University of Northern Iowa
May 2010 brought with it the
graduation of a strong cohort of students in the Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs program. As
you can see from the profiles in this
newsletter, we have some very capable (and nice!) people going out into
the world of professional student
affairs. The job market is challenging, but one by one, these graduates
are finding their places at colleges
and universities within Iowa, the
region, and nationally. Of course, as
they get settled in, the first years are
transitioning to their second and final
year and we welcome a new cohort—one of the largest and most
diverse in recent memory. You’ll
be hearing more about them later in
this semester.
To those who have graduated, keep
in touch with what is new in your
world. Enjoy the upcoming fall
weather and best wishes as you
kick off this new academic year!
Warm regards,
Mike Waggoner
Dr. Mike Waggoner is the Coordinator and a
Professor for the Graduate Program in Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs
The PSE: MAE graduates made their way across the stage on May 8th, 2010.
Inside this issue:
Volume 1, Issue 1
“I chose the field of Student Affairs because it is a profession in which we have
the opportunity to make a difference in the
lives of our students, our institutions, and
our communities,‖ Mindy eloquently reflects of her choice to pursue her Master’s
of Arts in Education. She is currently the
Coordinator of Leadership Programs at
Mount Mercy College and she notes, ―I
really enjoy working in Leadership programming and in service. It is exciting to
work with students on understanding the
importance of serving others through their
strengths and abilities.‖
Mindy has had practicum experiences at
the Student Health Clinic at UNI, and with
the Academic Achievement Program at
Coe College. During her time at UNI, she
As she is already an Alum of UNI, Keisha
notes, ―I was so happy at UNI and loved
the Cedar Falls area. I had just finished my
experience as an Orientation Staff leader
and loved it; I knew I still had a lot more to
learn about student affairs, and what better
place to do it than at UNI where I know I
could continue my hands on work with
great professionals who helped shape my
undergraduate experience. I figured why
fix a good thing?‖
Keisha has had assistantships in both Academic Advising and in the Dean of Students office. She has also had practicums
with Academic Advising, Student Support
Services, Orientation, and Admissions.
This busy student says, ―I have enjoyed the
opportunity to gain more hands-on experience in the area of student affairs while
also learning the theory and background of
says, ―I have learned a lot about myself
through coursework and interaction with my
cohort. I think that one of the best experiences that I have had in this program has
been the annual conference for the Iowa
Student Personnel Association (ISPA).‖ She
also states, ―The PSE program is a fantastic
advocate for encouraging students (and
graduates) to continually seek out opportunities for professional development, as well
as networking opportunities with other professionals. The ISPA conference allows
attendees to interact with colleagues in the
field so that ideas, experiences, and programs can be shared.‖
Additionally, Mindy notes, ―The PSE program at UNI has prepared me to be a professional in the field of Student Affairs. I have
been given an excellent foundation of
knowledge that will guide me throughout
my professional career. I am confident that
as a student affairs professional, I have the
the profession and how to effectively apply
it in real life situations. I have also appreciated the opportunity to learn from my colleagues and their experiences as student
affairs professionals; I have learned a lot
from my cohort and I value our work and
discussions together in class.‖
Keisha also reflects, ―The PSE program
has given me the knowledge, understanding, and experience I need to be a successful student affairs professional. I have
learned the importance of our work and
how to demonstrate and articulate that to
others by means of discussion, reflection,
and assessment. I have also gained a better
understanding of student development
theory and how we as student affairs professionals can best work with and support
students; success according to their current
stage of development. The PSE program
has also personally benefited me by providing the opportunity to further my student affairs experience by means of practicums and internships. Through these ex-
knowledge, the values, and the motivation to
impact the lives of students so that they in
turn can be a positive force in the lives of
Undergraduate Degree: Social Work, Psychology Minor from Mount Mercy College in Cedar Rapids, IA
periences I not only read about the history and
theories of working with college students; I
was also able to then apply what I learned in
the class-room to real-life situations in my
assistantship, practicums and internships.‖
Undergraduate Degree: Psychology
from UNI in Cedar Falls, IA
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence
plus character - that is the goal of true education.‖ - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Page 2
Beth is a full-time Residence Hall Director at
Wartburg, and as she says, ―I am a residence
life geek.‖ She has also done a practicum
with the Center for Community Engagement
at Wartburg as well as traveling to Manhattan
to do an internship at Barnard College in
2009. Beth reflects, ―The time in which students attend college is such a vital part of
their development. The thought of impacting
them even the slightest bit is why I love student affairs and why I am in this profession.‖
Beth has had positive experiences at UNI,
and she notes, ―Spending time learning from
my cohort has been one of the most benefi-
Jake decided to pursue his MAE in Student
Affairs because as he simply states, ―I like
helping people and solving problems.‖
Jake has had practicum experiences in Career Services and also works full-time in
Residence Life at Mount Mercy College in
Cedar Rapids. Career Services, Residence
Life, and Academic Advising are also the
areas of Student Affairs he is most passionate about.
