JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL. 98, NO. A1, PAGES165-177,JANUARY 1, 1993 Parameterization of ChaoticParticleDynamics in a SimpleTime-Dependent Field Reversal SANDRA C. CHAPMAN AND NICHOLAS W. WATKINS SpacePlasmaGroup,Schoolo! Matheraatical andPhysicalSciences,Universityof Sussex, Falraer,Brighton,UnitedKingdora We investigatesinglechargedparticledynamicsin the Earth'smagnetotailusinga simple, scalefreemagneticfieldmodelwhichis explicitlytime dependent,with a corresponding induction electricfield. The time-dependent Haxniltonianof particlemotionin the simplemodeldescribes a systemof two coupledoscillators whichis ch-iven.Whenthe (time-dependent) ratio of the oscillationfrequenciesis differentfrom unity, the motion is regular, but if it approachesunity at some point on the trajectory, the motion becomeschaotic. A parameter a is found which characterizesthe adiabaticity of the system,and the transitiontime for behaviorin the systemis given by c•t --. 1. The conditionat • I is equivalentto n m 1 in the static parabolicfield model discussed by previousauthors(BuchnerandZelenyi,1989).The explicittimedependence produces two possibleclassesof motion, orderedby a. If the reversalis thick and is folding slowly,so that c• << 1, the motion is a transitionin behavior,from regular t• conservingto chaotic "cucumberlike" trajectories, when t •, 1/a. If on the other ha•xd,the reversalis thin and folds quickly, so that c• > 1, the particles execute regular "ring type" trajectories once t > 1/c•. Simple estimates of presubstormmagnetotailparametersindicatethat electronsin a slowlythinning (15-rain time scale),thick (1RE) sheethavea • 1, whereasprotonsin a thin (severalhundredsof kilometers) sheet which thins on a 5-rain time scalehave a • 1. Hence the behavior of the particles, and by implication, the field reversal which they support, will depend upon the adiabaticity of the system c•, as well as the "chaotization" parameter c•t; this is shown only to be the case in a model which is explicitly time dependent and which includes the induction electric field. 1. INTRODUCTION Sincethe early 1960s[e.g.,Speiser,1965;Sonnerup,1971; Lyonsand$peiser,1982; Chenand Pa!madesso, 1986]single chargedparticledynamicshavebeenstudiedin simplestatic modelsof the magnetic field reversalin the Earth's rnagnetotMi. As well •s giving an insight into the local plasm• populations,the dynamics of these particles,essentiallythe currentcarrierssupportingthe tail field reversal,shouldto someextent dictate the globalstructure and stability of the magnetotail.Changesin the trajectoriesmay be relatedto disruptions of the field geometry,eitherindirectly(e.g.,via tearingmodeinstability[Buchnerand Zelenyi,1987]),or directly(by scatteringthe adiabaticcurrentcarriers,caus- ingthe plasmasheet to thin [e.g,Mitchellet al., 1990,and references therein]).Alternativelychanges in the dynamics of someparticlesmay be regardedas providingpopulations whichdestabilise the fieldplasmaconfiguration closeto substormonset[Galeev,1982]and references therein. In particular,a staticfieldreversalmodel(with parabolic magneticfield lines and no inductionelectricfield) whichis scalefree has been used to characterizethe particle dynam- ics[Buchner,1986;BuchnerandZelenyi,1989].As will be demonstrated here,modelswith no intrinsicscalecanallow theparticledynamicsto be parameterized analytically;in the caseof the parabolicstatic field reversala singlecon- trolling parameter, • [Buchner andZelenyi, 1986,1989],a of trajectory are possible:adiabatic trajectorieswhich are alwaysregular(integrable)and whichconserve an adiabatic invariant(suchas/•), and chaoticor stochastictrajectories which are not regularand do not conservea singleinvariant, the two types being confinedto separateregionsin phase space.The steadystate parameter n hasbeenusedin timedependentproblems,e.g., as a substormindicator in the WKB limit [BuchnerandZelenyi,1987],andto discuss substorm associated phenomena[Pulkkinenet al. 1991]. However, the parameter n, being derived from a steady state model, doesnot containany information about the time dependenceof the field. Temporal changesin the field are accommodatedby treating the time-dependentsystem as a seriesof steadystate magneticfield models,each characterized by a slightly different value of n. This paper is an attempt to introduceexplicit time dependenceinto the systemby examininga scalefree model which is both time dependentand parameterizable.We examine particle dynamicsin a fully time dependentscalefree model for the magneticfield reversalwhich "foIdsup" with increasingtime and which includes the induction electric field associated with this time dependence, as well as the constant cross-tail convective electric field by frame trans- formation. A new parameter a emergeswhich, as well as being a function of the field strength and thicknessof the reversal and the particle gyroradius,is now also a function of the time scale over which the field changesand the p•r- function of the field strengthand thickness of the reversal tide gyroperiod.We showthat the conditionn • 1, which andtheparticlegyroradius, determines whether theparticle identifies a steady state system which is chaotic for all t, is motion is(forall•) adiabatic, orchaotic.In thissteadystate equivalentto the singletime c•t • i in the time-dependent system[seeChenandPalmadesso, 1986]twodistinctclasses model. Hence in this model we find that, unlike in a steady state field reversal, there are no trajectories which are reg- ular (i.e., adiabatic)for all •. In other words,there are no integrabletrajectorieswhich can be confinedto a regionin phasesp•cefor all t in the time-dependent system. The explicittime dependence producestwopossibleclasses Copyright1993by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber92JA01548. 