Static in nature Url Tools Used HTML,java script,jquery,CSS Website is designed and developed by NIC Chamba. Content of the website provided by district Administration. Land Record HimBhoomi Client Server based Software used for mutation and DOR generation Implemented in all the Tehsil and Sub Tehsil. HimRis(Himachal Registration Information System) Client Server based Software to register deed . Implemented in all the Tehsil and Sub Tehsil Citizen can avail the facility of NAKAL Jamabandi at Lok Mitra Kendra online as well as at respective Tehsil. Web based software is running in Subdivision,Tehsil and Subtehsil. 14 types of certificates are generated using this Application. These certificates are: Agriculturist Certificate, Backward Area Certificate, Bonafide Himachali Certificate, Character Certificate, Dogra Class Certificate, Freedom Fighters Certificate, Income Certificate, Legal Heirs Certificate, Marriage Registration Certificate, Community Certificate, Other Backward Classes Certificate, Passport Verification Certificate, Rural Area Certificate, Schedule Caste/Tribe Certificate Client server based software application implemented in district welfare office. Application delivers following type of state pension schemes namely Old age, Widow, Handicapped, Lepers and central pension scheme. ePehchan is web based application used by welfare department to issue the certificate to disabled person to avail various benefits and concession from the Government. VAHAN:Client Server based software application for registering vehicle,transfering vehicle and issuing RC. Implemented in all the RLAs and RTO. SARTHI:Client Server based software application for issuing of LL/DL/CL and renewal of DL,Endorsement,NOC etc. Implemented in all the RLAs and RTO. Web based Scheme monitoring information system implemented in district planning department. This application is used to judicially sanctioning and monitoring schemes for various development work. Web based Agriculture Marketing Information Network(AGMARKNET) is implemented at APMC (Agriculture Produce market Committee) Chamba. Used to send daily market arrival commodities data to a centralized server so that it can be accessed by any one over the internet. Mission Mode Project of MHA,GOI. IVFRT(Immigration, Visa, Foreigners Registration and Tracking System) is a web based application implemented at FRO Office. Online submission of cForm, sForm,data and cFRO module. eShastra Web-based Arms Licensing System based on the workflow of issuance of arms licenses (Cash collection stage to arms license delivery) Implemented in SUGAM centre DC Office NADAL(National Database of Arm Licenses) Web based application for Creating a database of arm license at national level. Implemented in SUGAM center DC Office. It provide an unique ID for each license. NADRS(National Animal Disease reporting System) is a web based application for reporting Animal disease. Hardware is installed and VPNoBB connectivity. it is implemented 5 out of 6 sites and running. CIPA (COMMON INTEGRATED POLICE APPLICATION ) is a Mission Mode Project under e-Governance of GOI. Automate all function carried out at the police stations. Implemented at all the police stations. It is operational in 6 out of 7 sites. eSamadhan is a online public Grievance monitoring System. It provide an interface to public to submit their grievances and know it status online. Respective department can monitor grievances related to them. Used by various department in the district. Society Registration System used in SDM Office Chamba for generating Certificates. It is a web based Application Used by all government offices in District to maintain the service book digitally. Posting of officers is updated by their respective establishment branch. Provide facility to fill online ACR for health Department. NIC sms gateway used in DC office to send messages. Provide facility to send messages to bulk user. It is used to send meeting alert, weather forecast etc by DC Office to various department in the District,Subdivisions,Tehsil and Subtehsil. RCMS(revenue court monitoring System) UID web Application. THANK YOU