GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 28, NO. 13, PAGE 2669, JULY 1,2001 Correction to "Particle-in-cell simulations of the lunar wake with high phase space resolution" Paul C. Birch and SandraC. Chapman Spaceand Astrophysics Group,PhysicsDepartment,Universityof Warwick,UK In the paper entitled "Particle-in-cell simulationsof speed(the scalingalterationhas changedthe scaleon the lunar wakewith high phasespaceresolution"by Paul C. Birchand SandraC. Chapman(Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 219-222,2001)potentialstructures(shownin figure3) with sharppeakededgestructureswereshown. the X axis; the rarefaction wave is where the electron densityis -• 0.8Nsw in the revisedfigure).The conclusionsof the paperare unaffected.The detailedresults of thesenew simulationswill be published. A scalingerror has sincebeen identified and the simulationshave been rerun. Figure 3 below is the correctedelectricpotentialsplot. Comparingthis to figure 3 in the paper, the main difference is the absenceof 20 the peakedstructureat Y = +IRL (hencethe absence of enhancedelectrondensityat thosepoints). We still find the samepotential drop at the beginningof the simulation(althoughlargerin the revisedfigure,due to the scaling),and the peakedstructuresdue to the 0 -e---20 -40 two-stream instability. Figure 2 below is the corrected -60 2 electrondensityplot. Comparingthis to figure2 in the 40 paper, the main difference is the absence of enhanced electron density at Y = +IRL. The rest of the structure is fundamentallythe same. The densityscalehas Y(R L) -2 0 -X(RL) changedsincethe electronsare now lessstronglyenFigure 3. A stackplotof electricpotentials(in unitsof hancedin the centralwakeregion.We still seeescaping eV) calculated fromelectricfielddata,plottedagainst electronstructures,electrontwo-streaminstabilitycon- distancealongsimulationbox Y(R•) and time transfiningelectrons(andions)in the wake,anda rarefaction formedto a distancebehindthe moonX(R•), beginwave travelling away from the wake at the ion sound ning at 5.5w• - 1.52R•,thenevery 2.8w• - 0.76R•. 0.8 ii 0.6 .:• ß -•:e• .;•. • .•.•.. • -....•;-:-•'.•.. •c-,•.:,,.,•,.,..::...½...•z•:•:•.•z?::•:•..:•..•x.z•.;•&•7::c.•,•g t................... -2 0.2 -4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 -X (RE)= Vconv xt Figure 2. Electron density evolution shows distance alongsimulation boxY(RL) against time(distance behind moon)X(R•) with densitynormalised to the ambientsolarwinddensity. P. C. BirchandS.C. Chapman,SpaceandAstrophysics Group,PhysicsDept., Universityof Warwick,Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK. ( Copyright2001 by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber2001GL012961. (Received February5, 2001; revisedFebruary22, 2001; 0094-8276/01/2001GL012961 $05.00 acceptedFebruary23, 2001.) 2669