THE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA STEFANO PELUCHETTI, GARETH O. ROBERTS, BRUNO CASELLA In this paper we investigate the onvergene of a novel simulation sheme to the target diusion proess. This sheme, the Quasi-EA, is losely related to the Exat Algorithm (EA) for diusion proesses, as it is obtained by negleting the rejetion step in EA. We prove the existene of a myopi oupling between the Quasi-EA and the diusion. Moreover, an upper bound for the oupling probability is given. Consequently we establish the onvergene of the Quasi-EA to the diusion with respet to the total variation distane. Abstrat. 1. Introdution In this paper, we shall present two onvergene results about a novel simulation sheme to the target diusion proess. This sheme is losely related to the Exat Algorithm (EA) for the simulation of diusion proess whih was introdued in Beskos and Roberts [2005℄. In partiular, the simulation sheme we onsider is essentially EA without the aeptane-rejetion orretion. This sheme (whih we all the Quasi-EA) is studied for two reasons. Firstly we are interested in the properties of Quasi-EA as a simulation sheme in its own right. Seondly a thorough understanding of Quasi-EA ontributes to a fuller understanding of EA sheme itself. Its main appeal is that it allows for the exat simulation (i.e. free from any time disretisation error) of any skeleton of the diusion sample path. Moreover, it is possible to simulate exatly from some lasses of path-dependent funtionals of the diusion proess. Beause EA plays a entral rule in our work, we briey introdue the main ideas behind EA. For a more exhaustive exposition of EA we refer to Beskos et al. [2006a℄ and Beskos et al. [2006b℄. We onsider the diusion proess Y a unique strong solution of the Stohasti Dierential Equation (SDE) (1) dYt = b (Yt ) dt + σ (Yt ) dBt Y0 = y 0≤t≤T B is the salar Brownian Motion (BM) on the bounded time interval [0, T ] and y is the initial ondition. The drift oeient b and the diusion oeient σ are impliitly assumed to satisfy the proper onditions that imply the existene and uniqueness of suh diusion Y . The mild assumption that σ is ontinuously dierentiable and stritly positive guarantees the existene and uniqueness of a bjetive funtion η suh that the Date : January 2008. 1 CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 2 transformed diusion proess Xt := η (Yt ) satises the SDE (2) 0≤t≤T dXt = α (Xt ) dt + dBt X0 = x := η (y) The drift oeient α depends on the funtional form of b and σ and the diusion oeient is the unitary onstant funtion. The SDE (2) is assumed to admit a unique strong and non-explosive solution and we denote with X the state spae of X . From now on this SDE will be our starting point. Let QxT and WxT denote the law of the diusion X and the law of a BM respetively on [0, T ] both started at x. From now on the following hypotheses are assumed to hold: (3) • ∀x ∈ X QxT ≪ WxT and the Radon-Nikodym derivative is given by the Girsanov's formula: ( ) T dQxT 1 T 2 (ω) = exp α (ωs ) dωs − α (ωs ) ds dWxT 2 0 0 • α is ontinuously dierentiable on X; • α2 + α′ is bounded below on X. We introdue the