Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 ACCT 418x ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS SPRING 2011 (2 UNITS) Section 14179R Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Class Location: ACC 205 Course Website http://blackboard.usc.edu Instructor Christopher Vanover, CPA Mobile Phone (949) 751-8895 cvanover@usc.edu Please feel free to send me an email at Email Address any time. I will respond to you as soon as possible. Tuesday 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in Accounting Library Room 5 Office Hours Thursday: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in ACC 203 By appointment Call (213) 740-4321 (for a personal emergency) or (213) 740-9233 or listen Emergencies to 91.5 KUSC radio (for emergency information) Garrison, Noreen & Brewer, Required Textbook Managerial Accounting (13th edition) (ISBN: 9780073379616) 1 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 I. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION Description This course is a presentation of select managerial accounting topics, including cost concepts, job order costing, process costing, cost behavior, cost-volume-profit analysis, variable costing, activity-based costing, profit planning, performance analysis, standard costs, segment reporting, the balanced scorecard, and financial statement analysis. The presentation will consist of moderately-technical expositions of concepts and material, but the primary focus will be on understanding accounting information from a management perspective. The ultimate goal of this course is for you to understand select managerial accounting topics, the users of such financial information, and also that such financial and/or managerial information is needed and used to make sound business decisions. Target Audience This course is intended for those with limited prior business coursework. The course is not open to accounting majors. This course satisfies the requirement for the business minor (and for other departments’ majors); however, it cannot be used toward a degree in accounting. Students who successfully complete the course are eligible to apply to the Leventhal School of Accounting’s Masters programs. Prerequisite Knowledge ACCT 410x, Foundations of Accounting II. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Text The following textbook is required for this course: Garrison, Noreen & Brewer, Managerial Accounting (13th edition) (ISBN: 9780073379616) Other Slides, handouts, and supplemental readings/articles will be posted on Blackboard. Calculator The quantitative aspects of the course require basic math skills, and you are allowed to use a calculator. I will provide you with calculators for the midterm and final exams, but you are required to bring your own calculator each day as we will do problems in class quite frequently. 2 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 III. GRADING Grade Composition and Grading Expectations Total points for this course are 1,000. Your letter grade will be determined based on your relative performance, which is outlined below. The 1,000 points for the course are distributed as follows: Component Class Attendance & Participation Individual Case #1 Individual Case #2 Group Project Midterm Exam Final Exam Total Points Possible Maximum Points 50 150 150 150 250 250 1,000 Percentage 5% 15% 15% 15% 25% 25% 100% Due Date -Thursday, March 31 Thursday, April 14 Thursday, April 28 Thursday, April 7 Tuesday, May 10 Class Attendance & Participation Students are required to attend classes regularly in accordance with the Marshall School of Business and Leventhal School of Accounting policies. It is to your advantage to attend class each scheduled time for its entirety, be well prepared, and act professionally. This is true for a number of reasons. First, and most significant, the material we cover in class is what is considered most important for the course and, therefore, will be the material tested on the midterm and final exams. Second, exams start promptly at the beginning of class; late arrivers will not be given extra time to complete them. Third, each absence, late arrival, or early departure will result in a deduction of approximately 3.5 of the 50 available class attendance points. Students who attend class in its entirety, come prepared for class, and participate in the class will receive participation credit for that day. Those students who attend all scheduled classes in their entirety will be awarded 15 extra-credit points, representing a potential 1.5% impact on one's final grade. Individual Cases There are two take-home individual cases for this course that will be distributed at least one week before their scheduled due date. It is the responsibility of each student to complete the individual cases independently. Collaboration is strictly prohibited and represents an academic integrity violation that is subject to severe penalties. Each student should be prepared for class to: Answer questions; 3 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 Develop and analyze concepts being discussed by explaining or interpreting the material, or by adding value to the discussion through the expansion of the analysis from your knowledge; Raise questions to clarify your understanding of the concepts and material, or to help in the expansion of the discussion; Respond to questions from the class on your solutions or positions; Discuss related or similar concepts that have a bearing on the topic. You should answer the individual cases as accurately and thoroughly as you can. Preparing for these cases is facilitated by keeping up with the work in class, reworking problems that we have done in class, and trying the suggested practice problems. Cases should be professionally