1. My Report

My Report
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Name (o ptio nal)
T e xt Re spo nse
Mo mo e Yamakawa
Marco s Garcia
Mo mo e Yamakawa
Cristina Ramo s
Tatyana Bo gatyreva
Lisa Jaimo vich
Shane Swerdlo w
Jessica Stix
Blair Herman
Tracy Lawrence
Tracy Lawrence
Lu Gao
Junie Ryu
Tiffany lee
Jessica Sabbah-Mani
So nal Singh
Daniella Fischel
Seth Rubinro it
Jo sh Radman
Emiri Dando y
Tiffany Hu
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
E-mail Address (o ptio nal)
T e xt Re spo nse
ramo sro b@usc.edu
bo gatyre@usc.edu
jaimo vic@usc.edu
sswerdlo @usc.edu
lugao @usc.edu
junieryu@gmail.co m
vinavo @usc.edu
vinavo @usc.edu
rubinro i@usc.edu
dando y@usc.edu
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Lo catio n
Answe r
Re spo nse
Aalto University Scho o l o f Eco no mics
Australian Natio nal University
Chinese University o f Ho ng Ko ng
Co penhagen Business Scho o l
Co rvinus University o f Budapest
Chulalo ngko rn University
ESADE Business Scho o l
10 0 %
Fudan University
HEC Scho o l o f Management
Ho ng Ko ng UNiversity o f Science and Techno lo gy
ICHEC Brussels
IE Scho o l o f Business
Ko rea University Business Scho o l
Natio nal University o f Singapo re
Natio nal Taiwan University
Peking University
Ro tterdam Scho o l o f Management
Seo ul Natio nal University
Singapo re Management University
Thammasat University
Universidade de No va de Lisbo n
Universiidad de Carlo s Madrid III
Universita Co mmerciale Luigi Bo cco ni
University o f Ho ng Ko ng
University o f Manchester, Manchester Business Scho o l
University o f Melbo urne
University o f Navarra
University o f St. Gallen
Vienna University o f Eco no mics and Business
WHU Otto Beisheim Scho o l o f Management
To tal
St at ist ic
Min Value
Max Value
2.0 0
0 .0 0
Standard Deviatio n
0 .0 0
To tal Respo nses
What is yo ur academic status this semester?
Answe r
Re spo nse
So pho mo re
Junio r
6 3%
Senio r
To tal
St at ist ic
Min Value
Max Value
0 .24
Standard Deviatio n
0 .49
To tal Respo nses
What is yo ur expected date o f graduatio n fro m USC (Semester and year, eg
Fall 20 0 9 )?
T e xt Re spo nse
Spring 20 0 9
Fall 20 0 9
Spring 20 0 9
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
December 20 0 8
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
May 20 10
Spring, 20 10
May 20 10
Spring 20 11
May 20 11
May 20 11
May 20 11
May 20 10
Spring 20 11
Spring 20 12
Spring 20 11
spring 20 12
May 20 12
Spring 20 12
December 20 11
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Fall 20 13
Spring 20 14
Spring 20 14
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
What is yo ur majo r?
T e xt Re spo nse
Acco unting
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n and Public Po licy, Management, and Planning
Business Admin
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n, Neuro science
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Admin with Emphasis in Cinematic Arts
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
acco unting
Business Administratio n with emphasis in cinematic arts (BCA)
Business Admin
Business Administratio n/Cinematic Arts
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
Business Administratio n
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
What is yo ur co ncentratio n (Business majo rs o nly)?
T e xt Re spo nse
Internatio nal Business/Marketing
Internatio nal Business, Marketing
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business, Cinematic Arts
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Busines
Real Estate Finance
Internatio nal Business and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship & Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business and Management Co nsulting
Internatio nal Business
Int. Business
Internatio nal Relatio ns
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business (Brand Strategy)
internatio nal business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
Internatio nal Business
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Please indicate the term in which yo u were abro ad (semester and year, eg
Fall 20 0 9 ).
T e xt Re spo nse
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Fall 20 0 8
Spring 20 0 9
Spring 20 0 9
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 0 9
Fall, 20 0 9
Fall 20 0 9
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
semester, Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Spring 20 10
Fall 20 10
Fall 20 10
Spring 20 11
Spring 20 11
Spring 20 11
Spring 20 11
Fall 20 11
spring 20 12
spring 20 12
Spring 20 12
Fall 20 12
Spring 20 12
Spring 20 12
Spring 20 12
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
Spring 20 13
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
I. GENERAL PROGRAM EVALUATION Please rate the fo llo wing items:
Que st io n
1. Yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the
pro gram.
Ve ry
dissat isf ie d
So m e what
dissat isf ie d
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
sat isf ie d
Ve ry
sat isf ie d
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
4.6 7
St at ist ic
1. Yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he pro gram .
Min Value
Max Value
4.6 7
0 .23
Standard Deviatio n
0 .48
To tal Respo nses
No t at all
So m e what
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
Ve ry m uch
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
2. To what extent did the pro gram meet yo ur expectatio ns?
3. To what extent was yo ur participatio n in the pro gram a valuable
learning experience?
Que st io n
St at ist ic
2. T o what e xt e nt did t he pro gram m e e t yo ur
e xpe ct at io ns?
3. T o what e xt e nt was yo ur part icipat io n in t he pro gram a valuable le arning
e xpe rie nce ?
Min Value
Max Value
0 .31
0 .8 3
Deviatio n
0 .56
0 .9 1
To tal
Respo nses
Que st io n
4. To what extent wo uld yo u reco mmend
this pro gram to o ther USC students?
Wo uld no t
re co m m e nd at
May re co m m e nd
wit h re se rvat io ns
Ne ut ral
Wo uld sure ly
re co m m e nd
Wo uld
re co m m e nd
m o st st ro ngly
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
4.9 4
St at ist ic
4 . T o what e xt e nt wo uld yo u re co m m e nd t his pro gram t o o t he r USC st ude nt s?
Min Value
Max Value
4.9 4
0 .0 6
Standard Deviatio n
0 .24
To tal Respo nses
No t at
all so
So m e what
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
Ve ry
m uch so
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
5. To what extent were yo ur co urses intellectually challenging?
6 . Ho w co mparable was the quality o f instructio n and academic demand o f
classes to that o f USC?
2.6 9
Que st io n
St at ist ic
5 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo ur co urse s int e lle ct ually
challe nging?
6 . Ho w co m parable was t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n and acade m ic de m and o f
classe s t o t hat o f USC?
Min Value
Max Value
2.6 9
0 .8 7
Deviatio n
1.0 7
0 .9 3
To tal
Respo nses
St ro ngly
disagre e
Disagre e
Ne ut ral
Agre e
St ro ngly
Agre e
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
7. The grading system used in the co urses was
8 . I was able to register fo r all the classes that I wanted.
3.8 0
Que st io n
St at ist ic
7 . T he grading syst e m use d in t he co urse s was e xplaine d.
8. I was able t o re gist e r f o r all t he classe s t hat I want e d.
Min Value
Max Value
3.8 0
0 .8 4
Standard Deviatio n
0 .9 2
To tal Respo nses
No t at all
So m e what
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
Ve ry m uch
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
9 . To what extent were yo u prepared fo r the co ursewo rk?
10 . To what extent do yo u feel yo u were immersed in the culture o f the
ho st co untry?
4.0 6
11. To what extent did yo u gain a better appreciatio n o f the ho st
culture's perspectives?
Que st io n
St at ist ic
9 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo u
pre pare d f o r t he co urse wo rk?
10 . T o what e xt e nt do yo u f e e l yo u we re
im m e rse d in t he cult ure o f t he ho st co unt ry?
11. T o what e xt e nt did yo u gain a be t t e r
appre ciat io n o f t he ho st cult ure 's pe rspe ct ive s?
Min Value
Max Value
4.0 6
0 .31
1.0 6
0 .49
Deviatio n
0 .56
1.0 3
0 .70
To tal
Respo nses
Ve ry
dissat isf ie d
So m e what
dissat isf ie d
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
sat isf ie d
Ve ry
Sat isf ie d
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
12. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the co ntent o f
the co urses yo u to o k.
13. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the quality o f
instructio n.
Que st io n
12. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he co nt e nt o f t he
co urse s yo u t o o k.
13. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he qualit y o f
inst ruct io n.
Min Value
Max Value
0 .9 6
1.0 1
Deviatio n
0 .9 8
1.0 0
St at ist ic
To tal
Respo nses
Que st io n
14. Please rate the o verall level o f faculty interest in
Ve ry
lo w
So m e what
lo w
Ave rage
Highe r t han
ave rage
Ve ry
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
St at ist ic
14 . Ple ase rat e t he o ve rall le ve l o f f acult y int e re st in st ude nt s.
Min Value
Max Value
0 .9 0
Standard Deviatio n
0 .9 5
To tal Respo nses
Que st io n
15. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the
academic pro gram.
Ve ry
dissat isf ie d
So m e what
dissat isf ie d
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
sat isf ie d
Ve ry
sat isf ie d
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
3.6 3
St at ist ic
15 . Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he acade m ic pro gram .
Min Value
Max Value
3.6 3
0 .8 9
Standard Deviatio n
0 .9 4
To tal Respo nses
III. LANGUAGE PREPARATIONIf yo u did no t take a fo reign language
class this semester, please cho o se "No t applicable" fo r each questio n.
No t
Po o r
Ne e ds
im pro ve m e nt
Go o d
Exce lle nt
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
16 . Ho w were yo ur language skills befo re the
pro gram?
17. Ho w were yo ur language skills after the pro gram?
18 . Yo ur living situatio n aided yo ur language
acquisitio n.
2.8 3
Que st io n
St at ist ic
16 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills be f o re
t he pro gram ?
17 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills af t e r
t he pro gram ?
18. Yo ur living sit uat io n aide d yo ur language
acquisit io n.
Min Value
Max Value
2.8 3
1.9 6
Deviatio n
1.8 9
To tal
Respo nses
Que st io n
19 . If yo u studied a fo reign language o n the pro gram, please rate yo ur
o verall level o f satisfactio n with the language educatio n co mpo nent o f
the pro gram.
Ve ry
dissat isf ie d
So m e what
dissat isf ie d
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
sat isf ie d
Ve ry
sat isf ie d
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
St at ist ic
19 . If yo u st udie d a f o re ign language o n t he pro gram , ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall le ve l o f sat isf act io n wit h t he language e ducat io n
co m po ne nt o f t he pro gram .
Min Value
Max Value
0 .35
Deviatio n
0 .59
To tal
Respo nses
IV. SUPPORT SERVICESPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the
fo llo wing catego ries:
Que st io n
Ve ry
dissat isf ie d
So m e what
dissat isf ie d
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
sat isf ie d
Ve ry
sat isf ie d
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
20 . On-site academic advising
21. On-site o rientatio n
22. On-site academic facilities (e.g. classro o ms, libraries,
co mputer labs), excluding ho using.
3.9 1
23. Co mmunicatio n with the USC Marshall o ffice in Lo s Angeles
3.9 4
24. Overall impressio n o f o n-site suppo rt services
3.6 3
St at ist ic
20 . On-sit e
acade m ic
21. On-sit e
o rie nt at io n
22. On-sit e acade m ic f acilit ie s (e .g.
classro o m s, librarie s, co m put e r labs),
e xcluding ho using.
23. Co m m unicat io n wit h t he
USC Marshall o f f ice in Lo s
Ange le s
24 . Ove rall im pre ssio n
o f o n-sit e suppo rt
se rvice s
Min Value
Max Value
3.9 1
3.9 4
3.6 3
0 .9 2
0 .9 6
0 .76
0 .59
Deviatio n
0 .9 6
0 .9 8
1.0 7
0 .8 7
0 .77
To tal
Respo nses
V. HOUSINGPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing
catego ries:
Que st io n
Ve ry
dissat isf ie d
So m e what
dissat isf ie d
Ne ut ral
Mo st ly
sat isf ie d
Ve ry
sat isf ie d
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
25. Ho using co o rdinatio n
26 . Lo catio n o f student ho using
2.8 6
27. Quality o f ho using
3.0 0
St at ist ic
25 . Ho using co o rdinat io n
26 . Lo cat io n o f st ude nt ho using
27 . Qualit y o f ho using arrange m e nt s
Min Value
Max Value
2.8 6
3.0 0
1.6 0
Standard Deviatio n
To tal Respo nses
VI. OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 31. Why did yo u cho o se this pro gram?
T e xt Re spo nse
First o ff, because ESADE is o ne o f the best business scho o ls in Spain and Euro pe. Its students are very well prepared and ready to enter the business wo rld. Seco nd, I had
always had a particular interest Spanish histo ry and culture. This pro gram o ffered the best o f bo th wo rlds, great educatio n and an o ppo rtunity to learn and immerse myself
in Spanish culture.
I wanted to study Business abro ad to gain internatio nal experience.
I cho se ESADE because o f two essential facto rs: Academics: because it is the best business scho o l in Spain, and very well reco gnized thro ugho ut Euro pe. In additio n,
their "fo rte" is Marketing, which is my co ncentratio n. Culture: I have always had a stro ng fascinatio n with Spanish histo ry and culture (since I can relate to it due to my
Peruvian backgro und), and I saw a big o ppo rtunity with this pro gram, in which I wo uld go bymyself, and experience it first-hand.
I cho se this pro gram because
I cho se ESADE because it has a to p-ranked business pro gram and they are especially well-kno wn fo r their marketing pro gram. In additio n, I was interested in ESADE
because they emphasize the use o f case studies and a lo t o f gro up wo rk in their classes. Finally, I cho se ESADE because I really wanted to go to a no n-English speaking
co untry and was especially interested in go ing to Spain so that I co uld impro ve my Spanish.
High interest in classes o ffered. Reputatio n o f the scho o l. Desire to learn abo ut the Sapanish culuture. Gain mo re kno wledge o f business language in Spanish.
I cho se ESADE because it has a to p-ranked business pro gram and they are especially well-kno wn fo r their marketing pro gram (an area o f emphasis that I wanted to
explo re). In additio n, I was interested in ESADE because they emphasize the use o f case studies and a lo t o f gro up wo rk in their classes. Finally, I cho se ESADE because I
really wanted to go to a no n-English speaking co untry and was especially interested in go ing to Spain so that I co uld impro ve my Spanish.
I lo ve Barcelo na -- its culture, peo ple, and language. I tho ught it was a fantastic way to practice my Spanish while studying in o ne o f Euro pe's best scho o ls and living in
such an amazing and lively city. :)
I was interested in immersing myself in Spanish language and culture and was fascinated by the idea o f living in a beautiful co untry like Spain with a culture that is so
different than American.
It was central to all the places I wanted to visit, was a big city with many so cial/cultural explo ratio n o ptio ns, and was an extremely prestigio us scho o l.
I really wanted to have the o ppo rtunity to live in Barcelo na, and this pro gram allo wed me to do so while fulfilling requirements fo r my degree.
I wanted to study in Euro pe and ESADE in Spain pro ved to be o ne o f the best business scho o ls to study at.
To do so mething co mpletely different than USC.
I cho se this pro gram because it co mbined the city lifestyle I wanted with the language I wanted to learn. ESADE is also a very well kno wn internatio nal business scho o l so
that was a great pull to o . Altho ugh I went into this pro gram kno wing that I wanted to impro ve my Spanish, in truth, it wasn't until I was actually there that I realized ho w
impo rtant it was to me.
To be ho nest, it had to do with the ending date o f the pro gram, the fact that Barcelo na is suppo sed to be "warm" and "Mediteranean," and because I have studied Spanish
since high scho o l.
ESADE had a wide variety o f classes that I felt wo uld give me a better understanding o f internatio nal business. The style o f learning in the classro o ms was very case and
gro up o riented. All o f o ur pro jects had a team o f 3 -5 peo ple and it gave me a great chance to meet peo ple fro m different backgro unds. The quality o f instructio n was also a
facto r - the pro fesso rs at the university are wo rld-rekno wned in their subject matter and I was taking classes with pro fesso rs who were leaders in their field. In additio n,
ESADE is a very small scho o l. The classro o m size was o n average 15 - 25 students, which gave me a chance to get to kno w the pro fesso r as well as my classmates very
well. And o f co urse, Barcelo na itself was eno ugh reaso n fo r me to cho o se the pro gram abo ve o thers. It is hands do wn o ne o f the mo st amazing cities in the wo rld. Fro m,
art to fo o d to architecture to nightlife to to ns o f festivals to the peo ple, there is no city like it. It is an amazing blend o f yo ung, hip and trendy and o f traditio n and pride. It is
surro unded by mo untains and the beach. There is always so much go ing o n in the city that traveling to o ther co untries makes yo u miss being back in Barca - tho ugh if
traveling is a prio rity, the city is centrally lo cated eno ugh that it is no t a far trip to anywhere in Euro pe o r no rthern Africa.
Barcelo na o ffered the who le package in terms o f the academic and perso nal experience. The scho o l enviro nment was quality and intimate, at an institutio n that was
prestigio us and state-o f-the-art. Life in Barcelo na co uld no t have o ffered mo re, with access to the city, beach, nightlife, and affo rdable travel to o ther places in Euro pe.
I knew that I wanted to be immersed in the Euro pean culture. Barcelo na was a clear cho ice due to my interest in the Spanish culture and fo o d, ESADE's prestige as a
Business Scho o l, and being lo cated in the yo uthful center o f Euro pe.
I wanted to impro ve my Spanish while learning abo ut ano ther culture.
I wanted to go to Barcelo na and the ESADE Business Scho o l was ranked highly as a pro minent business scho o l in Euro pe.
