JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 99, NO. A4, PAGES 5977-5985, APRIL 1, 1994 Properties of single-particle dynamics in a parabolic magnetic reversal with general time dependence SandraC. Chapman SpaceScienceCentre, Universityof Sussex,Falmer, England We investigate single charged particle dynamics in the earth's magnetotail by examining a reversalwith simplespatial dependence(the field linesare parabolic)but with generaltime dependence, which includes the associatedinduction electric field. The parabolic spatial dependence has, in static models, been shown by previous authors to imply that various regular and stochastic regimes of behavior exist, with particles remaining in a given regime for all time t. Here we show that, in general, time dependenceyields transitions in behavior between the various regimes of regular and stochasticbehavior. We identify three independent parametric coordinates which are functions of the field spatial and temporal scales, and the particle gyroscales, and time, which will indicate the regime of particle behavior at any given t. For specific time dependent field models these parametric coordinates can be inverted to directly give the timescalesfor transitions between one regime of behavior and another in terms of the field and particle spatial and temporal scales. These parmetric coordinates have no direct analogue in static models. For a general thinning and foldingsheet(representingthe magnetotailmagneticfield closeto the centerplane just beforesubstom onset)this characterizationimpliesthat stochasticdynamicsmay only occur over a finite time period and may not occur under certain circumstances. This may have implications for our understanding of the role played by single particle dynamics in the destabilization or recomSgurationof the magnetotail current sheet associated with substorms. INTRODUCTION function of the characteristic field strength and thicknessof A considerablebody of work exists [e.g., $peiser,1965; Sonnerup, 1971; Chen and Palmadesso, 1986; Buchner and Zelenyi, 1989; Chen, 1992; Wagner et al., 1979] on single charged particle dynamics in simple static models of the magnetic field reversal in the earth's magnetotail. These have led to studiesof particle populationsin the quasi-static reversaland the particle gyroradius[Buchner,1986; Buchher and Zelenyi, 1986, 1989]. In the static parabolicmodel, this parameter plays the same role as the normalized energy //definedby ChenandPalmadesso [1986].Theparameter • (or //) will notcompletely specify thenatureof thedy- namics(i.e., whetherit is regularor stochastic)[Chenand magnetotail[e.g., West et al., 1978; Chenet al., 1990; Chen Palmadesso,1986; Chen, 1992] there being ordering with respectto a secondparameter(e.g., Figure 19 of Buchner and Burkhart, 1990; Burkhart and Chen, 1991; Ashour- Abdalla et al., 1991] and of conditionsin the pre-substorm and Zelengi[1989];seealso Chapmanand Watkins[1993]). plasmasheet[e.g., Pulkkinenet al., 1991] and its stability The precisenature of some regimesof behavior in the static parabolic model have also yet to be completely elucidated [Buchnerand Zelenyi,1987]. [Chen, 1992]. However,it has been suggestedthat • will Generally, the characterization of particle dynamics for characterize the limiting behaviorof particles(Buchnerand a given static model requires the numerical integration of Zelengi [1989]; seealso Chen[1992]for a discussion of the large numbersof trajectories(sufficientto sampleall possivalidity of these limits) and in this sense is a controlling pable regionsof phasespace)for differentvaluesof the model scaling[Gray and Lee,1982, Chenand Palmadesso, 1986]. A given particle will map out the surfaceof a static torus in phasespaceand the nature of this torus (that is, whether it is regularor not) will determinethe natureof the motion (that is, whetherit is regularor stochastic). Special cases in which the field model is scale free can be used to analytically characterize the particle dynamics. A well-studied example is the model where the field lines are parabolaswhich are static. In this static model, regular and stochasticregimesof particle behaviorwere identified, the particle remaining within a given regime for all time t. The dynamics were shown analytically to be specified largely (but not completely)by a constantparametern, a Copyright 1994 by the American GeophysicalUnion. rameter. In the static model, the value of the constant • then "characterizes"the regime of behavior of the particles for all t. More recently, dynamics in a parabolic field model with simpletime dependence (and corresponding inductionelectric field) wasinvestigated[Chapmanand Watkins,1993; Chapman,1993], and it was shownthat althoughthe same regimesof behavior existed as in the static parabolic model, the particle dynamics migrated from one regime to another. In the time dependent system, the torus in phase space which the particle maps out changeswith time. Specifically, for a single trajectory, the torus may at early t be regular (sothat the motionis adiabatic,conserving an approximate invariant, suchas /•) in the sensethat the systemis close to an integrablelimit, but at later t be irregular (so that the motion is stochastic).For the time dependentsystem in general we cannot therefore determine the regime of par- Paper number 93JA03036. ticle behavior(i.e. the nature of the torus) at somet by 0148-0227/94/93JA-03036505.00 integrating the particle trajectory over large t. 5977 5978 CHAPMAN:DYNAMICSIN A REVERSAL WIqlt G• General time dependenceis thereforeaddresedanalyticaJlywithin the frameworkof the scalefree spatial dependenceof the static modelwith parabolicfield lines. In principle,thisfieldmodelcouldbe usedto describethe thinning plasmasheetcloseto the magnetotailcenterplanejust prior to substormonset. The spatialdependenceof the parabolic field linesagainproducesthe sameregimesof behaviorfound in the static model, the time dependenceallowsthe system Tm• D•P•D•'•C• coordinates of the particle. Given the form of the Hamiltonjan in an electromagneticfield 1 H= •--•m (p- eA) 2+ eO (2) we have the constraint that in an appropriate coordinate p. A(5) = the mgeotU is readily achievableby choosinginvariancein the direction of the cross-tailcurrent (i.e. the GSE (GeocentricSolar In this paperwe will analyticallyderivethree (time de- Equatorial) • direction)so that A -- Au• , with indepenpendent)parametriccoordinates in the systemwith gen- dent coodinates qa -- x, q2 -- z. The canonical momenta to migrate betweenone regime and another. eral time dependenceby examining the particle Hamiltonjan equation of motion. These parametric coordinateshave no direct analogue in any static model. The values of the parametric coordinates at any instant will characterize the regime of particle behavior of the system at that t. This are then p• -- ink, p• -- m:• with pa -- m• + eAu as a con- stantof the motion(whichis zeroin an appropriate frame). The magnetic field is then confined to the x, z plane and is given by contoursof Ay. In this Hamiltonian description the system therefore has two degreesof freedom and four "characterization"doesnot correspondto an exact specifi- time dependent coordinates i, •, x and z, which describe cation of the dynamics of a given particle. Instead, we will the trajectory in four-dimensionalphasespace. Second, we seek to obtain parametric coordinates which showthat the parametric coordinateswill indicate at any t whetherthe systemis regular(i.e., closeto the limitingcase vary with time and the (constant)field and particlescales only. If the parametric coordinates are a function of one of integrablebehavior)or stochastic. We establishthe conditionson these parametric coordi- variable(t) only it is, in principle,possibleto then invert nates which indicate a transition from one class of behavior them to obtain the times at which transitions in particle behavior will occur for a given field model. As we will see next, the choiceof a field model that is scalefree in spaceeffectively allows the spatial dependenceto be separatedfrom the field and particle scales. For static field models, this to another. These conditions then allow the time spent by the particles in any one regime of behavior to be determined for specificfield models. For somemodels,including examples which describethe thinning presubstormplasma sheet, to the determination particles will only spend a finite time executing stochastic leads(via appropriatenormalization) of parameters such as n [Buchner and Zelenyi,1989]which behavior. If the reversalis sufficientlythin and changing sufficiently quickly, intervals of stochasticbehavior may not characterizethe motion for all t. For time dependentmodels this yields time dependent parametric coordinateswhich occur. The transitions in behavior are illustrated with nucharacterize the motion at any given t. merically integrated trajectoriesin