Biased Brownian Motion (BBM) Z and its law ZxT . This proess is dened as a BM on [0, T ] started at x and onditioned on having its terminal value ZT distributed aording to the density ( ) (u − x)2 hx,T (u) := ηx,T × exp A (u) − (4) 2T u Here A (u) := c α (r) dr for some c ∈ X and the normalising onstant ηx,T is assumed to be nite. Hene, onditionally on the value of ZT the proess Z is distributed as a Brownian Bridge (BB). Given the hypothesis it is possible to prove that ( ) T dQxT α2 + α′ (5) (ω) = ηx,T exp {−A (x)} exp − (ωs ) ds dZxT 2 0 ( ) (6) T ∝ exp − φ (ωs ) ds 0 ≤1 where φ (u) := α2 (u) + α′ (u) /2 − inf r∈X α2 (r) + α′ (r) /2. Equation (6) suggests the use of a rejetion sampling algorithm to generate realisations from QxT . However it is not possible to generate a sample from Z , being Z an innite dimensional variate, and moreover it is not possible to ompute analytially the value of the integral in (6). For ease of exposition we only onsider the ase of EA1, where α2 + α′ is assumed to be bounded. It should be noted that this hypothesis an be weakened or even removed, leading to EA2 (Beskos et al. [2006a℄) and to EA3 (Beskos et al. [2006b℄) respetively. We denote by m the nite supremum of φ. Let Φ = (X , Ψ) be a unit rate Poisson Point Proess (PPP) on [0, T ]× [0, m] and let N be the number of points of Φ below φ (ωs ) onditionally on a path ω . If the event Γ is dened as Γ (ω, Φ) := {N = 0} CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA it follows that (7) ( Pr [Γ|ω] = exp − T φ (ωs ) ds 0 3 ) This equivalene is an immediate onsequene of the properties of PPPs. The lhs of (7) is the probability that no points of Φ fall in the region of the plane bounded by 0 and φ (ωs ), a region whose area is given by the integral on the rhs of (7). Thus there is no need to alulate the integral analytially. We have impliitly assumed that it was possible to generate the innite dimensional variate ω ∼ ZxT . However to ompute the the aeptane event Γ we only need to know the value of Z on a nite set of random times only, this set orresponding to the time oordinates of the realisations of Φ. It is then possible to exhange the order in whih Z and Φ are generated, obtaining Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 Exat Algorithm 1 (EA1) 1. 2. 3. 4. SAMPLE ZT ∼ hx,T SAMPLE Φ = (X , Ψ) SAMPLE Zχj ; 1 ≤ j ≤ |X | ∼ ZxT | ZT IF Γ RETURN S := Zχj ; 1 ≤ j ≤ |X | , ZT ELSE GOTO 1 As already observed, step 3 of Algorithm 1 results in the generation of independent BBs. EA1 returns a skeleton S distributed aording to the true law of the diusion X . Furthermore, from Beskos et al. [2006a℄ it is known that the onditional law ZxT | S an be expressed as the produt measure of independent BBs. Using this result it is possible to omplete S on any nite arbitrary number of times if required and even to generate (exatly) ertain funtionals of the path of X . The remaining part of this paper is organised as follows. In Setion 2 the QuasiEA is motivated and introdued and the onnetion with EA is examined. In Setion 3 the two main theorems are proved. We start by establishing a loal onvergene result that