ts fufifrdd Bankofuaroda BCC:lSD:108/'16l2M Vice-President, Ltd., Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Datal Street The BSE 00'l CODE.532134 Mumbai - 400 BSE Date: '1 3th May 2016 Vice-President, I Nationat Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. I Exchange Ptaza, Bandra Kurla Comptex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 I The CODE.BANKBARODA Dear Sir/ Madam, Re: Bank of Baroda - Standalone (Audited) and Consolidated (Audited) Financial / Flnancial Year Ended 31* i arch 2O16 - Regulation 33 Results for the Quarter Further to our tetter No. BCC:ISD:108/16I188 dated 06.05.2016, we advise as under, pursuant to Regutation 33 and other appticable Regulations of SEBI (Listing Obtigations & Disctosure Requirements) Regutations, 2015 ClRl CFD I C O 1 read with SEBI Circular No. 1512015 dated 30.'1 1.2015: '1. The Board of Directors of our Bank at its meeting hetd today i.e. 13.05.2016 considered & approved the Standatone (Audited) and Consol.idated (Audited) Financial Results of the Bank together with retevant segment reporting, for the Quarter / Financiat Year ended 31't March 2016 2. ln terms of / RBI Circutar No. RBI/2004.05/451 DBOD.NO.BP.BC.88/21.02, 067 12004.05 dated 04.05.2005, no dividend is payabLe for FY 2015-'16, due to non-avaitabitity of Current Year's Profit. A copy of the Standatone (Audited) & Consotidated (Audited) Financiat Resutts in prescribed formats pursuant SEBI Regulations / Circutar, duly signed is enctosed herewith atong with the Auditors' Reports and "Form - A", inctuding Segment Reporting, Statement of Assets and Liabitities, etc. The Meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 3.30 p.m. and conctuded at 4.50 p.m. We request you to take a note of the above pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disctosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The information may kindly be uptoaded on your website. Yours faithfully, M.L. Jain Dy. Generat Manager Company Secretary Encl. - As Above T+qrorqitc +<r, S-26. d afir, qr<r,gidtaiqnN, iTEr (g..), dlf , 400 os1 ,rR". Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G Block, Eandra Kuna Complex, Bandra (E) itumba 400 051 tnd,a (6lr / Phone 91 22 6698 5812 / s846 i ld/ E'marl . +€ / Fax 91 22 2652 6660 com pa nysecretary bcc@bankofbaroda com .id/Web www ban kofbaroda .om 3 onn.** aat dtu No.506. Mandvl, Earoda. 390006 colporar€ oltice: c.26, G Block, aandra Ku a complex,3rnd6 (E), Mumbai4o00s1 Audited Financial Results for the Quarter/ Year ended 31st March, 2016 rl12,9r 12057.39 47365,55 5179L17 prcfir (+rLoss (.,rom ord'nary Act vities befor€ tax (7.3-9) (5053.03) Ord'n.r, A.trvines a,ter tar (r0.Ir) Add share oleaminqs in Associates Prid-lp equit) shar. cap bL pitar Ralio (%)- 8.5er-ll ^dequacy Dtar adeouacy iatio (%) aasellr Basi. and dirut d EPs beforc and Extraod narY items, net of tar xDenser lnot.nnuaxzed) I ina l &- Notesforming p.rt ofthe audited financial resultsforthe Quarter,'Year ended 3Ist March, 2016 Commit.. or Bo.d in th.ir m..tinq h.ld o'13th r"v 2016 tnd . be.n cvi.red hv the th;B@d a,prcv€d bv 2016 rhe s.m€ have bc.n subr.d.d ro Aud t bv th. sbturory c'nrdrAudtots or h.ld on 13ah Mav^udit sto'k rmi ir ed bv R6eN. E k of .dia and ts p€r th. requ r.m.nt of Listinq.!r..m.nt o, onectoB in then me€tins 'ith 2 A..ou.tino por.i.s hav€ b..^.ons st..tly applid durnq the vear aid thsre is io mat n.rch.ns rh. year..ded Mr(h 2016.s.omparcd to thos. fo lored lor the v..r.nd€d M.r.h 2015 I Ine fi....i.r ..surrs ror th. qu.fre/ y... end.d 31st a(h 2016 hav€ b€.n rriv.d .t .n€r.o.t'd.n.q povisDn for Noh p.nomi.q tur.d A.*ts a.d d€pr€cirrron / povisioi for lNestm.nts on th. b.sis or orud.ntial .oms .nd sp.cifi. hat mad. provieion @ 20% on the s..ur.d sub.nandad Advan.. !5 aqanst the R.guato.v E .ndins o...mber 2015 and lmpr.h.nt.d th. $r dne.tion r.at.d Dra th. Bank E iully of rv.6ib1e I a43.oes M o. a.. ac.od.nce with UDAY (uiw. oiscom Assur.n.. Yojna) Pos€r O'rnrbution compani.s (Drscottr) duri.o the 20Is 16, th. b.ik h.5 subs..ib€d to Non sLR sol Bond of G.v.hh.nt of Rajaslha.lGoR) and Gd.m6.nt or uP{GouP).mountinq tol1975 65 cu & t 297 16.rcr6 Esp€criv.ly. DBR EP.No 11657,21 04 13212015.16 dat.d 17th t{arch2016, b.nk has d.d. the provGionas under: 3 . 