SE 86 – 32 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1986 ECONOMIC CENSUS (SMALL INDUSTRY) ATTENTION 1) The objective of the 1986 Economy Survey is to obtain reliable and accurate statistical data for the planning of development. 2) The Economy Survey shall be observed in accordance to Law no.7/1960 on Statistics, Government Regulation no.29/1985 on Economy Census and the President’s Instruction no.6/1985 on the 1986 Economy Census. 3) This Economy Census is one of the Five Year Planning (PELITA) Project 4) This Census shall not charge the establishments with any expenses 5) The obligation to give information and confidentiality of the data shall be observed in accordance to Law no.6/1960 on Census and the regulations that are valid. FULL NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT/BUSINESS: COMPLETE ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT/BUSINESS MAIN PRODUCTION BLOCK I: IDENTIFICATION OF LOCATION This block is to obtain clear and detail information on the location of the establishment also the name of the establishment. Detail 2: Write clearly the name of the province Detail 3: Write the district/ municipality Detail 4: Write clearly name of administrative city Detail 5: Write name of sub district Detail 6: Write name of village unit/village Detail 7: Circle code number 1 for urban area or circle code number 2 for rural area Detail 9: Write clearly name of establishment, if it has no name write down the name of the owner. Detail 10: Write clearly the address of the establishment a. address of establishment/location where production activities are done b. address of establishment/correspondence and telephone number (if available) Note: Name of village, district/municipality/administrative city also province is connected to the full address of the location of production based on question 10 .a. 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK I. LOCATION IDENTIFICATION 1. Check for Establishment digit 2. Province 3. District/Municipality *) 4. Administrative city 5. Sub-district 6. Village unit/Village 7. Area 8. Serial number of Establishment 9. Full name of Establishment / business 10. Full Address of establishment a. Factory address/business place and telephone number B. Office address / correspondence and telephone number *) Cross out inapplicable category Filled by CBS BLOCK II. GENERAL INFORMATION This block is used to obtain general information from this establishment. Detail 1: Describe type of the establishment’s business, please elaborate briefly and clear for example: bakery, weaving, rice mill, ready made clothing etc. Detail 2: Write down the main production clearly, example: cakes, baskets, children’s clothing etc. If the establishment produces more than one type of production, the main production is a production that has the highest value and has been produced for the past three months. Detail 3: Write down the number of work days this establishment has had every month for the past six months. For example the survey was conducted on October 1986, the first month is April 1986, second month May 1986 etc. Detail 4: Write down the number of power machinery units (diesel, prime movers, electric motors etc) that are used including those used for back-up (reserve). Prime movers are machines that generate mechanical power without the usage of manpower, animals or electricity for example watermills, windmills and other natural power resources. Electrical motors are motors that changes electricity into mechanical power to generate production equipment such as a motor used to generate a sewing machine, water suction etc. A generator: is a machine that changes mechanical power to produce electrical power. Note: 1 KVA=1KW=1,36PK=1,000 watts Detail 5: Circle the appropriate answer on the legal entity of this establishment Detail 6: Write down the year this establishment started to commercially produce goods (trial goods are not included) 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK II. GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC 1. Activity of this industry : 2. Main production Filled by CBS 3. Number of production work day during First second third fourth fifth sixth Total past 6 months Month month month month month month 4. Power machine and electric motor at time of enumeration 1. Prime movers Quantity Power a. Not used to drive generator (the power used to drive the PK machines and productions equipment b. Used to drive the generator PK 2. Electric motor 3. Generator 5. Legal entity Total PT/NV CV Firm -1 PT Persero, Perjan, Perum, Perush. Daerah -4 -2 Cooperative -5 -3 Individual with Notaria act -6 6. Year start of production: Attention: question of Block III and so forth, to be filled if the establishment/ business worked the previous 3 months (there is content between the fourth, fifth work months and or sixth month on block II detail 3) Individual without Notarial act -7 Other -8 (please elaborate…………………) RT.40 RT.61 RT.62 RT.63 RT 70 BLOCK III. AVERAGE NUMBER OF WORKERS PER DAY THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is made to gather information on the average number of workers per day during the past three months. A. Paid workers are all workers that work in this establishment and receives salary/wages in cash or goods directly from the establishment. Detail A.1: Please fill in the average number of production workers who are male in column (2) and female in column (3). Column (4) = (2)+(3). Production workers are workers who are involved directly in the process of the production or related with it, for example: a supervisor who directly supervises the process of the production, people who routinely