Sarah teaches in a K-12 classroom and decided to pursue her Master’s in PSE: Student
Affairs because she says, ―I was seeking an
opportunity to expand my knowledge and
experience working with students. This program delivered! It allowed me a new breadth
of experiences and knowledge about postsecondary students and institutions.‖ Sarah has
had practicum experiences in Residence Life
at UNI and the Office of Greek Life in the
SIAC at UNI, and if she were to work and
Higher Education, do it somewhere that guaranteed student interaction.
In reference to the program, she notes, ―The
best perk of the program has been meeting so
cial parts of my Student Affairs journey
in the classroom. The knowledge that
they have and were willing to share and
the stories from which I could learn were
wonderful and made such a great an impact.‖
that those times are few and far between but
when something like that does happen it is
wonderful to have people to put you and
your community back together.‖
Finally, Beth reflects on a specific memorable event that impacted her decision to
pursue this career, ―During my senior
year at Luther we had three students pass
away for various reasons. It was such a
hard time on campus but it was that time
that solidified my calling in student affairs. Seeing how the student affairs professionals worked with our community to
support us through a time of such great
trial was amazing. You hope and pray
Some of Jake’s best experiences include, as
he notes, ―Staying in a hotel room with Ken
and Lisa at NASPA. It was a great time to
build our friendship but also to discuss higher
education and life.‖
He also reflects that, ―The highlight of my
experience at UNI was class with Jan Hanish.
Jan exudes confidence in her abilities and
provides rational and timely feedback. Jan
isn't afraid to abandon the syllabus to talk
about pressing higher education issues that
pertain to our class discussions. Jan truly is a
treasure for the PSE program at UNI.‖
many new people with varied experiences
in learning about student affairs. I have
made several new friendships and memories I know will endure.‖ She also reflects
on one of her great mentors, ―Lyn Redington, the Director of Residence Life at UNI,
was probably one of the most influential
people to work with over the course of my
time in the program. I was grateful she
recognized my individual needs, worked
with me to set goals, and was an exceptional listener as supervisor of my practicum experience. Though she has endless
responsibilities, she was more than dedicated to spending time with me discussing
my progress. Lyn Redington’s expertise in
the field, ability to educate, and authentic
concern for students are what make her an
asset to UNI.‖
and English from
College in
Ausgustana College in
Island, IL
UNI in
Falls, IA
Page 3
―I love interacting with college students and
helping them learn, grow, and experience
new environments,‖ is what Heather says
when asked why she chose to pursue a profession in Student Affairs. Heather has had
a number of experiences in which she has
been able to interact with students and help
them grow. She has had practicums with
the Honor’s Program and Academic Advising as well as having an assistantship with
Academic Advising and working in Financial Aid. She notes that she is passionate
about all of those areas.
Heather has had a numerous amount of
positive experiences, and she says, ―The
best experiences have been with my cohort.
