GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 20, NO. 19, PAGES 2023-2026, OCTOBER 8, 1993 SOME CONSEQUENCESOF THE SHIFT THEOREM FOR MULTISPACECRAFT MEASUREMENTS. Sandra C. Chapman SpaceScienceCentre(MAPS),Universityof Sussex,U.K. Malcolm W. Dunlop Spaceand AtmosphericPhysics,Imperial Collegeof Science,Technologyand Medicine,U.K. Abstract. We show how shift theorem yields a routine quantitative testto determine whethera structure seenby two or morespacecraft is a quasistaticconvecting object, suchasa boundarylayer. The test indicatesthe frequency rangeoverwhichthe data is consistent with a structure whichis coherentbetweenspacecraft,planar,and time in- is known the techniquealso determinesthe dispersionrelation of wavesin the rest frame of the plasma(or vice versa). Generallyit is essentialto evaluatethe restrictionson a giventechniquethat resultfrom the uncertaintiesin the inter-spacecraftpositionsand timing, and from the char- acteristicsof the individual instrument response.The formalismin w, k spaceusedherenaturally allowsthesecharacteristicsof the 'measurement'to be distinguishedfrom the characteristicsof the event itself. In w, k spacewe are foundto be consistentwith quasistaticconvectingobject, this analysisof the data fromfournoncoplanarspacecraft ableto definethe frequencyrangeoverwhichthe technique is robustagainstdetectorand inter-spacecraft timing and yieldsthe convection velocityof the plasmagiventhe dispersionrelationor viceversa,as well as the wavevectors positional uncertainties. The techniquediscussed here has beendevelopedfor the corresponding to givenfrequency components. Thetestfor particularcaseof four (or more) non coplanarspacecraft, coherence, planarityand time independence is shownto be robustagainstdetectorandsystematic inter-spacecraft howeversomeaspectsare applicableto the analysisof data from pairs of spacecraft. timingand positionaluncertainties. Randomerrorswill dependent in its restframe.A clusterof fournoncoplanar spacecraft isrequired to determine thevelocityofthestructure in the spacecraft frame. Whetheror not the data is affecta finite frequencyrange,in principlethis can be determinedto restrictthe frequencyrangeoverwhichthe test The Ideal SpacecraftCluster can be applied. We begin by consideringa quasi-staticplanar structure which convectsover the 'ideal' spacecraft cluster. This can be treated as a coherent planar wavepacketwhich One of the purposes of missions suchas Cluster['The has no dispersion,ie all frequencycomponentsmove at the samevelocity acrossthe spacecraft,which samplethe ClusterMission',1988],[Rolfe,1990]is to employmultispacecraft measurements to distinguish betweenspatial wavepacket,or structure, at different times. This relative motion between the structure and the spacecraft can be and temporalchanges in the field and plasma.There are two approaches to the orderingof setsof multispacecraft due either to wave motion in the plasma, or convection data. The first is to usethe (four) spacecraft to measure of the plasma acrossthe spacecraft,or a combinationof the two; this analysis,along with knowledgeof the apspecificquantities,suchas y7A B, or low frequencymagneticwaves(the 'wavetelescope'), thesetechniques have propriatedispersionrelation, will allow theseto be distinbeendiscussed elsewhere (egin the caseof the magnetome- guished.We will then considerthe effectof departuresfrom ter [Dunlop et al., 1988],[Dunlop et al., 1990a],[Neubauer these assumptionsof planarity, coherence,time independenceand non-dispersion,and the effectsof the properties et al., 1990a],[Dunlopet al., 1990b],[Neubauer et al., 1990b]).The second approach, employed here,is to de- of the detector, and positionaland timing uncertaintiesin the spacecraftcluster. veloptestsfor specificclasses of events.As testsof this For simplicitywe considerpairs of spacecraftat different type are not directedat the measurement of a particular Introduction quantity,they are not in principleinstrumentdependent. Specifically wedevelopa technique to determineto what extent an event can be described as a static structure con- vectingoverthe spacecraft cluster. This techniquerelies on the analysisof data in co,k space.If thisis possible, the techniqueyieldsthe frequencyintervalof the data consistent with a structure which is quasistaticand convecting over the cluster and the degreeof spatial and temporal coherenceof the structure. In principlethis definesthe filter which allowsthis segmentof the data to be seperated for further analysis.If the plasmaconvection velocity locationsrj and rj+• whichare at restw.r.t. eachother. We assumethat the spacecrafttake data over a period ATM whichis longerthan the time takenfor the structure to convectover all of the spacecraft. The jth spacecraft seesa