take notes on the number of materials used and goods produced during production process, mechanics that maintain machines at the factory, a guard who guards the warehouse of materials or products of the establishment. Detail A.2: Please fill in the average number of other workers who are male in column (2) and female in column (3). Column (4) = (2)+(3). Other workers are workers other than production workers and who are not owners/unpaid workers. For example: director of the establishment, director’s staff, supervisor/auditor, book keeper, typist, office clerk, administrative worker, marketing staff, office boy, watchman, etc, who works indirectly towards the production process. B. Unpaid workers are working owners and working family members who are actively involved in the establishment but do not receive payment. For family workers who work less than one third of the usual working hours in the establishment, are not considered as workers. Detail B.1. Fill in the average number of workers who are owners, male in column (2) and female in column (3). Column (4) = (2)+(3). Detail B.2: Please fill in the average number of other workers who are relatives, male in column (2) and female in column (3). Column (4) = (2)+(3). Note: All workers are still considered as workers even though they are on leave or sick. BLOCK: IV. SALARY/WAGES FOR WORKERS DURING THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is used to obtain information on the salary/wages being paid by the establishment to the workers these past three months, in cash or goods. Goods given by the establishment to its workers as in-kind payments must be estimated at current market price. If the establishment provided goods to its workers at a price below the market value, the value of the goods recorded in this form should be their value at market price minus their value paid by workers. Detail 1: Wages and gross salary (before deducted income taxes) in cash and in-kind including housing and vehicles mentioned above (if available) Detail 2: Fill in the over time, gifts, bonus etc in cash and goods Detail 3: Fill in the allowance (pension funds, social funds, insurance etc) which are paid by the establishment to foundations/boards that are in charge of these matters for the importance of the workers Detail 4: Is the total of detail 1,2 and 3 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK III. AVERAGE NUMBER OF WORKER/EMPLOYEE PER WORKING DAY DURING PREVIOUS 3 MONTHS Type of workers/employee Male (person) Female (person) Total (person) (1) (2) (3) (4) A. Paid worker 1. Production worker 2. Other worker B. Unpaid worker 1. Production worker 2. Other worker C. Total (A.1 + A.2 + B.1 + B.2) BLOCK IV. WAGE/SALARY PAID DURING PAST 3 MONTHS (IN RUPIAHS) Type of expenditure Money (1) (2) 1. Wage/salary 2. Over time, gifts, bonus, etc 3. Subsidy 4. Total ( 1 to 3) In kind (3) BLOCK V. USAGE OF RAW MATERIALS AND ADDITIONAL INPUTS/ INTERMEDIATES USED DURING THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is used to obtain information on the usage of raw material and additional inputs/intermediates used during the past three months. Column (1): Fill in clearly the names of raw materials and additional inputs/intermediates used based on importance or the highest value. Column (2): Fill in the standard unit usually used for goods Example: a. Volume : cc, liter, meter cubic b. Weight : ounce, grams, kg, sack, ton c. Length : cm, meter, yard, feet d. Width: cm2, m2. If the standard measurements above are not used but measurements such as: bottles, tin, oil drum, sheet, piece, etc please note the conversion to the standard measurement equivalent. Column (3): Fill in the amount of each goods that is used based on the standard measurements. Column (4): Fill in the value of the goods that are used The usage of raw materials and additional inputs/intermediates used during the past three months without taking notice of the source of the materials. As long as these materials are obtained from purchase, self-produced, ready for sale, semi-finished goods, or stock. Also disregard whether it has been fully paid or not. 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK V. RAW MATERIALS AND ADDITIONAL INPUTS/INTERMEDIATES USED DURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS Type of raw material and additional Standard Unit Usage inputs/intermedaites Quantity Value (in rupiah) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total Total block IV Q. 4 col. 2 + block IV Q.4 col..3 + block V Q total col. 4 BLOCK VI. USAGE OF FUEL, LUBRICANTS, ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER DURING THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is used to obtain information on the quantity and value of fuel, lubricants, electricity power, gas and water during the past three months. Column (1): Type of fuel and lubricant, electricity power, gas and water Column (2): Standard unit Column (3): Total usage of fuel used during the past three months Column (4): The total value of fuel used during the past three months Please fill in only the total usage and value of fuel, not the total and value of fuel purchased. Example: To calculate the electricity power generated is as follows: Generator capacity = 10KW Average working hours of generator per day = 7 hours If the generator runs for 90 days these three last months, it is estimated that the usage capacity of the generator is 80%. The calculation of generated electricity power is as follows : 10KW x 7 hours/day x 90 days x 80% = 5,040 kWh 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK VI. THE UTILIZATION OF FUEL, LUBRICANT, ELECTRIC POWER, GAS AND WATER DURING PAST 