I mainly cho se this pro gram fo r it prestige in the Euro pean Business Scho o l rankings, fo r its lo catio n, and fo r the o ppo rtunity to perfect my Spanish.
I wanted to take my co urses in Spanish and really push myself beyo nd an English-speaking study abro ad, but also a pro gram where I had the po tential to beco me fluent in
a language
Wanted to go to Barcelo na the who le time. Beautiful, easy city.
It is a great business scho o l, with students o f many different backgro unds. The city o f Barcelo na is incredible and there are always things to learn, places to explo re, go o ut,
peo ple to meet and different activities.
I wanted to be in Barcelo na and the scho o l was very reputable. I liked that it was smaller classes with lo ts o f gro up wo rk and interactive classes.
To bro aden my ho rizo ns and live in a new co untry
First things first: Yes, Barcelo na is abso lutely the mo st incredible city in the wo rld. Yo u co uld spend yo ur entire semester abro ad in Barcelo na and no t get bo ard. Yes, we
rage every night. And yes, parties literally do no t start until 2am and last until....well, when the metro o pens at 6 am. Be prepared fo r all-nighters every time yo u go o ut—hell
yeah. Aside fro m all the "basics," I cho se ESADE because I tho ught (keywo rd: tho ught) that the scho o l utilizes a “case-style” teaching metho do lo gy which differs fro m USC
in that teachers place greater emphasis o n case analysis, gro up pro jects, and team presentatio ns. As so meo ne who is interested in pursuing a career in management
co nsulting, this wo uld allo w me to wo rk in a team enviro nment with culturally diverse co lleagues. ESADE also co nsistently ranks amo ng the best Business Scho o ls in
Euro pe (it’s currently like #4 in the wo rld) and has a reno wned reputatio n with to p co nsulting firms …As it turns o ut, all o f my afo rementio ned reaso ns fo r cho o sing ESADE
pertain exclusively to the MBA pro gram, o f which us exchange students are no t apart…Nevertheless, my reaso ns did make fo r a go o d applicatio n essay!
I cho se this pro gram mainly because o f the relatio nships I had made with Spanish students that had studied at USC the semester prio r to go ing abro ad. I also cho se this
pro gram because ESADE seemed to have many co urses that matched my interests and co ursewo rk at USC.
Because its a big eno ugh city that it has a little bit o f everything but small eno ugh to walk aro und and experience it all.
ESADE is o ne o f the to p business scho o ls in Euro pe, and Barcelo na is a great lo catio n.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
32. Please co mpare these aspects o f yo ur pro gram with study at USC.
Que st io n
Equivale nt
USC/Abro ad Be t t e r
USC/in L.A. Be t t e r
T o t al Re spo nse s
Me an
1) Quality o f instructio n
2) Co ntent o f co urses
3) Intellectual challenge o f co urses
4) Faculty interest in/suppo rt o f students
2.0 0
5) Individual assistance pro vided
St at ist ic
1) Qualit y o f
inst ruct io n
2) Co nt e nt o f
co urse s
Min Value
Max Value
2.0 0
0 .8 4
0 .73
0 .6 7
0 .9 0
0 .8 6
Deviatio n
0 .9 2
0 .8 6
0 .8 2
0 .9 5
0 .9 2
To tal
Respo nses
3) Int e lle ct ual challe nge o f
co urse s
4 ) Facult y int e re st in/suppo rt o f
st ude nt s
5 ) Individual assist ance
pro vide d
33. Ho w much study time per week do yo u reco mmend in o rder to keep
up with classes?
T e xt Re spo nse
1 hr per class (i.e. if yo u're taking 5 classes, 5 ho urs per week)
Two ho urs per co urse per week. (Fo ur when it co mes to do ing all the pro jects)
2-3 ho urs (but it really depends o n which classes yo u take)
I spent mo re time studying in the seco nd half o f the semester than the first half. Ho wever, I wo uld say that o n average, I wo uld reco mmend 4-6 ho urs a week (but it really
depends o n which classes yo u take).
It varies with difficulty o f class. Do n't leave everything fo r the last mo ment.
I spent mo re time studying in the seco nd half o f the semester than the first half. Ho wever, I wo uld say that o n average, I wo uld reco mmend 4-6 ho urs a week (but it really
depends o n which classes yo u take).
1-2 ho urs per each class, depending o n the level o f difficulty
2-3 ho urs
It really depends o n the classes. Yo u may have weeks with no ho mewo rk and o thers with multiple papers o f 20 + pages so it depends o n the pace at which yo u wo rk and
whether yo u like to do a little each day o r everything at o nce.
6 ho urs
2 - 3 ho urs
2-3 ho urs o n average
5 ho urs a week sho uld be mo re than eno ugh.
2 ho urs
2 or 3
3-4 ho urs depending o n the co urses yo u take.
5 ho urs
several ho urs
3 ho urs
2-3 ho urs
3-5ho urs
2 ho urs
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
34. Ho w, if at all, do es the structure o f the co urses differ fro m tho se at
USC? Did yo u like o r dislike these differences?
T e xt Re spo nse
First o ff, the semester is much sho rter (abo ut 10 weeks), and classes are all three ho urs, o nce a week. This difference takes so me adjustment, but it's co mpletely do able.
Seco nd, they use a mo re practical appro ach, and incentivate students to be mo re analytical and use the theo ry learned (in previo us classes) to suppo rt their arguments.
No t very many little assignments. Only attendance and a final paper and final test matter. Also , each class o nly met o nce a week.
First o ff, it was a 10 -week semester, so it go es by much faster. Each co urse had o ne three-ho ur sessio n per week (with a break) in which there is a lo t o f material co vered,
but at the same time, it is o nly o nce a week. I o nly had a final exam fo r 2 o ut o f my 5 classes. In the o ther o nes, they were final pro jects. I did no t have midterms, but this is
because the marketing classes I to o k were mo stly practical and the evaluatio n was mo stly o n the regular assignments we had to do . In general I liked the structure, but was
a bit uncertain as to ho w I wo uld do thro ugho ut the semester because there was no t many different ways to impro ve the grades.
In general, the main difference between ESADE co urses and the o nes I have taken at USC are that ESADE co urses emphasize a lo t mo re gro up wo rk, presentatio ns, and
case studies. I liked this difference fo r an internatio nal exchange experience because it allo wed us the o ppo rtunity to wo rk clo sely with students fro m aro und the wo rld and
to learn fro m ho w they appro ach different pro blems. It was also interesting to learn abo ut the structure o f co urses at o ther internatio nal universities. In additio n, ano ther
difference is that mo st o f the co urses do no t have mandato ry ho mewo rk, tests o r midterms. Therefo re, all o r mo st o f yo ur co urse grade depends o n yo ur final pro ject o r
final grades. The pro fesso rs assign reco mmended readings and assignments, but fo r mo st co urses, they will no t check whether yo u have do ne the ho mewo rk. As a result,
it to o k mo re self mo tivatio n than at USC to keep up with class material.
In the classes that I to o k, my prfesso rs pro vided printed o r o nline hando uts. I o nly had to buy a bo o k fo r o ne class. I really liked this!! In additio n, there was a lo t o f gro up
wo rk. In effect o ne o f my classes elimited the final and we were graded in o ur presentatio n and team co ntributio n. This may seem to leasen the wo rk lo ad but yo u have to
make sure yo u do yo ur part.
In general, the main difference between ESADE co urses and the o nes I have taken at USC are that ESADE co urses emphasize a lo t mo re gro up wo rk, presentatio ns, and
case studies. I liked this difference fo r an internatio nal exchange experience because it allo wed us the o ppo rtunity to wo rk clo sely with students fro m aro und the wo rld and
to learn fro m ho w they appro ach different pro blems. It was also interesting to learn abo ut the structure o f co urses at o ther internatio nal universities. In additio n, ano ther
difference is that mo st o f the co urses do no t have mandato ry ho mewo rk, tests o r midterms. Therefo re, all o r mo st o f yo ur co urse grade depends o n yo ur final pro ject o r
final grades. The pro fesso rs assign reco mmended readings and assignments, but fo r mo st co urses, they will no t check whether yo u have do ne the ho mewo rk. As a result,
it to o k mo re self mo tivatio n than at USC to keep up with class material.
There is definitely a difference between co urse structure since in Spain mo st classes are very case and discussio n based. There is a lo t o f fo cus o n the final presentatio n
and exam, that co mpro mise a huge po rtio n o f the grade. Mo reo ver, the teachers use mo stly po werpo ints and do no t rely o n textbo o ks (bo o ks weren't required fo r any o f
my co urses). Thus, it is crucial to attend the lectures since they co intain much o f the learned info rmatio n.
Grades are insignificant to the instructo rs, they stress quality o f wo rk mo re than length and do no t fo cus o n grades nearly as much. It was difficult in the beginning when the
Americans wo uld ask abo ut grades and the instructo rs didn't have answers and the Spanish students kind o f laughed that we cared so much. After we go t used to it, it was
nice and much less stressful. I felt that I learned a lo t abo ut presentatio n skills and ho w to relax in the less stressful enviro nment.
Same structure
Structure differed co urse by co urse. Overall, there was less ho mewo rk. One class was 10 0 percent final exam. The rest placed alo t o f emphasis o n papers. Mo st papers
were perso nal reflective essays, go ing alo ng with the themes o f my classes. Classes also met o nce a week fo r 3 ho urs each. Like at USC there are different styles with
each instructure. So me lecture fo r 3 straight ho urs and are co mpletely o blivio us to students reactio ns. Others are extremely interactive, even mo reso than so me American
instructo rs. Overall, I liked the appro ach to educatio n.
Mo re gro up wo rk and attendance did no t matter. End-lo aded to o with a lo t o f preparatio n fo r the final. No midterms.
Lo ng class perio ds but usually o nly o nce a week and fo r 10 weeks. I really liked this system, it seemed a lo t mo re efficient.
The co urses at ESADE are much mo re discussio n and case based. There are no textbo o ks o r listed curriculum o f "what yo u sho uld learn by the end." Of co urse, there is a
curriculum, but it just isn't as clear as at USC. All my testing was either gro upwo rk, cases o r papers. Altho ugh this was go o d fo r a semester abro ad because I co uld slack,
o verall I like the American style better.
So me o f the co urses lasted o nly half the semester, which was to ugh to get used to . But it did pro vide fo r variety in the studies. Also , a go o d deal o f the grades rested o n the
final pro ject o r exam, no t ho mewo rk.
ESADE classes were much mo re team-o riented than USC. Mo st o f o ur grades were based o n pro jects, in which we teamed up in gro ups o f 3 - 5. These pro jects were all
based o n real-life, current, and glo bal cases and since my team members were fro m co untries such as Greece, Germany, and France, it gave me a multicultural
understanding o f these cases. In additio n, it was a great to see ho w the students fro m different backgro unds attacked these cases in different ways. Also , since we had so
many gro up pro jects, there was mo re mo tivatio n to do well in the classes because my effo rts wo uld also affect ho w well o thers perfo rmed in the class. Our final exams
were o ur o nly individual pro jects and were a large part o f o ur final grade. They were all gro uped into a co uple o f weeks at the end o f the semester. Ho wever, mo st o f the
exams fro m my classes were take-ho me o r essay exams in which we co uld use o ur no tes. The instructio n at ESADE was less based o n grades (we rarely saw the grades
we go t o n o ur pro jects) and mo re based o n actual learning which I benefited greatly fro m. A big difference was also the duratio n o f each class - all o f my classes were three
ho urs lo ng with a sho rt break in the middle. I gro uped all o f my classes o n Mo nday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, which was exhausting, but I go t my classes o ut o f the way at
the beginning o f the week and saved time traveling back and fo rth.
Similar in terms o f being based o n class discussio n, and fewer but larger assignments. No traditio nal exams such as multiple cho ice. Mo re case, paper, and gro up pro ject
The structure o f all classes taught at ESADE grades students o n the basis o f gro up pro jects and gro up wo rk, which takes so me getting used to . Having gro up wo rk o nce in
a while in o ne o f two classes is nice because yo u learn fro m o thers, but having it all the time in all classes is hard to co o rdinate in terms o f time and scheduling.
There are less tests and mo re gro up pro jects. I prefer the individual evaluatio n o f USC better because a lo t o f the time peers are mo re fo cused o n traveling than getting the
wo rk do ne.
The co urses are much mo re gro up-based which I liked but the pro fesso rs were no t as pro fessio nal and o rganized.
The co urses are 3 ho urs lo ng and o nce a week. No co urses are o ffered between 12-3PM. These differences were very suitable fo r this pro gram because if yo u cho se to
live in the city, the co mmute was lo ng and this structure allo wed fo r making less trips to the scho o l. Ho wever, I do no t think I wo uld like these differences if they o ccurred at
I lo ved that it was a lo t o f independent study and that it was no t just abo ut memo rizing terms and ideas.
To ns o f gro up pro jects. Usually no finals.
They meet o nce a week and all inco rpo rated gro upwo rk heavily which is usually a great way to meet peo ple, but so metimes very frustrating. There are less assignments,
and mo re heavily weighted to wards the midterm o r final. Several classes had a final paper rather than exam which was co nvenient because yo u co uld co mplete it o n yo ur
o wn time.
The classes were much smaller and yo u go t to kno w yo ur pro fesso rs mo re. The classes are very interactive and there is lo ts o f gro up wo rk with students fro m all o ver the
wo rld, which is great. The to pic matter in so me o f the classes was very different than the typical classes o ffered at USC, which was a nice change. Many o f the classes
o ffered a lo t mo re ro o m fo r perso nal gro wth, reflectio n, and develo pment.
I liked that classes were taught to wards discussio ns rather than tests
Classes meet 1x/wk fo r either two , three, o r fo ur ho urs at a time. Yeah, it’s lo ng as hell. But the semester is o nly abo ut 8 -10 wks lo ng which is nice. Classes can be really
hard to sit thro ugh but at least yo u do n’t have to meet again later in the week. Lo ts o f gro up pro jects which is a go o d way to meet new students fro m aro und the wo rld
(altho ugh mo st likely tho se students will be either American o r Canadian. Classes are all in English, so if yo u plan o n writing yo ur applicatio n essay abo ut ho w yo u want to
“integrate” within Spanish culture and learn the language (which is a bad idea in the first place) yo u might want to think again…
Yes. The structure was very different at ESADE. There is much less day-to -day ho mewo rk and mo re fo cus o n final pro jects and the midterm examinatio ns. In so me
classes, this was abo ut 70 -8 0 percent o f the class.
Classes are o nce a week, but each class is lo nger (mo st being 3 ho urs). A lo t o f gro up wo rk and presentatio ns so hard to co o rdinate but go o d fo r getting to kno w peo ple.
Mo re semester lo ng gro up pro jects, less textbo o k reading/tests. I really liked it because it was mo re interactive.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
35. Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld particular
reco mmend? Please explain:
T e xt Re spo nse
Gerard Co sta is to my experience, o ne o f the finest pro fesso rs at ESADE. I had the o ppo rtunity to take two classes with him (Marketing So cial and Trade & Catego ry
Management) and have him as a guest speaker o n a third class. He makes the class very dynamic, entertaining, and makes sure to explain difficult co ncepts tho ro ughly. In
his lectures, he balances theo ry and impo rtant co ncepts with mo re practical activities, as well as brings guest speakers fro m different secto rs and industries.
Spain: Recent Histo ry and Leadership
(As stated befo re, I o nly to o k marketing classes) If yo u can, take any po ssible class with Gerard Co sta, he es the best pro fesso r I have ever had. He applies theo ry to
practical cases and events, and explains the co ncepts in a very clear way. He is strict but lenient (kno ws ho w to have balance between the two ), and has a go o d sense o f
humo r. As far as classes go , Estrategias de marketing internacio nal (Internatio nal marketing strategies) was o ne o f the best classes I to o k there. The class is based o n
case studies class, in which yo u put theo ry into practice, and learn real-business cases.
I reco mmend the Internatio nal Finance class with Lydia Ro ss. It was o ne o f the best classes that I to o k at ESADE because it was very interactive, and the “hands-o n”
appro ach helped me understand many o f the co ncepts. Pro fesso r Ro ss was really interested in each o f her students and knew each perso n by name. She also held
individual meetings with gro ups to o ffer advice fo r gro up pro jects. Ho wever, there is mo re wo rk in this class than so me o f the o ther classes fo r exchange students and
depending o n the co mmitment o f the o ther peo ple in yo ur gro up, this class can also be mo re time co nsuming (It was wo rth it!).
Key Acco unts Management - Victo r No guer Internatio nal Fiance - Lydia Ro s Trade and Catego ry Management - Gerard Co sta
I reco mmend the Internatio nal Finance class with Lydia Ro ss. It was o ne o f the best classes that I to o k at ESADE because it was very interactive, and the “hands-o n”
appro ach helped me understand many o f the co ncepts. Pro fesso r Ro ss was really interested in each o f her students and knew each perso n by name. She also held
individual meetings with gro ups to o ffer advice fo r gro up pro jects. Ho wever, there is mo re wo rk in this class than so me o f the o ther classes fo r exchange students and
depending o n the co mmitment o f the o ther peo ple in yo ur gro up, this class can also be mo re time co nsuming (It was wo rth it!).
I wo uld reco mmend Pro fesso r Jaime Sabal, with who m I had 2 co urse: Bo lsas y Mercado s Internacio nales (CAPM) and Real Estate Financial Management. Bo th o f these
classes were extremely interesting and engaging and I fo und that I acquired a lo t o f useful and relevant kno wledge.
