JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 99, NO. A9, PAGES 17,391-17,404, SEPTEMBER 1, 1994 Self consistent one-dimensional hybrid code simulations of a relaxing field reversal Alan Richardson • and SandraC. Chapman SpaceScienceCentre (MAPS), Universityof Sussex,Brighton,United Kingdom Abstract. We present the results of self-consistentone-dimensionalhybrid code (kineticionsand fluid electrons)simulations of a dipolarizingfield reversal.Local ion energization processesare studied in terms of both the ion kinetics and bulk plasmabehavior.We demonstrate evolutionof the systemthroughtwophases:(1) a quasi-static"trapping" phase,during whichinfiowingionsare trapped in the reversal structureat early timesand (2) a dynamic"escape"phase,duringwhichtrapped ionsescape fromthe reversal afteranincrease in/•1' Weperformsimulations with differentlinkingfieldcomponent (GSE B•) to reversingcomponent (GSE B•) ratios and show that this parameter controlsthe details of the ion energization. This studysuggests a characteristic signaturein the magneticfield (a bipolarB•) and bulkplasma parameters (anincrease in /•l) associated withthisbehavior which should be observablein in situ data. Our results are applicable for times earlier than the midtail to ionosphereAlfv6n travel time. mechanisms which occur are all local to the dipolariz- 1. Introduction ing field line, enablingus to deducewhat energization can occur locally and by implication what must occur At the onsetof a magneticsubstorm,magneticfield (e.g., at a reconnection site). linesin the near-Earth geotailundergorapid reconfigu- elsewhere We present the results of two simulations, one with a ration from a taillike geometryto a more dipolarstate weak linking field component and one with a stronger ("dipolarization").Characteristic featuresof dipolarlinking field. The values we use span the range of obization includerapid changesin the local field strength, theobservation of high-energy (• 1MeV) burstsof par- servedlinking field component. We demonstratethat ticles[e.g.,Honesel al., 1976],andthe arrivalof lower- the ratio of linking field to reversingfield components energyplasmaseenat around6RE (so called "injec- determinesthe details of ion energization,rather than tion events")[e.g.,Lennarlson el al., 1981].To date, the overall evolution of the relaxing reversal. We find that the reversingmagneticfield structureis only non-self-consistent studieshavebeenmade of ion capable of trappinginfiowingions. As the trappedions dynamicsduring dipolarization[e.g., Chapman,1993, oscillate acrossthe reversal,they gain net field-aligned 1994;Delcourt,1991;DelcourtandMoore,1992]. In this paper we presentone-dimensional hybrid code accelerationvia a mechanismapproximately modelled simulationsof a dipolarizingfield reversal.In order to as first-order Fermi acceleration. The parallel pressure study the consequences of dynamicreconfiguration of of the trapped population increasesdue to individual the magnetotail magneticfield at substormonset we ion acceleration, and once it has become sufficiently choose as our initial condition an out-of-equilibrium large to strongly perturb the bulk plasmaconfigurafield reversal. This work is significantin that unlike tion, the trapped population escapes. The escaping previousstudiesof ion energizationduringdipolariza- population may be in pressurebalanceor may have an dependingon the sizeof the linking field. tion [e.g.,Delcourt,1991;DelcourtandMoore,1992], overpressure, After the escape of the initially trapped population, a we can self-consistentlyexamine the evolution of local field structure and ion dynamics. The ion energization continualprocessevolvesin whichionsinitially located outside of the reversal convectin, are trapped, acceler- ate, and escapeen masse.A characteristicbipolar By 1Now at TessellaSupport Services,Abingdon,United Kingdom. Copyright 1994 by the American Geophysical Union. Paper number 93JA02929. 0148-0227/ 94/93J A-02929505.00 field componentevolvesacrossthe reversal. The paper will be structured as follows. We first give an overview of the simulation, provide details of the simulation method, and describethe initial conditions in more depth. We then presentand discussthe results of two typical simulations. Finally, we summarizeour key results. 17,391 17,392 RICHARDSON 2. Simulation 2.1. AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS Details OF RELAXING REVERSAL d = + v? x n) (2) 0B ot (a) (4) (s) 1 VxE- Overview •7 x B =/•oJ An overview of the simulation geometry is given in Figuresla (initial configuration)and lb (subsequent evolution).The one-dimensional hybridcodeemployed hereallowsvariationin onedirectiononly (GSE z) but V.J=0 E--V ixB-• JxB vP•+r/j retains all three vector components. The field reversal where the electron inertial term has been neglected, is initially out of equilibrium, in that the J x B force and quasineutrality impliesnV = niV i + neVe and is not balanced by the initially isotropic ion distribuJ ne(V i -Ve). The number density n, andthebulk tion. The field lines therefore relax as time increases, ionvelocityV i areobtaineddirectlyasmoments from acceleratingthe plasma. The systemis thereforeanalogousto the evolution of a reversalwhen the associated plasmapopulationhas (by someunstatedmechanism) tional particles that represent the ions. In this one- dibeen newly isotropized. The relaxation of the reversal mensionalgeometrythe assumptionof quasi-neutrality, thepositions andvelocities (thev•) ofthecomputa- in the simulation occurs by some combination of fast, slow, and Alfvdn waves which can propagate in GSE +z as the field lines in principle contract in GSE+x as shownin Figure lb. This generatesa strongfield region with infiowing isotropicplasma outsideof the reversal, and a weak field region in the reversal within which plasma is accelerated, and within which also particles can become trapped. 