GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 27, NO. 9, PAGES 1367-1370, MAY 1, 2000 Analytical determination of power-law index for the Chapman et al. sandpile (FSOC) analog for magnetospheric activity- a renormalization-group analysis SunnyW. Y. Tam,• Tom Chang, • S.C. Chapman, 2 andN. W. Watkins3 Abstract. Recent suggestionand experimental indicationsthat the magnetotail dynamicsexhibit selforganizedcritical behavior have re-motivatedinterest in sandpile(avalanche)models.Someexamplesof specific interest for geomagneticactivity have the property that internal avalanchesexhibit inversepower law statistics whereas systemwideavalancheshave a welldefinedmean. Here, we apply the conceptof renormalization group to such a model. We demonstratethat invariant analysis based on the renormalization-group theory can explain the powerlaw distributionof energy releaseby internal avalanchesin the large-scaleregime of these systems. The possibilityof FSOC in magnetospheric dynamics has re-motivatedinterestin sandpile(avalanche)models. In such models, the probability distributions of energyreleasedby avalanches,and of avalanchelength, should display scale-free, inverse power law statistics that are a characteristic of FSOC [Bak ½tal., 1987;see also,Jensen,1998].In contrastto the scale-freebehavior exhibited in the internal dynamicsof the magnetosphere, substorms,the events of energy releaseof the magnetotail have well-definedcharacteristicscalesin both intensity and time, a specificclassof sandpilemodels is of particular relevanceto the magnetosphericdynamics. This class of models exhibits two scale-free re- gionsin the statisticsof its internal avalanches,whereas 1. systemwideeventshave a well-definedmean [Chapman ½tal., 1998]. Chapman½tal. [1999]focusedon It has been suggestedthat the Earth's magnetotail the statistics of the internal eventsfor large systems, Introduction may be describedby the stochasticbehavior of a nonlin- and showed that there is a characteristic broken inverse ear dynamicalsystemnearforcedand/or self-organized powerlaw signaturein the statisticsfor energyrelease. criticality (FSOC)[Chang, 1992, 1998, 1999]. There These authors have also established numerically that is increasingexperimentalevidenceconsistentwith this the two regimesof different powerlaw index correspond idea. For example, FSOC provides a possibleexplanation for the intermittent turbulence recently observedin to small and large avalanchesrespectively. In this study, we utilize the conceptsof renormaliza- the magnetotail[Lui et al., 1988;Lui, 1998;Angelopou- tion group (RG) to analyticallydeterminethe power loset al., 1996,1999].In-situ magneticfieldpowerspec- law index for the large internal avalanchesin this class tra in the magnetotail [Hoshinoet al., 1994]showeda of models. power law dependence,which is one of the characteristic of the scale-freeFSOC behavior. Moreover, analysisof a "burst size" distribution based on AE data also revealed 2. Sandpile Model a power law. This may indicate the absenceof a charac- teristicscalewithin the magnetospheric system [Consolini,1997],or resultfrom FSOC-likescale-freebehavior in the turbulentsolarwind [Freemanet al., 2000]. Lui et al. [2000]usedPOLAR UVI data to compile The avalanche("sandpile")numericalalgorithmon which this study is based is described in more detail in Chapmanet al. [1999,and references therein]. We review it briefly here. The sandpile is representedby a one-dimensionalgrid of N equally spacedcellsone unit a probability distribution for the sizes, and integrated apart, eachwith sand at height hj and local gradient intensities(energyreleased)of patchesof brightnessin zj - hj- hj+l. The sandpileis assumedto havean the nightsideaurora, ranging from the smallestscales "angleof repose"below which it is alwaysstable. The to substorm breakups. They found that the substorm heightshj andthe gradientszj are measured relativeto associatedevents had a characteristic mean, whereas all the valuesat the angle of repose. Each cell is assigned other eventsshowedpower law probability distributions with index closeto -1. Crucially the slopeof this index is unchangedby the level of magnetospheric activity. •Center for Space Research,MassachusettsInstitute of Technology,Cambridge,MA 02139,USA a criticalgradientz•; if thelocalgradient exceeds this, the sand is redistributed to neighboring cells and iteration producesan avalanche. The critical gradients on each of the N nodes are selected randomly from a top-hatprobability distribution P(z•). The system consideredhere is edge-driven. Sand is 2Departmentof Physics,WarwickUniversity,Coventry addedto cell I at a rate g, and the length and time are CV4 7AL, UK normalized to this loading rate such that unit volume aBritishAntarcticSurvey,Madingley Road,Cambridgeof CB3 0ET, UK Copyright2000 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. sand is added in unit time. As soon as the critical gradientat cell i is exceeded,the sand is redistributed. The redistribution is instantaneous, and it conservesthe Papernumber2000GL000030. total volumeof sand. Sandwill propagateto cell 2, and if the local gradientexceedsthe critical value there, to 0094-8276/00/2000GL000030505.00 cell 3, and so on. Within an avalanche,the sand is in1367 TAM 1368 ET AL.: ANALYTICAL DETERMINATION OF FSOC INDEX stantaneously "flattened" back to the angle of repose AXE,but proportional to (AXE) -• at largeAXE,with (the regimeis of uniformgradient).The propagation of transition at avalanches of size L • 64 cells. Both the powerlaw indicesand the locationof the transitionin thusoccursif hk- hk+l > z•. This resultsin sandbeing Pz(AXE)wereshownto be robustagainstthe paramedepositedto cell k + 1 from cells 1 through k, suchthat ter values of thetop-hatdistribution P(z•). Of importhe new heightshi, h2,.