GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCHLETTERS, VOL. 23, NO. 22, PAGES 3251-3254,NOVEMBER 1, 1996 A comparisonof self-consistentkinetic and quasi-MHD simulations:Application to a dipolarizing field reversal SandraC. Chapmanand ChrisG. Mouikis• Space and AstrophysicsGroup, University of Warwick, UK Self consistentone dimensionalhybrid code an isotropic plasma. Subsequentlythe magnetic rever- (particleions, massless electronfluid) simulationsare sal relaxes(dipolarizes)as there is insufficientparal- used to examine the possiblestructure and evolution of a dipolarizing field reversal in the near earth geotail. Here, we run the simulations in both the ion kinetic lel plasma pressure to maintain equilibrium. Hybrid scales,and the quasi- MHD limit, where all ion trajectories are still fully resolvedbut the ion moments are taken, and the electromagneticfields are advancedon spatial scaleslarger than the gyroradiiof the ions. One simulation selfconsistentlyincludesthe ion current and densityresolvedon ion Larmor scaleswhereasthe other doesnot; both simulationshave sufficientbandwidth to well resolveall the low frequencywave modesexpected is also seenin hybrid simulationsof rotational disconti- Abstract. codesimulationsof this system[Richardsonand Chapman, 1994]showthat ionsare accelerated givinga non (hybrid) limit, where the ion momentsand the elec- isotropicion pressuretensorand a crosstail (GSE y tromagnetic fields are all well resolvedon ion Larmor directed)magneticfield componentis generatedwhich nuities[e.g.Lin andLee,1993]. 2. Simulation Details The hybrid schemeusedhere [Terasawaet al., 1986] representsthe ion f(v) with an ensembleof computational particles that follow trajectories prescribedby fromkinetic(in the hybridcase)or 2 fluid (in the quasi- the Lorentz force law; the changein positions and veMHD case)theory. It is shownthat the evolutionof locities of these computational particles are resolvedon the electromagneticfield and ion pressuretensor are markedlydifferent in the two cases.The resultssuggest that the selfconsistentquasi- MHD solution obtained in this way cannot be obtainedfrom a coarsegrainingof the full kinetic (hybrid) selfconsistent solution. scales determined by the simulation timestep At. At each timestep the ion number density and current density n•, J• are obtained by taking moments of the computational particle ensembleonto the simulation grid and are henceresolvedat the grid spacingAx (and for numerical stability a Courant condition is also satisfied i.e. Ax > cat where c is the velocity of the fastest 1. wave mode in the simulation). The fields are then Introduction Selfconsistent simulations are now widely used to study magnetosphericboundary layers and structures. The set of equations used, and hence the solution obtained, dependson the a priori choiceof the spario-temporal scalesto be represented.Another approach,used for example in the geotail, is to integrate large numbers advanced on the simulation grid using quasi- neutrality, the "massless"electron fluid momentum equation where the inertial term has been neglected(and with P• = nkT•, T• constant),and Maxwellequationsat low frequency(displacementcurrent term neglected). At the next timestepthe fieldson the grid are then extrapolated to the particle positions to advance the particle of singleparticle trajectoriesin prescribedfields that trajectories. The two simulation runs shown here have identical are obtainedfrom either globalempiricalmodels[e.g. Ashour-Abdallaet al., 1994]or from MHD simulations bulk plasmaparametersand time resolution(in terms [e.g. Joyceet al., 1995]. This hasthe advantagethat of the ion Larmor period) differingonly in the spatial the region where ions are acceleratedis connectedto a resolution of the simulation grid. In the hybrid case, global system, but the disadvantageof non selfconsis- Ax << R• the thermal ion gyroradiusin the backtency in the sensethat the the bulk plasma moments ground field: the fields are advancedusingcurrentsre(numberdensityn, ioncurrentJi, ionpressure 7vi)of solvedon scales<< R• and the ionsexperiencechanges the evolvingion f(v) do not contribute.tothe fieldson in the fields as