LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY ARTS AND HUMANITIES & SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL SCIENCES JOINT FACULTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 25 February 2016 at 4.00.p.m. Present: Prof Richard North Dr Jeff Bowersox Prof Victor A Buchli Ms Vanessa Freedman Miss Giulia Garoli Miss June Hedges Dr Matt Kuldkepp Ms Jordan Landes Dr Althea Legal-Miller Mr Nick Mann Dr Katie Meheux Mr Kieron Jones Prof Jeremy Tanner Dr Tabitha Tuckett English (Committee Chair) SELCS Anthropology Library Services Library Services Library Services SELCS Senate House Library Institute of the Americas Geography Library Services Library Services Archaeology Special Collections In attendance: Makeba Adero Secretary to Joint Faulty Library Committee Matt Mahon Digitisation Officer UCL Library Services (agenda item 4) Apologies received from: Vanda Broughton, (Information Studies), Ms. Sarah Burn (English and Philosophy), Janet Horslen (Law), Professor Jan Kubik (SSEES), Dr Fiona Leigh (Philosophy), Lesley Pitman (SSEES), Dr Emma Richardson (History of Art) Preliminary Business 1. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 19 November 2015 were approved as an accurate record. Matters Arising 2 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES None. 1 Matters for Discussion 3. REPORT FROM UCL LIBRARY SERVICES - June Hedges RECEIVED JH gave an update on Library activities based on the report circulated with the papers Library Faculty bulletin: February 2016. ACTION: JH to circulate the list of low-cost journals that are being purchased. 4. RESEARCH DATA PRESENTATION - Matt Mahon Digitisation Officer, UCL Library Services Mr. Matt Mahon attended in place of Ms Myriam Fellous-Sigrist (Research Data Support Officer) who had been scheduled to talk to the Committee about Research Data Services at UCL. Matt delivered an informative talk by way of introduction. Ms Fellous-Sigrist had been invited to the May Committee meeting. 5. COMMITTEE CHAIR’S REPORT RECEIVED Professor North reported that the core library budget would be in deficit in 2018/2019. The Committee decried the deficit. During the Examination period the Main, Science and Cruciform libraries would be open 24 hours throughout the week (including the week-ends), at the request of the students. There were plans afoot to move aspects of the library collection to Kew for delivery to the campus when required and for others to be moved to a purpose built building in Stratford East. The collection at Stratford East would match the academic activity that was taking place there. The central Bloomsbury collection would hold materials that were in high demand, such as those being used for research. Professor North had received assurances that the George Orwell collections would not be moved. Professor North asked for a petition to be circulated by email to all members of the Joint Faculty in January. A number of the Committee members had not received the email, this was to be investigated. The results of the survey were to be presented at the Library Committee the following week. ACTION: All committee members to identify collections from their subject areas that they would prefer to remain in Bloomsbury, rather then moved to Stratford East, and pass them to the Chair. ACTION: JH to provide Prof Jeremy Tanner of Archaeology with the list of journals that were no longer be held in the Archaeology library. 2 6. PROGRAMME CHANGES - June Hedges JH had no update to give on programme changes but requested that it be kept on the agenda as a standing item. 7. ORAL/WRITTEN REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY COMMITTEES, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND SENATE HOUSE LIBRARY. Anthropology - no report Archaeology The meeting was scheduled to take place later on in the term. English - no report Economics - no report ESPS - no report Geography - no report Greek and Latin - no report Hebrew and Jewish Studies A PhD student had reported to their student rep, their dissatisfaction with the eating and talking that was taking place in the library and that they were going to stop using the library to study. The student had been informed that they were within their rights to ask the students to stop talking or contact the Library Service Assistants so that they could intervene. ACTION: Vanessa Freedman to send the wording of the item captured in the minutes to the Chair. History The Secretary of the Committee presented a written comment sent by Dr Benet Salway Faculty Graduate Tutor SHS in response to the PRES results for the attention of Library Committee. The context for the comment was the new café-style layout and approach in the library. “Something that could be addressed is the currently relaxed policy towards social interaction in the library space, giving it more of a café atmosphere and less of a scholarly one. I understand that the use of libraries as social space is the current vogue …especially in public libraries, and may be popular with the undergraduate student body, who are, of course, the majority of users, but it is not conducive to the focused study that PGR students need to do. In the main library, for instance, restricting drinks to the Flaxman gallery would seem not at all unreasonable and a greater emphasis on quiet as one leaves that central space to go down the corridors to the reading rooms, might go a long way toward addressing this matter.” Members of the Committee commented that they could understand students being allowed to consume bottled water, but not fizzy drinks even if they were bottled. There was some discussion about the need for study space for postgraduate students and the hope that this might be realised in the Education strategy. History of Art - no report Information Studies - no report Institute of the Americas - no report 3 Philosophy - no report . Political Science Students continued to complain about building issues, particularly overcrowding and uncomfortable temperatures. SSEES - no report SELCS Dr Jeff Bowersox thanked Giulia Garoli on behalf of the department for her excellent work in supporting the students. Slade - no report Special Collections It was reported that there were plans to upgrade the toilets in the Main and Science libraries during the summer. The sewers have been sealed eradicating problems identified in earlier Committee meetings. Special collections had supported over 30 classes and were involved in a number of connected curriculum projects. ACTION: Dr Tabitha Tuckett to forward report. Matters for Information 8. To NOTE the date of UCL Library Committee meetings for 2015/16: 19 May 2016 9. Any Other Urgent Business. None Distribution: Members of the Joint Faculty Library Committee MA 4