a simple "thinning"mag- neticreversal(with time-varyinglinkingfield Bz(t)). The organization of the paper is as follows. We first dis- REGIMES OF BEHAVIOR IN THE STATIC PARABOLIC MODEL cuss the geometrical constraints which allow the HamiltoThe particle behavior in the static parabolic model has njan to be written in a sufficiently simplified form to allow analytical parameterization. We then review the normal- been analyzedin detail by Buchnerand Zelenyi[1989]and ization of the static model required for parameterization, Chen and Palmadesso[1986]. Here we briefly reiterate the properties of the system to establishthe regimesof particle and establish the extent to which behavior can be "charbehavior that arise as a consequence of the geometryof this acterized" analytically. This normalization is then used to model. In this static field, particles will remain within a parameterize the general time dependent system. We derive given regime for all t; with the addition of time dependence the three parametric coordinates,and indicate the possible these regimes are preserved, but particles can migrate from regimes of particle behavior as regionsin parametric coorone regime to another with time. We will then identify the dinate space. The consequencesof possibletrajectories in extent to which parameterssuchas n characterize particle this parametric coordinatespacefor motion in a thinning reversalare then discussed,and numericallyintegrated trajectories in the simple thinning model are presented. behavior. With X, Y and Z correspondingto GSE coordinates,the static model is CONSTRAINTSREQUIREDTO OBTAINPARAM•TmC h0 ' COORDINATES E---- 0 (4) Two significantconstraintsare required to analytically obtain a simplified Hamiltonian equation of motion and The Larmor scalesassociatedwith the constantlinking field henceparametric coordinateswhich characterizethe dynamBz define the spatial and temporal scaleswith which we can ics. "measure" all other spatial and temporal scales. NormalizFirst, we shall analytically examinea systemof coupled ing the magnetic field to the linking field Bz, temporal scales oscillatorsby essentiallyobtainingappropriatescalingof the particle pseudopotential• so that we require a systemwith HamiltonJan of the form to the inverseof the gyrofrequency in this field • - eB•/m and spatial scalesto the particle gyroradiusp• = v/•, the static field model becomes: 2 = + , ( where pj and qj are the generalizedmomenta and position B = (aoz,0, 1) r=o (5) CHAPMAN:DYNAMICSIN A REVF_•AL WI•rI G• The parameter • D•a•F•NC• 5979 as Ho = h•o + hzo with •0 • _ ñ_ v•.•) Bz ho- •2 - (7) •0 - i2 •- I 2 +-• 2 (•5) partially determinesthe particle dynamics [Buchner and Zelenyi, 1989; Chen and Palmadesso, 1986; Chapman and a•0- ••2 + •]Z2 (.0•)•'/• - 2•(.0•) -•/ Z2 Watkins, 1993]. In addition, it can be demonstratedanalytically that at least one other parameter is required to completelyspecifythe regime of behaviorof a given particle or in the parabolicmodel [Buchnerand Zelenyi, 1989; Chapman and Watkins,1993]. •o=5-+• Since the static parabolic model has no intrinsic scale height, this is effectively specifiedby the range of z values as follows: if we renormalize the above equationsto give new variablesz* = a0z, t* = t (that is, normalizing(3) to length p•/ao insteadof length p•), the (•) (•s) In the limit of a "strong" reversal 2 l ao-- I>>1 equationsof motion describingthe systembecomefunctions of z* (and z*, y*) and t* only (notethat htis alsorenormalizesvelocities,i.e. v*(t*) = a0v(t)). The singletrajectory givenby z*(t*) is eitherthat of a particlewith smalla0 and large z(t) or large a0 and small z(t). Thesecorrespond to •- 2•-•ø ;/2 1z2(.o•z)2 •o=T+• of a giventrajectory [seeChapmanand Cowley,1985].This can be illustrated (•) and in the limit of a "weak" (19) reversal z2 I-o--I<< • (20) a trajectory with mirror points far from the center plane in the oscillatorsare weaklycoupled,and (15)-(18) imply sega "weak"(e.g., large-scaleheighth) reversalor a trajectory ments of motion with distinct • and z frequenciesw•0 m 1 with mirror points close to the center plane in a "strong" and wzo• aoz/2. One fimi• in which•he motioncompletely corresponds •o a zeroreversing fieldB• = 0 (or an (e.g., small-scaleheighth) reversal,respectively.Hencethe decouples choiceof c•0 does not uniquely distinguishdynamics in the infinite shee••hicknesscompared•o •he gyroradiush/p• static model but does, as we shall see next, characterize