It doesn’t matter if we are in class, volun-
Maryne says, ―I decided to go into Student
Affairs because I truly felt and continue to
feel that I can help students develop, grow,
explore, succeed, hold themselves accountable, and discover who they are. Deciding
to pursue Student Affairs was as natural as
breathing – I think I have found my vocation because I serve others in a variety of
ways that is ultimately focused on providing access to higher education and personal
Maryne had an assistantship with the Department of Residence, and has also been
the Campbell Hall Graduate Residence
Education Coordinator. She participated in
a practicum with the Vice President of
Student Affairs Office where she worked
on Key Performance Indicators, as well as
having an internship with University Housing, at Clemson University in South Carolina. Following the ―residence‖ theme,
Maryne notes, ―I am passionate about
Residence Life because of the learning
teering, working, or socializing we have
the best time together. We learn so much
from each other. Each one of them makes
every experience more diverse, more
worthwhile, and they have each made me
a better person. I wish each of them the
greatest success and will miss them all.‖
Heather also notes, ―The benefit of this
program is that our professors are also
practicing student affairs professionals. The knowledge and experience they
bring to the classroom has been valuable
and helped me gain confidence in my
own career aspirations.‖
work on my presentation skills. I recommend
everyone at least attend a conference, [and]
present if you are able.‖
and Professional
from UNI
in Cedar
Falls, IA
Heather has also been very active
throughout the program; she even presented at the ISPA Conference this past
Fall in the Case Study Competition. She
reflects, ―I was able to network with other
institutions, gain valuable knowledge, and
opportunities that happen for our students, as well as the professional development I receive. I love being engaged in
developing student leaders within the
residence halls and residence hall based
student organizations.‖
Maryne has found her experiences within
the program very useful, ―I have enjoyed
my practicum and internship because I
had the opportunity to use my classroom
material to contribute to a program/
department/division or to provide resources to students. It validates the importance of the academic piece while
developing my professional identity.‖
Within the program, Maryne has also
been able to work with inspiring individuals, ―Mel Iverson, an Academic Advisor
at UNI, was also my supervisor when I
was an RA at the University of Wisconsin
-La Crosse. She has been my mentor for
approximately five years and I am blessed
to have her as continued role model.
Without Mel, I may not have had the
courage to pursue Student Affairs, and
with her continued support I began my
journey as a professional. Mel believes in me
unconditionally and has always offered me an
opportunity to try again whenever I make mitakes. Mel is my mentor and friend who never
fails to hold a mirror up to me and say, ―take a
look‖ and encourages me to take ownership of
my experience and my choices. She has been
the catalyst for my love of Student Affairs and
I would not be the professional I am today
without her guidance and support.‖
Undergraduate Degree: English, Sociology Minor from the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse, WI
―In college, you learn how to learn. Four years is not too much time to spend at that.‖ - Mary Oliver
Page 4
Since she was an undergraduate, Sarah
has been enthusiastic about Student Affairs. ―I worked and volunteered in student service departments as an undergraduate student and realized that I could
actually do this as a career! I loved working with students and being a part of their
lives during such major life events and
transitions. I was very fortunate to be
around many great professionals in the
field that served as my mentors, I continually strive to be the type of role models for current students as those individuals were for me,‖ she states.
Sarah works full-time in Career Services
as a Career Advisor. She also teaches a
Career Decision Making course, as well
as having had a practicum in Academic
Advising for Summer Orientation. Sarah
continues to be most passionate about
Career Services as she says, ―I love
“I chose to study Student Affairs, because I
want to help students along their life-long
journey and be a guide to them during their
years at a college or university. After attending college myself, I decided that I
wanted to continue being a part of an institution and working with students in an
educational environment,‖ Valerie wisely
states of choosing Student Affairs for her
Val has done practicums in Athletic Advising and Student Disability Services at UNI
Her assistantship has been in Academic
Advising where she has worked on creating an Academic Advising Handbook for
Faculty and Staff online handbook. She
feels this experience in particular has benefited her as future Student Affairs profession; she notes, ―Working on the advising
handbook for faculty and staff advisors to
use when working with students has been
working within Career Services and being
able to help students find their own passions and career paths after they graduate.
