OPEN CLASSES - Friday 23, 2015 START TIME 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM END TIME 8:50 AM 8:50 AM 9:50 AM 9:50 AM 9:50 AM BUILDING Ford Hall Hatfield Sabin-Reed McConnell Burton ROOM 240 106 305 103 219 COURSE TITLE Cell Biology Accelerated Elementary French Introductory Physics I General Chemistry I Physical Chemistry I FACULTY Stylianos P Scordilis Ann Leone Doreen Weinberger Kate Queeney R. G. Linck 8:40 AM 9:50 AM McConnell 404 Discrete Math Gwen Spencer 9:00 AM 9:50 AM Seelye 211 Japanese I Atsuko Takahashi 9:00 AM 9:50 AM Hatfield 106 What's in a Recipe? Nancy Sternbach 9:00 AM 9:50 AM McConnell 102 Understanding Minds Peter de Villiers 9:00 AM 9:50 AM Stoddard G2 General Chemistry Elizabeth Jamieson 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:50 AM 9:50 AM 10:10 AM 10:20 AM Seelye Hatfield Hatfield Bass 106 205 204 204 Introductory Macroeconomics Portuguese elementary Elementary German Intermediate French Randy Bartlett Simone Gugliotta Judith Keyler-Mayer Martine Gantrel 9:00 AM 10:20 AM Sabin-Reed 104 Modeling Our World: An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Jack Loveless 9:00 AM 10:20 AM Burton 307 Elementary Modern Hebrew Joanna Caravita 9:00 AM 10:20 AM Seelye 204 Elementary Latin Nancy Shumate 9:00 AM 10:20 AM McConnell B05 Organic Chemistry II Dave Gorin 9:10 AM 10:20 AM Hatfield 105 Elementary Italian Maria Succi Hempstead RESTRICTIONS/NOTES Room for no more than 3-4 people There are seats in this morning section of 153 for visitors. The later section is too full. The class will be conducted mostly in Japanese. But it will be fine for the visitors to follow it and enjoy foreign language class atmosphere. There is room for five or six parents, but no more in that classroom, given the class size. Class will be ending early (approximately 9:50 AM) that day so that I can hold a small discussion session with a portion of the class. Visitors would be welcome from 9-9:50, but after that it would be hard to accommodate extra guests. There are only a few chairs on the outside of the room. OPEN CLASSES - Friday 23, 2015 START TIME 10:00 AM END TIME 10:50 AM BUILDING Seelye ROOM 304 10:00 AM 10:50 AM McConnell 102 10:00 AM 10:50 AM Seelye 211 10:00 AM 10:50 AM Hillyer 101 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:50 AM 10:50 AM Seelye Bass 10:00 AM 10:50 AM 11:00 AM COURSE TITLE Growing Up Asian American Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering Japanese I FACULTY Cheung Gary Felder Atsuko Takahashi 301 203 Creative Writing With/By Spanish Women Writers Thinking About Thinking Brain States Ruhmkorff Mary Harrington Seelye 106 Old Norse Craig Davis 11:50 AM Seelye 211 Japanese I Atsuko Takahashi 11:00 AM 11:50 AM Hatfield 104 High Intermediate Spanish Berger 11:00 AM 11:50 AM Seelye 201 Race and Public Policy in the U.S. Randy Bartlett 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM Hatfield Burton 201 101 Ann Leone Julianna Tymoczko 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Sabin-Reed 103 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Parsons Kitchen Colloquium in French Studies Probability Invertebrate Paleontology and the History of Life Buen Provencho: Food and the SpanishSpeaking World 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Seelye 106 Valid and Invalid Reasoning RESTRICTIONS/NOTES only 3-4 seats open Reyes Lazaro The class will be conducted mostly in Japanese. But it will be fine for the visitors to follow it and enjoy foreign language class atmosphere. There are no extra seats, and space is scarce. Chairs needed. All welcome! Grammar review, oral reading and translation: will be hard to follow for those unfamiliar with the language (= just about everyone). The class will be conducted mostly in Japanese. But it will be fine for the visitors to follow it and enjoy foreign language class atmosphere. Room for no more than 2-3 people Sara Pruss Nancy Sternbach Jim Henle and Sam Ruhmkorff 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Hatfield 202 Re-Membering Marie Antoinette Janie Vanpée 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Hatfield 203 Elementary German Judith Keyler-Mayer I have invited the parents of my FYS 199 students to accompany us or join us on the field trip to the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, on Saturday, Oct. 24. Nine are joining us. OPEN CLASSES - Friday 23, 2015 START TIME END TIME BUILDING ROOM COURSE TITLE Introduction to Computer Science Through Programming FACULTY 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Ford Hall 240 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Sage Sage Earl Auditorium Environmental Perspectives Washington-Ottombre 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Seelye 313 Advanced General Chemistry R. G. Linck 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Hatfield 105 Intermediate Italian Maria Succi-Hempstead 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM Sabin-Reed McConnell 220 103 Introductory Microeconomics Animal Physiology Roger Kaufman Lisa Mangiamele 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Hatfield 205 Intermediate Modern Hebrew Joanna Caravita RESTRICTIONS/NOTES D. Thiebaut 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Seelye 102 The English Literary Tradition William Oram 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Seelye 101 Intermediate Microeconomics Charles Staelin 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Neilson CMP 7 Intermediate Arabic Olla Al-Shalchi 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Seelye 206 Calculus Merrill 11:00 AM 12:10 PM Neilson Library Caverno Classics room Elementary Greek Barry Spence (Scott Bradbury as guest lecturer) 1:10 PM 2:00 PM Hatfield 104 High Intermediate Spanish Berger 1:10 PM 2:20 PM Hatfield 105 Intermediate Italian Maria Succi Hempstead 1:10 PM 2:20 PM Hatfield 205 Italian 100 Simone Room for about 10 This is a discussion class around a table and a good one to visit. I can probably get some chairs from other rooms for people to sit at, though at this point all the chairs in the room are taken. we do have free chairs, but probably not space for more than ~10 guests? While this class normally meets in Burton 307, on that Friday we will be in the Caverno room in Neilson in order to hear a guest lecture on the classical artifacts in the Caverno collection. Parents are welcome. OPEN CLASSES - Friday 23, 2015 START TIME END TIME BUILDING ROOM COURSE TITLE FACULTY 1:10 PM 2:30 PM Burton 215 Introduction to Probability and Statistics Amelia McNamara 1:10 PM 2:30 PM Hatfield 201 Writings & Rewritings: Don Quixote Reyes Lazaro 1:10 PM 2:30 PM Mendenhall CPA T109 Set Design 1 Ed Check 1:10 PM 2:30 PM Hatfield 206 Accelerated Elementary Spanish 1:10 PM 3:00 PM Sabin-Reed 308 Introductory Physics II 2:40 PM 4:00 PM Sabin-Reed 220 Calculus 2:40 PM 4:00 PM Burton 219 Elementary Functions RESTRICTIONS/NOTES I don't have much room-- if all students come to class I only have space for maybe 5 visitors. Space restricted. We would need chairs. This is a fairly long hour and 20 minute class. The table is full with 17 students, but Phoebe Porter there is room for a few parents on sofas against the wall. This class is a long block, so visitors should feel free to join us for any length of time - come in late, leave early, etc. We should be doing a nice little hands on Joyce Palmer Fortune circuits lab for much of the period, so it will be easy to come and observe and leave in time to visit other places on campus during that time slot Merrill Rachel Stavely Hale