JOINT FACULTY TEACHING COMMITTEE FOR ARTS AND HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL SCIENCES Tuesday 27 May 2014 MINUTES Present: Prof Jonathan Wolff Dr Kristin Bakke Prof Mary Fulbrook Dr Chris Gerry Dr Nick Grindle Dr Arne Hofmann Mr Jonathan Kwok Prof Andy Leak Dr Valerie Lechene Prof Miriam Leonard Dr Maria Loh Dr Helen Matthews Dr Isabelle Moreau Ms Helen Murray Prof Lucy O’Brien Dr Sophie Page Ms Jayne Parker Prof Sara Randall Dr Tsila Ratner Dr Christine Reh Dr Benet Salway Dr Julian Thompson Prof Claire Warwick Dr Paul Walker Dr Karen Wright Dean, Arts and Humanities (in the Chair) Europeans Social and Political Studies (ESPS) Dean, Social and Historical Sciences School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Centre for Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) Joint Faculty Tutor Undergraduate Student Representative (SHS) Graduate Tutor, School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS) Economics Greek and Latin History of Art Deputy Faculty Tutor Undergraduate Tutor, SELCS Office of International Affairs Philosophy History Slade Anthropology Hebrew and Jewish Studies Political Science Faculty Graduate Tutor, SHS Geography Faculty Graduate Tutor, AH CALT Archaeology Prof Kevin MacDonald was in attendance for minute 51. Apologies for absence were received from Dr Stephanie Bird (CMII), Dr Greg Dart (English), Mr Andy Dawson (Information Studies), Ms Marieke Doelman (Postgraduate Student Representative, SHS), Prof Peter John (Political Science) and Ms Sydney Vickars (Postgraduate Student Representative, AH). 49. MINUTES Approved 49.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2014 were approved as a correct record. 1 50. MATTERS ARISING MINUTE 38.5: MASTERS MERIT AWARD Noted 50.1 It was noted that UCL Board of Examiners and Education Committee had agreed that the criteria for the award of merit should be an average mark of 60 for the programme as a whole and a minimum mark of 60 in the dissertation. 50.2 The final decision on implementation would be taken by Education Committee at its June meeting, following a ‘cooling off period’ during which the implications of the decision for institutional resources such as Portico would be considered. MINUTE 42.2A: PORTICO Reported 50.3 Dr Matthews reported that she had attended a series of ‘visioning’ workshops which considered aspirations for student information systems. These had identified a number of capability requirements, which would feed into the development of a new Student Information Service strategy. The final meeting had been attended by the Vice Provost (Education) and the Director of Information Systems. 50.4 It was reported that, arising from this project, a fit for purpose review of Portico and SITS would be undertaken. MINUTE 42.2C: YEAR ABROAD RESITS Noted 50.5 The Committee noted that following the Education Committee decision that students on the year abroad should take any reassessments of the previous year’s modules as late assessment in the summer following the year abroad, the Faculty Office had liaised with Departments regarding arrangements for any students affected. MINUTE 42.2D: MARKING POLICY Noted 50.6 It was reported that the draft Marking Policy had been approved in principle by the Joint Faculty Board of Examiners, and would be put to Education Committee for final approval. MINUTE 42.2E: REFERRED ASSESSMENT Reported 50.7 It was reported that Education Committee had resolved to abolish referred assessment, with the exception of the Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences (MAPS) which had been granted a one year derogation. 50.8 Since this was considered a change to scheme of award, the change would need to be phased in. Students admitted in 2014/15 would not be entitled to referred assessment, but continuing students (other than finalists) would continue to be eligible. 2 MINUTE 42.2F: EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES Reported 50.9 Dr Hofmann provided an update on the ongoing discussions at Education Committee regarding changes to the UCL extenuating circumstances policy. MINUTE 42.2G: FIT-TO-STUDY POLICY Noted 50.10The Committee noted that the fit-to-study policy was expected to receive final approval at Education Committee in June. MINUTE 42.2H: LECTURECAST POLICY Noted 50.11 The Committee noted that the policy had been published in Part 3 of the Academic Manual: Matters for Discussion 51. PROGRAMME PROPOSAL Considered 51.1 The Committee considered a proposal for a cross-faculty Masters programme in African Studies. Reported 51.2 Prof MacDonald briefed the Committee on the background and rationale for the proposed Masters programme, drawing their attention to the business case and marketing report submitted as appendices. Discussion 51.3 The proposal was welcomed in principle as it was felt that it fitted well with UCL’s international strategy and with the joint Faculty strategy to develop area centres. It was noted that this proposal was the first of several initiatives. 51.4 However, some concerns were expressed about whether there would be sufficient Africarelated provision available and whether there would be sufficient demand in the light of recruitment trends at Oxford and SOAS. It was noted that the programme would have Africancentric core modules, but that options would be discipline-specific, drawing on some African material. It was noted that the programme would still be viable if only half the target student numbers were recruited and that risk could be mitigated by means of a fixed term appointment. 