It is a great area because not only do I get
to work with students but I also have many
connections in the community with employers so it is great mix. However I also
enjoyed working with orientation and being
a part of students coming to UNI rather
than just helping them when they leave.‖
As a part-time student, Sarah has had a
number of positive experiences. She notes,
―The best part about being in the graduate
program is truly the people. I have learned
so much from the faculty and staff but most
importantly from the other students. It is
great to be around so many people that are
passionate about helping students and it is a
great learning environment. I enjoy every
opportunity to learn about what areas the
other students going into and what led them
down that path. As a part-time student I
have had the opportunity to be a part of
several cohorts and I have learned so much
the most beneficial experience I have had
during my two years at UNI. To develop
the handbook as a website, I used the
computer knowledge I was taught by my
mother as my computer teacher in high
school. The information and teaching
elements are designed to be an educational tool for advisors to enhance their
knowledge of advising as well as broadening their horizons about advising at
UNI. Some of the information I learned
and used during my practicum with Academic Advising/Orientation helped me to
think about the important information that
is necessary to know when helping students as well as a useful, navigational
Val isn’t just passionate about one special
area of Student Affairs, but as she says, ―I
like having experience in various departments.‖ She goes on to say, ―All of the
experiences I have had during graduate
school will benefit me in my future career. I was able to apply the knowledge I
gained in the classroom to practical set-
from each one,‖ and goes on to say, ―The PSE
program has given me the tools that I need to
advance in my career. Through the courses in
administration, assessment, and research I feel
that I can be a proactive member of any office
and that I now have the knowledge to make
meaningful contributions. I feel that it is also
helped me to look at the university structure
differently and allowed me to analyze institutions with a more critical eye.‖
Undergraduate Degree: Communication
Studies from UNI in Cedar Falls, IA
tings and will carry everything I learned with
me. My time in the PSE program will always
remind me to continue on my life-long learning journey and to help students along their
own journey while they are in college.‖
Undergraduate Degree: Communication
Studies from Iowa State University in
Ames, IA
Page 5
Volume 1, Issue 1
Lisa on why she chose to pursue a career
in Student Affairs, ―During my undergrad, I found myself wanting to spend
significantly more time on my involvements instead of class work. I was encouraged to pursue Student Affairs by
many people, but still hesitated. I decided
to try being a full-time Hall Director to
see if it was what I wanted to do. After
two years of being a Hall Director at St.
Norbert College in DePere, WI, I realized
that not once did I wake up not wanting to
go to work that day. I felt blessed to be in
a career that I loved. I started looking at
Graduate Programs and haven’t looked
Lisa has done practicums in Career Services and the Department of Residence/
University Apartments, as well spending
the last two years as a Graduate Residence Life Coordinator. She notes, ―I
bleed housing. I have realized that I approach every situation, hypothetical or
Amy passionately notes, ―I chose the field
of Student Affairs because there is never
a ―typical‖ day at work. I never know
who I will talk with, what I will be doing,
or how my work will impact students
until that particular day happens. I love
Amy has worked both as a Graduate Residence Education Coordinator and Graduate Residence Life Coordinator for the
Department of Residence in her assistantship. Outside of Res Life, Amy has done
practicums in Athletic Advising at UNI
and Student Services at Allen College in
Waterloo. When asked what area of Student Affairs she is most passionate about,
Amy reflects, ―As I venture into the ―real
world,‖ I feel like I’m more of a general-
real, from a housing standpoint. I love what
being part of a community can do for college
student. And I love that many students realize the impact of living on campus long after
they have earned that diploma.‖
So why did she choose UNI? Lisa says, ―I
chose UNI for two reasons: The Graduate
Assistantship I was offered in housing and
the program. I love….love that this is a practitioner’s degree. When I have been in interviews, I am able to discuss how I have actually applied things learned in class instead of
guessing how I might use class information
in the future. We expect that each of our
peers are gaining experience outside of the
classroom as much (if not more) than inside
the classroom.‖ She also notes, ―How I have
really benefited is from our faculty. I enjoy
the fact that each of our teachers is working
in the field right now. They can bring stories
and examples from their current experience
into our classroom. That has been so valuable.‖
Lisa has had many positive experiences
throughout the program, ―Without question,
the best experiences have been getting to
ist than a specialist. I am passionate about
many different fields including Admissions,
Residence, Retention, Advising to name a
The PSE program is full of experiences, and
Amy looks back at a few of her own: ―I
have enjoyed our Potluck nights in
Schmiddy’s classes along with my recent
trip to NASPA and staying with Fred and
Steffoni, who are first year PSE students. I
really enjoyed immersing myself in the profession at a national conference and learning
more on where our field is heading in the
near future. I also loved Administration with
Jan Hanish as I really felt I was being seen
as a true professional rather than only a
student. I appreciated that Jan talked
through things she was working on in her
role at UNI and brought in key stakeholders
to talk with our class as though we were full
-time professional staff.‖
know the other grad students in the program.