-., hk+• are all equal. If now tance to magnetosphericdynamics,the systemwas also the critical value of the gradient at cell k q-1 is exceeded, examinedunderfastfuelingg > (z*) andthe powerlaw the avalanchecontinues to k + 2, and so on. This iter- regimefor large eventswas robust under thesecondian ongoingavalanchefrom one cell, k, to the next, k+ 1, ative procedure is repeated until the avalanchereaches tions [Chapman et al., 1999;Watkinset al., 1999]. a cell where the gradient is below critical. The critical In this study, we have obtained the statisticsof the gradients within the post-avalancheregion are then re- avalanchesbased on their size, and found the normal- generated fromP(z]). Moresandisadded at cell1until ized probabilityPœ(L) for avalanchesof size L. Figit again becomesunstable,triggeringanother avalanche. An avalanchemay be entirely an internal arrangement of sand, or may continue until it spreads acrossall N cells of the pile in which casethe entire sandpile is emptied and returns to the angle of repose. Note that the system size N has to be finite under these redistribution rules. If N were infinite, we would have to allow for avalanchesof infinite length. Such an avalanchewould take an infinite amount of time to complete the slide, thereby violating the assumption of an instantaneous redistribution process. The total energy in the systemof the sandpileis: E-Eh j . (1) j----1 before and A specialcase of the model has been discussedby Helanderet al. [1999]. These authorsshowedthat the problemis exactly solvableanalyticallyfor the case P(z•) = 5(z• - zo). The system exhibitsonlyone regime:Pz cr (AXE) -•. It canalsobe shown that AE cr L for L >> 1, although it was not mentioned in theirpaper.Onecantherefore inferthat Pœcr L-• also in their model. In the following, we shall apply an RG analysis to demonstrate that the PœcrL- 1 behavmodels. 3. Renormalization-group The energy dissipatedby an avalanche,AXE,is just the in E -1 at large L. ior at large L is universalto a certain classof sandpile N difference ure i showsPœ(L)for the samedata in Chapmanet al. [1999];we seethat Pœexhibitsa powerlaw with index after the event. Internal avalanchescan also be characterized by their length, that is, the number of cellsinvolvedin the event. Chap- Analysis The concept of RG involvesthe searchfor invariance properties under continued coarse-grainingand rescal- ing of the system [Wilson and Kogut, 1974; Chang et al., 1992]. When one coarse-grainthe system,and man et al. [1999]focusedon the statisticsof large(5000 changethe rescalingparameter(e.g. the sizeof the syscell) systems.Their resultsshowedthat for slowfueling tem), transformations involvingcertainparametersmay rate (g << (z*)), thenormalized probabilityPro(AXE) ex- arise. These transformations may causesome parame- hibitstwodistinct regimes' PBcr(AXE) -ø'65at small ters to evolve non-linearly. That would imply certain fixed points in the parameter space. To study the behavior of theseparametersnear the fixed point, one may linearize 10ø the transformations. That would allow one to find power law relations between these parameters and the scalingparameter about the fixed points. Once these power law indices are obtained, the behavior of the system near these fixed points can be understood, and useful information about the system may be extracted, such as the probability distribution of avalanchesizes. Here, we shall demonstrate step-by-step how this procedure can be applied to the sandpile system described 10-' 10-2 above. Let us consider an ongoing avalanche propagating from cells k- 1 to k in the sandpile system. We shall define 0k to be the conditional probability that this avalanche stops at cell k, given that it has already propagated there. The probability for this avalanche to reach k + 1 is thus 1- 0k, and that for it to reach 10-3 10-'•10 o 10• 102 L 103 k+2 wouldbe (1-- 0k)(1-- 0k+•). Now we coarsegrain the system by combining every pair of cells, and renumberthe cells(i.e. cells1 and :2become1', cells3 Figure 1. The probability distribution of avalanche and 4 become2', etc.). This processreducesthe size lengths for four runs, correspondingto top-hat distri- of the system, and the length of the avalanchesby half butions P(zj) withmeanvaluei anddifferent widths. (L -+ L/2). The rearrangement,in particular,comMarked with symbolsare caseswith widths 0.01 ([2), bines cells k and k + i into l', where the new label l' 0.1 (,) and 1 (o), and markedwith barsis the analyt- numericallyequals(k + 1)/2. The probabilityfor the ically soluble case where the critical gradient takes a same avalancheto propagate from l' to the next cell single value. (whichconsists of the originalcellk + 2) is then 1 - Qt, TAM ET AL.: ANALYTICAL DETERMINATION by definition. We can seethat if the Q's are to be similarly definedin the rescaledsystem,we must set OF FSOC INDEX L'=L/2, and Q'=2Q-Q2. 