GEOPHYSICALRN•EARCH LET]7ERS,VOL. 19, NO. 10, PAGES 1057-1060,MAY 22, 1992 STABILITYOF (Mg,Fe)SiO3 PEROVSKITE AND TIlE STRUCTURE OFTHE LOWERMOSTMANTLE Lars Stixrude• and M. S. T. Bukowinski Dept.of GeologyandGeophysics, Universityof Califomiaat Berkeley constituentoxidespermits a solid D", since oxides are expectedto be more refractorythantheir compounds,and provides a possibleexplanationof the region'sdistinctive pressure, temperature andcompositional regime oftheEarth's manfie.The breakdownof perovskiteto its constituent oxides seismicproperties [Stixrudeand Bukowinski,1990]. Here we showthat the breakdownof perovskiteto its appears unlikely, evenundertheextreme conditions of the constituent oxidesis unlikelyin theEarth. The reactiondoes core-mantle boundary. This reactionhad beenproposedto reconcile estimates of silicatemeltingwith seismicobservation occurat appropriate pressure-temperature conditions butonly for iron contentsso high that the productsdisagreeseverely andproposed geotherrns. with the densityandbulk modulusof the lowermostmantle. Introduction We discussother possible resolutionsof the apparent discrepancybetween the perovsldte melting curve, the Abstract. Thermodynamic analysis shows that (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite is stablethroughout the likely The D" layer is a few hundredkilometer thick region of anomalous seismicpropertiesat the baseof the mantle. It is distinguished by stronglateral heterogeneity,small, often geothermandseismicobservations. Thermodynamic Formalism negative,seismic velocity gradients, and velocity discontinuities over muchof its upperboundary[Youngand Lay,1987;WeberandKi•rnig, 1990]. The mineralogical or compositionalchanges responsible for these unusual properties remainunknown. (Mg,Fe)SiO3perovskiteis generallyacceptedasthe most Our resultsare basedon semi-empiricalthermodynamic potentials[Stixrudeand Bukowinski,1990]. The Gibbsfree energy, G, of a phaseconsistingof a solid solutionof N species asa functionof pressure, P, andtemperature, T, is: N abundantmineral in the lower mantle. Perovskite dominated assemblages readilyaccountfor the seismicpropertiesof the bulkof thelower mantleandphaseequilibriumstudiesover mostof themanfie'spressure-temperature regimeconfirmits stability [KnittleandJeanloz,1987]. However,thestabilityof perovskite at pressure-temperature conditions characteristic of D"hasnotyet beenexperimentallyaddressed. A comparisonof recentlyproposedgeotherms[Jeanloz, 1990]withsilicatemeltingcurvesin thedeepmantleindicates thatperovskitecannotbe a constituentof D"[$tixrude and Bukowinski,1990]. Near the core-mantleboundary,its meltingpoint falls more than a thousanddegreesbelow G(P,T) = i---1 •x•Gi(P,T) + RTxi lnai (1) wherexi, Gi andai are the mole fraction,Gibbs free energy andactivityof species i. The latteris approximated by regular solution theory. We write the free energy as' Gi(P,T)=Fi(V,T)+PVi, where V is the molar volume and assumethattheHelmholtzfree energy,Fi, canbe dividedinto a referenceterm, a purely volume dependentpart given by Birch-Murnaghan finite straintheory,a thermalpart,givenby Debyetheoryandanelectroniccontribution: Fi(V,T ) = Fo + Fc(V, To)+[Fr,v(V,T)- Frn(V,To)] estimated temperatures in theEarth.Theproposed core-mantle +[FEt.