they move severalAx in a singlegyraion Larmor scales. Here we examine this a priori as- tion about the field. In the MHD scalecase,Ax > R•: sumption: that solutionsof this type can be adequately the field advance does not include spatial variations in obtained without resolvingselfconsistencyon ion Lar- the current on ion Larmor scalesand the ions experimor scales. The simple example used here is localized ence little changein the fields as they remain within a "dipolarization" in the near earth geotail. The initial singlegrid cell Ax as they gyrate about the field, only condition of the simulation is out of equilibrium: the being carried from one cell to the next by field aligned magnetic field reversessmoothly and symmetricallyin or drift motion of the guiding centre. In both cases the bandwidth of the simulation is sufficient to well re- solvethe expectedlow frequencymodes(e.g. KraussVarbanet al. [1994])which are not identicalin the 1Now at Max-Planck-Institut fiir Aeronomie, Germany kinetic and the quasi- MHD limits. The physical pa- Copyright 1996by theAmericanGeophysical Union. rametersfor both simulationsare: v•,•fto• = 0.1V•,•, (V•,• is the Alfven speedin •) /3• = 0.1, T• = 0.1T•, n- 0.2cm-•, B• = 20nTand B• = 2nT. The code Papernumber96GL02845. 0094-8534/96/96GL-02845505.00 3251 21252 CHAPMAN AND MOUIKIS' KINETIC AND QUASI- MHD SIMULATIONS weakinflow~ 0.1Vax I _____ •• / z W•V•S ..... ......... Direction of variation waves 1 we• •flow - 0.1V• Figure 1. Geometry of the simulation. parameters are: Az -- 1/10Rgi(O.03C/Wpi) in the hy- Rgi (329.6C/Wpi) for the MHD scalerun. The parambrid caseand Az = 2Rgi(0.65C/Wpi) in the MHD scale eters are shownfor t = 9.8rgi, sufficientlylate in the case;At = 1/1630rgiin both cases;the simulation simulations to correspondto the "post escape"phase andChapman, 1994] box has 4096 grid cells in the hybrid caseand 512 in in the hybridsolution[Richardson when the ions escapefrom the reversaland can be seen to be moving towards the boundaries. Electromagnetic Fields: From early times in the a bandwidthof 0.055 < k < 111.6(C/Wpi) -1 (hybrid the MHD scale case; 100 computationalparticlesper cell are used in both cases and the simulations have case)and0.019< k < 4.8(c/wpi) -1 (MHD scale)with hybrid solutiona bipolar Bu componentevolvesas the 0.1< w < 800fl•• in bothcases. The initial and boundaryconditionsare identical,the ion distribution is initially isotropic, has weak inflow towards the centre z = z0 and is spatially uniform, Bx = Bxotanh((z-zo)/L),(L = 1.95c/COpi) By = 0, the electric field then evolvesselfconsistently.The boundaries are wave and particle absorbing. The geometry of the one dimensionalsimulationis shownin Figure 1. All scalarsand vectorcomponentsare retainedbut vary in the onespacedirection(•) directedacrossthe reversal, and time. The field threading the reversalat t = 0, Bz, is constant(V. B = 0) in this onedimensional geometry. All wavesthen propagatein q-•, and the VB 2 magnetic pressureacts along q-• to contain the plasma in the weak field region at the centre of the reversal, whereasthe (B. V)B curvatureforceacts perpendicular to the direction of variation and accelerates the Time=9.8e+00Tgi Vx(l) Vx(r) 20000- -200020000- -2000200- Ez -20- 5o - "---"'-"-- Ey -5200- Bx,By -20 0.4- 0.2- nl,nr 01000- (J^B)x -1001000- (J^B)y -10010000- (J^B)z -1000500- plasma. The electric field in the simulation frame is: Viz r, - -v i ^ B J AB ne V. 7•e ne I 0- -500- Cei 2-210- for singleion and electronfluids in the hybrid limit and -1020- (2) by a term of order J A B/he in the hybrid and MHD cases.We will seehoweverthat the principal differences in the two solutionsare characterisedby differencesin vi A B, whichis largecompared with J A B/he. Results The bulk parametersand ion phasespacefor the two simulationsare shownin Figure 2 (hybrid) and Figure 3 (MHD scale) plotted versusdirectionof variation across the reversal z. In both cases the central 0- -20- (Vi,V)x for MHD. In the MHD limit v - vi in (2) soE differs 0- (Vi^BJ^B/ne)y (Vi^B,J^B/ne)z 3. 