",.... ~.. Go~Omrnentof_hal"Pradesh " ••..... Oepartrnet)t tlf Personnel (A-l) " " ' , " . . Dated:'S~mla-2,the \~-- 16 - ~p,j': . NOTIFICATION The .Governor,. .Himachal ?r8desh,. is "pleased to order that the . folloWing L\S officers will retire from the GQvetnmentsemce the dates as~hown' against their 81. No. '. , Date of retirement. Name oftheofticer· with desf 1 ~s:~ . in the'afternoon of, ation .MrS. RajwanfSandhu, lAS(HP:75) 31-03-2012 Chief Sec~tary to the • . . (}overnment of Himachal Pradesh. 2 Ms. Harinder Him, IAS(:76) AddI. Chief SecreUu'y(Ind., Lab ..,& Employment) to· the Governmentof~cbal Pradesh. . .3 S~.S~K.l)asb,IAS(HP:80), " ' PriIicipil.~retaty.(Social Justice & E~powerment) to the "' ·.Govtt1urlont'$3fHitnacbalPradesb. . '~. ·Sh.jr.(j.-.N~,1t\S(HP:80) , ,' ' . . .'Prin~ipal:'S~Tpt"anA ,Irrigation '& Public ,Health) to the Government QfHi%tiachWPta<leSb. ". 5~' Sh.f.C;)anattba,IA$(HP:S,)" ' Mamiging:Difect~r,O~n~Irtdustries Corpn~,H.P., Shim1a:, ' .. 6. .Sa. Kashnrlt Clufud; IAS(FlP:9() , :Divisional Commissioner, ShinilaDivision; ShUnl H.P. ," Chief Secretary to the G9vernnient of Himachal Pradesh. . Contd.l-, --,2.0 'J)' Dated: ShiInla-~,thel @ -10 Endst,No."As above· Copyto:-" 1. The Establishm,ent Ofpcer", GOI,' MID Personnel, PG and Pensions, DepartmentofPersonnel imdTraining,North B~ock, New Delhi. , 2. All the" Principal' "'SecretariesIF~nancia1 Commission~i' (Revenue/Appeals)/Secretiuies to the Govt: ofHP,Shimla-2. " " 3. The Principal Resident'Commissioner, GQvt. of Himachal Pradesh, Himachal' Bhawai1,27-SikandraRoad, New DelhC 4. ,'The Secretary, liP Public Service COIllIPission,Shimhi-2.. ' 5. TheSpl. Secretary-cwn-Pr.Prlvate Secretary to Chief Minister, HP.Shim~-2·. 6. All th;e Divi,sional,Commissionersl Deputy COIllIt1issioners~in H.P. ' 7. the ACCOl.lIltantGenera1(Audit),HP, Shirnla-3: , 8. The Senior Deputy Accountant General (A&E" HP, Shlmla-3. ' 9. The Controllet,Printing & Stationery, Shimla-5"forpublicaiion in Rajpatra. 10. The Estate Officer, Directorate of EStates, HP;Shimla-2. 11.' The Controller (F&A), D¢partment of p-ersonnel, lIP, Secretariat, Shimla-2. 12.0fficers~nceme4 (by name).' , ' . "" 13~Pers()nalfiles. ,'i. '-,. , ,14. Guard file.' Addl. Secretary(personnel) to the . Govermnent of Himachal Pradesh; , , ' 'OoverJillient Qf HimachaI ,Pradesh DepartriientoJ Personn,el (A-I). , ~' , *., 2..o)J l&' -ll)- Dated: Shimla:-2, the NOTIFICA1'ION ,,'The QovemQ,~~~UnacJml'P~sh,ispleased .' following '..<> officershold)Jtgtheychittge . .... .'.,:.,' ' .. 1', . "r';Heati; :dfDepartment ·c·.·, ,,' .. ~o ordtr that the '.... '. '. 