Document 12875902

Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences
Joint Faculty Institute for Graduate Studies/Research Students Committee
Terms of reference
The following derives from the terms of reference for Faculty Graduate Teaching
Committee/Faculty Research Student Committees outlined in RDC 2-9 (13-14) Annex 1, as
revised after discussion at the Research Degrees Committee meeting of 5 March
2014. These terms of reference acknowledge that the Joint Faculty Teaching Committee
retains responsibility for the review of quality management and enhancement processes and
mechanisms for PGT students and programmes, including the consideration of proposals for
new postgraduate taught modules and programmes. However these terms of reference also
acknowledge the overarching remit of the Joint Faculty of Graduate Studies (JFIGS) for the
support and development of all graduate activity within the two faculties as well as
enhancement of the research environment for graduate students and academic colleagues,
to which end JFTC may from time to time refer certain matters to it for consideration.
Subject to any general or particular direction that may be prescribed from time to time by the
Academic Committee, the JFIGS/RSC Committee will normally be expected:
1. Within the framework of the UCL Learning and Teaching Strategy, to define, develop and
review in co-ordination with the Joint Faculty Teaching Committee (JFTC) a faculty-level
learning and teaching strategy and/or oversee the definition, development and review of
departmental-level learning and teaching strategies by departments within the faculty.
2. In co-ordination with the JFTC, to keep under review the postgraduate level teaching and
training provision across the faculty and to provide a forum for discussion of issues raised by
Departmental Teaching Committees (DTCs).
3. To consider the academic and resource implications of new research degree programme
proposals from departments within the faculty and, if and when satisfied, submit these for
consideration by the Research Degrees Committee (or relevant sub-group thereof).
4. To receive reports on or to consider, as appropriate, relevant issues arising from meetings
of Academic Committee, Research Degrees Committee or other relevant institutional-level
5. To report on PGT matters to the JFTC, which in turn will report to Education Committee.
6. To report on PGR matters to Research Degrees Committee by the submission of Minutes
of each meeting of the JFIGS/RSC to the officers of Research Degrees Committee.
Staff Membership:
Dean of each faculty;
Vice Deans (Interdisciplinarity);
Joint Faculty Tutor and/or Deputy Joint Faculty Tutor;
Faculty Graduate Tutors (to chair in rotation);
At least one appropriate member of staff from each department within the faculties (e.g.
Departmental Graduate Tutor [PGT] and/or Departmental Graduate Tutor [PGR]);
Chairs of steering committees of inter-faculty or inter-departmental graduate programmes for
which the parent department is from within the faculty.
Student Membership:
At least one postgraduate taught student from each faculty;
At least one postgraduate research student from each faculty.
In attendance:
Joint Faculty Support Officer (secretary);
Joint Faculty Marketing and Communications Officer.