0- (Vi^B,J^B/ne)x ne E - -v ^ B + HYBRID (Vi,V)y 2•-200010000- -1000- -3638.4 (-22.3,-7.2) 0.0(0.1•,0.0) 3638.4,22.3,7.2) z/km (rgi,c/wpi) Figure 2. From top to bottom: V• phasespacefor left and right enteringions(kms-•) (linesindicatewhere f(v) is takenfor Figures4, 5), Ez, Ey (mVm-•), B• (solid)and By (dashed)(nT), numberdensityof the left (solid)andthe right(dashed)enteringions(cm-3), normalized J^B components (.103),z component ofthe ionbulkvelocity (kms-•), V i ^ B (solid lines)andJ ^ (mV/m), bulkvelocity 512 cells of the simulation box are showncorrespond- B/he (dashedlines)components ing to 46 Rgi (14.4c/wpi)for the hybridrun and 1026 x andy components V• (solid)andV (dashed)(kms-•). CHAPMAN AND MOUIKIS: KINETIC AND QUASI- MHD SIMULATIONS Time=9.8e+000Tgi Vx(l) _2oo•O. Vx(r) .2oo•Oi magneticpressure/ioninertial length). In both cases this term is significantonly in the central reversalregion so that it doesnot act on the ionsoncethey have escapedfrom this regionin the hybrid case. The z com- "MHD" ponentthencorresponds to VB 2 in (1) andactsto con- 2000. tain the plasmain the reversaland the x (and in the hybrid case,alsoy) componentscorrespondto the cur- 2. Ez 0. -2. 5- Ey vature force that acceleratesthe plasma. Although the magnitude of J A B is about 20 times smaller in the o-520- Bx,By MHD scalecase,in physicalunits the width of the central reversalat this time is about 20 times larger, hence the rate of delivery of momentum from the relaxing B field to to the plasma over the entire simulation box is o-20 0.4- nl,nr o.2- (J^B)x 0- the same in both simulations. Ion Distribution Functions: -5O.t' (J^B)y o- The difference in the ion dynamics in the two casescan be seen in the top 41.1tOO- 0^B)z 3253 0T= 0 Tgi 500' Viz o ..... 2 2' • 2 • 2 (Vi^B,J^B/ne)x o -210' (Vi^B,J^B/ne)y o-to10' -2 -2 (Vi^B,J^B/ne)z o- -2 -to2000- (Vi,V)x 0 -2 2 -2 Vperpl I Va,x 0 -2 2 0 2 0 2 Vperp21 Va,x o T= 9.8 Tgi t000- (Vi,V)y o 2 -t000- -83747.3 • -5!3.0,164.8) 0.0((•.0,0.0) z7km(rgi,c/wpi) 2 • 2 83747.3 (5!3.0,164.8) o Figure 3. As for Figure 2 but for the MHD scalecase. The double dashed bar indicates the full size of the hybrid casesimulationbox, the singledashedbar indicates the size of the region shownin Figure 2. -2 0 -2 2 0 2 -2 Vperp2/ Va,x •perpl I •,x Vperp2/ Va,x T- 9.8 Tgi 2 magnetic fieldrotatesoutofthex, z planeacross there- -2 versal. The MHD scalesolutiondoesnot developsignifi- -2 cantBy i.e. the magneticfieldremainsin the x, z plane. In both casesthe B= componentreversessharply in a central region where the density is strongly enhanced and is slightly depressedin a regionjust outside. This 0 Vz / Va,x -2 -2 2 0 2 _ -2 Vy / Va,x 0 2 Vy I Va,x T- 9.8 Tgi • 2 depression in B=justoutside thereversal isphysically different inthetwo solutions, however. Inthehybrid case,B• is depressedas the local densityis increasedby the ions escapingfrom the reversal. In the MHD scale case, the local density is decreasedin this region, accompaniedby an increasein the vz componentof bulk -2 0 2 -2 Vperpl I Va,x 0 2 0 Vperp2/ Va,x 2 Vperp21Va,x T= 9.8 Tgi velocityinto the reversaland an accompanying signature in E• - -vzB•. This compressional modehas•an 2 2 ,I, analogue in the hybridsolutionin the formof a fast •.o modewavepacketwhichis generatedat early times and which has moved out of the simulation box. A bipolar E• (withcorresponding (vi A B)•) evolves in thehybrid caseover a region occupiedby the escapingions. The E• component(not shown)is within the noiselevelsof -2 -2 0 Vz / Va,x 2 -2 0 Vy / Va,x 2 -2 0 2 Vy I Va,x the simulations in both cases.The termsvi A B and Figure 4. Ion f(v) in the reversalcentrefor the MHD J A B/ne are plottedon the samescalesfor comparison scalecase(A, B) and hybrid scalecase(C, D). Vpar, and at this stagein the simulations the vi A B term Vperpl, Vperp2(vii, Vñl,vñ2)forma righthandedordominates,that is, the J A B/ne term in equation(1) thogonalcartesiancoordinatesystem(see text). Vx, does not account for the differencesin E in the hybrid and MHD scale solutions. Bulk Plasma Acceleration: The componentsof J ^ B are also shownon Figures2-3 (normalizedto x Vy, Vz correspondto GSE. Va,x is the Alfven speedin the B= field. The logarithmic grey scale rangesfrom ! computationalparticleper pixel (light grey) to .-. 50 computationalparticlesper pixel (black). 