2.2. Simulation Model and continuityof charge,imply that Jz -0 (equation 5), while V.B = 0 constrainsBz to be constant.Full details of the numerical schemeare given by Terasawa et al. [1986],with the exceptionthat in orderto obtain the electron pressurePe, Terasawa et al. assumea polytropic equationof state for the electronfluid whereaswe obtain Pe from the masslessfluid energyequation: Ot The simulations are performed using a one- dimensional hybrid code, in which the electron population constitutes a massless,charge-neutralizingfluid back- + Ve. VPe= -7P•V. Ve + (7 - 1)r/J2 (7) where7 is the ratio of specificheats. Equations(1)(7) form a closedset, with sevenunknowns(E, B, n, Vi, Ve, J, and P•) andsevenequations.We se- groundand the ions(protons)are represented by com- lected the code originally developedby Terasawaet al. putational particles. The simulation grid size and time [1986]becauseit is in principlenonresistive, that is, in step are such that the ion gyromotionis fully resolved. the region of the evolving field reversal the resistivity In this limit the full range of "low-frequency" (i.e., r/= 0 (although,of course,thereis numericalresistivity w <<cope, cote)phenomena areresolved.Quantitiesvary present).This givesthe codegoodresolution, appropriin one direction only, which we orient in i GSE; however ate for studying the fine structure at the edgesof the reversal. all three vector componentsare retained. The governingequationsare Equation(6) canbe rewrittenusingequation(q)for J and a vector identity to give o•'+ V. [nV]- 0 (1) B2 - -vi xn+ (n.v)n 1V( +P,)+r/J ' (8) (a) t=0 The five termsin equation(8) representthe forcesact- inflow ing on ionsin the simulation.The V i x B termcan play a role in the coupling of different speciesin a multispeciesplasma, where the speciesdiffer in mass x [Chapmanand Dunlop,1986; Chapmanand Schwartz, 1987]or representpopulationsof the sameparticletype with differentdistributionfunctions[Leroy,1983].The (B.V)B term represents the curvatureforcedueto the ? inflow reversingfield geometryillustrated in Figure la. Since (b) z waves B = B(z,t) here, the components of this expression are B,O/Oz(i:B•+ OBy). At leastinitiallyin the simulation there is no field componentin •, and so this curvature force simply acts to acceleratethe plasma in /: (i.e., the directionin whichthe fieldrelaxes).Sub- x- sequentlya By componentdevelopsand the dynamics becomemore complex. The third term on the rightwaves handsideof equation(8), involvingVB 2, is the field Figure 1. The magneticfield configurationenvisaged pressure term, and this acts toward the center of the field reversalalong i to initially trap particlesin the (a) at time zeroand (b) at somelater time. RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN' SIMULATIONS reversal. The fact that the curvature and field pressure terms act in different directionsshowsthat the physics of the simulation should not be thought of as being purely one-dimensional;the propagationof wavesalong • allows the reversal to collapseand liberate field en- OF RELAXING REVERSAL 17,393 here(Figure1); weshallseethat thisexpanding fieldreversaldrivesthe overallion dynamics.In addition, the spatial resolutionemployedin the abovepaperswould not be sufficient to reveal the detailed structure of the reversalfound in this study. The resultsfound here and ergy to the ionsas a bulk plasmaacceleration in • (as thosein the abovepapersare thereforecomplementary, as they are designedto examine different features of illustratedin Figure lb). Solution of the above equationsrequires the specifi- plasma sheet behavior. cation of suitable boundary conditions: in these simu- 2.3. Initial Conditions lations we have open "inflow" at both boundaries, so that at the boundariesthe bulk plasma parametersand We represent the predipolarization conditions as an ion distribution functions are held constant. To absorb out-of- equilibrium field reversal. The field component waves approachingthe boundaries,we increaser/from B• is allowed to reversesmoothly at the center of the zero at the center of the box to a finite value at the edgesof the box. A one-dimensional (i.e. dependence only on z and t) simulationhas been chosenfor this study to allow good spatial and temporal resolution. This is appropriate as we are examining the local dynamics of an evolvingsystemwhich doesnot include couplingwith the magnetosphere as a whole, that is, the boundary conditionssimply damp wavesand absorb particles incident upon them and do not attempt to mimic the ionosphericplasma which in a global model the field lines would ultimately encounter. We therefore do not expect to obtain results of a "global" nature, such as the width of the current sheet in •Oor the implications for the time evolution of current structures in the iono- sphere. Our choice of boundary conditions also implies that we cannot study the evolution of this configurationto equilibrium, since again, this would require coupling between the region of plasma sheet we are numerically modeling and the external system composedof the ionosphereand the Earth's dipolar magnetic field. The couplingwould involveappropriate boundary conditions and would require a simulation code allowing simulationbox, its variation with positionz along the simulation axis being given by B•- B•0 tanh( z-A0 L/2) where L is the simulation box length and A0 is the initial half width of the reversalregion. A smallerlinking field component parallel to the simulation axis Bz threads the reversal. This componentis constrainedto be a constantby V ßB - 0 in a onedimensional system. The third field component, By, is initially zerq. These initial conditionsdescribesharplybent field lineswhose only directionof variationis alongi (Figurela). Note that the constant linking field allows us to transform to differentEy convection framesby movingwith constant speedin the & direction(the de HoffmanTeller transformation [deHoffmanand Teller,1950]). We find that the parameter which determinesthe de- tails of ion energizationis the ratio of the linkingfield componentBz to the reversingcomponentB•. Ion accelerationin x occurson the scaleof the Alfvdn speed VA,•, whilst the reversalstructureexpandsin z at ap- proximatelyVA,z. Consequently, we presenttwo simulationsin whichB•0 is the same(20nT), but B, issmall (8nT). spatial variationin morethan one dimension(suchas in the first case(2nT) andlargein the second the two-dimensional hybrid code used by Thomas et Both thesevaluesare consistent with observations [e.g., al. [1990]). Instead,the study is designedto explore Wagneret al., 1979].All otherbulk parametersare the the implications of dynamic changesin the magnetotail field geometry at substorm onset, where by some unstated mechanism the plasma distribution function is isotropized and no longer balancesthe J x B force of the extended magnetotail field. This phenomenon, localized in both space and time, will transfer field energy to the plasma and result in ion energization. The question addressedhere is whether this local phenomenon can completely accountfor the energeticion signaturesseenduring ion injection events,or whether energizationfrom somesourceremotefrom the simula- same in both simulations. In the simulation rest frame, plasma flows into the reversalregionfrom both sideswith an inflowspeedof 0.1V•,•. The total plasmadensityis initially constant acrossthe box, at no - 0.2cm-3. The plasmahasan ion beta of approximately0.1, whilst the electrontem- peratureis taken to be ~ 0.1• [e.g., Baumjohannet al., 1989]. The simulation axis is divided into 512 grid cells. There are approximately8 grid cells to an ion gyroorbit, giving good spatial resolution. The time step tion region(i.e., remotefromthe dipolarizing fieldline) intervalis about 1/400 of the ion gyroperiod.The stais also required. tistical fluctuationassociated with representing the ion Previousstudies[SwiftandAllen, 1987;Swift,1992] population by N• particles per cell is expectedto be per cell,reduchave employed two-dimensionalparticle-in-cell simula- ~ x/•-•. We typicallytake100particles tions to examine "global"propertiesof a plasmasheet ing fluctuationsto better than 10%. by using boundary conditionsthat attempt to mimic 2.4. Electrostatic Potential the ionosphere.The system modelled was however,esWhen discussingthe simulationresultswe make fresentially in equilibrium and hencedid not evolveas an expanding(i.e. dipolarizing)field reversalas expected quent reference to the electric potential •b. This is de- 17,394 RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS fined in generalby OF RELAXING REVERSAL (a) 8 seconds (2.5 rqi) •0•.00•.................. 042.50 - 0A Vx,l E- -V• Ot (10) 2085.00 try(B=B(z,t)•naE=E(z,t))ao•snotuniquely specify Ji,x _ Je,x ." - 1042.50 2.00 - whereA is the vectorpotential.The simulation geome- PII-P.L,PB • andA, andhereweusefor convenience - 0.00 - Vx,r , 1.00- ...................................... " '...... ".................................... 0.00 50.00 - 25.00 0.00 32.50 Z• By Zz - = _ OA• (z' t) Ot 0.00 • -32.50 -65.00 15.00 (11) 0.00 • Ez -15.00 OAy Ot(z,t) 04(zt) 2.50 (12)Ey (13) We find that the generalcharacterof the potential• ' 1.25 0.00 0.00 -- ' - ' '- ---•k..__•- - ..... -3102.50 -6205.00 21.30 0.00 Bx,By -21.30 ..................................... 0.24 isthatofa potential well,dueto theeffect oftheVB2 nl, nr (fieldpressure) termin equation (8) discussed earlier. 0.12 '""?"•""•'";'•'•"•"•'•'"'•'•';'"""""'•'"" 0.00 •' 0.0 Thispotentialwelliscapable oftrappinginfiowing ions. 5745.6 (0.0) 11491.2 (31.7) (63.4) z/km(rgi) (b) 32 seconds (9.8 7'qi ) 1267.50'••.'"" '•"• -''"' '_,',.'••:•'•": 3. Results 2535.00 Vx,l - 0.00 -1267.50 ..... 2585.00- ,.......... .•••,• Wenowpresent theresults oftwosimulation experi- Vx,r 1292.500.00 - -1292.50 - . '" ................... "'"'"•""•' ments,whichdifferonlyin the ratioof constant linking - ---'--•----'"-'•field componentBz to the reversingfield componentPII-P.L,PB 1.50 3.00 - -•................ 0.00 - Bz. 55.00 Ji,x - 27.50 o.oo-.......... 3.1. Overview Je,x 0.00• Wefirstobserve a weak burst offastmagnetohydroEz 0.00• dynamic waves fromthereversal region.Thesearisedue -40.00 -80.00 15.00 - -15.00 2.50 - to the lackof pressure balanceinherentin ourchoice of Ey 1.25 0.00 - initial conditions. The fast wavesare evident in Figure 2, a snapshot of magnetic fieldpressure, potential, and * o.oo- -5190.00 -10380.00 25.00 - magnetic fieldcomponents takensoon aftertimezero. Sx, Sy o.oo ................................... • -25.00 0.40 - .•.•.•:.z .............................. Figures 3 and4 showvarious plasma parameters plotted againstGSEz, thedirection of variation in thesimula-nl,nr 0.00 .... , .... tion. Figure3 is for the weaklinkingfieldcase,Figure (0.0) (31.7) (63.4) 4 for a stronglinkingfield.In bothcases, quantities are z/km(rgi) givenat earlyandlatetimesin thesimulation. Figure 3. Plasmaparame[ers •aken(a) before(b) 0.0 popula[ions (in kms-•). Thenex[panelshows PII- P•(oia) nda x 0.00. We [hen give ion and elec[roncurren[sin [he/: direc- lion (A x 10-•). Theelec[ric fieldcomponen[s E, and Ev (Vm-• x 10-a) andpo•en[ial • (V) follow.Finally, -2187.50. -4375.00. we givethe magneticfield components B• (solid)and Bv (dashed)(nT), and[he densi[yof par[iclesorigina[ingfrom[he lef[- hand(solid)andrighi-hand(dashed) 25.00. Bx, By0.00------• -25.00- 0.0 '14•4.e' '2889.6 (0.0) (e.o) z/kmifS) (15.9) Figure 2. A snapshotof magneticfield pressurePB -= x po[e[i] (V) 11491.2 ter the escapeof ionstrapped in the reversalstructure. The linking field is 2nT. The quan[i[iesshownin each figure are as follows. The •op [wo panelsshow[he V• phase spaceconfigurationof the left- and right- hand Pit242.50. • 0.00. •••.