0148-0227/93/925A_01548505.00 165 166 CHAPMAN AND WATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS IN NONSTATIC R,EVEI•SAL of motion, depending on whether the reversal "folds" on a normalized time scale which is slow, or fast, compared with the (normalized)chaotizationtimescalet • 1/a. The rate at which the reversal cha•nges,and its spatial scale, as compared with the spatial and temporal scales of the particle motion in the reversal, are specifiedby the parameter c•. If a << 1, representinga thick reversalwhich is folding slowly, the particle experiencesa transition in behavior; when • < 1/c• it is regular, conservingan invariant tt.,once t m 1/c•, the particleis pitch anglescattered,and the motion paper should thereforebe regardedas examining the underlying nature of single particle dynamics in time dependent field reversals, rather than an attempt to accurately model the presubstorm magnetotail. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section the field model will be presented, with a discussionof the constraints required for parameterization. In section 3 the Hamiltonian equation of motion will be parameterizedto obtain the control parameters a and at. We will then show that in the time-dependent model, a transition in behav- becomeschaoticand "cucumberlike" [Buchnerand Zelenyi, ior will occuras at .• 1. The role of a as the adiabaticity !989]. If on the other hand, the reversalis thin and folds parameter of the system will be established, and the be. quickly, so that c• >> 1, the motion becomesregular within havior for different values of a will be discussed. Numeria Larmor period, exhibiting no extendedinterval of chaotic cally integrated trajectoriesare presentedin section4, and motion. The parameter c•, which essentially specifies the a summaryof the analyticaland numericalresultsis given adiabaticityof the system(rather than of the particle), is in section5. In section6 we will establishthe relationship shown to have no counterpart in the steady state model. Explicit time dependenceand the inclusionof the induction electric field are required to allow the parameterization of the time scale over which the systemevolvesas compared with the characteristicfrequenciesof the particle motion. betweenthe role played by • in the static model, and that playedby al in the time-dependentmodel, and showthat a has no analogue in the static model. Estimates of a for the Earth's magnetotail are given in section7. Hence we show that the condition • m 1 which has been 2. THE SCALE FREE, PARAMETERIZABLEFIELD MODEL implied to indicate the onsetof chaoticbehaviorin initially 2.1. Scale Free Models t•-conserving particlesin time dependentglobalmodelsof the magnetotail[Buchnerand Zelenyi, 1987, Pu!kkinenet We shall use a simple scale free model as opposedto a a!., 1991]will only do so if the systemchangessufficiently phenomenologicMgeotail model as in general the latter inslowlyandis sufficientlyslowlyspatiallyvarying. In general, troduces intrinsic length and time scaleswhich obscurethe both the time scMe, and the nature of the transition are parametersthat characterizethe trajectory [Chapmanand always given by the c• of the system. Cowley,1985]. The scalefree model is such that the parIn principle our approachcan be applied to folding of ticle equationsof motion,with suitable(scalefree)normalthin current sheets on either short time scales (of the order ization, hereafter denotedby an asterisk,have the following of a few minutes),impliedby field and plasmain-situ ob- property: servations [e.g. Ohtaniet al., 1991;Mitchellet al., 1990]in dr* which the inductive electric field will play a substantial role in particledynamics,or the "global"time scale(of the order of 15-30min) over whichthe magnetotailas a wholegains = energy(i.e., the "growthphase"[Hones,1977]). In prac- dr* tice, the constraintsrequiredfor parameterizationresult in a simple time-dependent model with application restricted to a "local"regionin the centralplasmasheet. The spatial validity of the time dependentmodel will be just that of the steady state parabolic field model which is appropriate for spatial regionssufficientlycloseto the tail center plane. In addition, the time dependentmodel will only be appropriate to the magnetotail for a finite range of time. Since we dt* will show that the chaotization condition c•t ,•, 1 is satisfied within a finite time, and as the particle crossesthe tail centre plane, this simple model is sufficientfor a determination of the "local" conditionsin the plasma sheet required for chaotization. (1) with A particle trajectory in this systemis uniquely specifiedby three independentparameters,namely the velocity componentsat somepoint on the trajectory r*(t*) (or the speed, pitch angle,and õyrophase)at time t* [Chapmanand Cowley, 1985]. The transition from one type of particle behavior to another, and the violation of an adiabatic invariant associated with a particular type of behavior as the transition takes placeare thereforealsocharacterizedby no more than three independent parameters. A scalefree field model, in which the suitably normalized Lorentz force law has the form of equation(1), is requiredif we are to determineany of the By examining a model which is scale free and hence pathree independentparametersanalytically. If a field model rameterizable, we are also able in principle to obtain the with some intrinsic spatial or temporal scale is used, the time scale for chaotization at ,,• 1, and the adiabaticity paright hand sideof (1) will alsobe a functionof that intrinrameter c• for particles of any mass,charge, and gyroscales, sic scale,and more than three parameterswill be required in the model field reversalwith any given radius of curvato specifyeach trajectory in the field model, althoughthe ture at the center plane and time scale for variation of the additional parameter will not be independentof the first field. This is generally not the casefor phenomenological three. field models which more accurately represent the magnetotail where the details of the model obscurethe underlying œ.œ.Time Dependent Field Model trends in particle behavior. In this case the dependenceof the particle behavior on each of the model parameters can With a:,y and z corresponding to GSE coordinates (Geo- only be determined by numericalintegration of the parti- centtic Sun Earth, with a:toward the Earth, z northward), cle equations of motion in the model. The analysis in this the scalefree field model to be usedhere, CHAPMAN ANDWATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS tNNONSTATIC REVEI•SAL Bx zt n=( ...•.