3 MONTHS Detail on fuel, lubricant, electric power, gas and water Standard unit Usage Quantity Value (in rupiahs) (1) (2) (3) (4) A. FUEL, LUBRICANT, AND GAS Liter 1. Gasoline 2. Solar Liter 3. Diesel Fuel Liter 4. Diesel Oil Liter 5. Kerosene Liter 6. Gas from PGN M3 7. Elpiji Kg 8. Coal Kg 9. Coke Kg 10. Firewood M3 11. Charcoal Kg 12. Lubricant liter 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry CONTINUED FROM BLOCK VI. Detail of fuel, lubricant, electric power, gas, and water (1) 13. Other fuels *) a. b. c. B. ELECTRICITY 1. Own generating 2. Bought from PLN and Non-PLN C. WATER 1. from own-resources 2. Bought from PAM (Municipal Water Corp.) D. Total ( A to C) *) Please elaborates the type of fuel Standard unit (2) Quantity (3) Usage Value (in rupiahs) (4) BLOCK VII. OTHER VARIOUS EXPENSES DURING THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is used to obtain information on other various expenses spent by the establishment during the past three months. Detail 1: Write down the value of materials used for wrapping/packaging during the last three months Detail 2: Write down the value of office supplies Detail 3: Write down the expenses for spare parts and materials for maintenance and small repairs of capital goods used by the establishment during the past three months Detail 4: Write down the expenses for maintenance and minor repairs of capital goods used by the establishment during the past three months. Maintenance and minor repairs of capital goods are minor repairs and maintenance on machines, warehouses, buildings, vehicles and other capital goods in order to run as usual, without increasing the capacity of the power also without changing or preserving the capital goods mentioned. Detail 5: Write down the expenses for industrial services conducted by another party during the past three months. Detail 6: Write down the expenses for rent of buildings, construction, machines and instruments. The expense for rent is the rent being paid the past three months ago. If the rent was paid for a year, calculate the rent for the past three months. The expenses for rent in this matter do not include expenses for renting land. Detail 7: Write down the expenses for communication, transportation, advertisement, lawyer/notary, accountant, transportation expenses for employees, insurance etc. Detail 8: Write down other expenses the past three months in addition to the expenses above. 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK VII. OTHER EXPENDITURE DURING PAST 3 MONTHS Type of expenditure Value ( in rupiahs) (1) (2) 1. Container and packaging material 2. Stationary and office supply 3. Spare part, materials for repair and maintenance 4. Maintenance cost and repairs 5. Industry services conducted by other party 6. Construction/building rents, machinery and equipment (excluding rental of land) 7. Expenses for communication cost, transportation, advertisement, legal and notarial services, accounting, official trip, insurance, etc 8. Other 9. Total ( 1 to 8 ) BLOCK VIII. GOODS PRODUCED DURING THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is used to obtain information on the number of production produced the past three months. Column (1): Write down the goods produced during the past three months Column (2): Write down the standard unit used for each type of goods produced see block V column (2) Column (3): Write down the number of goods produced for every type of production Column (4): Write down the value of goods, which is produced and elaborated in column (1), based on the current price. Also included in this block is unfinished production. All goods has to be valued although is not fully paid, self consumed, a gift etc. BLOCK IX. OTHER INCOME SOURCES DURING THE PAST THREE MONTHS This block is used to obtain information on other income source of the establishment the past three months. Detail 1: Write down the value on industrial services given to other parties (manufacturing value) Detail 2: Write down the difference between the sale value with the purchase value of goods sold without any changes (processing) connected to the industry activity. The profit is not the profit of the establishment from the industrial activities. Detail 3: Write down the gross income of the establishment from the activity/other sectors (besides from the production activity, industrial services and trades). Fill in based on the sector and write down the gross income from three main sectors. Detail 4: Total the details 1 till 3. 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK VIII. GOODS PRODUCED DURING PAST 3 MONTHS Type of goods produced Standard unit Production Quantity (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total Total block VII Q 9 col 2 + block VIII Q. total col. 4. (2) (3) Value (rupiahs) (4) BLOCK IX. INCOME/REVENUE FROM OTHER ACTIVITIES DURING PAST 3 MONTHS Type of income Value ( in rupiahs) (1) (2) 1.Income from industrial services 2.Sold goods in the same form as when bought t a. Purchase value Rp… b. Sale value Rp… c. (b-a) 3. Gross income from other activity a. ……. b. …….. c. ……. Total (1 to 3) Filled by CBS BLOCK X. OTHER INFORMATION This block is used to obtain other qualitative information of this industrial establishment. Detail 1: Circle the appropriate answer code regarding the capital source of this establishment Detail 2: Circle the appropriate answer code regarding loans for capital source (if detail 1 is coded 2 or 3). The details maybe more than one answer. Detail 3: Circle one the appropriate answer code regarding the domestic marketing area. Limited to the sub-district area only, if the product goods are being marketed at the same sub