1 CONFIDENTIAL SE 86-IR REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1986 ECONOMIC CENSUS HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT ATTENTION 1. The objective of the 1986 Economy Survey is to obtain reliable and accurate statistical data for the planning of development. 2. The Economy Survey shall be observed in accordance to Law no.7/1960 on Statistics, Government Regulation no.29/1985 on Economy Census and the President’s Instruction no.6/1985 on the 1986 Economy Census. 3. This Economy Census is one of the five-year Planning (PELITA) Projects 4. This Census shall not charge the establishments with any expenses 5. The obligation to give information and confidentiality of the data shall be observed in accordance to Law no.6/1960 on Census and the regulations that are valid. 2 3 Confidential REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS SE86-IR 1986 ECONOMIC CENSUS INFORMATION ON HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT I. LOCATION IDENTIFICATION Province District/Municipality *) Administrative city Sub-district Village/District *) Area Urban 1 Rural 2 Enumeration area sample code number 8. Enumeration Area number 9. Census block number 10. Building’s Census serial number 11. Business serial number 12. Business sample serial number 13. Name of business/Owner 14. Total businesses selected in Enumeration area **) *) Cross out inapplicable category **) Fill in by Supervisor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. ENUMERATION PARTICULARS Enumerator’s name Date of Enumeration Enumerator’s signature Supervisor’s name Date of Supervisory Supervisor’s signature III. NOTES 13 CS 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4. IV. HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT CHARACTERISTICS Name of entrepreneur: 7. Month of activity for home industry a year ago……….months Gender: Male 1 Female 2 Fill in number ‘1’ on the active months (including the Age: ……….. years old month of enumeration) and give sign ‘-‘ on the months Highest education completed: when there is no activity Never go to school 0 Vocational Senior 6 No/Not yet finished 1 Diploma I/II 7 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Primary School Diploma III/ 8 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Primary School 2 Academy Jr High School 3 Diploma IV/ 9 8. The number of works days during a month ago……days Vocational Jr. Scholl 4 University with average works hour per day….hours High School 5 9. 5. 6. Type of primary production a. Does this business having a special place? Yes 1 No 2 b. If ‘Yes’, the status of the special place: Private 1 Other 3 Rented/ 2 leased c. Is the place for business activity in the yard? Yes 1 No 2 10 a. Are there any household members who have received training for this home handicraft/ industry business? Yes 1 No 2 b.If ‘yes’ please circle all type of training that has been followed: General management 1 Marketing 4 Skill 2 Other 8 a. Is this home industry a member of home industry/handicraft cooperation? Yes 1 No 2 b.During a year ago, has this home industry ever received services from the home industry/ handicraft cooperation? Yes, I have 1 Never/not yet 2 6 7 10. 11. 12. 13. IV. HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT CHARACTERISTICS c. If you have received, circle type of 13. b. If ‘yes’ when did you receive the credit? services 1 year ago 1 Cash loan/capital goods 1 2 –4 year ago 2 Training 2 More than 4 years ago 4 Raw material supply 4 c. If code 1 in 13.b circled, please mention type of Marketing 8 credit/loan received Other 16 KMKP 1 KIK 2 KCK 4 Other 8 a. Total mandays last month of workers that worked a minimal 1/3 of working hours. 1. Paid workers Male…… mandays 14. The supply of raw materials, comes from: Female…. mandays Producer 1 Total…….mandays Distributor 2 2. Unpaid workers Male…… mandays Retailer 3 Female…. mandays Cooperative 4 Total…….mandays Other 5 b.Besides the total of mandays above are 15. The marketing of products mostly to: there other workers that worked 1/3 of the Individual consumers 1 usual working hours Distributor 2 Yes 1 No 2 Retailer 3 If ‘yes’, Cooperative 4 paid workers……….mandays Producer/ 5 unpaid workers…….mandays Other 6 16. What is the main constraint experienced by this Remote capital sources: home industry? Private capital 1 Owner of basic 4 Lack of capital 1 Bank/ 2 materials Marketing problems 2 Cooperative Others 8 Supply of raw materials 3 a. Have you ever received credit/loan for Lack of experts 4 this home industry? Other 5 Yes, I have 1 Never 2 None 6 8 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V. SOURCE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME a. Does the household have another activity besides Codes for Business Field (question 1.b.) this industry/handicraft? Yes 1 No 2 1. Farming, Livestock, Plantation, Forestry, Hunting and Fishery b. If ‘yes’, please specify type of activity 2. Mining, and Quarrying 1). …………….. 2). ……………….. 3. Manufacturing industry 3). ……………. 4). ……………….. 4. Electricity, Gas, and Water a. Are there household members who work as paid 5. Construction laborer/ employee either at this home business or 6. Large merchant, Retail and Restaurant, Hotel in another place? 7. Expedition, Storage, and Communication Yes 1 None 2 " go to Q. 3 8. Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Property, b. If ‘yes’, total number ……. persons Services Companies c. Household members who work as paid laborer/ 9. Social and Community services, Entertainment, employee: Individual 0. Other No Name Wage/salary received every month Codes for source of main income (question 5) Value Value 11.Entrepreneur in Farming, Livestock, Plantation, (Rp) (Rp. 000) Forestry, Hunter, and Fishery (1) (2) (3) (4) 12.Entrepreneur in Mining, and Excavation 13.Entrepreneur in manufacturer industry 1. 14.Entrepreneur in electricity, Gas, and Water 2. 15.Entrepreneur in Construction 3. 16.Entrepreneur in Large merchant, Retail and Restaurant and Hotel 4. 