51.5 It was suggested that consideration be given to offering he programme as either an MSc or MA depending on pathway and options. 3 Agreed 51.6 The Committee approved the programme in principle, subject to the submission of a full proposal for consideration by JFTC in the autumn 2014/15. 52. UCL STRATEGY: RESEARCH BASED TEACHING Reported 52.1 Dr Hofmann presented a background paper on the concept of ‘research-based’ education, which would likely be central to UCL’s learning and teaching strategy in the next few years, for general discussion. Discussion 52.2 It was noted that there were a number of examples of best practice in research-based education in the Faculties already 52.3 It was also noted that modularisation had tended to lead to a disconnection of the curriculum, but that finals systems were not very flexible for interdisciplinary study. 52.4 There was overall support for research-based education, but it was felt that departments and faculties should have discretion as to how it was incorporated into the curriculum. Action 52.5 Departments were asked to have a discussion of research-based education at their next Departmental Teaching Committee meeting and to provide a one-page summary of how they could incorporate it within their programme structures. 52.6 Summaries were to be emailed to Christina Edwards by Friday 12 December 2014. 53. FACULTY TUTOR’S REPORT Received 53.1 The Committee received an oral report from the Joint Faculty Tutor and Deputy Faculty Tutor. 53.2A LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY Reported 53.2.1 The action and implementation plan of the Joint Faculty Teaching Strategy had been updated and the updated implementation plan had been posted on the Joint Faculty intranet at Noted 53.2.2 The Committee noted that there would be opportunities for informal discussion about the Learning and Teaching Strategy with any departments who were interested. 4 53.2B MODULES AT MASTERS LEVEL Reported 53.2.3 It was reported that the Education Committee had resolved that Masters modules would not be assessed on a pass/fail basis unless they were 0 credit modules. Discussions were currently underway with the Department of Philosophy, which was affected by this change in policy. Action 53.2.4 Any other Departments which were affected were requested to contact Dr Hofmann ( or Dr Matthews ( 53.2C TWO YEAR MASTERS PROGRAMMES Reported 53.2.5 Dr Hofmann reported that the possibility of developing two year Masters programmes including professional activities and structured PGTA training was under preliminary consideration. Discussion 53.2.6 Information Studies had shown interest in developing a programme consisting of teaching in year 1 and research based teaching in year 2; however it was felt that cost would be an issue. Action 53.2.7 Departments who were interested in developing such a programme were asked to contact Dr Hofmann ( or Dr Matthews ( 53.2D INTERNATIONAL STUDENT BAROMETER (ISB) Reported 53.2.8 It was reported that the Faculty Office had obtained a temporary licence to interrogate data for the Autumn 2013 wave. However, the licence was only available for a limited time, and sample sizes at individual department and programme level were very small. It had not therefore been possible to produce individual departmental reports. 53.2E PLAGIARISM POLICY REFORM Reported 53.2.9 It was reported that the Faculty Tutor would be working with Director of Student Administration on a paper for reforming the plagiarism policy. Action 53.2.10 Committee members were asked to provide their thoughts on current and future plagiarism policy to Dr Hofmann by 13 June. 5 53.2F REGULATIONS WORKING GROUP Reported 53.2.11 It was reported that the Regulations Review Group (RRG) would be replaced by a new working group. Dr Hofmann would be a member of the new working group, which would undertake a full review of UCL Regulations. 53.2G PROVOST AND STUDENT CHOICE TEACHING AWARDS Noted 53.2.12 The Committee noted the Provost’s and Student Choice Teaching Award winners based in the Faculties: Provost’s Teaching Awards: Dr Matthew Skinner Anthropology Dr Riitta-Liisa Valijarvi SEES Dr Adam Smith History [PGTA] Emily Lord-Kambitsch Greek and Latin UCLU Student Choice Awards: Outstanding Support for Teaching: Stuart Laidlaw Institute of Archaeology Marie Fournier SELCS Outstanding Personal Support Judy Medrington Institute of Archaeology 53.2H PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION REVIEW Reported 53.2.13 It was reported that Academic Services had written to all departments reminding them about the need to check Programme Specifications. 53.2.14 Committee members were reminded of the importance of keeping these up to date and were reminded of the QAA Institutional Audit in 2015. Action 53.2.15 Where no change was required, departments were advised to let Rob Traynor know, giving a review date in the current academic session. 