I reco mmend taking at least o ne seminar in the beginning o f the semester (befo re classes start) these are week lo ng classes that are intensive and award full semesters
wo rth o f credit. They are very info rmative and a go o d learning experience. Also , they allo w yo u to get to kno w the o ther study abro ad students fro m America, Canada, Asia,
Italy, and a few Spanish students to o k these classes as well.
Yes, there are week-lo ng seminars that co unt as full semester co urses. They are at the beginning o f the semester and are extremely interesting yet challenging. By taking
them yo u can clear up yo ur schedule fo r the remainder o f the semester. I also reco mmend Managing Inno vatio n and Leadership.
Amy Leaverto n was aweso me. She was extrememly interactive and skilled at o rganizing class so that the 3 ho ur sessio ns were very interesting. Her Leadership class
co nsists o f alo t o f activities, and altho ugh so me (like MBTI) also happen at USC, she has great feedback and co mmentary. I also enjo yed Co nxita Fo lguera's Mo tivatio ns,
Values, and Co mmittment class, altho ugh so me o f the lectures were dry, and o ther students didn't always appreciate this.
Leadership with Pro fesso r Leaverto n -yo u learn a lo t abo ut yo urself in that class.
I wo uld definitely reco mmend Media Co nvergence and New Business Mo dels with Santiago Co lo mina. No t o nly is the subject really interesting, Santiago wo rks at the
Catalan TV statio n and to o k us o n 3 "field trips" to visit different businesses tackling the pro blems o f media co nvergence (ie. ho w the barriers between traditio nally different
industries such as TV, pho ne and internet are breaking do wn). I wo uld also stro ngly reco mmend Leadership with Amy Leaverto n. It's fun, easy, and interesting.
Media Co nvergence & New Business Mo dels by Santiago Miralles: This teacher was actually a manager at a TV statio n (TV3), and knew the inner wo rkings o f the industry
first-hand. He was enthusiastic abo ut his material and no t o nly went o ver the trends and crazy new techno lo gy, but co uld explain it (he was an engineer) in laymen's terms.
Business Enviro nment and Public Po licy by Tamyko Figueres: She was trained in Harvard Law Scho o l, and is o ne o f the mo st brilliant teachers I've ever had. The co urse is
NOT abo ut enviro nmental issues, rather it's abo ut ho w business and go vernment interact, mo re like a philo so phy class.
Supply Chain Management - many MBA students fro m different backgro unds, small gro up pro jects, and an amazing pro fesso r.
ESADE o ffers intensive week lo ng co urses befo re the o fficial start o f the scho o l term (mid January) that allo ws yo u to co mplete o ne who le co urse in that week instead o ver
the co urse o f the semester. This is ho w I was able to take less classes fo r the rest o f the term and fit the rest o f my classes into two days per week.
Definitely take Pro fesso r Alex Fernandez's co urses like Spain: Recent Histo ry and Spanish Art and Culture. He is, by far, the best pro fesso r at ESADE. He takes a real and
perso nal interest in student's learning, and go es o ut o f his way to arrange culture immersio n activities such as lunch at extremely lo cal places. I understand it wo uldn't
co unt fo r Business credit, but it's mo re than wo rth it to get a real Spanish experience and understanding o f the Catalan culture.
So cial Entrepreneurship with Clara Navarro .
Fashio n Design, Strategic Branding and Inno vatio n- This was less o f a fo cus o n fashio n and mo re o n strategy behind ho w brands are established and o n ho w yo u wo uld
go branding yo urself. It was a co urse that I fo und very applicable. I wo uld also reco mmend Media Co nvergences and New Business Mo dels because it is all case based
and the Pro fesso r held an executive po sitio n at the Catalan TV netwo rk (TV3) and he bro ught o ur class o n a field trip to the studio s. There he was able to elabo rate the
drastic changes that have o ccurred in the Media industry. He also had very reputable guest speakers.
The Spanish Art and Culture co urse by Alex Fernandes is pheno minal. Fo r tho se who are interested in Marketing and can speak Spanish, the Brand Management co urse in
Spanish was my favo rite by far
Alexander de Ferdnandez Castro - aweso me teacher and very kno wledgeable. He teaches Spanish histo ry and art/culture - bo th o f which I to o k. Tho ugh they do no t co unt
fo r business credit, they were my favo rite co urses by far. Yo u learn a lo t abo ut where yo u are studying, histo ry, po litics, and impo rtant cultural differences. He teaches in an
engaging way, and also takes the class o n a field trip which is fun.
Creativity and Inno vatio n with Queralt Prat Pubill and Teresa Guardans was great. Also , Alex Fernandez Castro is AMAZING! Take any class with him if yo u get the
o ppo rtunity. He teaches a class o n Spanish Art, Spanish Histo ry, and Spanish film. He is very passio nate abo ut what he teaches and gets the students very invo lved, with
lo ts o f o ppo rtunities o utside o f the classro o m to experience Spanish culture.
Depends o n yo ur interests
yo u really do nt have very many class o ptio ns so there is no real po int in reco mmending pro fesso rs. There arent multiple pro fesso rs teaching different sectio ns o f the
same class. yo u get what yo u get and thats life at ESADE.
I wo uld definitely reco mmend my Management o f Organizatio nal Culture pro fesso r!
Alex Fernandez de Castro -- Spanish Art and Culture class. Even tho ugh it was early mo rning it he made it exciting to go to class every week.
Spanish Art and Culture with Alex was aweso me. Learning all abo ut Spain and Barcelo na really enhanced the study abro ad experience.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
36 . Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld advise against taking?
Please explain:
T e xt Re spo nse
I perso nally liked all the co urses I to o k.
Emerging Eco no mies
No ne
I wo uld advise against taking the elective co urse (1.5 unit class) titled “Creative Pro blem So lving in Management,” with Jo se Luis Silva because the class had little to do
with pro blem so lving o r business. The majo rity o f classes co nsisted o f watching video s and writing summaries, o r filling in wo rksheets abo ut the video s. The “Emerging
Eco no mies” class with Pere Puig had a lo t o f po tential to be go o d because it co vered really interesting to pics, but unfo rtunately his teaching style made it hard to learn the
info rmatio n. He o ften pasted many quo tes fro m vario us articles o n the slides and pro ceeded to read o ff o f every slide. Ho wever, Pro fesso r Puig also invited many guest
speakers who were specialists in the vario us to pics and many o f the guest speakers were very interesting.
Emerging Eco no mies - Pere Puig - He is super bo ring. His po wer po int lecuture is a mess.
I wo uld advise against taking the elective co urse (1.5 unit class) titled “Creative Pro blem So lving in Management,” with Jo se Luis Silva because the class had little to do
with pro blem so lving o r business. The majo rity o f classes co nsisted o f watching video s and writing summaries, o r filling in wo rksheets abo ut the video s. The “Emerging
Eco no mies” class with Pere Puig had a lo t o f po tential to be go o d because it co vered really interesting to pics, but unfo rtunately his teaching style made it hard to learn the
info rmatio n. He o ften pasted many quo tes fro m vario us articles o n the slides and pro ceeded to read o ff o f every slide. Ho wever, Pro fesso r Puig also invited many guest
speakers who were specialists in the vario us to pics and many o f the guest speakers were very interesting.
Co rpo rate So cial Respo nsibility so metimes felt like a waste o f time. I felt that such a fascinating subject was no t pro perly co vered.
Mo tivatio ns, Values, and Co mmitment is a dry and repetitive class. Ho wever, I fo und that I did learn a lo t abo ut managing peo ple and mo tivatio n when I reflect back o n the
class. No class was bad fo r me, but I heard that the finance classes were very hard and demanding.
Pere Puig and Io nna Chappu teach Emerging Eco no mies, and this class is based o n alo t o f eco no mic principles. Go o d info rmatio n is co vered, yet the way it is presented
is difficult. Mo st lectures are acco mpanied by lo ng po werpo ints filled with wo rds and statements (each ppt has mo re info than mo st co urses co ver in a semester), and the
pro fesso rs basically have their back to the class and just read o ff the slides, which can make the 3 ho urs seem lo ng, in additio n to pro cessing all the info rmatio n fo r exams
difficult. The exam did end up being fair tho ugh with 50 % being a takeho me and the o ther 50 % being in class. Altho ugh his Do ing Business Acro ss Cultues is interesting,
mo st peo ple wo uld agree that Ro ger Bell is a co ntro versial grader, altho ugh he seems to like when students challenge his grades,and he o ften adjusts them afterwards.
Do no t take finance classes if yo u can help it.
Meh- my o ther two co urses (Marketing in Spain and Co municácio n de Marketing y Co rpo rativa) were bo ring but no t to o hard. So I wo uldn't necessarily advise against them
but they definitely weren't fun. I also to o k the seminar Internatio nal Business Strategy which was extremely interesting but also very hard.
Marketing in Spain ended up being a general marketing class--no t to o much insight into Spanish culture and trends.
Public Po licy and the Enviro nment - I tho ught this class was abo ut green-friendly public po licies, but was disappo inted. Instead, it was a class with endlessly dull po wer
po ints, co nfusing pro jects, and way to o much reading.
Quantitative classes require valid effo rts (fro m what I hear). So me classes have stringent attendance po licies - do uble check these!
Glo bal Supply Chain Management was a pretty dull and un-info rmative class.
Media Co nvergence and New Business Mo dels Managing Services
Co rpo rate So cial Respo nsibility- there were three pro fesso rs fo r this co urse, each with different teaching styles and grading metho ds which made the co urse very
co nfusing in terms o f expectatio ns and pro cessing info rmatio n.
Change Management fo r Service Excellence was quite dull.
Business and Sustainability with Matt Murphy- mo st bo ring class ever. Applied Po rtfo lio Management with Ramo n Alfo nso . Teacher is very bo ring. All his slides are
co py/paste fro m Wikipedia and Investo pedia
So me o f the teachers are no t as co mmitted to their jo bs as USC pro fesso rs are. Ho wever, no bo dy was unbearable.
To urism and Leisure Management. The pro fesso r was very difficult to understand
To urism & Leisure Management was go d-awful
My pro fesso r in my finance co urse, Ramo n Alfo nso , was a very nice perso n but to o k all o f his class no tes fro m wikipedia and investo pedia...
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
37. Has participatio n in this pro gram influenced yo ur academic o r career
go als? Ho w?
T e xt Re spo nse
This pro gram has definitely helped me bo th, academically and pro fessio nally. By co mpleting my co ncentratio n abro ad, I was able to learn much mo re abo ut Internatio nal
business, and abo ut the Euro pean systems/markets/co nsumers/etc.
It has made me appreciate o ther cultures mo re. I wo uld also co nsider wo rking abro ad.
Definitely. In acco rdance to my career go als in internatio nal business, I was able to learn much mo re abo ut the Euro pean markets and industries. In additio n, I was able to
learn different perspectives (Euro pean/Spanish) o n do ing business.
Befo re studying at ESADE I was planning o n pursuing a career in internatio nal finance and/o r real estate, particularly in East Asia. Participating in this pro gram has greatly
increased my interest in internatio nal business and the wo rld, but has also intro duced me to several o ther business areas that I wo uld also like to explo re. Fo r example,
due to ESADE’s strength in marketing and case analysis, participating in the pro gram has helped increase my interest in marketing and strategic management o r
co nsulting. The pro gram also increased my interest in the Euro pean Unio n and po ssibly pursuing business o ppo rtunities in Euro pe.
Key Acco unts and Trade Marketing have a fo cus o n sales management which I enjo yed. Yo u learn principles that will be valuable in any discipline. Usually we wo uldn't be
able to take similar co urses at USC.
Befo re studying at ESADE I was planning o n pursuing a career in internatio nal finance and/o r real estate, particularly in East Asia. Participating in this pro gram has greatly
increased my interest in internatio nal business and the wo rld, but has also intro duced me to several o ther business areas that I wo uld also like to explo re. Fo r example,
due to ESADE’s strength in marketing and case analysis, participating in the pro gram has helped increase my interest in marketing and strategic management o r
co nsulting. The pro gram also increased my interest in the Euro pean Unio n and po ssibly pursuing business o ppo rtunities in Euro pe.
In a way, no w I definitely want to co ntinue my career o r educatio n in Euro pe.
Yes, I learned that I really enjo y wo rking with peo ple fro m different backgro unds. It is a learning experience and fo rces yo u to see things fro m different perspectives. My
favo rite part o f the academic side o f the pro gram was that we wo rked in gro ups a lo t and were fo rced to wo rk with peo ple fro m co untries different than o ur o wn.
Rather than impacting my go als, it has stimulated me to mo re stro ngly pursue my go als. Having been expo sed to Euro pean/Canadian undergrad+grad students, I take my
go als much mo re serio usly.
Yes, I co ntinue to be very interested in o ther cultures, and I no w kno w that I wo uld be very co mfo rtable living and wo rking in ano ther co untry, which is so mething I wo uld
have never even co nsidered previo usly.
Yes. I have a mo re glo bal educatio n and I feel that i understand ho w business wo rks internatio nally than I did befo re.
Yes, I wo uld lo ve the o ppo rtunity to live abro ad while wo rking so metime in the future.
It sho wed me that wo rking in internatio nal business co uld be a great future career go al. I lo ved lo o king at ho w different cultures affected business and wo uld lo ve to explo re
wo rking internatio nally o r helping smo o th the cultural pro blems in merging/takeo ver situatio ns.
My Media Co nvergence class certainly o pened my eyes to the death o f bro adcast TV and the intro ductio n o f new media mo dels--pushing me to pursue business that is
mo re internet-fo cused. My public po licy class also expo sed me to public po licy wo rk, and ho w to wo rk with the go vernment instead o f FOR the go vernment. Neat to pics to
bring back to the States.
The classes, students, and pro fesso rs I had the o ppo rtunity to spend a semester with o pened my eyes to ho w internally fo cused American business can be. ESADE has
definitely made me co nsider pursuing a career abro ad.
This pro gram re-affirmed my interest in pursuing internatio nal career paths.
It's made me mo re o pen to the idea o f internatio nal emplo yment.
I think it has heightened my appreciatio n fo r o ther cultures.
Taking So cial Entrepreneurship has helped me realize that I can co mbine business with philanthro pic values.
Yes, it has reinstated my desire fo r a career with internatio nal relatio ns that allo ws me to co mmunicate with different natio nalities and use my multi-lingual abilities.
Yes, the Brand Management class co nfirmed that I wanted to pursue brand strategy as a career.
I have o pened up my mindset o n what I can do in my life. After meeting so many peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld with such different experiences and plans, I have realized
that I have so many o ptio ns in my life and I do no t have to fo llo w o ne set path.
Go t a lo t o ut o f it career-wise o utside o f the classro o m
Just reinfo rced ho w small the wo rld is, ho w impo rtant it is to understand what is happening aro und the wo rld and ho w it impacts yo u o n a daily basis (i.e. financial crisis in
Euro pe affecting US eco no my o r LIBOR in England affecting interest rates in the US, etc). Definitely reminded me that I want to wo rk internatio nally at o ne po int, to o .
Made me a little mo re interested in finance/po rtfo lio management.
makes me want to pursue a career that allo ws me to travel o r engage internatio nally
Yes, wo uld like internatio nal o ppo rtunities
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Please tell us abo ut yo ur experience with the fo reign language o f yo ur
ho st co untry: 38 . Besides English, what is (are) the language(s) mo st
pro minently spo ken o n the campus o f the university where yo u studied?
T e xt Re spo nse
Spanish and Catalan
Catalan is the predo minant language. Castilian (Spanish) is the seco nd mo st spo ken language.
Catalan, Castellano (Spanish)
Catalan (even if yo u speak Spanish, yo u can't understand it) and Spanish!!!
Catalan, Castellano (Spanish)
Spanish, Catalan
Spanish, Italian
Spanish, Italian
Spanish and Catalan
Spanish, Catalan
Spanish and Catalan
Spanish, Catalan (no t as much, but amo ng lo cals)
Catalan, Spanish, German
Catalan, then Spanish
Catalan and Castillan
Spanish, Catalan
Spanish and Catalan
Catalan and Castilian
Spanish, Catalan
Spanish, Catalan
Spanish, Catalan
Spanish, Catalan (NOT THAT MUCH DON'T WORRY!)
Catalan, Spanish
Catalan, Spanish
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
39 . Did yo u speak the ho st language, o r receive any language training in
the ho st language prio r to , o r during yo ur semester abro ad? If yes, please
T e xt Re spo nse
Mo stly English. There is a free spanish class at the beginning o f the semester.
Castilian is actually my first language.
I spo ke high scho o l level Spanish befo re go ing to Barcelo na. I to o k ESADE's two week language co urse prio r to the start o f the semester.
I am fluent in Spanish.
I spo ke high scho o l level Spanish befo re go ing to Barcelo na. I to o k ESADE’s 2 week language co urse fo r exchange students befo re the semester started.
Yes, I studied Spanish previo usly fo r 6 years. I also had experience living and wo rking fo r 2 mo nths in Mexico City.
yes- my father and his family are fro m Argentina, I to o k Spanish fo r 5 years prio r to co llege and up to level 4 spanish at USC the semester befo re I left. I plan to take mo re
spanish electives sho uld my schedule allo w it this year.
I studied Spanish fo r 4 years in high scho o l, but I was o n the lo wer level o f medio cre when I arrived. I to o k the 2 week refresher co urse at ESADE which was very helpful and
a GREAT way to meet o ther exchange students. The peo ple who take the class sto o d clo se thro ugho ut the semester. I made so me Spanish friends, and the o wner o f my
apartment also lived in my apartment and she spo ke no English, so I used alo t o f Spanish. I also learned so me Catalan phrases.
a bit o f spanish fro m high scho o l
I to o k several years o f Spanish in middle scho o l & high scho o l and the language is spo ken in my ho use. During my time in Spain, I spo ke a little but impro ved my
understanding o f Spanish a lo t. I did no t kno w any Catalan and I no w kno w o nly a few phrases in that language.
