last one- month in rupiah. Remarks: 1. Transportation, eating snack costs are not included in cost for outpatient treatment. Normal pregnancy check- up as well as medicine for pregnancy is not outpatient treatment cost. 2. A health consulting through house fixed telephone or printed media by delivering letter; the cost of getting outpatient treatment is free. The expense is counted in telephone bill or stamp, and envelope (R.17 for telephone and R.18 for post items in Block VII.B Non- food Expenditure). Detail 24: Have you ever stayed in health service during last one- year? Circle code 1 if respondent ever stayed in health service during last- 12 months, code 2 if never. If it codes 2, go to R.26. Staying in health service is healing effort of modern or traditional health service where respondent stayed at for one night or more. It includes staying in health service because of normal giving birth or giving birth with illness. Detail 25.a: How long did you stay in health service? = …Days Records the duration of the staying that has conducted during last oneyear in the boxes available for each service. If respondent had it more than once in the same place, count number of the days and the frequency during last one- year. Detail 25.b: How much was the cost taken by household? Record amount of fares to stay in health service taken by household during last one- year in Rupiah. Amount of fares to stay in health service includes medicine’s charge, checking- up fee, labor fee, x- ray fee, CT scan fee, USG fee, MRI fee, surgical 84 operation fee, and other direct costs including ambulance charge during last one- year. Remarks: 1. Transportation costs other than ambulance; expenditure of householder who took care of respondent is excluding. 2. If respondent stayed in health service before enumeration period for instance January 2000, and got out of it in enumeration period for instance May 2000; expense to stay in heath service is all fares that was taken by household from January to May 2000. Detail 26: Did you have financing guarantor/ health insurance for expenditure of having outpatient treatment/ staying? Ask one by one whether respondent had either insurance or financing guarantor to have outpatient treatment/ staying. Record in code 1 if “Yes” or code 2 if “No” for each insurance or financing guarantor in the boxes available. Respondent might have more than one financing guarantor/ insurance, therefore, asking all sources one by one. Health insurance (Askes) is health insurance for public employee and retired Indonesian Armed Force managed by PT Persero Askes. It covers private employee that joins its program. Workforce Insurance (Astek)/ Social guarantee of workforce (Jamsostek) is insurance for private workers managed by PT Astek. Jasa Raharja is life insurance for the victims of accident on the street, land, river, sea or air; he is either dead or not. Other insurance is special health service or health insurance that integrated into integrated insurance (such as life, health, and pension) or into other system (such as credit card) that is managed by private or institution (including that is managed by public/ local company). Company/ office is a company or office that provides cost or place for the employees and their family if it is possible to have medicine. Health Fund is kind of “health insurance” that is managed by local society. Health cadre/ board of village unit cooperative (KUD)/ board of Villager Tenancy 85 Institution (LKMD) leads it. The members pay the fares regularly. When they visited local health service, they do not need to pay because the boards would arrange it. Health card is card issued by local government for poor family to have free health service. Head of village/ lurah letter is identification letter to identify that the related person is poor. Head of village/ lurah issues it. JPKM (Society health caring guarantee) is complicated health caring based on cooperation. It is conducted continues, with good quality and pre- paid. Remarks: Complicated health caring is effort to keep health that is conducted completely and continuous. It covers the health promotion, prevention, curative, and rehabilitation. Pre-paid financing is the organizer manages the pre- paid financing to health services in order to keep the health of the members. Pre- paid means that the members pay fares regularly to the organizer as well. Only organizer body can conduct JPKM program. It has to have business license and corporate body. Either government or private can organize corporate body. Block V.D: Health of ≤ 5 Years Old Children (Householder ages 0 – 59 months) DETAILS 27 to 29 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 0-59 MONTHS OLD Detail 27: Age = … months old Records the age of children less than five years old in months. In order to anticipate age of the children, there are some procedures to estimate or to count age. They are: a. Ask birth certificate or other notes made by his parents. Experience shows that the mistake appears in birth year, although the birth dates and months can be determined right. 