the dynamics by scaling the coupling between the x and z motion. In the static parabolic system the equations of motion are 2 Z • = .05 ß (8) (9) (•0) has w•0 • • and w•0 = 1 and does no• decouple represen• a neu•rM shee• as in •he formalism used here •he sc•ng (7) canno•distinguish•he physic•y meaningfulc•e •he time dependen• parametric coordinate •ha• wffi be ob- •ned from a gener•zafion of •he sc•ng (7) wffi be meaningful for re•sfic time dependen•field modelsappropriate for •he pre-subs•ormgeo• in which•he magneticreversM where Ho is a cons•an• of •he motion and •o=•(-oT• • • ):= •Ag • vanishingshee••hickness(seeMso Ghen[1992]). However, •2 •o - 5- + T + •o(-o,•, •) a0 • of a vanishingfining field from •he non-physicMc•e of The Hamiltonian may be written i2 o•hertimid,of vanishingfinhng fieldB• = 0 (or equivMenfly a vanishingshee••hickness•o gyroradiush/p• •he oscma•orsas written in (15)-(16). This fimi• doesno• z2 • ----a0(a0 T - a:)z •), so •ha• a0 = 0 and from (17) and (18) (for finite z) •he z oscffia•orvanishesleaving gyromofion abou• •he cons•an• fining field B• a• •he unnorm•zed gyrofrequency • = eBb/m, which has been norm•zed •o w•0 = 1. The (•) These equations describe [he behavior of [wo nonfinear •hins wi•h increasingt (i.e., •hose•ha• do no• includean infinitely•hin currentshee•a• finite t). Two regimesof in•eres•here can •hen be identified[see coupledoscffia•orsin z and z. The s•reng•hof •he coupting Mso Buchner and Zelenyi, 1989; Ghen and Palmadesso,1986; be[ween [he [wo oscffia[ors wffi essentity dic[a[e [he haGhen,1992]. In a reversMwhichis sufficiently"weak"wi•h lure of [he particle dynamics.To parame[erize[he coupting respec••o •he particlemotion(i.e., if a0 is sufficientlysm• s•reng•h, we can a•emp• •o write •he Hamfi•onian in •he form for •wo decoupled oscffia•ors. If •he z and z oscffia•ors were decoupled, [hen [he Hamfi[onian • = •.(-o, i, •) + •(-o, i, •) (•2) •ha• I "0z•/ß I<<• ) •heoscma•ors areweary coupled. The motionwffi be regular(in •he sense•ha• i• approaches •he in•egrabledecoupled fimi• a0 = 0) conserving an approfima•e adiabaticinvarian• • = v•/B. The motionis characterized by fas• • oscffiafionsabou• •he field, wi•h slow z bounce motionbetweenmirror points(i.e. w•0 > w•0) . where ForlargervMuesof a0, such•ha• I doze/• I• 1 •hemotion a. = T + •.(-o,•) •2 h•= •- + •P•(ao, z) wffi become s•rongly coupled and wffi be s•och•fic. This regime of behavior, characterized by a0 > 1 or a0 • 1, corresponds•o motion which is composedof segmentsof conservingmotion when •he particle is far from •he cen•er plane, and fas• oscffiafionsin z which are approfima•ely (14) I•(= • v,dz)conserving as•heparticle crosses •hecen•er The Hamiltonianfor the coupledsystem(10) canbe written plane. 5980 CHAPS: DYNAMICSIN A REVERSALWITH G• The simple scalefree parabohc model can representsome aspectsof more phenomenologicallyaccurate models of the tail current sheet in a region closeto the center plane. For tt-conservingand stochastictrajectories, stochasticbehavior resulting, for example, in jumps in the particle action tt, occurs as the particle crossesthe center plane z = 0, so that in order to examine the conditionsfor stochasticityin singleparticle dynamics we accurately model the spatial region close to the center plane. The model should therefore be relevant to trapped particles in more complex systemsprovided that the segmentof the particle trajectory closeto the center plane of the reversalwhich resultsin its stochasticity Tm4E DEPENDENCE E=• -]• +La0T +E•(•) (26) where ao is as defined for the static model. Note that since the spatial dependenceof the model is still scalefree, we can again rewrite the equationsthat specify the system as independent of a0 if we renormalize such that the new position coordinatesz* = a0z; the choiceof z*(t* = 0) thenspecifies the a0 of thesystem.Sincethe time dependenceis in general not scale free this does not ehminate the additional dependenceon the intrinsic timescales containedin f•(t) and f•(t). The equations of motion are (e.g.,wherethe pitchangleof tt conserving particlesis being scattered)is containedwithin a regionwherethe fieldhnes are approximately parabohc. Far from the center plane, the particle motion will be regular in both the parabohc model and more phenomenologicallyaccurate models. An additional feature of more phenomenologicallyaccurate models will be the inclusionof losscones,so that particlesexiting the parabohcregion with sufficientlysmall pitch angle will (27) z2 • = -L• + I•0 • be lost from the system(e.g., transientorbits [Chen and Palrnadesso, 1986]). a, = -a. ( z2 ) • = -•aof•z= -aof•Z -f•z + f=ao•-- At (2s) (29) The time dependent HamiltonJan equation of motion is /•- •( d •(• 1 .