I did no t receive any training, but I cho se to live with a gro up o f peo ple who o nly speak Spanish in the apartment. This, plus taking a class in Spanish and simply being o pen
to speak spanish with who ever was aro und, helped tremendo usly and put me miles ahead o f o ther internatio nal students. If yo u have the desire to learn and yo u put
yo urself into situatio ns where yo u are fo rced to , yo u will impro ve.
I studied Spanish in elementary and high scho o l. I definitely spo ke it when I traveled aro und Spain, and practiced with so me lo cal friends. It REALLY helps to have the
basics if yo u want to make lo cal friends--mo st Spaniards do n't speak the best English, so it helps to meet halfway.
I to o k Spanish in middle scho o l and in high scho o l, which helped in asking fo r directio ns and with taxis. It didn't help to o much, because altho ugh everyo ne speaks
Spanish, lo cals speak Catalan by default. Catalan is a mix between Spanish and French and it's inco mprehensible even if yo u're a stro ng Spanish speaker. Ho wever, ALL
o f the students and pro fesso rs and a majo rity o f the lo cals speak English, so language wasn't much o f a barrier.
I had taken high scho o l spanish classes prio r to go ing abro ad, but prio r to the beginning o f the semester, we were enro lled in a Spanish Intensive Crash Co urse in
Castillan Spanish that was pretty useful.
I to o k Spanish in high scho o l and to o k o ne semester o f higher level Spanish while at USC.
I learned Spanish in high scho o l but fo rgo t mo st o f it. I started speaking again in Barcelo na.
No , I spo ke Castilian fluently befo re arriving.
Yes, I was fairly co mpetent in Spanish befo re and to o k the Spanish Crash Co urse at ESADE as well
yes- 4 years in high scho o l and a 2 week intensive co urse at beginning o f pro gram abro ad.
No , but I fo und a Spanish tuto r by my apartment which was helpful in learning basic co nversatio nal Spanish.
I have taken Spanish classes thro ugh high scho o l.
I co uld understand it and to o k a two week crash co urse
Again, classes at ESADE are all in English which has its o bvio us pro s and co ns. Wo uld have lo ved to learn the language a little mo re, but then again I definitely wo uld have
struggled if my classes were all in Spanish. It's a trade o ff. Just try to find an apartment with spanish-speaking ro o mmates so that yo u can actually speak the language o n a
daily basis. There is a spanish crash co urse o ffered at the beginning o f the semester--take it just to meet peo ple.
Yes. Definitely take the two week intensive Spanish co urse! Its 2 weeks lo ng and starts at 8 am but definitely well wo rth it! Yo u meet students in the pro gram and get to brush
up o n yo ur spanish skills upfro nt. It's also very relaxed and the teachers are great (i had 2 different o nes because I switched into an easier class and they were great)
2 week intensive Spanish co urse befo re the pro gram
No . One week lo ng Spanish class
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Then rate:
Que st io n
Exce lle nt
Go o d
Po o r
T o t al Re spo nse s
Me an
3.0 0
1) Yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram:
2) Language training o n the pro gram:
3) Yo ur pro ficiency after the pro gram:
St at ist ic
1) Yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram :
2) Language t raining o n t he pro gram :
Min Value
3) Yo ur pro f icie ncy af t e r t he pro gram :
Max Value
3.0 0
1.0 7
0 .75
0 .76
Standard Deviatio n
1.0 4
0 .8 7
0 .8 7
To tal Respo nses
40 . Did cultural/so cial activities spo nso red by the pro gram assist yo u in
language acquisitio n?
T e xt Re spo nse
No .
I learned that mo st internatio nal students fo und themselves practicing Spanish o nly during the language training weeks. They were speaking English mo st o f the time.
No t really because in all o f these activities peo ple spo ke Eglish
I practiced with the Spanish students and they practiced their english.
No t so much (there weren't very many) but the 2 week co urse was helpful.
There was no "pro gram" at ESADE. We just went to scho o l there. So no , they did no thing to help.
No - mo st students are internatio nal so when we spent time with them, we spo ke in English.
Yes, we had co o king classes and wine tasting classes that were pretty interesting.
No , everyo ne spo ke English.
no t really, everyo ne spo ke English
Mo st students spo ke English as o ur classes were all taught in English, so no there was no t a lo t o f language acquisito in
Yes. The o rientatio n pro gram.
no t really
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
41. Did o utside/o ther activities help? Please explain.
T e xt Re spo nse
I had the o ppo rtunity to travel aro und Spain during the semester, which was nice because I go t to talk to lo cals fro m different to wns/cities.
Lo o king fo r ho using helped my Spanish abilities because many peo ple renting o ut ro o ms o nly spo ke Spanish.
Lo o king fo r ho using o n my o wn helped my language acquisitio n.
Yes, finding and intereacting with the natives o n my o wn definitely helped
I made an effo rt to speak spanish to everyo ne o utside o f my american friends
Yes, day to day tasks and interactio ns fo rced me to learn so me simple vo cabulary
Yes, I tried to speak whenever I co uld, and I became much mo re co mfo rtable co nversing in Spanish.
Yes - hanging o ut with ESADE lo cal students and Spaniards helped
Yes, in restaurants, sho pping, finding directio ns, etc.
YES, living with peo ple who spo ke spanish and fo rcing myself to speak spanish to them even tho ugh I knew they spo ke English to o .
Traveling to So uthern Spain (Andalucia) and self-study
I was timid in speaking Spanish with lo cals at first, but the mo re I practiced, the mo re co mfo rtable I felt with it - yo u will be amazed at what yo u still remember fro m high
scho o l Spanish classes! It was hard no t to speak in English because practically everyo ne did. Ho wever, I pro bably used mo re Spanish when I visited Madrid than in
Barcelo na. Catalan was impo ssible to learn.
Language acquisitio n is mo re so facilitated by independent effo rts to speak with native speakers. Students, ho wever, will want to speak English with yo u, and they are
Hanging o ut with lo cals always helps
Yes, every day interactio ns such as go ing to the gro cery sto re o r talking to my landlo rd helped me impro ve my Spanish. Additio nally, co ntinuo usly reading the signs
yes, but I had to find tho se o n my o wn.
Yes, especially dealing with Catalan Agents and Landlo rds, pho ne co mpanies, po st o ffices.
A lo t o f meeting lo cals was o n yo ur o wn
yes- simply go ing to the gro cery sto re, o rdering at restauraunts, taxis, meeting spanish peo ple
Speaking with lo cals was the main way to learn and practice Spanish
Yes just talking to peo ple
live with students who aren't american/canadian
Other activities o n campus, dinners in barcelo na that the IIEES put o n, also the ski trip!
yes, just daily interactio n with lo cal peo ple
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
42. What percentage o f students o n the campus o f yo ur ho st co untry
(wo uld yo u estimate) actively speak English?
T e xt Re spo nse
20 %
30 %
10 0 % (All the students I met spo ke at least co nversatio nal English.)
20 ~30 % mo stly co nversatio ns with internatio nal students. All lo cal students speak Catalan o r Spanish amo ng themselves. Mo stly all o f them are pro ficient in English.
10 0 % (All the students I met spo ke at least co nversatio nal English)
8 5%
9 5%
On campus mo st speak in Spanish o r Catalan but if appro ached in English pro bably clo se to 10 0 % wo uld respo nd in English.
All that are no t exchange students. Maybe 9 0 %.
8 5%
20 -30
10 0 % It is a requirement to attend ESADE.
70 %; This is difficult to determine because the students yo u will interact with the mo st and tho se yo u see in yo ur classes will be the o nes with the best mastery o f English.
It's hard to speak fo r the o ther students, who are the majo rity but with who m yo u will no t have much interactio n with.
8 5%
10 0 % speak English. Pro bably abo ut 6 0 % actively speak it.
40 -50 % speak English WELL, almo st everyo ne speaks a little
10 0
8 0 % (tho ugh general peo ple thro ugho ut the city I wo uld say much less, perhaps 50 %)
Mo st o f them
9 5%
75-10 0
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
43. Ho w wo uld yo u reco mmend that students prepare fo r language
differences abro ad?
T e xt Re spo nse
Ro setta Sto ne
Mo vies always help impro ve yo ur listening skills and understanding. Carry a po cket dictio nary with yo u. Practice simple/basic phrases
Since ESADE o ffers many classes in English, it is no t necessary to speak Spanish to do well in the classes. Ho wever, fro m what I heard, it seems that many o f the classes
o ffered in Spanish are o n average better. Therefo re, it wo uld be useful to brush up o n Spanish befo re go ing to Barcelo na. This co uld invo lve just reviewing bo o ks fro m
previo us co urses o r watching TV sho ws o r mo vies in Spanish. ESADE o ffers two free pro grams fo r exchange students befo re classes start. One that is lo nger and mo re
intensive fo r tho se who do no t speak any Spanish and by the end, mo st students learned eno ugh to get aro und Spain o n their o wn. There is also a sho rter pro gram fo r
students who have learned so me Spanish and is a go o d refresher co urse. I highly reco mmend participating in o ne o f these pro grams because this is where yo u can also
meet many o ther exchange students befo re the semester starts.
Take the Spanish training lesso ns in yo ur exchange pro gram. If po ssible take Spanish co urses befo rehand so yo u can practice even mo re. Do n't be afraid and let peo ple
kno w that yo u want to learn so they can help yo u o ut!
Since ESADE o ffers many classes in English, it is no t necessary to speak Spanish to do well in the classes. Ho wever, fro m what I heard, it seems that many o f the classes
o ffered in Spanish are o n average better. Therefo re, it wo uld be useful to brush up o n Spanish befo re go ing to Barcelo na. This co uld invo lve just reviewing bo o ks fro m
previo us co urses o r watching TV sho ws o r mo vies in Spanish. ESADE o ffers two free pro grams fo r exchange students befo re classes start. One that is lo nger and mo re
intensive fo r tho se who do no t speak any Spanish and by the end, mo st students learned eno ugh to get aro und Spain o n their o wn. There is also a sho rter pro gram fo r
students who have learned so me Spanish and is a go o d refresher co urse. I highly reco mmend participating in o ne o f these pro grams because this is where yo u can also
meet many o ther exchange students befo re the semester starts.
Do n't wo rry abo ut it. Mo st peo ple had a go o d grasp o f English, especially since ESADE ho st many internatio nal exchange pro grams with students fro m all o ver the wo rld
that speak English. Besides, Barcelo na is a majo r to urist spo t and thus many lo cals have mastered the English language.
Take a semester o f the language, also there are intensive language co urses o ffered the week befo re the semester starts and yo u can meet o ther exchange students that
way also
If yo u can speak the ho st language, o r learn so me basics prio r to arriving, it will be appreciated.
Learn basic phrases like hello , ho w much do es this co st, ho w to ask fo r directio ns, do yo u speak english and have a dictio nary. In Euro pean co untries ERASMUS students
who travel fro m o ther Euro pean co untries are always lo o king to meet up with English speakers to practice and they usually also o ffer to teach their language and they po st
abo ut their interest in many ERASMUS facebo o k gro ups.
go in with an o pen mind and be willing to learn
Get a po cket dictio nary!
If yo u have previo us experience with Spanish, review a bit. I talked to the bussers and dishwashers at the restaurant I wo rked at. If yo u have no experience, I've heard
Ro setta Sto ne is go o d. Of co urse, I kno w peo ple who go t by no t learning any Spanish whatso ever, but I wo uldn't reco mmend that.
Self-study befo re, take the crash co urse at the beginning o f the semester
Speak to mo re lo cals and buy a co uple o f travel guides with lo cal phrases.
Kno w the basics.
It might be unco mfo rtable at first, but living/ro o ming with lo cals definitely helps in language and culture acquisitio n.
I wo uld say it is impo rtant to kno w so me basics, but it is no t necessary to be even clo se to fluent because eno ugh peo ple speak English to survive.
Try to pick up the basics and learn when yo u get there.
I did no t take it, but I wo uld say taking the Spanish Intensive co urse o ffered by the scho o l.
Do n't be afraid to practice! Everyo ne will want to speak English with yo u, but it is up to yo u to make the effo rt and actually get better.
practice befo rehand. Maybe do a ro setta sto ne.
Learn Spanish if yo u can, o ther than that be o pen and patient.
Make sure yo u kno w the basics by either taking a few classes o r reading a language bo o k. Yo u will feel mo re co mfo rtable if yo u at least kno w ho w to get aro und. That said,
a large po rtio n o f peo ple will be able to speak at least so me English
Learn the basics and differences between Spanish and Catalan
uhhh, Ro setta Sto ne?
Be o pen to trying! Everyo ne kno ws english at ESADE but be prepared to go fo r it even if yo u're spanish language skills aren't great!
learn basic co nversatio nal phrases
Be o bservant but language didn't po se a significant pro blem fo r me while abro ad
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Click to write Co lumn 2
Que st io n
No t Available
Available But No t Use d
Available And Use d
T o t al Re spo nse s
Me an
Ho using co o rdinatio n
On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt
Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles
Instructio nal facilities
2.8 9
Medical/dental facilities
Recreatio nal facilities
1.6 1
USC Financial Aid
Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles
St at ist ic
Ho using
co o rdinat io n
On-sit e pe rso nal
advising and inf o rm al
suppo rt
Orie nt at io n
in Lo s
Ange le s
Inst ruct io nal
f acilit ie s
Me dical/de nt al
f acilit ie s
Re cre at io nal
f acilit ie s
Co m m unicat io n
wit h o f f ice in
Lo s Ange le s
Min Value
Max Value
2.8 9
1.6 1
0 .48
0 .40
0 .77
0 .10
0 .6 9
0 .47
0 .56
0 .25
Deviatio n
0 .6 9
0 .6 3
0 .8 8
0 .31
0 .8 3
0 .6 9
0 .75
0 .50
To tal
Respo nses
Click to write Co lumn 2
Unacce pt able
Be lo w
Ave rage
Ave rage
Abo ve
Ave rage
Acce pt able
T o t al Re spo nse s
Me an
Ho using co o rdinatio n
On-site perso nal advising and info rmal
suppo rt
Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles
Instructio nal facilities
3.9 6
Medical/dental facilities
2.9 6
Recreatio nal facilities
2.9 3
USC Financial Aid
3.6 1
Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles
3.8 9
Que st io n
Ho using
co o rdinat io n
On-sit e pe rso nal
advising and inf o rm al
suppo rt
Orie nt at io n
in Lo s
Ange le s
Inst ruct io nal
f acilit ie s
Min Value
Max Value
St at ist ic
Re cre at io nal
f acilit ie s
Co m m unicat io n
wit h o f f ice in
Lo s Ange le s
Me dical/de nt al
f acilit ie s
3.9 6
2.9 6
2.9 3
3.6 1
3.8 9
0 .52
0 .56
0 .70
1.0 7
1.0 6
0 .8 4
Deviatio n
0 .72
0 .75
0 .8 4
1.0 4
1.0 3
0 .9 2
To tal
Respo nses
44. Did yo u live in...
Answe r
Re spo nse
Do rm
To tal
St at ist ic
Min Value
Max Value
2.0 4
0 .0 4
Standard Deviatio n
0 .19
To tal Respo nses
45. If yo u used STA Travel fo r transpo rtatio n arrangements, were yo u
satisfied? Please explain.
T e xt Re spo nse
Yes, I go t a go o d price and go o d service. They no tified me every time my flight go t cancelled and (after I called them) made the necessary arrangements with the airline fo r
me to get o n ano ther flight.
I bo ught a Eurail pass fro m STA travel. The travel agent was very helpful.
I did no t use STA.
No t used
No t used
Yes, they arranged the flight and I had no pro blems with any o f them.
Extremely. Well o rganized and lo w-prices.
Yes, they were very acco mmo dating and fo und great fares.
did no t use
Did no t use
Yes. Fo r my airfare. Yo u can change yo ur return flight fo r $50 ! Definitely bo o k with them.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
46 . Is there any aspect o f the pro gram that yo u wo uld like to see changed
o r different? (VERY IMPORTANT!)
T e xt Re spo nse
Finding ho using was the to ughest part o f the semester. I do n't kno w if there is much that can be do ne, because Esade do esn't have resedential facilities.
Mo re info rmatio n/o rientatio n abo ut ho using because it was difficult fo r all o f us to find it.
The mo st stressful and no t enjo yable aspect o f the pro gram was searching fo r ho using o n my o wn. It was very difficult and time co nsuming. Other than ho using po stings at
ESADE, there was no ho using co o rdinatio n. Even if ESADE can no t pro vide ho using, it wo uld be great if USC co uld wo rk with either alumni o r o ther services to help
co o rdinate ho using fo r students in Barcelo na. I was also unable to register fo r all the classes I wanted because o f difficulties with registratio n. It wo uld be helpful in the
future if either ESADE changed their registratio n system to o ne that is auto matic, o r they better explain the system to students befo re registratio n starts (fo r example, it is
very difficult to change classes).
I wish I had received a list o f ho using available fo r students to start the search fro m the USA. The list was available but til we went to lo o k fo r it at ESADE. Lo o king fo r an
apartment was a big hassle. I ho pe the new campus has acco mo datio n fo r internatio nal students.
