Document 12874041

the Legislature, in Senate Bill 1095, sec. 31, Regular Session, 72nd Legislature, provided that the fourth Friday of November
state holiday; and
the Legislature. in House Bill 1. Second Called Session. 72nd Legislature, Article V, section 7, paragraph 3, provided that
government were not required to have enough personnel on hand to cany on the public business on the Friday immediately
Thursday in November; and
1991. there are five Fridays in the month of November, and the Friday following Thanksgiving Day is the fifth Friday of
ere is an irreconcilable difference between the two laws; and
the day following Thanksgiving Day has traditionally been observed as a state holiday with all public offices of state government
, in six years out of seven, the fourth Friday of November is the day following Thanksgiving Day; and
FORE, I. Ann W. Richards. Governor of Texas, by the authority vested in me, do hereby declare that November 29, 1991 shall
a state holiday and that November 22.1991 shall not be observed as a state holiday. On November 29. 1991, the public offices
k s of state govamnent shall be closed. The agencies of state government will not be required to have enough personnel on hand
the public business.
tin, Texas on October 10, 1991.
Ann W. R~chards
Governor of Texas
AWR 9 1 9 is amended as follows and shall be h w n as AWR 91-9A as amended October 4. 1991.
e contract spending end the operation of military installaticms within the state have a significant impact of me Texas
ges in the global political climate and national budgetary priorhies allow for decreases in defense +ding and the closure
ties within these United States and within the State of Texas; end
:the resulting eumomic dislocations and installations closings will seriously affect thousands of Texans and the Texas economy;
rhe state must mobilize its resources to smooth the transition for its affected cities, industries, and employees to civilian activities;
the st* must take advantage of W
s will result from economic development and diversification;
RE. I, Ann W. Richards, Governor of Texas, by the authority vested in me do hereby establish the Govenior's Task Force
a Transition. The Task Force consists of the following persons: Secretary of State Hohn Hannah, Chair, Joan Baker, Sandy
Jeff Dumas;Robert Gonzales; Paul Gonnly; Horace Grace; Gloria Hemandeq Robert Kohler, Jeff Latcham; Donald R. h e y ;
wen Marlin; Tommy Joe Mills;Dr. Leo Newlend; G h Peterson; A. L. Polllad; Doug Richardson; James M. Steed; Gwen
Williams; Mary Beth Williamson; and John Ybanez.
shall meet at the call of the Chair.
ent of Commerce shall provide reimbursement to the public members for their travel expenses incurred in attend'q
ask Force from the date of the creation of the Task Porce.
of the Task Force will reside in the Governor's Department of F i c e and Business Development.
Force is charged with the following mpomibilities:
the level and extent of the statewide economic impact of the military closings and to pinpoint regional and local