is further extended by means of the maximal oupling inequality. We show that the Quasi-EA is an aurate ontinuous time approximation of the law of the diusion proess. In fat we prove the existene of a myopi (sequential) oupling between the diusion and the simulation sheme. The existene of suh a oupling implies the onvergene with respet to the total variation distane, a strong form of weak onvergene aording to Jaka and Roberts [1997℄. Setion 4 onludes the paper with some remarks about possible future researh on the topi and pratial onsiderations about our sheme. The Euler sheme does not generally onverge with respet to the total variation distane, see Peter Glynn and Goodman [2006℄. However, under mild tehnial onditions, the Euler sheme does onverge with respet to total variation distane if the diusion proess has a onstant diusion term (see Jaod and Shiryaev [1987℄). Genon-Catalot [2007℄ extended this result to prove that the rate of onvergene is of order ∆1/2 , where ∆ is the length of the (equally spaed) disretisation interval. Here we fous on the existene of a sequential (or myopi) oupling between the diusion and the simulation sheme. A sequential oupling is a oupling in whih, for eah time inrement in turn, we try to maximise the probability that the two proesses stay together. It is therefore a natural and pratial oupling. CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 4 Whilst total variation onvergene is equivalent to the existene of a oupling, and thus, the existene of a sequential oupling implies total variation onvergene, the onverse is false, as we shall see for the Euler sheme. To illustrate this, onsider (8) (9) dYt dXt = αdt + dBt = dBt where α is a onstant and Bt is a salar BM on [0, T ]. Both Xt and Yt start at the same value. Let [0, T ] be partitioned in intervals of length ∆. Then by Taylor expansion arguments it is possible to show that the total variation distane between Y∆ and X∆ is of order O ∆1/2 , hene the probability of the oupling sueeds is 1/∆ 1 − ∆1/2 and this last quantity tends to 0 and ∆ ↓ 0. Moreover, the bound given by the sequential oupling on the total variation distane is not very strit. A trivial example is the Ornstein-Uhlenbek proess. Simple omputations show that its Euler disretisation onverges with respet to the total variation distane on the single interval [0, ∆] with rate ∆. Similarly QuasiEA an be shown to onverge with order ∆3/2 on the same interval (implying that the bound (20) in Theorem 1 is quite sharp). We already stated that the Euler disretisation onverges on the whole interval [0, T ] with rate ∆1/2 . However, the oupling inequality of Theorem (2) implies that Quasi-EA onverges with the same order ∆1/2 . Finally, it should be observed that the hypothesis used in the derivation of the two main onvergene theorems inlude the onditions that permits the simulation of X using EA3. Beause of this we gain more insight into the role of the proposal measure ZxT in the ontext of EA. 2. The quasi-EA The main idea behind the onstrution of Quasi-EA is very simple. In step 2 of Algorithm 1 we sample a PPP with unit rate on [0, T ] × [0, m]. The