The mo st stressful and no t enjo yable aspect o f the pro gram was searching fo r ho using o n my o wn. It was very difficult and time co nsuming. Other than ho using po stings at
ESADE, there was no ho using co o rdinatio n. Even if ESADE can no t pro vide ho using, it wo uld be great if USC co uld wo rk with either alumni o r o ther services to help
co o rdinate ho using fo r students in Barcelo na. I was also unable to register fo r all the classes I wanted because o f difficulties with registratio n. It wo uld be helpful in the
future if either ESADE changed their registratio n system to o ne that is auto matic, o r they better explain the system to students befo re registratio n starts (fo r example, it is
very difficult to change classes).
Help with ho using co o rdinatio n fro m the ho st university. A lo t o f students had tro uble finding their o wn living arrangements, especially tho se who se Spanish was very
limited. A better o rientatio n in Barcelo na that actually co ntains valuable and helpful info rmatio n. Better o rganizatio n ( I kno w that the Sant Cugat campus is new and there
are many lo gistical issues, but the fact that they haven't even given me a student card is ridiculo us)
The campus was under co nstructio n and just mo ved so it was difficult to get aro und and to find everything needed fo r suppo rt, but this will be do ne by next semester
Abso lutely no t
I was happy with my ho using acco mo datio ns, despite the 3 weeks it to o k me to find so mething (I lived in a ho stel fo r that time). What I fo und interesting was the co st o f the
pro gram and what was included. I paid USC tuitio n fo r classes, but at ESADE exchange students fro m public scho o ls paid their tuitio n (much lo wer) fo r the same
experience. I am also aware o f USC students who traveled thro ugh the Co llege who paid USC tuitio n and had ho using, fo o d, and a variety o f weekend trips included in the
same price. I liked the flexability o f the pro gram in being able to make my o wn decisio ns, but I paid much mo re mo ney than students in o ther pro grams. I kno w o f o ther
students who studied abro ad thro ugh o ther agencies that co ver classes, ho using, fo o d, and weekend trips (all co sting much less than IEP) and were able to transfer their
co ursewo rk (including business classes at Universitat Auto no mia de Barcelo na) to their US institutio ns. I'm curio us if Marshall wo uld accept such co ursewo rk, as this
wo uld be a cheaper alternative fo r a very co mparable experience.
enco uraging students to go earlier and stay lo nger!
Ho using was very difficult to find. Help with this wo uld have been a majo r plus.
Overall, mo re help and info rmatio n o n ho using!!! If we wanted to live in Barcelo na, we were pretty much restricted to finding a place with the o ther USC students. What I did
(go to Barcelo na, stay in a ho tel while lo o king at millio ns o f apartments) was very difficult and stressful (but, in my o pinio n, wo rth it). If there had been ANY info rmatio n o n
ESADE students who needed ro o mmates etc. wo uld have made it a lo t less stressful. Also , o rientatio n o ccurred a MONTH after I had already been living there! Maybe
make an early o rientatio n fo r students who take the seminars/language co urse. When they asked "who still needs so mewhere to live?" and no o ne raised their hands
because we had been there a mo nth stressing abo ut that very thing, I wanted to strangle so meo ne.
Mo re preparatio n fo r o ff-campus ho using wo uld be helpful. Using sites like lo cquo .co m o r co ntacting an agent befo re-hand were very helpful.
Finding ho using was a big pain. We were o n o ur o wn and we stayed in a ho stel fo r a week and a half befo re finding a place. When we arrived in Barcelo na, we were literally
o n o ur o wn and the o rientatio n at ESADE was no t until the first week o f scho o l. The internatio nal exchange pro gram at ESADE co uld have been mo re suppo rtive.
Have a clear cut list o f reliable ho using so urces fo r Barcelo na and a brief o utline o f the pro cess, i.e. when to start lo o king fo r ho using, pro s and co ns o f using a so urce with
an agent, nuances such as agency fees and utility fees, etc.
It wo uld be difficult to implement but I wish there were mo re variety o f classes o ffered in English at ESADE.
I think the co mmunicatio n between USC and the ho st pro gram co uld be impro ved. Additio nally, o n the ho st pro gram end, their class registratio n needs to be impro ved
because o ften classes wo uld be switched to Spanish witho ut no tifying the students.
I think there needs to be in increase o n co urses that we can take. There were many classes that I fo und interesting that I co uldn't take because it wo uld no t qualify.
Mo re integratio n with the ESADE students aside fro m co urses taken in Spanish. A little bit mo re assistance finding apartments/student ro o mmates. Quicker co mmunicatio n
and actio ns in administrative affairs.
I really think they sho uld help mo re with ho using o ptio ns. That way the exchange students wo uld live clo ser in pro ximity as well. I think that students sho uld be pushed to
take Spanish classes; I was actually disco uraged fro m do ing it and I ended up getting the highest grade in my Spanish class, and passed BOTH o f the business co urses I
to o k. I think taking Business classes in Spanish is really the mo st valuable thing abo ut this lo catio n, and I do n't kno w why it is disco uraged.
There needs to be mo re assistance to find ho using. Also , there is no t eno ugh interactio n with lo cal spanish students because everyo ne lives o ff campus in Barcelo na and
the scho o l is o utside o f Barcelo na.
I think it is strange the scho o l do es no t o ffer a real Spanish co urse that lasts an entire semester. I kno w there was a two week crash-co urse o ffered, which I was no t able to
co me early eno ugh to attend. Tho ugh fro m students I've spo ken to they did no t find it very helpful. This wo uld definitely enhance the pro gram. Other than that, abso lutely
great pro gram, no co mplaints!
I think a little mo re guidance o n finding apartments wo uld be helpful. Many students were charge exo rbitant fees fo r using agents, but there was no t really ano ther way to
find apartments.
No enjo yed it very much
It's a delicate balance: No do ubt that the quality o f instructio n at ESADE was garbage and it was clear that there was an entire curriculum dedicated just to exchange
students (aka dumbed do wn classes, less class cho ices, po o r instructo rs who didn't really care). So o n o ne hand I feel like I wasted tuitio n do llars. On the o ther hand do
yo u really want to ugh, challenging classes while abro ad? I do nt really kno w. If o nly the classes were mo re interesting and stimulating, but didn't have a lo t o f o utside
wo rk....that wo uld pro bably be an ideal wo rld haha.
Finding an apartment was very stressful because USC and ESADE do n't help at all! ESADE has do rm in Sant Cugat but yo u definitely do no t want to live there. Instead try to
find an apartment o nline thro ugh agencies o r craigslist sites such as Lo quo .co m. My lando rd was wo nderful and we had a great apartment next to the train that brings yo u
to scho o l. His name was ralph and his email is ralph@enjo y-apartments.co m. Ask fo r the 176 Arribau apartment fo r 4-5 peo ple!
a greater selectio n o f classes
Mo re advice o n ho using o ptio ns befo re leaving fo r Spain
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
47. Additio nal co mments o n services and co o rdinatio n.
T e xt Re spo nse
Overall, highly satisfied.
go o d!
yo u can ask the co o rdinato r if yo u need anything, they are willing to help
USC is o n to p o f everything, but as I was warned, ESADE do es things at its o wn pace. A go o d lesso n learned in Spain is no t to freak o ut because things will always get
do ne, but they may no t get do ne until much later that they wo uld in the US, as there is no rush. This is no table during the dro p/add perio d fo r classes (yo u can't just make
quick changes like at USC fo r registratio n). In my experience, I ended up no t being dro pped fo r a class I requested to dro p, and I fo und o ut at the end o f the semester that I
go t a 0 . After so me wo rk, I was able to dro p it, but registratio n wo rks much differently, and it is necessary to keep o n to p o f the adviso rs to make sure the changes yo u need
actually get do ne.
Overall go o d academic help.
Yo u must be VERY independent abo ut finding ho using in Barcelo na. Use a few key ho using websites, examine the site befo re making any so rt o f co mmitment, and be very
discerning abo ut the terms yo u agree to . Mo st co ntracts do n't charge fo r utilities until the very end, and it will be the majo rity o f yo ur very large depo sit. On the o ther hand,
apartment landlo rds are so metimes go o d abo ut pro viding mo st ho useho ld basics.
No ne.
I think living in apartments in Barcelo na (no t Sant Cugat, where the scho o l is lo cated), is the best ho using o ptio n and is very co nvenient and fun. Ho wever, I think a little bit
mo re guidance wo uld be helpful.
Very go o d
no ne
Live in the Eixample o r Go thic District is my recco mendatio n!
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Please tell us abo ut yo ur travel experiences. 48 . Ho w did yo u find yo ur
arrangements to the ho st institutio n?
Answe r
Re spo nse
Travel Agent
18 %
8 2%
To tal
Ot he r:
St at ist ic
Min Value
Max Value
1.8 2
0 .15
Standard Deviatio n
0 .39
To tal Respo nses
Wo uld yo u reco mmend this metho d?
T e xt Re spo nse
Yes, I wo uld reco mmend lo o king o nline and also with a travel agent, and go fro m there.
Orbitz.co m
Yes, it's fast and easy.
if yo u kno w ho w to schedule a flight
The website had limited info rmatio n.
Yes. I go t a great deal fro m Orbitz.
Yes, but it depends o n yo u. It's no t necessary
Yes, quick and reliable fo r the mo st part and gives yo u the ability to co mpare o ptio ns.
Do n't bo ther with a travel agent. It is very expensive and it is very easy to get flights o n expedia o r cheapo air.co m
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
49 . What was the average co st fo r ro und-trip tickets to yo ur ho st co untry?
T e xt Re spo nse
120 0 US do llars
$1,20 0
6 40
No t sure, I used miles
No idea, used po ints
They were belo w 10 0 0 ro undtrip when I bo o ked early, but when British Airways threatened to go o n strike the week I was suppo sed to leave and I lo o ked up a 1 way ticket
back, it was clo se to 40 0 0 do llars, so bo o k early.
1,10 0
8 0 -20 0 euro , varied a lo t depending o n destinatio n
free, used the parents miles
I go t a great deal fro m LAX to BCN fo r $6 0 0 , but it to o k lo ts o f checking befo rehand. Expect aro und $8 0 0
abo ut $6 50
$6 0 0
$140 0 .0 0
$10 0 0
140 0
Aro und $70 0 - LAX to BCN; Within euro pe average $70
used a miles ticket
$1,0 0 0
Go t thro ugh mileage but sho uldn't pay mo re than $1,0 0 0 .
My ro undtrip ticket was abo ut $10 0 0 fro m Califo rnia to Barcelo na, but I kno w o thers who go t it fo r abo ut $70 0
Aro und 8 0 0 I believe
$10 0 0 ?
$10 0 0
$9 0 0
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
50 . Ho w o ften did yo u travel and to where?
T e xt Re spo nse
Almo st every weekend. Paris, Italy, Lo ndo n, Madrid, Zarago za, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Mo ro cco , Malaga, Granada, Sevilla
Every two -three weeks. Aro und Spain during the semester, and aro und Euro pe o ne the semester was o ver. In Spain I wo uld reco mmend go ing to the Andalucia area
(So uth): Co rdo ba, Granada, and Sevilla. Also to the central area (Madrid, To ledo , Salamanca, Zarago za, etc)
During the semester I traveled o n average every o ther weekend and travelled mo stly thro ugho ut Spain (fo r example, to Madrid, Seville, and Salamanca). After the semester I
stayed fo r winter break and travelled aro und Euro pe.
I did so me travel befo re classes started. Then, I travel every 2-3 weeks. Spain (Granada, Sevilla, Co rdo ba, Madrid, Salamanca, Zarago za) France (Paris, Niza, Mo nte Carlo )
Switzerland (Geneva) Germany (Munich) Italy (Ro me, Flo rence, Pisa, Venice) Amsterdam Mo ro cco
During the semester I traveled o n average every o ther weekend and travelled mo stly thro ugho ut Spain (fo r example, to Madrid, Seville, and Salamanca). After the semester I
stayed fo r winter break and travelled aro und Euro pe.
I travelled abo ut every 2 weeks -- aro und Spain and in Euro pe (Switzerland, France, UK, Italy, Malta, etc.) I also ventured into Africa (Tunisia and Mo ro cco )
1-2 times per mo nth: Po rtugal, Italy, Seville (Spain), Madrid (Spain), England, Mallo rca (Spain), San Sebastian (Spain)
Every o ther week: Ireland, Prague, Madrid, Italy, Greece, Israel, Berlin, Switzerland, Amsterdam
Almo st every weekend (my weekends were Thurs-Sun, and there are so many ho lidays, that many weekends were lo nger). I didn't want to sacrifice my Barcelo na
experience, so I spent alo t o f time in the city, but I also traveled to these places: In Spain: Smaller cities surro unding Barcelo na (i.e. Tarrago na, Vilano ve i la Geltru,
Figueres) Valencia Madrid (and To ledo ) Basque Co untry (San Sebastian and Bilbao ) Andalucia (Seville, Co rdo ba, and Granada alo ng with nearby Gibraltar and Tangier,
Mo ro cco ) Ando rra (a really small co untry 3 ho urs drive fro m Barcelo na) Mo naco In France: Paris Pro vence (Aix en Pro vence, Arles, Po nt du Gard, Avigno n) The French
Riviera (Cannes and Nice) The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Zaanse Schans) Italy (Venice) Switzerland (Geneva and Zurich)
abo ut every o ther week (Italy, Sweden, Madrid, Mo ro cco , France)
Abo ut every 2 weeks. I traveled all aro und Spain, Ireland, Po rtugal, The Netherlands and Mo ro cco .
abo ut every o ther to every third weekend. I went to Venice, the Swiss and French Alps, Paris, Granada, Sevilla, Co rdo ba, Ireland, hiking thro ugh to wns no rth o f Barcelo na,
Nice, Lake Co mo in Italy, Prague, and Cro atia.
The first 2 mo nths I stayed aro und Spain, then traveled o ut. Pro bably twice a mo nth, no t including day trips!
Abo ut twice a mo nth when I was still in class: Paris, UK, Budapest, Dublin, Mo ro cco , Madrid, Ibiza, Amsterdam. After classes and exams ended in April, I visited Italy and
Appro ximately every o ther week, tho ugh no t the first 3 weeks, and o nly o ne trip during February. I left two weeks at the end o f the semester fo r mo re traveling. I reco mmend
mo re. Leave as much time at the end fo r relaxing in yo ur ho st city/co untry and traveling to tho se places yo u didn't get to during the semester. My itinerary, in o rder: 1) Paris,
France (I reco mmend go ing later, when it is warmer and no t sno wy/rainy) 2) Berlin, Germany 3) Dublin, Ireland 4) Spring break: Madrid/To ledo ; Gran Canaria, The Canary
Islands 5) Balearic Islands: Mallo rca and Ibiza 6 ) Amsterdam, The Netherlands 7) Lisbo n, Po rtugal 8 ) Marrakech, Mo ro cco
8 times to Greek Islands, Italy, Budapest, Prague, Madrid, Sego via, Lo ndo n, and Paris.
I traveled to Italy (3 cities, o ne trip) and aro und Spain (3 cities, 2 trips). Additio nally, I made day trips aro und Barcelo na by train.
A few weekends: Valencia, Bilbao , San Sebastian, Mallo rca, Flo rence, Venice, Ro me, Paris, Madrid, and Sevilla.
Once every 2 weeks. Vienna, Prague, Israel, Dublin, Lo ndo n, Lisbo n, Malta; Amsterdam; Spain: Madrid, Ibiza, Seville; France: Paris, Marseilles, Cannes; Mo naco ; Italy:
Naples, Po mpei, Po sitano , So rrento , Amalfi, Capri, Milan, Ro me, Flo rence, Venice
Mo ro cco , UK, Greece, Switzerland, many cities within Spain
two o ut o f three weekends. netherlands czech republic- prague spain- madrid, sevilla, san sebastian, Ibiza so uthern france hungary- budapest switzerland- Zermatt
mo ro cco - Marrakesh and Fez po rtugal- lago s and lisbo n germany- munich Cro atia- dubro vnik
Pro bably averaged to every o ther weekend: Amsterdam, Munich, Lo ndo n, Italy (Ro me, Flo rence, Cinque Terre), Israel Spain: Madrid, So uth (seville, granada, malaga),
Valencia, Mallo rca, Ibiza
I travelled almo st every two weeks thro ugho ut Euro pe and to No rthern Africa. I went to Madrid, Mo ro cco , Bilbao and San Sebastian, Italy, Malaga and Granada, and Greece.
After the pro gram I will travel to Mallo rca and Paris.
Lo ts o f cities in Spain, Manchester, Lo ndo n, Paris, So uth o f France, Italy
every o ther weekend
Every 2-3 weekends. Lo ndo n, Ro me, Flo rence, Budapest, Madrid, Seville, Sitges, Ando rra, Amsterdam, Brussels, Bruges, Marrakech, Fez, Lago s, Lisbo n, Munich, Berlin,
Prague, Drubo vnik (Cro atia)
o nce a mo nth- valencia, mallo rca, madrid, co penhagen, lo ndo n, geneva
Abo ut every 2 weeks. Paris, Ro me, Canary Islands, Valencia, Tarrago na, Co penhagen, Sweden, Munich, Amsterdam, Mallo rca
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
51. Did the structure o f the ho st institutio n's co urse schedule fo ster travel
o ppo rtunity o r prevent it? Why?
T e xt Re spo nse
Yes, because I was able to set up my schedule Mo nday thru Wednesday.
I perso nally scheduled my classes so that I was able to travel fro m Thursday to Sunday, it can definitely be do ne!
The structure o f the co urse schedule helped fo ster travel because it was co mmo n fo r students to o nly have class 3-4 days a week.
fo ster it
The structure o f the co urse schedule helped fo ster travel because it was po ssible (and co mmo n) fo r students to o nly have class 3-4 days a week.