0r 12l53cror.rinrcsp.ctotsegm.ntnote.visaqedtob..onve4.dintosoLlnry20t6.l7@15%onl310.36.ro..sand.lassfedas ii) r. z5.31.rcEstordiminuiion i. ih. t rvaiu.orroan/DrscoM bond5 accou ins lt.ndrd (As) 15 isu.d by ra ..l.ulatio.byshiltinomo..lityr. Dunng th. y€a., th. bank h.r rcvaru.d th€ p..6is.r rormino pafr ot its fir.d.ts.ts *h.dule. Th... pr€mis.s are rcv. ued b.s.d on th. su.p rut ..ti.q lrc m Ralu.iion.molnt ot a 3241 3r coc h.t b..n add.d to'R4alu.rion r.ports of bank's.pprov.d v.lu.E a.d the d..rded to r io. oBRNOSP 1301321.0. 043/20r5j6 d.t.d 12 01 2016, Ba.k din! orr re6r.O2 crcG.! on 1r 0 un d to b. m.d. in eo qu.freB maa.rh.fulGqun NA&{RO/STOBT Jo.., 2016 Ho,ry.r brnk h.s in d p rnd trHB on r.count or shortl.n in b.din! to kionty s€doi under "oth.r Ass.t nde. ' nt.r.s! Earn.d. oth.u' BP BC 2/2r 0520v20t3-r. d.t.d c.pibln.9Ubnonrne*d.bilsar.b€in!m.d.av.il.bl.onoulw.bsib.m,banr subj€d.d rs Durins to Aud t by the auditoG th. y..i nq cov..ao€ Ratro s 50 09 on 29th s.rt with sEarl coR) R.9olatons ?009 on * aron 3rst Ma(h 2016 5,53,592.h.Es orr pr.r.r.nt rlb.r s rotrr.mount r..eiv.d e r€asonrbl. c.tuinty or cprbilt 2/'...h luly d.t or toEign . o has has ^ccounting 17 Ouins th. year a p.narv or.49 43lac w.s hpo5.d by (Rsr/ Finan. .r rnt.niq.i.e unit s ror t90 7. p.r in.c.o.dan.. by sank 6n this ac.oun y... o. r..sration creat.d rh. D.f.n.d ta a.@!nr.r p.r Staidad.?2. brnk .fr rt a prohium d 23th s.pt.2015 D.id up b..i .r.dii.d to p6ft rnd loss iFrurov..*as R.9u.to6) th. quad.r..d.d r103 ?016 P.ndins,t 3.9innins.ril; ( ln Lacsl A55ETS 20 ft. figurcs ror th. quad.r .. viousy..ra€ th.balan.i.q p€dl r.aranq.d wh.r.v.rn..ess V e ath thos€ figures ot or th..urent p.riod k\. /F, segment reporting for the Quarter/Year end€d 3rst March, 2016 Part A - Bus ness Seqhents Year Ended (Standalone) /ear Ended (consolidated) Part.B: GeooraPh c Seqment5 l Asperquiderines of RBr on compriance 'otheraanki.o operations' pu.oose or cooolian.e 2 3 4 withAccolnnno Standards,rhe Banklras adopted 'Treasury operariont , wholesare, ietailand a nd r.ternation.l .s se co nd a ry / 9.o9ra ph ic segm.nts tor the as P.ina ry business seg ments a.d 'oon estic' withAS'17 on seqm.nt ReDo.tinq issu.d bv lCAl Segment evenue repres.nts rev.nue lioo .rtemal customeG. Capital emproyed lor each seqment has been arrocated proport'onate to the a55ets ol the seoment. The figures ol prevrous pe.iod/ year have been reqrouped/ rearanqed wherever necessary so ar to make th€m comparable w th those l4'u" &( q;r-. ...', V' ofthe \,-L #fu/e Khandelwal Jain & Co. Chartered Accountants Wahi & Gupta Chartered Accountants SRGoyal&Co Rodi Dabir & Co Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants lndeoendent Auditors ReDort To Th€ shareholders of Bank of Baroda Report on the Financial Statements. 1. We have aud ited the accompa nying financial statements of Bank of Baroda as on 31st March, 2016, which comprise the Balance Sheet as on 315t March, 2016, and Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. lncorporated in these financial statements are the returns of 20 branches and one Specialized lntegrated Treasury Branch audited by us,2566 branches audited by Statutory Branch Auditors and 49 foreign branches audited by local auditors in respective countries. The branches audited by us and those audited by other auditors have been selected by the Bank in accordance with the guidelines issued to the Bank by the Reserve Bank of lndia. Also incorporated in the Balance sheet and the Profit and Loss Account are the returns Ircm 2743 branches which have not been subjected to audit. These unaudited branches account for 4.63 per cent of advances, 1182 per cent of deposits, 5.63 per cent of interest income and 10.58 per cent of interest expenses. Manatement's Responsibility for the Financial Statements 2. Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in accordance with the Banking Regulation Act 1949, Reserve Bank of lndia Suidelines from time to time and accounting standards generally accepted in lndia This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparatlon of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on AuditinB issued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. 4. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the audito/s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. ln making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the 3. Our responsibility is q" t\ M Wahi & Gupta Khandelwal Jain & Co. Accountants Chartered Chartered Accountants SRGoyal&Co Rodi Dabir & co Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants financial statements in order to desiSn audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluatinB the overall presentation of the financial statements. 5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained a basis for our audit opinion. 6. is sufficient and appropriate to provide opinion ln our opinion, as shown by books of bank and to the best of our information and according to the explanations Biven to us:- The Balance sheet, read with the notes thereon is a full and fair Balance Sheet containing allthe necessary particulars, is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of state of affairs of the Bank as on 313r March, 2015 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in lndia; ii. The Profit and Loss Account, read with the notes thereon shows a true balance of loss, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in lndia, for the year covered by the account; and iii. The Cash Flow Statement gives a true and fair view on that date. ofthe cash flows for the year ended Report on Other LeSal and Regulatory Requirements 7. The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Profit and Loss Account have been drawn up in Forms "A" and "8" respectively ofthe Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. 8. Subject to the limitations of the audit indicated in paragraph 1 to 5 above and as requlred by the Banking Companies {Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 / 1980 and subject also to the limitations of disclosure required therein, we report that; a. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and beliet were necessary for the purposes of our audit and have found them to be satisfactory; b. The transactions of the Banlg which have come to our notice have been within the powers of the Bank; c. The returns received from the offices and branches of the Bank have been found adequate for the purposes ofour audit; l.. I{fiandelwal lain & Co. wahi & Gupta Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Rodi Dabir & Co Chartered Accountants SRGoyal&Co Chartered Accountants 9. We further report that: a. The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account dealt with by this report are in atreement with the books of account and returns; b. The reports on the accounts ofthe branch offices audited by branch auditors ofthe Bank under section 29 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 have been sent to us and have been properly dealt with by us in preparing this report; c. ln our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement comply with the applicable accounting standards. For KhandelwalJain & Co Chartered Accountants FRN : 105049W q *>,.1 Chartered Accountants FRN: 002253N \ -\ ,/ o ,./ \-,,' Gupta Shailesh s shah Partner M.No:033632 For S R Goyal &Co Chartered Accountants FRN:001537C For Wahi & Gupta x Anuj Partner M.No:076550 For Rodi Dabir & Co Chartered Accountants FRN:108846W "f", ,ln\ N Ajay Kumar A\olla\ Partner M.No:0772O1 Date: 13rh May 2016 Place: Mumbai M.No:039984 r' dlit; +frw *t,lt:t Elartk ot Etaroda FORMA LET.TER OF, ANNUAL AI'DIT REPORT TO BE T'ILED U'ITH EXCIIANGES (STANDALONE) . Name of the Comparry Bank of Batoda . Annual Financial Statements lor 31d March 2016 STOCK the year ended . Type ofAudit Observation . Frequency of observaton . Comments of the Management on the matter of emphasis Genera-l Manager (Corporate Accounts & Taxauon) ard CFO For Khandelwal Jain & Co Chaitered Accountants FRN : 1O5O49W Un-modiffed Nit Chairman Audit Committee of Board Managing Director & CEO For Wahl & Gupta Chartered Accountants FRN: 002263N . t\_^.