•+/•)+•) THE PAltABOLIC MODEL WITH GENERAL TIM• DEPENDENCE (30) where We will now demonstrate that the introduction of time dependenceallows particle behavior to migrate betweenthe different regimes summarized above and will obtain convenient parametric coordinateswhich characterizethis migration. We will consider a magnetic field of the form B = f=(T)B=•-, O,fz(T)Bz (21) so that time dependenceresultsin a pseudopotentialwhich, as well as having the samespatial dependenceasin the static model, is a function of time dependent parameters t with vector potential t a0 •,(t)= f*(•i) A = O,fzB•X- f=Bx •-• + At(T), 0 (32) (22) Aa(t) =f•(•--•) with correspondinginduction electric field (33) and the frame dependentAt(t). We can transformto the OT= • -]•B•X+]•B•5• +E•(T) (23) (primed)framein whichA•(t) = where, in generM, the magnetic field model does not con- m•, 0 with •' = ß + At/Aa, z' = z, and t' = t, providedwe do not attempt to take the hmit of vanishing hnkingfield (i.e., providedAa• 0). The = -A,(r), whichdepends uponthechosenpseudopotential then becomes frame of reference. If, for example, the } component of the fieldis constant(f• constant)this "convection" electricfield E• can be removed by a de Hoffman Teller frame transfor- ( 9' = •A• 1 ,2_•1A•x'-A, mation [Chapmanand Watkins,1993]. Gener•y, and for examplesof specificinterest such• a thinning model where f• decre,es with time, this w• not be the c•e. We can ag•n use the characteristicnorma•zation of the static model, that is, to norm•ze the magneticfield to the characteristic z field B•, and distances and times to the Larmor scMesin this field. This yields ' O,/z(•) B= (/.(•-•)aoz, = and - + (34) Once again these equations describethe behavior of two nonlinear coupled oscillators in x and z. If in the accelerating frame, we attempt to write them in alecoupledform in analogyto (16)-(19), then (35) (24) (36) (2s) or CHAPMAN: DYNAMICS IN A REVF2•AL WIqI-IGENEa• Tnv• DEPENOENC• h'•=•-+•. 2 1-2 hi 5981 (41) w• then the parameter •,21( z')2 Zt2 - IX:I _ ILl (3s) (42) mustindicate"particle"adiabaticitywith respectto Larmor oscillations,so that if dh2 << 1 segments of/z-conserving quencyof the z oscillatorwz • h•h2z'/2 is alsoexplicitly motionmay exist, and if dh2•_ 1 or dh2 > 1, therecan be no/z-conservingmotion. time dependent,and the ratio of the two scaleswith hi. The nature of the system(i.e. that it is two nonhnear In analogyto the staticmodel,and as wasdemonstrated with time dependence) hasintroduced a for the simpletime dependent model[Chapmanand Watkins, coupledoscillators so that now in the weakly coupled limit the frequency of the z oscillator w, • h2 = fz is time dependent, the fre- 1993],the valueof the parametriccoordinate hi (t) scales secondtimescale: the transition timescalegiven by hi •- 1. the strengthof the couplingbetweenthe two oscillators.If This timescalegivesa slowchangein the pseudopotential hi = 0, then the motiondecouples.If hi is sufficientlysmall with respectto the Larmorperiod,that is, the systemis then the couplingwill be weak,andthe characteristic motion adiabatic if can be regular/z-conserving.Howeverif hi becomessuffiI• I<<w• (43) cientlylarge(again"characterized" by hi -• 1 or hi > 1) at somelater t, there will be transitionto stochasticmotion. so that the parameter The behavior identified in the static model for different I I a0 (constant)for all t by a0 <<1, a0 - 1 anda0 >>1 will be just the behaviorexhibitedby the time dependentsystem at differenttimes,that is for hi (t) for timeswhenhi << 1, hi - 1, and hi >> 1. Hencefor example,for hi (t) increasing with time, particlesat initially smallhi (t) will be/z conserving and, as hi (t) increases will exhibitstochastic behavior. We can estimate the time at which the transition between indicatessystem•di•b•ticity. If d• • 1 (the "slowp•s•ge•mit"), thenthe transitionis slow;that is, it occurs overm•ny gyroperiods, •nd segments of •-conserving motion m•y e•st, where• ffd• • 1 or d• • 1 (the p•s•ge •mit") therec•n be no •-conserving motion. particlesbeing/z conserving to beingstochastic takesplace as whenhi -• 1, providedthe particlescrossthe centerplane We c•n •ustr•te this by estimating the time t•ken for to changefrom 