1369 (7) Near Q = 0, the last term in (7) is small. Thus, one Q•, - Q• + Q•+• - Q•Q•+•. can show that under the transformation, BecauseQk and Qk+• are associatedwith adjacentcells, we expecttheir valuesto be similar. We thus drop their Q -• 1/L + 0(1/L2). (8) subscripts,and make them equal. Equation(2) then Or QL is an invariant under the RG transformation for large L and small Q. Note that this result is true only for avalanchesof large L, where Q is closeto the fixed n(Q) = point. In this regime, the probability that an avalanche which has reacheda cell k will go no further is inversely which would make the system look the same after a proportional to the length of the avalanche itself. Of levelof renormalization.Note that we may renormalize course,if the avalanchestopsat cell k, its !ength will be the system again. Every subsequentlevel requiresthe leads to a transformation rescaling L -->L/2, andthe transformation Q -->R(Q), in order to make the system look the same. The transformation supports two fixed points: Qa - 0, and Qa = 1. The case Q = 1 means that an avalanche will alwaysstop propagatingonceit reachesa particular cell; this caseis irrelevantto the sandpilesystem. The caseQ = 0, on the other hand, correspondsto the situationwherean avalanchewill alwaysgo on to the next cell. We shall argue that this case is relevant to the sandpilesystemby showingthat Q• is small as k becomeslarge. For an ongoingavalancheto propagatefrom cellsj- 1 to j, the averageheightof the sandfrom 1 to j- 1 must exceed hj + z;. Therefore, for an avalanche to reachk, k. Wecanthusexpress theresultasQ• crk-• +O(k-2). Now let us considernot only thoseavalanchesthat reach k, but avalanchesof all lengths. An arbitrary avalanche that stops at k > K must have propagated through K, K+i,..., k-1. Hence, for k > K, we can normalize PL by the factor (1- Q•)... (1- QK-•), and write: PL(L = k) cr (1 - QK)(1 - QK+•) . . . (1 - Q•_•)Qk + O(Q ock-• + O(k-2), (9) as all the Q's in Eq. (9) are muchsmallerthan unity. This result is equivalent to the following conditionsmust be satisfied: PL(L)crL-• + O(L-2). (10) n •-•jzj > nz•,n- 1,...,k- 1. (4) j=l Therefore,for smallQ• (or largeL, seeFig. 1), our RG analysishas reproducedto the leading order the scaling law obtained by large-scaleavalanchemodel calculations. For this avalancheto stop at k, it requires: k _<zZ. (5) j=l The analysis above, however,has yet to explain the power law behavior for PE. Here we look for a relationship between AE and L for large-scaleavalanches, and then determine the power law between PE and AE basedon the results above. We recognizethat the en- ergyof the system,givenby Eq. (1), scalesasthe system Condition(5) can be combinedwith the n = k- 1 case size N. When we renormalize,the length of the system in (4) to determinethe rangeof z• that wouldsatisfy is halved. One can thus write the renormalizedenergy the inequalities: as E' = El2. To find AE, we simplytake the difference , 1•'-• , k-1 z•_< zk-•Ejzj <z•- •z•_,. k in total energy before and after the avalanche. Thus, (6) j=l AE' = (AE)/2. We recognizethat AE and L are re- duced by the same factor under renormalization. Thus, we establish that AE cr L, or equivalently, the factor (AE)/L is an invariantin the regimeof large L. With Notethat the middleor the right-handsideof (6) may Eq. (10), we can concludethat there is a regimefor benegative, depending ontherandomchoices of z• and large AE where z•_•. In that case,condition(6) can neverbe satisfied (becausez• _>0). Otherwise,we can take the ensemP•(AS) cr(AE)-• + O((AE)-2). (11) ble averageof the right-handsideof (6) to estimatean upper bound for the range of z• that satisfiesthe con- We note that the analysis above is quite robust. Sup- dition. This estimatedupperboundis {z*l/k , where posewe use a slightly different coarse-grainingprocess: (z*) = (z•) = (z•_•). Thus,the rangeof z• that con- Instead of combiningevery 2 cellsin the system,we may tributes to the probability Qk decreasesas k becomes perform the procedure with every 3, 4,...or M cells. larger.We thereforeconclude that Q• is smallfor large Provided M is not too large, such that the Q's are es- k. Basedon this argument,we expect that if N is sufficiently large, there exists a cell K < N such that for k > K, Q• is in the regimegovernedby the fixed point Now we renormalizethe system, and study the behavior near Q = 0. For eachstep of transformation,L and Q evolve as: sentially the same, the renormalization transformation for Q is then: RM(Q)- i - (1- Q)M. (12) There are M fixed points for the transformation RM: Q a = 0 and Q a = I are still fixed points, while the other 1370 TAM ET AL.: ANALYTICAL M- DETERMINATION 2 do not lie within the real line between 0 and 1. These other fixed points are thus irrelevant. Near Q = 0, the linear behavior discussedabove is retained. 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