•-, 0,•) (a) 167 tiMly trapped,#-conservingtrajectories.In additionthe x componentof the magneticfield varieslinearly in t, giving parabolicfield lines for arbitrarily small t > 0 and a current density which increaseslinearly in t. This linear variation in t in generalrepresentsa small time interval of any flucrepresents parabolicmagneticfieldlinesWhichfoldtoward 2-hV0) (4) in thecurrent density (e.g.,sint/r or I -e--•) for thecenterplaneof the magnetotail (z = 0) withincreasingtuation time t on time scale r. The field reversal has half thickness t << r, or in particular a system which has approximately h suchthat at this scale height and at time t = r the field linear time variationin J for arbitrary t. As it will be sitown z component hascharacteristicstrengthB=. The inductive that in the time-dependentfield, a transitionoccursin the dectric fieldB=z2/2hr ischosen tosatisfy VAE= -OB/Ot with the additional constraint that there should be no z de- pendence in themodelsothat a constant cross-tail, in (•r), particle dynamicson a finite time scale,it is appropriateto consider a model which is valid for some finite time interval. Our conclusions will then be valid if the variation in the convection electricfield E½= vTBz•rcanbe introducedby currentdensityat the centerplane is not stronglynonlinear in t over the time taken for the transition in behavior, i.e., moving in the• directionwith constant velocityvT• [Chap- for c•t • 1. manand Cowley,1985],to representplasmac6nvect. ion in the Earth's magnetotail. This requirementfor the inclusion of a convectionelectric field by frame transformation effectively Constrainsthe linking field Bz to be constantfor all z andt, so that the model is appropriateprovidedthat on the. 3. ANALYTICAL DESCRIPTION DYNAMICS OF THE PARTICLE time scalesto be discussedbelow the linking field doesnot It has been demonstratedthat sttrajectory is uniquely changesubstantially(i.e., providedthe particleis not con- specified by three independent parameters. Here we will vectedalonga substantiallengthof the tail). In additionto showthat most, but not all, featuresof the particle behavbeingconstrainedby X7A E -----oqB/0t, the inductionelec- ior are determinedby two parameters: c•t which indicates tric field is also chosento satisfy V.E = 0 consistentwith the transition time of the particle behavior, and a, which quasi-neutrality. yields the "adiabaticity" of the systemwith respectto this By normalizingtime to 1/fiz (the inverseof the gyrofrequencyin the field at z - O,•% -- eBz/rn) andlengthscMes transition time. toBzr•h/B• it canbeverified thatthisfieldmodel isscale 3.1. The Controlling Parameters c• and crt free,that is, the Lorentz force law becomes(for positively charged particles) dv* = v' ^ + (s) The controlling parametersare revealedby renormalizing the particle and Hamiltonian equationsof motion in the scalefree model. Normalizingtime to the inverseof the gyrofrequencyat z = 0, 1/f•z, and length to p•, the gyroradius In thisscalefree normalizationthe vectorpotentialmay be at z = 0, the equations of motion are written z2 Z*2• * J•= crt T -- x = œ•--x 2 ,0) z2 with qb= 0 in the frame where Ec = 0. Field lines (i.e., • = -at(at5-- a:)z = -•zZ contours of constantA•) are parabohc,foldingtowardthe z = 0 plane with increasingt. (9) (10) where we have used the first integral of the y equation of This simple scale free model representsthe more phe- motion, nomenologically accurate model of the tail current sheet B= (Ctanh(•), 0,Bz) withintrinsicscaleheighth, overthe restrictedregionz < h. Herewe alsointroducetime dependence with C=B- t • = c•t-¾ -- x (7) The Hamiltoni• dH d • •=• x Previous steadystatestudies[e.g.,ChenandPalmadesso, 1986andkeferences therein]havea constantC = B•. Here it will be shownthat stochasticbehavior,that is, jumps in equation of motion can be written • •2 z2 •' = •(• +T+•)=•(• •• (s) (11) Z2 - .•2 - •) = v.E (•2) Z2 =-•- +•*T-•F•I (13) where the controlparameter c•is given by theparticleactionp, occursasthe particlecrosses thecen- B•p,fly ter planez = 0, so that in order to examinethe conditions (14) fortheonsetof chaosweneedonlyto accurately modelthe and f•! = I/r, the fold-up "frequency"of the field. The role of a and at • controllingparametersis apparent above B fieldreduces to equation (3) andisscalefreeasrefrom the aboveHamiltonian equation of motion. spatialregioncloseto the centerplane z < h, for whichthe quired.This approximation doesimplythat thesimplefield raodddoesnot have a losscone,that is, all particleswill ultimately mirrorand returnto the centerplane[Chenand First, at any instant in time, we have written the Hamflto_•an Palmadesso, 1986]; this,however, willnotaffect conclusions concerning the pitchanglescattering (onsetofchaos)in ini- • •2 •2 168 CHAPMANAND WATKINS: CHAOTICDYNAMICSIN NONSTATICI:{E;VER. SAL where thez = 0 planewhichareapproximately I, = fv•dz con- x (]6) and • hasbeenwritten as the pseudopotential for two coupled oscillatorsin x and z. The parameterA = at scales the Hamiltonian by scalingthe pseudopotential • within whichthe particlesmoveat any time t, sothat the ratio of oscillationfrequencieswill alsodependon c•t. Second,dH/dt -7/:0 as the v.E term is nonzero,so that we can write this Ilamiltonian equationof motion as dH dt •A the motion is /• conserving,result in a drift in the •c^B direction,i.e., in •r consistent with guidingcenterdrift, and if the motion is I, conservingwill producea drift in the• direction. A third classof motion will ariseif at somepoint on the trajectoryWz• f•r•. This weaklychaotic(stochastic [Chen and Palraadesso, 1986]or cucumberlike[BuchnerandZe. ments over which w• • f•n. When the particle is far from dt thecenterplane,themotionis approximately t• conserving. where When the particle crossesthe centerplane, it, executesfast dA = The parameter •: threadingthe centerplane. The forceterm F•c should, if lenyi,1989])motionconsists of approximately regular seg- OH dA = serving,accompaniedby a slow z gyration about tl•e field (]8) oscillations in z which areapproximately I• ( = jfv•dz)conserving. The particle completesa half turn about the center c•scales the rateat whichthe Ilamilto- planefield B• duringthis sectionof the trajectory. This type