Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel (A-I) *** In partial modification of this Department's Notification of even number dated the 28th. ~ebruary, 2014, the Governor, Himachal !radesh, is pleased to order that Sh.Priyatu Secretary(IT)to Mandai,' lAS(HP:2006), Director, Food Civil Supplies & CA and Special the Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimlashallhold the additional charge of the post of Additional Dire~tor, RD cum Ex Officio Special Secretary Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla during the Induction (RD) to the Training Pr09ramme of Sh.Rajeev Sharma, lAS, 'with immediate ,effect til hresumpti on of charge by him, in public interest. Chief Secretary to the G'Overpment·:of Himachald~J1adesh' Endsf; No. \t\s above 'DatedShimliJ-17f 002, the Copyto:- , 1. The Establishment Officer, Government of India! Ministry .of PersonIJel, PG & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, North Block, New DeIhL 2j Allthe Addl. Chief Secretaries t.a the Government of HirnachalPradesh,' Shlttda-2: 3. All the Principal Secretaries(~~ret~ries to the.Governrnentot'::H~chal"eradesh, Shlmla-2. ' .,0," 4. The Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh).~rum.l~. 5. All the officers (ByName) for compliance. 6. The Director, of Industries, HimachalPradesh, Shimla. 7. Thebireetor Information & Public Relation•.HP, Shimla. 8. The Assistant Commissioner, Tribal Development, HP, Shim/a, 9. The Secretary, HPPSC,Shimla-2. 10. The.Mission Director, National Rural Health Missions, HP, Shimla..l ~ 11. The Additional Controller of Stores, HP, Shimla. . 12. The Director, Health & Safety Regulations, HP, Shimla. 13. The ~ontroller (F&A),Department:o; P.ersonnel, H.P. Secretariat ,Shimla-2. 14. Personal Files/Guard File. 15. File No;t"!5173-Dp ..Apptt(2014) ;'" i cer];ll AdditionaJSecretary (Personnel) to the Gov~rrltnent of Himachal Pradesh