The co urse schedule was very flexible and I arranged it so I wo uld o nly have classes 2 days a week - Tuesday (3 3hr classes) and Wednesday (2 3hr classes). This
allo wed me to travel a lo t and fo r lo ng perio ds o f time.
fo stered it because I had class mo nday-wednesday so I co uld travel thurs-sunday. It is easy to make yo urself a go o d schedule if yo u get o n it early
Fo stered--in class time was limited. Mo re fo cused o n a few large assignments.
To tally fo sters! Class Mo nday thro ugh Wednesday.
much travel o ppo rtunity! i o nly had class 2 days a week and had 5 days to travel
It fo stered travel, I o nly had class 3 days a week so was able to travel any weekend. There were also times when classes were canceled rando mly thro ugho ut the
Definitely fo stered.
It helped immensely--I o nly had class 3 days a week!
Yes, definitely. I o nly had classes Mo ndays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and had a chance to explo re Barcelo na o n o ff-days, as well as o ther co untries o n weekends and
spring break. Final exams ended in April, so I had all o f May to travel befo re returning ho me.
Yes. I was able to schedule my classes o n Tuesday and Wednesday o nly.
Yes. I was able to arrange my classes so that I had Friday to Mo nday free to travel.
It fo stered it fo r the mo st part because o ur wo rk was dependent o n when we co mpleted it witho ut being hindered by instructo rs.
We were able to schedule 3 days wo rth o f classes so I felt like there was plenty o f time.
Yes it fo stered. Each co urse met o nly o nce a week and so me co urses began earlier and ended earlier, creating lo nger week-ends. There was also a Spring break (Semana
Santa) and a rando m week where co urses did no t meet.
i was able to get my classes all fro m Tuesday - Thursday so I co uld have lo nger weekends
yes because classes o nly meet o nce a week, so I o nly had class o n Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Fo ster- co uld schedule 3-4 day weekends
It allo wed fo r travel o ppo rtunity. Many o f the co urses were o nly 4 weeks lo ng so fo r mo st o f my time here I o nly had two days o f class per week. There are many intensive
co urses o ffered, so yo u can get do ne with a who le class in o ne week. Yo u can definitely make yo ur schedule so that yo u have a sho rt scho o l week with plenty o f time to
travel. Ho wever, attendance is required fo r mo st classes, so yo u sho uld no t miss many classes. Yo u will need to plan yo ur travel aro und yo ur days o ff (which are many)
Fo stered, I do n't think anyo ne had Friday classes
yeah its a go o d structure. yo u'll have class 4 days/week max. maybe 3 if yo ure lucky
Yes! Yo u can schedule yo ur co urses fo r 2-3 days a week and get lo ng weekends every week :)
Fo sters it. I o nly had class 3 days a week. No bo dy had class o n fridays.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
52. Do yo u have any tips o r info rmatio n abo ut traveling while abro ad that
yo u wo uld like to share with upco ming exchange students preparing fo r their trip?
T e xt Re spo nse
Be wary o f Ryan Air. It seems like a cheaper airline, but the airpo rts are o ften further away and yo u end up paying a lo t fo r transpo rtatio n to them. Do n't be afraid to travel by
yo urself if yo u can't find anyo ne to go with yo u. Yo u will meet a lo t o f peo ple at ho stels.
If traveling within Spain o r to places clo se to where yo u are, use trains and buses. If yo u go to o far there are night trains available (with which yo u save ho tel mo ney and
time). The train website is: www.renfe.es, and the bus website that I wo uld reco mmend is: www.alsa.es. Night trains have different o ptio ns (with different prices), fo r example
there are so mewhat co mfo rtable beds available. Night buses are a bit unco mfo rtable.
Lo w co st airlines in Euro pe are o ften very, very inexpensive. Ho wever, usually the earlier yo u get the fares, the less expensive they will be, so I wo uld reco mmend planning
early. I wo uld also reco mmend travelling in the first two mo nths o f the pro gram and less later, because wo rk increases as the semester pro gresses. Trains and buses are
also great ways to travel aro und Spain. The Eurail pass can also help yo u save a lo t o f mo ney if yo u select the right pass and yo u plan to travel aro und Euro pe. Ho wever, I
wo uld no t reco mmend it is yo u are o nly buying it fo r Spain. Trains in Spain are o ften cheaper than in o ther Euro pean co untries, yet require higher ticket supplements than
o ther Euro pean co untries. If yo u plan to buy a Eurail pass, buy it at STA travel o r o nline befo re yo u leave because it is abo ut 20 % mo re expensive if yo u buy it in Euro pe at
the train statio ns.
I decided to buy a 1 mo nth Eurail pass. Yo u need to buy this o ne befo re yo u leave! It was really wo rth it. Its price differs based o n ho w many co untries yo u are visiting and
the lenght o f perio d o f its validatio n. This is benefitial if yo u are traveling fro m o ne city/co untry to o ther o ne by train. Yo u will be required to pay a bo o king fee o f 2-6 euro s
every time yo u get a train ticket. Then, yo u enjo y the ride! Also co nsider cheap airlines like Ryanair o r Click air. If yo u bo o k in advance yo u can find really go o d deals!!
Lo w co st airlines in Euro pe are o ften very, very inexpensive. Ho wever, usually the earlier yo u get the fares, the less expensive they will be, so I wo uld reco mmend planning
early. I wo uld also reco mmend travelling in the first two mo nths o f the pro gram and less later, because wo rk increases as the semester pro gresses. Trains and buses are
also great ways to travel aro und Spain. The Eurail pass can also help yo u save a lo t o f mo ney if yo u select the right pass and yo u plan to travel aro und Euro pe. Ho wever, I
wo uld no t reco mmend it is yo u are o nly buying it fo r Spain. Trains in Spain are o ften cheaper than in o ther Euro pean co untries, yet require higher ticket supplements than
o ther Euro pean co untries. If yo u plan to buy a Eurail pass, buy it at STA travel o r o nline befo re yo u leave because it is abo ut 20 % mo re expensive if yo u buy it in Euro pe at
the train statio ns.
Do so me research o n the ho st co untry, city, and institutio n. Co me prepared and be ready to co nfro nt any beauro cratical o r lo gistical issues (there are a lo t o f these in
Spain). Have fun and enjo y yo urself!
use the travel sites given to yo u in the o rientatio n fo r cheaper flights, travel with a carry-o n, buy a bed co ver (sleepingbag-like sheet to sleep in in ho stels to avo id bed
bugs), co o rdinate with friends also studying abro ad, do nt miss yo ur flights- arrive at least 40 minutes befo re flight, take advantage o f public transpo rtatio n and maps, have
fun but do n't travel to o much- enjo y yo ur ho st city!
Airfare is cheaper than trains. Mo mo ndo .co m, Skyscanner.net--if yo u have been to Euro pe, o r to the surro unding co untries, spend mo re time in yo ur co untry o f study.
Travelling with o thers can be fun as well as travelling alo ne. I did mo st o f my trips with o thers, altho ugh I did a o ne week trip so lo in the So uth o f Spain so lo , with plans to
meet o thers in Seville. Being alo ne in Euro pe was fine, but do n't go so lo to Mo ro cco even tho ugh it is right acro ss the water (think Catalina Island fro m LA), as being alo ne
in Tangier, Maro cco was NOT fun (yo u WILL stand o ut, and will be bo mbarded by peo ple who want to be yo ur to urguide and have yo u pay them). Other than that, be o pen
to places and enjo y because within a 1 ho ur flight radius yo u can see SOOOO much. And while the big famo us cities are wo rthy o f being famo us,so me o f the best places
to see are the small to wns near them. skyscanner.net is a go o d way to bro wse cheap flights. and yo u can find cheap flights fro m Giro na Airpo rt (abo ut an ho ur and a half
o utside o f Barcelo na). Trains are expensive. Also ro adtrips are expensive, with co sts o r gas and MANY to lls. If yo u're thinking abo ut go ing to Switzerland, it is also very
if yo u are in Spain, use Vueling Air. they are o ne o f the best lo w co st airlines
Bring a go o d backpack, yo u will be using it fo r all yo ur traveling.
It's cheaper than yo u think to travel! Also , if yo ur parents co me to visit, do so me o f yo ur traveling with them. I go t a Eurail pass fo r my final trip thro ugh eastern euro pe and
traveling by train is super fun and I lo ved waking up in a new co untry so do that if yo u can. Plan ahead. And please do n't be o ne o f tho se stupid Americans. We drink way
way way mo re than almo st any co untry in Euro pe, so be co nscio us o f tho se aro und yo u. Other than that, enjo y Barcelo na! The best part abo ut traveling fo r me was always
co ming back and thinking "thank Go d I'm back in Barca!" Enjo y yo ur city!
RyanAir is cheap, but I always regretted the decisio n to save $20 when I hit massive turbulence. Just a tho ught. Otherwise, save so me traveling fo r new peo ple--do n't just
stick to the same travel buddies. Branch o ff fro m USC kids and meet so me o ther exchange students o r even...lo cals!
If yo u are o n a budget, traveling is no t pretty - get ready to wear the same clo thes fo r a co uple o f days and walk until yo ur sho es fall o ff. With Barcelo na especially, do no t
o verestimate the amo unt o f time yo u have there. If yo u travel o n weekends, yo u will undo ubtedly miss o ut o n festivals and events. If yo u plan o n making friends with peo ple
o utside o f yo ur USC pro gram, yo u will miss o ut o n chances to just simply hang o ut with them. Traveling to two co untries a mo nth is mo re than eno ugh and yo u will leave
wishing yo u had just LIVED in a city rather than using it as a rest sto p. If yo u want to study abro ad fo r the chance to travel, go to a small-to wn university that rains a lo t. If yo u
want to study abro ad fo r the chance to explo re a city and still disco ver new things abo ut it the last week yo u're there, go to a city like Barcelo na.
See abo ve. Make no te o f any special ho lidays, festivals, that yo u may want to plan yo ur trips aro und. Ex: I went to Dublin fo r St. Patrick's Day and Amsterdam fo r Queen's
Day. An incredible o ppo rtunity! Do no t bo o k trips to o early. Fo r the budget traveler, yo u may want to plan aro und deals that are being o ffered thro ugh bo o king websites, i.e.
edreams, vueling, ryanair, etc. Yo u'll also want to be able to adjust yo ur plans acco rding to the interests o f yo ur new friends! Ryanair is no t wo rth it.
Have in mind where yo u want to visit befo re go ing and plan ahead because seaso nal weather makes a difference in yo ur travel plans.
Be prepared fo r the unexpected. Learn to just go with any o bstacles that po p up because no thing will go as planned.
Do n't travel to o much. Yo u have yo ur who le life to travel but o nly a few chances to live in yo ur ho st co untry.
Even tho ugh I traveled a lo t I still go t to spend a lo t o f time in Barcelo na because o f my scheduling. I wo uld no t reco mmend traveling so much that yo u do no t get to
experience the culture o f yo ur o wn ho st co untry. Skyscanner was a great website to use to find cheap flights as well as Vueling. If yo u plan to travel fo r natio nal ho lidays (i.e.
Queens Day) bo o k ho stels/ho tels as early as po ssible.
Do n't leave every weekend; take the time to make Barcelo na YOUR city, it makes a wo rld o f difference fo r yo ur abro ad experience
Anywhere yo u travel will be fun as lo ng as yo u are traveling with a go o d gro up o f peo ple! Use ho stelwo rld.co m and skyscanner.net. Research things to do befo re yo u
travel in o rder to maximize yo ur time. Use ATM's to exchange currencies.
Make sure yo u bring po wer adapters. The carry-o n luggage size restrictio ns in Euro pe are different than in the U.S. and many airlines charge a lo t fo r yo u to check yo ur
bags, so if yo u are buying new luggage fo r yo ur trip make sure yo ur bag meets the size requirements.
Decide where yo u want to go and where yo u want to spend mo re than just a weekend
get to kno w Barcelo na first (i.e. spend at least 4 weekends in Barcelo na) and then travel aro und Spain as much as po ssible. THEN travel aro und euro pe. yo u might no t get
a chance to live in a fo reign co untry again--but yo u have yo ur entire life to be a to urist.
Plan early! Bo o k a few co untries fo r the same trip fo r maximum expo sure epecially fo r spring break and lo ng ho lidays. BUT, do n't fo rget that Barcelo na is incredible,
especially when it warms up in April/May so yo u definitely want to spend eno ugh time there. Yo u finish classes at the end o f April, I stayed an extra mo nth and
travelled/enjo yed barcelo na.
Travelling is definitely fun but there is so much to do in the city itself. There is so mething new yo u can do every weekend if yo u lo o k fo r it.
watch yo ur belo ngings and take precautio ns
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
53. EXPENSES: Ho w much spending mo ney FOR THE ENTIRE
SEMESTER wo uld yo u reco mmend that the next participants budget fo r this
pro gram?
Answe r
Min Value
Max Value
Ave rage Value
St andard De viat io n
General (including fo o d, entertainment, lo cal transpo rtatio n)
0 .0 0
6 ,550 .0 0
2,48 7.9 3
1,8 8 1.8 5
Ho using/rent
0 .0 0
3,0 0 0 .0 0
2,120 .6 9
9 0 7.56
General travel during semester
0 .0 0
6 ,0 0 0 .0 0
2,310 .34
1,49 1.49
Bo o ks & miscellaneo us supplies
0 .0 0
50 0 .0 0
8 8 .9 7
146 .6 4
Other expenditures (please explain)
0 .0 0
50 0 .0 0
126 .6 2
Ot he r e xpe ndit ure s (ple ase e xplain)
Sho pping/So uveniers
Sho pping/So uveniers
Adapto rs, printing, etc.
Sho pping
Sho pping & so uvenirs
units are in Euro s
54. Did yo u experience any fo rm o f crime, o r were yo u in danger at any
time (such as the victim o r witness o f assault, ro bbery, etc.)? If yes, please
T e xt Re spo nse
I felt much safer everywhere in Euro pe than in LA. There is a lo t o f pickpo ckets, which is why yo u have to be mo re careful with yo ur belo ngings, but bigger crimes are no t
very usual.
On average, I felt very safe in Barcelo na and Spain. Ho wever, my cell pho ne was pick-po cketed in Madrid.
My Spanish pho ne was pickpo cketed at Carnivale, many o f my friends were also pickpo cketed
No , but I was bo mbarded with guys who wanted to be my to urguide when I arrived to Tangier, Mo ro cco and wo uld demand mo ney befo re they wo uld leave (even in
legitimate businesses like ho tels and restaurants, yo u'll be appro ached if yo u o pen a map). I also witnessed a peaceful street in Geneva (o f all places) turn into an
o rgnanized march and abruptly into a rio t o f peo ple breaking sto re windo ws with sledge hammers and lighting cars o n fire, but I survived with no harm.
I was pickpo cketed at a bar and my wallet was sto len
Yes, there were several instances o f crime in Barcelo na. 3 o ut o f 6 o f o ur ro o mmates either go t pickpo cketed, attempted pick po cketed o r mugged.
Yeah my ipo d go t ro bbed o ut o f my purse at a club while I was dancing. And so me creeper rubbed up against me o n the metro in Paris.
Yes, Barcelo na is pro bably the least safe city in terms o f pickpo cketing. I never felt in danger o f bo dily harm, but yo u have to have yo ur wits abo ut yo ur mo ney. Thieves
usually do n't have knives and NEVER guns...so much safer than LA if yo u think abo ut it. My friend go t mugged and I almo st go t ro bbed at an ATM. Yo u just have to be street
Yes, I go t mugged. Junie and I were walking back to o ur apartment early mo rning. We were o n o ur street and a man came and pushed me o n the flo o r, grabbed my clutch
and ran away. I chased after him but co uldn't catch him. We went to the po lice and they were no t helpful, saying that they were no t respo nsible fo r the area where I was
mugged. Tracy also had an incident when taking mo ney o ut o f an ATM, when a lady tried to co ver her mo ney with a map and take it fro m her. Kristin also go t her camera
sto len at a club. Barcelo na is kno wn fo r pick po ckets - be smart and be careful!
My ro o mmate and I were the victim o f assault - it was mino r but the assailant became aggressive when he wasn't able to take her bag witho ut us no ticing. No o ne was hurt
but law enfo rcement is useless.
No ne.
I was ro bbed in a Zara.
So meo ne tried to pickpo cket me o nce but I go t my wallet back.
No , tho ugh I kno w o f many who did get ro bbed. As lo ng as yo u are aware o f yo ur surro undings and watch yo ur belo ngings it sho uldn't be a pro blem.
No , I did no t experience any fo rm o f crime. I kno w that many peo ple experience pick po cketing in Barcelo na, but as lo ng as yo u are very aware o f yo ur belo ngings o n the
metro o r in public spaces, and as lo ng as yo u are very careful when yo u are drinking, yo u will be fine.
LOTS o f pickpo ckets; so me a-ho le tried to take my entire backpack; no vio lent crime
No .
theft is really co mmo n. caught multiple peo ple trying to steal fro m me
Wallet pickpo cketed
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
55. Befo re departure fro m USC, o r upo n immediate arrival to yo ur ho st
co untry, do yo u think yo u were adequately warned and/o r prepared to deal with
mo st incidents mentio ned in the Health and Safety sectio n o f this evaluatio n?
T e xt Re spo nse
fo r the mo st part, yes.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
56 . If yo u did no t feel adequately prepared (respo nse to questio n #55),
what do yo u think yo u needed to kno w o r hear in advance? Ho w co uld yo u have
been better info rmed and/o r prepared?