signalS(r•, t) whichhasFouriertransform F(r•, w): $(rj, t) • F(rj,w)= •(rj,w)eiø(r3 ,•) (1) whereß and 0 are real. If the wavefieldS(r, t) represents a planar, static structure convectingover, and coherent between,the jth and j + lth spacecraftthen the j + lth spacecraftseesthe same structure as the jth spacecraft, Copyright1993by theAmericanGeophysical Union. but at a time5tj later,sothat Papernumber93GL02053 (2) 0094-8534/93/93 GL-02053503.00 2023 2024 Chapman and Dunlop: MultispacecraftMeasurementAnalysis If the wavepacket is dispersive, however,R• will still From shift theorem (3) at the differentspacecraft,but at differenttimes. The dis- persivewavepacket will not of coursehavea staticenvelope, and will not representa static convecting structure.Informationon thesetime delaysis givenin the phasespectrum. Then at the j + lth spacecraft(1) and (2) give = be independentof frequency,as the componentsof the wavepacket will all still arrivewith unchanged magnitudes = (4) The amplitude spectrumat the j + lth spacecraftis just that at the jth spacecraft; Aj+• = F(rj+,,co)tF(rj+•,co) = Phase Spectrum From(6) the delaybetweenthe arrivaltimesof the static convecting structure5t• is simply %= - (S) andis independent of the time delay5t•. The phasespectrum at the j + lth spacecraft = O(r, - (6) contains the time delay5tj. The time period ATM overwhicha givenspacecrafttakes data then correspondsto a lower limit to the frequency rangeof informationcontainedin the A• and 0, which 2,, . The is justWmi,• -_ ATM time interval between suces- sire samplesATs (whichdefinesthe samplingfrequency %) corresponds to an upper limit to the frequencyrange • " are measured Wmaz= • ws = •s's' wherethesefrequencies in the spacecraftrest frame. The amplitude and phase spectra at the j q- lth spacecraftcontain different information describingthe behaviourof the wavepacketor convecting structure. The significanceof this time delaycan againbe understood if we treat the movingstructureas the envelopeof a propagating wavepacket.The wavepacketwill have a number of frequencycomponents,and if all componentsmove at the samevelocitythen 5t• will be independent of w and will simply yield the velocity with which the envelopeof the wavepacket(the structure)movesw.r.t. the spacecraft. The componentsof the velocity along each spacecraft seperationvector are then givenby - (9) so that four spacecraft at non coplunarrj are neededto determinev. This velocity is just the phasevelocity of the wavesin the wavepacketin the spacecraftrest frame. Since thephase velocity v = • where wisalso measured in thespacecraft restframe,•[etermining A(w) andv also AmplitudeSpectrum determinesthe k modes presentin the structure. If the wavescan then be identified, so that the true propaga- For a coherent,quasi-staticplanar structurethen tion velocityof the wavesin the plasmarestframevp is known,thenthe convection velocityvc (ie the bulkvelocity of the plasma)can be distinguished from the propagation velocityas v = vp + vt. This convection velocitycan be independentlydeterminedby the plasmainstrument,givsothat a plot of Rj versus w provides a routinetestfor ing a consistencycheck. Alternatively, if the convection coherence, planarity and time independence of the strucvelocityv• (plasmabulk velocity)is knownindependently, ture. This is most easilyenvisagedif we treat the signal the frequencyin the plasmarest frame w' can be obtained as a movingwavepacket, the envelopeof whichis the conby dopplershiftingthe frequencymeasuredin the spacevectingstructure.ForR• to be independent of frequency craft rest frame, ie w' = w - vc.k yieldingthe propagation Rj= Aj+•(rj+•,w) Aj(rj,co) =1 (7) then: 1. both the jth and the j + lth spacecraftmust sample the wavepacket (ie it is coherentbetweenthem). 2. all frequencycomponents must be time independent sothat they havethe samemagnitudesat timest and t + 5tj. Thisis consistent with the envelope of the wavepacket,the structure,beingtime independent. 3. the wavemustbe planarat all frequencies; otherwhise the amplitudewill changewith distance(eg a spherical waverepresenting an expandingbubble) If Rj(w) oversomerangeof frequencies only,thenthe data can be filtered to removethosefrequencycomponents; the remainingsignalcan then be analysedas a static convectingstructure. However,if there is an overlapin the frequencyrangescontainingthe static convectingcomponent of the signal,and other components, the information carriedby the wavemodesin the regionof overlapin frequencycannotbe retrievedby this process. velocityvp = •-k. If 5tj = 5t•(w)thenv = v(w) is thephasevelocityof individualcomponents of a wave-packetwhichhasdispersive behaviour. Again this velocityis measuredin the spacecraft, not the plasma,rest frame so that knowledgeof the dispersion relation(ie