- ,^-' ll,i--{-U I sharle€#ar ' s shah Partner M.No: 033632 For S R Goyal Chartered Accorrntant-s Y. K. Gupta Partrer M.No: O16020 For Rodl Debir & Co JffiH Partner M.No:039984 M.No:077201 Place: Mumbai Date: 13d May 2016 Corpomre Accounrs & Tdarion Depannent, 2d Fl@r, Bdoda Corporute Cenrre. C 26, G Block, Bandm Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400 05 I Tel : 66985257(GM)- 66985276(AGM) 66985280(CM) email id: accounls.ho @ bankofbaroda.com Khandelwal Jain & Co. Wahi & Gupta Chartered Accountents Chartered Accountants SRGoyal&Co Rodi Dabir & co Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants AUDITORY REPORT ON CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF BANK OF BARODA To The Board of Diredors, Bank of Baroda We have audited the attached Consolidated Balance sheet of Bank of Baroda {the "Group") as at March 31, 2016, the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the yea. ended on that date and the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date, annexed thereto, in which are incorporated: Audited Accounts of the Bank of Baroda (The Bank), audited by us, vide our audit report dated May 13,2016; ii) Audited Accounts of 12 Subsidiaries, 3 Associates and 3 Joint Ventures, audited by other Auditors; iii) unaudited accounts of3 associates. i) Management's Responsibilityforthe Financial Statements The Consolidated Financial Statements are the responsibility ofthe Bank's management and have been prepared by the management on the basis of separate financial statements and other financial information regarding subsidiaries, associates & joint ventures. Our responsibility is to express our opinion on these consolidated Financial Statements based on our audit. These Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared by the Bank in accordance with the requirements of AS 21 (Consolidated Financial Statements), AS 23 (Accounting for lnvestment in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements) and AS 27 (Financial Reporting oJ lnterest in Joint Ventures) issued by the lCAl and the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of lndia. Auditor's Responsibility 3 We conducted our audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with the Auditing Standards generally accepted in lndia. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the Financial Statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework and are free of material misstatements. An audit includes, examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and si8nificant estimates made by the !u-'- Khandelwal Jain & Co. Chartered Accountants sRGoyal&Co Chartered Accou ntants Wahi & Gupta Chartered Accountants Rodi Dabir & Co Chartered Accountants management as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 4 lncorporated in the Consolidated Financial Statements are: a) Financial statements of 9 overseas subsidiaries and 1 overseas Joint Venture which have not been audited by us, whose financial statements reflect total assets of 10566 88 1066.01 crores and cash flows crores as at 31't March, 2016 and total revenue of amounting to {. 259.54 crores for the year then ended. Out of which, 4 (four) overseas subsidiaries and 1 (One) Joint Venture whose accounts has been drawn upto 31si Dec' 2015 and included in the consolidated financial statements, the management has l. { certified that no significant changes have taken place during the period from 01st .January 2015 to March 2016. The financial statements and other financial information of said subsidiaries have been audited by other auditors as per the requirement of respective local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) These financial statements have been converted as per the requirements of lndian GMP by the management and audited by them and our opinion, in so far it relates to the amounts included in respect of those subsidiaries is based solely on the reports of those auditors and its conversion into lndian GAAP as stated above. b) Figures of 3 domestic subsidiaries and 2 domestic joint