of interaction,wherethe particlemotionswitches from /• conservingto I• conservingas it interactswith the OH field radiusof curvatureat the centerpl,•ne,is OX= "•A (19) maximum reminiscent of bothSpeiser[Speiser,1965]andcucumberlike here, a alsoscalesthe rate at whichthe pseudopotential[BuchnerandZelenyi,1986]trajectories.Thesetrajectories changes.In this sense,c• indicatesthe "adiabaticity"of aredistinguished by [ChenandPalmadesso, 1986]whether thesystem.The limit of aninfinitesimMly slowlychanging they are transient(Speiser)particleswhichcan escapethe system is system,or stochastic(cucumberlike)particleswhichmirror and return to interact with the center plane. In the scale dtt free parabolicfield all particlesof this type will ultimately a-h- 0 (20) nian changes,•nd since implying mirror and return to the centerplane, so that this discussion concernscucumberlike,or stochastic,chaotic particles. We will now establish that the time scale for the transition betweendifferentclasses of motionis t • 1/c•. Sincewe whichcorresponds to neglectingthe inductionelectricfield. have shown that a yields the adiabaticity of the system, We will nowdiscuss the particlebehaviorin titissystem we expect different behavior for different a'. Titere are two in detail. classes of behavior,for the two regimesc•< 1 a.ndc•>_1. The aboveequations(9)-(13) describethe motionof two 3.œ.a<1 nonlinearcoupledoscillators, in a:andz. The z equationof motioncontains anoscillator withfrequency 1, the (normMIn this casethe time intervalt <' 1/c• (wheret is norized) Larmorfrequency at the centerplanez = 0. Sincethe realizedto •;'•) corresponds to manyLarmorperiods.At magneticfieldminimizesat the centerp!•ne, this is ,xlsothe early t, that is, for sufficientlysmall at, •:• << 1 and hence minimumvalueof the Larmorfrequency fin at,anypointon cv•<< •ql;overthe entiremotion(sincefir. > 1). Duringthis thetrajectory.In addition,the drivingtermF•(z, at) rep- intervalthe trajectoriesare regular,characterized by fastosresentsa forcein the a:direction. The z equationof motion cillation about the field at the local Larmor frequency9r. contains an oscillator withfrequency w=(a•),whichit is im- and slowbouncemotion(at frequency w,) betweenmirror portant to note is explicitly time dependent.In section6 we points,that is, they are g conserving.As w• • 1 (with will showthat in thesteadystatemodelthisfrequency only increasingaZ), it will approachFtr•in magnitude,the two hasimplicittime dependence throughthe particleposition. frequenciesfirst becomingequal at the center plane where This explicit time dependence in w• will now be shownto Or. minimizes(i.e., where•qr•= 1). As the particlecrosses imply that no trajectories in the time-dependent modelcan the z = 0 plane(wherethefieldcurvaturemaximises), # will haveregular(adiabatic)behaviorfor all t, a.ndwill yieldthe jump. The particlewill undergostrongpitch anglescattertransition time c•t • 1. ing beforeevolvinginto weaklychaoticcucumberlikebehav- Particletrajectories will be regular(adiabatic)for some ior. Forsufficiently largec• wemayhavew, >>1 (wheno0, finitetimeintervaloverwhichthetwooscillation frequenciesis real) overalmostthe entiretrajectorysothat the motion remaindissimilar.There are in generaltwo possiblemodes becomesregular, that is, w• >> Or. over the entire motion. ofregular behavior forwhichthistimeintervalislonger than This corresponds to the regularI• conserving ("ringtype" the periodof both thefastandslowoscillation. If f•n > •o• orbits discussedabove. On the other hand, if w• remainsof overboth the fast and slowoscillatorymotion,and hence the order of •qr. closeto the center plane, the motion will I >> w•, the motionis adiabatic,conserving an invariant remain cucumberlike. These two classes of behavior are dis- tt = v•/B associated with the fast oscillation about.the tinguishable by a third parameter, which is related to the fieldat the Larmorfrequency f]L, the frequency w• corre- particleenergyassociatedwith the z componentof the mospondingto the frequencyof the slow bounce motion be- tion aswill be demonstrated in section3.4 (seealsoBuchner tweenmirrorpoints.If •L <<wz, themotion,if completely and Zelenyi [1989]). regular,is "ring-type"(in the definitionof BuchnerandZeBy inspectionof the ttamilt.onian equationof motionwe lenyi[1989]),the particleexecuting fast,z oscillations across have however established the conditions for "chaotization", CHAPMANAND WATKINS:CHAOTICDYNAMICSIN NONSTATICREVERSAL 169 origin, intersectingthe center plane at x > -p0 and the trajectory at least twicein the regioncloseto the centerplane. The motionwill now be cucumberlike(or stochastic):far from the centerplane the trajectory is still located in the co•/i2r•<< 1 or # conservingregion, but closeto the center plane a segmentwill be in the coz/i2r•> 1 or _/..-conserving region. As the trajectory crossesthe co..- I line, a jump in the action occurs. The motion will remain cucumber- like if segmentsof the trajectory remain wholly within the " • 03z--1 p-conserving,•-, < I region. In summary then, we expect that as t -+ !/c• trajectories will exhibit jumps in /• as they crossthe center plane, S and that the motion will evolve from y conserving to cu- cumberlike. Sincejumps in the action /• occurjust as the particle crosses the centerplane,this discussion only applies to trajectoriesthat crossthe center plane on time scales shorter than, or of the order of, the chaotizationtimescale Fig. 1. Sketchof the pseudopotential •(z,z). The innersolid t -- 1/c•. This is appropriatefor particlesinteractingwith line marks the minimum ß = 0 correspondingto the location of the field line or contour of constant vector potential A• = 0. the Earth's magnetotailas in the frame containinga zero The outer solid line is the locus of points where wz -- I where convectionelectric field most particles will have a signifithe x and z oscillation frequencies become approximately equal. cant field-alignedvelocitydirectedinto the field reversal. !d line Both of these lines collapse toward the center plane z = 0 with increasingt. The dotted lines indicate the energiesassociated with the z motion of particles with two classesof behavior, S is either/• conservingor cucumberlikeand I is Iz conserving. In this casethe intervalt < 1/c• corresponds to lessthan a Larmor period, and the particle cannot execute l• conserv- that is, the conditions for the transition from l• conserving to cucumberlike motion. This is illustrated in Figure 1, which showsa sketchof thefunction•(x, z) at somet. Markedon the sketches are the lines •-- 0, and coz-- 1. The inner line •0 correspondsto the field line, that is, the contourof constantvectorpotentialAy -- 0 (seeequation(6)) aboutwhicha particledescribedby the aboveHamiltoninnequationof motion gyratesduring the /•-conservingsegmentsof its trajectory. Thisline, that is, the field linesof the model,movestoward the center plane z - 0 with increasingt. When a trajectory approaches the outer coz- ing motionfor whichi2r•>>co•.Oncet --+1/c•,providedthe particlecrosses the centerplane,the trajectorywill intersect the co_.