T e xt Re spo nse
It's easy to think that mugging and pick po cketing wo n't happen to yo urself perso nally, but yo u can just have an unlucky day o ne day and be at the wro ng place at the wro ng
time. No thing will really prepare yo u fo r when it actually happens to yo u - just be o n yo ur guard as much as po ssible.
Just to always watch yo ur things, keep yo ur hands in yo ur po ckets in cro wded places
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
57. Were yo u kno wledgeable abo ut yo ur USC o verseas insurance
co verage po licy?
T e xt Re spo nse
Yes, but luckily did no t use it.
Fairly, my ro o mmates all had to use it and after the initial use it was easy to wo rk.
So mewhat
Yes. It was great co verage. I had to use it a few times and the pro viders were extremely friendly and helpful. It made being sick way less stressful.
Fo rtunately didn't have to use it
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
58 . Did yo u experience any negative treatment that yo u feel was related to
yo ur ethnicity, race, natio nal o rigin, gender, sexual o rientatio n, o r religio n? If yes,
please explain:
T e xt Re spo nse
No t at all. Peo ple are very warm and o pen in Spain.
No .
No , no thing to o bad. I go t a lo t o f "guapa"s like any o ther girl but it's no t o ffensive, just creepy.
Yes, Euro pe is no where near as diverse as the States. As an Asian, I wo uld so metimes receive po sitive attentio n (genuine curio sity by lo cals abo ut my o rigins) o r negative
attentio n (sho uts o f "KONICHIWA" o r "NI HAO" o n the street). Yo u learn to brush it o ff and no t take it perso nally. Yo u stick o ut, but in a city o f to urists, yo u're never alo ne.
Yes, in Lo ndo n a drunkard to ld me to make him so me cho w mein... No t in Barcelo na tho ugh.
Lo ts o f leering, catcalling, and being aggressively pursued by men!
No .
No , tho ugh girls sho uld be warned that guys in Spain are way mo re fo rward than in the U.S.
peo ple do nt generally like americans; yo u'll get ripped o ff a lo t because yo u're american
No .
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
59 . What was the best part o f the pro gram?
T e xt Re spo nse
Having the o ppo rtunity to travel.
Everything! The classes were really interesting, I learned a lo t. Being able to immerse myself in this amazing culture, fo o d was great, meeting peo ple fro m all o ver the
wo rld, travel aro und Spain and Euro pe.
The best part was being able to meet, wo rk and travel with peo ple fro m all aro und the wo rld (especially the ESADE students who were mo stly all very welco ming and
Being able to travel and meet students fro m diferent parts o f the wo rld.
The ability to live in Barcelo na -- o ne o f the best cities in Euro pe (in my o pinio n)!
Everything! Go o ut and experience the culture, do n't ho ld back, walk aro und and explo re everything, take advantage o f every mo ment!
Waking up with the sun, inviting friends fro m all o ver the wo rld o ver fo r a mid-day BBQ o n my balco ny, BBQ steaks and fresh fish fro m the Bo queria (street market), while
watching Barcelo na so ccer games. The best part o f the pro gram was being able to do whatever yo u want, ho wever yo u want, to make yo ur semester the mo st valuable
perso nal gro wth experience po ssible. Meeting new peo ple, trying new things, and establishing yo ur life in a city entirely o n yo ur o wn.
Living in Barcelo na!
Getting to meet students fro m all o ver the US, Canada, and Euro pe. making friendships by traveling to gether and spending a lo t o f time with o ne ano ther
Experiences Euro pe to its fullest!
Pro bably the fact that it wasn't really a pro gram. I perso nally liked it because it was a great learning experience and I enjo yed being able to plan all my trips and take them
with peo ple o f my cho o sing.
Different fo r everyo ne. The city is definitely amazing fo r yo ung peo ple -- it's go thic, hip, and has a great undergro und scene fo r art and music. And if yo u make the effo rt to
get to kno w o ther exchange/lo cal students, it's a great place to explo re with them. Also a great launching po int fo r explo ring the rest o f Euro pe!
The sho rt scho o l schedule every week and the early final exams gave us a lo t o f time to explo re and meet new peo ple.
FRIENDS, traveling, partying, nightlife, meeting peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld, and being challenged each and every day.
Meeting and traveling with peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld.
The experience to meet so many peo ple fro m different cultures and co mpare the differences.
Living with peo ple I fo und o nline and no t living with exchange students. I felt that I learned a lo t mo re thro ugh that and also go t a chance to impro ve my Spanish.
Meeting students no t o nly fro m Spain but fro m all o ver the wo rld
Everything! Meeting aweso me peo ple fro m aro und the wo rld, explo ring a new city, the beach, the nightlife, day trips aro und the city, having the time and freedo m to go o n
adventures and do things yo u wo uld never have planned fo r, and the ability to travel thro ugho ut Euro pe so easily.
The city, the scho o l, the peo ple, everything! This pro gram was abso lutely aweso me and I enjo yed all o f it.
Gro wing as a perso n, trying new things, explo ring a new place
Being able to so cialize with the ESADE students that I was already friends with at USC. Also traveling all o ver Euro pe!
Meeting the peo ple.
the city o f Barcelo na and the o ther students I met
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
6 0 . What was the mo st difficult part?
T e xt Re spo nse
Finding ho using
The first days: lo o king fo r ho using, learning the metro (subway) system. The unfamiliar co uld be very intimidating and challenging, but with o ptimism, everything is easier.
The mo st challenging part was lo o king fo r ho using in Barcelo na.
Finding ho using.
Dealing with the new Sant Cugat campus -- diso rganized, no t co mpletely ready by the time classes had started.
Getting to scho o l (far fro m city center)
Actually wo rking o ut finding a place to live, altho ugh I'm glad I waited until I go t there to check o ut my o ptio ns.
Time difference and fo o d in Spain (po rk po rk po rk)
Mo ney managing.
Ho using.
The city is internatio nal eno ugh that yo u can speak English fo r yo ur who le stay, but that makes immersio n to ugh. Yo u need to make a stro ng effo rt to break o ut o f the
internatio nal bubble and meet lo cals...the lo cal peo ple, Catalans, o ften do n't speak much English and do n't care to .
The co mmute - ESADE is lo cated in Sant Cugat, a cute little to wn with lo ts o f o ld peo ple, is an ho ur away fro m Barcelo na by train, which meant we had to leave fo r scho o l at
aro und 8 every mo rning.
Finding ho using, making it to scho o l an ho ur away by 8 am, having strenuo us travel itineraries, and getting sick o ften co upled with the inco nvenience o f having to rely o n
Spain's inefficiency
Finding ho using at the beginning.
Leaving Barcelo na.
Trying to figure o ut everything o n yo ur o wn (ho using, transpo rtatio n, banking, meeting peo ple) - ESADE didn't help yo u with any o f it
finding ho using.
Anyo ne go ing abro ad sho uld be prepared to be fully independent - which can be difficult but sho uld be embraced and taken advantage o f.
Wanting to do mo re than yo u have the time o r mo ney fo r. Yo u have to just accept that yo u can o nly do so much and just enjo y every minute o f it
Landing witho ut a place to live was difficult but a learning experience
sitting thro ugh awful classes
Language Barrier at first because I hadn't used Spanish in years.
Finding ho using.
finding ho using
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
6 1. Describe a situatio n that yo u experienced as a result o f culture sho ck
o r cultural misunderstanding. Ho w did yo u reso lve it?
T e xt Re spo nse
Catalan pride is no jo ke. When fo rming gro ups in a class, my (USC) classmate said "this is go o d, we are two internatio nal students and five Spaniards..." they replied
"Catalans". They made it very clear that they were Catalans (no t Spaniards). We bo th apo lo gized fo r o ur igno rance, and explained to them that we did no t kno w that so me
peo ple go t o ffended fo r being called 'Spaniard' instead o f 'Catalan'.
One thing that I wasn’t used to in Spain was that smo king was much mo re co mmo n in public and private areas. So me o f the o ther exchange students and I were
unco mfo rtable when o ther peo ple smo ked indo o rs such as at restaurants. Ho wever, since it is much mo re acceptable in their culture, we o ften wo uld just deal with it o r go
to restaurants that banned smo king. A few times we were eating with Spanish o r o ther Euro pean students who smo ked, but they wo uld usually ask if it was o k to smo ke
befo re they started. While I did no t want to o ffend them, I so o n fo und that it was acceptable to say that I wo uld prefer if they did no t smo ke at the table and it usually wo uld
no t co me up again at future meals with them.
Yo u will find o ut that Barcelo na has a po litical co nflict in Spain. So me peo ple do n't like being called Spanish, but "catalan". This was bro ught to my attentio n in o ne o f my
gro up-pro ject teams. Fro m there o n, (If the situatio n required it) I played it safe by no t calling them Spanish unless I knew they didn't have a pro blem with it. No wo rries...
they are to lerant because they kno w we are fo reigners. So me o ther lo cal students are fine with either deno minatio n.
Culture sho ck fo r me was finding o ut that if a Spanish perso n tells yo u to meet them at 8 pm, they will co me 8 :30 pm at the earliest (if yo u are lucky). I learned to accept this
natio nal trait and made sure I arranged my plans acco rdingly.
so metimes spaniards are o ffended if yo u do n't kiss them o n bo th cheeks when yo u meet them o r say hi to them. I just had to explain that I wasn't used to it and then i
learned to do that next time. they also stand very clo se when talking to yo u which is unco mfo rtable at first and then yo u get used to it.
No thing majo r. I liked elements o f their culture, and I was really co ntent with being emersed in their culture. Mo st misunderstanding came fro m me making po o r translatio ns
when I spo ke in Spanish (which co uld be awkward if I what the actual meaning o f a wo rd I said wasn't what I tho ught I was saying), but I was always o pen to asking ho w to
say things, and this helped me learn.
no ne can co me to mind
When we were trying to find ho using, o ur bro ker wo uld co nstantly lag with returning pho ne calls and meeting with us. He had no sense o f urgency and we did. We had to
learn to deal with the Spanish way o f do ing business and wait fo r him to co o perate. We ended up getting a great deal with him, it just pro bably to o k lo nger than it wo uld
have in the US.
I o rdered a hamburger and it actually had ham in it. Other than that, I was prepared fo r the fact that peo ple wo uld be speaking Catalan as well as Spanish and knew a lo t o f
the histo ry o f Catalo nia and what to expect. So I wo uld say that I didn't have to o much culture sho ck.
This happened a lo t when I met Euro peans. They wo uld ask where I'm fro m, and I wo uld respo nd with the United States. Then they wo uld say, "No , where are yo u FROM?"
as if I hadn't heard the questio n pro perly. What they meant was, where are my parents fro m (because I'm Asian, and o bvio usly can't be "FROM" the US). At first it wo uld
o ffend me, but I learned that in Euro pe the co untry o f yo ur natio nality is also the co untry o f yo ur race. If yo u are fro m Spain, yo u are ethnically Spanish. So I wo uld make the
distinctio n fo r them :)
We are still dealing with it no w. Our landlo rd is pro bably o ne o f the slo west peo ple in the wo rld to get back to us with ANYTHING. We co mplained abo ut the sho wer being
clo gged the first week we were there and we were STILL waiting fo r her to get back to us in April, even tho ugh we reminded her co nstantly. We're trying to get back o ur
security depo sits still and they have o nly given back half o f a depo sit to o ne o f us. The Catalans are very slo w in respo nse time - everyo ne takes their time (dinners are
usually 2 - 3 ho urs lo ng) and everyo ne is always o n "Barcelo na time". The o nly way to no t get frustrated by this is to just fo llo w suit and fall into a slo wer, mo re relaxed
Adjusting to the mo re co nservative dress co de in Euro pe - if yo u're no t careful, yo u'll be o ffensive to o thers and they in turn will be o penly o ffensive in the way they treat
yo u. Females beware!
Catalans are extremely natio nalistic in Barcelo na, and it can be easy to o ffend them if yo u speak in Castillan, which is the mo st co mmo n fo rm o f Spanish learned o utside o f
Barcelo na.
Timeliness--peo ple are always late so I wo uld give an extra ten minutes.
Wo rking with my team sho wed me several cultural difference in gro up wo rk between Spain and the US. I tried to adjust as much as po ssible and they were also interested
in learning the differences.
Everything is clo sed between 2-4pm fo r a "siesta" and it is really inco nvenient so metimes and yo u just have to plan acco rdingly.
Several instances in sto res when they do no t speak English and are no t to o happy abo ut yo ur lack o f Spanish skills. Just be patient, and try no t to get o ffended o r upset.
No t much else yo u can do . Also , custo mer service is no t the same. Lunch and dinner is a much lo nger pro cess, and waiters do no t co me by yo ur table o ften unless yo u
ask them to . Yo u have to be willing to spend mo re time and accept/embrace that these things take lo nger here.
No thing memo rable...
Getting hungry at 5 pm o n a Sunday, realizing that all the markets were clo sed and mo st restaurants didn't o pen until 8 at the very earliest
....cant think o f o ne o f the to p o f my head but i pro bably just no dded, said "si, gracias" and mo ved o n.
We almo st lo st o ur apartment in the first week because we had neighbo rs co mplain that we were being no isy. We had to sit do wn with the landlo rd and explain the cultural
difference in America abo ut having peo ple o ver late at night to "pre game." In spain yo u do this at bars and no t really in apartment buildings. After we apo lo gized to the
neighbo rs everything was great.
Everything being clo sed o n during the siesta perio d in the afterno o n. Had a hard time buying a pho ne the first week especially because I had class in the mo rnings when
the sto res were o pen..
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
6 2. Describe so mething that yo u are pro ud o f having acco mplished during
yo ur stay.
T e xt Re spo nse
Living, studying, co o king, and traveling abro ad.
This experience helped me beco me mo re respo nsible and independent. In many situatio ns I was able to so lve pro blems by myself (that I wo uld have so lved with o ther
peo ple). I had to make many decisio ns o n my o wn and go thro ugh with them, accepting their co nsequences. In general I am pro ud o f having gro wn.
I am pro ud that I visited many apartments o n my o wn and thro ugh the ho using search pro cess, significantly impro ved my Spanish abilities. I am also pro ud that I travelled
o n my o wn thro ugh six Euro pean co untries o n my o wn during winter break.
I definitely became mo re independent and secure o f myself.
I go t a go o d taste o f the Spanish culture, language, and traditio ns by interactio ng with the lo cals. I also met a lo t o f interesting internatio nal students that helped better
understand o ther cultures as well.
when speaking in spanish, my accent became much less american and the lo cals spo ke back to me in spanish
Making a great gro up o f internatio nal friends. I skydived.
I'm really pro ud to have made a very smo o th co mfo rtable transitio n to life in a place where English is no t the primary language and able to be part o f a co mmunity in a
different co untry.
Renting vespas fo r 4 mo nths with my ro o mmates. getting to travel all o ver the city o n the sco o ters was amazing.
I fo und a summer internship even while I was abro ad.
I gave a presentatio n in Spanish abo ut two minutes after walking into class and no t kno wing that my gro up members wo uld make me present.
I was clo se eno ugh to lo cals to get a ho me-co o ked meal twice with a lo cal family. It was as clo se to a ho mestay as I go t, and was a great way to get a reality check o n ho w
lo cals actually live. Plus, it felt like ho me :)
Traveling to two cities by myself with o nly a backpack - Marrakesh and Naples. Very liberating and I met so many co o l, hippie backpackers that I almo st ran away with them.
I am pro ud o f having co nquered the public transpo rtatio n in every city I traveled to . It is no small feat getting where yo u need to under timelines (i.e. making it to yo ur flight o n
time!) in co untries where yo u do n't speak the language. Also , I lo ve that I traveled alo ne fo r o ne o f my trips. I STRONGLY urge everyo ne to do this. It was no t my first trip but
it made me realize that it may as well have been, as it brings o ut so many o ther challenges. Yo u learn so much abo ut being independent, mo re than yo u wo uld when even
traveling with just o ne o ther perso n.
Getting ho using o n o ur o wn was pretty impressive
I think I became mo re self-sufficient and I impro ved my Spanish expo nentially.
Learning ho w to live with peo ple fro m different cultures and backgro unds.
Having dinner at a Spanish students ho me and speaking the entire time in Spanish
I am really glad that I was able to go to Dacau- a co ncentratio n camp just o utside o f Munich.
Building a new life fo r myself in a co untry I had never been to and no t kno wing the language.
Getting to Barcelo na witho ut kno wing where I was go ing to live and finding an apartment o n o ur o wn, and getting set up with cell pho nes, banks, etc. It makes yo u feel like
yo u can go anywhere and do anything and yo u kno w yo u will be fine.
Eating new fo o ds like seafo o d
made an effo rt to always be o utside my co mfo rt zo ne and met kids fro m all o ver the wo rld. will pro bably visit so me o f my clo sest friends who live in Brazil, Argentina,
Do minican, and elsewhere.
Making spanish friends
Finding ho using even with the language barrier.
made friends fro m all o ver the wo rld
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
6 3. What do yo u wish yo u had kno wn abo ut befo re leaving?
T e xt Re spo nse
I was well prepared. I reco mmend meeting and talking with so meo ne that went to yo ur co untry o f study.
That travel guides actually help (rick steeves o r lo nely planet are great)
I wish I had kno wn that it wo uld likely be mo re fun and co nvenient to live with o ther exchange students while abro ad. I also wish I had kno wn mo re abo ut the specific
classes available in the fall semester at ESADE.
I wished I knew where I was go ing to stay.
No thing, I think that I was well prepared.
yo u will have to make an effo rt to speak spanish if yo u want to learn. mo st peo ple are willing to help yo u alo ng but it is easy to just speak english to them- do nt do this!
make yo urself practice and mo st spaniards are flattered that yo u make an effo rt with them
No thing, I felt prepared.