I love hearing from them about what is going
on in other offices, how they apply ideas/
theories/practical advice to their own Student
Affairs work. We are a diverse group with
experiences from many types of institutions
and many different functional areas. This
allows us to really support each other and
learn about many perspectives while sitting
in the same classroom.‖
Undergraduate Degree: Secondary Education/
Broad Field Social Studies from University of
Wisconsin in La Crosse, WI
Overall Amy says, ―Without the PSE program, I would not be able to use the language
to describe why I do the things I do. I find
myself being able to analyze institutional
culture, assess current issues, and apply student development theory in my day-to-day
work. I love that about this program!‖
Undergraduate Degree: English, Sociology
Minor from the University of Wisconsin in
La Crosse, WI
―A college education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend, an idea and oneself.‖ - Thomas Ehrlich
Page 6
Reflecting on her choice to pursue her
Master’s in Postsecondary Education:
Student Affairs, Alyssa says, ―I chose to
go into the profession because of my undergraduate experiences working in Residence Life as an RA. I enjoyed the role
and responsibilities of being an RA; as a
result, I looked into pursuing student affairs as a career option.‖
During her time at UNI, Alyssa has done
practicums in Advising and Orientation,
Cooperative Education and Internship
Program as well as internships in Career
Services and the Office of the Registrar.
Angela is the full-time Diversity Recruit-
ment Coordinator at Wartburg College.
She says, ―I have passion assisting student
in accessing higher education.‖ Angie has
done a practicum at Wartburg in Campus
Programming as well as at UNI in Upward
Bound/Iowa Math & Science Academy.
She notes that she is interested in all programming including pre-college programming as well as Diversity Admissions.
One of Angie’s best experiences came
when she took Organization and Governance this past Fall with Robert Frederick,
Director of Advising and Career Services,
“I am very passionate about helping peo-
ple,‖ says Kate of her decision to enter the
Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs
program. Kate, who graduated this past
December, had an assistantship with the
Educational Leadership, Counseling, and
Postsecondary Education department where
she worked on the Religion & Education
journal as Managing Editor.
Kate has had practicum experiences in several areas of Higher Education including
She has also had an assistantship with the
Educational Leadership office.
Alyssa notes, ―I feel that my practicum
and internship experiences have been the
best learning experiences in the program.