presented, completed in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel (or its equivalent), and printed to be handed in at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date. Group Project In virtually all business organizations, employees are required to work with others on team projects. Therefore, to foster team development, students will work in groups to solve a case and to prepare a solution. There will be one group project due on Thursday, April 28, 2011 covering various topics in managerial accounting. Collaboration with others outside of your assigned group is strictly prohibited and represents an academic integrity violation that is subject to severe penalties. Each group is responsible for its own organization and management style. Each group member should participate ratably on the group case to perform research or analysis and prepare solutions as a group. Additionally, peer evaluations will be required to be completed by each group member and submitted with the group project. Peer evaluations of the performance and participation of the other members of the group may adversely affect an individual’s group project grade. The group project should be professionally presented, completed in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel (or its equivalent), and printed to be handed in at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date. Exams Two exams, each equally weighted, will be given on pre-determined days throughout the semester. Exams will include multiple-choice questions, short and long problems, and possibly brief essay questions. The midterm exam, which will be in class on Thursday, April 7, will cover the material presented from March 8 through April 5. The final exam, which is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10 from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., will 4 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 cover the material presented from April 12 through April 28. The final exam will not be cumulative per se, except to the extent that the material covered from April 12 through April 28 requires knowledge of previously covered material. Practice Problems Recommended practice problems are included in the Schedule of Classes section below. Such practice problems, while optional to complete, are highly encouraged, but will not be graded or collected. That being said, we will likely review these practice problems (or similar ones) in class and I am also happy to discuss solutions further with you during my office hours. Experience shows that student success is still largely a measure of doing homework. Grading Scale Total points 933 and above 900 - 932 867 - 899 833 - 866 800 - 832 767 - 799 733 - 766 700 - 732 667 - 699 633 - 666 600 - 632 599 and below Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF IV. SELECTED POLICIES Professional Conduct Expectation It is in your best interest to act professionally because I reserve the right to decrease your final letter grade by 1/3 for continued unprofessional conduct. Unprofessional conduct includes, but is not limited to, coming to class late; interrupting class with talking, texting, emailing; engaging in activities related to other classes; and so forth. If I have a concern about unprofessional conduct, I will talk with you individually first. If the conduct continues, I will lower your grade. So, for example, if your total points would earn you a B-, I reserve the right to lower your grade to a C+. Policy for Regrading Exams The midterm exam will be returned to you, along with a recommended solution. If you believe that your midterm exam has been graded in error, I am happy to regrade your 5 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 midterm exam if you do the following: For a simple mistake, such as an addition error or a multiple-choice answer marked wrong incorrectly, please just show me the error. For a more complicated issue, such as a debate about a response to an essay or an answer to a longer problem, please address your concern in writing. You must explain why you believe your response or answer is correct, where “correct” is defined by the solution sheet. For either type of issue, you must contact me within 10 days of receiving the exam. If I do not receive a request for regarding within 10 days of your receipt of the exam, the grade will be considered final. Additionally, I reserve the right to regrade the entire exam. Your final exam will be returned to you only at your request. Policy for Making up Exams It is to your advantage to take all exams at the time they are given. Further, unless you have my prior approval, you must take the exams on the day and time they occur and are scheduled. This latter policy often is dictated by lack of space and the policy regarding taking the final exam with your section is dictated by the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures. Additionally, there will be no makeup exams given if you happen to miss one. This is because full class participation is expected. Please remember that exams are given at the beginning of class, so if you arrive after the exam is finished, you may not take the exam. If you come to class late but while an exam is still in progress, you may not take extra time on it and you must turn it in when time is called, irrespective of when you start. With regard to exams, the policy of the Leventhal School of Accounting is that you should not miss exams unless there is a very serious emergency and you can properly document this emergency. Also, to the extent possible, you must inform me of the emergency prior to the exam (I understand that this is not always possible). If you miss an exam for something other than a serious emergency and/or you cannot provide