86 b. Composing conversion or “moving scale” agreement of Arabic calendar and Christian’s. In some regions, Arabic calendar is more recognizable than Christian calendar. c. Recording date, month, and year of important event in region or national. Example: General Election, mount explosion, flood, fire, head of village election, etc. d. Comparing to neighbor’s child that his age is known, and estimating some months older or younger. Children less than five years old calculation is in complete month, the rest in days is not counted. A child who is 3 years 5 months and 22 days old would be recorded in month: (3 x 12) + 5 = 41 months. Filling procedures in Detail 27 are: 27. Age: 41 months old 4 1 A child, who was just born and his age was more than one-month-old, records 00 in Detail 27. A baby, who was 21 days old, the filling procedures are: 28. Age in month: 0 month 0 0 Detail 28: Who was the Birth Helper? Records in box a code of the first birth helper and records in the box b for the last birth helper these questions are to figure out the helper of his mother while giving birth. The giving birth process started from his mother was helped when she felt that she would give birth until she gave birth the baby. A mother who gave birth might be helped by one type of birth helper such as traditional healer dukun and midwife. Giving birth process is process of the birth of fetus from uterus to the world. It started by the signs giving birth such as pain in the stomach repeatedly, with blood, mucus, and liquid of fetal membrane; the birth of the baby, cutting the umbilical cord, and placenta releasing. Duration of normal give birth is some hours or teen hours. A mother, who gave birth without anyone help is, recorded in code others. 87 Illustration: when a mother would give birth, a midwife would help her in Puskesmas. Since the umbilical cord waylaid the baby, the midwife took the mother to the nearest hospital to have surgical operation by gynecologist. Answer: 28. Who helped the giving birth process? (Record code → to the box) 1. Doctor 4. Traditional Healer The First 2. Midwife 5. Relative/ family a. 3. Other Paramedics 6. Others The Last b. 1 2 Remarks: If mother was helped by more than one helper, for example by midwife and traditional healer record the helpers as respondent’s. Detail 29.a: Did the baby have mother’s milk? Circle code 1 if “Yes” or code 2 if “No”, and record in the box available. If it codes 2 and the baby was less than 11 months old, interview is done for the related householder. Interview other householders if any. Suckling on the breast is if mother’s nipples that suckled by the baby had milk and drunken by the baby, even a little. Mother who suckled could be biological mother or not biological mother. Remarks: Baby who had mother’s milk through bottle is categorized having mother’s milk. Detail 29.b: Duration of the baby to be fed by mother’s milk If the baby had been fed in Detail 29.a, ask how long he had been fed, either with or without supplement food. Record the answer of duration in the box available in month by completing below. QUESTION IN DETAIL 30 IS FOR HOUSEHOLDER AGES 0-11 MONTHS 88 Detail 30 is to figure out the exclusive mother’s milk and milk substitute feeding to baby who is 0-11 months old. Detail 30.a: Did baby have mother’s milk during last 24- hours? Circles code 1 if “Yes” or code 2 if “No”. Mother’s milk given during last 24- hours refers to 24 hours before enumeration. Detail 34: Yesterday/ last night, did the baby have food or beverages other than mother’s milk? Record code 1 if “Yes” or code 2 if “No”. kinds of food and beverages other than mother’s milk are: a. Baby powder milk is milk produced by manufacture b. Thick water from cooked rice is kind of food often fed to infants as milk substitute c. Fruits such as banana, papaya, orange, tomato, and avocado. d. Baby biscuit is biscuit for infants such as Farley biscuit. e. Rice flour porridge is kind of porridge made from rice flour and milk with or without sugar. It is made by household or produced by manufacture such as Promina, and SUN. f. Milk porridge is kind of porridge made from rice flour and milk. Household or manufacture such as Promina, Nestle, SNM, and SUN makes it. g. Steamed rice/ rice porridge + vegetables is steamed rice or rice porridge that added by vegetables such as spinach or carrot or other vegetables while being cooked. h. Steamed rice/ rice porridge animal side dish/ concerning plants side dish + vegetables is steamed rice or rice porridge that added by liver or egg or tofu or soybean cake and vegetables such as spinach or carrot or other vegetables while being cooked. i. Others, such as honey or juts had vegetables, mung bean porridge, or chicken porridge. 89 Remarks: Infant is considered to have exclusive mother’s milk if responses in Detail 33 are “Yes” and Detail 34 a to 1 are “No”. He is considered to have mother’s milk as well as he took medicine/ vitamin because of the illness or immunization (probably he had mineral water or tea to take the medicine/ vitamin). 5. Block V.E: Fertility and Family Planning DETAILS 31 and 34 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER WHO IS FEMALE AND EVER MARRIED AGES ≥10 YEARS OLD (BLOCK IV, COLUMN 4 = 2, COLUMN 5 ≥ 10 YEARS OLD, COLUMN 6 = 2, 3 OR 4) Block V.E is for female who ever- married ages ≥ 10 years old. The objective is to gather characteristics of marriage, number of children born alive, children alive and dead children. Those characteristics are very crucial to figure out total mortality rate and infants mortality rate. Beside those questions, ask the female who is married the characteristics of family planning. Attempt to interview the related female. Detail 31: Age when Married for the First Time Record age of respondent when she got married for the first time in the points and record in the box available. The age calculation procedures when married for the first time are similar to the procedures to count respondent’s age. Remarks: A female who gets pregnant without getting married is considered to have divorced while her husband lives (Block IV.A Column 6= 3). If she does not give birth while being enumerated, record Detail 40 her age during enumeration minus age of pregnancy. If she had given birth, record Detail 40 by estimating her age when gave birth her first kid minus 9 months and the kid’s age. Detail 32: Number of Years in Marriage Union. 