aeptane rate in EA inreases as T ↓ 0, as the likelihood that no points from Φ are sampled inreases too. Clearly in this eventuality the proposed path is aepted. Similar onsiderations an be made in the ase of EA3 too. As the aeptane rate an be interpreted as a measure of the quality of the proposal measure, we develop a sheme that always aept the proposal variate distributed as ZxT . Given the previous onsiderations, this approximation is aurate only if T is quite small. Hene the time interval [0, T ] is partitioned into smaller intervals on whih the sheme is applied sequentially. We now desribe the sheme more preisely. The time interval [0, T ] is divided into n smaller intervals having the same length ∆ = T /n. The ontinuous time sheme Y is dened by the following equations (10) Y0 = x (11) Yi∆ ∼ hYi∆ ,∆ (12) Ys ∼ BB Yi∆ , Y(i+1)∆ , ∆ (i = 1, · · · , n) (i∆ < s < (i + 1) ∆) where BB (x, dy, t) is the measure of a BB starting at (0, x) and ending at (t, dy). It an be easily seen the proess Y thus dened onsists of n sequential BBMs. The simulation of the Quasi-EA involves the sampling of the sequene of random variables in (11) only. However we are going to prove a stronger result than the CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 5 onvergene of the disretized proess {Yi∆ ; i = 0, · · · , n} to the diusion proess. We shall prove that the law of the ontinuous time proess Y dened by equations (10)-(12) onverges with respet to the total variation distane to the law of the diusion proess X as n ↑ ∞. This result suggests that the BBs are good proess to ll-in the gaps between the simulated values of the disretized proess. We denote by Yx,n 0,T the probability measure indued by the Quasi-EA sheme Y started at x and onsisting of n steps on [0, T ]. Consistently with the previous notation Yy0,∆ denotes the probability measure indued by this sheme on the single step [0, ∆] when Y0 = y . To sum up {Ys ; 0 ≤ s ≤ T | Y0 = x} ∼ Yx,n 0,T (13) {Ys ; 0 ≤ s ≤ ∆ | Y0 = y} ∼ Yy0,∆ = Zy∆ (14) 3. Two onvergene results The two onvergene theorems require the two following lemmas. Lemma 1. Let f ∆>0 :R→R be a ontinuous funtion, suh that for suiently small 1 √ 2π∆ (15) then (for any xed x ∈ R) R 1 lim √ ∆↓0 2π∆ (16) |f (y)| e− f (y) e− (y−x)2 2∆ (y−x)2 2∆ dy < ∞ dy = f (x) R Proof. Let ε > 0 , f (y) = f (y) 1{y∈Bε (x)} + f (y) 1{y∈Bcε (x)} where B ε (x) is the c losed ball entred in x with radius ε and B ε (x) is the omplementary set of B ε (x). Remember that N (x, ∆) onverges weakly to the Dira delta funtion δx as it is easily proved via harateristi funtion arguments. Additionally, f (y) 1{y∈Bε (x)} is bounded and the measure with respet to δx of the set of its points of disontinuity is zero. Using the Skorohod representation theorem and the bounded onvergene theorem, it follows that (y−x)2 1 lim √ f (y) 1{y∈B ε (x)} e− 2∆ dy = f (x) ∆↓0 2π∆ R (y−x)2 |f (y)| − e 2∆ 1{y∈Bc (x)} is dereasing in ∆ (and integrable for suiently small As √ 2π∆ ε ∆), it is possible to apply the dominated onvergene theorem obtaining 1 (y−x)2 lim √ f (y) 1{y∈B c (x)} e− 2∆ dy ε ∆↓0 2π∆ R (y−x)2 1 ≤ lim √ |f (y)| 1{y∈B c (x)} e− 2∆ dy = 0 ε ∆↓0 2π∆ R The linearity of the integral ends the proof. For ease of exposition we assume that the state spae of X is R. This assumption does not have any impat on our results. The following onditions, to be used seletively in the following results, are now introdued • (E1) ∃k ∈ (0, 1) , ∃c ∈ R+ : α (u) ≤ c + Tk u (u ≥ 0) and α (u) ≥ c + k T u (u < 0) CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 6 • (E2) ∃k ∈ (0, 1) , ∃c ∈ R+ : |α (u)| ≤ c + Tk |u| , u ∈ R • (S1) α is twie ontinuously dierentiable on R Lemma 2. If ondition (E1) holds, then ∀r > 0 (17) sup EX∼hx,s [er|X| ] < ∞ 0≤s≤T Proof. From the denition of A we get A (u) ≤ r |u| + and so ( k 2 u (u ∈ R) 2T 2 (u − x) k 2 + r |u| + u hx,s (u) ≤ exp − 2s 2T If u ≥ 0 ) (u ∈ R, 0 ≤ s ≤ T ) ( ) 2 (u − µ+ ) hx,s (u) ≤ exp − r+ 2 2σ+ n 2 o s x +x+2sr , σ = where µ+ = x+2sr , r = exp − . Similarly if u < 0 + + sk sk sk 1− T 1− T (1− T ) ) ( 2 (u − µ− ) hx,s (u) ≤ exp − r− 2 2σ− n 2 o x +x−2sr , σ = σ , r = exp − where µ− = x−2sr . + − − sk sk 1− 1− T T As k ∈ (0, 1) it follows that r+ , r− , µ+ , µ− , σ+ , σ− are bounded for s ∈ (0, T ] and the result follows. For any two probability measures M, N on a measurable spae (E, E), let ||M − N|| be their total variation metri, that is (18) ||M − N|| := sup |M (A) − N (A)| A∈E We are now ready to state the following loalised result: Theorem 1. If ondition (S1) hold, then for any xed x the law of the BBM onverges towards the law of the diusion proess Qx∆ with respet to the total variation metri as ∆ ↓ 0 : Zx∆ (19) lim ||Zx∆ − Qx∆ || = 0 ∆↓0 and for ∆ suiently small, ε > 0 (20) ||Zx∆ − Qx∆ || ≤ kx ∆3/2−ε where the leading order onstant kx is a ontinuous funtion of x (i.e. the rate of onvergene is at least Ox ∆3/2−ε for any ε > 0). Proof. To ease the notation let W = Wx∆ and Q = Qx∆ in the sope of this proof. We introdue a new probability measure QT r via the following Radon-Nikodym derivative dQT r = 1T r /qx,∆ dQ qx,∆ = Q [T r] CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 7 where the measurable event T r is dened as T r = sup0≤s≤∆ |ωs − ω0 | ≤ ∆1/2−ε . Consequently, 2 ′ dQT r − ∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω 2 = 1T r e 0 dZ “ α2 +α′ 2 ” ds 2 ′ (ωs )−inf ω α +α 2 ” ds “ − ∆ α2 +α′ 2 = 1T r e 0 “ 2 ′ − ∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω 2 = EZ 1T r e 0 dqx,∆ /dα,∆ × qx,∆ /dqα,∆ ” α2 +α′ 2 ds The triangular inequality gives sup |Z (A) − Q (A)| ≤ sup Z (A) − QT r (A) + sup QT r (A) − Q (A) A∈C A∈C A∈C We now proeed by establishing the onvergene of the two terms on the rhs of the inequality. Conerning the rst term we have that Z (A) = 1T r + 1T rc dZ (ω) A Q Tr 1 (A) = dqx,∆ 1T r e − t “ α2 +α′ 2 0 (ωs )−inf ω α2 +α′ 2 α2 +α′ 2 Regarding the seond term it sue to observe that 1 dx,∆ QT r (A) = e − A 1 dx,∆ qx,∆ ds dZ (ω) A and trivial omputations gives sup Z (A) − QT r (A) A∈C “ 2 ′ 1 − ∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω 2 ≤Z [T rc ] + 2 1T r 1 − e 0 dqx,∆ Q (A) = ” ∆ “ α2 +α′ 2 0 1T r e (ωs )−inf ω − α2 +α′ 2 ∆ “ α2 +α′ 0 2 ” ds ” ds c dZ (ω) + Z [T r ] dZ (ω) (ωs )−inf ω α2 +α′ 2 ” ds dZ (ω) A and therefore similar