Call for PhD Studentship Proposals for September 2014 start PART A Title of Project: Impact melting and vaporization of Earth Supervisor: Lars Stixrude Co-Supervisor: Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni Duration: 3 years Sponshorship: MOLTENEARTH, Prof. Stixrude’s European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant Project Description: The goal of this project is to understand the consequences are large-scale impacts by determining the properties of the massive quantities of silicate liquid and vapor that are expected at extreme conditions that have not previously been explored. Predictions, based on first principles molecular dynamics, will provide essential constraints on the amount of melting and vaporization suffered by rocky planets as a result of large impacts. The initial target will be MgSiO3 liquid, which serves as a first order representation of the bulk silicate Earth. The student will determine the melting point of this material and the physical properties of the liquid, including those that govern the response to large impacts and the release from high pressure when vapor is formed, and those that are experimentally measurable, such as density and electrical conductivity. Results will be compared with pioneering experimental studies as part of a consortium at the National Ignition Facility (USA). Previous results on MgSiO3 composition at lower pressure and temperature will serve as a point of comparison and a source of insight into the underlying connections between structure and thermodynanic properties. The student will also have the opportunity to explore the possible implications of their results for understanding the interiors of super-Earth exo-planets. Current research support 1. “The thermal conductivity of lower mantle minerals”. NERC. Stixrude is co-I. Period: 1/2/10-1/2/13. Amount: £512,906. 2. “Melting in the deep Earth”. NERC. Stixrude is co-I. Period: 1/1/12-31/12/14. Amount: 3. £464,885. “MoltenEarth: Fluid Silicates at Extreme Conditions and the Magma Ocean”, Stixrude is PI. Period: 1/3/12-2/28/17. Amount: € 2,498,891. Ph.D. Student Supervision Name ** Bijaya Karki Gerd Steinle-Neumann Boris Kiefer M. Kathleen Davis Sun Ni Nico de Koker Adam Martins Date Responsibility Current Position 1997 2001 2002 2005 2008 2008 2014 30% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Date of degree or expected date of degree. **University of Edinburgh Assistant Prof., Louisiana State University Assistant Prof., University of Bayreuth Assistant Prof., New Mexico State Univ. Geoscientist, Shell Explor. & Prod. HSBC, Operations Analysis Post-Doc, Universität Bayreuth Ph.D. student, UCL PART B Title of Project: Impact melting and vaporization of planets including the proto-Earth Supervisor: Lars Stixrude Duration: 4 years Sponshorship: MOLTENEARTH, Prof. Stixrude’s ERC Advanced Investigator Grant Background Giant impacts are likely to be a ubiquitous planetary process, resulting in large scale melting and vaporization of target and impactor. Recent results have emphasized the importance of massive vaporization for understanding the composition of the Earth-moon system. Earth is the product of an evolutionary process that began with a largely molten initial condition, a magma ocean. Melting is the engine of Earth’s chemical evolution, which makes possible the formation of core, mantle, crust, and atmosphere. The magma ocean is central to our understanding of Earth’s differentiation since much of it happened early: as Earth solidified, chemical evolution slowed to the trickle of partial melt that continues to form crust today. Melting processes provide us with a book of Earth’s history, but one that we cannot read, particularly the early chapters that set the stage. For example, the significance of much of mantle chemical heterogeneity and its implications for Earth evolution are still shrouded in mystery. The reason for this is simple: we still know very little of the melting process during Earth’s earliest history. How much of the Earth and its ejecta melted or vaporized during the giant impact that formed the Moon? Could a continuous magma/vapor envelope have encompassed the Earth and the growing Moon? Simulations of the process (from Robin Canup) can tell us about energy input, but extents of melting and vaporization are only guesses. Progress depends on understanding silicate melting at the very high pressures generated in giant impacts. The scenario depicted, in which the moon and a terrestrial magma ocean form as the result of a giant impact is highly uncertain because it hinges at nearly every point on the aspects of the behavior of fluid silicates that are still poorly known. The uncertainties begin with the initial condition: did the magma ocean encompass the entire mantle? For a given input of energy, e.g. from a giant impact, the answer depends on the silicate melting curve, and the pressuretemperature path followed by the impacted material. How much of the ejecta was melted or vaporized? Impacts may have generated a dense silicate atmosphere that may be important in controlling the cooling time scale of the upper magma