90 Ask how long she was in marriage union. If she married more than once, the duration of being in the marriage union means total years of marriage union. Record 00 for respondent who gets pregnant without getting married. Detail 33: Number of Biological Children that were born Number of biological children that were born is number of biological children who were alive when were born from the first marriage until enumeration. Detail 33.a: Number of Biological Children who was Alive when was born Records the number of biological sons and daughters, who was alive when was born. Count the number in column Male+ Female. Biological Children who was alive when was born is biological children when was born showed living signs such as heart beating, breathing, and crying, although only for a while. A child who passed away when was born (when was born did not show living signs) is excluding. Detail 33.b: Number of Biological Children who are Still Alive Record number of biological sons and daughters, who are still alive in the columns suitable. Record the total in column Male+ Female. To anticipate any mistake, first, ask and write number of children who live in and out of this household. A child who lives out of household and does not have any information is considered alive. Detail 33.c: Number of Biological Children who is passing away Record number of sons and daughters, that was given birth but recently they passed away. Record in the boxes suitable and record the total number in Column Female+ Male. Remarks: - Detail 33.a = Detail 33.b + Detail 33.c - It is suggested to confirm in order to gather right answers. For example: ”to make sure my notes, is that true that you have…(mention contents of Detail 42.a), that are sons and daughters who are alive and …(mention contents of Detail 42.c) who passed away. If there is any mistake, repeat the questions and correct the wrong digit. 91 IF THERE IS NO BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN WHO WAS BORN ALIVE, STILL ALIVE, OR PASS AWAY, BOX MUST BE FILLED BY 00 Detail 34: Have you ever- used contraception instruments? Circle code 1 if respondent or the spouse has ever used contraception instruments. If it codes 2, go to Block VI or interview other householder. DETAILS 35 to 38 ARE FOR HOUSEHOLDER WHO IS FEMALE AND MARRIED AGES ≥10 YEARS OLD This part’s objective is to gather information of the knowledge and application of contraception instruments/ methods. Contraception instrument is instruments/ methods applied by couple to prevent or to delay pregnancy. Topic that is related to contraception and family planning is a sensitive and private topic. Respondent might feel embarrass and not easy to talk about. Enumerator has to show that it is not disgraceful. Ask the questions in the same way as asking other questions. If respondent was not sure to respond, ensure her that no matter what the respond is, it is confidential and the same questions are asked to other females. Notice that all questions about etiquette of applying contraception instruments by man are for respondent’s husband, without considering whether she is still with the man. If respondent got married more than once, do not notice with which husband she applied one of contraception instruments/ methods. Detail 35: Do you apply contraception instrument/ method? Ask respondent whether she applies one of contraception instruments to prevent pregnancy. If she responded, “Yes”, circle code 1. If she responded, “No”, ask questions to other householder or go to Block VI. Detail 36: Which contraception instrument/ method do you apply? Circle code of contraception instruments/ method as respondent has answered and then fill in the box available. If she applies more than one 92 instruments/ methods, record the last instrument/ method she applied. In general, referring time to applying instrument/ method is 30 days. Woman Medical Operation/ Female sterilization is surgical operation to a woman to prevent pregnancy by tying fallopian tube. Stress that the operation objective is to prevent woman not to have more children. Sometimes, operation to take uterus was conducted by other reasons, not to protect woman from pregnancy. In this case, sterilization is operation to a woman not to have more children. Man Medical Operation/ Male sterilization is small surgical operation to a man in order to prevent pregnancy of his spouse. Intra Uterus Device (IUD) instrument made from soft rubber/ copper, small size, forms like spiral, letter T, fan, etc. It is applied in uterus to prevent pregnancy in long term. Contraceptive Injection is one of method to prevent pregnancy by injecting kind of liquid to body every month or three, or six months. Remarks: Injection validity term is 1, 3 or 6 months. An injected woman is considered to apply contraception instrument/ method as long as the validity term was not over. If it is over and she does not have re- injection will not considered to apply contraception instrument/ method. Therefore, respondent that is categorized to apply contraceptive injection is the woman that has been injected in the period of 1, 3, or 6 months before enumeration date. Norplant/ Implant is six small- metal sticks