omputations leads to sup QT r (A) − Q (A) A∈C “ 2 ′ 1 1 − ∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω c 2 ≤ Z [T r ] + EZ 1T rc e 0 dqx,∆ dx,∆ α2 +α′ 2 ” ds Combining the two results yields sup |Q (A) − Z (A)| “ 2 ′ 1 1 − 0∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω c 2 (2 + dqx,∆ ) Z [T r ] + 2 + EZ 1T rc e ≤ dqx,∆ dx,∆ A∈C − ∆ “ α2 +α′ (ω )−inf α2 +α′ α2 +α′ 2 ” ds ” ds s ω 2 2 Moreover dqx,∆ ∈ (0, 1) and the funtions 1T r e 0 and 1T r are both positive and inreasing as ∆ ↓ 0. By two appliations of the monotone CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA onvergene theorem it follows that “ 2 ′ (ωs )−inf ω − ∆ α +α 2 lim EZ 1T r e 0 α2 +α′ 2 ∆↓0 = lim Z [T r] 8 ” ds ∆↓0 As we will shortly show Z [T rc ] ↓ 0 as ∆ ↓ 0, so dqx,∆ ↑ 1. Similarly an appliation of the monotone onvergene theorem shows that dx,∆ ↑ 1 as ∆ ↓ 0. As a onsequene we an nd two positive onstants c1 , c2 (independent of x) suh at that for ∆ suiently small sup |Q (A) − Z (A)| “ 2 ′ − 0∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω c 2 ≤c1 Z [T r ] + c2 EZ 1T rc e A∈C α2 +α′ 2 ” ds All that remains to be heked is the rate of onvergene of the two terms of the inequality's rhs. The rst one is h i 1 EW T rc eA(ωt ) Z [T rc ] = EW eA(ωt ) and an appliation of the Cauhy-Shwartz inequality to EW T rc eA(ωt ) shows that 2A(ω ) 21 ∆ c c 12 EW e EW [T r ] ≤ (W [T r ]) EW eA(ω∆ ) 1 1 From Lemma 1 EW eA(ω∆ ) → eA(x) as ∆ ↓ 0 and EW e2A(ω∆ ) 2 → e2A(x) 2 = eA(x) . Hene we an nd a positive onstant c3 (independent of x) so that for ∆ suiently small 1 EW [T rc ] ≤ c3 (W [T rc ]) 2 By writing W0 for the law of the BM started at zero on [0, ∆], by knowing that if B is a BM , −B is a BM too, and by using the reetion priniple, we obtain 1 W sup |ωs − ω0 | > ∆ 2 −ε 0≤s≤∆ h i 1 ≤4W0 ω∆ > ∆ 2 −ε By hanging the variable and by applying the bound ∞ e− y2 2 x it follows that 1 dy ≤ 1 − x2 e 2 x2 (W [T rc ]) 2 ≤ c4 ∆ε e −c 1 4∆ that dereases exponentially as ∆ ↓ 0“ . 2 ′ − ∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω 2 We now onsider EZ 1T r 1 − e 0 Let 2ε α2 +α′ 2 ” ds . α2 + α′ (ωs ) > −∞ ω∈T r s∈[0,∆] 2 r = arg inf inf CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA For ∆ suiently small kx := sup |y|≤|x|+1 ≥ 2 2 ′ α +α 2 (y) − sup |x−y|≤∆1/2−ε ′ α2 +α′ 2 |y − x| 2 ′ α +α 2 (y) − 9 (x) α2 +α′ 2 |y − x| (x) and as (S1) ⇒ α +α is loally Lipshitz it follows that kx is ontinuous in x and 2 for ∆ suiently small 2 α + α′ α2 + α′ (ωs ) − (r) ≤ kx |ωs − r| 2 2 ≤ 2kx ∆1/2−ε by the denition of T r . Finally “ 2 ′ − 0∆ α +α (ωs )−inf ω 2 EZ 1T r 1 − e ≤1 − e2kx ∆ α2 +α′ 2 3/2−ε ” ds ≤2kx ∆3/2−ε for suiently small ∆. The extension of this loalised result to the global ase relies on the maximal oupling inequality. The oupling method (see Thorisson [2000℄) is already prevalent in the eld of SDEs, mainly in the multi-dimensional ase. Our approah is very similar to that of Odasso [2005℄. Given the relevane of the oupling method it is sensible to briey introdue its basi elements. We reall: Denition 1. Let (E, E) be a Polish measurable spae, and M, N be two proba bility measures on (E, E). We state that a