= 1 line as above, and the motion must become ei- ther cucumberlike or I_.conserving("ring-type"),depending upon the subsequent motion, that is, whethersegmentsof the trajectory remain within the co-,< I region. SinceaJ• increaseswith (•, we might expect that for sufficientlylarge t• the motion will becomeregular f_. conserving.In section4 we will numericallydemonstratethat for c• > 1.55, particles executeregular,f• conserving (or "ringtype") trajectories, the motion instead being cucumberlikefor smaller valuesof 1 line, jumpsin the action(lt or I-,) are expected to occur.Pro- 3.J. The Third ControllingParameter videdthat i2r•.• 1, the wz - i line dividesthe x- z plane intotworegionsof particlebehavior:the regionextending Both classesof particle, thosetitat remaincucumberlike for c•t > 1 discussedabove, and those that exhibit. regular intoq-• corresponding to (co•(1) /,-conserving, co••( behavior,movein the pseudopotential •(x,z). motion, andthe regionextending into -x corresponding to /•-conserving These two classes of behavior can be distinguished by their • • f•r• or I•-conserving motion.Motionon the q-xside with the z component of the motionat ofthefieldline • -- 0 yieldsan imaginarycoz(seeequation energiesassociated 7 of Buchner andge!enyi [1989]). (10))corresponding to exponential growthin z. Thissimply a givenx (seealsoFigure results in a net z oscillatorymotionthat is not sinusoidal. From the Hamiltoninn equation of motion the total energy The w• - I line is closest to the ß -- 0 line at the center at any time • is planez -- 0, and it intersects this planeat x -- -1/crt in theabovenormalization.At earlytimes,whenat,<• 1, this H(c•t) = T + T + •(x,z,at) (22) intersection is at large negativex, and mostof the x- z whichin terms of the energyassociatedwith the z motion plane,andthe trajectories withinit, arein a regionwhere can be written as •o•/l'•L• 1. Thesetrajectoriesare /• conserving, and er•ging overthefastLarmoroscillation followthefieldline z(t) = + •I/- 0. As we increasea•, the coz- 1 boundarybetween •/i• •< i (t•-conserving) and•o•/Ft•.• ! (Iz conserv-so ing)behaviormovescloserto the trajectoryuntilat c•t• 1 theintersection is at ß --1 corresponding in unnormalizedunitsto x ---p•, the particlegyroradius in the center plane. Hence at c•t -• I this chaotic boundaryjust inter- that •2 At somefixed as,notionalvaluesof h• are markedS for a cucumberlike andI for an I•-conservingtrajectoryon Figure sects thetrajectoryonceat thecenterplane,andjumpsin in riteti•nedependent field,thevalue thefastactiong will occurastheparticlecrosses thecenter 1. Fora givenparticle plane.As t•t • 1 the co-,: ! boundarymovescloserto the ofh-,(c•t) willnotbeconstant asimplied bythestraigltt lines 170 CHAPMAN AND WATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS IN NONSTATIC R•V•,RSAL on the figure, and particles may migrate between the two classesof behavior. The limiting casefor particle motion to be regular Iz conservingis just that [cf. Buchner and (the equivalenttrajectory for a negativelychargedpartick is obtainedby reflectionin the x - z plane). Zelenyi,1989,equations(21a)-(2!c)] .i.1. a < 1 Behavior = > 2=0) .... = 0)= The overall behavior for a trajectory started at z• = 0.00t (25)is shown in Figures 2a and 2b. Figure 2a spansthe period This implies that the third parameter that characterizesthe particlemotionwill dependupon h,(ai). 4. NUMERICALLY INTEGRATED t = 0 to t > z__ andshows thetransition fromtt conserving t( chaoticbehavior. As suggestedby the HamiltonJanequati0• of motion, the particle tt is reasonably well conservedfor t < l/a = 125, the oscillationsin tt about the averageare TRAJECTORIES The two closes of behavior, correspondingto a < 1 and a _> 1, have been examined numerically. Trajectories with different values of a have been integrated using an adaptive time step, adaptive order Adams method [Shampineand Gordon,1975]. We usethe scalefree normalizationto length L = pz/a and time T = 1/•tz; the value of a for each trajectory is then specifiedby the starting position z• = z/L = az/pz. All trajectorieshaveinitial conditionst = 0 (B constant), and initial velocitieswhich are arbitrary (a constantv, or vu may be added by frame transformation) except that the motion is initially toward the center plane and that the particle crossesthe center plane at least once every t = 1/a. Trajectoriesare independentof the initial x and y position, and are for positively charged particles a result of tt being calculated at the particle, rather than the guiding center location. The first crossingof the center plane, at t '" 50, is adiabatic, the second, at t • 80, is approximately so. After t = 125, however, the z motion is clearly not a slow oscillation between mirror points, and tt is no longer well conserved. Three-dimensional plotsof the trajectory over this period are shown in Figures 3 and 4. The approximately adiabatic part of the trajectory, for t = 0- 100, is shown in Figure 3; this is composedof fast oscillations about the parabolic field, with a slow bounce motion betweenmirror points. Figure 4 showsthe trajectory for t = 100 - 190, spanning the chaotization time at --, 1. During the first centerplane crossingat • = 150 the particle is strongly pitch angle scattered, from Figure 2a the plot 0t z versus t shows that just after t = 150, fl• • w•, and on z 0.05- 0.0 t -0.05- -0.1 - 0.021 Ii 0.01- 0.0 -0.01 50 ' 100 150 200 250 t mu 0,10 o [ I I 50 100 150 I I I 2øø 250 t Fig. 2a Plot of tt, the perpendicularand parallel velocity components,and the particle z coordinate versustime for a trajectory with c• = 0.008, that is, with z* = 0.008 at t = 0. The full initial conditionswerer* = (0,0,0.008), v* = (0,0.008,-0.005). The plot spansthe intervalt = 0 to t > Io,. CHAPMANANDWATKINS:CHAOTICDYNAMICSIN NONSTATIC R,EVERSAL o.oI •' ?, ',11,' 1 i/ 200 ., , , 4-00 •, 600 •.. /800 171 I"-'"'""•2•••'. ;:'-".'