0 to 1. Since on that timescale. d• At• A• dt In addition, since 12(:-•T z2+•At) •'(•,•:,:,:,A,)=•: (39) the ch•ge • • 1 w• be slow (i.e., occurover m•ny gyroperiods) if the corresponding •t • 1/• sothat d• then dt • = )• OH OH • O• - OH • OAt (45) 1 << •bove. In order to characterizetrajectories we only need to iden- (4o) sinceEc--•i.t andusing(28). tify the v•rious regimesof behaviorin •, d•, d•2 sp•ce. The loc•tion of ß p•rticle •t •y • is known in this sp•ce • •, d•, •nd d•2 •re just functionsof t •d •re specified by the m•gnetic field model in whichthe p•rticles move. Possiblecloses of trajectory •re shownon Figure 1, which is ß plot of the possibleregimesof behaviorin this p•r•- The changein the particleHamiltonianwith timeis, aswe wouldexpect,givenby the changein the pseudopotential, metric coordinate sp•ce. The notion• trajectories shown beginin ß regionof regular "•di•b•tic" motion,•t ß time with an additional frame dependentcontribution to v. E from the y-directed convectionelectricfield Ec. The lat- when • • 1, d• • 1 •nd d•2 • 1 so that the motion ter will contributeto the (framedependent)energyof the is •-conserving.This initi• conditioncouldcorrespondto particleat any given[ but shouldnot affectthe characteri- motion in ß revers• •t the e•rly stagesof thinning, so that zation of the overall behavior, that is, whether the particle the sp•ti• sc•e of the revers• is l•rge comparedto the gymotion is regular or stochastic. Equation (40)suggests that•a andN2scale therateof changeof the pseudopotential and thereforealsomust be parametriccoordinates whichcharacterize the particlemotion. Thesetwo parametriccoordinatesrefer to two classes of adiabaticity,whichappearsincethereare two timescales on which the pseudopotential changes. These timescales are just the characteristic particleLarmorperiodgivenby ha = w• = f• and the transitiontimescalegivenby hi. If the pseudopotential changes slowlywith respectto the Larmot periodthen the particlemotionis "adiabatic"in the commonlyreferredto sense,that is, ror•dius, •nd the field is ch•ging slowly with respectto both the gyroperiod•nd the tr•sition timesc•e. Two possiblep•ths •re shownfor the p•rticles • • incre•es •nd the revers• thins. If the transition • • 1 oc- curswh•e d• • 1 •nd d•2 • 1 (• slowp•s•ge throughthe transition),the p•rticlesc• continue to executesegments •- conservingmotiononce• • 1. The tr•sition is therefore into stoch•tic behavior, which includes segments both •-conservingmotion•d f•t (I•-conserving)z osc•tions •crossthe centerpl•e. The motion c• only continue to executesegmentsof •-conservingmotion wh•e d• • 1 ßnd d•2 • 1, if •t some l•ter t this is no longer the c•e 5982 OD. PMAN: DYNAMICSIN A PdgVERSAL WITH Gzmm• Tnv• DZPZN•ZNC• Unnormalized, the magnetic field is n= lconserving ' ' which representsa "thinning" field; that is, the linking field decreaseswith t. The correspondingelectric field 1 - i (48) has E•(T) = 0, this corresponds to a frame of reference in which •he field fine p•sing through X = 0, Z = 0 is at rest. We may moveinto an E•(T) • 0 frame by acceleration in stochastic the • direction; in the moving frame the particle inifiM ve- locity and subsequent energisafion wffidiffer(fromequation (40)), bu• the z(t)wm be unchanged. g-con]ervih,g Again, normMizing the magnetic field to a characteristic fining field B,, time to the inverse of the gyrofrequency in field B, (that is, to 1/•,, and lengthto a characteristic gyroradiusp, = v/•, yields Figure 1. Notional trajectories for slow and fast passage transitions for a thinning reversal are marked on a plot in parametric coordinate d)•l, d)•2 versus )•l space. The different regimes of par- ticle motion are marked on the plot (dashedlinesindicate their notional boundaries). a- 0, + = -0 cannot exist after the transition • _• 1. + (s0) 1 (as shown),the motion will be entirely composedof fast (/z-conserving)z oscillations.If on the otherhandthe transition A• • 1 occursafter dA• ___ 1 or dA2----1 (a fast passagethroughthe transition)then segmentsof tt-conserving motion (4, The parametric coordinates for this system are (to+ t In this case, stochastic motion composed of segmentsof both conservingmotion and fast (/z-conserving)motioncannot occur, and the transition will be from a single period of regular tt-conservingmotion to a single period of regular /z-conserving motion. It should be emphasisedthat the condition for a slow or fast transition is not simply whether the system is changing slowor fast with respectto the particlegyroperiod(indicated by d•X2)but also whetherthe changeis slowor fast with respectto the transitiontimescale(indicatedby dA•). 