ocean, for understanding chemical similarities between Earth and Moon, and for the origin of our present atmosphere. The goal of MOLTENEARTH is the construction of HeFESTo, a comprehensive thermodynamic model of the mantle including melting, vaporization, and core-reaction that will increase 50-fold the pressure range of mantle melting models. HeFESTo will specify the physico-chemical processes that drive magma ocean dynamics, and the response of the growing Earth to large impacts thereby allowing us to test scenarios such as that represented in the figure. MOLTENEARTH will allow us to predict the quantities central to any attempt to understand magma ocean evolution including the freezing interval of silicate liquids, their buoyancy with respect to coexisting crystals, and their composition. MOLTENEARTH will almost certainly lead to the consideration of new origin scenarios as the full richness of the response to impacts is included, along with new ways of testing these against present-day observations. Approach The goal of this student project is to determine the thermodynamic properties of silicate liquids that control the response of Earth to large impacts using first principles molecular dynamics simulations. Such simulations have already had an important impact on our views of magma ocean evolution, for example, leading to the idea of the basal magma ocean. But they have only scratched the surface. A coordinated suite of new simulations are needed to make progress. In particular the pressure-temperature regime relevant to large impacts remains unexplored: a symmetric impact at Keplerian velocity generates a peak pressure of 1000 GPa (1 TPa), 7 times the pressure at the base of Earth’s mantle. Yet learning about material behavior at these conditions is essential for understanding the consequences of large impacts, including the depth of melting, and the amount and composition of vapor produced on release. The results will provide a rich source of information on the physical properties of silicate liquids, and will constrain the fundamental thermodynamic relation of silicate liquids over the entire pressure-temperature regime relevant to large impacts and the magma ocean. The focus will be on simulation of homogeneous silicate liquids with the choice of compositions guided by the abundance of components in the Earth, and those regions of composition space that are the target of existing or planned experiments. The student will perform first principles molecular dynamics simulations of silicate liquids over the pressure-temperature regime of large impacts (P<1 TPa, and T<100,000 K). The initial target will be MgSiO3 liquid, which serves as a first order representation of the bulk silicate Earth. The student will determine the melting point of this material and the physical properties of the liquid, including those that govern the response to large impacts and the release from high pressure when vapor is formed, and those that are experimentally measurable, such as density and electrical conductivity. Results will be compared with pioneering experimental studies at TPa pressure being performed as part of a consortium at the National Ignition Facility (USA), of which Prof. Stixrude is a member. Previous results on MgSiO3 composition at lower pressure and temperature will serve as a point of comparison and a source of insight into the underlying connections between structure and thermodynanic properties. The student will also have the opportunity to explore the possible implications of their results for understanding the interiors of super-Earth exo-planets. These may contain large regions of deep silicate melt due to their large thermal inertia. Moreover, they may exhibit unique mechanisms of generating magnetic fields in deep highly conductive silicate melt layers. Training and support The student will be part of a team of researchers led by Prof. Stixrude as part of MOLTENEARTH, an ambitious project to construct a comprehensive thermodynamic model of magma ocean thermodynamics. The Department of Earth Sciences contains a strong, vibrant, and supportive group focusing on Earth’s evolution, including eight permanent staff members. The student will have ample opportunity to develop programming, computational, and data analysis skills, gain unique training in thermodynamics, condensed matter theory, and fluid dynamics, participate in international conferences and publish academic work. UCL provides a large variety of training courses both for academic and non-academic purposes. Student Prerequisites The candidate will be expected to demonstrate a fluency in mathematics and physics, and some prior familiarity with computational problems would be an advantage. References L. Stixrude and B. Karki, Structure and freezing of MgSiO3 liquid in Earth’s lower mantle, Science 310, 297 (2005). L. Stixrude, N. de Koker, N. Sun, M. Mookherjee, and B. B. Karki, Thermodynamics of silicate liquids in the deep Earth, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 278, 226 (2009). L. Stixrude and R. Jeanloz, Fluid helium at conditions of giant planetary interiors, PNAS, 105, 11071 (2008).