vp(w'))hould, with the measured v(w), in principledeterminethe plasmarestframe,or vice versa. A dispersive,but coherent,wavepacketwill havethe sameamplitudespectraat the differentspacecraft. Again,a plotof5t• versus w wouldrevealthosefrequency ranges(if any) overwhichthe wavepacket is non-dispersive; if the wavepacket doesrepresenta convecting staticstructure a correspondingfrequencyrange shouldappear in a Rj versusw plot as discussed above. ComparisonWith Modelsand SimulatedData The valuesof Wma x and Wmi n neededto includethe information in cospacethat characterizesa givenstructurewill dependupon the spacecraftvelocity w.r.t. that structure, ChapmanandDunlop'Multispacecraft Measurement Analysis 2025 sincew•.x andw,•i,•are measured in the spacecraft rest then at the j q- lth spacecraft frame.In addition,themultispacecraft analysis techniques FM(r•+•,w)- F(r•+•,w)Ga,•+•(w)eiG*o+ '(co) discussed hererequireall spacecraft to makemeasurements (13) of an eventover an intervalwhichis longerthan the time taken for the structure to convectover all spacecraft,ie, andsinceF(rj+l,W)= q•(rj,w)ei(ø(rJ,co)-co%) then for: ATM > (rJ+l - rj)'v v2 (10) Henceto determineATM for a givenspacecraft seperation, andthe desirablesamplingintervalAts, beforea measurementis maderequiresa prioriknowledge of the 'bandwidth'that characterizes an event(ie w•,x andw•in) in someknownframe,andthevelocityof thespacecraft w.r.t. that frame.This canbe providedto someextentby models,or selfconsistent simulations of givenevents. If v is differentbetweendifferentspacecraftpairs then in generalthe structureis not coherent overthe spacecraftseperation, although special cases of nonplanar,but coherent structures (expanding spherical wavefronts forexample)willbeconsistent withdifferent values ofv. These special cases, forwhichRj(w)and5tj(w)canstillbeused to identifyproperties of the structurecanonlybe investigatedby usingmodels or 'data'generated by numerical simulations to calculate thebehaviour of Rj and5tj which canthenbe compared with spacecraft data. Forexample, for the simplemodelof an expanding spherical wavefront, weexpecttheamplitude of waves to fall with ! dependeuce,wherer0 is distance fromthe centreof the sphere. If thej + lth spacecraft is at a distance r• fromthecentre, r0 and thejthspacecraft isatadistance r0,then Rj= • is Fm(rj+•,w) = •(rj, O3)GR,j+ 1(03)½i(O(rj'co)-coStJ+Ge),J +1(co)) (14) then G•+• R•M:R•(G•,•)2 (15) and 5tjM- 5tj + Gqs,j(o3 ) - Gqs,j+l (16) Thefunctions R•M(W)and5tiM(CO ) will havea systematic dependenceon w which is dependenton the differences in instrument responsebetweenthe spacecraft. This has significancein particular for the Cluster mission,where all spacecraftcarry the sameinstrumentation,with similar G(w). If the instrumentresponse as a functionof w is not well known, calibration couldin principletake placein-situ by event comparison. A systematic error in interspacecraft timing for a givenspacecraftshouldonly appearas a systematic, frequency independent factorin G•,•/w which then contributes to 5t•. Systematic timinguncertainties will then not affect conclusions as to whether the event is quasistatic,but will give a corresponding uncertaintyin v, as will positionaluncertainties in the r•. Randomerrorsproduceeffectswhichwill be moresubtle. not unity, but is independentof w. A randomerrorin 5tjM will directlyaffectthe determination of v, as will random errors in spacecraftseperation. Instrument Response Thiswill not yieldan uncertainty in R•M directly,but will, We will now consider some effects of instrument re- sponseand spacecraft uncertainties, non coherence and non-quasistatic structureson theseconclusions. The response of a givendetector,and systematic timinguncertaintiesbetweenspacecraft, canbe represented by a 'filter' in frequencyspace: G(w)= GR(w)e iG*(co) (11) wherethe(real)Ga(w)givestheamplitude response ofthe detector(ie the rangeof frequencies overwhichmeasurementscan be made)and the (real) G•(w) givessystematic phaselagsintroduced both by the detector,and by inter-spacecraft timingerrors.Timingand positionaluncertainties (in thespacecraft rj) willbe manifested in the determinationof the convectionvelocityv from (9). Offsetsmeasuredby the instrument(for example,the spacecraft magneticfieldwhichis seenat the magnetometer in additionto the localfield)canalsobe shownnot to invalidate this analysisprovidedthat the offsetis either small compared to the signal,or approximately constantoverthe timescaleof the measurement (ie the frequencyrangecorresponding to the offsetis muchlowerthan that required to resolvethe signalstructure). The measuredtime seriesat the jth spacecraftwill be a convolution betweenthe fouriertransformof G(w) • g(t) andthe timeseries S(rj, t), i.e. (12) unlike systematicerrors,lead