applied under the upper arm skin or injection under the skin to prevent pregnancy. A respondent would be considered to apply implant/ Norplant if the last implant/ Norplant applied less than 5 years before enumeration. Contraception pill is set of pill that taken everyday to prevent pregnancy. A female would be considered to take contraception pill, if she took it since her last period everyday. A respondent who takes pill everyday but forget to do it for 2 days so that she took 2 pills in the next day 93 Condom is one of contraception instruments made from rubber and forms like balloon. Man while having sexual intercourse to prevent his woman from pregnancy applies it. The referring time of condom application is the last coitus that is 30 days before enumeration. People would be considered to apply condom, if since the last period until the last coitus, the spouse applied it. Intra vagina/ Tissue/ Female Condom is kind of tissue put in vagina before having coitus. The referring time is the last coitus that is 30 days before enumeration. Traditional contraception instruments/ methods are: a. Calendar System. This method is based on the thought that a woman, who does not have coitus in certain days when she is in fertile period, will be avoided from pregnancy. This method is unlike abstinence, which does not have coitus for couple of months without considering the fertile period in order to avoid pregnancy. To convince that the respondent understands, stress it by saying that this method gives priority to “ avoid having coitus during the fertile period”. If the woman did not want to have coitus in this month for certain days, it does not mean she applies calendar system. She does not have not to have coitus to prevent pregnancy. A respondent is considered to apply this method if she applied it in the last- 30 days before enumeration and she is convinced that she just had coitus out of the her fertile period since the last period. b. Interrupted Coitus is a method conducted by man to anticipate his sperms come into the woman’s womb by taking out his penis before ejaculation. The time refers to the last coitus during the last 30- days. c. Other traditional methods, such as absence to have coitus, taking herbal medicine (jamu), or massaging. Stressing: 1. During interview, ask the application of contraception methods/ instruments one by one carefully. Each method/ instrument has different valid and effective period. 94 2. Abortion is a method to abort fetus. It excludes in contraception methods/ instruments. The other term is MR (Menstrual regulation). 3. If respondent applies calendar system and condom, instrument/ method she applies is condom (the smallest code). If the column records code 9, ask another householder or go to Block VI. Detail 37: Where did you have the last contraception instrument/ method? Ask respondent where she had the last contraception instrument/ method. Public Hospital is hospital owned by central government (such as RSCM/ RSUP Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo), Local government (such as RSU Labuang Baji), Indonesian Armed Force (such as RSPAD), or public company (such as Pertamina Hospital). Private Hospital is hospital owned by private. Doctor’s Practice is personal doctor’s practice, general practitioner, dentist, or medical specialist. The practice location could be anywhere such as hospital, puskesmas, sub- puskesmas, or clinic. It common conducted out of working hours. Puskesmas is a center for public health, which is health service managed by government. It is responsible to society health service for area of sub- regency, some parts of sub- regency, or kelurahan (example DKI Jakarta). Puskesmas team can go around certain places in its working area to socialize the service as schedule. Sub- Puskesmas is a unit of health service for society that supports Puskesmas tasks in some areas of puskesmas’s working area. Midwife practice is a midwife that has personal service in a place other than hospital, Puskesmas, sub- Puskesmas, Country Maternity Hospital (Polindes), Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) or clinic. PLKB is Field Staff of Family Planning. Family Planning Post (Pos KB) is a post for Family Planning Service. PPKBD is Assistant of Village Family Planning Builder. 95 Pharmacy is a place to sell medicine that has pharmacist as guarantor and license from local health department. Drug store is a place to sell the limited- free medicine, free medicine, and probably traditional medicine. Sometimes it breaks the law by selling the medicine that is supposing has doctor’s prescription. It has pharmacist assistant and license from health department. Others, such as traditional healer (dukun/ tabib/ sinshe), acupuncture, and reflexive massage, spiritualist, and radiates (a healing method by using pendulum). Remarks: If location to purchase and apply instrument/ method is different, for instance; respondent purchased IUD in pharmacy and applied it in Midwife’s practice. In this case, use source of service approach; the last location to purchase contraception instrument is in Midwife’s practice (R.37 = 5). Detail 38: How much did it cost to have the last family planning service? Write the cost took to have the last family planning service. The expenditure covers service charge and contraception instruments. If it did not take cost, write, “free” in the points and let the box blank. Remarks: 1. For respondent who applies contraception pills, the cost is price of the pills that applied for 30 days (1 strip). 