(V,T)- Fez(V, To)] (2) boundary temperature is primarilydetermined by themeasured whereFo is the valueat P=0 and T=To. The parametersare melting temperature of ironundershock-loading [Williamset or constrained by experimental dataor al.,1987]whichis foundto besignificantly higherthanmodel eitherdirectlymeasured (Table 1). Referencefreeenergies calculations of theironhugoniot hadpredicted [B•:own and firstprinciplescalculations and interaction parameters,W, are constrainedby phase blcQueen,1982]. If the shockwave measurements andthe The remainingparameters, including predicted perovskite meltingcurveareapproximately correct, equilibriameasurements. Vo, the isothermalbulk modulus, Ko, and its pressure theconstitution of D" mustdiffersubstantially fromtherestof derivative, Ko',theDebyetemperature, 0o,andits logarithmic themanfie,since seismicobservationsrule out significant volume derivative, 7o, are determined by inverting amounts of partialmelt. Assumingthat the region'sbulk compression, thermalexpansionand calorimetricdata. The chemistry is dominated, like therestof themantle,by Mg, Fe electronicterm appearsonly for the metallic high pressure andSi oxide components,perovskitemust undergoa transformation to a highpressure phaseor assemblage under phaseof FeO andis givenby freeelectrontheory. Eq. 2, oftenseenin the form of its volume derivative- the D"conditions. A proposed breakdown of perovskite to its 1Nowat: Geophysical Laboratory andCenterfor High Pressure Research, Carnegie Institution ofWashington Copyright 1992bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. Papernumber92GL01066 0094-8534/92/92GL-01066503.00 Mie-Grtineisenequationof state- describesa wide varietyof thermodynamic properties of mantlemineralsat highpressures and temperatures, includingtheir equationsof state,phase equilibriaandmeltingbehavior.To theextentthatartharmonic termsarenegligible,thepotentials remainsufficientlyaccurate for our purposesat the extreme pressure-temperature conditionsof interesthere. The cold part remains well constrainedby experimentalmeasurementsfor most of the 1057 1058 Stixrude& Bukowinski: Stabilityof Perovskite in D" TABLEi. Parameters of thethermodynamic potentials. Globalparameter set.Highandlowtemperature parameters are identical except:Fo of Mg-Sp(-98.0,-88.6),Fe-Sp(-97.6,-90.9),Mg-Pv(-0.4,6.6),Fe-Pv(45.5,35.2)andW of Sp (3.6,4.1) andMw (13.5, 12.6). Parentheses containestimated uncertainties in thelastdigits. Phase FormulaFo,kJ/mol Vo,cm3/molKo,GPa Ko' 0o,K 7o W,kJ/mol Spinel(Sp) Mg2SiO4 -92.4 39.65 183(3) 4.1(5) 1017(10) 1.21(10) 2.8 Perovskite (Pv) Fe2SiO4 MgSiO3 FeSiO3 -94.1 3.4 40.5 42.02 24.46 25.49 192(3) 263(7) 263(7) 4.1(5) 3.9(5) 3.9(5) 781(10) 1017(10) 749(50) 1.21(10) 1.96(10) 1.96(10) 2.8 0 0 Magnesio- MgO 0 11.25 160(2) 4.1(2) 776(10) 1.45(10) 13.1 w'dstite(Mw) FeO 0 12.25 152(2) 4.9(2) 434(50) 1.45(10) 13.1 Magnesio- MgO 139.7 10.79 161(10) 4.1(1.0) 698(50) 1.36(20) 13.1 wastitelI(Mw!!) FeO 55.9 10.84 205(10) 6(1) 630(50) 1.45(20) 13.1 Stishovite (St) SiO2 0 14.01 314(8) 8.8(8) 1152(10) 1.35(10) 0 Properties of PcII arefromBukowinski [1985];thoseof Wu II fromJackson[1990]. q=2.5(1.7)for perovskite[Hemleyet al., 1992]andis assumed to be 1(2) for ali otherphases.Inversion of experimental datafor all otherparameters will be discussed in a forthcoming publication. 30 relevantphases, whilethethermalpartcloselyapproaches its hightemperature limitingbehavior(T/O> 4). In thislimit, 28 results are insensitive to the detailed form of the vibrational densityof stateswhichis approximately represented in the Debyemodel.Theadequacy of theregularsolution modeland the assumedvolume dependenceof 7 is more difficult to 26 241 evaluate. We ensure that our results are insensitive to wide variations in W and q, the secondlogarithmic volume 22 derivative of 0. 20 Results 18 Calculatedpseudobinary orthosilicate phaseequilibriaare comparedwith the low and high temperature experimental 16 resultsof Ito and Takahashi[1989] in Figure 1. By inverting low andhightemperature dataseparately for thereference free energiesof the relevant species(Table 1), we obtained excellent fits to the observations. However, it proved impossibleto reproducebothexperiments with a singlesetof referencefreeenergies.Parameters whichgivethebestglobal fit reproduce the general topology but the calculated coexistenceloopsshift towardsmoreiron rich compositions