• q) 5745.6 (o]ia) (ahea) ompoe[ f[e= 0.6s (0.2r=i,wherer=i istheiongyroperiod) withB, - sidesof [he box(in cm-a). Figures 3 and 4 show the potential well associated with the reversingfield structure. At early times the well is approximately20 ion gyroradii across,and it expands in z as the reversalrelaxes. The boundariesto 2nT. A short train of weak f•[ magne[ohydrodynamic the well showa combination of Alfvdnic(e.g., constant waves is evident. field pressure)and slowwave(e.g.,densitydepression) RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS OF RELAXING 0.00 17,395 0.9- ,,,o.oo(a)2seconds (0.6rqi) Vx,l REVERSAL 4.0(1.2) 0.0 .. 2495.00- 1247.50- 8.0 (ZS) 0.0 "• '•• ,=.o<,.?) o.o. 0.9 ..... PII-P•,PB - 65.oo- Ji'x 32.50o.oo Je,x -37.50- ...... • -:•• -75.00- ]6.0 (4.9)0.9 0.0•.0(6.1)0.0- .............. •2.5o- 0.9 -25.00 •5.oo- 0.9 -- o.oo-- .-Ey 7.50 ½ qo•2.5o0.00 ' -• -• •.0(8.6)0.00.9- • -so25.oo32.0 (9.8) 0.0Bx, By o.oo ....................................... • ................................... 0.9 ............ -20.94"" -"' ;,,, .•e'••&•,'.• 0.9 ......... nl, nr 0.13•.? ••,•4• • r,•,•,-•, 20.94 - o.25- 36.0 (11.1) 0.0 0.00 0.0 5745.6 (0.0) • 2880.00 v•,] 11491.2 (3• .D (rgi) (b) 10seconds (3.1rqi) - .....ß?• .:.•: ":"' ' o.oo 2905.00--- ""' ' :•-..4.' ..:•.- . (,,.s) ' .. • ........................ • (3,.•) (r•) (0.5) Figure 5. Evolution of the electricfieldcomponent •4•2.•o. .:. ........................... ?.: ....... :•. "•• '•••:;:•:•32 Vx,r •.oo 0.oo •.0 (12.3) 0.0 (63.4) parallel tothemagnetic field lineEll,inunits ofVmzx ..................... .•, ........ ............. 10-3. Pii-PA, PB2.5o ..................................... 55.oo Ji,x 27.50 • Je,x -•.oo 0.00 • Ez lO.OO o.oo• The linking field is 2nT. The numbersdown theleft-handsideofeachfigure indicate realtimein seconds (ion gyroperiods).Only the centralportionof thesimulation axisisshown. 0.00 0.00 •o.oo 20.00 - bulk•1 ofthetrapped population incre,es toapprox- 2o.oo, Ey ,o.oo- • ß -•v50••••• ,•ss.000.000.00- imatelytwiceV•,•, the Alfv•n speedin z. An increase -- - 2•.00 - s•.Sy 0.00• -2•.00: .................................... • ................................. capes,that is, they leavethe fieldreversalregion.The 0.•0- escapingions distort the magneticfield. 0.00• ...... 0.• (0.0) inPIIaccompanies theincrede in •1 Once PIIhas become sufficiently large tostrongly perturb thebulk plasmaconfigurationthe trapped populationof ionses. • "' 5745.6 (a• .3 • (rg•) Aftertheinitialescape a continual process of ionsbe- 11491.2 comingtrapped in the well, acceleratingand escaping (•.4) from the well is set up. In the stronglinkingfield c•e Figure4. AsforFigure 3 butwitha stronger linkingthisprocess hasa "bursty" nature, withbunching evifield (8nT). Note that escapefrom the reversalregion dentin the escaping ions.Alsoin this case,ionsremain occursearlierthan with a weakerlinkingfield. It has trappedin the reversalfor shorterdurations thanwith beenverified by examining individual iontrajectories a weak linking field. (see e.g.,Figure 12)thatthenoise generated inE atthe InFigure 5weplotthecomponent oftheelectric field reversal boundaries does notperturb theionmotion.parallel tothemagnetic field direction, Ell, • itevolves duringthe simulation(linkingfield2nT). It canbe seen in thevicinityofthefieldreversal and propertiesand are approximately4 ion gyroradiiwide. that Ellisnonzero With a linking field B• - 2nT the boundarieshave ve- is consistentin direction with the trapping of the pop- locity in •z of • 5Okras -•, comparedwith slowwave ulationwithin the reversal.When the initially trapped andAlfv•n SPeeds along z of3Okras -• and98kms -• population ofions escapes from thereversal structure respectively. With alinking field B•- 8nT the bound(atabout 4.9 rgi), the region occupied by nonzero and incomparison with Figure 13, it will ary velocityis • 12Okras -• , compared with slowwave contracts, and Alfv•n speeds along z of11Okras -• and 40Okras -• seen tobe•sociated withtheregion within which ions Abipolar Bycomponent develops across thereversal are subsequently trapped rather than the distorted field ' region •sociated with the escapingions. A population of trapped ions builds up in the reversal. Someof theseionslay within the weak-fieldregion ofthereversal whenthesimulation began; others were 4. Ion Dynamics initially located outside and have convectedinto the weak-fieldregion. •apped ionsacceleratein GSE x • We will now discussthe detailedion dynamicsin both they oscillateacrossthe reversalin z; consequently, the the x and z directions.Motions alongz are oscillatory, 17,396 RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS OF RELAXING REVERSAL (a) with no overall gain in velocity and possiblya net loss as the reversal expands. In the x direction there is net accelerationto approximately twice the Alfvdn speed. Acceleration in x can be approximately modeled as a •vi• first-orderFermiacceleration[e.g.,Cowley,1980].Mo- VT tion in z is understoodin terms of the electric potential VT qb(discussed in section2.4) whichhas the form of a potential well. To simplify the discussion,we first consideran ideal field reversal, where Ba, changesdiscontinuouslyas a step function, treating motion in x and z as if they were decoupled. We then consider the more realistic case of a smooth reversal over a finite distance,retaining the decoupledapproximation. 