1 Attachment 3 VSEN98.MPP SUSENAS REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1998. NATIONAL SOCIO ECONOMIC SURVEY LISTING OF EDUCATION, HOUSING AND SETTLEMENT Confidential 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. I. LOCATION IDENTIFICATION Province District/Municipality *) Sub-district Village/ Village Unit *) Area Urban 1 Rural Enumeration area number Segment group number Segment number Sample code number Serial number of Sample household Village classification Least developed village Developed village 2 1 2 Fill in by Editor 01 II. HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS 03 Number of household members aged 3 – 7 years The name of household head and attending in Kindergarten School 02 Number of household members 04 Number of household member aged 5-39 years and in school III. ENUMERATION PARTICULARS Name and NIP/NMS of enumerator 05 Name and NIP/NMS of supervisor Position of enumerator: 06 Position of supervisor Staff of KS province 1 Mantis 3 Staff of KS province 1 Mantis Staff of KS District 2 Partner 4 Staff of KS District 2 Partner 03 Date of enumeration 07 Date of supervision 04 Signature of enumerator 08 Signature of supervisor *) Cross out inapplicable category 01 02 3 4 2 3 Serial number (1) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name of Household Members (write down who usually stay and eat in this household; adult, children, or baby) (2) IV. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS CHARACTERISTICS Relation Gender: Age Only for Only for to the M 1 (year) household household head of F 2 members members household aged 3-7 aged 3-7 years years (3) (4) Codes for column 3: Codes for column 7: Relation to the head of household The head of household 1 Parent/In-law Wife/husband 2 Other relative Children 3 Servant Son/daughter in-law 4 Others Grandchildren 5 (5) Attending Kindergar ten school /BA/RA (code) Attending school (code) (6) (7) Mother tongue Code (Filled In by Editor) (8) (9) Codes for column 6: 6 7 8 9 Kindergarten school Attendance Yes No 1 2 School attendance In school No school BA= Bustanul Athfal RA= Raidatul Athfal The object of the question about Mother Tongue, is to see the variation of culture/ethnicity that are linked to various other population characteristics Description: Mother Tongue is the language of the respondent’s parents. In certain condition, respondent’s language could be different from his/her parents’ language. Foe example; when respondent was a young that he/she doesn’t lived with her/his parent. 4 5 V. EDUCATION AND THE ACTIVITY OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AGED 5 – 39 YEARS Name: ………………………..Serial number: 1. School attendance: (Check Core Block V Q.14) No school 1 (skip to Q. 5.a) In school 2 No longer in school 3 2. Educational record: (if Q.1 = 2, filling in 00 code on k.3) Level of Educ. 1 Year of Year of Did not education Dept. start finished pass a Relig. 2 school school grade. Dept. Yes 1 Other 3 No 2 a. Pre school (k.1) (k.2) (k.3) (k.4) Kindergarten b. Primary school c. Junior school d. Senior high e. University 3. If Q. 1 = 3, is the last education level completed? Yes 1 (skip to Q.5.c) No 2 (skip to Q.5.b) 4. If Q. 1 = 2, do you want to continue your education to higher level? Yes, to public 1 ( to Q.6a) No 3 (to Q.5.c) Yes, to vocational 2 5. a. Why haven’t you gone to school? b. Why did you stop school? c. Why don’t you continue to higher level? a b c 1. Due to the age 2. Unintelligent/Refused/Unqualified 3. Work as a family worker 4. Work as non a family worker 5. Funding problem 6. Satisfied with current education 7. Dislike/Unmotivated/reluctant 8. Distance (too far) 9. Got Married 10. Sick/disability 11. On leave or applying to higher Education 12. Help with housework 6. a Courses participed Has been attended 1 Ongoing 2 No 3 (go to Q.8.a) 6. b Type of course has been/being attending: Yes 1 No 0 Has On Has On Been going been going Language Housekeeping Computer Services Technique Specific Offices Others 7. Average expenses per monthly for all types of current courses. Rp. …………. (000 Rp) 8. In the morning, what is usually eaten and drunk? Rice/Noodle/Bread/ 1 Fruits 8 Cassava Other 16 Egg/side dishes 2 None 00 Milk 3 9. If Q. 1 = 2 and Q. 2.b k3 = 00, do they have supplement food (PMTAS) at school a week ago? Yes, how many times (in a week) ……… No 0 SPESIFIC FOR CHILDREN AGED 5–9 YEARS 10.a. Did you do the following activity during previous week: 1. Worked for living 2. School 