probability measure P̂ on E 2 , E 2 is a oupling of (M, N) if its marginals are M and N. We also say that a random objet (Ω′ , F ′ , P′ , (X ′ , Y ′ )), where (Ω′ , F ′ , P′ ) is a probability spae and (X ′ , Y ′ ) is a F ′ /E 2 -measurable funtion, is a oupling of (M, N) if the image measure −1 P′ (X ′ , Y ′ ) is a oupling of (M, N). The power of the oupling argument omes from the following Lemma Lemma 3. Let ||M − N|| be the total variation metri, that is (21) (Coupling (22) (Maximal s.t. (23) ||M − N|| := sup |M (A) − N (A)| A∈E Inequality) For any oupling (Ω′, F ′, P′, (X ′, Y ′ )) of (M, N) ||M − N|| ≤ P′ [X ′ 6= Y ′ ] Coupling Equality) There is a oupling h i ||M − N|| = P̂ X̂ 6= Ŷ Ω̂, F̂, P̂, X̂, Ŷ of (M, N) This oupling is alled the maximal oupling of (M, N). CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 10 Theorem 2. (Main Convergene Theorem) If in addition to ondition (S1) onditions (E2) and (S2) also hold, where • (S2) α′ is sub-quadrati , that is (24) |α′ (u)| ≤ c 1 + u2 or ondition (E1) and (S3) also hold, where • (S3) α and α′ are sup-exponential , whih are: (25) |α (u)| , |α′ (u)| ≤ c 1 + ec|u| (u ∈ R) (u ∈ R) b X̂, Ŷ of Qx , Yx,n suh that then there exist a (myopi) oupling P, 0,T 0,T h i lim P̂ X̂ 6= Ŷ = 0 (26) n→∞ and the rate of onvergene is at least O ∆1/2−ε for any ε > 0. As a onsequene x of the oupling inequality, Yx,n 0,T onverges towards Q0,T with respet to the total variation metri with the same rate of onvergene. Remark 1. If (E2) holds then ondition (S2) is a weak assumption. As α2 + α′ is bounded below, this additional ondition means that the drift oeient annot osillate too quikly as |u| → ∞. Moreover in most diusion models ondition (E1) is satised, as otherwise the diusion would exhibit explosive behaviour. Proof. We build a probability spae Ω̂, F̂, P̂ and two measurable funtions Ω̂, F̂, P̂ → X̃ (s, x, y) s ∈ (0, ∆] → Ỹ (s, x, y) s ∈ (0, ∆] that dene the maximal oupling of Qx0,∆ , Yy0,∆ . A oupling of Qx0,T , Yx,n 0,T that starts from this maximal oupling is onstruted on the single time interval (0, ∆]. The initial step is dened by setting X̂0 = = Ŷ0 = x and X̂s = X̃(s, x, x) , Ŷs Ỹ (s, x, x) for s ∈ (0, ∆]. Now suppose that X̂, Ŷ Let X̂i∆+s := X̃ s, X̂i∆ , Ŷi∆ Ŷi∆+s := Ỹ s, X̂i∆ , Ŷi∆ is a oupling of Qx0,i∆ , Yx,n 0,i∆ . s ∈ (0, ∆] s ∈ (0, ∆] independent of X̂, Ŷ on [0, i∆]. From the time homogeneity and Markov property of theproesses X, Y (limited to the set of times {i∆; i = 1, · · · , n − 1}) it follows Ŷi∆ i∆ that X̂, Ŷ is a oupling of QX̂ and that the i∆,(i+1)∆ , Yi∆,(i+1)∆ s∈(i∆,(i+1)∆] extended proess X̂, Ŷ is a oupling of Qx0,(i+1)∆ , Yx,n 0,(i+1)∆ . The s∈[0,(i+1)∆] indution step is thus satised. No measurability problem arise in the denition of X̃, Ỹ and they an be hosen to be jointly measurable in (x, y), see Odasso [2005℄ CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 11 for the tehnial details. The oupling inequality yields x0 ,n 0 Y0,T − Qx0,T h i h i ≤P̂ X̂ 6= Ŷ = P̂ ∃s ∈ [0, T ] : X̂s 6= Ŷs h i ≤P̂ X̂s 6= Ŷs on [0, ∆] n−2 X h i P̂ X̂ 6= Ŷ on ((i + 1) ∆, i∆] | X̂s = Ŷs on[0, i∆] n−2 X h i P̂ X̂ 6= Ŷ on ((i + 1) ∆, i∆] | X̂i∆ = Ŷi∆ i=1 