3254 CHAPMAN AND MOUIKIS: KINETIC AND QUASI- MHD SIMULATIONS rection.In the hybridcase(C, D) the ion f(v) is heated morestronglyalongthe fieldand hasa crossfielddrift T= 0 T•i 2' ,• 2 • 2 in both x and y which is higher also .• 0.5- 1V•. Just outsideof the reversal(Figure5) in the MHD scalecase (A, B) the ion f(v) is almostunchanged fromthe input -2 -•2 -2 0 -2 -2 2 0 distribution, it has the same temperature and a cross -2 2 0 Vperp2/ Va,x Vperpl / Va,x 2 vPerp2 ] Va,x T= 9.8 Tgi field drift, in +z (this distributionis takenin the region wherethere is significantEy). In the hybrid case(C, D) the escapingionscan be clearlyseen,movingout of the reversalalong the field with up to .• 2V•. In a sufficiently large simulation box this unstable distribution would ultimately thermalize. -2 0 2 Vperpl/ Va• -2 0 2 Vperp2/ Va• -2 0 2 Vperp2/ Va,x 4. Conclusions For a simple dipolarizing reversal, we have found that important features of the hybrid solution cannot be "coarsegrained" to yield the MHD scale solution. T= 9.8 Tgi It should be stressed that the details of these results will differ for different systems, or in more realistic geometries(allowingquantitiesto vary in three space coordinates). Neverthelessthis exampledemonstrates the importanceof resolvingselfconsistently on ion Larmor scales a plasma configuration that energizesthe ions. This has relevance in particular for recent studies of ion energizationand predictionsof the ion distri- T= 9.8 Tgi butionfunctionin the geotailthat involveintegrating large numbersof test particle trajectories in prescribed -2 0 2 -2 VperpiI ¾a,x 0 2 -2 Vperp21 Va,x 0 2 Vperp21 Va,x fieldsobtainedon MHD scales(i.e. largerthan ion gyroscales),either from phenomenological field modelsor from the output of MHD codes. T= 9.8 T•i • ""' -2 •o -2 -2 0 Vz I Va,x 2 Acknowledgments. This work was conductedwhilst C.G.M. was supported by PPARC and S.C.C. was in part supportedby a Nuffield FoundationResearchFellowship. References -2 -2 0 2 Vy I Va,x -2 0 2 Vy I Va,x Ashour-Abdalla, M., L. M. Zelenyi, V. Peroomian and R. L. Richard, Consequencesof magnetotail ion dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 14891, 1994 Figure 5. Ion f(v) from a regionoutsidethe reversal for the MHD scalecase(A, B) and the hybridscalecase Joyce, G., J. Chen, S. Slinker, D. L. Holland, and J. B. Harold, Particle energization near an X line in the mag(C, D), sameformatasFigUre4. netotail basedon global MHD fields, J. Geophys.Res., 100, 19167, 1995 panel of Figures2 and 3 whichshowsvx of individ- Krauss-Varban, D., N. Omidi, and K. B. Quest, Mode propual computationalparticlesversusz. Distribution functions have been plotted for the regionsmarked with the verticallines,inside(Figure4) andoutside(Figure5) of the reversal. These show projections of the distri- butionin the wit,vii planeandthe vñ],vl2 plane,at t = 0 andat the timeshown in Figures 2 and3 (with viidirectedalongthelocalB, viz liesin thex, z plane andvii, vii, vl2 forma righthandedcartesian coordi- erties of low-frequencywave: Kinetic theory versusHall- MHD, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 5987, 1994 Lin, Y., and L. C. Lee, Structure of the Dayside Reconnection Layer in Resistive MHD and hybrid Models, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 3919, 1993 RiChardson,A., and S.C. Chapman, Self consistentonedimensional hybrid code simulations of a relaxing field reversal, J. Geophys.Res., 99, 17391, 1994 Terasawa, T., M. Hoshino, J. I. Sakai, and T. Hada, Decay Instability of Finite-Amplitude Circularly Polarized nate system). The t • 0 distributionsare alsoshown Plottedin vx,vy,vz space,corresponding to the approximately GSE coordinatesystemof the simulation(see Figure 1). •om Figure 4 we seethat insidethe reversal the MHD scalesolution(A,B) is characterised by Alfven Waves: A Numerical Simulation of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 4171, 1986 Space and AstrophysicsGroup, Univ. of Warwick, UK an isotropicion distributionthroughoutthe run which is heated to maximum thermal speed.• V• and which (ReceivedApril 11, 1996; revisedJuly 9, 1996; has a cross field bulk motion of .• 0.5V• in the +x di- acceptedSeptember11, 1996.)