Teacher Education Program Educating for Effective and Reflective Practice Level I Field Experience Evaluation (UNI Student: please complete the information about you and your placement on this page and give this packet to your mentor teacher on the first day of your experience to track your attendance and progress) UNI Field Experience Student Name: __ __ UNI ID: __ UNI Email: __ ____ ___ UNI Phone: __ _ UNI Coordinator of Field Experiences Becky Wilson Hawbaker becky.hawbaker@uni.edu, 319-273-7664 (phone) (319) 273-7298 (fax) Schindler Education Center 515, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50613-3593 UNI Level 1 Field Experience Coordinator* Name:__ ___Email:__ ___ *observes and mentors Level 1 student in the classroom, please contact this person with concerns Level 1 Placement School and Mentor Teacher School: __ __Grade Level/Class Name: __ Mentor Teacher:___ ___ __ Assigned Day/Time: ---------------------------------------ATTENDANCE RECORD--------------------------------------UNI Level 1 field experience students are expected to attend at their assigned time every week unless there is an official holiday at the school or the university or the candidate is too ill to attend. In the case of illness, the candidate has the obligation to notify the mentor teacher before the absence and to make mutually acceptable plans to make up the time. DATE TIME COMPLETED [HRS/MIN] TEACHER INITIAL Objective 1: Develop an understanding of the multiple roles and responsibilities of educators in today’s schools Please check the activities and interactions completed throughout this experience (Note: UNI expects variation in activities due to student readiness, teacher preference, and school context. Level 1 students are NOT expected to complete all activities below) Indirect Interactions RelationshipBuilding Interactions Interactions with Individual Students Taking Attendance or Lunch Count Making bulletin boards or learning centers Checking or grading student work Entering student scores/grades into records Preparing or organizing classroom materials Ordering supplies Introducing self to class Learning and using students’ names Greeting students as they arrive at class Initiating appropriate conversations with students Identifying students’ interests, strengths, and preferences Initiating appropriate conversations or email communications with mentor teacher Circulating during independent work time to answer questions and provide support or redirection Working with individual student who needs additional assistance with given materials/lesson (e.g., student who was absent, student with special needs) Working with student who needs additional challenge with given materials/lesson. Planning and implementing 1:1 lesson with student Collecting observation data (participation, on-task, etc.) Writing notes on board or for absent student Making phone calls on teacher’s behalf (reminders or routine announcements) Researching resources for teacher OTHER: __ ___ Sharing appropriate information about self Participates with students in advisory or classroom guidance activities OTHER: Collecting data from individual students (progress monitoring, skills probes, survey) OTHER: Interactions with Small Groups of Students Interactions with Whole Class Circulating during group work time to answer questions and provide support or redirection Reading aloud to class Leads or teaches small group instruction or discussion (e.g., guided reading, centers, literature circle, writer’s workshop) Taking over routine part of whole class instruction modeled by teacher (e.g., calendar, warm up, vocabulary review, checking homework) Reteaching small group who need additional practice Co-teaching whole class lesson with mentor teacher Working with small group who need additional challenge Teaching lesson created by mentor teacher Planning and teaching own smallgroup lesson Planning and teaching own wholeclass lesson Giving oral test to class (e.g., spelling) Activities Outside of Placement Classroom Observed other teachers and classrooms Teacher planning Team meeting (e.g., data team, grade level team, committee) Recess, hall, bus, or lunch duty After-school student assistance Extra-curricular activities or coaching (e.g., Sports, Drama, Speech) Special student performance (e.g., concert, play, competition) Parent-teacher conferences Special school outreach event (e.g., Family Literacy Night) OTHER: OTHER: Teacher professional development or Inservice OTHER: RUBRIC EVALUTION: Please assess the Level 1 student’s performance in the following areas: Categories and Descriptors Area of Concern Competent Commendable Inappropriate, unprofessional, Attempts to communicate Communicates professionally Professionalism and Reliability or absent communications appropriately with teacher and with teacher and students, is a •uses appropriate communication Repeated issues with dress students, dresses acceptably, role model to students, always •maintains confidentiality Irregular attendance attends regularly or dresses professionally, attends •dresses professionally communicates schedule reliably •has regular attendance conflicts and negotiates make •is a role model for students up time reliably •acts more like a teacher than a student Does not initiate interactions or Initiates some interactions in Frequently initiates interactions Initiative and Enthusiasm for ask questions, needs constant classroom; demonstrates some in the classroom; demonstrates Teaching direction or prompts for interest in students, learning, or strong interest in students, •displays positive demeanor and attitude classroom involvement, does content; asks relevant questions learning, and content; often •shows interest in students, learning, not demonstrate interest in sometimes; and makes an effort asks relevant questions; content students, learning or content, to apply teacher expectations to consistently seeks to expand •asks relevant and thoughtful questions consistently seeks to avoid new situations in the classroom opportunities for involvement active interactions throughout in the classroom •seeks to expand opportunities experience. •applies teacher expectations to new situations in the classroom Makes no attempt to Student attempts to understand Student interacts effectively Response to Diversity understand or adapt to and adapt to individual with all, understands and •is accepting of individual differences differences and needs, is differences and needs and is adapts for individual and needs uncomfortable around those respectful to students and the differences, and is respectful •is sensitive to cultural differences and who are different, or is teacher and at ease with students and aware of own cultural identity disrespectful to students or the teacher •is inclusive and respectful teacher Reflective Practitioner •self evaluates performance, sets goals •seeks to learn and improve •embraces feedback and suggestions •connects classroom experiences to ideas, theories, other contexts, future practice Does not self evaluate or set goals, is content with current performance and does not seek to improve, is defensive when given feedback, does not think about field experience connected to a wider context Sets goals and attempts to reach them to improve performance and increase knowledge, accepts constructive criticism and attempts to respond to suggestions, and attempts to connect field experience with wider context Sets high goals for self and works relentlessly to reach them, actively seeks feedback and suggestions for improvement, consistently relates field experience to wider context of ideas, theories, and future practice NARRATIVE EVALUTION (feel free to use and attach an additional sheet or letter) Please describe the strengths you observed in this candidate: Please describe areas this candidate should seek to improve in: Your suggestions for future growth, goals for future field experiences: Objective 2: To make an informed decision regarding a career in education The student completed the required 30 hours at my school __ Further explanation and recommendations may be attached. Yes No Recommendation of the UNI Field Experience Coordinator to the UNI Teacher Education Program: Recommended with no reservations Recommended with reservations Not Recommended Further explanation and recommendations from the Field Experience Coordinator are attached ____ _______ Date: _ ___ Coordinator signature This evaluation should be reviewed with the student and given to or mailed to: Becky Hawbaker, 509 SEC, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50613