.'-' 1000 1200 -0.1: -, v,, O.O2-' •.01 0.0 -• 200 4.00 600 800 10001200 -0.01- 4,10-' mu t 0,10 " 0 200 4.00 I I I I 600 8OO IOO0 1200 Fig. 2b Plot of •, the perpendicularand parallel velocity components,and the particle z coordinate versus time for a trajectory with c• - 0.008, spazming the interval from t = 0 to c,t • 1. z z y y x x x Fig.3. Threedimensional plot of the trajectorywith c•= 0.008, Fig. 4. Three dimensionalplot of the trajectorywith a = 0.0 )8, fortheintervalt = 0 - 100,that is, for t < 1/c•. The motionis for the interval • = 100- 190, that is, spanningt -• 1/c•. The approximately/•conserving. particle is stronglypitch angle scattered. 172 CHAPMAN AND WATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS IN NONSTATIC R,BVI•RSAL subsequentcrossingsthe motion is more cucumberlike,in that the particle reachestlxe center plane, executesa single half turn, and then exits in the same direction from which it entered. Figures5-8 showthe sametrajectory for times t >> l/a, selectedfrom the time period spanned by Figure 2b. Up to t m 900 the motion is cucumberhke,an example(for t = 760-825) is shownin Figure 5. From t, m 900 to 1200 the motion is interspersedwith segmentsof regular, /z-conservingbehavior. Figure 6 showsthe evolutionfrom cucumberliketo a period of/z-conserving behavior,during this interval(t = 945- 980) the particlefirst interactstwice X with the center plane with cucumberlikemotion before exe- cuting regular, Iz conservingmotion. The motion continues to be Iz conservingfor several ß oscillations as shown in Figure 7, but ultimately reverts to cucumberlikebehavior as shownin Figure 8. A number of trajectories have been examined over the range of c• < 1, and in all cases,chaotization, that is, the commencementof pitch angle scatteringand the transition of behavior from /• conservingto cucumberlikehas been found to occur at at m 1. Some trajectoriessubsequently exhibit intervMs of/z-conserving behavior as shownhere, but in all casesthe motiondoesnot continueto be regular, Fig. 6. Three dimensionalplot of the trajectorywith a - 0.008, reverting to cucumberlikemotion at later t. for the interval t -- 945- 980, that is, for t > 1/•. The motionis evolvingfrom cucumberliketo Iz conserving. 4.2. a •_ 1 behavior For thesetrajectoriesthe time t < 1/a is shorterthan a Larmor period, so that the particlesdo not execute#.conservingmotion. The overall behaviorof an cr-- 1 trajectory is shownin Figure9. Fromthe time of the first crossing of the centerplane at t = 6 this particle executescucumberlike motion.The trajectory,for t -- 0- 40 sitownin Figure 10 is similarto the cucumberlikesegmentsof the cr<• 1 trajectory discussedabove. This trajectory again is found to remaincucumberlikefor large t >> 1/c•, with no evolution into /z-conservingbehavior. Integration of numex'ous tra- greater valuesof • the behaviorevolvesdirectly into regular, I•-conservingmotion once• > l/a,, with no intervalin whichthe motion is cucumberlike.An exampleof this type of trajectory is shownin Figures 11 and 12, for an a = 5 particle. The behavior of/z shownin Figure 11 clearlydiffers from that of a cucumberliketrajectory. As discussed in jectories reveals the same behavior for a < 1.55. For much Fig.5. Threedimensional plotof thetrajectory withc•= 0.008, Fig. 7. Three dimensionalplot of the trajectory with a' = 0.008, fortheintervalt = 760- 825,thatis,fort > 1/•. Themotionis for the interval • = 975 - 1000, that is, for t • 1/•. The motion now cucumberlike. is now completelyregular, i.e., Iz conserving. CHAPMAN ANDWATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS INNONSTATIC REVERSAL z 173 (enclosed by the 9 = 0 line). The trajectoryitself(Figure 12) shownfor t = 0-15 is plottedfor twoperiodsof the slow motion, which can be seenin the z-• about the linking field Bz• in the z-• y plot to be a rotation plane, accompanied by a drift in the +z direction. The fast motion is an oscilla- tion in the z direction.Thesenumericalresultssuggestthat the c• _• I behavior is separatedinto two distinct classesby x the value of c• and that particlesdo not migrate between the two. Sincenumericallyit is difficult to ensurethat all of phase spacehas been adequatelyexplored,this conclusion needsto be confirmed analytically. 5. SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL x Fig. 8. Three dimensionalplot of the trajectory with c• = 0.005, for the intervalt = 1250- 1320, that is, for t • 1/c•. The motion is now cucumberlike. section3, the particle slow z motion is sinusoidalwith a net drift in +z, whereas the fast z motion is not sinusoidal,behugcomposedof exponentialgrowthin z for that part of the trajectory closestto the center plane wherecozis imaginary 2 / ..//' AND NUMERICAL The analytical and numerical results are summarized in Figure 13, which is a plot of the particle behavior ordered with the two controllingparameters c•t and c•. The parameter at is plotted along the ordinate, so that the trajectory of a particle of a given c• is a horizontal line on the plot, the paxtide coordinatemovingto the right with increasing .t. Lines denoting the numerically integrated examplesare marked on the plot. The diagonal t-- I line indicates how far a particle of a given c• must move acrossthe plot to have executedof the order of a single Larmor orbit in the center plane field (i.e., a time t = 1/flz in un-normalizedunits). The plot showsthe following: k.\ /'•"•'•, ,/'-• X ,.'-• \ / \ 1.5- ii 1.0-- 0.5-- ) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 t -0.50.8- 0.6-- mu 0.20.0 5 10 15 20 25 RESULTS 30 35 40 45 50 55 6O t Fig.9. Plotof/•, theperpendicular andparallel velocity components, andthepaxticle z andz coordinateversustime for a trajectorywith c•-.