with decreasingtemperaturewhile the reverseis observed experimentally.The morecomplexthermodynamic modelof Fei et al. [1991] producesvery similar resultsand is also unableto fit the data. The reasonfor this discrepancy is unclear. Barring severe deficienciesin two very different thermodynamic formulations,insufficientequilibrationor an unquenchablephasetransitionin one or more of the relevant speciesmay beresponsible. Considering the discrepancies apparentin Figure1 to be an additionalsourceof uncertainty,the resultingerrorsin our calculated phase diagrams at D" pressure-temperature conditions are small and will not affect our basic conclusions (Figure 2). Differencesbetweenthe predictionsof high temperatureand global parametersets are reduced by increasingpressure.The stabilityfield of perovskiteis very wide at pressuresgreater than 60 GPa (1500 km depth), regardless of theparameter setusedin thecalculations; thelow temperature parameters produceanevenwiderstabilityfield of perovskite. The predicted high pressurephase diagrams satisfy experimental constraints, includingthetransitionof wiistiteto 14 28 Pv+Mw 26•- //'// ß d' / / ,:2Mw+St] 24 • 22 20 1373 K 16 I 14 0.0 I 0.2 Mg2SiO4 I 0.4 . I 0.6 XF½ I 0.8 1.0 FeaSiOn Fig. 1. Pressure-composition phase diagram at two temperatures. XFe=Fe/(Mg+Fe).Experimental observations of pseudo-unary, -binary and -ternary coexistence are indicated by open and closed symbols and crosses, respectively. Thesolidlinesarecalculations basedonhigh andlowtemperature parameter sets.Dashed linesarebased onthebestfit globalparameter set. 1059 Stixrude & Bukowinski: Stabilityof Perovskite in D" discovered highpressure form [Tsuchidaand Yagi, 1989] 140 i - 120 80 positionof phaseboundarieson the diagram. Perhapsthe largestuncertainty lies in the pressure of the assumed phase transitionin periclase.The first principlescalculations of Bukowinski[1985] providea probablelower boundon the transition pressure of 205 GPa at 300 K, muchlowerthanthe valueadopted herefrommorerecentresults[500 GPa;Mehl et al., 1988]. Adoptingthe lower valueexpandsthe Mw II+St fieldsomewhat butnotenoughto encompass theEarth. Discussion and Conclusions 60 0.0 have a much smaller effect on the location of the Earth and the 0.2 Mg2SiO,• 0.4 0.6 Xr½ 0.8 1.0 Fe•SiO4 Our resultsindicatethat the breakdownof (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovsldte to its constituent oxidesis unlikelyin the Earth. If core-mantle boundarytemperatures aremuchlowerthanthose derivedfrom shockwave experiments,severalalternative explanations for theseismicreflectorsat the baseof themantle arepossible.Smallamountsof stishovitemaybe responsible, from silica enrichmentrelative to metasilicatestoichiometry Fig.2. Highpressure Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 phasediagram at 3500K. Solidand dashedcurvesare calculatedwith the high SiO2 St temperature andglobalparameter setsrespectively. ]DENSITY (Mg rn 7 P=136 GPa T=5000 K a metallic form, observed near 70 GPa in diamond cell [r•000 K] andshockwave [T--1000K] experiments[see Jeanloz,1990] andperovskitesyntheses up to 127 GPa and approximately 2500 K [Knittle and Jeanloz,!987]. Our resultsclosely resemblethe predictionsof Jeanloz and Thompson [1983] below 80 GPa. At higher pressures,our calculations show two pseudobinarycoexistenceloops,as requked bythephaserule,in placeof theirfour-phase field. The ternary MgO-FeO-SiO2 diagramsummarizesthe important results(Figure3). To obUdna conservative estimate of the stability of perovskitein D", we have chosenan extreme temperature (5000 K) sincelowervalueswidenthe perovskite stabilityfield. Superimposed onthephasediagram arecontours of densityandacousticvelocitycalculated with thesamethermodynamic potentialformalismandthe same parameters used to determine the phase diagram. The intersection of the contourscorresponding to the observed density andacousticvelocityat the baseof the manfie[e.g. Dziewonskiand Anderson, 1981], which representthe location of the Earthat this pressure, lies well withinthe stability fieldof perovskite. Theuncertainties in seismic properties nearthecoremantle boundary arelargerthanthosein therestof themantlebut correspond to an areaof thephasediagrammuchsmallerthan EARTH • 5.