documentation, you will receive a grade of 0 points on the exam. If there is a serious emergency and you can provide proper documentation and, where possible, notify me of the situation prior to the exam, alternative arrangements will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Finally, you must take the final exam at the scheduled time (Tuesday, May 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) unless an incomplete contract has previously been approved according to the Leventhal School of Accounting standards (or, of course, unless there is an emergency, as above). Policy for Disposition of Individual Cases, Group Project, and Exams 6 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 I return all individual cases, the group project, and the midterm exam to you after they are graded. If you are not present on the day one of these is returned, I will maintain them in my office for you to pick up during my scheduled office hours. Any individual cases, group project or midterm exam not picked up will be destroyed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester. Policies Regarding IN and W grades The Leventhal School of Accounting Grading and Academic Standards govern my giving of IN and W grades in this course. V. STATEMENT FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure that the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in Student Union 301. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776 or email DSP at ability@usc.edu. VI. STATEMENT ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY USC seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment. General principles of academic honesty include the concept of respect for the intellectual property of others, the expectation that individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor, and the obligations both to protect one’s own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another’s work as one’s own. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. Scampus, the Student Guidebook, contains the Student Conduct Code in Section 11.00, while the recommended sanctions are located in Appendix A (http://web-app.usc.edu/scampus/). Students will be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs and Community Standards for further review, should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty. The Review process can be found at http://www.usc.edu/student-affairs/SJACS. 7 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 VII. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class No. 1 Day Date Tuesday March 8 2 Thursday March 10 Topic(s) Assignments Course overview Managerial accounting Managerial accounting Read: Syllabus Read: Chapter 1 Watch Video: "Swoosh: Inside Nike"1 --- Tuesday Thursday 1 March 15 March 17 Practice Problems None Exercise 1-1 (p. 25) Exercise 1-2 (p. 25 - 26) Email Response: 1. Describe Nike's strategy and value proposition. 2. What constraints does Nike face? 3. What are your recommendations for further improving Nike's business processes?2 SPRING BREAK - NO CLASS SPRING BREAK - NO CLASS Accessible online at: http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1414941056&play=1 You are required to write a 400 - 500 words response to the questions posed above and email it to cvanover@usc.edu no later than 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 10. Please put "ACCT 418" followed by your name in the subject line of the email. 2 Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 Class No. 3 Day Date Tuesday March 22 Topic(s) Assignments Cost concepts Read: Chapter 2 4 Thursday March 24 Job-order costing Read: Chapter 3 5 Tuesday March 29 Process costing Read: Chapter 4 6 Thursday March 31 Read: Chapter 5 Cost behavior Discuss Individual Case #1 Other: Individual Case #1 Due 7 Tuesday April 5 8 Thursday April 7 Cost-volume-profit relationships Review for midterm exam Read: Chapter 6 Midterm Exam Practice Problems Review Problem 1: Cost Terms (p. 55) Review Problem 2: Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Income Statement (p. 56 - 57) Review Problem: Job-Order Costing (p. 116 118) Review Problem: Process Cost Flows and Costing Units (p. 160 - 162) Review Problem 1: Cost Behavior (p. 212 - 213) Review Problem 2: High-Low Method (p. 213 214) Review Problem: CVP Relationships (p. 259 - 262) Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 Class No. 9 Day Date Tuesday April 12 Review Midterm Exam Variable costing Read: Chapter 7 10 Thursday April 14 Activity-based costing Discuss Individual Case #2 Read: Chapter 8 11 12 13 Tuesday Thursday Tuesday April 19 April 21 April 26 Topic(s) Profit planning Flexible budgets Performance analysis Guest speaker on segment reporting and the balanced scorecard Standard costs Assignments Other: Individual Case #2 Due Read: Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Read: Chapter 12 Read: Chapter 11 Practice Problems Review Problem: Contrasting Variable and Absorption Costing (p. 292 293) Review Problem: Activity-Based Costing (p. 334 336) Review Problem: Budget Schedules (p. 393 - 395) Review Problem: Variance Analysis Using a Flexible Budget (p. 431 - 432) Review Problem 1: Segmented Statements (p. 537 - 538) Review Problem 2: Return on Investments and Residual Income (p. 538 - 539) Review Problem: Standard Costs (p. 474 - 475) Leventhal School of Accounting ACCT 418x: Accounting for Management Decisions Spring 2011 Class No. 14 Day Date Thursday April 28 Topic(s) 15 Tuesday May 10 Assignments Discuss Group Project Financial statement analysis Review for final exam Read: Chapter 16 Other: Group Project Due Final Exam 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Practice Problems Review Problem: Selected Ratios and Financial Leverage (p. 741 - 743)