- 1, that is, with z* -- I at •: 0. The full initial conditions werer*: (0,0,1),v* ---(0,0,0). Theplotspans theinterval • 174 CHAPMAN AND WATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS IN NONSTATIC P•I•VlglR. SAL 2. Fora • 1, the particleexecutes of theorderof a single Larmor orbit beforet --+ 1/c•, oncet > 1/c• the motionis cucumberlike. This type of behavior is numericallyfound for c• < 1.55 approximately. 3. For c• > 1.55 the time t --+ 1/c• is muchshorterthant Larmorperiod. Oncet > !/c• the particleexecutes regular, /z-conserving("ring-type") trajectories. X 6. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE STEADY STATE MODEL PARAMETER ,; We will now establish the relationship between the time- dependent system discussedabove, and the steady state parabolicfield model[e.g.,Buchnerand Zelenyi,1989].Ap- X Fig. 10. Three dimensioualplot of the trajectory witIx c• - 1, for the interval • = 0- 40, that is, spanning the interval • = 0 to •>•. 1 Fort > 1/c• themotionis cucumberlike. 1. For an a << 1 system, the particle executesmany plication of the steady state model to time dependentfields, by treating the time-dependentsystemas a seriesof steady state magneticfield models,eachcharacterizedby a slightly different vMue of ,•, has been used to imply that regular, g-conservingmotion becomeschaotic (cucumberlike)when • • 1 [e.g., Pulkkinen,1991]. We haveseenthat this correspondsto a particular caseof motionin the time-dependent model, that is, the limit of a slowly changingsystem a • 1. We will now estabhsh the exact relationship between • and at, and show that the system adiabaticity c• doesnot have Larmor orbits beforereachingthe time t --* 1/a. For t < 1/a the motionis regular,andthe particleconserves t*;once an anMoguein the static model. In the steady state model: t > 1/a the motionis in generalcucumberlike. 2O ,"/...... -, ,. ,,. / ,/ ',\, ./' 'x,. /' '"".... ..... 'N, ..., Z 0 '••AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA \/ IN/VVVV•VVVVVVV[VVVVVVVVV•VVvvvvvvvv•vvvvvvvvvv;'v• -'10 30- VII 20- 10- 5 2O 10 -10 ' 300- 200mu 100- 0 , I I 5 10 15 20 25 t 30 Fig. 11. Plot of t•, the perpendicular andparalh;1 velocitycomponents, andthe particlex andz coordinateversustime for a trajectory with c• = 5, that is, with z* = 5 at t = 0. The full initial conditions werer* = (0,0,5), v* = (0,0,0). The plot spansthe intervalt - 0 to t > 'l/c• For • > 1/c• the motion is Iz conserving. CHAPMAN ANDWATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS INNONSTATIC r{EVEB. SAL 175 is now a constant.The parameter.• = C•oscalesthe Hamiltonian by scalingthe pseudopotentialT0 within which the particlesmove at any time i, so that the ratio of the oscil- lationfrequencies will alsodependon a0 andwill nolonger haveexplicittime dependence. The parameterao (or in the steadystatemodelhenceplaysan analogous roleto theparameter at in thetimedependent model(seeequation (16)). Asa consequence, andasshownby previous authors y [Buchner andZelenyi,1989;ChenandPalmadesso, 1986] particlesin a givenregimeof behavior(dictatedby a0, or •) nowrema/nin that regimefor all t. If a0 ½ 1, thenthe motioncan be regular(integrable)for all t, conserving an adiabaticinvariantassociated with the fast oscillatorymotion. The trajectorywill be confinedto a specificregion'in phasespace[ChenandPa!madesso, 1986].If (•0 << 1, then for all t, :Oz0<< 1, and the trajectory will be characterized by fastoscillations aboutthe fieldat the Larmorfrequency, and slow oscillationsbetweenmirror points at frequency and will conserve p. If a0 >> 1, and if, for all t, •zo > 1, the trajectory will be ring type (as definedby Buchnerand x Zelenyi [1989])and will conservean invariantIz. If, on the other hand, co..0,• I at some point on the trajectory, the particle will be cucumberlike for all t. The condition for chaotic behavior is satisfiedfor all t where the particle in- y Fig. 12. Three-dimensionalplot of the trajectory with c• = 5, for theintervalt = 0 - 15, that is, includingt > 1/c•. For t > 1/a tersectsthe centerplane (z • 0) at x - -1 (i.e., a distance z = -pz from the fieldline in unnormalizedunits) if a0 --• 1 x). In this steadystate model(and in any modelin whichthe inductionelectricfieldis neglected)we alsohave dHo the motion is Iz conserving. = o (35) so that Bx z B = (•--, 0,Bz) E=0 dA (26) (27) dao •-7= ,• = o (3•) sothat thereis no counterpart of the parameter c• = •, which in the explicitly time-dependent model indicated the "adiabaticity" of the system. In this sense,the steady state the Hamiltonian may be written Ho=•-+ • +To (28) system,or any magneticfield model with no induction elec- where z2+ •ø-5z2- S 1F=o 2 -52 o:--5 with 2 ",l•con••ing (29) z2 = 5- - (30) z2 œ•0 =•0 T Bx pz 1 (32) a0= B• h = •2 where n is defined in equation (5) of [Buchner andZelenyi, p,-co 1989].As in the time dependent case,the pseudopotential 90 describes twocoupledoscillators in z andz. The constant Hamiltonian o:=0.008 ............... i ....... has been written as H0= H0(i,•,z,z,A)= T + T + to(z,z,A) I at (33) Fig. 13. Particle behavior in the time-dependentmodel ordered by the two controlling parameters c• and c•t. The diagonal line t = ! denotes the time taken for a particle of a given c• to execute a Larmor orbit. The paths of the numericallyintegratedexamples (34) are marked on the plot. where 176 CHAPMAN AND WATKINS: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS IN NONSTATIC REVEP•SAL tric field (with Hamiltonianof the form H(q,•,)•)), correspondsto the explicitly time dependentsystemin the limit in which the systemchangesinfinitesimallyslowly,that is, If a >> 1, representing a reversal ;vhich is thin and folds quickly,the motion becomesregular ("ring-type") ;vithina Larmor period, exhibiting no extended interval of chaotic motion. 