4.1. "Zero-order" ]/viz2+(vix+ VT) 2 / vix+2 VT( • viz Description ) vix+V T viz As a "zero order" approximation we suppose that at time zero, Ba, reversesdiscontinuouslyfrom q-Ba,to (b ') -Ba, (in fact, it variessmoothlyon a scalelargerthan the resolutionAz of the simulation).The potentialwell in this caseis a squarewell (Figure6a). Evolutionof the field line between two times to and tX is illustrated / viz•(vix+ VT) 2 in Figure 6b. As the field line relaxes,two wave structures bounding a region of zero Ba,moveapart in the z direction with some speed Vz. Field lines between the boundaries relax in x with a speed Vt. Our simulation results show the boundaries to have both Alfv6n (c ') vix+Vw• viz and (b) slow-wave characteristics, and so Vz is determined by the Alfv6n and slow wave speedsin z. By making the Figure 7. Frame transformationargumentsfor firstapproximation that Vz is just the Alfv•n speedalong z, orderFermiacceleration. (a) Simulationrestframe.(b) we now showthat Va,is approximately the Alfvdn speed Field line rest frame. along x. Referringto Figure 6b, point A on the relaxingfield line at time to moves to point B at a later time fl. by geometry. Clearly, the line AB definesa section of DefiningAt = tx--tO, we havela,= V•At and lz = VzAt field line, so la,/lz = Ba,/Bz. HenceV•/Vz = B•/Bz, and if Vz = VA,zthen Va,= VA,a,. Given that the field line moves in & with velocity VT5:= VA,a,5: in the simulationrestframe,wenowgivea frame transformationargumentleadingto field-aligned ion accelerationin this frame. Refer to Figure 7. Under the decoupledassumptionwe ignore the expansionof the reversal,that is, motionof the fieldline alongz. (If we include this, then the ions will losefield-alignedvelocity, whilst at positions b, b' due to the expansionof t=tl>t0 t=t0 the reversal).Consideran ionenteringthe reversalwith velocity components-via,i: and -viz ;• in the simulation restframe(positiona). We transforminto the fieldline rest frame, where the constant convectionelectric field Ey is zero, by movingwith velocityVTi:. The ion's x velocitycomponent becomes -(via,+ VT)i: (positiona'). The ion then travels acrossthe zero-B• region of field line (positionsb, b') and exitsthe reversal.In the field line frame the ion's energy is constant,so its x compo- nentsimplyreverses, becoming (via,+ VT)i:(positionc'). When transformed back into the simulation rest frame this becomes(vi• + 2VT)& (positionc). Thus the ion has gained twice the field line speedin the simulation (b) rest frame,i.e., 2VA,a,,in the x direction. Figure 6. (a) Potentialwelland(b) fieldlineenvisaged We should also consider the effect of the expansion for a discontinuous reversal. of the reversal structure in z. The boundaries of the RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS OF RELAXING REVERSAL 17,397 regionof zeroB• eachhavevelocityV•t,zalongz. When an ion interacts with one of these boundaries, it will lose energy. A similar frame transformation argument to that given previously shows that the ion will lose twice the velocity of the boundary with eachinteraction. Hence whilst the ion approximately gains field-aligned velocity(i.e., x directedvelocity)dueto relaxationof the reversalin x, it will losefield-aligned velocity(z directedvelocity)whilstwithinthe reversalat positions b, b'. 4.2. "First-order" Description -11250.00 We improve on the above zero-order description by consideringthe more realistic case where B• reverses smoothly over a finite distance at time zero. The po- ............................. 0.0 5745.6 114•1.2 (0.0) (31.7) (63.4) z&m(r•) Figure •. Evolutionof the potentialwell in •he case tentiM well in this caseis harmonic(Figure8a). The B• - 2nT. The well widens and deepensin time. potential wells observed in the simulations have this form (Figures3, 4 and 9). Evolutionof the field line between two times to and t x is sketchedin Figure 8b. The potential well in this model is harmonic, and as Two wave structures again bound the reversal region, but these are no longer confinedto an infinitely thin the field line relaxes, the potential well expands. As an ion moves into the reversal, it interacts with the region as in the zero-orderapproximation. In this first-order model, the electric field component expandingwell and losesenergye at a rate given by Ey acrossthe reversalis not constantbut varieswith de dq3 z (this is mostpronounced in the simulations at early d-7 dz •o•,. (14) times).SinceBz isconstantin thisgeometry, thereisno singlede Hoffman-Tellerframetransformation velocity For suitably small initial velocitiesvi,, this lossof enVT = V• that wouldsatisfyEy(z) =-V•B, = 0, and ergy will be sufficientto renderthe ion in a boundstate. so no singleframe transformation will take us into the Thus the ion becomes tra.ppedin the reversalstructure field line rest frame. Instead, VT is a function of z and oscillates acrossit. Under the approximation that and the abovefirst-orderFermiacceleration arguments motion in the x and z directions are decoupled, the cannot be employedexactly. We would expect net x- trapped ion obeysthe equation of motion directedion acceleration to be of similarmagnitudeto that deducedfrom the zero-ordermodel,that is, gains d2z E,q of lessthanor of order2V•t,•,but cannotpredictdetails = --, (15) dt 2 of the trajectories. m whereE, = -Oc)/Oz. Suchan equationof motion can be solvedby taking a suitablemodelfor the potential qb. A relatively simple model consistsof a simple harmonic potential well of constant depth qb0expandingfrom an initial half width A0 with constant velocity v; that is, • (a) t=tl>t0 t=t0 z t)- z2 +vt)-1]. (16) This potential arisesfrom a B• which reverseslinearly with z; in the simulation,B• ~ tanh(z/Ao),sothispotential results when z << A0. In practice, the depth of the potential well is observedto increasewith time as the field relaxes(Figure9); this is not includedin the simple model. The equation of motion using equation (16) for qbis solvedin the appendix.It is interestingto considerthe motion of a population of trapped ions, as describedby vz versusz phasespaceplots. The analysis givenin the appendixpredictsthat theseplotsshould havea markedspiralappearance (Figure10a). This is (b) borne out by simulationresultsfor times prior to exces- Figure 8. (a) Potentialwelland(b) fieldlineenvisaged sivephasemixing, after whichthe spiral appearanceis for a gradual reversal. obscured by thermaleffects(Figure10b). 