district area where the establishment is located. Other sub-district in the same district/municipality, if the marketing of the product goods reaches to other sub regencies, but still located in the same district/municipality where the establishment is located. District/municipality in the same province if the marketing of the product reaches the area of the district/municipality but still in the same province where the establishment is located. Other province if the marketing area of the products reaches other provinces. Detail 4: Circle one of the appropriate answer code. a. Code 1 if the establishment exports their products and code 2 if the answer is “no” b. Only asked if the detail 4a is coded 1. Circle code 1 if the majority of the product is exported and code 2 if the answer is no. Detail 5: Circle the appropriate code Detail 6: Circle the appropriate answer codes due to the difficulties experienced by the entrepreneur/owner/business to run the establishment. This answers in this detail maybe more than one. Detail 7: Circle the appropriate code answers according to the difficulties in obtaining standard materials. This detail is filled in if detail 6 is coded 2 Detail 8: Circle the appropriate code answers according to the way of marketing the products the past three months. This detail may be filled in with more than one. Detail 9: Circle the appropriate code answers according to the level of competition experienced in marketing the product goods. This detail should only have one answer. Detail 10: Write down the investment on machine and instruments of this establishment that is used in the production process. The value of investment on machine and instruments is the economic value/current price when the census taking of the machine and instruments used in the process/ manufacturing. Also included are machines and instruments that are not used in the production/manufacture process or as back up. 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK X. OTHER INFORMATION 1. Source of this establishment’s capital (at time of 6.Difficulties experienced by Businessman/Owner/ enumeration) in running the business: - Own capital -1 - Loan capital -2 - Own + loan capital -3 2. If the source of capital from loans (detail 1 code 2 or 3), where is it from? - Small Investment Credit (KIK) - Permanent Working Capital Credit - Other credits from Banks - Cooperative - Other 3. Domestic area of marketing - Sub-Sub-district only - Other Sub-Sub-district in the same Sub-district/District - District/Municipality in the same Province - Other Province 4. a. Do you export by yourself? Yes -1 No -1 -2 -4 -8 -16 - Capital problem - Basic materials problem - Lack of skilled in production technique - Marketing problem - Lack of expertise in management -1 -2 -4 -8 16 7.If detail 6 code 2 circle, the difficulties are: - Place of buying basic materials too far - Price of basic material very expensive - The basic material not always available - Other -1 -2 -4 -8 8.Marketing technique of productions during 3 months ago: -1 -2 -3 - direct to the consumers - to the trader - to the Cooperative - Other -4 -2 b. If ‘yes’ (Q. 4a. coded 1), the majority of production are exported? Yes -1 No -2 5. Is the Establishment having problem running the business? Yes -1 No -2 (go to Q. 8) 9. How is the level of competition in marketing the products: No competitor Low -1 Medium -2 High 10. The value of machine and equipment investments in the year 1985 Rp. ……………… Total Block IX Q.4 col. 2 + block X Q.10. -3 -4 BLOCK XI. NOTES Please write down in this block other matters considering the contents of each block in this questionnaire. After this questionnaire has been filled in accurately based on the existing situation please: Write the name, position and signature of the person who is responsible on filling in this questionnaire from the establishment also the stamp of the establishment Write the name of the enumerator, date and signature of the enumerator Write the name, date and signature of the supervisor, after this questionnaire has been checked. 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry BLOCK XI. N O T E S This form was filled based on the current situation Acknowledged by person responsible in the establishment : Name: Position: …………………….19… ___________________________ Signature & Establishment’s stamp Name of Enumerator Date of Enumeration Signature of Enumerator Name of Supervisor Date of supervision/checking Signature of Supervisor 1986 Economy Census – Small Industry SUMMARY (Filled by Field Supervisor) This summary form is filled in by the Field Supervisor, which is the summary of expenditures and income of the Industrial Establishment during 3 months ago stated in rupiahs. In order to check the answers in the questionnaire form the supervisor will correct the incorrect or inappropriate answers (if occurs) after consulting the enumerator or the establishment. Expenditures Detail (1) 1. Wage/salary of workers from Block IV detail 4, column (2) + (3) 2.The usage of basic and supporting materials Block V total column (4) 3. The usage of fuel, lubricant, electric powers, and waters. Block VI detail b. Column (4) 4. Other expenditures Block VII detail 9 5. Total (1 to 4) Income Value (thousand rp) (2) Detail (1) 1. Goods produced Block VIII, total column (4) 2. Other income/revenue Block IX, detail 4 3. Total (1 + 2) Value (thousand rp) (2) Supervisor notes 1. From the summary, on the left, if the total of entire expenditures bigger than entire of total income, please check the accuracy the content of the form 2. If the units used are not standard units, please mention the local conversion unit to the standard units