2. For respondent who applies condom, the cost is price of the condom that applied in the last period (30 days). G. Block VI: Housing and Settlement This block consists of 32 details. The objective is to figure out the welfare of household from housing and settlement point of view. Most of information about this block is gathered based on head of household’s or other householder’s information. Enumerator cannot have question and answer sessions when recording type of roofs or type of walls. Interview for these questions are confirmation. Detail 1: Authorization Status of Residence building 96 Circle one code from 1 to 7 based on the respondent’s response and fill in the box available. Status of the residence has to be seen from the side of the household that lives in. Self- authorization. If the residence belongs to the household or one of householder when being enumerated. A house that purchased by bank installment system or leasing is considered as own house. Rent, if head of household or householder rents the residence in certain period, such as for 1 or 2 years, based on term of agreements between the owner and the tenant. The payment system is various. The tenant might conduct pre- paid system or installs based on the agreement. At the end of agreement, the tenant has to leave the house or re- new the agreement. Lease, if head of household or one of householder leases the house by paying the fares regularly and continues without having time limits. Official house, if the house belongs to the office where one of householder works in with or without paying. Free of charge to rent other person’s, if the house is from other side, this is other than relative’s/ parent’s and the household lives in the house without giving any payment. House belongs to parents/ relative/ family, if the house belongs parents/ relative/ family and does not take any charge to live in. Others, if the house cannot be classified into the categories above, such as communal house, ethnic house. Detail 2: Type of the Widest Roof Circle one of codes of the widest roof of the physical building where the household lives in and then fill in the box available. Roof is a cover of the top of a building so that the people who live under protected from the sun, the rain, etc. For multistoried house, roof is the top part of the building. Concrete roof is roof that is made from mixed of cement, pebble, sand, and water. 97 Roof- tile is roof that is made from formed and burned clay. It covers concrete roof- tile (made from mixed of sand and water), fiber cement roof tile, and ceramics roof- tile. Shingle is roof that is made from piece of thin wood ulin (very hard wood, from Kalimantan) or stone wood. Iron- sheeting roof is roof from iron- sheeting. It could be in form of flat, wave, and decrabond (iron- sheeting that coated by epoxy and acrylic). Asbestos roof is roof that is made from mixed of asbestos fiber and cement. The common from is wave. Palm leaves roof is roof from palm tree fiber. Its common color is green. Others are type of roof other than the types mentioned above, such as board, bamboo, leaves, etc. Detail 3: Type of Widest Wall Circle one of codes of the widest wall of the physical building where the household lives in and then fill in the box available. Wall is out side of/ border of building to other physical building. If the building has more than one type of the same width wall, the widest wall is the wall that has higher value (the smallest code). Masonry wall is wall from arranging brick and covered with plaster. In some regions, there is wall from plaited bamboo with the ± 1m x 1m width. It is framed by beam of wood and covered with plaster. This type is categorized as bamboo, but if the plaiting is wire, it is categorized as others. In other region, there is kind of wall that is made from pair of bricks and covered with plaster but the wood pole. It is 1 to 1,5 m distance. This type of wall is categorized as Masonry wall. Detail 4: Type of the widest Floor Circle one of codes of the widest floor of the physical building where the household lives in and then fill in the box available. Floor is house foundation from ground or non- ground such as ceramics, Detail 5: Floor space = …m2 Record the floor space where the household lives in and copy to the available (m2). 98 Wide of floor space is wide of floor to lives on and used for household’s needs as well as limited to the roof. The parts that are not for daily needs, such as rice barn, animal livestock stable, drying floor, or business room (stall, shop, etc), are excluded in the floor space calculation. For the multistoried house, the floor space is total space of all stories that lived in. For a residence that lived by more than one household, floor space of each household is floor space that used communally divided by number of households plus the personal floor space of the related household. Remarks: Record the floor space an in- door garden that has roof or a garden beside the house but under the roof Detail 6.a: Source of Drinking Water Ask the source of drinking water used by household. Circle the suitable code and copy to the box available. Notice that the question is to ask the SOURCE. If the household obtains water from spring, which is channeled to house, then the source of drinking water is spring. If respondent use water from some sources chooses the source of drinking water, that household uses its most volume. Water in package is water that produced and distributed by a company in bottle (500 ml, 600 ml, 1 l; 1,5 l; or 19l) and glass. The brands are such as Aqua, Moya, 2 Tang and VIT. Running water is water that produced by purification and sanitation process before being distributed to customers through an installation, which is water pipe. Water Company (PAM), Local Water Company (PDAM), or Water Management Body (BPAM) authorizes this source of drinking water. Remarks: 1. Households that drink water from plumbed pipe, which is purchased from water carrying seller or taken from neighbor, is, considered having running water as source of drinking water. 