'of..their respective .. departnltmt, will retire from the:Govemment service in the ~oon of the dates as' . ", .,. (.. , " .,' ., '),,' ',' . . .., , . ' shoWn against their rwnes: .• .... : , ..Sl.No. l' . Natne of the, officer With desi Sh,YiIUlyTand~IFS AdVisor, ", ' Forestry,Wlldlife&Natutal Resources,' ,H.P., Shimla:: Dr.(Mrs.}JaishreeSharma, . DireCtor,.MedicalcEducatiol1&.Re~arch, 2 H.P;, ShUn,la: She O.P$hanna,·, Date· of retirement." ,31;'O~-20l2 . ' '.' 'DirectorofEd~~~o~ H.P .,8hiti:Ua. ", Sh.,B.n.~ DJreet<jr-cinn..chlefWardert . ·H.P., Bilasu:l'," ofFisheJies, . 'Dr: SJ{~Shad, Advisor, , , Pl8nnin "Him.achalPra,desh, Shimla. She Nand tal Sharma, , EDgineet-in-CJllef, , UP PubHcWorks Department, H.P.~Shimla· 7Sh. R.C. Verma, , 'Chie('Engj.neer(CZ), HP l;lublicWorkS Deptt Mandi,H.P .. " . Slj.A.K.\Valia; . ". ' CbiefBngirieer(SZ), l& PHDeptt., ' ·H.P~, Shitnla ' She i\shok Shric:llulr, ChiefB~et(HZ),I& H . 'ur, H~P;' • ,.' , ." PHDeptt., ., :Sh. VijllyUppat, ..' '. .. ..' .Architect-m,;.Chief, liP Public Works Deptl., Shimla' ' " , Chief Secreta,ryto the , GO\7erm.n.entofHimachal Pradesh. Contd.l " Dated:Shimla-2,the ,l~-'1)-ialJ , EndStNo.-Asa1)Qve-: ,Copy to:'::,,' ':' "1. i- ,,",' ,', '" '.' " ' ' The' Addl.Cllief Sectetary{Fore$tS}to the Gov-t of-H.p., Shimla~2.,'" , 1.' '~ePrlncipal Secretary(lPH) to the Govt. ofH.:P., Sbimla-2. , Z., TheJlrincipal Secretary(PW)to the,Govt. ofH~P.,Shinila-2., ' , J.;' 'lbeP:r1ricipal Secretary(pI~),t().theGOv( ofH.P.,Shimla ..2. ,'4. 'I11e PiincipalSecretary(F'isheries}~ the ,Gt>vt. 'ofH:P., Swmta-2~ S. TheS~Ucatlon) to the GOvt. ofH~P., Sbimla-2.' :6. 'The~aealthlto tlmGovt' ofltP.,Shittlla-2. ' , " . 7. TheACCQntantGeneral{Audit),JIP~~binila~3.' ., 8.' The Senior Deputy A<:oountantQenreal'(l\&E),JIp,Shimla-:~t " 9~'TheController(print1ng~Stati~nery),HP, SbimIa-s~ for-publication in.the , RajpatnL. "-" .. ' , ,,' 10. TheEngineer~in..chief,fII> PWD, S~~ 1l.TheEngineer~it1..chiCf,lPlIDeptt.; Shimla. , :12. TheAI.emtect-m-Chiet:HPPWD,Shiinla. . . ,J3.Th~ AdvisOrllPl~,H.p:;siumla-2: . ,' " 14. TheDireCtOr.ofEduCation,H.P:; Shim!a'::9.'· 1S.TIieDirectOrofH~ Services, H.P., Sbimla-5;· , " ' ' ' ,' 16~The Direetot-cum-Chief WlU'den ofHSberies, lIP atBilaspur. '" ' ':. ,.-,17.1)e C()ntfoller{Fin.&Acotts.);~entofPetsonnel;HP SeCtt,'Shimla-2. ' ,', . 1'8. The Estate ,Officer, DiI'eCtOJatt Qi&tate:~,>B.P.,;Bhin'lla';'2.. ' '. 19.,Offi~conCemed(byname) , ~. . . 20. PerSonal file; , " ' . /' '2 t,QlijJtd file.> . /k"" " , . " - .. , ,,',,', . Addl.Secre~(Perso~el)tothe 6o~ntofHimaChalPradesh~ ''