17,398 RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS Vz/kms1 750- ee eeee ' "'i' '.--"-..--' -220 OF RELAXING REVERSAL z versust trajectories of several ions. The two plots for the weak linking field casereveal that ions remain trapped for longerperiodsthan with a stronglinking field. It is alsoevident that after the escapeof the initially trapped populationstarted where B• << Bz, ions whichwereoriginallylocatedoutsidethe reversalwhere Br >> Bz continueto fall into the well, accelerate,and escape. It is significantthat the initial escapehappensen massefor the trapped population, indicatinga bulk plasmamechanismrather than a processsolelydictated by singleparticle dynamics. -750 5. Bulk (•) Fluid Behavior Taking the pressuretensorfor ionsin the vicinity of thefieldreversal to begyrotropic, wecalculate PIIand Pñ for the trapped population[Krall and Trivelpiece, 1986](this assumption has beenfoundto be goodto within 10%). We find that asthe ionsgainfield-aligned velocity,PII increases on the timescale of trappedion oscillation.Whenthe difference between PII and Pñ 0.00 is sufficientlylarge, the quasi-staticequilibriumof the trappingphasebreaksdown(Figure13). The trapped 5734'(31.6) 6205 (34.2) z/km(rgi) population escapesfrom the reversalregion,traveling toward either boundaryof the simulationbox. As they do so, they distort the magneticfield and bulk plasma properties. 2.5- (•) Figure 10. phasespaceplotsof vz versusz as (a) de- 2.0 ÷ ducedby solvingthe equationsof motionof many particlesplacedinitially uniformlyacrossan an expanding harmonicpotentialwell of constantdepth(b) observed 1.5. in simulation results. 4.3. Effect of Linking Field Strength 0.0 0.( Typical ion v• versusz trajectoriesare givenin Figure 11 for both simulations. (rgi) 11468'.8 (63) In both cases the ion starts with a small thermal v•, and as it oscillatesback and forth acrossthe reversal,it gainsin v•. The maximum net field aligned velocity an individual ion can gain be- fore it escapesfrom the potential well is ~ 2V•,• as shownin sections4.1 and 4.2. In the weak linking field casethe ion'snet v• jumps by smallfractionsof VA,• ß (o) • over each oscillation, whilst with a strong linking field the ion's net v• increasesmuch more quickly. As we would expect, ions which have the least number of interactionswith the wallsof the expandingpotential well before escapingfrom it will ultimately have greater net field-aligned velocity. We will show that the bulk parallel pressureof the trapped population dictates when the trapped ions will initially escape, rather than the velocity of individual ions. After performing a number of oscillationsin the potential well, trapped ions escapefrom the well and travel away from the reversal to either end of the simulation box. This is illustrated in Figure 1:2,which showsthe 2.5 2.0 •1.5 , ,>•g1.0 1468'.8 (63) Figure 11. Typical z versusv• ion trajectoriesin the simulationframefor (a) Bz = 2nT and (b) Bz = 8nT. The dashed line indicates the center of the reversal. Af- ter exiting the reversal,the ions (movingto the left here)executegyromotion. RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN' SIMULATIONS OF RELAXING REVERSAL 40(12.3) • 40 (12.3)- 20 (6.1). • o (o.o) 0 (0.0) 20 (6.1)- o (o.o) o (o.o) 12ooo(66.2) 12000 (66.2) z/km(rgi) z/km(rgi) (a) (b) 16 (4.9) • 17,399 16 (4.9) 8(2.5) • o (o.o) 0(0.0) 12000'(66.2) 8(2.5) o (o.o) I 0(0.0) z/km(rgi) •"J 12000' (66.2) z/km(rgi) (c) (d) Figure 12. The trajectories of several ionsinitiated(a) and(c) closeto the reversal (b) and(d) somewayfromthe reversal.The top twofigures(a,b) arefor Bz - 2nT, the bottomtwo (c,d) for Bz - 8nT. of Plland The increase in PII is consistent with the combinedcapefromthereversalregion.The anisotropy effectsof Fermiacceleration andthe trappingforcediscussedearlier. These result in an increasedspreadin the parallel velocitiesof the trapped ions. This can be seenin Figure14,whichgivesshaded viiversus z phase space plots. As we seein Figure 13 (and Figures3 and 4), the trapped populationinitially escapesen massefrom the Pñ has beendiscussed by other authors[e.g.,Pritchett and Coroniti,1992]as an equilibriumconditionarising from doubleadiabatictheory [e.g., Bittencourt,1986]. Here however, it appears in a dynamic context as an indicator of particle escapefrom the reversal. Figure 13 showsthat in the weaklinkingfield casethe trapped ions achievepressurebalanceat initial escape, ø,whilstin thestrong linking reversal regionwhenlocallyPIIis sufficiently largethat thatis,PII- Pñ-• B2/2P field case the trapped population produce an overpresB2 Pll-P.L ""2yo sure,PII- Pñ > B2/2•o'In theformer case, individual vii valuesincrease in smalljumpsastheyoscillate (17)ion acrossthe reversaland the bulk Pll canapproach the escapeconditiongradually. In the latter case,individ- This conditionis just that which double adiabatic the- ualionviivalues jumpby muchlargeramounts during oscillation across the reversal,andconsequently, PII exreconfiguration in the bulk plasmaproperties[Krall and ceedsthe escaperequirement. The applicabilityof equation(17) can be testedby Trivelpiece,1986]. When this happens,the quasi-static ory wouldindicateas whenthe excess PII will forcea trapping phase breaks down and the trapped ions es- rearranging it to give 17,400 RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS 1.5 0.0 bution function of the ions. For simplicity, we assume that the trapped populationsare just two beams with bulk parallel velocities•vcri•, as shownin Figure 15. 