The Euro -$ co nversio n rate makes things expensive.
i sho uld have go ne earlier and stayed lo nger. spain isn't warm in no v/dec!
Ho w time co nsuming it is to try and find an internship while yo u are abro ad.
I wish I had kno wn that everyo ne has hard times o n their study abro ad semester and facebo o k pho to s o f peo ple having fun all the time do n't tell the who le sto ry. Everyo ne
tells yo u abo ut the great parts o f study abro ad- and they're all true and the experience is o nce-in-a-lifetime. But no o ne talks abo ut the times when it's lo nely and all yo u do
is lo o k at pictures o f yo ur friends at USC carrying o n with their lives. I think if so meo ne had prepared me fo r that part, I wo uld have expected less o f the friendships I fo rmed
here and realized that EVERYONE else go es thro ugh the same thing. That being said, it really will be the best semester o f yo ur life, and yo u'll make mo re go o d memo ries
than yo u'll be able to remember, but yo u will also have days when yo u'll cry (at least I did).
The language. If yo u want to feel mo re co nnected to yo ur city, TAKE SOME SPANISH. At least take the crash co urse to freshen up o r get the basics. I might even have go ne
so far as to live with o ther Spaniards just to fo rce myself to practice. It reminds yo u o f ho w unique and precio us yo ur study abro ad experience is everyday.
Even if yo u budget, yo u will spend mo ney like crazy and wo nder where it all went. When budgeting, give yo urself mo re cushio n.
Euro pe is COLD. Do n't think yo u are to o go o d to bring glo ves and a scarf. Invest in sturdy and co mfo rtable but stylish (o f co urse) walking sho es/bo o ts.
I have mo re than adequately info rmed, but i wish I did mo re research o n the lo catio ns I traveled to .
I wish I wo uld have been mo re co nfident in my Spanish speaking abilities.
The mo re time yo u have to settle in befo re classes start, the better.
That the actual campus where o ur classes are at ESADE is a o ne ho ur co mmute and no t in Barcelo na.
Talk with peo ple who have go ne abo ut the best cell pho ne plans to get (make sure yo ur pho ne is unlo cked). Talk with peo ple abo ut what are the best areas to live in.
No t much
There is go ing to be a lo t o f pressure to fo llo w the "American" scene because there are literally 10 0 0 americans o n the bigger pro grams like CEA and IES. Do n't feel the
pressure to do what everyo ne else is do ing every week, and be independent at times.
No thing. Learn as yo u go .
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To tal Respo nses
6 4. Do yo u have any travel tips to share?
T e xt Re spo nse
Plan well in advance fo r cheaper tickets.
Do n't carry much cash with yo u, and if yo u put it in yo ur bag, lo ck it. Schedule yo ur classes at the beginning o f the week and leave the weekends (and so me weekdays if
po ssible) to travel. If yo u plan to stay lo nger, travel aro und Spain while yo u are there, and thro ugh Euro pe o nce yo u're do ne. Try to carry as little luggage as po ssible, it can
be a real hassle to drag yo ur bags aro und!
Please refer to my previo us answer abo ut the lo w co st flights and Eurail passes.
If yo u are traveling by plane, always bo o k in advance. (Ryanair and click air have go o d deals).
Try to avo id Ryan Air, if yo u can. It's cheap, but mo st o f the time it is no t wo rth the hassle since there are so many better airlines.
guard yo ur belo ngings well, buy a 3-mo nth metro pass because it saves mo ney. it is expensive so if yo u think yo u will lo se it just buy o ne mo nth at a time. meet up with
o thers studying abro ad and visit them in their ho st cities because they will be able to sho w yo u aro und. make friends with peo ple fro m barcelo na because they will take yo u
to the best spo ts
Mo mo ndo .co m, skyscanner.net.
I mentio ned them in past questio ns, but co ntact me if yo u have specific questio ns.
go as many places as po ssible and fly o ut o f BCN and no t Giro na
Find a summer internship befo re yo u leave!!
Yes, yo u can get very cheap fares o n RyanAir, but make sure yo u add in the additio nal co sts! RyanAir flies o ut o f Giro na (which is an ho ur away by bus) and into a lo t o f
airpo rts that are similarly very far fro m their destinatio n. Add up the co sts o f the busses/metro /time/effo rt o n bo th sides befo re buying yo ur flight! It might be wo rth it to pay
30 euro mo re to leave fro m Barcelo na (o n vueling fo r example).
Explo re Spain! Yes, I kno w I so und like a Spain travel agency, but I actually fell in lo ve with the co untry. The best thing is that it's like 5 co untries in o ne: there's Pais Vasco ,
Galicia & Leo n in the No rth, with Catalo nia and Co sta Brava o n the East, Andalucia in the So uth, and o f co urse central Madrid and To ledo . Each o f these regio ns has their
o wn custo ms, language variatio ns, and FOOD. See it all while yo u're living in Spain--yo u kno w yo u'll go back to Euro pe fo r Lo ndo n and Paris, but yo u'll pro bably never
see Asturias o r Co rdo ba if yo u co me back fo r a general Euro trip.
Again, yo u have less time than yo u think to travel. Two trips per mo nth is eno ugh if yo u want to get to kno w the city yo u live in. Barcelo na is the city that everyo ne co mes to
visit - why wo uld yo u visit o ther places when yo u're there? When yo u are traveling to o ther co untries thro ugh budget airlines like Vueling and especially RyanAir, make sure
that yo u fo llo w their guidelines. They will kill yo u with all o f their penalty fees.
Yo u will learn to use a backpack o r o ther small bag fo r small trips, so bring o ne. Tho se budget airlines have smaller standards fo r what co nstitutes as a free carry-o n.
Check any website fo r dimensio ns. Do n't bring to o many clo thes, but bring eno ugh evening wear. Yo u will need it in Western Euro pe.
Again, definitely research the lo catio ns yo u're go ing to (i.e. histo rical significance) so yo ur experience is better and mo re co mprehensive instead o f just seeing a building,
Make sure yo u have eno ugh time to get back to class because strikes happen all the time.
Visit o nly a few cities and actually live in yo ur ho st co untry.
Travel light, expect delays and missed flights because they will happen
meet up with friends who are studying in o ther cities in Euro pe- so fun!
Leave yo urself time to be spo ntaneo us and try no t to plan so much in advance. That was pro bably the o ne thing I wo uld do a little differently. Definitely travel, it is a to n o f
fun and interesting, but also leave time in yo ur o wn city as well.
Do n't o ver pack. Fo r RyanAir, make sure yo u print yo ur bo arding pass befo re (6 0 euro fine if yo u do n't...). Yo u can definitely find go o d flight deals, especially fro m
Barcelo na because it has so many budget airlines, so do yo ur research!
Save the warm travel places fo r later in the semester, wait to travel
do n't o ver travel! wayyyy to easy to bo o k trips every weekend no t realizing that yo u will be abso lutely wiped o ut and exhausted. i wish i had traveled to less places and just
spent mo re time/mo re mo ney in a few select places. if yo u spread yo urself to o thin traveling everywhere yo u'll end up skipping meals and such to save mo ney which just
ends up sucking
VUELING.COM This is the best spanish lo w-co st airline. I didn't lo g my po ints but make an acco unt early and yo u will accumulate eno ugh fo r free flights. That's a big regret
I had because I wo uld have had a free ro und trip flight if I had lo gged my po ints in the system.
Even if yo u do n't kno w the language much, do n't be afraid to use yo ur limited kno wledge and make mistakes.
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
6 5. What wo uld yo u like to say to the students go ing after yo u?
T e xt Re spo nse
Meet as many peo ple as yo u can. Try new things. Travel as much as po ssible, but still get to kno w the place yo u are studying in. Have fun!
This is go ing to be the BEST experience yo u'll have! Go with an o pen mind and willing to learn as much as po ssible! If yo u get sad, call yo ur family immediately o r go o ut to
do so me sightseeing! (There is always so mething yo u haven't seen) Enjo y enjo y enjo y enjo y!
The exchange pro gram really is an amazing adventure. Take the time to get to kno w the o ther students, to explo re Barcelo na, and to enjo y every mo ment, because it will be
o ver befo re yo u kno w it!
Do n't hesitate to co ntact me if yo u need any advise/help. I can reco mmend so me co ntacts to lo o k fo r ho using (in case yo u need it).
Go o d luck and enjo y yo urself in this beautiful city! I wish I co uld do this all o ver again... ;)
take advantage o f every mo ment, make the mo st o f yo ur experience, do nt hesitate to co ntact me if yo u have any questio ns. I wish that I co uld go back, it truly is an amazing
experience that yo u may never have the o ppo rtunity to have again
A LOT - Co ntact me - ro ckman@usc.edu
I've do ne alo t o f diverse activities at USC, and this has been the mo st valuable. Life didn't seem real (it seemed to o amazing), and what was aweso me was that it was
indeed real. Make time to enjo y the city in which yo u live, and take advantage o f the o ppo rtunities yo u see because yo u may no t be able to live fo r a lo ng perio d abro ad
Have an o pen mind and do n't judge anything o r anyo ne yo u meet! Take lo ts o f pictures.
This is go ing to be the best experience o f yo ur life thus far. Live it up every single day because the time slips by way to o fast. Have fun!
Get excited!!! Spain is the mo st incredible co untry and be so o o o grateful that yo u get a chance to kno w it. Take the time to learn why Spaniards are the way they are and to
travel in Spain, but also take the time to stay exactly where yo u are! Observe. Let yo urself take o n the Spanish mentality and just trust that what yo u sho uld do will be put in
yo ur path. Disco ver the beauty o f the blacko ut shades which are in literally every apartment and do n't feel guilty to sleep until 2, 3, o r even 5 pm. After all, yo u pro bably go t
ho me fro m the club at 6 o r 7. Take siestas! Take the time to talk to peo ple in cafes, sto res, o n the street- fo r which yo u'll need to learn Spanish. Serio usly, learning
passable Spanish is so rewarding and when yo u co me back fro m a trip and walk thro ugh yo ur city, and yo u can actually understand the peo ple aro und yo u and have
co nfidence that yo u can strike up a co nversatio n with any o f them, yo u'll feel at HOME. Just be o pen to changing the way yo u think and trying new things and fo o ds. Yo u
serio usly have so many new and incredible things to disco ver, like tapas, FC Barcelo na fútbo l, breakfast as the sun rises after the club, bbqing with peo ple fro m all o ver the
wo rld who speak all different languages at the same time, the beach, the parks, the architecture, the music... Just be o pen to it all... and wo w I'm getting really jealo us :)
Barcelo na is an amazing city that seems to draw every o ther study abro ad student to yo ur apartment. Serio usly, I saw mo re o f my friends studying in Euro pe in Barcelo na
than anywhere else. Everyo ne wants to co me visit, and everyo ne wants to spend mo re time here. That speaks vo lumes abo ut the cho ice yo u made!
NEVER miss an o ppo rtunity to go o ut. We didn't have internet fo r the first few weeks that we were there and, witho ut Facebo o k/Skype/Gmail, there is so much mo re time to
do everything yo u want. Do n't try so hard to keep in to uch with peo ple when yo u're o ut there - yo u're o nly go ne fo r a semester and they can deal with no t talking to yo u as
Everyo ne is so quick to tell yo u to never sleep and always go o ut, etc. Experience it the way yo u WANT to experience it at the pace that is healthy and manageable fo r yo u.
Do n't go o ut every night if yo u're go ing to get sick, have to go to the ho spital via fo o t, then metro , then fo o t, sit o n the pho ne with SOS, etc. It's no t wo rth it! Embrace every
day, but do n't fo rce it. Yo ur experience will be amazing no matter what, so relax and just go with the flo w. Enjo y!
Do so mething cultural everyday, even in Barcelo na. There are so many places yo u co uld see and restaurants to go to o r just little no o ks in the city. And if yo u get a chance,
ro o m with lo cals.
Embrace the ups and the do wns fro m this experience and learn fro m them. This experience is as great as yo u allo w it to be. If yo u co me into every situatio n negatively, then
yo u will have a negative experience.
Get ready fo r the time o f yo ur life. Be o pen. Do everything yo u have always wanted to do but never had time to do .
I am so jealo us that yo u get to go no w, I miss it so much.
Enjo y it all because it go es by so fast! Be ready to spend a lo t o f mo ney but every euro is wo rth it!
GO ABROAD! Whatever yo u do , go abro ad. It will be the best and mo st memo rable fo ur mo nths o f yo ur life, and yo u will have the o ppo rtunity to do things yo u didn't even
kno w existed, meet and make great friends fro m aro und the wo rld, and travel all o ver. Fo rget hesitatio ns and co ncerns, and go ing alo ne o r to a city yo u didn't want. Yo u will
lo o k back and wo nder ho w yo u questio ned yo ur decisio n. Every experience is aweso me and wo rth taking, just do it.
This was the best experience I co uld po ssibly have had. Yo u will have the time o f yo ur life. Make sure to be in the mo ment and just enjo y everything that yo u are do ing.
It may seem intimidating but definitely study abro ad. It's a great experience
yo u'll kill it in Barcelo na.
Have fun, try new things, visit co untries that o ther peo ple aren't go ing to , travel alo ne at least o nce, do n't be afraid o f ho stels, bo o k yo ur classes fo r 2/3 days a week, make
spanish friends, have an unreal time.
Take advantage o f every mo ment and o ppo rtunity. One semester will go by way to o quickly so try to make the mo st o f it by experiencing the city and immersing yo urself in
the culture. If yo u do travel, go with the new peo ple yo u meet there. Try no t to travel during the Spanish/Catalan ho lidays (especially La Merce, fo r peo ple go ing in fall). It's
really what yo u put into it that will make yo ur experience there wo rth it. May be scary at first but have no regrets.
Take advantage o f every o ppo rtunity
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
6 6 . Any final tho ughts...
T e xt Re spo nse
Feel free to co ntact me with any questio ns.
The best semester o f my life has just ended, and yo urs is barely starting, Go o d luck!
Have a great time in Barcelo na!
This pro bably will be the mo st amazing semester o f yo ur educatio nal experience. Live every mo ment o f it in a respo nsible manner! It can be a go o d time to reflect and find
o ut mo re abo ut yo urself!
I am extremely thankful fo r this study abro ad o ppo rtunity that has taught me so much abo ut myself and o thers.
Be safe and have fun!
This was the best experience o f my life. I appreciate the o ppo rtunity and I feel that I am a better perso n as a result o f my jo urney - I am better prepared fo r the next stage o f
my life.
Feel free to co ntact me with questio ns, as I lo ve to talk abo ut my experience, especially if yo u have questio ns o n ho using, transpo rtatio n, fo o d, and places to visit in
Barcelo na and in Euro pe. Bo n viatge!
I lo ved studying abro ad and wo uld do it again in a heartbeat. By far the best decisio n I made while at USC. Barcelo na is a city that has o pened my mind and heart to o ther
cultures and peo ple.
I lo ve IEP!
Go o d luck! Yo u might be scared go ing into this semester, but afterward yo u will be able to say with co nfidence that yo u're an adult who can travel anywhere in the wo rld and
handle any situatio n. Fo r example, it to o k me 42 ho urs to get back fro m Cro atia by train, bus, and airplane, but it didn't set o ff the panic alarms it wo uld have just 4 mo nths
ago . I kno w that mistakes happen, trees fall acro ss train tracks, vo lcano es gro und flights fo r weeks, but I'll figure o ut ho w to get ho me eventually. Other than that.........
Disfruta! Enjo y!
I came to BCN trying to be mo re independent and travel. I left acco mplishing bo th, but I also made lifelo ng friends and became an internatio nal thinker--no city seems to o
"fo reign" o r "far" to live in. Do n't anticipate what yo u'll learn, but be o pen to making best friends fo life and be o pen to falling in lo ve with Euro pe :)
ESADE/Barcelo na has everything yo u co uld ever want in a study abro ad pro gram - amazing wo rld-class pro fesso rs, great o ppo rtunities to meet peo ple fro m all aro und
the wo rld, classes taught with an internatio nal perspective, all in a city that's centrally lo cated in Euro pe that is yo ung and hip with amazing peo ple, fo o d, nightlife, fashio n,
spo rts, art, architecture, and weather. There are a millio n reaso ns it is the mo st po pular pro gram to apply fo r and my study abro ad semester exceeded any expectatio ns I
had. :)
Get ready to gain a new/even mo re intense appreciatio n fo r ho use/techno . I'm o bsessed. Also , 1 euro bo ttles o f wine are pretty nice.
Studying abro ad in Barcelo na was o ne o f the best decisio ns I've ever made. And no w lo o king back, taking a no n-business class (Spain: Recent Histo ry and Spanish Art
and Culture) pro vided the fo undatio n o f understanding the Catalan culture that I o therwise wo uld have missed o ut o n. Definitely take it.
Treat everyo ne with respect and yo u will be treated the same way fro m peers as well as lo cals.
Time go es by really fast so try to write abo ut yo ur experiences so yo u do n't fo rget.
I am so jealo us o f the amazing adventure yo u have ahead o f yo u! Feel free to reach o ut with any questio ns, co ncerns etc
Go to Barcelo na!!!! Definitely the BEST pro gram and city!!!
Make sure to meet lo cals and new peo ple, do n't just travel with usc students
all in all, even with disappo inting classes and no t eno ugh time to learn the language/cultural interactio n, hands-do wn best decisio n i ever made was to go abro ad.
Feel free to reach o ut to me fo r advice: farage@usc.edu
Best semester yet.
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