3. The parameter c•t plays an analogousrole to a constant parameter a0 (or in a different normalization,n [B,chner and Zelenyi, 1989]) which scalesthe steady state system. Since = a0-- (38) Hencewhilst at • this correspondsto a.finite a0 only if the fold up timescaleof the field r • oo (F•! --• 0), so that the time dependentfield effectivelybecomessteadystate. Alternatively, if a0 --, 0 so that a -+ 0, the modelsare identical,both simplydescribing a particle that gyratesin the constantfield B - (0, 0, 1). conservingparticles become chaotic in the time dependent system(with a << 1), particlesin the steadystate system with a0 m 1 (or n m 1) a.rechaoticfor all t. 4. The parameter a in the time-dependent system, and as a consequencethe ordering of behavior with a,, do not have a counterpart in any field model which is static or does To summarize,the parameterc•0(or •;), whichdetermines not include the inductive electric field associated with time (for all t) whether a trajectoryis regularor chaoticin the dependence. steady state system, plays an anMogousrole to the parameter at in the time dependent system. Hence the condition c•0m 1 (• m 1) dictatesthat a trajectoryis chaoticin the steady state system for all t, and the condition at • 1 gives the time at whicha (a << 1) trajectorybecomeschaoticin the time dependent system. These two systemsare however generally not identical, that is, the equations of motion the above steady state system cannot be transformed into those describingthe time dependentsystemwith the substitution c•0--, at. Hence the regimes of behavior traversedby a single trajectory in the time dependentmodel as at << 1 , at m 1, at >> 1 cannot be identified in a single trajectory in the steady state model, instead being given by the behavior of a collection of distinct trajectories specified by a0 << 1, Multispacecraft in-situ measurements, such as thoseof the proposedCluster mission[Rolfe, 1990, and references therein] are neededto unambiguouslydetermineboth the characteristic length scMe and time scaleof the field in terms of the particle Larmor scales, to obtain the a of the timedependent model. Taking both spaceand time derivativesof the normalized time-dependent field model OzOt (c•zt, O,1)= (c•,0,0) (39) yields the a of the system, and will distinguish between system which is time-dependent, and one which is static, since c•0• 1 and a0 > 1 in the steady state model [Bv.chnerand O Zelenyi, 1989]. 0, = 0) (40) Furthermore, trajectories in the time dependent model We can only crudely estimate c• from single, or two spaceexhibit different behavior that dependson the c• of the syscraft in-situ data, which cannot unambiguouslydistinguish tem. This ordering of behavior witIt the "adiabaticity" of between spatial and temporal changesin the field. We will the systemdoes not have a counterpartin any field model considertwo cases: a "weak" reversalwhich is thick (half which is static or does not include the inductive electric field associated with the time dependence. 7. CONCLUSIONS thickness h = 5000km) andfoldsslowly(r = 20 rains)[e.g., Hones,1977],and a "strong"reversalwhichis thin (h = 200 krn) andfoldsquickly(r = 5 min) [Mitchellet al. 1990].In both casesB• = 20 nT, and the linking field B.. is 5 nT. Singlechargedparticle dynamicsin a simplescalefree, Electrons then have c• << 1 in both cases, for example, 50 time dependentmodelfor a magneticfield reversalhavebeen keV electronshave c• • 5.3 x 10-? ill the weak reversaland examined analytically and numerically. Two constraints c•½m 6.4 x 10-s in the strongreversal.Protons,however, have been imposed: the magneticfield and the associated can be in the c• > 1.55 regime. In the weak reversal,1 keV induction electric field are independent of as(to allow the protonshavec•p• 6.0 x 10-a, and in the strongreversal they havec•p• 0.7. Higherenergyprotons,a.t50 keV,have transformation), andthe modelis scalefree(to allowp•ra.m- c•p• 0.04 in the weak reversal and c•r m 5 in the strongreeterization of the particle behavior). The principal results versal.The orderingof particlebehaviorwith c•is therefore are as follows: significantfor the evolvingproton distributionin the time inclusion of a cross-tail convection electric field by frame 1. Unlike the steady state system, behavior at, any given t in the time-dependentsystemis orderedby two parameters; c•t, which at any t scalesthe pseudopotential in whicltthe particlesmove, and c•, whichscalesthe rate of changeof the pseudopotential.The time at which a transitionoccursin the dynamicsis t • 1/c•, and the nature of the transition dependsupon c•. 2. The explicit time dependenceproducestwo possible classes of motion: dependent, presubstorm magnetotail. The transitiontime t • 1/c• shouldprovidea prediction for the evolution in time of both the local electron and protonparticledistributionfunctions.If the change in the particle distribution as the dynamics evolvesproduces substorm-relatedinstabilities,or thermalizesthe distribu- tionsufficiently to leadultimatelyto a reconfiguration ofrite magnetotail [Cowley,1991].Mitchellet al, 1990,andreferencestherein],then a characteristic time scalefor substorm If c• << 1 representinga thick reversalwhich is folding "evolution",will be t slowly,the motionis a transitionin behavior;whilet < 1/a it is regular,conserving an invariantg; oncet > l/a, the Acknowledgments. The authorsareindebted to S. W. Iq. particle is pitch angle scatteredand the motion generally Cowley for illuminating discussions, andto D. Willis,R. Hat& becomes chaotic and "cucumberlike". arid T. A. Johnson for invaluable input to the 3D graphicspro- CHAPMANANDWATKINS:CHAOTICDYNAMICS1NNONSTATICREVERSAL duction.This work wasperformedwhileNWW wassupported byan SERCgxant. The Editor thanks L. Lyons and two other refereesfor their assistance in evaluatingthis paper. REFERENCES Buclmer,J., About the third integral of chargedparticlemotion in stronglycurvedmagneticfields,Asiron. Nachr., 307, 191, 1986. Buchner,J., and L. M. Zelenyi,Deterministicchaosin the dynamics of chargedparticles near a magnetic field reversal,Phys. Left. A, 118, 395, 1986. Buclmer,J.,and L. M. Zelenyi, Chaotizationof the electronmotion as the cause of an internal magnetotail instability and substormonset, Y. Geoph.ys.Res.,92, 13456, 1987. Buchner.,J., and L.M. Zelenyi,Regularand chaoticchargedparticle motion in magnetotaillike field reversals,1, Basic theory of trappedmotion, J. Geophys.Res., 9.4,11821,1989. Chapman, S.C., andS. W. H. Cowley,Themotionoflithiumtest 177 celeration in the geomagnetictail, J. 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