53.2I STUDENT ACADEMIC REPRESENTATIVES (StARs) UPDATE Reported 53.2.16 It was reported that UCLU had introduced a formal election process for Faculty level StARs. Current UG and PGR StARs would be invited to stand for election for 2014/15, and PGT StARs would be elected early in the Academic Year. 6 53.2J CURRICULAR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Reported 53.2.17 It was reported that a Curricular Development Project would be starting shortly. This would involve moving the remaining paper-based programme and module management forms (i.e. those dealing with programme amendments and module proposals and amendments) to an online workflow within Portico and improving the existing programme initiation questionnaire (PIQ) functionality. Dr Matthews would be a member of the user group. 53.2K BLACK, MINORITY AND ETHNIC (BME) STUDENT ATTAINMENT Noted 53.2.18 It was noted UCLU, CALT and the Faculty of Brain Sciences had been involved in a project to analyse student attainment statistics at UCL. 53.2.19 Early findings would be presented at the Education Committee on 19 June, along with recommendations for immediate action and for follow-up work next year. 54. FACULTY GRADUATE TUTOR’S REPORT Received 54.1 The Committee received an oral report from the Faculty Graduate Faculty Tutors. 54.2A POSTGRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANTS (PGTA) WORKING GROUP Reported 54.2.1 Prof Warwick reported that the PGTA Working Group was undertaking a review of the arrangements for the use of Post-Graduate Teaching Assistants (PGTAs) in the joint faculties. 54.2.2 It was reported that the review had highlighted variations and concerns in the following areas: the number of hours worked by PGTAs the number of hours undergraduates were being taught by PGTAs pay rates impact on completion of PhDs 54.2.3 Prof Warwick thanked departments for the data they had supplied and advised that a preliminary report would be circulated. Recommendations for best practice would also be made based on the working group’s findings and discussions would take place with Human Resources regarding pay calculation. 54.2B UCL DOCTORAL SCHOOL Reported 54.2.4 It was reported that UCL’s new Doctoral School had been announced in the Week@UCL on 1 May; however, changes would not be rolled out until 1 July. 7 54.2.5 Funding Schemes for MA/MSc Students would not be part of the Doctoral School. The Administration of these would therefore be passed over to the Joint Faculty Institute of Graduate Studies (JFIGS). 54.2.6 It was further reported that responsibility for the Code of Practice for Masters Students had been passed over to Student and Registry Services. 54.2C MA CREDIT HARMONISATION WORKING GROUP Reported 54.2.7 Dr Salway reported that the MA Credit Harmonisation Group would meet in Term 1 of the 2014/15 Academic Year. 55. REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL TEACHING COMMITTEE (DTC) MINUTES Received 55.1 The Committee received a report on Departmental Teaching Committee (DTC) Minutes. Reported 55.2 It was reported that the review of DTC minutes was for quality assurance purposes. This would be undertaken annually, to ensure that the Terms of Reference as set out in the Academic Manual were being met. Discussion 55.3 Concerns were raised and discussed in relation to the compliance checklist. Departments were advised to remind minute takers to document that certain tasks (for example, consideration of the Annual Monitoring report) had been done. 55.5 It was also noted that some of the tasks in the compliance checklist were completed at differing times of the Academic Year by different departments and therefore may not yet have been undertaken by DTCs. Action 55.6 Departments that had not submitted DTC minutes for 2013/14 were requested to do so. 55.7 Departments were also advised to submit unapproved/draft DTC minutes as an interim measure, so that an accurate record of minutes received could be kept by the Faculty. 56. CALT UPDATE Reported 56.1 It was reported that the Arena One gateway sessions for PGTAs would be running again during the next Academic Year. The training was open to all; however, preference would be given to any student who would be undertaking teaching for the first time. Further information would be available on the UCL Arena website in due course. 8 56.2 It was further reported that a one year fractional secondment opportunity had arisen within UCL Arena team during the 2014-2015 session. Interest was welcomed from staff or Teaching Fellows. 56.3 Research Supervisor Forums were scheduled on 4 and 9 June. Graduate Tutors from Arts and Humanities were welcomed to attend. Noted 56.4 The Committee noted that the Arena Two course for new starters would be running from October. Further details would be available on CALT’s events page. Matters for Information 57. MODULE PROPOSALS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Noted 57.1 The Committee noted details of module amendments approved under delegated authority since the last meeting. 57.2 A full list of module amendments and approvals would be circulated after the final deadline had passed 58. ANY OTHER URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS 58A ECONOMICS CURRICULUM 58.1 It was noted that Dr Hugh Goodacre had circulated an e-mail to members of the Committee. This did not form part of the committee papers. The Committee would consider a report on the review of the Economics Curriculum in Autumn 2014. Distribution: Joint Faculty Teaching Committee Members, Academic Services CE 9