ventures which have been 11361 02 audited by other auditors, whose financial statements reflect total assets of flows and cash 1836.23 crores crores as at March 31, 2016 and total revenue of amounting to {. (242.59) crores for the year then ended. The consolidated financial statements also include the Sroup's share of net profit of <. (37.49) crores for the year ended 31st March 2016 as considered in the consolidated financial statements in respect of 3 associates, whose financial statement have been audited by other auditors whose report have been fl.lrnished to us by the Management and our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these domestic subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, is based solelyon the reports ofthe other auditors i. c) { { The consolidated financial statements also include the group's share of net profit of 57.59 crores for the year ended 31't March 2016 as considered in the consolidated financial statements in respect of 3 associates, whose financial statement have not been audited by us. These financial statement are unaudited and have been furnished to us by the management and our opinion on the consolidated financial statements in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these associates, is based solely on such unaudited financial statements. In our opinion and according to the information and explanation given to us by the management, these financial statements are not material to the GrouP. L-, - -,. .-..--r Khandelwal Jain & Wahi & Gupta Co. Chartered Accountants 5 Chartered Accountants SRGoyal&Co Rodi Dabir & Co Chartered Accountants Chartered A..ountants opinion Based on our audit, consideration of reports of other auditors on separate financial statements, consideration of unaudited financial statements and on the other financial information of the components, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us read with paragraphs 3 and 4 above, we are of the opinion that the attached consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in lndia, subject to our observation in Para No. 5 above : (i) ln the case ofthe Consolidated Balance Sheet, ofthe state of affairs ofthe Bank, its Subsidiaries and interests in its Associates/ Joint ventures (Group) as on 31't March 20t6; (ii) (iii) ln the case of the Consolidated Statement of Profit & Loss, of the consolidated Loss of the "Group" for the year ended on that date, and ln the case of Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows of the "Group" for the year ended on that date, For KhandelwalJain & Co Chartered Accountants FRN : 1O5O49W Shailesh Partner S Shah \ w For Wahi & Gupta Chartered Accountants FRN:002263 AnujGupta Partner M.No:033632 ForSRGoyal &Co M.No:076560 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants FRN:108846W OO1537C I f -^ h-/\ 'tr""l "" FRN: For Rodi Dabir & Co w , tl ,/' Anurag 6oval Partner M.No:412538 r--- Date: 13th May 2016 Plqce - M "mbnj -" -,. Ill,"t1 sudhir Dabir Partner M.No:039984 @ dirr,*ir 6d*r Elank c$Saroda rORMA LETTER OT ANNUAL AI'DIT RTPORT TO BE FILED WITH STOCK EXCIIANGES (CONSOLIDATED) . B.nk of Baroda Name of the Company . Amual Financla-l Statements for 3r{ March 2016 the year: ended . f}?e of Audit Observatron . Frequency of obsewation . Comments of the Mana€iement on the rnatter of emphasis Un-modiffed Nil [,i I*V. S. Narang General Manager (Corporate Accounts & Taxauon) and CFO P. S. Jayakumar Chairrnan Audlt Committee of Board Managing Director & CEO For Khandelwal Jallr & Co Chartered Accountants FRN : 1O5O49W For wahl & Gupta Chartered Accountants FRN: OO2263N 9"ry Shatlcsli(uiar s sheh 1,,^-:.,-. t-.Y. K. Gupta Partner M.No:016020 For Rodl Dablr & Co Chartered Accountants FRN: lO8846W Partner M.No: 033632 For S R Goyal Chartered Accountants FRN: OO1537C I t"- [\\ \f, \,\a Kuma\ ljar Partner "J*)'9#" Partner M-No:039984 M.No:077201 Place: Mumbal Date: 13s May 2016 Corporare Accounts & Tdation Departnent, 2d Floor. Baroda Corpomte Cenlre, C 26, C-Block, Bandm Kurla Complex, Mumbai-400051 Tel : 6698525?(GM)- 66985276(AGM)' 66985280(CM) email id : ecounts ho@barkoibdoda.com