1 d• = f•zr (53) Examples of a fast and a slow passagein this model are sketched in parametric coordinate space in Figures 23 and 2b, whichshow givenby (52) and (53), respectively. In order for a particle to undergo a slow passage,we require that as t increasesA• << 1 to A1 > 1, while both dA• << 1 and dA•. << 1. From Figure 23 we see that this particle (represented by the line markedslow)will, if A•(t = 0) << 1, NUMERICALLY INTEGRATED TRAJECTORIES Previously,trajectories were numericallyintegrated in the simpletime dependentmodelof Chapmanand Watkins[19- initially, execute tt-conservingbehavior. Once • > 1 the motion will becomestochastic, exhibiting segmentsof both tt-conservingbehavior when far from the center plane, and fast z oscillations across the reversal when close to the center 93] usinga modelfield wheref• = T/r = t/(f•zr) (where plane. Once dA• > 1 the motion will be entirely composed r is the timescaleon whichthe field changes)and fz = 1 of fast z oscillations across the reversal. This scenario reso that A• = r•ot/(f•zr) = c•t , A• = 1, then dA• = c• was quires dad << 1, as shown by the horizontal hue marked a constant and dA•. = O. Trajectories were then found to slowon Figure 2b. From (52) and (53)this trajectoryreexhibit a transitionin behaviorwhent _• 1/c•, that is, when quires f•zr >> 1 so that both d•. << 1 and the gradient of A1 _• 1, and to be ordered in behavior by the constant dA• = (52), whichis 1/(f•zr) << 1. In addition,to/•z must be sufficiently small that all three parametric coordinates are much less than one at the start of the trajectory, so that the (increasing A•) with increasing t. The parametriccoordinate motion is initially tt-conserving. A numerical solution of such a trajectory is shown in dA•. could not be identified in this model as it was zero for Figures 33 and 3b. The equations of motion were inteall trajectories. In order to further illustrate the above results, a simple grated usingan adaptiveorder and adaptivestepsizescheme [Shampineand Gordon,1975]. The normahzationis the field model has been selected which has the property that c•. On the plot in parametric coordinate space, trajectories would be horizontal lines, the particle moving to the right A• = A•(t), dA1= dA•(t), and dA• is constant;trajectories same as usedin the abovediscussion,(i.e. to length pz and time 1/f•z). The field model then has c•0= 0.01 (a weak reversal), f•zr = 25 (a slowlychangingreversal), in this model then exhibit transitions with respect to both A• and dA• and are ordered with respect to dA2. CHAPMAN:DYN•• IN A Pdg•AL WHIt G• Tnv• DgP•ND• 5983 3a and 3b, whichare plots of z(t) and z(t). The periodin time spanning from t = 0, so that ;• < 1, to t = 10000, so that ;• > 1, is shown in Figure 3a. The z motion appears -conserving almost linear due to acceleration in the induction electric field, and the z motion is oscillatory.From the z motion we see that before t = 2500 the motion is composed of fast oscillations combined with a slow bounce motion, the par- ticle is not stronglypitch angle scatteredon crossingthe centerplane(the mirror pointsat t • 750 andt • 2000are at approximatelythe samez). However,oncet > 2500,an interval of stochasticmotion begins;on each crossingof the centerplane the particle executesfast z oscillationsbefore beingejectedto executea segmentof it-conserving motion awayfromthe centerplane. In Figure3b the sametrajectory a b ! FAST l•conserving ß 2000 4 0 6000 8000 10000 12000 t ,, stochastic X 104 / conserving : 5- SLOW 4 3 x 2 1 Figure 2. Notional trajectories for slow and fast passagetransitions in the simple thinning model given in the text marked on i 0 2000 i i 4000 i 6000 i 8000 10000 12000 t plots in parametric coordinated,Xl (a) and d,X2(b) versus,Xl space. The different regimes of particle motion are marked on b the plot (dottedlinesindicatetheir notionalboundaries). and t0/(•z) : 0.01. The trajectory has initial position r = (5 x 10-2,0,1), with the z positionchosen suchthat the renofinalizedsystemwouldhavez*(t* = 0) = aoz(t = 0) = a0 and the z positionchosensuchthat initially the •0 particle lies on the rest field line defined by the choice of E•(T): O. The initial v = (0,0.5,-0.01) at t = 0, with -4o the velocity components chosento ensure that the particle crossesthe center plane z = 0 on a shorter timescale than the transition timescalesof the system. 