to an uncertaintyin measurementsof the signalw and hencefor examplethe test for whether the eventis quasistatic.This uncertaintyin w will becomeincreasinglysignificantat higherfrequencies, as we wouldexpect,effectivemeasurements can only be made of frequencycomponentsfor which the corresponding period is longer than the random error in t. If the size of the random error in t is known, then the frequencyrange over which the test is valid can be determined. The instrumentresponse G(w), and the randomtime errorsdiscussed abovedefinea 'window'(rangeof w) within which measurementscan be made, wherew is in the spacecraft rest frame. Given v this correspondsto an w, k win- dow,sinceforanyfrequency component v(w) = •k in the spacecraftrest frame also. Conclusions We have examined how shift theorem yields a simple techniquewhich can be used to order multispacecraft datasets. By first characterizingthe propertiesof the frequencyspectraof data from pairs of 'ideal' spacecraftin termsof two quantitiesR• and5t•, whicheffectively compare their amplitude and phasespectrarespectively,it has been shown that: 1. The data, or specificallya subsetover somew range, is consistentwith a singlecoherentquasistaticplanar structureconvecting overa spacecraft pair if both R• and5tj areindependent of w overthat w range. 2026 ChapmanandDunlop:Multispacecraft Measurement Analysis 2. If Rj isindependent ofw oversomew rangethenover that range the structureor wavepacketenvelopeis coherentand planar, and may be time independent. 3. If 5tj is independent of w oversomew rangethen overthat rangethe wavepacket is non dispersiveand may havea time independentenvelopethat definesa conveeringstructure. 4. As each spacecraftpair yieldsthe componentof velocity of the envelope(or structure)relativeto the spacecraft,four noncoplunarspacecraftare neededto determine the velocity of the structure in the spacecraft frame. 5. SinceSty(w)computed fromthe phasespectrafrom four non coplunarspacecraftdeterminesthe velocity of a givenfrequencycomponentin the spacecraft frame, at a frequencywhich is alsomeasuredin the spacecraftframe, knowledgeof the convectionvelocity of the plasmadeterminesthe dispersionrelation, or alternatively,knowledgeof the dispersionrelation determinesthe convectionvelocity. In any frame, determination of the velocityof a givenfrequencycomponentalsodeterminesthe corresponding wavevector. The quantities R• and5t•, andhenceconclusions (1)-(3) are found to be robust against the effectsof instrument responseand systematic uncertaintiesin the spacecraft seperationand timing. The effectof randomerrorsis more subtle, howeverthese shouldonly affect a clearly identifiable rangeof w so that it shouldbe possibleto determine the range over which the test for a quasistaticconvecting structure can be applied. The shift theoremtechniquesrequirethe time seriesmeasuredat the spacecraftto be transformedinto w space;the comparisonbetweensimulationgenerated,and spacecraft data require the data to be examinedin w, k space. It is thereforesuggestedthat routine analysistools shouldinclude the ability to manipulate data in w, k, as well as r, t space. References The Cluster Mission, Scientific and TechnicalAspectsof the Instruments,ESA SP-1103, 1988. Proceedings of an International Workshopon SpacePlasma Physics Investigationsby Cluster and Regatta: Graz, Austria, 20-22 February1990,E.J. Rolfe (editor); European SpaceAgencySpecialPublication SP-306, 1990. Dunlop, M. W., D. J. Southwood,K. -H. Glassmeierand F. M. Neubauer,Analysisof multipoint magnetometer data, Adv. SpaceRes., 8, 273, 1988. Dunlop, M. W., Reviewof the Clusterorbit and separation strategy: consequence for measurements,Proceedings of an International Workshopon SpacePlasmaPhysicsInvestigations by Clusterand Regatta,Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, 1990. Dunlop, M. W., A. Balogh, D. J. Southwood,R. C. E1- phic, K.-H. Glassmeierand F. M. Neubauer,Configurational sensetivityof multipoint magneticfield measurements,Proceedings of an International Workshopon SpacePlasma PhysicsInvestigationsby Clusterand Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, 1990. Neubauer, F. M., K.-H. Glassmeier,R. Walter and M. W. Dunlop, Clusteras a wave telescope,Proceedings of an International Workshopon SpacePlasmaPhysics'Investigationsby Clusterand Regatta,Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, 1990. Neubauer, F. M., K. -H. Glassmeier,Use of an array of sattelitesas an array telescope,J. Geophys.Res., 95, 19,115, 1990. S.C. Chapman,SpaceScienceCentre(MAPS),Univ. of Sussex,BrightonBN1 9QU, U. K. M. W. Dunlop, Spaceand AtmosphericPhysicsGroup, BlackerrLaboratory,ICSTM, Prince ConsortRd., London SW7 2BZ, U. K. (RecievedApril 19, 1993; revisedJune 16, 1993; acceptedJuly 22, 1993.)