3. Housekeeping 4. looked for a job 5. Others b. From Q.10.a. activity of 1 to 5 coded 1, which activity took the most of your time during previous week? 1 (skip to Q.13.a) 2 3 4 5 11. Did you work for living at least 1 hour during previous week (if Q.10.a = 1, circle code 1) Yes 1 (skip to Q. 13.a) No 2 12. Did you have a job/business, but not working temporarily during previous week? Yes 1 No 2 (skip to B.VI) 13.a. Number of work days: ……………days b. Number of hours worked daily during previous week: Mon Tue Wen Thur Fri Sat Sun Total ….. … ….. ….. … … ….. hours 14. Type of main work during previous week: (Write down completely) Filled in ………………………………. By editor 15. Main business field (work) during previous week: Agriculture 1 Services 4 Industry 2 Others 5 Trade 3 16. Status of main work during previous week: Self-employed Family worker 1 2 Workers 3 6 7 8 VI. EDUCATION EXPENSES OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AGED 5 – 39 YEARS (WHO ARE IN SCHOOL) Name: Serial number: 9.a. Place of study outside school hours Inside the house 1 Outside the house 2 1. Registered and active in school: b. Average duration study of outside school hours Primary School 01 ‘Aliyah’ 08 daily, per week: ………. hours ‘Ibtidayah’ 02 Vocational senior 09 10.Availability of compulsory book in current A Package 03 high school quarter: Vocational/ 04 Diploma I/II 10 Have 1 Not have 2 Junior high school/ Dipl. III/bachelor 11 a. PMP d. Science g. Physics ‘Tsanawiyah’ 05 Dipl. IV/under grad 12 b. Indonesia e. Social h. Chemistry B Package 06 Master 13 Language f. English i. Biology Senior high school 07 PhD 14 c. Mathematics language (If Q.1 = 01 to 06, skip to Q.3) 2. If Q. 1 = 07 to 14, educational field: Household Members Education Expenses …………………………………… During The last 3. a. The nearest distance usually taken from house Type of expenditure July-Dec. Month to school ………….. km (000 Rp) (Rp) b. Duration of the trip ………..minute 4. Transportation facility for going to school (1) (2) (3) Motor vehicle possessed by household 1 11.Registration (enroll Non-motor vehicle possessed by household 2 ment fee/tuition, reMotor vehicle / public transportation 3 entry fee) Non motor vehicle / public transportation 4 12.Contributions Other people’s vehicle (free) 5 a. School fee Walking 6 b. P.T.A 5. Responsibility for living & eating expenses: c. Lab./Art Parent 1 Other person 4 d. Others Brother/sister from 2 Individually 5 13.Evaluation/ Same mother/father Government 6 examination Relative 3 Foundation/Inst. 7 6. Responsibility for school expenses: 14.Supporting material Parent 1 Other person 4 15. School /sport uniform Brother/sister from 2 Individually 5 16. Books, stationeries, and Same mother/father Government 6 school supply (a+b) Relative 3 Foundation/Inst. 7 a. Text book b. Stationary, etc Question 7 to 10, Only for Primary School, Junior High School and Senior High School 7.a. Did you have a tutorial (study outside of school 17. Transportation (including pick-up and hours) during the last quarter? drop expenses Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q. 10) b. Did you study in a group? Yes 1 No 2 18. Courses related to c. Did you study with a Tutor? school/study Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q. 9.a) 8. a. If Q.7 c. = 1, who tutored you? 19. Others Household members 1 Relative 3 TOTAL School friend 2 Other people 4 (11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19) b. Did you pay the Tutor: Yes 1 No 2 9 10 VII. HOUSING AND SETTLEMENT A. PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION 9. Legal Status of land: Property right 1 1.a. Type of physical construction: Right to build 2 Single, not storied 1 Right to use 3 Single, storied 2 Duplex, not storied 3 10 Age of construction: Duplex, storied 4 0 - 4 years 1 Multiplex, not storied 5 5 - 9 years 2 Multiplex, storied 6 10-14 years 3 b. If the construction storied (Q.1.a = 2, 4, 6), type of building Two storied regular house 1 House shop/house office 2 Apartment/flat 3 2. Land area: ……………..m2 3. Type of main foundation Concrete 1 Wood/bamboo 4 Coral 2 Others 5 Brick 3 4. Main material of pillars/columns: Concrete 1 Bamboo 4 Brick 2 Others 5 Wood 3 5. Type of main roof frame: Concrete 1 Bamboo 3 Wood 2 Others 4 6. Building condition Good 1 Damaged 3 Average 2 Severely damaged 4 DWELLING OWNERSHIP 7. a.Dwelling ownership status: Own property 1 Official house 5 Lease 2 Rent free 6 Rent 3 Other 7 Rent purchase/installment 4 Others Don’t know 4 5 ≥ 15 years