2. Households that drink water from spring or rain that is caught by using plumbed pipe or hard plastic pipe is considered having spring or rainwater as source of drinking water. 99 3. Households drink water from rainwater during rain season and purchasing water during dry season. The source of drinking water during last one- month is the source that households use its volume the most. 4. Households that drink water from river, lake, well, and water rain by using water purifier machine are considered having running water as water source. Pumped water is water ground that taken by hand- pump, electric pump, or windmill, and drilled well. Well water is water from dig ground. The water is taken by using water dipper or pail, with or without pulley. Protected well (code 4) is round of the well protected was protected by wall at least 0,8 m above the land and 3 meter beneath the ground, and had cement floor 1 m from round of the well. 100 Remarks: Household that uses protected well as source of drinking water but it uses pump (hand pump or electric pump) to take the water is considered having the protected well if the well is opened. However, it will be considered using pump if the well is covered. Spring is source of drinking water at the ground surface where it comes naturally. It will be categorized as protected (code 6) if the source is protected from waste. Others are source of drinking water other than the sources above such as lake water or dam water. Be careful in determining source of drinking water of household. Households in some regions channelling the river water, spring, or mount spring to the houses by bamboo or hard plastic pipe. In this case, the source of drinking water is river water, spring or mount spring, not running water Detail 6.b: If Detail 6.a = 3 to 7 (pump/ well/ spring). How long is the distance between the sources to the nearest feces disposal or garbage disposal or waste container? Ask the distance between the sources to the nearest feces disposal or garbage disposal or waste container. It is either in the household or in the neighbor. Circle the suitable code and copy to the box available. Detail 16: How to obtain drinking water Circle the suitable code and copy to the box available. Subscribing is purchasing the drinking water as well as the drinking water in package by subscribing. Direct purchasing is purchasing the water from Public Hydrant and Water Terminal (TAHU) that managed by Water Company (PDAM/ PAM/ SAM). Purchasing from Water Seller is purchasing the water from the carrying water seller. Does not purchase is obtain the water by self- effort without having to pay. Remarks: 101 1. If respondent give the neighbor wage to take water from dam. It is classified as purchasing water. 2. Purchasing “AQUA” (mineral water) from water seller not the agent is classified as purchasing from seller. Detail 8: Drinking Water Facility Circle the suitable code and copy to the box available. Drinking water facility covers drinking water installation managed by PAM/ PDAM or Non- PAM/ PDAM as well as well and pump. Installation managed by Non- PAM/ PDAM might uses the same water purification method as PAM/ PDAM or different from PAM/ PDAM such as distributing water from spring to house by pipe or bamboo. Remarks: 1. Household that utilizes water from river, lake, and rain is categorized do not have facility, unless there is a business unit or household purifies the water-bywater purifying machine. 2. Household that purchases drinking water from carrying water seller or drinks the drinking water in package is considered does not have facility. Self- utilization; household utilizes the facility by itself. Sharing; some households utilizes the same facility. Public; every household can utilize the same facility by walking (on foot) to the facility for less than 1 hour. None; household does not own facility. It catches water from river or rain, or it takes more than one hour to the installation. Detail 14.a: ToiletFacility Circle the suitable code and copy to the box available. Toilet Facility is facility for household to defecate by utilizing toilet. Toilet Facilities are categorized into 3 categories; self- utilization, sharing; and public. Concepts and definitions are the same as concepts in Detail 8. If Detail 9.a codes 4, go to Detail 9.c. Detail 9.b: Type of toilet 102 Circle the code suitable and copy to the box suitable. Type of toilet is place for sitting or squatting that used in the toilet. a. Gooseneck is a toilet that has U line (as gooseneck) under the sitting place to intercept and retain water so that the smell of feces cannot come out. b. Plengsengan is toilet that has flat line leans to the feces disposal under the seat. 103 c. Cubluk/ falling is toilet that does not have line so that the feces fall to the disposal directly. 