I got the opportunity, through these experiences, to utilize classroom concepts in
a practical way. It helped solidify my
knowledge of student affairs and higher
education.‖ Through these experiences
she has also found where her enthusiasm
lies: ―I am most passionate about the
functional areas of Academic Advising
and Career Services.‖
ences that will be beneficial in my future career
as a student affairs professional. From this program, I gained more aptitude in the field.‖
In reflection of the program and her overall experience, Alyssa also says, ―I believe that the PSE program has provided
me with a basis of knowledge and experi―I really loved Bob’s class and learning
about campus cultures and visiting different types of institutions.‖ She also reflects
on other experiences, ―I was able to research and present a lot on topics that I
am passionate about; the DREAM Act,
multiracial identity, access barriers students face.‖
Though Angie is no stranger to Student
Affairs, she notes, ―I have worked in Student Affairs for 12 years, yet in my time
in the program I have learned so much
about other departments and collaboration
opportunities. I have learned how to better serve my students.‖ She goes on to
say, ―I have enjoyed working with each
of the instructors in the program, I feel
Undergraduate Degree: Communication
Studies from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, WI
blessed to learn from their actual experiences
working in the field.‖
Undergraduate Degree: Elementary Education from Wartburg College in Waverly, IA
Career Services and Advising, as well as an
off-campus practicum at Hawkeye Community College in Financial Aid. Kate has also
held positions in both the Financial Aid and
Career Services offices here at UNI, and she
notes, ―I like Career Services and Financial
Aid, but I am open to new areas as well.‖
Kate says that The PSE program has been a
―good foundation for continuing in the
field,‖ and she has also enjoyed many of her
experiences, ―Practicum and internship experiences are a great way to network,‖ and
she also reflects that through this journey
she has ―met some good friends.‖
Undergraduate Degree: English, Spanish
Minor from UNI, in Cedar Falls, IA
Page 7
University of Northern Iowa
―For the students!‖ Though simple, this
motto of Ken’s is crucial to being successful in Student Affairs. Ken has been able to
work with students in a variety of areas as
he has done practicums at UNI in Residence Life and International Admissions,
as well as an off-campus practicum at
Wartburg in College Admissions. He notes
that he most enjoys the areas of Study
Abroad, International Programs, and Admissions.
Throughout this program, Ken has enjoyed
the closeness of his cohort, ―Without a
doubt, the camaraderie in the cohorts is
something really special. I have made lifelong friends from attending graduate
Faculty Follow-ups:
―This cohort is such an amazing blend
of personalities that will all achieve
great success in the future. Best wishes
to all of you!‖
- Professor David ―Schmiddy‖ Schmid
―I really enjoyed working with the students in the assessment class this
spring. They were curious, willing to
explore and experiment with new ideas,
and committed to helping college students grow and develop-everything I
would want from student affairs professionals and colleagues in the field.
Their passion and preparation should
make them welcome additions to the
profession and help them make a positive impact wherever they work. I wish
them all the best!‖
- Professor Donna Vinton
school at UNI.‖ As for the program itself,
Ken reflects, ―I hope it makes me more marketable for the rest of my (hopefully long)
career in student affairs. ―
Ken takes a look back at the instructors he
has had throughout the program, ―Since they
are all adjuncts I think each one of the instructors have brought a unique perspective
from where they work into the classroom. I
want to thank them all for taking the time
out of their busy schedules to instruct the
next generation of student affairs leaders.‖
As for other great experiences, Ken notes,
―Attending the NASPA conference in Chicago (Spring 2010) was a terrific experience.
My favorite part was when 5 of my peers
and I were treated to dinner with Vice President of Student Affairs Terry Hogan and
Dean of Student Jon Buse. We had our very
―I have the privilege of teaching one
class in the program each fall semester,
in the second year of the program. This
particular group of students was great
to work with. They were challenging
(lots of questions!), bright and very
much engaged in the profession. It is
clear that they truly care about students
and will be excellent ambassadors of
UNI as they move on in their careers.
Each class has sort of a "collective personality" and this is one that I'll remember as smart, dedicated, and a lot of fun
to work with!‖
-Professor Jan Hanish
―As you graduate from UNI please remember that, "If your actions inspire
others to dream more, learn more, do
more and become more, you are a
leader." (John Quincy Adams) Now go
and lead!‖
own capstone class over a delicious Italian
meal. Bravo!‖
Undergraduate Degree: Secondary Education/History from the University of
Toledo, OH
―It has been exciting to witness the personal development and maturation of
this cohort from our first days together
in the Intro class to the final semester of
year two in the Current Issues Class. It
has been a pleasure to keep them company on this leg of their journey, and I
wish all of them much success as each
person defines success. One characteristic that stands out in my mind about this
graduating PSE class is the spirit of cooperation and support they have shown
for one another throughout this program.
It is a cohort that has worked effectively
together, supported one another in learning, shared their ideas willingly, created
a positive learning environment in the
classroom, and has not been encumbered
by interpersonal competitiveness.‖
- Professor Lex Smith
- Professor Bob Frederick
―Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm Forbes