Don’t know 5 C. UTILITY/EQUIPMENT 11. a. Number of rooms: rooms (If Q. 11.a = 01, directly go to Q 13.a) b. Utilization of rooms/space Private 1 Shared 2 None 4 3 1. Bed room Dining room 2. Living room Family room 12.a. IF having separate bed room (R.11.b.1 = 1), number of bedrooms, ………..rooms b. Number of bed rooms has: 1. Window rooms 2. Ventilation rooms 3. Air condition rooms 4. Exhaust fan rooms 13.a. The drinking water is clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless, no bubbles? Yes 1 No 2 b. Distance to the place to get drinking water: In the yard 1 Outside the yard: ≤9m 2 100-499 m 5 10-49 m 3 ≥ 500 m 6 50-99 m 4 (If Q.7.a # 1, skip directly to Q. 11) b If the dwelling is your own (Q.7.a = 1), how did you come into possession? Build on own account 1 Purchased from developer 2 (Perumnas, Real-estate, etc) Purchased first hand from individual 3 Purchased second hand 4 Administrative allocation 5 (official house, etc) Others(inheritance, gift, etc) 6 8. How did the land come into possession? Purchase 1 Squatter 4 Inheritance 2 Other 5 Lease 3 14.a. Source of bathing water: Pipe 1 Protected spring Pump 2 Unprotected spring Protected well 3 River Unprotected 4 Rain water Well Other b. Bathing facility: Private 1 Shared 2 Public None 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 11 12 15.a. Do you subscribe to PLN electricity? Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q.16.a) b. If Yes (Q.15.a = 1), how much the capacity? 450 w 1 2200 w 4 900 w 2 > 2200 w 5 1300 w 3 16.a. Do you have kitchen? Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q.18) b. If Yes (Q.16.a = 1), where is the location? Separate room 1 Together with other rooms 2 Outside of the building 3 17.a.Fuel for cooking: Electricity 1 Firewood 4 Gas/LPG 2 Charcoal/coal 5 Kerosene 3 Others 6 18. Goods possessed by this household: (Filling in 1 code if yes, 0 code if Not) a. Buffet/sideboard f. Refrigerator b. Stove g. Telephone c. Bicycle/boat h. motorcycle/ d. Radio/tape motorboat e. TV i. Car/motor ship 19. Did this household used: (during previous month): a. Air freshener f. Cloth stain remover b. Hair spray/ g. Shoe polish deodorant spray h. Car battery c. Liquid disinfectant i. Iron/wood/ wall d. Floor cleaner paint e. Window/car/wood j. Insecticide cleaner D. ENVIRONMENT CONDITION 20. House/dwelling location: By road/alley/corridor 1 Other 2 (If Q. 20 = 2, directly to Q.24) 21. If the house is by an alley/corridor (q.20=1) the width of road/lane/is: …………m 22. Type of pavement: Asphalt 1 Wood/bamboo 4 Cement 2 Dirt/sand 5 Gravel/hardened 3 Other 6 23. Road/alley/corridor conditions: Good 1 Damaged 3 Average 2 Several damaged 4 24. Do you have a yard? Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q.26.a) 25. a. If Yes (Q.24=1), do you have plants? Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q.26.a) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. b. If Yes (Q. 25.a.=1), What kind of plants? Vegetables 1 Traditional 8 Fruits 2 medicinal plants Ornamental 3 Others 16 plants a. Do you raise livestock/poultry? Yes 1 No 2 (skip to Q.27) b. Place of raising livestock/poultry: Inside the house 1 In the yard 3 Under the house 2 In other place 4 No cage 5 Where do you dispose your bath, kitchen, and wash wastewater? Covered hole in yard 1 Uncovered hole in yard 2 In yard without the hole 3 Outside yard 4 How do you dispose your bath, kitchen, and wash wastewater? Through covered channel 1 Through uncovered channel 2 Without channel 3 What is the gutter condition around the house? Water is stagnant 1 Fast 3 Water flows very 2 No gutter 4 slowly How do you dispose your trash? Carried away by 1 Thrown into river 5 Workers Thrown anywhere 6 Dumped 2 Other 7 Turned into 3 fertilizer Burned 4 31. Does any of the household member feel offended by: a. Factory smoke/odor/noise b. Garage smoke/odor/noise c. Continues noise from neighbor d. Noise of motor vehicle e. Unpleasant garbage or water odor 13 14 32. Access to housing and settlement facility Type facility Distance from home (Km) (1) a. Public road b. Public transportation c. Hospital d. Puskesmas e. Market/shopping area f. Bank g. Post office h. Place of worship i. Cinema/amusement/recreation park j. Police station k. Fire station l. Public hydrant/Fire hydrant m. Public telephone n. Primary School o. Junior High School p. Senior High School q. Public cemetery (2) Transportation used: Motor vehicle 1 Non motor vehicle 2 Walking 3 (3) Time spent (minute (4) VIII. N O T E 15