104 Detail 9.c: Final Feces Disposal Circle the suitable code and copy to the box available. a. Tank is the final disposal in form of disposal container. It is made from brick/ stone or concrete, with or without absorption container. The tank of some public toilets such as in City Park is a barrel from metal or wood. It could be detached to move to the disposal container. This kind is considered as tank as well. b. Pond/ rice field. The feces are thrown to the pond/ rice field. c. River/ Lake/ Sea. The feces are thrown to the river/ Lake/ Sea. d. Ground hole. The feces are thrown to the ground hole that does not have wall (un-waterproof). e. Sea/ yard/ garden. The feces are thrown to the sea, yard, or garden. f. Others. The feces are thrown to the place other than that of mentioned above. Detail 10: Source of Lighting 105 Circle one of the source of lighting code that respondent utilizes, and then copy to the box available. If respondent utilizes more than one source of lighting, choose the source that has higher value (the smaller code). Remarks: Non- PLN (Public Electricity Company) Electricity is source of electricity lighting that managed by institution or side other than PLN as well as the company that used source of lighting from battery, generator, and electric power station by sun that is not managed by PLN. Source of lighting from kerosene such as kerosene pressure lantern and gas lamp is classified in code 3. Other kerosene lamps such as kerosene wall lamp or oil lamp are covered in code 4. Code 5 covers candle, carbide lamp, castor oil lamp, and candlenut lamp. H. Block VII: Expenditure of Household The objective of this block is to record all expenditure of household consumption. It is divided into 2 expenditure groups, they are: 1. Food Expenditure, and 2. Non- food Expenditure Total expenditure and source of main income of household is recorded in this block as well. Expenditure of food and non- food consumption that is listed is expenditure of household/ householder needs. It does not cover expenditure of household business, or to give to other side. Expenditure that recorded in food consumption is value of food that has been consumed during the referring time (consumption approach). For non- food consumption, we use delivery approach concept, which is items that purchased or gained from other side for household needs. Below are some types of expenditure, which is non- household consumption and not recorded: 1. Rice or other food material that is used to make food to sell, party, or to give to other side. 2. Food that is given to worker in household business or to worker that is not householder. 106 3. Furniture or equipment that is purchased to give to other side that is not householder or as gift. 4. Items that is purchased to give to other side (non- householder) as gift. Filling of Block VII, Detail 1 to 28. Block VII.A: Food Expenditure during last one- week The block is to record household consumption during last one- week. For Detail 1 to 15, record in column 2 total expenditure of each consumed food during last one- week. Detail 16 is total Detail 1 to Detail 15. Food Expenditure is expenditure value of household consumption during last one- week from purchasing, self- producing, or from other side. Count the value of self- producing food or food from other side based on the local market value. Notice that respondent probably will inform what he purchased, not what he consumed. Record food that had been consumed by householder during last one- week. The objective to ask every detail is to anticipate skipping because the items are many and it is difficult to memorize each of them. Every types of food might be from purchasing, self- producing, gift, etc. Detail 1- 15: Names of food group that are asked in Detail 1 to 15 exist in column 1. Ask the details by mentioning all kinds of food in the brackets, from purchasing, selfproducing, and gift. Block VII.B: Non- food Expenditure during last one- month and during last 12- months. This part is to record expenditure of non- food consumption during last 12months and last one- month, from purchasing, self- producing, and gift. Record in Column 2 expenditure of non- food consumption for household consumption during last one- month and in column 3 for expenditure during last 12- months. Expenditure during last one-month expenditure, which is taken out during last one- month, not expenditure during last 12 months divided into 12. Nevertheless, expenditure during last 12- months is expenditure that is taken out during last 12 107 months and ended one day before enumeration. Expenditure during last 12months covers expenditure during one- month but there is possibility that expenditure during last 12- months is not taken during last one- month. In some cases such as expenditure on house rent charge, it probably was not paid during last one- month. However, it is counted to expenditure during last one- month and expenditure during last 12- months. Non- food expenditure consists of 8 sub- groups, which are from Detail 17 to Detail 24. Ask those in turns. To reduce under reporting and to assist enumerator during interview, create samples of commodity/ expenditure that as included in subdetail. Detail 17: Housing and Household Facility Expenditure of housing and household facility, such as expenditure for rent (including estimate charge for own house), house maintenance, electricity bill, telephone bill, fuel, gas, and purchased water. For the bill, count the expenditure based on the paid bills (payment for last month). Detail 18: Goods and Service Expenditure on goods and service is expenditure for bath soap, beauty items, feminine napkins, and transportation (including fuel for transportation), vehicle reparation and maintenance, wage of household servant, books, recreation, Identity Card/ Driving License, and others (toothbrush, camphor, photo copy, photograph, telephone card, etc). Remarks: Household that is paying telephone installation installment; put the installment out of the paid bill. Record the installment in Detail 22 when telephone is in order (if it is in the period of last one- year or last one- month). Detail 19: Cost of Education Cost of education is expense for education needs such as school fee, registration fee, various contributions, Boy Scout activity, stationary, and course fee, including photocopy for school textbooks. Detail 20: Cost of Health 108 Cost of health is expense for taking care of health such as fares of hospital, Puskesmas, Doctor, Medicine, Pregnancy check- up, Contraception cost, giving birth cost, immunization for baby, etc. Detail 21: Clothes, Footwear, and headgear. The expenditure that recorded in this detail is expenditure for clothes, footwear, and headgear. The items are prepared- clothes, fabric, tailoring cost, shoes, string, washing soap, and others (towel, belt, shoe- polish, laundry service). The detail covers the expenditure for school uniform as well. Detail 22: Durable Goods This detail records expenditure on durable goods such as household furniture (desk, chair, etc), household equipment (pillow, curtain, etc), and apparatus; kitchen tools, entertaining instruments (TV, radio, cassette, guitar, piano, etc), sports equipment, accessories, vehicle, camera, and others (wall accessories, aquarium, installation of electricity, telephone, running water, etc). Remarks: a. Goods (e.g. vehicle and TV) that were purchased and received although it is not settled yet; record the value in suitable expenditure. b. Gift that is given by other side and used for household needs; estimate the price if it is purchased while consuming. c. Expenditure to purchase gift or money as gift is not recorded as expenditure for party and ceremony/ ritual. Detail 23: Taxes and Insurance This detail is to record expenditure for land tax, TV contribution and its kinds, motored vehicle taxes and insurances, other contributions, life insurance premium, fire, financial loss, etc. Remarks: 1. Household that does not pay TV Contribution/ Land Tax is not necessary to estimate the value. Nevertheless, for the household that pays TV Contribution/ Land tax, record the value although it does not pay yet. 2. Contents of last one- month- land tax = yearly land tax : 12 Detail 24: Party and Ritual Needs 109 The expenditure that is recorded here is expenditure for wedding party, feast celebrating a circumcision, Pilgrim expense, ritual of ethnic, and others. It does not cover food for party or feast celebrating a circumcision because food consumption for the party will be recorded in food consumption of each household of the guests who came to the party. Remarks: Goat for celebrating Aqiqah (Islam ritual to celebrate the birth of a baby by killing one or two goats) is not recorded in Expenditure block (party and ritual needs), but if household consumes some of the goat, the consumption is recorded in Block VII.A, Food Consumption. Detail 25: Number of Non- food It is total expenditure for Detail 17 to 24 during last one- month (Column 2) and during last 12- months (Column 3). Detail 26:Average Expenditure of Food for one Month The record is Detail 16 x 30/7. Detail 27: Average Expenditure of Non- Food for one Month The record is Detail 25 column 3 : 12 Detail 28: Average Expenditure of Household for one Month The record is Detail 26 + Detail 27, which is average expenditure of household for one month. Remarks: 1. Expenditures that are not included in Block VII List of VSEN2001.K are: - Transferring money to non- householder, for example transferring money for a child that does not live in household (in other city), for parents or relatives. - Contributing money/ goods for wedding party, birthday, feast celebrating a circumcision, etc. - Saving, paying social gathering contribution, or settling debt. - Food expenditure for party, feast celebrating a circumcision, etc (other than that of consumed by householder). - Expenditure for capital goods/ investment such as purchasing house, house renovation, purchasing motorcycle for rent, etc. 110 - Insurance premium that is like saving, for example, life insurance, scholarship insurance, etc. - Other transferring expenditure such as alms, contribution for Independence Day celebration, contribution for orphans, etc. 2. Determine the consumption value of goods that are credit carefully. If the consumed goods are paid by installment, the consumption value is the main price (excluding interest). If household does not know the price, the consumption value is total installment until it is settled. Detail 29: Source of Main Income of Household Record the source of main income of household completely in the place available. Criteria “Main” for source of income refers to the householder that has the biggest income in the household. Record code of business field/ income receiver and job status in the box as the source of main income. The two- first digits show code of business field or income receiver, and one last- digit shows job status. For the income receiver, record code 1000. Illustration: I. Teacher in Public Elementary School SDN 01 Pagi Cibubur 8 0 Fabric trader in Tanah Abang Market 5 2 Farm Labor 0 1 1 1 Receiving money from children 1 0 0 0 Block VIII. Notes 111 1 3 1 2 Record other crucial articles in order to make the recorded information clearer so that it would be helpful in editing or processing data process in this block. 112