17.Entrepreneur in Expedition, Storage, and Communication 5. Total 18.Entrepreneur in Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Property and Services Company Did this household receive pension, transfer, gifts, etc 19.Entrepreneur in Social & Community services, last month? Entertainment, and Individual Yes 1 No 2 10.Other Entrepreneur Record Type 8 Is the income from home industry/handicraft activities 20.Laborer/Worker Fill in by CBS the main source of income for this household? 30.Recipient of income Yes 1 No 2 If not, from all sources of income in this block, which is the main income? Please elaborate…………. 10 11 VI. EXPENSES FOR RAW AND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS, AND OTHER COSTS FOR HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT LAST MONTH Type of Expenses Value Rounded off Processing (in Rupiah) (in thousand rp) Column (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Raw and additional materials 2. Packaging material 3. Fuel, Lubricants, Electric, Gas, and Water 4. Payments of services executed by others 5. Transportation costs 6. Maintenance and equipment costs 7. Renting of equipment and facilities 8. Renting of business location 9. Other expenses: post, telex, advertisement, administrative cost 10.Sub-total 1 – 9 11.Salary/wages: a. cash b. in kind 12.Land Rental 13.Interest on loans 14.Retribution, indirect taxes, etc 15.Sub-total 11 – 14 16.TOTAL (10 + 15) 12 13 VII. PRODUCTION VALUE AND OTHER INCOME FROM HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT LAST MONTH Type of Production Value Rounded off Processing (in rupiah) (in thousand rp) Column (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Production 2. Income from services rendered 3. Income from land rental 4. Interest on deposit/ loans 5. Rental of equipment/building 6. Other (please elaborate)……………….. 7. TOTAL 14 15 No Activity VIII. INCOME FROM OTHER HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITIES LAST MONTH Expenses Business Production/ Income (4) - (5) (in Rupiah) Turnover field Value Rounded off (in (in rupiah) Code (in rupiah) thousand rp) Processing Column (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTAL IX. OTHER HOUSEHOLD INCOME/ REVENUE BESIDES HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS/ACTIVITIES LAST MONTH Detail Value Rounded off (in Processing (in rupiah) thousand rp) Column (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Estimated rent of own house/ house maintenance cost, pension, dividend, profitable of non home business 2. Interest a. received b. Paid c. Net ( a – b ) 3. Transfer (money transferred, a. received scholarship, inheritance, contribution, b. Paid other) c. Net ( a – b ) 4. Financial Assets (saving, loan, a. received ‘arisan’ insurance, etc) b. Paid c. Net ( a – b ) 5. Other (please elaborate)……… 6. TOTAL (for checking) 16 17 A. B. C. D. E. F. X. SUMMARY HOUSEHOLD INCOME/REVENUE LAST MONTH Income/ revenue Value (in Rupiah) (1) (2) Net income from household business 1. Household industry/handicraft activities: a. Production (Block VII detail 7 column 3) b. Expenses (Block VI detail 16 column 3) c. Net Income last month (a – b) 2. Income from other household business last month (Block VIII detail 5 column 7) Salary/wages received (Block V detail 2c column 4 serial number 5) Other income (Block IX detail (1+2c+5) column 3) Total income (A1c + A2 + B + C) Net Transfer (Block IX detail 3c column 3) Total income/revenue ( D + E) 18 19 Additional page 1 XI. DETAILS OF RAW MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION FOR HOME INDUSTRY/HANDICRAFT LATS MONTH A. Raw and additional inputs B. Production No Type of raw Standard Quantity Value No Type of Standard Quantity Value material and unit (rupiah) production unit (rupiah) additional input (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. 12. Total 12. Total 20 21 Additional page 2 First XII. SUPPORTING WORKSHEET TO CALCULATE THE INCOME OF OTHER HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS (BLOCK VIII) TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITY……………… BUSINESS FIELD CODE Type of Expenses Value Type production Value (rupiah) (rupiah) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Basic material & additional 1. Production/sale value of sold input/purchase value of sold goods goods 2. Packaging material 3. Fuel, lubricants, electricity, gas, water 2. Income from services rendered 4. Payment of services executed by others 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Transportation costs Maintenance and equipment costs Renting of equipment/ business facilities Renting of business place Other expenses: post, telex, advertisement contributions, etc 10.Salary/wages (cash + in kind) 11.Land rental 12.Loan interest 13.Retribution, indirect taxes, etc 14.Total 3. Income from land rental 4. Interest received from business money deposited/loaned 5. Income from equipment/building rental 6. Other (please elaborate)…… 7. Total 22 23 Additional page 2 Second XII. SUPPORTING WORKSHEET TO CALCULATE THE INCOME OF OTHER HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS (BLOCK VIII) TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITY……………… BUSINESS FIELD CODE Type of Expenses Value Type production Value (rupiah) (rupiah) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Basic material & additional 1. Production/sale value of sold input/purchase value of sold goods goods 2. Packaging material 3. Fuel, lubricants, electricity, gas, water 2. Income from services rendered 4. Payment of services executed by others 5. Transportation costs 6. Maintenance and equipment costs 7. Renting of equipment/ business facilities 8. Renting of business place 10. Other expenses: post, telex, advertisement contributions, etc 10.Salary/wages (cash + in kind) 11.Land rental 12.Loan interest 13.Retribution, indirect taxes, etc 14.Total 3. Income from land rental 4. Interest received from business money deposited/loaned 5. Income from equipment/building rental 6. Other (please elaborate)…… 7. Total 24