h i =P̂ X̂s 6= Ŷs on [0, ∆] i=0 from the struture of the oupling X̂, Ŷ , and the generi term of this last quantity Ŷi∆ i∆ is exatly the maximal oupling of QX̂ i∆,(i+1)∆ , Yi∆,(i+1)∆ . Hene, it is possible to use the maximal oupling equality. By h i dening a family of sub-probability measures on R by Si (A) := P̂ X̂i∆ = Ŷi∆ ∈ A and by using this last onsideration we obtain by the disintegration of the onditional probability that x0 ,n x0 Y0,T − Q0,T n−2 X 0 0 ≤ Yx0,∆ − Qx0,∆ + Ysi∆,(i+1)∆ − Qsi∆,(i+1)∆ dSi (s) i=0 n−2 X 0 0 Ys − Qs dSi (s) = Yx0,∆ − Qx0,∆ + 0,∆ 0,∆ i=0 n−2 X 3/2−ε ≤kx0 ∆3/2−ε + ∆ ks dSi (s) i=0 As in the proof of Theorem 1 kx := sup |y|≤|x|+1 2 ′ α +α 2 (y) − α2 +α′ 2 |y − x| (x) We see that the behaviour in the tails as |x| → ∞ is determined by 2 ′ α +α 2 (x) lim|x|→∞ k̃x := lim|x|→∞ |x| If ondition (S2) holds the positive funtion k̃x an diverge at most linearly. So kx ≤ k (1 + |x|) and ks dSi (s) ≤ k + k |s| dSi (s) ≤ k + k |s| dQxi∆0 (s) CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 12 where the last integral is the absolute momentum of Xi∆ : E [|Xi∆ | | X0 = x0 ]. It is a known result that (E2) implies 2 E [|Xi∆ | | X0 = x0 ] ≤ E sup |Xs | | X0 = x0 < ∞ 0≤s≤T ∀i ∈ N. Therefore x0 ,n 0 Y0,T − Qx0,T 3/2−ε ≤kx0 ∆ 3/2−ε +∆ n−2 X i=0 ≤d∆3/2−ε n = 2 k 1 + E sup |Xs | | X0 = x0 0≤s≤T d 1/2−ε ∆ T for ∆ suiently small. If instead ondition (S3) holds, by looking at lim|x|→∞ k̃x , we obtain the subexponential growth ondition on kx , that is kx ≤ k 1 + ek|x| (x ∈ R) As a onsequene ks dSi (s) ≤ k + k e dSi (s) ≤ k + k ek|s| dZxi∆0 (s) Again, the last integral is E ek|Yi∆ | | Y0 = x0 . As ondition (E1) holds, Lemma 2 implies that h i sup E ek|Yi∆ | | Y0 = x0 < ∞ k|s| i=1,··· ,n−1 Finally x0 ,n 0 Y0,T − Qx0,T ≤kx0 ∆3/2−ε + ∆3/2−ε ≤d∆3/2−ε n = n−2 X i=0 k 1+ sup i=1,··· ,n−1 d 1/2−ε ∆ T h i E ek|Yi∆ | | Y0 = x0 4. Conlusion In this paper we proved two onvergene results about the Quasi-EA simulation sheme. We shown the onvergene of the law of the BBM Z to the law of the diusion proess X when both are started at the same value and the time interval [0, ∆] shrinks to zero. The onvergene is obtained with respet to the total variation distane and an upper bound for the rate of the onvergene is shown to be Ox ∆3/2−ε ∀ε > 0. The notation underlines that this speed of onvergene is not neessarily uniform in x. We also extend this onvergene to the global ase of a xed time interval [0, T ]. In this ase [0, T ] is uniformly partitioned in n intervals and the onvergene is obtained as n ↑ ∞. The main diulty that the starting point for X and Y on eah single interval is not the same anymore is overome using the oupling method. CRiSM Paper No. 08-18, britishTHE STRONG WEAK CONVERGENCE OF THE QUASI-EA 13 We are thus able to onstrut a suessful myopi oupling of the Quasi-EA and the diusion. Consequently we obtain the onvergene with respet to the total variation distane and an upper bound for the rate of onvergene O ∆1/2−ε ∀ε > 0. Very eient algorithms to sample from the parametri family of densities {hx,T }x∈X are introdued in Peluhetti [2007℄. 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