3.0 4.0 (1.2) 1.5 0.0 3.0 8.0 (2.5) REVERSAL isfy(17) locally.This PII canthenbe relatedto the bulkviiof the plasmaby assuming a formforthe distri- 3.0 0.0 (0.0) OF RELAXING 1.5 In this case,PII is givenby 0.0 3.0 12.0(3.7) 1.5 PII-- PVcrit. 2 0.0 3.0 16.0(4.9) 1.5 0.0 Thus 3.0- 20.0(6.1) 1.50.0- Vcrit -- 3.0- 24.0 (7.4) 1.50.0 3.0- 28.0 (8.6) 0.0- 1.5 0.0 3.0- 40.0 (12.3) (20) Using the simulation bulk parameters, q-vc,.ithas beenplotted on the phasespaceplots of Figure 14. In the pre-escapeplots of both simulations,althoughsome trapped ions have individualparallel velocitiesgreater 1.5- 3.0 36.0(11.1) +?z wherePB is themagnetic fieldpressure B2/(2/•0). 1.50.0- 3.0- 32.0(9.8) (19) 1.5 0.0 0.0 57,•5.6 11491.2 than the boundary v•it escapedoes not occur as the bulk parallel velocity is lessthan this v•it. In the post escapeplots it is clear that the bulk parallel velocity 5.0- of the escapingpopulation is greater than vomit,thus satisfyingthe escapecriterion. The post escapeplot for the stronglinkingfield case in Figure 14 also showsclearly the bunchingof the escaping ions. This does not arise in the weak linking 1.0 (0.3) 2.5- field case. 2.0 (0.6) 2.5- (a) (0.0) (31.7) (63.4) z/km(rgi) 0.0 (0.0) 5.1. Magnetic Fields •:8: 3.0 (0.9) 2.5- 4.0 (1.2) 2.5 5.0 (1.5) 2.5 6.0 (1.8) 2.5- AlthoughBy is zeroin our initial conditions, a characteristicbipolarBy signatureis generatedacrossthe reversalfrom early times(seeFigures3 and4). Hodogramsof the Bz, By field components are givenin Figure 16 (seealso[Goodrich and Cargill,1991]). As we movethroughthe structurewith increasingz, the field rotatesin a clockwise(right-handed)sensethroughan anglelessthan •r/2, andthenbackagainin an anticlockwise(left-handed)sense.In the regionsat the edgesof the reversal,whereBy increases from zero, the total field strengthB is constantand the densityreduces. To supportBy, the electronscarrycurrentin the -& •:8: 7.0 (2.1) 8.0 (2.5) 2.52.5- •:8: 9.0 (2.8) 2.5- direction and the ions in +&. In both simulations,the electroncurrentis approximately25% largerthan the •:8: 10.0 (3.1) 2.50.0- 0.0 (b) (o.o) 57,•5.6 (31.7) z/km(rgi) ion current, and so there is a net currentin-•. Prior to the reversal, the electron current reverses (63.4) directionat the edgesof the reversalto thussupportthe fine structure. After escapethe field becomesdistorted, 11491.2 escapefrom Figure 13. Evolution of PII- Pñ (solidline)andmag- and fine structure is not as evident. neticfield pressure Pls (dashedline) with (a) a weak Whenthe linkingfieldis weak,the magnitudeof By linkingfield(b) a stronglinkingfield. The unitsof pres- is approximatelytwice that observedwhen the linking sure are Nm -2 x 10-•ø. The numbers down the left- fieldis strong.This may be dueto the muchlongertime hand side of eachfigure indicatereal time in seconds for which ions are trapped in the reversalstructure in (iongyroperiods). theformercase,givingthe By component moretimeto develop. B2 The post escapehodograms,Figures 16b and 16d, showmorestructurein the stronglinkingfieldcasethan in the weak case. This corresponds to fluctuationsin Bz Calculatingthe right-handsidefrom simulationplasma and By at locationsof particlebunchingin the escaping - PII•-P•-4 2/•o parameters wouldyieldthevalueof PIIrequired to sat- ions. RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS OF RELAXING 1-I ß • •: -21 9229 15o.9) 17,401 "•'•'•'>' ' • '" .....-•,.,.. 2240(12.4) REVERSAL "•:•, .::.•d•'•..'.,.. •-.....'I,:•'"42.,.,-,. : ' :.: •-• •'-½."•" .I•;": ' .;•- *r-" ¾;½,4"• ': :, 2240 (12.4) 9229 (50.9) z/km(rgi) (•) 2- -3 2240 (12.4) 9229 (50.9) 2240 (12.4) z/km(rgi) 9229 (50.9) z/km(rgi) (c) (d) Figure 14. Shadedvii versus z phasesp•ceplots. The top twofigures(•,D) •re for • we•k linkingfield (2nT), the bottom two (c,d) for a strongerlinkingfield (8nT). In eachcasethe leftmostplot (a,c) is for a time prior to escape,the rightmostplot (b,d) is postescape(the plots are for the sametimes as the snapshotsin Figures3 and 4). Note that only the central 60% of the simulation axis is shown, to clarify structure in the escapingpopulation. The increased spread in parallel velocitiesin the reversalstructure can clearly be seenin both pre-escapeplots. In the weak linking field case, the ions escapefrom the reversal with velocitiesless than twice the z direction Alfvdn speed. With a stronger linking field, they escapewith twice the Alfvdn speed.Thesolidlinesindicate thecriticalvelocity deduced fromPII- P•- = Ba/2Iuo' In both simulations, escapefrom the reversal only occurs when the bulk parallel velocity of the trapped ions exceedsthis critical velocity. 6. Conclusions which describeswhen the trapped plasma can no longer be contained and will escape. We have presented the results of one-dimensional, 4. Following this initial escapea continual processof self-consistentsimulationsof a dipolarizing field reverinflowing ions becomingtrapped in the reversal,accelsal with varying linking field strengths. We have dis- erating and subsequentlyescapingoccurs. cussedboth ion dynamics and bulk plasma behavior. Our principal results are as follows: 1. The largeVB 2 in the reversalstructurecausesthe trapping of inflowing ions. 2. ThePllofthetrapped population increases in a man- ner consistentwith net field alignedaccelerationdue to the Fermi acceleration of ions as they oscillate across the reversal and decelerationas they interact with the reversaledge.This ultimatelyresultsin their escape. 3. We havefound a generalcondition, ,• vparallel -vcrit S2 PII-P.L • 2po +vcrit Figure 15. Distribution function assumedfor calcu- (21)latingv•it, f(Vll)- f0(5(Vll- v•it)q-5(vii+ v•it)) 17,402 RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS (a) OF RELAXING REVERSAL (b) -11 -11 -21 Bx/nT , , 0 21 Bx/nT (d) (c) -6-20 -60 20 -20 Bx/nT 6 Bx/nT Figure 16. Hodogramsshowingthe bipolarB• component whichis generatedfrom early times. The top two graphs(a,b) are for a weak(2nT)linking field,the lowertwo (c,d) for a stronger linkingfield (8nT). In eachcase,the left figure(a,c) is prior to escapeof the trappedionsand the figureon the right (b,d) is postescape. 