•" // MgO Mw SiO2 MwII FeO st [K's (GPa) ' MgO Mw Mwn FeO Fig. 3. TernaryMgO-FeO-SiO2 phasediagramat 136 GPa and5000K calculated withthehightemperature parameter set. Contoursof density(upperfigure)andadiabaticbulkmodulus calculations arealsomuchtoosmallto substantially alterthe (dottedlines). The shading, phase diagram.Variationsin experimentally constrained (lowerfigure)aresuperimposed shownonlyin theupperfigurefor clarity,indicatesthefield of parameterswithin their uncertainties and in W's from 0 to possibleintersections of the contourscorresponding to the three times theirnominal values movethephase boundaries by <0.4XFeunits.Forall parameters butq of perovskite, the observeddensity and adiabatic bulk modulus of the Earth allowedby uncertainties in calculated andseismically observed changes are<0.2. Extremevariationsin Fo•s,obtainedby extrapolatingtheir apparent temperaturedependence densitiesandbulkmoduli. Adoptinga value of 205 GPa for (difference between low-Tandhigh-T parameter sets) to5000 the roomtemperaturephasetransitionin periclaseeliminates Kalso failstoexclude theEarthfromtheperovskite stability Mw fromthe diagramandshiftsthePv+Mw II+St coexistence field.Alternative values of KoandKo'forperovskite (246 field towardslower iron contents(XFe(Pv)=0.58,XFe(Mw thatof theperovskite stabilityfield. Uncertainties in the GPa,4.5)or thetransformation of stishovite to itsrecently 1060 Stixrude& Bukowinski:Stabilityof Perovskite in D" (Figure3). The phasetransitionof magnesiowtistite to its highpressure formmayproduceanomalous velocitygradients nearthecore-mantleboundary,althoughit appears muchtoo diffuseto producea seismicdiscontinuity (Figure2). Still unobserved phase transitions in calcic, diopsidic or (Mg,Fe)SiO3perovskite, includingthepredicted orthorhombic to cubic transition in the latter, may producevelocity discontinuities at the appropriate pressures [seeHemleyand Cohen, 1992]. Partial reactionof Mg-rich perovskitewith ironalloys,similarto thatobserved atlowerpressures [Knittle andJeanloz,1991],may alsoproduceseismicreflectors. All of theseexplanationsrely on perovskitedominated assemblages and thus cannotreconcilegeothermsbasedon shockwave experiments with the lack of partialmelt in D". The meltingpoint of iron undershockloadingandin static compressionexperimentsat lower pressuresis currentlya matter of active debate [Ross et al., 1990; Boehler et al., 1990]. However, if the shockwave data and the predicted perovskitemelting curve are approximatelycorrect,they requireeitherthe absence of Mg-richperovskite fromD" or a substantialchangein its properties,probablymuchgreater thanthat associated with the predictedorthorhombic to cubic phasetransformation. An exotic bulk compositionin D", perhapsdominated by Ca andA1oxidecomponents [Ruffand Anderson, 1980], may be required. Alternatively, a breakdownor transformation of (Mg,Fe)SiO3perovskiteto a morediverseassemblage thanthoseconsidered hereremainsa possibleexplanationof the seismicreflectorsandthe absence of melt in D". Considerationof otherchemicalcomponents may lower the free energyof the non-perovskite assemblage, inducinga completebreakdownto a mixtureof oxidesand metallicalloys(Fe, FeSi). Thoughspeculative,a metal-oxide layermay be heterogeneous on manylengthscalesbecauseof the disparatephysicalpropertiesof the two components [see also Knittle and Jean!oz, 1991]. 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