2 Oncet/(flzr) >> to/fl•, that is, oncet >> 0.25 (approximatelya quarterof a gyroperiod)the parametriccoordinates i i '5 i 2 3 3.5 x 105 x 106 1.5 are just x ,• '"'•-•rt (54) 1 0.5 I00/ 0.5I I 1 I I 1.5 2 t I 2.5 I 3 3.5 x 105 Figure 3.A numericaJlyintegrated trajectory undergoesslow pas- 1 sagein the simplethinningmodel. The panelsshowz(t) (top) •nd •(t) (bottom). Th• Not •igu• 3(•) •t•t• •t th• initi• condition(t = 0) and showsa time period spanning,X•(t) < 1 which yield the transition times, that is, •z _• 1 at • = ,X•(t) > 1. The plot Figure 3(b) starts at the initial condi•,r/ao = 2500,and dA1___ 1 at t = (•,r)a/ao = 62500 to tion (t = 0) and showsa longer time period which also spans (dAa= 1/25 << 1 for all t). We can comparethesetimes d,X•(t) < 1 to d,X•(t) > 1. In this model d,Xais constantand with the numerically integrated trajectory shownin Figures d,Xa < 1 for this trajectory. -d;•2 -- fl,r (56) 5984 CHAPS: DYNAMICS IN A POg•AL WI•I-IG• 2 ! • • TIMg DEP••CE tially, thesearegivenby the (time dependent) scaling of the strength of the coupling between the x and z oscillatory motion and the particle and system adia- •0 baricity. -2 0 100 200 300 i i i 400 500 600 2. For the caseof a thinning reversal, two types of transition are possible: a slow transition from •-conserving I 7• 800 to stochasticmotion, then subsequentlyto regular t motion entirely composedof z oscillationsacrossthe center plane, and a fast transition into z oscillatory 2O00 motion 1500 with no interval of stochastic motion. 3. For specificmodelsfor the field the parametric coordinates can be inverted to give the approximatetimes at which transitions between the different types of mo- x 1000 500 / i i i i i i i 1O0 200 300 400 500 600 700 tion occur. 8OO t Figure 4.A numerically integrated trajectory undergoesfast pas- Multispacecraft in situ measurements,such as those of the proposed Glustermission[Rolj%, 1990andreferences therein] sagein the simplethinningmodel. The panelsshowz(t) (top) are neededto unambiguouslydetermine both the characterand z(t) (bottom). The time periodstartsat the initial condition istic length scale and timescale of the field in terms of the (t = 0). The initial conditionsand modelparametersareidentical particle Larmor scales. This will allow the parametric coto the plotted trajectory in Figure 3, except that now dA2 > 1. ordinatesto be determinedand hencegive estimatesof the times at which transitions between one class of motion and another should occur. In particular, this should allow the duration of the period of stochasticmotion to be determined. is plottedfrom t = 0 to t = 3 x 105,that is, until dA• > 1. The particle continuesto executestochasticbehavior;at It has been suggestedthat the changein the particle diseach subsequent crossingof the centerplane the segment tribution as the dynamicsevolvesin the presubstormthinof fast z oscillationsis longer in time until t • 1.2 x 105 ning plasma sheet may produce substorm-relatedinstabili- (dA• ___ 2) whenthe motionbecomes entirelycomposed of ties [Buchnerand Zelenyi,1987]or may thermalizethe disfast z oscillations.Henceas impliedby the aboveanalysis, tribution sufficientlyto lead ultimately to a reconfiguration the conditions A1 --4 1 and dA1--4 1 (with dA2<< 1) give of the magnetotail[Cowley,1991;Mitchell et al., 1990,and the approximatetimes after whicha transitionin dynamics referencestherein]. The implication of these results,that will occur, the exact times at which the dynamicscan be stochasticmotion may persist for a finite time or under ceridentifiedto changebeingdependentuponinitial conditions tain circumstancesmay not occur, may therefore have im(beingsensitiveto the times at whichthe particlecrosses plicationsfor our understanding of the roleplayedby singlethe centerplane,for example). The fast trajectory sketchedin parametric coordinate space in Figure2 corresponds to thegradient of(52), particle dynamics in the substorm cycle. Acknowledgments.The author is indebtedto N. W. Watkins > 1. Howeverthis impliesd)[2 > 1, so that segmentsof and J. Chen for illuminating discussions. #-conserving motion cannot exist. A numerical solution of such a trajectory is shownin Figure 4, in the sameformat their assistancein evaluating this paper. The Editor thanks M. Ashour-Abdalla and a second referee for as Figure 3. 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