5. We have identifieda characteristic signaturein By Appendix: Expanding Potential Well accompanyingthis behavior. 6. We have shownthat the time an ion remainstrapped To representan expandingpotential well of constant is dictated by the ratio of linking field componentto depth in one dimension,we considera potential of the reversingcomponent,and as a consequence, this deter- form mines whether the post escape phase is characterized by pressure balance(PII- P•- -• PB) or overpressure r)(z, t)- r)o(Ao +vt) •- 1, (A1) > These resultsdefinea signaturewhichshouldbe evwhereA0 is the initialhalfwidthandv is thespeedat ident in observationsof dipolarizationcloseto the tail whichthe edgesof the well moveapart. The electric centerplane. If PII - P•- -> PB outsideof the rever- fieldassociated with thispotentialis givenby sal, then field alignedbeamsmovingat Vii ~ 2VA,r (~ 1- 10keVfromthesimulation results shown here) will be observed which,if PII- Pl >>P•, will be bursty in nature. Insidethe weakfieldregion(identifiableby the bipolar By signaturein a coordinatesystemanalogousto the simulationconfiguration) counterstreaming 240z (Ao+ vt)2 (A2) beamsof Vii< 2VA,rshouldbe observable. A particle of massrn and chargeq in this potentialhas Our simulationsreveala localionenergization mecha- the equation of motion nism whichcan be approximatelymodeledasfirst-order Fermi acceleration. Ions are accelerated to low-medium energies(1- 10keV), indicatingthat the high-energy ( ~ 1MeV) burstsof particlesseenduringsubstorms d2z (2q•0q • z -'-•dt + k,mAo2,] (1+vt/Ao) • =0. (A3) must be acceleratedelsewhereor by someother mecha- To solve this, we make two substitutions. First, we nism not representedin the self-consistent hybrid code. substituteT- 1 + vt/Ao and obtain RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN' SIMULATIONS 2d2z (2•boq'• z -0 -o now make a secondsubstitution,Tdz ds 2 ds e• yielding l- kz - 0 (A7) has roots 1 D- • 4-V/4 x--k. 7-tan - x[-20 -¬]- (A13) (A14) 0 -• xln(•-ø-) Ao (A15) C- V/•i In( (A16) sin[ If we now populate the vicinity of the potential well with a number of equally spacedparticles, we can obtain the expectedphasespacediagram. This involves calculatingboth the position and the velocity of each particle at a giventime; the latter quantity is givenby (A8) Vz ---- d--•' • •)•t AoV(I+ c case is k-•+7] {••sin[qk _xln(1 +•oo )+7] +qk-ixcos[v/k•ln(1 +•0)+71}(a17) (A9) where C and 7 are constantsdeterminedby the boundary conditions. Substituting back for s and T gives A typical phasespaceplot obtained by this method is givenin Figure 10a, to be comparedwith an actualplot obtainedfrom a simulationgivenin Figure 10b. As a final test of this solution, taking the limit of v -• 0 shouldgive us the trajectory of a particle in a potential well of fixed width. To do this, we note that - •)ln(l+•o)+7] (A10) From this we seethat the amplitudeof oscillationin- creases with timeas v/(1 + vt/Ao). The periodof the as V•0• vt) -• A--•' vt In(1 + •0 motion alsoincreasesdue to the logarithmicdependence on t in the oscillatoryterm (Figure17). The boundaryconditions, andhencethe constants C ) z-C sin[•( 2q5øq t + 7] time t = 0. For the two caseswe have z-zo,•- &-O t-0 (All) (A19) Comparingthis with the equationof SHM, z - C sin[wt+ 7] . (A18) and with somemanipulation,equation(A10) becomes and7, aredependent uponwhethertheparticle's initial positionz0 liesinsideor outsidethe potentialwellat Ifzo<Ao, (A1,2) and if zo > Ao The case k < 1/4 would correspondto overdamped motion. This is outsidethe regimeof our simulations, wherewe have k > 1/4. The standardsolutionin this + •o v C - si•-• (A6) O2 - O + k - 0 z-Ce'sin[s t_< 7- tan-X[-2q k- ¬l Equationsof this form are associatedwith dampedsimple harmonic motion. To solveit we considerthe auxiliary equation, which zo- Ao Ifz0>A0,z-z0,•-0 wherek is the dimensionless constant (2qboq/mv'). We d•'z 17,403 Usingtheseboundaryconditions,we canobtainexpressionsfor C and 7, giving if z0 < A0 z + REVERSAL & (A4) or d2z OF RELAXING (A20) we identify / 2c•oq co-V•--•0 • (A21) as being the frequencyof oscillation. In the caseof a slowly expandingpotential well, the frequencywould have this value at time t - 0, and it would slowly de-4 -2 0 x/km 2 4 crease thereafter. Figure 17. A typical trajectory obtained by solving Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to T. the equation of motion of a particle in an expanding Terasawa for providing the forerunner to the hybrid code usedin this study, and to V. Semenovfor illuminating disharmonic potential well of constant depth. 17,404 RICHARDSON AND CHAPMAN: SIMULATIONS cussions.One of the authors (A.R.) was supportedby a SERC scholarship. The Editor thanks two referees for their assistance in eval- uating this paper. References Ashour-Abdalla, M., J. Buchner, and L. M. Zelenyi, The quasi-adiabatic ion distribution in the central plasmasheet OF RELAXING REVERSAL Hones Jr, E. W., I. D. Palmer, and P. R. Higbie, Energetic protons of magnetosphericorigin in the plasmasheetassociated with substorms, J. Geophys. Res., 81, 3866, 1976. Krall, N. A., and A. W. Trivelpiece, Principles ol• Plasma Physics, San Francisco Press. Inc., San Francisco,Calif., 1986. Lennartsson, W., R. D. Sharp, E.G. Shelley, R. G. Johnson, and H. Balsiger, Ion compositionand energy distribution during 10 magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 4628, 1981. and its boundarylayer, J. Geophys.Res.,96, 1601,1991. Baumjohann,W., G. Paschmann,and C. A. Cattell, Av- Leroy, M. 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